Through the Ages (Exalted CK2 Style Empire Builder)

You all realize that with some of the new rules applied to this game boosting our faction means the ones coming for us would also get boosted as well? It also means enemies can even wreck more of our stuff.
I'll take it; we NEED to have options for choking the realm legions before they get here, killing as many as possible before they can arrive.
More importantly, we need to make coming to us such a nightmare, logistically speaking, that we can survive.
My ideal is less than one in ten legionares should get to come here, with no divine support, and also starving if we can manage it.
Doubt that will be possible. But we can make it a total bitch and a half to get to us.
Well it's an ideal, so yeah. :p

As long as we focus on making the realm and their sidereal puppeteers go through the closest thing to hell before they reach us, I'm fine with whatever we go with.

Man I'm so happy about these news regarding summoning elementals.
Turn Fifteen
Realm Year 628

Turn 15
You look upon your lands from the Spire of the Heavens.

The High Kingdom of Yilali... It was a strange title, one you still weren't entirely used to, having spent most of your life so far within the borders of the Old Provinces--even with the expansions since you had taken the throne, the sheer size that now flew your banner was... Something that was hard to grasp, even with your genius and heaven-fueled arts.

But you hadn't come up here to reminsce. The reports of Neiya's Whisperers had barely made it to you in time, managing to stay ahead only through a truly heroic effort, and the new connections permitted from your citadel.

An army sailing up the river, flying the banners of the the distant Realm--it didn't take a sage to figure out who they were looking for. The feared Wyld Hunt of legends were coming for Yilali, armed to tear your lands asunder in their search for the hated demon kings that would sink a dagger into the heart of Creation.

You sigh, looking upon your own reflection in the burnished guardrail of the lookout, a flash of gold visible upon your brow. Even if your existence disagreed, they would not be easily swayed... You had run simulations with your advisors, and one thing remained clear, the Anathema was fit only to be killed, and all losses and damage acceptable to guarantee this.

And the Realm could throw a hundred men for every living man, woman, and child in the High Kingdom, and still come out ahead, even if you defeated this expeditionary force.

The next few years would be a trying test, but you hadn't come this far to surrender the first time a threat presented itself. You had forged a mighty land with the help of your allies. Heaven willing, it would endure these trials and come out stronger for it.

Military: Karasu Cloudruner is a legend in his own right by now--a brilliant swordsman who has struck out against banditry, beast, and Wyld-forged monstrosities alike--all of these pale before the talents of his children, all three of his mature children having Exalted, despite the middling blood possessed by him and his beloved wife. (Choose 2):

Dedicated Patrols: The High Kingdom has grown vast in recent years, and while your core teritories are well developed and safe from threats, your outlying provinces are newly integrated, and still have problems with banditry and the occasional raider. Showing the flag in your border provinces should go a long way to bolster the land's economy, as the smallfolk have less to fear from danger. Time: 1 Year, Reward: 5d100 Obols.

Hammer of the North: You had a dedicated military district for some time, and while the integration of the Gryphon Cavalry was worthwhile, it was also sufficiently difficult that you couldn't get very creative either. It may be time now to implement your own Heavy Infantry to supplement your other forces, and provide a rock for you enemies to choke upon. Traditional modern war doctrine suggests a ratio of four Heavy Infantrymen out of every ten soldiers. Shouldn't be too hard for you to recruit up, especially with a willing population. Equipping them may be expensive, but the Artisan's District was ready to take a Crown Commission anytime. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Reward: Heavy Infantry recruited and integrated into Yilali battle line.

Light Cavalry: The North East Trade Company has managed to locate a seller of surefooted horses from far off Marukan that might be worthwhile to add to your batle line. Better still, as one of the few places with a breeding population of Gryphons, you could defray a lot of the cost of importing them by selling off some of the geldings, as these are rare and mighty steeds. Given how expensive Gyphons were to train and deploy, having an option for conventional use could be useful, especially with your territories expanded as they had. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Reward: Yilali Lancers recruited and integrated into the Muster.

Wargames: The Wyld Hunt was on the way, and while it was Certainly heretical to prepare to oppose them... Well, you could never really be sure--and Neiya's managed to collect enough intelligence to get a good idea of how they operate. Maybe a few completely legitimate wargames against theoretical elemental warriors would be a good use of your time?. Cost: 200 Obols, Time: 1 Year, Reward: Basic Tactics developed to employ in battle against Realm Forces.

