The Young Xian of the Celestial Realm: Space Cathay 4x Warhammer 40k Quest

Will we eventually learn what our food production is like?
[X] Plan A Strong Center
-[X] Upgrade Square 36 to a Heartland
-[X] Fortify Square 36 with Heavy Defenses
-[X] Purchase 3 Research Slots
-[X] Spend 3 Research Slots on Breacher Automation and 3 on Ogor Autobatteries
-[X] Spend 2 RP on outfitting a diplomatic expedition to Square 30 to make contact with the Craftworld Confederation

It's probably a bit early to be thinking about Megaprojects, but a good 4x game does tend to have some early Wonders one can build.

Some thoughts:
  1. A Research Academy to improve research by gathering the brightest minds of our new territory (spending actions to get actions is a problem in quests, but hey, it's part of 4x for sure)
  2. Some sort of monument to the friendship between Space Cathay and the Ogors and our victory/victories over Chaos, strengthening the bond between our people
  3. Some sort of mega harmonic projector ship, like the Harmonic Broadcasters but centered into a Battleworld
Not sure if it's Research or a Megaproject but we might consider a supersoldier program of our own to address our weakness in Super and Elite Infantry.

A Research Megaproject looks good to me. As for the supersoldier program, I believe that falls under the 10-slot Revolutionary Breakthroughs, so we'll need to complete one of the Research Megaprojects before we can work on said program.
What does the League of Votann and the drawing think of each other? Does the Dawi think the Votann as inferior copycat upstarts and the League think the Dawi as old fossils? Or is their relationship more surprising?
What does the League of Votann and the drawing think of each other? Does the Dawi think the Votann as inferior copycat upstarts and the League think the Dawi as old fossils? Or is their relationship more surprising?
I asked that same question on the discord. Turns out that they have rather good relationships. The dawi consider the votann pleasant men, because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Also the squats are kin that live in the Imperium while the demirug are kin that are allied with the tau.
Within the timeframe of the quest, I'm guessing we probably aren't going to go from Primus to Maximus tier overall, but can we hit Maximus in certain types of technology?
So, could we make War Fireworks with Alchemobaric stuff? Ie, as it ascends it starts leaving bits of powder behind that burst into flame to screw with enemy sensors. It seems like a way to improve drop pod flack and let Artillery cascade into Strikecraft better.

Presumably have an anti-organic specialty.
So, could we make War Fireworks with Alchemobaric stuff? Ie, as it ascends it starts leaving bits of powder behind that burst into flame to screw with enemy sensors. It seems like a way to improve drop pod flack and let Artillery cascade into Strikecraft better.

Presumably have an anti-organic specialty.

There's also some other techs I'll get around to adding later since I was in a minor rush to get the first tech post out.
I'm pretty lost on the mechanics, but I enjoy the lore and novelty.

[X] Plan A Strong Center
-[X] Upgrade Square 36 to a Heartland
-[X] Fortify Square 36 with Heavy Defenses
-[X] Purchase 3 Research Slots
-[X] Spend 3 Research Slots on Breacher Automation and 3 on Ogor Autobatteries
-[X] Spend 2 RP on outfitting a diplomatic expedition to Square 30 to make contact with the Craftworld Confederation

Can't think of a better plan than this. Seems to have the bases covered.

You might need to threadmark the research as an information post. It would probably simplify things in the future. You could even update it after each research turn.
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Since the vote's more or less unanimous and it has been several days I'll be calling it for

[X] Plan A Strong Center
-[X] Upgrade Square 36 to a Heartland
-[X] Fortify Square 36 with Heavy Defenses
-[X] Purchase 3 Research Slots
-[X] Spend 3 Research Slots on Breacher Automation and 3 on Ogor Autobatteries
-[X] Spend 2 RP on outfitting a diplomatic expedition to Square 30 to make contact with the Craftworld Confederation

Strategic turn outcome will be coming ASAP, hopefully within the day since I've already got quite a bit on the Eldar scene already. As this is the first turn, you won't have to deal with anything too serious. Especially since, I'm hoping at least, this system will make for a generally faster turn structure than WotK.
@Spartakrod You mentioned that higher levels of colonization increase the effective defense a Square has beyond Defense levels. Is that additive or multiplicative?

Also, how viable is a Birchworld for the center of the galaxy as a Megaproject? Sagittarius A would have a shell 51 AU from the black hole to achieve Earth norm gravity, though I have no idea what this galaxy's got going on on that front. Like, is there a Birchworld already in place as a 'Final Boss' since aforementioned Birchworld would have something like 7*10^20 kilometers of surface area. That's the sort of thing that would take a galaxy-scale ground invasion simply to conquer in a timely manner.
@Spartakrod I have a question about the great horned rat. Is it still a divided god? By which I mean does it have various aspects like in age of sigmar? Cause that's my favorite part about the skaven god.
990.M41-001.M42, Turn 0 strategic results
((I need to write fewer megaposts lol))

[X] Plan A Strong Center
-[X] Upgrade Square 36 to a Heartland
-[X] Fortify Square 36 with Heavy Defenses
-[X] Purchase 3 Research Slots
-[X] Spend 3 Research Slots on Breacher Automation and 3 on Ogor Autobatteries
-[X] Spend 2 RP on outfitting a diplomatic expedition to Square 30 to make contact with the Craftworld Confederation

As this is turn 0, the initial turn ticker will not cover the usual 50 years, representing the outpouring of support from the Celestial Realm to get things done more quickly

The Celestial Realm can presently give, relative to your current status, a HIGH degree of boon support

