a Quest (OR..."Come Sail Away: A Council/Riot Hybrid Quest Where You're Trying to Build a Ship")

Round 17 [Cooperation] and [Eat] Roundup

[Cooperation] Gather wood for the construction of the Long house.
- 11 Votes + 1 Alt
-- N39TUN3, Jack727, Dinfinity, Sir Plusse, thatguy99998, Dragonofelder, Random Reader, GrayGriffin, Shade31415, Robot #207, Starman; + Space Murica
- 12d4+12+1 (+1d4+1 Stone Hatchet; +2 Stone Wedge*2; +1d4 Stone Sledgehammer)

[Eat Actions]​
A) Ponata
- N39TUN3, Jack727, GrayGriffin, EA250

B) Mushroom
- Sir Plusse, Starman
-- Only eat if there is enough food for everyone
- Dragonofelder, Robot #207

C) A piece of dirtworm meat
- Mindris, Space Murica, Rush 99999
-- after everything else happens
- Dinfinity

D) apple
- Shade31415
-- save the seeds
- Thatguy99998

E) One herb from the swamp. Got to find out what they do somehow.
- Random Reader

F) The Tyranny of the Council and Reality have joined forces at last! But I refuse to be supressed by their evil oppression! I shall consume the Hatred and Edge of the quest and absorb them into myselves for nutrition!
- NSchwerte
- 1d4 SPK
Space Jawa threw 12 4-faced dice. Reason: Core Cooperation Roll Total: 26
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 3 3 1 1
Space Jawa threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Cooperation Bonus Roll Total: 8
2 2 4 4 2 2
Space Jawa threw 15 4-faced dice. Reason: Eat Bonus Rolls Total: 36
2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1
Space Jawa threw 4 4-faced dice. Reason: Bonus Eat Bonus roll Total: 8
1 1 2 2 4 4 1 1
Space Jawa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Crazy Eat Roll Total: 1
1 1
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Huh, a decent roll on my patrol, that should hopefully deal with the nefarious Naysayer plot before it strikes.
Edit: Actually no, that's a Good roll on my patrol, it was almost a crit, I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes
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Round 17 Results (Part I) - A House That is Long
While the Council hasn't yet lost the semblance of unity that was recently thrust upon them, it is clear that not all is quite as well as might be hoped.

In a well intentioned attempt at moving the stalled chicken coop along, the Council attempts to establish design solid parameters for the coop. However, the specifics they attempt to use for the design parameters reveals that the Council doesn't actually know what it's talking about.

The first obvious sign of this comes with talk about something referred to as a "riot-unit of work", a meaningless collection of words that that doesn't mean anything, and confuses anyone who thinks about it. After all, the mechanics of the quest work operate on a graduated scale system, not a pass-or-fail system, meaning that for a 'riot-unit of work' to actually have meaning would require a fundamental overhaul of how the quest mechanics actually function.

It's probably for the best that this results in the design parameters not going anywhere - as best as anyone can tell, that the Council wants a single 'riot-unit of work' to result in a enough space for not one, not two, but three chickens in a manner that's intended to create an optimistically positive environment for any chickens held within means that either a 'riot-unit of work' would have to be a large amount, or else the council would have to try to bend reality in such a way that while not quite as bad as the last time they got reality's attention would still probably not work out the in a way that would make anyone happy.

In short, it becomes very clear that if the Council does want to have design input on the Chicken Coop - and possibly any other projects - they're definitely going to have to go back to the drawing board and fundamentally rethink their approach from the ground up.

Fortunately, the Council's other focus goes far more productively as they turn their attentions to resuming work on the somewhat stalled Longhouse, and are even joined by one of the Rioters.

With Shovels in hand, the four of you continue to carve out the one foot trench in the middle of the Longhouse build site. By the time you've finished, the one foot deep, one foot wide, and hundred foot long trench is now three feet wide and three feet deep in the center.

@Jack727 gets +1 STR XP!

400 1' Dirt Cubes gained!
The Longhouse project now consists of a 1'x3'x100' Trench with a 1'x1'x100' addition on either side.

Part 1 of Turn 17 Concluded...
Round 17 Results (Part II) - Farmer's Life
Ever since there was a general realization that people should probably be eating if they don't want to starve to death, food has naturally become a primary focus for the quest. Most have focused on necessary short term solutions to ensure that you live to see another day. Others have made the most of living to see another day by working on long-term solutions intended to ensure that the question of if there will be enough food to survive beyond tomorrow isn't always hanging over everyone's head.

