It is a time of great conflict. The Quest, benefitting from the actions of a lone Rioter, have just won their first victory against the ominous Naysayers.
But all is far from well.
The loss of the Naysayer's hatchet has not gone unnoticed.
While there is no sign that the Naysayers know that one of your number is the guilty party, you can see a few of them looking in your direction from a distance, glancing for some kind of sign to confirm suspicions that their stone hatchet found its way into your possession.
The shadow of Reality looms large.
Reality made its presence known by laughing at you after a blatant attempt to re-write how it works. If and how it may respond is as of yet unknown.
The mystery of the missing Sod continues.
While stakeouts have reduced the amount of sod that has vanished, the problem persists.
Sure Enough, Another 1x1 Sod has gone missing!
Why this continues, how this continues, is as of yet unknown. It is almost certain that there is indeed a culprit involved, as the alternative would be some kind of inexplicable natural phenomenon that by
sheer coincidence didn't happen while the sod was actively being watched.
Whatever this presumed culprit is, it's thus far proven smart enough to only steal sod when nobody is looking, namely in the rest gaps between sod watches.
Unless the quest intends to rely on waiting for the culprit to slip up and make a mistake, stakeouts may not be enough. A new, more permanent solution will likely be required.
The weather has changed.
It comes as a surprise when the previously bright, calm weather of the quest turns less so when clouds start to form overhead.
That this comes just after Reality made its presence known is not lost on some members of the Quest, though it's impossible to say whether Reality is genuinely responsible or if it's merely a bad coincidence.
On the bright side, the weather has merely changed to being overcast, so it's nothing that should have any negative impact on your plans.
Yet, at least.
Weather discovered!
Environmental effects that may hinder, help, or simply influence the nature of the quest. (Probably) affect everyone in an area equally.
Weather is now 'Overcast'!
Weather 'Overcast' discovered! By itself, it mostly just keeps the world from being bright as it could be. Its true value is in warning of potentially more severe weather that may or may not come.
Signup Votes (Which half of this quest do you want to be a part of?):
[ ] [Signup] Council
-[ ] Password?
Those who Sign up as 'Council' usually get two votes below; Including 1 [Council] Vote and 1 [Riot Boost] Vote.
[ ][Signup] Rioter
-[ ] Password?
-[ ] Nifty Identifying Quest Name, quippy phrase, or brief distinguishing feature for flavor purposes (Keep it short!) (Optional)
Those who Sign up as 'Rioter' get a single vote below; They can vote for 1 [Riot!] action.
Council Votes (What does the Council want to do this turn?):
- Council may choose One (1) Council Vote; Majority Wins
[ ][Council] Make or Change a Rule
-[ ] What Rule?
Try to add, remove, or modify a quest rule)
[ ][Council] Implement a Policy
-[ ] What Policy?
For example, implement an official quest policy towards the Naysayers)
[ ][Council] Designate Project Parameters
-[ ][Council] Quest Lab
-[ ][Council] Longhouse
-[ ][Council] Farm
Give input to help determine the intended final results of a Quest Project.)
[ ][Council] Write In
Council's Riot Support Vote
Which action does the Council want to encourage Rioters to do by giving that action a +1 and helping give Equipment priority to?):
- Council may choose One (1) Riot Boost Vote; Majority Wins
[ ][Riot Boost] What?
Riot Vote:
- Rioters get One (1) Riot Vote; Riot rules apply
[ ][Riot!] Explore
-[ ] Where?
[ ][Riot!] Gather Resources
-[ ] What from Where?
[ ][Riot!] Crafting
-[ ] What
--[ ] Using What?
[ ][Riot!] Work on Project
-[ ] Quest Lab
-[ ] "Manifest Edge"
-[ ] Longhouse
-[ ] Farm
-[ ] Other (What?)
[ ][Riot!] Address Problem
-[ ] Negative Rioter Status (How?)
-[ ] Missing Sod (How?)
-[ ] Naysayer Hatchet Search (How?)
[ ][Riot!] Address Entity
-[ ] Naysayers (How?)
-[ ] Cowboy Spider (How?)
-[ ] Reality (Seriously...
[ ] [Riot!] Write In!
If you're not new here, you probably know the drill by now. You've got about a week to decide and will get a last call when crunchtime hits.