Turn Completion Boon roll
New Character slot! Choose one of the following
  • []: Fao Jie and her brother Fao Xiaobo; a pair of very, very long lived human xians whose family has intermingled with all kinds of beings to inhabit Tian'Chao in the past and have thus become a sort of posthuman cultivator of the potential of the children of terra. While Fao Jie is fiery and fierce and Xiaobo is cool and analytical, the two's fighting style blends well together whether they are making use of their own bodies or their Sentinel Knight frames to assist their charges.
    • Fao Jie and Fao Xiabo offer bonuses to research projects involving improving your organic soldiers through augmentation and the awakening of latent potential.
    • Fao Jie and Fao Xiabo are generalists who can offer at least some bonuses to just about anything you commit them to.
    • Fao Jie and Fao Xiaobo are expert military commanders and strategists who can enhance the bonuses of a good plan while minimising the penalties suffered from committing to a bad one
    • In character duels, the pair are general purpose fighters of significant calibre and can be expected to do decently well in most situations they're thrown in, particularly useful in places where the larger champions would have issues unleashing their full power, but they lack the same ceiling of raw power as others.
    • Receive the Heavenly Guard of the Zhu Twins, comprised of a fleet of heroic grade combat units and vessels that will escort the twins' wherever they go and assist wherever they may, being trained to be the varangians to the praetorians of the Vermillion and Azure guards. Each is a Xiuxinzhe of exceptional status, practised and learned in both war and peace, but also able to operate freely from a rather greater distance than the Azure and Vermillion guards do; looking for problems before they threaten the twins. They will serve as a heroic force able to achieve what ordinary military might may not. They are a general-purpose Legion of Legend that is particularly good at either defending retinue characters or defeating other Legions of Legend and can be thrown at just about any task for a bonus.
  • []: Gonggong and Xiangliu, enormous beasts that delight in battle with god machines and cosmic monstrosities alike. Things at least partially of the warp, their taming by the Zhu twins was an epic feat in and of itself, but they have nothing but respect for the twins. They are particularly unstoppable in their capacity to deal with enemy titans and behemoths, and are great at leading them in turn. Lovers of destruction and battle, they are akin to a typhoon and a volcano respectively, a whirling mercurial tempest and a simmering cauldron of emotion waiting to erupt in explosive form.
    • Gonggong and Xiangliu are masters at taming and manipulating beasts and offer research bonuses to anything relating to using warbeasts or understanding alien forms of life such as the Greenskins and Tyranids.
    • Gonggong and Xiangliu specialise in Behemoth duels with Titanic or larger scale threats and characters, they however are generally not able to partake in duels that occur in highly confined spaces due to being Kaiju.
    • The two are skilled in high magic actions involving the usage of beasts and life or massive scale disasters, and on battlefields with the deathworld or void fauna modifier, can use the ecosystem to their advantage.
    • Gonggong and Xiangliu provide significant bonuses to shock, clash, bombardment, and penetration to the fleethordes they are attached to.
    • Receive the "Majestic Thunderstriders" Legion of Legend, which consists of an elite formation of large warships and their escorts as well as a large number of powerful large war machines and beasts that excel in overwhelming might and brutally unsubtle firepower or endurance. Especially powerful in clash and penetration actions in the fleet actions they're committed to, able to break through in decisive actions as the master crafted Titans and Megatanks overrun most opposition and the heavy ships of the Thunderstrider fleet are well designed with technology difficult to maintain in the present era that excels in pummeling everything in reach into scrap.
  • []: Wang Chao-Xing and her brother Wang Zi Rui; both of them being cunning Baihu and fantastic spymasters and assassins. Whether in their "tiger" form or their humanoid shape, the shapeshifting twins are at home whether gathering secrets and making deadly orders, or dealing with problems themselves or guiding those who can deal with them to their appointed places. Long-time friends of Zhu Xiang and Xinyi, their peppy demeanour seems at odds with their roles as spymasters and assassin keepers, but helps to disarm many into thinking they are less dangerous than they really are.
    • The Wang twins can be assigned to espionage actions with a high degree of success, are skilled in assassination character duels, offer bonuses in skirmish and exploitation in any fleethorde they are part of.
    • They are at their best in duels where they have the freedom of movement or the element of surprise. They suffer more in knock-down, drag out fights.
    • The Wang twins can passively gather intelligence reports on infiltratable enemy factions even without any ordered Espionage actions, potentially giving you an advantage as you go through the different galaxies of this game.
    • Chao-Xing and Zi Rui offer bonuses to faster or stealthy units in a fleethorde in general, giving it the potential to secure a vital edge in engagements where this is important. They also offer bonuses to researching anything stealth or subterfuge related.
    • Receive the "Night Lotus" Legion of Legend, compromised out of a task force consisting of the most stealth capable ships, vehicles, soldiers, and agents who are masters of ensuring the will of the Jianyi is carried out without anyone being the wiser. Extremely adept when committed to espionage or sabotage actions and especially powerful in dealing with enemy legends and renowns and are deadly in pursuit/disengage, skirmish, as well as penetration and exploitation.
  • []: Bao Xiao Dan and his sister Bao Heng. Mighty Xuanwu, the Bao siblings are great craftsmen and gained a name for the marvels of their constructions as well as their implacability and unbreakabile nature. Whereas Xiao Dan prefers the construction of fortresses and Bao Heng is more interested in the art of destruction at a distance, the two harmonise quite well together. Though both are somewhat on the more gentle natured side, Xiao Dan has a marked preference for carefully laid out contingencies, while Bao Heng prefers thought out but flexible operations with cohesive support.In essence, Xiao Dan prefers the process, and Bao Heng looks to the result. Throughout their long education, they are also skilled with technology in all forms and have many often strange inventions produced by bickering as much as harmony.
    • Xiao Dan and Heng are, as Black Tortoises, extremely durable to the point of obnoxiousness and can be expected to simply outlast most contenders in a duel. They perform their best whenever they can turn the duel into a grindfest that the turtles will be able to be left standing at the end of.
    • Xiao Dan and Heng are able to forge artefacts which can have both personal and armywide effects which will come in either at random as they find the time and muse, or they can be commissioned for a cost in RP to achieve something specific with the magnitude being commensurate to the amount of RP invested, though only 1% of your RP (rounded to the nearest whole number) can ever be invested into an artefact. Artefacts can also be upgraded.
    • Xiao Dan and Heng improve the effects of long range firepower, heavy weapons, fortress breachers, and fortifications in any fleethorde they are part of, giving you a significant advantage in any phases of combat or with any units this would be significant in. Basically, if it's "siege warfare" type stuff it gets better.
    • They also offer bonuses to research involving armour, fortifications, produdction/construction, and big guns in general.
    • Receive the "Black Tortoise Bastion" Legion of Legend, comprised of warsmiths, combat engineer masters, cunning planners, storied and histories artillery units and siege specialists, as well as formations of soldiers well suited for either the long grind or the final push; easily identified by their heavy protective assets and focus on a "high-low" approach to range, with the initial bombardment giving way to the close ranged smash and grab once they have made their breach. They not only peerless at defensive actions or siege warfare, but also are masters of construction, quickly seeking to build impressive fortifications and urban areas as well as mighty bases; land or star; that they can use to prosecute a conflict. Good at Shock, Reduction, Bombardment, and Clash.
  • []: Qing Tian Zhu and its companion Shi Shen Zhe; a pair of advanced ensouled automata that represent and embody the mechanical legions of the People's Celestial Army and their immeasurable presence and contributions to the health and prosperity of the realm as well as the freedom of its people. Qing Tian Zhu is well known for their belief that freedom is the right of all sophontic beings; including freedom from fear and want, and will fight like a carefully calculated savage in the defence of that, while Shi Shen Zhe is more focused on the destruction of tyrants and the casting down of those who would stand in the way of the celestial revolution to bring about the reign of the masses.
    • Qing Tian Zhu and Shi Shen Zhe are large automatons who are very brute force centric when it comes to duels, relying on overwhelming firepower, melee strength, and computerised reflexes to try and overwhelm an opponent. This makes them well suited in duels with foes who lack the means to deal with large enemies, but it can lead to issues with very agile enemies such as Drukhari.
    • Qing Tian Zhu and Shi Shen Zhe are good at administration and handling complex logistical tasks with their machine minds, helping to organise vast quantities of resources and bureaucratic assets for either civilian or military usages, providing a general soft edge to most things due to the importance of logistics, though not as overwhelming as more specialised characters.
    • Qing Tian Zhu and Shi Shen Zhe offer bonuses to the research and improvement of Automatons, Artificial Intelligence, Bureaucracy and Purification
    • Qing Tian Zhu and Shi Shen Zhe provide a general purpose bonus to dealing with extradimensional entities and the usage of automatons, boosting their capabilities significantly in battles where they are present and being able to be committed to actions in reality distorted space without needing to cleanse corruption.
    • Receive the "Adamantine Order"* Legion of Legend, a mighty army of deathless and unshakeable automata entrusted with what the Astartes would generally refer to as "Destroyer weapons" such as Vortex munitions, Phosphex, rad weapons, irradiators and the dreaded Oxygen Destroyer, in addition to more conventional weapons. Due to each machine having talismans and runes engraved upon and even within them, they are also specialists in dealing with foes with a high degree of reality corruption. The Adamantine Order are stubborn masters of the grind that will go through even the worst battle zones and get results. They are monsters of clash, as their heavily armoured ships and payloads of incredibly deadly automata are as resilient as they are lethal, and on the ground the initial shock of their arrival is often enough to break the back of an enemy.

Mission completed! Receive a boon from the Celestial Realm!
Military Boon!
Military: 89, Free Magnitude 2 Tian'Chaoren Fleet Horde (Huise Jandui, High Quality)

Celestial Realm Missions: Occupy Four Territories by 100.M42

The development of the new territory of Drae Nang into a property territory of the Celestial Realm proceeds with little issue, as major construction works not only erase the scars of the prior wars but expand the infrastructure to unprecedented heights. Automated and organic labour, as well as all manner of construction tools are used to transform territories of interest into productive sectors while great orbital habitats are commissioned en masse alongside planetary arcologies and space stations and the occasional large-scale structure to facilitate the exploitation of resources and the populating of uninhabited but terraformable places.