Diplomacy: Kaiden Sacre's getting on in years, even with his divine lineage giving him an extended lifespan. Still, he's travelled much of this neck of Creation, and has a large network of associates and contacts that have made him indispensible in the past several years... (Choose Two):

Live Free or Die: The Confederacy of Freemen are between you and the rest of Creation, and while you and your council are less worried about a possible surprise from a supernatural corner... Well, they're still quite a bit bigger then you in terms of raw landmass and numbers, even if they're too prone to jockeying for advantage to really unite save against an external threat. Still, they have a lot of bodies that can be thrown at you if they're cowed by the Realm, and improving relations with them should make them more likely to drag their heels if the Realm calls on reinforcements from them. There would be bribes involved, many of them. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 3 Years, Chance of Success: 65%, Reward: Confederacy of Freemen Relations set to Indifferent, less chance of Realm forces conscripting out of them without using significant force.

Greasing the Wheels: Kaiden has many contacts, and you have a vast bounty of finished goods and rare substances--he can point you towards some of them even before they put requests on the market, and you should be able to squeeze more profit out of them. Time: 1 Year, Reward: 5d100 Obols.

Etiquette Training: The Realm are not nice people, and even under the guise of a religious advance... They're going to expect you to show them respect. Making sure your messengers and diplomats are trained in acceptable etiquette and are well attired should make them less likely to anger them. Cost: 200 Obols, Time: 1 year, Reward: +5 to negotations with Realm Culture Group.

Sizing up your neighbours: You've expanded your borders greatly, and while the Confederacy remains the largest other polity in the area, there are still a number of minor tribes, city-states, and settlements within your area of influence that it might be wise to update your dossiers. Send out the word to get to that. Cost: 500 Obols, Time: 2 years, Reward: Data on other local neighbours.

Stewardship: Morgan Cloudrunner knows Coin--having spent a precocious childhood shadowing the traders and coin-counters in the Foreign Quarter, and has picked up a truly astounding amount of tricks. And then he Exalted as one of the Aspect of Water. Despite his young age, he has become the clear choice for your new steward, and he already has a number of ideas to enrich the Kingdom.. (Choose Two)

River's End Harbourage: Taran wasn't Nearly ambitious enough, and while he went into retirement in good cheer after Morgan showed his stuff, the young Exalt has completely redrawn the old ideas, and made them far more efficient then before. The revised Harbourage was incredibly well designed, both fishing and for bulk cargo transport. Couple that with good roads connecting the Harbourage to the rest of the High Kingdom, and he was pretty sure you could move goods from there to Karamat Hold, or your other core territories within a week, which would do wonders for your economy. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Rewards: Small Port built at the edge of the Great River, improved Trade and Fishing income, may begin formation of a navy.

Royal Highway: The roads of your core provinces are well structured, and your engineers have gotten good at setting them up quickly. Morgan wants to expand the program to the rest of the High Kingdom to update them up to your standards. It would be expensive, but being able to move goods and men across the frontier has obvious benefits. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Rewards: Road Network extended to new provinces. Improved Trade Income, movement bonus extends to frontier provinces.

Wheeling and Dealing: Morgan is a brilliant trader, and a master of coin in all it's forms. He's pretty sure he can get more out of both if he spends his time and staff working on that. Time: 1 Year, Rewards: 5d100 Obols.

Learning: Ember has retired from managing the fine details of your research department, passing the mantle onto her firstborn while she enjoys life with her family, and occasionally taking ludicrously expensive commissions on the request of dignitaries far and wide. Maya's so far proven to be more then capable of filling her mother's shoes. (Choose Two)

Subsidizing the University: The Whisperwind University is open to all... But Maya does admit that it can barely break even at the current rate, and they can't really afford to take in more students then the smattering of savants who happen along. A Royal Grant could help them afford the reagents, and hire more people to teach long term, which would allow more students. Everyone wins, right? Except maybe your income. Cost: 500 Obols per turn. Rewards: Whisperwind University can afford to train more students, which leads to better education, and more magically capable people.

Book of Boundless Shards: Maya wants to collect all of the local Thaumaturgic Rituals that have been developed throughout the High Kingdom, and get them all in one place for easy reference. The Whisperwind University may be able to pick some up, but they're pretty haphazardly organized and sometimes a bit fragmented. Getting this together will mean your Thaumaturges will have a greater variety of magic to make use of, which would improve the ability of your Warpriests for instance. Cost: 500 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Reward: Warpriests gain a dedicated list of powers to use in battle, rather then haphazardly doing what seems useful.

