010 - Foundations D
Winner: Continue keeping their attention and avoiding them
Number of voters: 4

You fire off a few more shots to keep their attention, one bumping Piledriver in the shoulder.

"Ow! You little fuckin' bitch!"

He storms after you and swings HARD, catching you in the opposite shoulder, causing you to spin violently and stumble over your own feet. You manage to keep your ground, but hot, blistering pain is radiating through your shoulder. You wonder if something was broken, but you couldn't hear it snap due to the weird dampening? It felt like ten different punches hit you at once, like a pneumatic mattock struck you repeatedly, but in one single motion! The technology in those things is incredible, but you're having a hard time appreciating it while your arm is on fire. The fact that you can still feel the pain shooting through your limb is probably a good sign, and you can still move your fingers. Just as soon as you're feeling comfortable, a pair of huge arms wraps around you. Your own limbs are still free, but the one called Wrecker has you in a reverse bearhug.

"OK! That's enougha that!"

You kick your feet as he pulls you off the ground, but you can't find purchase. Suddenly, in a puff of purple smoke with an odd noise following him, Nightcrawler appears in front of your eyes!

"Ah! Glücksfall! Whe--OH!" He seems to have seen you before Wrecker and Piledriver somehow. He adopts a more shocked, defensive posture, his tail whipping around him. "What should I do!?" You imagine he's deferring to you because you're the one who's grappled.

What Should Kurt Do?
[ ] [FIGHT] Get you free
[ ] [FIGHT] Help you escape
[ ] [FIGHT] Keep Piledriver busy while you fight Wrecker

OOC: As another question, next week is Christmas. As we are many people in many different countries, some of which are far into the future, despite the fact that I have Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday EST off, I'm not sure how much player base is going to be here. So, while I have no problem updating, I'm not sure if there will be much of a point to it if the rest of the thread is hanging out with their families or whatever. Hence; a vote!

Should the Thread Update Through Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day?
[ ] [XMAS] Yes, update every day if you can.
[ ] [XMAS] No, take four days off.
[X] [XMAS] No, take four days off.

Go spend time with your family and have some good Christmas cheer. God knows the world needs as much as it can get right now.
[X] [FIGHT] Get you free
[X] [XMAS] Yes, update every day if you can.

If you have the time and interest to update everyday then its fine.
[x] [FIGHT] Keep Piledriver busy while you fight Wrecker

On the XMAS Issue - both are fine; I'd say update when you want, no need to commit hard right now.
I'll be spending time with them the same amount either way. This is purely to get a measure of who will be around to play along.
Fair enough. I wont be around anyway..... 6 uncles and their families, my parents, and 7 siblings (6 older brothers and one little sister) all coming down to spend time with me these holidays.... It is going to be anarchy.... Pray for me?
[X] [FIGHT] Get you free
[X] [XMAS] Yes, update every day if you can.

Reminder that Vilina has Strength and Athletics scores of 1 - there's no way she's escaping a solid grapple without help.
[X] [FIGHT] Get you free
[X] [XMAS] Yes, update every day if you can.
Speaking of, next time can we finally level that stuff up?

I mean, it's a question of to what extent we want to be a specialist versus a generalist. Being average at everything is boring, so obviously some amount of specialization is important, which means improving our areas of focus by sacrificing in others. Given that, I think there's an argument to be made that we shouldn't bother spending arc rewards on STR/ATH/END, in favor of just using our end-of-year daily-workout bonuses (assuming we plan to keep that routine up) to get them up to acceptably mediocre levels.
Alright, I've got some time while reports compile at work, let's talk potential attributes
Here's Vilina's current stat array

Strength - 1
Athletics - 1
Endurance - 2
Accuracy - 3
Perception - 3
Aptitude - 8
Will - 5
Charisma - 4

Total: 26
That 26 out of a possible 40 points that we should have by the time we graduate.
Leaving us with 14 points to work with. Now obviously what we get as options is determined by our actions, so we probably won't get anything I'm talking about exactly. But from a purely mechanical standpoint I'd like to get something like
Strength - 3
Athletics - 3
Endurance - 4
Accuracy - 4
Perception - 4
Aptitude - 8
Will - 6
Charisma - 8
Total: 40
Now on to the reason for this. Again this is mostly just about mechanics.
Let's start with Charisma. This is our big power governing ability; powers that have durations last for our CHA in turns and CHA is one of the things that governs Energy, so we want that maxed if we can. Not to mention CHA governs the base check of the Persuade skill, and a base check of an 11 when the max in the system is about 20 (rolling a 12 on a +8 skill) sounds pretty great to me.