With many hives having suffered at least some damage, these cramped places are most often recycled to fit Tian'Chaoren arcology standards, especially as the Khornates have devastated the populations of most hive and forge worlds and habitats in order to meet their sacrificial quotas. Generally, the extremely swift construction methods of the Dark millennium and those of the Celestial Realm in particular allow for refugees to be rehoused quickly, though there are the occasional Imperial loyalist terrorists who have to be dealt with.

Output soon begins to climb up dramatically as infrastructure is established one year after the other, with more efficient manufacturing methods and technologies taking over under the aegis of the planning Jianyi assigned to the areas. Adult members of Imperial nobility and cartel masters unwilling to renounce their titles and privileges, is as a rule, unceremoniously lined up before the automated firing squads and shot, while the records of the Adeptus Terra are seized en masse to get a better idea of how to organise planning. For the first ten or so years, the imperial populace's involvement in the planning is monitored and managed, but over time once general compliance is achieved, is allowed to participate fully as citizens.

Within ten years, while there is still some cultural transformation to undergo, the place is now almost wholly brought within the general cultural sphere of the Celestial Realm, and its apparatuses sprawl in just about every usable space by conventional means. The routes once plied by chartists and rogue traders now are under the command of the Celestial Merchant Marine and the merchant fleets of the great collective, with the highly automated process following the networks of Great Lanterns established for both efficiency and redundancy's sake, allowing for smooth and regular transit times and a general improvement in the living conditions of the area.

And indeed, what causes much of the resistance to die down is that the Tian'Chaoren administer the place better and more openly than the decrepit feudal nightmare of the Imperium of Man. The Arbites and Inquisition whose primary tactics are cruelty in large part because of Imperial institutions being ill-equipped organizationally to do anything else as every edifice is cannibalised to squeeze more graft out of the system and grease the wheels of a corpse empire with corruption are replaced by militias and the crimson guard. The imperial tithe system is replaced with the general planned production system which generally asks for much less of the new peoples, and dissident cults are generally allowed as long as they avoid causing problems and are deemed to be untainted.

It is not a perfect system, and many are put into confinement for re-education and others are simply shot. The Mechanicus for the most part, has to be outright put down when they react in their typical manner to machine intelligences, and the Ministorum generally fares little better, with generally only lower ranking priests of the Imperium's two religions surviving the purges when they don't take the offer to leave the absorbed territory. Inquisitorial fortresses that had held out are reduced to high temperature slag where discovered, the Arbiters are liquidated almost in their entirety, Knight Worlds, Astra Militarum, Peregrinas, and Astartes forces still in the area withdraw with the end of the Khornate warp disruptions, and many Adepts of the Administratum are allowed to be torn apart by baying mobs for their actions.

Indeed, much of the transformation was from the Imperials themselves, as those who had grievances with the Imperial system were allowed to assist in the transformation of the system. Reformists who resented those above them, revolutionaries who hoped to tear the Imperium up by root and branch, dissidents who simply didn't like the way things were done, marginalised people who felt shunned and shamed by this society and their respect for fighting against the Khornates conditional; all were brought into the committees for the transformation. And when it was deemed that some mob violence to deal with imperial holdouts was needed, it was armed and supported, with the celestial army largely letting it happen.

It is not a nice process, and it is not a perfect one. Many had committed no real crime, many were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, many were even just framed. But for the average person, things had gotten better, air was being cleaned, food of better quality was more readily available for less, the amount of space people could live in grew, and working conditions had improved. Tian'Chaoren did not colonise, for the Harmonic Path did not seek to annihilate and the power of harmony rested on drawing in the strength of many diverse sources to empower the odd sorceries of the realm, it assimilated. The expectation was that one day, their culture would be made part of the growing whole of the Realm, its uniqueness added to the strength of the greater collective.

Some would say that might be little better than the Imperium's approach, some might say it could be worse, others would argue it is better. But that was largely irrelevant to the calculus of the Peoples' Celestial Realm of Tian'Chao. They were here now, and as far as they were concerned; probably wrongly; anyone else would do worse and returning these territories to the Imperium was not something that would ever be in the cards unless an exceptionally good offer was made. It was not like the Imperial Palace and the Assembly of the Jianyi ever had a moment of genuine peace without the constant cold war and skirmish between the two giants after all.

They thought of the moral consequences of their actions, considered the inherent unpleasantness of a managed self-purification of society by allowing its dissidents the writ to cleanse their oppressors as they saw fit, and then decided that they would take whatever condemning from future generations would come their way. Whether or not they were right would be left to posterity to judge.

Also of significant importance is the preparation of defences and fortifications. The builders of the great bastion are nothing if not meticulous in their approach to protecting their territory, and everything from warp snares to shield projectors to surface to space weapons to star forts are established in ever-growing number. Detachments of garrison troops separate from the mobile fleets and armies are brought in, manning these centres of military might and the shield of the newest outpost of the realm and ensuring that they would be ready for any future assault.

Local military structures, where possible, were absorbed into these guard forces primarily, with the expectation that they would be at their best protecting their homes for now. Many officers would be rehabilitated, those who showed a willingness to change their colours and fight as part of the Celestial military, or those who voluntarily entered rehabilitative courses to learn a new way of war to serve a new country. They would be welcome, and some even brought into the primary Army and Navy, but most of course; would much rather stay at home, protect what they knew, rather than venture into the unknown.

The military's losses were replaced, damaged ships repaired, the injured healed; the living reinforced. They would augment their forces with new machines and soon, new reinforcements sent forth from the territories of the Celestial Realm through the Taii-dan wormhole, significantly bolstering their assets as, hoping to follow up on the encouraging successes; the Theatre Military Commission dispatched extra forces. Though of course with the growing crises in this time of ending, further aid of such magnitude would likely be somewhat more limited as the strategic situation required commitments elsewhere as well.

However, the Commission is pleased, as are the Jianyi for the time being, and the people are supportive of the efforts to spread the teachings to a region of the universe where Tian'Chao has traditionally only had somewhat minor influence. Perhaps even daring to dream that one day, the Zhu twins can prove worthy of spearheading far higher grades of command that may end the long stalemate once and for all. Of course, for the time being; they are merely Armada Teachers; such lofty heights as Front, District, Prefecture, Republic, or Theatre command are a distant dream.

But with these new military forces, there is a sense of security, ready to engage with whatever crawls out of the dark or slithers where it thinks itself unseen. Come what may, they are ready for it.

"We are the children of dead makers so mighty that the galaxies of the firmament are in the patterns you see because of them, the former soldiers of a nightmare war so terrible even time itself wishes it sealed, the vision of a forgotten utopia so beautiful it blinded the eyes of the hands that wrought us, the legacy of angels laid low by their own greed when they believed themselves greater than gods. Don't try to lecture us on how far you have fallen, you have yet to truly know what that means." - Farseer Vrailius Ardanesh to the Rogue Trader Alvi Asgeirs​

Grand Farseer and High-Archmage Vrailius Ardanesh stood tall, his armour of fate wrapped in billowing robes woven with sorcerous craft and practiced magics, his boots resting on a platform of wraithbone while his honour guard hung close. He bore not the colours of the Craftworlds of the Confederation of Kushan-Kiithid, instead dressed in the colours of his own native Tirdanor, a sort of inversion of the confederation of Ulthwe's scheme, black where it was white, white where it was black, reds replaced with cyans. He was an honoured guest, a direct descendant of Eldanesh and Ulthanesh both, one who could be trusted to not sound like a bumbling fool in the company of Eldrad or his daughters but provide his own wise counsel. For him to come to this corner of the universe was a great honour, to stand on the craftworld of Sajuuk personally even more so.

The tans, oranges, and whites of Kuushan-Kiithid's armours were not to his personal aesthetic preference, but the call of the art critic had passed him long ago. The callings of wizardry and sorcery had entrapped him a lifetime ago, and now he offered his soothsayings where he deemed they were needed, such as now with the treasure fleets of the comradely hosts of Tian'Chao docked at Sajuuk, bringing the revolutionary students with them in supplication to the ancient Aeldari.