You being a farmer, who really just wants to farm because that's just what farmers do and wishing you didn't have any of this silly nonsense about the necessity of eating hanging over your head, obviously continue to focus on the latter.

With the current farm growth looking healthy, you turn your attention to expanding the farm. Having already planted a Ponata previously and with land already cleared for more, planting two more is no trouble at all. Looking to diversify, you also clear another plot of land that is 5' by 5', where you bury an apple in the ground so the quest will eventually have a regular supply of apples.

By all accounts, the farm is doing well, highlighted by the fact that first Ponata tree and the tomatoes continue to show noticeable growth. The tomatoes especially. It shouldn't be long until you're picking your first crop of tomatoes!

At least, provided that they have everything they need, of course. And while they have sun and dirt, food is less of a certainty. For now, the crops are doing fine on that first supply of bone fertilizer, it may possibly even grow all the way entirely on that first supply of food.

However, you do face a dilemma that you will have to solve long-term if you don't want your current momentum to stall out. Sure, you could try to rely entirely on fertilizer, if you can get your hands on a reliable supply of it. Except you only have so many Dirtworm bones left, people might want those bones for other things, and you don't currently have a guaranteed way of acquiring more.

Which brings you to the question of how to keep the crops growing properly. The most obvious answer would be to use water, though since there's no water in the immediate vicinity you'll have to figure out how to get it. You could of course make multiple trips to the stream of water and back with the small containers you currently have, but that will be a very long, very slow process that won't leave much time for actual farming - and the crate won't even hold water properly so that's off the table.

You could try building a water tower or other repository for catching rain and hoping for enough rain to keep you supplied. Or just hope for more rain at the right moments. Those will of course also be lots of work but far less so when finished.

Maybe try digging a well?

Who knows. Well, probably you, since you're the farmer. You've got this all figured out. Right, Mr. Farmer?

@thatguy99998 gets +2 STR XP! STR upgrades to 1d5!

1 Apple has been spent, you now have a 5'x5' apple tree plot!
2 Ponata have been planted! The 5'x15' Ponata tree plot now has 3 Ponata trees, 1 with Early Growth and 2 with Just Planted.
The Tomatoes have grown to Large Sprouts!
The first Ponata Tree has grown to Sproutling!

I was going to make this update cover more actions, but after having it on my computer for several days with it getting repeated delayed I reasoned better to just finish this update and get it out.
This water issue is easily solvable. Just keep claiming Reality can't do something and it'll rain all over you. Just yell "There isn't any sunlight to grow the crops with either, how does this quest even work?!" and stand in the field. Reality will do the rest
This water issue is easily solvable. Just keep claiming Reality can't do something and it'll rain all over you. Just yell "There isn't any sunlight to grow the crops with either, how does this quest even work?!" and stand in the field. Reality will do the rest

now, onto the issue i have noticed. My main solution so far was to make bowls and water them by hand every other turn, tree's are hardy, so natural rain should handle them.

The issue with that is one of scale. Not ability.

I might end up asking for some help making a water tank with a rain collector on top. Grass and bushes are growing, so it must rain often enough for them to survive and thrive, which means that with a little bit of help, my plants should as well.

But that brings up the other issue.


There are ways to handle it, even at this tech level, but i dont think anyone will enjoy it. And precautions must be taken to ensure that we dont get sick from turning manure and compost into fertilizer incorrectly.

How will we do this?

Earth worms, mostly.

With a wooden platform to make sure the earth worms cant escape. I can layer sod and other compostables, then put in earth worms, i will need to make sure to clean my hands, and most likely go out looking for lye or another substance that can be used as soap. But with the fresh compost, i can provide a leg up for the plants (one that if i am doing proper rotation farming, isnt techniclly needed. But uh, shut up, we are just at the start of the agricultural revoultion, we dont know that you shouldnt do monocrop farms yet!)

In terms of what i will need?

5 logs/planks (medium size)
2 logs/planks (medium-small size)
Unkown ammount of sod per ~5 turns
A starting population of at least 2 earth worms, with 6-8 being preferable (earth worms are hermaphrodites, so gender is a nonissue, but a bigger starting population will be much better for me.)
For the water tower, my thinking is that it will take a turn to dig out a mold for it in a depression. another turn to gather and put the clay in the mold to harden, 7-8 turns to solidify, and then its a matter of hoping we dont get a drought.

