Arguably one of the most pressing matters at the moment is the dirtworm corpse. Now that the process has begun in cutting it apart, it's at risk of going bad if you just let it sit. That's a lot of potentially spoiled resources right there, whatever those resources might be used for.
The most obvious solution is to cook the meat. What you might do with it next you can decide later, but at least for now it'll have some measure of preservation. Plus, fire would probably be a good thing to have in general.
Two of you focus primarily on the first half of the problem by finally setting up basic fire. You take some wood, some sod, gather it together, dig a little hole, and arrange the materials.
The comes the drilling.
You drill, and drill, and drill, and drill, and drill, and drill, and d-you get fire!
You have discovered FIRE! A basic yet important tool. It is a powerful tool and ally, but a dangerous and harsh enemy and master. Wield it with wisdom, wield it with care.
The fire burn, taking hold in the pit you have dug for it, slowly consuming its initial fuel. Now you just need to keep it fed and nurse that newborn baby fire into whatever fits your quests burning needs. Be careful what you feed it, though, especially at this stage, because the wrong 'fuel' may actually kill it.
4 Average Quality Short Sticks, 2 Good Quality Medium Sticks, and 4 Sod have become a Small Fire Pit (Simple Flame) ! To keep the fire going, you will need to keep feeding it fuel. To make it grow, you'll need to feed it even more fuel. Grow it hot enough and anything will burn!*
*Not everything, in fact, burns.
@The Froggy Ninja gets +1 SMT XP!
@WallFlower gets +2 SMT XP!
That's the first half of the equation.
The second half of the equation is the dirtworm itself. Despite your best efforts, you're not able to cook the dirtworm right away. A large part of it is due to figuring out how to cook it. The fire isn't nearly strong enough to cook it all in one go right now - if anything, you might well be at risk at killing the fire.
After much brainstorming, you concede that with what you have to work with right now, cooking the Dirtworm will require cutting it into pieces and then cooking all the individual pieces.
Somehow, you find a way to cut up the corpse. After much work - ugly work, sloppy work, but work that gets something done - you take apart the dirtworm corpse and are left with a large pile made of slabs of meat. Smart decisison would be to cook it as is ASAP, but if you're feeling bold and risky you could always try doing something fancy with it. Like trying to make wormburgers. Or bacon.
Your gut tells you that right now, though, you'd most likely just waste otherwise good meat. Best to get it prepped posthaste and not mess with it any more than necessary to make sure it doesn't go to waste.
@Dinfinity gains +1 SMT XP!
@GrayGriffin +1 SMT XP!
160 Slabs of Raw Dirtworm Meat gained!
You head out again to cut trees and gather wood, carrying the quest hatchet with you. You stop at the edge of the forest and first suitable tree you find. It's not a large tree, but it's still a very healthy size and would provide the quest with a lot of resources if you cut it down, hauled it back to the quest, and cut it apart.
You warm yourself up, steady your footing, take the hatchet firmly in hand, wind up, and launch that first swing.
Which is when things should have gone wrong. You're not sure what, you're not sure why, but both your mind and gut swear that you should have somehow messed this up.
But somehow, you don't. You can't put a finger on it, but you could swear that somehow, the hatchet is guiding your swing. It's like holding an ax is the most natural thing in the world, and as long as you're holding one, you don't have to do anything because the ax knows what to do for you. You just have to enable it to do its thing.
Time goes by in a blur. Your arms go back and forth. The rhythmic thumping of stone againt wood echos like music in the air.
When you finally come to your senses, you stand next to a freshly cut tree lying on the ground. Empowered, you haul the tree back to the quest where it can be properly and fully harvested for much needed wood.
@Sir Plusse gains +1 STR, +1 SPK, and +1 SPT XP! Strong upgrades to 1d5! Spunk upgrades to 1d5!
Sir Plusse has gained "AX-Man" Skill! When you specifically state the use of an ax-type equipment for your action, gain top priority for equipiment selection and gain double the equipment bonus! (
For example, your bonus for using the Fine Stone Hatchet would go from "(+1d4 to Chopping; +2 to Other Relevant Uses) (+1 Fine)" to "(+2d4 to Chopping, +4 to Other Relevant Uses) (+2 Fine)".)
1 Medium Tree (Raw) gained!
Another important resource that there is a constant need for is ropevine. Technically rope, but right now ropevine seems to be the best resource you have for holding things together. You'll probably need to work out something else eventually, but for now, at this stage of the quest's technological development, no sense messing with what has been proven to work.
Heading back to the swamp with a knife, you have no trouble collecting a fresh supply of ropevine. Given how much is being used right now, however, you'll probably be back shortly for more.
@Jack727 gains +1 SMT XP!
1 Long Thick Ropevine, 1 Long Thin Ropevine, and 3 Medium Ropevine gained!
Either one or two more updates to finish out the round, depending on how I'm feeling when I actually do the next writeup.