"I thought that the humans of this strain were typically of more pallid countenance." One of the Warlocks, a student of his by the name of Taydaria said, looking upon the dark skinned head of one of the humans who walked the tree shadowed paths of the craftworld, approaching Eldar who had taken it upon themselves to speak on the behalf of their kin with humility that would have been rare in the Imperials or Sigmarites.

"Man comes in as many forms and faces as we do. Some are dark, some are pale, some are neither. It matters to very few of them now, and it should matter even less to you." Vrailius responded, a hint of reproach in his voice for Taydaria speaking to him with her physical, rather than mental voice.

There were dragons and other elder creatures amidst them, he could tell, though in assumed guise to avoid taking up too much space. But whereas most humans could not identify a shapeshifted dragon unless told, the aspect of the form they hatched into the world with could be seen dancing at the edges of the othersea flickerfire that the great ones produced. A sort of signal to allow those who could perceive it know that they were there, even more clearly than the awe of the draconic majesty that their elder souls produced that made its soft, unvocalised demand for attention.

Better this, than when their wrath is roused and the majesty became a terrible presence of terror and killing intent.

But he could see one in particular, the Azure dragon, with twin-tailed hair that was now white at the strands and blue at the tip, as opposed to the black she often kept it at. She was as one would say, interested in trends. But beyond the formal uniform she wore, with a flowing skirt and flat boots and lappels to indicate rank, the untrained eye or insensitive mind might regard her as a simple young woman, perhaps some sort of university student. But Vrailius could see the sapphire corona to her aura, the immortal frostfire in her soul, dancing starbright. She seemed short amidst her automata guard, but she could look at him with only a slight uptilt of her head when she caught him in the crowd.

"Xinyi." He said, her name coming to mind from a simple glance at the gently dancing patterns at the edges of her soul-frost. Some would have considered using her given name, rather than her clutch name, to be overly formal, but she smiled all the same.

"It does us honour to see you here amongst our craftworld, young Xian." Shayera said, the Eldar Magus offering a customary cup of coffee to the Dragon in guise who smiled and wrapped white gloved hands around the mug.

Personally, he would have preferred his crystal spider-grove tree tea, but she seemed to enjoy the cinnamon sweetness of the Kushani coffee, cleanly letting it slide down her throat before handing it back to her.

"The honour is mine, how do your children fare, Magus?" She said with a small bow of the head before straightening herself and offering a polite expression to the sandy haired Aeldari woman before her.

"The eldest reaches his bloom, the middle sees her fortune with her creche, and the youngest two still dance all aflame." She replied, the metaphors being taken in by the Dragon who grasped at them as quickly as they were said.

"May his partner find happiness, her friends bring your kith honour, and your youngest stay safe in their play." She replied.

"You come here to speak of the matter of your old ties to the Kushan-Kiithid, Xinyi. I do not speak for the kith of these craftworlds, but your portents gleam benignly." Vrailius said, drawing the eye of the Tian Long whose expression became a small frown. He could sense a bit of disappointment in him, the sourness of spoiled fun intruded upon by work.

"We are bringing the swordwind upon the Orkead as they trample and stamp upon the territory of our allies. But to cleanse our wayward forge-cousins requires greater mass and strength and the presence to properly stamp out the green tide." Great Autarch Masharine interjected, her falcon spirit swooping into an opening in the conversation and her frame almost seeming to have flown to seize a chance to get to business.

"You wish for the banners of the celestial host to aid you and your Asrai kin then, yes?" She replied, her long tail slowly swaying back and forth to signify interest, while her eyes grew colder, more serious.

Just as she put on many faces in form, she also put on many faces of the heart as well. It could be difficult at times to tell her real mood, even for one as in tune to the emotions of others as Vrailius, who could taste the colours of the heart's condition. Bubbly and eager to converse at one moment, now suddenly cooler in fitting with her soulfrost.

"It would be of benefit to us both. So long as our territorial claims are honoured, we may coexist." She said with a gracious bow while Xinyi gave it thought, looking to Cheng Haoyu, who had decided to accompany her here for his own reputation among the Aeldari, his wings wrapped around himself as a sort of cloak as he was unfond of being the subject of attention at parties full of small talk.

"It would not be outside of our power, but we would need to refer to the Jianyi of Commissioners first." He said, sighing as he decided that he may as well speak if he was being expected to do so by Xinyi.

"Understandable, speak what needs to be said as you require to your organisers." Vrailius said.

Like the Aeldari craftworlds, leadership among the Tian'Chaoren was a collective process, one informed by councils spoken to by smaller councils; from local municipalities all the way up to the Supreme Presiding Jianyi. Perhaps not as free or loose as the Asuryani's ways, where people managed themselves for the most part and authority was exercised principally in crisis only, but someone as respected as Xinyi not having final authority made sense to him. Truth be told, she had surprisingly little formal sway. She was respected, and listened to, but she wasn't quite part of the formal command structure.

"We would like to request however, that our seer councils be allowed to speak regularly with your deciding bodies, I have witnessed possible need of deeper cooperation in the future, beyond a mere scourging of Greenskins." He said, getting Haoyu and Xinyi to look towards one another, then back to the Eldar with a simple nod.

The research invested into new lines of automata and better weapon suites for the Ogors goes largely without a hitch, with the breacher automatons being tested on number of Space Hulks that tend to go through the region, often full of the undead, the Skaven, the powers of chaos, the reality warped might of the Strange, Enslavers, Greenskins, less friendly Ogors, Khrave, Psibirds, Men of Iron and other hostile robots, and of course; Tyranids. Space Hulks are in essence, the ultimate test of boarding doctrine, you never know what you're going to find in them besides that it's nearly always bad and that other things definitely got the idea of hitching a ride aboard them before you did.

The first field tests involved the Space Hulk "Song of Lost Souls", a drifting hunk of space junk the size of a decent moon recorded in this area for as long as there have been records for it. Fused into a meandering mass of hallways, open spaced hangars, ship parts, debris, and random bits of technological and arcane secrets from the corpses of over a thousand capital ships and cruisers around the initial wreckage of three juggernauts; the thing is generally rightfully regarded as deeply, profoundly cursed every time its spat out of the Warp or the Dreamtime or any other manner of hellish otherreality.

Warships arrest the movement of the Space Hulk with the aid of nearby Ogors paid generously to watch around in case anything weird went on, and settle it into a more stable orbit around the gas giant Velanii to allow them to conduct the experiment. Boarding tubes release automatons aboard, while organic and mechanical crew waits aboard the fleet surrounding the space hulk for return reports. First, smaller drones are dispatched to get a partial map of the interior of the space hulk, then the combat automata teams step inside.

As expected, it's a spooky, awful place that feels like it can go on forever. But the machines' presence is soon noted by the local genestealers, who rapidly awaken from their topor or birth themselves from sacs of strange tissue in frightfully quick order, their psychic call being sent throughout the craft while cultists made from a void immune, naturally armoured humanoid species known as the Dreog turned their attentions to the siren call of the Brood Mind.

The Genestealers would come in their usual panoply of forms, both the variations of the "genestealer primaris" with differing add on mutations such as feeder tendrils, scythe tails, scything talons, extra limbs, gun organisms, more armour or the like, a number of creatures identified as differing species and genuses in the Genestealer "family"; as well as other creatures that accompanied Tyranid Vanguard broods; creatures easily produced from the spawning pools and birthing pods that the tyranids could easily set up just about anywhere and everywhere.

The Automata wouldn't have to wait long, as gaunts, genestealers, lictors, raveners, and warriors adapted for stealth and ranged combat opened fire in withering fusiliades to cross their lanes of fire with the cultists; the Dreogs' bioferric natural armour augmented by their heavy suits letting them heft heavy stubbers like submachine guns and light autocannons like service rifles; fighting alongside smaller, modified human and Ork broodspawn as if they had been allies for millennia; rather than the Imperium having attempted to purge the Dreog many times and the Greenskins inevitably making war on just about everything.