...perhaps by the council hill... i know it rains there at least.

(/end rp)

In more certian terms. I am very pleased to see my perenials growing well. I think i need to worry about the water a bit sooner then i was expecting, as i was expecting ten turns for them to be mature enough to start growing more tomatos, but we are in a more compressed time scale then i thought... that or these plants are a hybrid of bamboo and tomato's instead.

The resources i have highlighted are the conservative estimate. Assuming that i will need a grow bed of medium size. Earth worms are indeed worms, but unlike parastic worms, they reproduce sexually rather then asexualy, which means one isnt going to cut it if i want my composting plot to work.

I will also have to agressivly weed it, but you all dont need to worry about the effort i expend. I am farming. And thats what matters to me.
This water issue is easily solvable. Just keep claiming Reality can't do something and it'll rain all over you. Just yell "There isn't any sunlight to grow the crops with either, how does this quest even work?!" and stand in the field. Reality will do the rest
Cue Reality seeing what you're trying to trick it into and sending a drought just to spite you.
Round 17 Results (Part III) - Backyard BBQ
Determined to play the roll of doctor, you set out for the swamp in search of natural remedies. You search long and hard, carefully looking for plants with clear medical properties. You move with deft footsteps, brilliantly navigating the swamp as if there were a path cleared just for you, even as minimum attention is paid to your surroundings beyond what you're looking for.

Your journey proves quite fruitful, as you discover a variant of the Aloe Vera plant that is well-suited for growing in the very moist conditions of the swamp. You collect two plants that give you a total of 24 leaves to take back with you. You should be able to make fine use of them, especially if you can properly prepare them - while the Aloe Vera leaves have value on their own, they're all the more potent when processed in a proper medical ointment.

Unfortunately, your companion has a miserable time trying to assist you. The more your fellow quester tries to avoid tripping on roots and not crash into trees, the more roots are tripped over and the more trees are crashed into. It's as if the avoidance-to-blunder ratio is completely inverted, where the more effort made to avoid such mishaps, the more they happen.

But I'm sure that with your medical knowledge you can help fix that right up.

@N39TUN3 Smarts upgrades to 1d6!
@Random Reader gets +1 STR xp!

N39TUNE3 gains the "Medicine Man" Skill! Whenever you roll a '1' on base-level roll for a SMT or SPK Medical action, roll again at 1d(x-1) (can not crit off rerolled die)

Random Reader is now SHAKEN!
Random Reader get -1 HP! (HP now at 3/5)

24 Aloe Vera Leaves gained!

You have a tree.

Now comes the part where you turn it into useable wood.

It becomes quite the learning process as you figure out exactly what you're doing. It's one thing to cut down a tree, it's another thing to turn that tree into resources.

What you ultimately accomplish is stripping the tree of bark. While not quite what you might have hoped for, the bark isn't without its value. It's very usable as a basic source of fuel - something you will need a lot of now that you have fire - or if you're desperate you could potentially turn the pieces into very cruid shields or pieces of armor.

@Sir Plusse gains +1 STR XP!
@Dragonofelder gains +1 STR XP!

Medium Tree (Raw) is now Medium Tree (Stripped)
50 Pieces of Bark gained!

Nobody wants the Dirtworm Meat to go bad. It's a bountiful resource that will provide plenty of food for the immediate future. To say nothing of the work it took to actually acquire said meat. So it's no surprise that more attention is paid to cooking the Dirtworm Meat than any other individual activity this round.

The fire burns, the meat is held over the fire, an attempt is even made to develop some means of easily cooking both this meat and any future meat that needs cooking.

However, between the size of the first and the resources available to you, it turns out that right now, the best option for cooking the meat is actually the simplest - just stick the meat on the end of a stick and hold it over the fire. It is possible that with some more direct application of thought or more resources you could develop something better, but with the emphasis on ensuring none of the dirtworm meat goes bad, everyone focuses on that directly.

While it's a little touch-and-go, your efforts prove to be well worth it. After an extensive cooking process, you no longer have 160 slabs of raw Dirtworm meat.

Because you now instead have 160 slabs of cooked Dirtworm meat.