Stronger Magic?: Maya is a Sorcerer, and while she's good at it, she really would like assistants. The problem is that regular people learning that kind of magic is... Really, really hard--she explains it like trying to draw a circle with one hand, while drawing a square with the other, at the same time. You give it a shot yourself, and can agree that it's far more difficult then you might think. Still, she's pretty sure she can figure out a program to test for people who have the aptitude, which is much better then people stumbling into enlightenment and then actually finding out they can use magic. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 3 Years, Reward: Basic Sorcery Aptitude Test developed, may take further actions to figure out how to train a Sorcery Corps.

Good for Export: With the Caravan now present on a yearly basis, it's actually worthwhile preparing for them. Spending some time to just focus on masterworks to help pay for what they bring in should be handy. Time: Year. Rewards: 5d100 + 100 Obols.

Piety: Kalas Marion serves as your Over Priest, one who is recognized as having the greatest authority, and most well developed relationship wih the major Gods of the kingdom. Seasoned and grizzled, he's ready to retire at this point, but he'll hang on a bit longer in light of the threat. (Pick one)

Treasures of the Deep: Your relationship with the Court of the Northern Sands is good! Enough that they're willing to assist you in land survey, in areas that you couldn't effectively look through before. The price is steep, but for the chance at tapping something truly valuable, it could be worthwhile! Cost: 3,000 Obols, Time: 1 Year. Reward: Mineral Resource Rolls, number dependent on results.

Festival Facilitation: Festivals are a good way to circulate coin while keeping the Gods happy--the people also like them! A little crown money cycled here and there, and you're pretty sure you can turn a net profit this way, though it'll occupy the time and energy of your priests. Time: 1 year. Reward: 5d100 Obols

Intrigue: The Royal Intelligence Service remains well funded, and Neiya remains a small goddess of sneaking into someone's face and stealing their shorts without them noticing it. You'd much rather secrets, and she's good at those too. (Choose 2):

The Most Dangerous Game: You've got the Wyld just over the Blue Mountains, and Neiya loves getting her feet wet on occasion--she's asked if she can spend some time poking around there and seeing what she can come up with. Given how she can safely range far deeper and for longer then anyone else save you, this is probably going to be worthwhile. Cost: 200 Obols (For Snacks, okay!), Time: 1 Year. Rewards: Completely random results, ranging from artificer-grade materials, precious objects worth Jade, stranger things?

And Knowing is Half the Battle!: You have a Wyld Hunt coming your way--they haven't reached you yet, but they will soon. Start collecting data from your Whisperers and assemble a dossier of major personages of the Hunt, and you should have a better idea of how to handle it. Cost: 500 Obols, Time: 1 Year, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Dossiers on oncoming Wyld Hunt Hero Units.

Counterintelligence: Most of the Intelligence Service is focused on Foreign threats... And not so much local defense, Neiya wants to sort that out, hopefully before you actually need it. Cost: 500 Obols, Time: 1 Year, Reward: Better Intrigue Defense.

Personal Actions: You actually have a little free time now! If only you knew what to do with it... (Choose 2):

Chosen of the Sun: Throwing yourself into your work will allow you an additional Intervention this turn.

Go Adventuring: Poke around your homeland, surely nothing can go wrong? (Extra Random Event Roll)

Jade is Life: In light of everything else going on, maybe a little extra focus on the economy might be useful? (5d100 extra Jade gained this turn)

Intense Training: Set some time aside to start working on a new Trait. (0/500 Progress)

Altren Intervention: You can commit yourself to one project as your major focus in a given turn. Doing so all but guarantees success against anything but the toughest opposition, or creates the possibility of success when it would otherwise be suicidal.

Neiya Intervention: Neiya has some time and energy to spare now, and can focus on a given project much like yourself. The chance of success goes up, though she is more likely to gain ancillary benefits then a fast and efficient response.
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All right, here's what I think we should do this turn.

[X] Hammer of the North
[X] Wargames
Improving our infantry should be useful, and Wargames should be a given.

[X] Live Free or Die
[X] Etiquette Training
Let's make sure the Freemen don't aid the Realm, and let's get every modifier we can to aid us.

[X] Royal Highway
[X] Wheeling and Dealing
I think we should increase our trade income, and keep an action open for next turn.

[X] Subsidizing the University
[X] Stronger Magic?
Let's get more students, and put them to use learning Sorcery.

[X] Treasures of the Deep-AI
Let's see what we can get from the Court of the Northern Sands, and use an Altren intervention to improve our odds and cut down on costs a little.