Former Freeboota greenskins able to actually aim on a consistent basis were often quite vexing as they would stitch the terrain with waves of rounds, seeming to be blissful in their servitude to the localised hive mind, but the Automata quickly blocked off areas with shield walls and levelled their heavy weapons to hack down the subjects of the Gestalt Chorus in relentless sprays of fire. Of course, it's well known that anything that doesn't immediately kill a Tyranid or Tyrannised life form will be recovered from, and they will grow more resistant to it in turn; so the fire was poured on to quickly mulch them.

Alchemobaric munitions from breached teams would send devastating overpressure waves and incendiary heat through the halls, the suction effect tearing lungs out of human brood brother mouths whenever they weren't reduced to atoms by the initial heat and shockwave, charring the less armoured organisms and cultists to less than ash while reducing others to black cinders or unrecognisable corpses. But the next wave was already more suited to the usage of these alchemobaric rounds, physiologies altered to better survive the associated impacts and flank around, tearing through hidden passageways.

Many machines would be brought down by cultist, tyrannoform, or genestealer attack, the rending claws of the primaris genestealer quickly wearing away at shielding and then, in tandem with vicious acidic spittle and hyperreflex muscles, carving more and more weakness into their armour until they could start tearing their foe apart. But many more would be crushed by disruptor melee weapon equipped machines, spinning power-glaives with helicopter speed to paint the halls with gore and steaming viscera, others crushed by power meteor hammers or mauls or claws and swords and axes.

It was a brutal, ugly fight, but the breacher automata managed to, with the lines of reinforcement established; prove more than satisfactory in purging the space hulk. Eventually, they were able to cut out the network of reinforcement for the hostile biomorphs within the space hulk, fighting with the relentless determination one would expect from machines, with the Heavenly Automata being dispatched in for the coup de gras once the proper openings had been made for these masterwork machines.

Though completely clearing the Space Hulk took more than a little time,, the Space Hulk was eventually declared clean of all dangerous life and machinery and the breacher automata project a success; enjoying an extremely favourable kill ratio even in conditions generally favourable for the tyranids. Of course, these were very ideal conditions for the machines, an isolated space hulk the genestealers hadn't had all that much time to set up on, but it was convincing enough to go ahead with other such tests until by the end of the cetury, the Breacher models were pushed into production and soon equipping the complements of the military.

The Ogor ships were relatively easy to refit as the brutes got settled in the areas of their choosing, with the labours of the Celestial navy soon equipping their vessels with far more consistent and reliable arrays of weapons to augment their generally gnoblar crewed batteries. Proper tests would come with the piratical raids of the infamous "Psychopath" Rogue Trader Francis Wentworth of Nodnol of House Coburg who had been raiding the Khornates before the Tian'Chaoren arrived and had decided to start raiding the new forces even as the rival house of Tudor under the great Merchant Lady Jade Scarborough of Kroy had sought to establish some basis of trade and diplomacy.

But as Lady Jade made her apologies to Xiang during a meeting with the Dragon at the territorial capital of Tylanius or rather over it in the recently finished mega-astroarcology Beigau, Xiangseemed to be largely unconcerned, waving off the fears of the rogue trader who had made a number of profitable journeys between her designated drop off points and the growing territory. Something of an odd relationship as Xiang cared little for the rogue trader's desires for profit and Lady Jade was well aware that the Imperium would seek vengeance for its planned crusade for the worlds stolen by the Khornates being outran by the Celestial conquest fleet first. But it was a semi-functional one.

As for why Lady Jade chose to go straight to the Dragon's nest so to speak, rather than the more typical rogue trader policies of trading at the fringe, she sensed that she'd get more crowns setting up deals at the source for access through the Taii-Dan wormhole. Which of course, involved talking to Xiang, obviously a disappointment for the rogue trader who had clearly hoped to speak instead to Xinyi. Only to be told that she was busy with the Eldar and so she would have to settle for the more bookish twin.

The conversation meandered from profit and deals with Xiang's annoyance at being lectured to about the history of house Tudor stretching back to a personally signed warrant from the Emperor and Empress and the Fabricator-General being made increasingly clear; that is to say he found the minutae of asset profit margin historiography annoying rather than the stories when she got around to them; to the matter of Francis. She wanted riches and wealth, and war is something of a long-term investment at the best of times, particularly wars between peers. He wanted to plunder and pilfer from people he saw as little better than xenos corrupted heathens. It was clear to Xiang why she was so concerned, but Zhu was also fairly eager to get back to his studies.

Still, as he flipped through the pages of his book, a relic written by an Imperial Wizard thousands of years ago and scribed on special paper, he gave her a glance.

"I remember a saying about two birds being slain with a single stone. You want a rival gone, we desire a thorn out of our side, and we require a test for our Ogor allies' new refits. So I suppose this is three birds actually."

She of course, would just have to provide bait, with her merchant fleets exiting mandeville points to exchange with Freighter Junks of the Celestial merchant marine or with starports waiting in the void of space, regions that Francis was known to attack. His own ships would exit from their short range alcubierre warp bubbles, not as fast as warp travel nor as long range, but good for surprise attacks if one had a staging area to leap out of, informed by stealthed ships that beamed short-range corridor-vox messages for more completeness of data than the longer ranged astropathic communique.

His ships would seem to essentially squeeze into being, weapons loaded and primed and void fields operational while they gathered into war formations and sent forth their screens to prepare for interception and the cutting off of avenues of escape. But the Tian'Chaoren had their own surprise waiting, as Ogor craft guised as asteroids broke off their rocky camouflage and set thrusters to full burn, Celestial ships emerging from the empyrean at the signal of the great lanterns to observe and ensure the finalisation of the trap.

The following engagement was a massacre, with Francis' pirate ships having been leaked intelligence about loads of valuable cargo ready for exchanges at a number of recently established fortified points that would be too new to be marked on his maps. The Ogor ships would rumble closer and closer, moving with a speed that belied their simple brutality before their weapons batteries started opening up, autoturrets releasing calculated and precise barrages into the void fields of the pirate fleet.

Ships unable to get out of the way found that an Ogor charge in space hits as hard as it does on land, and many a hull buckled beneath the force of the impact or simply was crushed into oblivion while others were bracketed by ships that had missed their charge and were turning around for another go in an ungainly but effective manner.

The Celestial navy's fortifications and warships would finish the job, strike craft racing through to disable and destroy ships and artillery barrages crippling warships to the point of surrender or destruction depending on whether or not they decided to fight to the end and to the death. For those who would fight on to get boarded, outnumbered as they were by a proper naval force that had prepared an ambush for them, the choice was once again given; surrender or die.

Francis himself would pick the latter, and would charge power sword brandished at Xiang who had come to personally oversee things. Francis' sword would skim off of Xiang's barrier, and the Dragon would simply smash his gauntleted hand into Francis' own refractor field, pushing until the field broke less than an eyeblink later; and then similarly punched his hand through Francis' chest and out his back, letting his red flames burn around his arms after crushing the rogue trader's heart in his fist like a grape. Francis would die as less than ash, his custom made power armour crumbling away with him and his bones breaking down into vapour.

"Ostentatious but subpar craftsmanship." Xiang said as he dusted off the hand he used to kill Francis before simply turning around and walking back to his flagship, not even sparing Francis' loyal first mate and eldest son a second glance as he let the lore of Yang wreathe him in flame that consumed him to the last atom from the inside out.

Strategic Update​

Each Square = 10 Kiloparsecs
People's Celestial Realm of Tian'Chao Territories:
Square 36: Drae Nang (Tian'Chao) A newly assimilated territory of Tian'Chaoren, and the first territory to be overseen by the Tian Long twins; Xiang and Xinyi. Heavily developed and fortified, the territory now produces a great deal of resources and is home to, for a relative backwater such as this galaxy, a rather considerable amount of military force. (Heartland, Heavily Defended)

New Phoenix Kingdom Territories:
6: Aeldari Territory of Baradesh: The Phoenix Kingdom has made its mark here, hoping to help with the rebirthing of the Eldar ways of old even in the face of an often hostile universe.