@Dinfinity gets +1 SMT XP! Smarts upgrades to 1d5!
@Mindris Smarts upgrades to 1d8!
@GrayGriffin gets +2 SMT XP!
@Phervygbahrcaid gets +1 SMT XP!
@rush99999 gets +2 SMT XP!

25 Pieces of Bark burned to fuel fire! (Extra fuel burned ensuring all that meat was cooked...)
160 Slabs of Dirtworm Meat have become 160 Dirtworm Steaks!

Resource MEAT discovered! You know what they say, meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder...

You see the clay as an opportunity. While not the strongest material on its own, it can be quite versitile if you know what you're doing with it.

Taking the clay container with you, you travel out to the Clay deposit to the Southeast. Between the limited amount of space in your Small Clay Container and not wanting to bring a bunch of clay back with you only to waste it since no one has really attempted making bricks yet, you only bring back a limited amount of the substance.

When you return, you don't really get an opportunity to make the clay into anything. The fire is very occupied cooking meat, and there's not much room to squeeze in making bricks.

Perhaps it's for the best, you don't really have a good means to actually 'cook' the clay over the fire yet.

On the bright side, this provides you an opportunity to think about brickmaking. Not just developing a means of properly hardening clay over the fire, but also proper composition. Sure, you could just shape the clay into bricks and call it a day, but perhaps the bricks you're trying to make might be stronger if you had a good substance to mix in. I hear straw makes a good agent for durability. Perhaps you could put some of that massive sod pile to work? Or find some similar substance lying around.

In the meantime, however, the clay remains in the container where it awaits its fate.

@Space Murica gets +1 STR XP!

The Small Clay Container is now Filled with Clay!

So ends Part III, AKA the rest of what I originally wanted to include in Part II.
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Oh I'm so happy with that trait. Good old rerolling ones, even if it's lower numbers.

Though unless we're operating under very vague medicine rules there's only so much I'll be using aloe for. But the recent invention of fire does make it a probably useful find. Good that it keeps for so long too.
Round 17 Results (Part IV) - The Deep End
You hear words in your head. You don't really understand them, but they sound pleasant. Like a sweet, sensual caress across your brain in all the right places, sparking the right brain cells.

You want a cult to seize control of the quest? You wish to consume Hatred and Edge? Oh, they can be done. They can very much be done.

But not through any means you're yet aware of.

Oh, but you want to learn how? All you need do is open your mind to a universe of possibilities.

And given how pleasant the possibilities already feel, why would you ever refuse such an offer? No, you'd have to be a fool not to open the door wide open...

@NSchwerte gets +1 SPK XP! Spunk upgrades to 1d5!

NSchwerte is now CONFUSED (High on being Possessed by Edgy Hate)!

(Given the one-two punch of NSchwerte's combined actions and the rolls for each, I combined the results for both NSchwerte's RIOT action and eating action together here rather than split it over two posts.)

Having only recently having gotten involved in the Quest, your first action is to test out the shapeshifting abilities you're certain that you have.

Nothing happens.

You certainly try to shape-shift, but nothing happens that in any way suggests you're actually capable of it at all. It's enough to pose the question of if you ever had the capacity to shapeshift at all or if you're just imagining it.

@GleamingKyler111 gets +1 SHN XP!

You desire a minion. You're not certain what kind of minion at first, and there's no obvious candidates, but then you consider your own spooky persona and think it would be both fun and appropriate if your minion was likewise something spooky.

After considering where to acquire a spooky minion, you go to the last place where one of the dead rioters were. Not the ones who 'vanished' after going to interact with the Scarepumpkin - you're not an idiot, after all - but the one who just had a bad run and then just kind of...ceased.

There, you try some attempts at various ritualistic activities that you think might form some kind of connection between you and whatever lies beyond.

The good news is that you do form some kind of connection with something.

The bad news is that you have no idea how it happens, you don't know what kind of connection it is, and you don't know what you formed a connection with.

What you know is that before you tried acquiring a spooky minion, you felt fine; after trying to acquiring a spooky minion, now you feel a shiver in your spine that refuses to go away.

You have a very bad feeling about this...

@Shade31415 gets +1 SPK XP!

Shade31415 is now HAUNTED (Details unknown, but you feel it in your bones)!

Status HAUNTED discovered! You've upset some supernatural force which now has it out for you. Hope you know who to call...

Part IV complete, estimate between two to four more parts before the round is finished.