[X] And Knowing is Half the Battle!-NI
[X] Counterintelligence
Let's get some ideas of what these people are planning on doing, and make sure our spies are up to snuff.

Personal Actions-2
[X] Jade is Life
[X] Intense Training
Let's get more money, and work on getting a new Trait.
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Already a survey?
We've not had time to talk...

Also how does new trait work?
Can we get it to learn sorcery that way?
Alright, so we have 12 000 Obols to use this turn.

Hammer of the North: You had a dedicated military district for some time, and while the integration of the Gryphon Cavalry was worthwhile, it was also sufficiently difficult that you couldn't get very creative either. It may be time now to implement your own Heavy Infantry to supplement your other forces, and provide a rock for you enemies to choke upon. Traditional modern war doctrine suggests a ratio of four Heavy Infantrymen out of every ten soldiers. Shouldn't be too hard for you to recruit up, especially with a willing population. Equipping them may be expensive, but the Artisan's District was ready to take a Crown Commission anytime. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Reward: Heavy Infantry recruited and integrated into Yilali battle line.

Save this one for Later. Wargames and Cavalry right now.

Light Cavalry: The North East Trade Company has managed to locate a seller of surefooted horses from far off Marukan that might be worthwhile to add to your batle line. Better still, as one of the few places with a breeding population of Gryphons, you could defray a lot of the cost of importing them by selling off some of the geldings, as these are rare and mighty steeds. Given how expensive Gyphons were to train and deploy, having an option for conventional use could be useful, especially with your territories expanded as they had. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Reward: Yilali Lancers recruited and integrated into the Muster.

Get these. One of which should get a PI or maybe the extra PI could go in Piety.

Live Free or Die: The Confederacy of Freemen are between you and the rest of Creation, and while you and your council are less worried about a possible surprise from a supernatural corner... Well, they're still quite a bit bigger then you in terms of raw landmass and numbers, even if they're too prone to jockeying for advantage to really unite save against an external threat. Still, they have a lot of bodies that can be thrown at you if they're cowed by the Realm, and improving relations with them should make them more likely to drag their heels if the Realm calls on reinforcements from them. There would be bribes involved, many of them. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 3 Years, Chance of Success: 65%, Reward: Confederacy of Freemen Relations set to Indifferent, less chance of Realm forces conscripting out of them without using significant force.

Sizing up your neighbours: You've expanded your borders greatly, and while the Confederacy remains the largest other polity in the area, there are still a number of minor tribes, city-states, and settlements within your area of influence that it might be wise to update your dossiers. Send out the word to get to that. Cost: 500 Obols, Time: 2 years, Reward: Data on other local neighbours. Nevermind

Need this more) Etiquette Training: The Realm are not nice people, and even under the guise of a religious advance... They're going to expect you to show them respect. Making sure your messengers and diplomats are trained in acceptable etiquette and are well attired should make them less likely to anger them. Cost: 200 Obols, Time: 1 year, Reward: +5 to negotations with Realm Culture Group.
Definitely PI on Live Free or Die.

River's End Harbourage: Taran wasn't Nearly ambitious enough, and while he went into retirement in good cheer after Morgan showed his stuff, the young Exalt has completely redrawn the old ideas, and made them far more efficient then before. The revised Harbourage was incredibly well designed, both fishing and for bulk cargo transport. Couple that with good roads connecting the Harbourage to the rest of the High Kingdom, and he was pretty sure you could move goods from there to Karamat Hold, or your other core territories within a week, which would do wonders for your economy. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Rewards: Small Port built at the edge of the Great River, improved Trade and Fishing income, may begin formation of a navy.

Royal Highway: The roads of your core provinces are well structured, and your engineers have gotten good at setting them up quickly. Morgan wants to expand the program to the rest of the High Kingdom to update them up to your standards. It would be expensive, but being able to move goods and men across the frontier has obvious benefits. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 2 Years, Rewards: Road Network extended to new provinces. Improved Trade Income, movement bonus extends to frontier provinces.

Get these out of the way now. The paths they open will be crucial against the Wyld Hunt

Learning: Ember has retired from managing the fine details of your research department, passing the mantle onto her firstborn while she enjoys life with her family, and occasionally taking ludicrously expensive commissions on the request of dignitaries far and wide. Maya's so far proven to be more then capable of filling her mother's shoes. (Choose Two)

Subsidizing the University: The Whisperwind University is open to all... But Maya does admit that it can barely break even at the current rate, and they can't really afford to take in more students then the smattering of savants who happen along. A Royal Grant could help them afford the reagents, and hire more people to teach long term, which would allow more students. Everyone wins, right? Except maybe your income. Cost: 500 Obols per turn. Rewards: Whisperwind University can afford to train more students, which leads to better education, and more magically capable people.