Stranger Territories:
1: The Arcane Veil Territory: Long lost to the infrareality distortions of the strangers, a nightmare place where horrid things creep and crawl out of.
2: The Southern Arcane Veil Territory: Long lost to the infrareality distortions of the strangers, a nightmare place where horrid things creep and crawl out of.
47: Moradash Territory, These Halo Stars are being contested by Iron Warriors of the 9718th Grand Host and a population of Cythor Fiends, servants of the Strangers and a component of the Army of the Starless Night. The Iron Warriors have dug in for the long war with the benefit of a Jump-Gate while more of the Estranged pour in.

Leagues of Votann Territories:
22: Ortanak Territory; Held by the Votann League of Vorgan; dedicated to the establishment of profit and trade, doing business as they see fit as their holds and kindred spread through their designated part of the core.
21: Gologhor Territory: Held by the Votann League of Vorgan; dedicated to the establishment of profit and trade, doing business as they see fit as their holds and kindred spread through their designated part of the core

Dawi Karaz Ankor Territories:
28: Katanak Territory; Held by the Dawi Kingdom of Uzkazar, who has been here since the end of the war in heaven, long before the Umgi ever arrived.
27: Vagralkar Territory, Held by the Dawi Kingdom of Uzkazar, who has been here since the end of the war in heaven, long before the Umgi ever arrived

Reality Distortions:
23: Undead Warp Rift, the Jaws of Death; a realm of the undead and nightmarish Gehenirot, the dead animating nearby in growing numbers as the efforts to contain the creatures of the Mordei start to break down.
46: Vortex of Woe: Chaos Warp Rift. This Warp Rift is overrun by the forces of the dark gods, with most of the stars of this territory either inundated by the warp, or are eternally on the watch against the forces of Chaos.

Lizardman Territories:
45: Quetzitzanl Tlahtanoyan Territory of Xokitalan, a territory of the enigmatic lizardmen. Full of ancient megastructures and restlessly preparing its legions for some purpose.
50: Quetzitzanl Tlahtanoyan Territory of Tenotacala, a territory of the enigmatic lizardmen. Contains a substantial population of Amazons, a substrain of humanity created by the Lizardmen from human refugees in their space. Currently being attacked by Hive Armada Baphomet

Skaven Territories:
18: Skaven Under-Imperium territory of Veektok: While the Skaven tend to stay in the "Underway", their perverse, less reliable parody of the webway or the webway itself whenever they can get purchase into it, the Skaven openly rule here over a ramshackle nightmare empire.
38: Skaven Under-Imperium territory of Veektok: While the Skaven tend to stay in the "Underway", their perverse, less reliable parody of the webway or the webway itself whenever they can get purchase into it, the Skaven openly rule here over a ramshackle nightmare empire.
12: Skaven Under-Imperium territory of Veektok: While the Skaven tend to stay in the "Underway", their perverse, less reliable parody of the webway or the webway itself whenever they can get purchase into it, the Skaven openly rule here over a ramshackle nightmare empire.

Greenskin Territories:
16: Greenskin Territory of Morktrok: Formerly held by myriad powers that rose from the general collapse of the Maetar Dominate, Waaagh! Gitkilla the Fun recently krumped the whole lot of them, expanding from territories directly to the west
10: Greenskin Territory of Gorktrok Centre: Held by Warlord Gitkilla the Fun who arrived here via the "Gorkamorka Tunnel" Wormhole recently, Gorktrok is the origin point for a growing Greenskin force.
5: Greenskin Territory of Wotdazog: Formerly held by myriad powers that rose from the general collapse of the Maetar Dominate, Waaagh! Gitkilla the Fun recently krumped the whole lot of them, expanding from territories directly to the east
30: The Tarandar Territory, a former Territory of the Imperium of Man conquered by Waaagh! Muchkill and is currently being contested by the Aeldari of Kushan Kiithid to keep the Greenskins disorganised and assist the Exodite Maiden systems within of the Grove of Draeigh. Reinforcements from the Confederation of Tirdanor and extra-galactic craftworlds of the Kushan Kiithid confederatio have arrived through the webway to push on the Greenskins harder.

Virgin Territories:
35: Shyalarad no man's land: virgin territory kept as a buffer between the T'Au and the Imperium to prevent sharing borders when the Leagues of Votann and Dawi both proved uninterested in holding space there.
42: Hae Tan Territory, Virgin Space, in response to the Viridian Stars Chapter Master's raid on the crown world of Phaerakh Un'Dakala destroying a precious memento of her past life during a campaign in the Mivan Galaxy, the Necrons of the Irtanak Dynasty wiped out all imperial life in the territory of his homeworld 60 years ago and destroyed the entire sector he called home outright, then left as soon as the purge was complete. Imperial recolonisation fleets were diverted to provide labour to the Virtana galaxy and missives requesting another are still pending approval by Galaxia level government.
34: Zhardan No Man's Space: Virgin territory kept as a buffer between the T'Au and the Imperium to prevent sharing borders when the Leagues of Votann and Dawi both proved uninterested in holding space there.

Imperium of Man Territories:
29: The Shardarat Territory, a very standard territory of the Imperium of man, has defeated a force of Khornates under the command of the Chaos Warlord Kysartokul with the help of contingents from three dark angels successor chapters who arrived unannounced and then dragged the Khornate lord's liaison with their mercenary forces away.
17: Imperial Territory of Kidor: Primarily the home of worlds that were settled by Kriegers when the Imperium decided to colonise this territory through the Bysdorian wormhole, and as such is full of worlds that operate under the Krieg system. Unnervingly pleased at being surrounded by the foes of man.
24: Iladrani Territory, reconquered by the Imperium of Man in the Iladrani crusade and undergoing substantial reconstruction.
8: Imperial Territory of Algoran, Generally regarded as the centre of the Imperial presence in Vay-Gir, Algoran at its heart has the Aevalus Wormhole that helps connect the Imperium to this place.
14: Imperial Territory of Soradar: Containing the heart of the Viridian Star Chapters of Astartes' operations, this populous and longstanding territory of the Imperium of Man is full of recruiting worlds for the chapter raised to safeguard the Imperium's operations in one of the many, many galaxies it hopes to rule over.
3: Imperial Territory of Elsonar: Largely dominated by the Mechanicus which exploits the large number of supernova induced during the war in heaven's creation of many heavy element-rich worlds and bodies to produce many wonders and extensively studies the old human presence here.
4: Imperial Territory of Ordania: Expected to hold the bulwark against the things of the Arcane Veil, this territory also contains significant development and military build-up.
7: Imperial Territory of Jaldis: Mostly dominated by the Ecclessiarchy, Jaldis was the birthplace of the Galactic Patron saint, Evenia.
13: Imperial Territory of Ordorat: A very standard territory of the Imperium of Man.
11: Imperial Territory of Vidar: Primarily the home of worlds that were settled by Kriegers when the Imperium decided to colonise this territory through the Bysdorian wormhole, and as such is full of worlds that operate under the Krieg system. Unnervingly pleased at being surrounded by the foes of man.

T'Au Sphere Territories:
33: T'Au Territory of Sha'Dra'Nan: A former maetar territory under T'Au occupation and being converted to the philosophy of the greater good and populated by massive numbers of vat grown colonists of the T'Au Spheres' major species.
39: T'Au Territory of Sha'Dra'Nan: A former maetar territory under T'Au occupation and being converted to the philosophy of the greater good and populated by massive numbers of vat grown colonists of the T'Au Spheres' major species.
40: T'Au territory of Kal'Dor'Ae, a very standard territory of the T'Au spheres.
41: Delen-Man Territory, a territory of the T'Au Spheres that has recently launched an invasion force.