Now on to Endurance and Will. I lump them together because the both effect our Grip check. Both should be pretty high to keep that in a good range. Endurance also affects our Energy, so we don't want to just let it fall off even if we can get the Survivor trait and get all of our Grip bonus from Will. Now if we got access to a trait that makes it so all our Energy comes from CHA, then I say we could take that trait+survivor and leave End at 2. Frees up two points to give us a +8 Wil.

The remainder of our points I set to shoring up our glaring weaknesses in Strength and Athletics and putting a little emphasis on Perception and Accuracy because we're a ranged fighter more than a melee one.
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010 - Foundations E
Now if we got access to a trait that makes it so all our Energy comes from CHA.

OOC: Knew it felt like I forgot something. So mote it be.

WINNER: [FIGHT] Get you free
Number of voters: 8
WINNER: [XMAS] Yes, update every day if you can.
Number of voters: 7

"Get this guy offa me, please!"

Telepathic communication is superior to verbal when it comes to a fight. Obviously now Wrecker is going to know Kurt is trying to free you, but the blue-furred young Avenger just happens to be fast enough to make it count. He places his unique hands and feet flat against the floor not unlike a frog and LEAPS off, gaining extra momentum as he does and landing a kick square in Wrecker's shoulder! The connected arm jerks a bit, but he keeps a tight hold on you as Nightcrawler lands on the other side.

"Verdammt! Sorry, Glücksfall!"

"It's OK! Just keep at it!" You yourself throw a few kicks into the general direction of his knees, but it's hard to find purchase enough to put weight behind them.

"Just-- calm down, dammit!" Wrecker grumbles. "An' call off yer friends! This ain't a party! The more people see us, the worse we're gonna have to get!"

"C'mere you little FREAK!" Piledriver charges toward Kurt with both hands swinging. You can see the power fist heading right for his chest, and you've SEEN what one of those can do to inanimate objects. You'd hate to think of what may happen to Kurt's admittedly lithe body. His bright yellow eyes grow wide as the blow comes toward him, but you intercede with your abilities and Piledriver loses his footing on a bit of debris, causing the blow to catch him less fully in the arm. Even stil, Kurt is spun to the side. His arm doesn't look broken, but the cries of pain he's making aren't exactly encouraging as he hugs it tight.

9/12 Energy remaining.
You have forsaken your next Indirect Action to use Tilt the Scales to save Kurt's life.

What Should You Do Next?
[ ] [YOU] Try to get free on your own
[ ] [YOU] Use your Tilt the Scales to extend Just Lucky, I Guess to Kurt
[ ] [YOU] Try to shoot Wrecker

- This attack will be Clumsy because you are facing away from Wrecker
[ ] [YOU] Try to shoot Piledriver

- This attack will be Clumsy due to being grappled by Wrecker
[ ] [YOU] Write-in

What Should Kurt Do Next?
[ ] [KURT] Attempt to get you free
[ ] [KURT] Fight back against Piledriver
[ ] [KURT] Escape to safety
[ ] [KURT] Write-in
[X] [YOU] Use your Tilt the Scales to extend Just Lucky, I Guess to Kurt
[X] [KURT] Attempt to get you free

Our primary goal here isn't to win the fight, it's to stall until the rest of our team can catch up, or to escape if things get bad enough. That means we should focus on getting Vilina free & keeping Kurt safe; this distribution of those tasks plays better to our respective strengths than would the reverse.