Stronger Magic?: Maya is a Sorcerer, and while she's good at it, she really would like assistants. The problem is that regular people learning that kind of magic is... Really, really hard--she explains it like trying to draw a circle with one hand, while drawing a square with the other, at the same time. You give it a shot yourself, and can agree that it's far more difficult then you might think. Still, she's pretty sure she can figure out a program to test for people who have the aptitude, which is much better then people stumbling into enlightenment and then actually finding out they can use magic. Cost: 1,000 Obols, Time: 3 Years, Reward: Basic Sorcery Aptitude Test developed, may take further actions to figure out how to train a Sorcery Corps.

Piety: Kalas Marion serves as your Over Priest, one who is recognized as having the greatest authority, and most well developed relationship wih the major Gods of the kingdom. Seasoned and grizzled, he's ready to retire at this point, but he'll hang on a bit longer in light of the threat. (Pick one)

Treasures of the Deep: Your relationship with the Court of the Northern Sands is good! Enough that they're willing to assist you in land survey, in areas that you couldn't effectively look through before. The price is steep, but for the chance at tapping something truly valuable, it could be worthwhile! Cost: 3,000 Obols, Time: 1 Year. Reward: Mineral Resource Rolls, number dependent on results.

The extra PI could go here, which means a lot more income to play with.

And Knowing is Half the Battle!: You have a Wyld Hunt coming your way--they haven't reached you yet, but they will soon. Start collecting data from your Whisperers and assemble a dossier of major personages of the Hunt, and you should have a better idea of how to handle it. Cost: 500 Obols, Time: 1 Year, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Dossiers on oncoming Wyld Hunt Hero Units.

Counterintelligence: Most of the Intelligence Service is focused on Foreign threats... And not so much local defense, Neiya wants to sort that out, hopefully before you actually need it. Cost: 500 Obols, Time: 1 Year, Reward: Better Intrigue Defense.

Neiya PI Knowing is Half the Battle.

Chosen of the Sun. For the Extra PI.

Go Adventuring: Poke around your homeland, surely nothing can go wrong? (Extra Random Event Roll)
Intense Training: Set some time aside to start working on a new Trait. (0/500 Progress)
And either of these 2 could be useful.

This would make up for 10 700 or 10 200 Obols.
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How long do we have before the Realm's forces arrive? If we know they are coming, do with have some sort of ETA?

Mainly, I don't want to do Wargames when they are here, as that might look a bit suspicious.
They arrive at the end of this turn, and you'll get an interlude.
Oh, in which case we want this

Etiquette Training: The Realm are not nice people, and even under the guise of a religious advance... They're going to expect you to show them respect. Making sure your messengers and diplomats are trained in acceptable etiquette and are well attired should make them less likely to anger them. Cost: 200 Obols, Time: 1 year, Reward: +5 to negotations with Realm Culture Group.
@Deadly Snark, I have a few issues with your plan. First, regarding the Diplomacy choices, I think we should get Etiquette Training, so that we get a diplomatic bonus when dealing with the Realm. Second, I think we should get War Games so we will get a military bonus against them. Third, you have us taking three Learning Actions when we can only take two. I don't see any other issues with your plan, but I do recommend that for the Personal action, we take Intense Training so we can get another trait soonish.
I advise we skip training for a turn or two. We should really try the adventure thing. I imagine that there are some fantastic things that can be gained from good rolls on it.
Light Cavalry + Wargames

Live Free Or Die + Etiquette

Royal Highway + Wheeling and Dealing

Subsidizing the University + Stronger Magic?

Treasures of the Deep

And Knowing Is Half The Battle + Counterintelligence

Chosen of the Sun + Intense Training

Solar: Live Free Or Die + Light Cavalry
Lunar: Knowing Is Half The Battle
Right. Personal intervention on whatever training action we get. We want as many elites as we can get.
Or PI Wargames.

@Deadly Snark, I have a few issues with your plan. First, regarding the Diplomacy choices, I think we should get Etiquette Training, so that we get a diplomatic bonus when dealing with the Realm. Second, I think we should get War Games so we will get a military bonus against them. Third, you have us taking three Learning Actions when we can only take two. I don't see any other issues with your plan, but I do recommend that for the Personal action, we take Intense Training so we can get another trait soonish.
I already changed all of that.