Chaos Territories:
51: Chaos Empire of Argalik: Overrun by Chaos hordes from the Vortex of Woe and squabbled over by many tribes and warbands. Currently being invaded by Hive Armada Baphomet.
37: Chaos Empire of Toradarak: Home to many warbands of Chaos dedicated to Tzeentch who have erected their fortresses here, as a safe place where they can plan their raids. Currently being invaded by Hive Armada Baphomet.
31: Dawi Zharr territories of Vash-Gorand: A series of hardened fortifications dedicated to the dark father Hashut from which the cruel Dawi Zharr plot their expansions, slave raids and profit. Being invaded by the Necrons of the Marakesh dynasty.
13: Chaos Empire of Malgonash: Primarily dominated by traitor legionaries of the Knights Glorious, this place of vanity and arrogance is bedecked in monuments to the triumphs of the traitor Primarch Mordra's villainy. Currently being attacked by the Aeldari.

Undead Territories:
20: Undead Empire of Asherakh West: Ruled by the Liche King Askorakh and backed by astartes of the Night Lords legion, the Empire of Asherakh is building its forces for something.
26: Undead Empire of Asherakh Centre: Ruled by the Liche King Askorakh and backed by astartes of the Night Lords legion, the Empire of Asherakh is building its forces for something.
32: Undead Empire of Asherakh East: Ruled by the Liche King Askorakh and backed by astartes of the Night Lords legion, the Empire of Asherakh is building its forces for something.

Necron Territories:
25: Marakesh Dynasty Territory: The first elements of the ancient Marakesh dynasty in this Galaxy have begun to awaken from the long sleep and are eradicating everything that they deem to be unwelcome trespassers in their ancient land, which is just about everyone.

Maetar Dominate Territories:
49: Maetar Remnant territory of Graktar: A remnant of the maetar dominate reeling from the expansion of the T'Au, currently being invaded by Hive Armada Baphomet.
44: Maetar Remnant territory of Moroktar: A Remnant of the Maetar dominate reeling from the expansion of the T'Au spheres.
43: Maetar Remnant territory of Voktar: A Remnant of the Maetar dominate reeling from the expansion of the T'Au spheres.
48: Maetar Dominate Territory of Sektar: A remnant of the maetar dominate reeling from the expansion of the T'Au, currently being invaded by Hive Armada Baphomet.

Diplomatic Statuses​

Tian'Chao, with your current set of bonuses starts at ALLIED to the following factions known to be Present in your operating area:

Asuryani/Craftworld Eldar, Asrai/Exodite Eldar

Tian'Chao, with your current set of bonuses starts at FRIENDLY to the following factions known to be Present in your operating area:

Asur/High Eldar, Dawi Karaz Ankor

Tian'Chao, with your current set of bonuses starts at CORDIAL to the following factions known to be Present in your operating area:

Quetzitzanl Tlahtanoyan/Lizardmen

Tian'Chao, with your current set of bonuses starts at NEUTRAL to the following factions known to be Present in your operating area:

Leagues of Votann, T'Au Spheres

Tian'Chao, with your current set of bonuses starts at UNFRIENDLY to the following factions known to be Present in your operating area:

Imperium of Man, Maetar Dominate

Tian'Chao, with your current set of bonuses starts at WAR to the following factions known to be Present in your operating area:


Tian'Chao, with your current set of bonuses starts at ANTITHETICAL to the following factions known to be Present in your operating area:

Chaos, Undead, Skaven, Tyranids, Strangers, Greenskins



Clear out Territory 30 of all Greenskins.

Description: The Eldar of the Tarandar territory are beset by the rampaging greenskins of Waaagh! Muchkill, a vicious warlord who has bounced into this galaxy through the will of the Waaagh and overran the Imperials the Aeldari were using as shields. The Asrai, who had been steadily worldshaping seemingly uninhabitable bodies into bountiful gardens have put out a call to their old allies of the Craftworld Confederations of Kushan-Kiithid and Tiradanor, the Corsairs of King Ylderhoc, as well as to the Harlequin Masque of Many Hued Justice to stem the rampant green tide, but actually dealing with greenskins on a permanent basis requires force that few of the many Eldar subcultures are equipped to bring to bear. Deflord Orgus Muchkill has proven impossible to corner and assassinate as his Skrapwurld is crawling with trillions upon trillions of Orks, Grots, Trogs, and other Orkoid biota and his Kommandoz regularly sweep for any "sneakgitz" trying to beeline towards him.

However, Kushan-Kiithid has close ties to the Celestial Realm, not merely through the history of the Zhu Twins' forces having gone out of their way to help the Eldar claim vital pieces of their past and clear aside suitable planets for exodite maiden worlds or launching attacks on daemon worlds of Slaanesh to harvest bumper crops of spirit stones but also the...closer than is professional connection of the much beloved Prince Soba S'jet to the celebrated broker of the deals Xian Zhu Xinyi and his sister's Princess Keren S'Jet's interest in Xinyi's brother Xian Zhu Xiang born principally of the expectation that Aeldari twins should share interests. Thus, the Seer and Autarch council convened in the craftworlds positioned to act against the Greenskins has sent out a formal request for aid from their old friends.

Time is of the essence, Greenskins gather in momentum and mass extremely quickly as they face worthy adversaries and the Aeldari are not suited for the sort of grinder that the Waaagh! can produce. Furthermore the longer Defflord Muchkill is in the area, the more likely that other greenskin hordes will find their way through the will of Gork and Mork to his banner, drawn by the simple presence of a good scrap to be had. The twins agree, the long-term dream of the dragons to one day release the greenskins from the Waaagh! is just that for the foreseeable future, a dream beyond their reach; thus the policy towards the Greenskins is to clear them out; root and branch. However it is ultimately up to the Jianyi (I.E you) to decide the policy here. The Dragons are but guides, you are in command.

Reward: Unlock access to Eldar as mercenary fleets, Credit towards unlocking Aeldari retinue characters, 10 trade POPs, can begin limited tech trade with the Eldar.

Time limit: 1 turn (Urgent)

Hostile Intelligence

Hostile Forces: Three Magnitude 3 Greenskin Fleethorde present (Tier Primus, Low Quality), Three Magnitude 2 Greenskin Fleethordes Present (Tier Primus, Low Quality), Four magnitude 1 Greenskin fleethordes present (Tier Primus, Low Quality). 20 RP worth of Greenskin Battle planetoids present (One category One Attack Moon Constellation, two Category 0 Megadednot constellations)

Greenskin Characters Present: Defflord Orgus Muchkill (Black Ork Warlord), Deffboss Gurtz Murderfist (War Trog Underboss), Mekboss Hrekgor Fastablasta (Hobgrot Mekboss), Sneakboss Skarlotz Eyestabba (Ork Kommando Boss), Painboss Getafix Stabyalater (Ork Painboss), Squigboss Pigkatch Bigtoof (Ork Squig tamer boss), Big Kaptin Boss Fightblitz Killalot (Black Ork Freeboota Kaptin), Big Warpboss Shoutablast Brainshoot (Trog Warphead Boss), Middul Warpboss Zogsmak Squiganator (Ork Warphead Boss), Lil' Warpboss Killeye Meangit (Grot Warphead Boss)

Friendly Intelligence

Friendly Forces: One Magnitude 2 Aeldari Asuryani Fleethorde Present (Tier Maximus, High Quality, effective magnitude High Quality 4), One Magnitude 2 Aeldari Exodite Fleethorde Present (Tier Maximus, High Quality; Effective Magnitude High Quality 4). One magnitude 1 Aeldari Corsair Fleethorde Present (Tier Maximus, high quality, effective magnitude High Quality 3). Harlequin detachment present.

Aeldari Characters Present; Grand Farseer Vrailius Ardanesh (Craftworld Eldar Great Farseer and High Magus), Prince Soba S'jet (Craftworld Eldar Warlock Prince), Princess Keren S'jet (Craftworld Eldar Warlock Princess), Ancient Dranaggah Ironroot (Exodite Treekin Ancient), Queen Velidia Starsong (Corsair Queen), Greater Avatar of Khaine (Greater Avatar of Khaine), Seleneas Shadowstep (Harlequin Grand Troupemaster)

Celestial Realm

Claim Territory 42

Description: Elder sister Miao Ying strongly recommends that you expand to this territory before anyone else can claim this Necron scourged area to better control access to the Taii-Dan wormhole and the Hii-Gara satellite galaxy. If taken, she will be able to petition the Provincial Jianyi to dispatch you the people and resources needed to develop it into a formidable redoubt of Tian'Chao. As this region is completely devoid of even stone age life due to the thoroughness of the Necron annihilation of anything capable of abstract thought or tool use, there would be no resistance to population efforts.

Reward: 15 free POPs, one-time gift of 60 RP, Additional Boon Roll

Time Limit: 2 turns


Clear out Territory 47 and allow Lizardmen to claim it.

Description: The Slann Mage-Priests have sent a psychic communique to the Jianyi stating that they would wish to expand into this territory, but in the interest of minimising losses and continuing to hold back Hive Armada Baphomet, they would prefer to engage in a cooperative endeavour. Displeased by the presence of the Iron Warriors and the powers of the Strangers in this area and wishing to build upon the Astromantic Web, they have gathered forces with the intention of eliminating the enemy presence outright. The teachers have agreed that this is a wise course of action, as doing so would make significant progress towards closing the Vortex of Woe and strengthening this fringe of the Vay-Gir galaxy against the tides of Baphomet.

The Itzecan are somewhat distant to most warmbloods and are not anywhere near as friendly to the Dragon-taught as the Aeldari are in general, but there is a shared opposition to the cosmic forces that would threaten the habitability of real space and a mutual appreciation for very long term thinking that allows for some basis of cooperation. Thus, the Slann have deigned to ask, rather than to tip the hand of fate to manipulate the Tian'Chaoren into doing this for them later. Such is a rather rare occurrence to any polity heavily populated by humans, whom the Mage Priests generally regard warily at best save for their Amazon auxiliaries.

The Slann are patient, and are willing to wait for some time before launching their assault. But they would wish to strike before the war between the Fiends and Iron Warriors can be resolved in either's favour. Something they suspect will happen in a few decades, though who is the more likely winner as of yet remains too volatile to say for certain. They also believe that a fleet of Hive Armada Baphomet will arrive at this territory at some point, and would wish to grow the resources needed to halt them here, rather than hope that these warring menaces won't simply feed the swarm.

Reward: 10 trade POPs, the Lizardmen are pleased, Astromantic web will strengthen realspace in your territory

Time Limit: 3 turns

Hostile Intelligence

Iron Warriors legion (Chaotic Imperials)

Known: Iron Warriors Forces Present: One Magnitude 3 Iron Warriors Fleet Horde (Primus, High Quality), Chaos Space Marine Detachment, Daemon Engine Detachment, Legio Cybernetica Detachment. One Magnitude 3 Dark Mechanicus Fleet Horde (Primus, High Quality), Daemon Engine Detachment, Soul Forge Daemon Detachment, Legio Cybernetica Detachment. Reinforcements requested.

Known Characters Present: Grand Warsmith Guh'Dei Meit (Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine Lord), Arch-Magos Viyels Will (Dark Mechanicus Heretek Arch-Magos)

Cythor Fiends (Army of the Starless Night)

Army of the Starless Night Forces Present: Unknown due to reality distortion, extradimensional incursions registered.

Cythor Fiend Characters Present: Unknown

Friendly Intelligence

Forces Planned: One magnitude 3 Itzecanl Fleet Horde (Maximus, High Quality), Amazon Detachment, 10 RP worth of Itzecanl Battle Planetoids

Planned Characters: Great mage-Priest P'Itzatym (Great Slann Starblood Mage-Priest), Skink Chameleonmaster Ztabinzadahrk (Skink Starblood Chameleonmaster), Saurus Ancientscale Rekturfayc (Saurus Starblood Ancientscale), Kroxigor Forgelord Meinhkraft (Kroxigor Starblooded Forgelord)

Turn Plan​

[]: Write in diplomatic and military plans

Military actions will start tactical phases if opposed by a meaningful amount of enemy force.

Current Income: 20 base income, 20 Trait Income, 50 industrial income. Fleet Upkeep: -8 (High quality upkeep is offset by High grade support). Total: 82.

Current Military Forces: Magnitiude 1 Celestial Fleethorde (Baise De, Extremis, High Quality)
Magnitude 1 Celestial Fleethorde (Heise De, Extremis, High Quality)
Magnitude 2 Celestial Fleethorde (Huise Jandui, Extremis, High Quality)
Magnitude 1 Ogor Fleethorde (Munch, Primus, High Quality)
Magnitude 1 Ogor Fleethorde (Crunch, Primus, High Quality)
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Hmm. My 4x Science Victory heart wants the robots or the human generalists, but we are sorely lacking in espionage so maybe we should take the agents?

I think we go into Square 30 to support the Eldar. Do some more research, maybe start on a research related kiloproject as discussed?
I love that the missions give some direction and reward. I think we plan to help the eldar this turn and then try to assist the lizard men next turn.

For me the choice has to be espionage. We have decent fighters, heroes, scholars, and diplomats, but nothing that would let us sabotage or spy.

Are we allowed to mag up before we take some fights?
We need to clear territory 30 of the greenskins.

However, i do think that we should look into the empire of asherakh, as whatever they are planning can't be good for life.
Hmm. My 4x Science Victory heart wants the robots or the human generalists, but we are sorely lacking in espionage so maybe we should take the agents?

I get the concern about intelligence, but we also have 2 Warp Rifts in our vicinity, which does strengthen the case for the Optimus Prime knockoffs as well.

I think we go into Square 30 to support the Eldar. Do some more research, maybe start on a research related kiloproject as discussed?

Yes to helping Eldar. Unfortunately, the Research is a Megaproject with 700 RP cost. We're going to need a couple more territories integrated and upgraded before we can start on that. Certainly for now, we should upgrade our twins' fleets to Mag 2 and prepare to send them and the Ogors in. Also, purchase 3 research slots to get Ogor Armor and Anti-Matter Boosters.

That's 10+10+14 = 34. I would also upgrade to Excessive Defenses, for another +11 RP, and create another Mag 2 (High Quality) Fleethorde. 34+11+30 = 75. That leaves 7 more RP we can dedicate to espionage purposes, or anything else you can think of.

And we need to contribute more suggestions to the research pile, so here's one.

Anti-Immaterium Teleportation Blockers: Devices that are carefully attuned to prevent the use of teleportation by brute force through the Warp, as opposed to the more refined magical practices of spatial warping, so that sudden assaults this way cannot disrupt Tian'Chao formations (ground and space) and plans.

I'm sure our Fae QM will be able to pretty it up and give it a cost.
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Oh oops I didn't see Research among the megaprojects. Yeah that will take a while. I'm not sure how necessary the additional defenses are right now, but I suppose it does make sense.

Honestly half-tempted to built a Cat 1 or 0 Battleworld; they're surprisingly cheap. We could also look at a Mining Kiloproject to jumpstart our economy further.
I'm not planning on going up to Ridiculous Defenses or anything like that, but I figure adding one extra layer for only 1 additional RP upkeep is an excellent deal. Just to be safe with this clusterfuck of threats. Actually, now that you mentioned the Mining Project...

[X] Plan: 1st Stage Expansion
-[X] Wang Chao-Xing and her brother Wang Zi Rui
-[X] Upgrade Baise De Fleethorde to Mag 2 (10 RP)
-[X] Upgrade Heise De Fleethorde to Mag 2 (10 RP)
-[X] Upgrade Square 36 Defenses to Excessive (11 RP)
-[X] Create Mega-Mining Kiloproject in Square 36 (37 RP)
-[X] Purchase 3 Research Slots (14 RP)
-[X] Research Anti-Matter Boosters (4 slots) and Ogor Armor (2 slots)
-[X] Dispatch Baise De, Heise De, Munch, and Crunch Fleethordes to Square 30 and eliminate the Orks.
-[X] Dispatch elements of Huise Jandui Fleethorde to claim Square 42.
--[X] Spend 56 of the 60 RP reward to upgrade Square 42 to Heartlands.
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