Okay so this is actually a very good thing we can use the Aliens as an excuse to find out more IC about Nerve Like say the Giant angel in their basement.... that would raise more than a few concerns IC and Would give us a very valid reason to get involved over here

I say we fight them but allow them to Break the entrance to Terminal Dogma so when we kill them we have a reason to look in there and spot the GIANT ANGEL
[X] Split up. Two squads go to the UFO, 4 squads, including our veterans go to Terminal Dogma to save NERV. Eliminator Usage should be a mix of Own Damn Doors and Support. While Blowing up EVERYTHING would probably solve several problems, it'd earn us the enmity of some of NERV, and while we don't much care over that, it may not be something we can afford RIGHT this second. Maybe send one Eliminator Squad to the UFO, the other to NERV?
The Eliminators are more or less useless at NERV. By the time they arrive, the aliens will be inside, too deep for the gunships to reach.
Just wondering here. What exactly is the competence level of NERVs security forces?
Just wondering here. What exactly is the competence level of NERVs security forces?
They're scrubs:
NERV security team: Skill 3, Tech PMC.
JSSDF infantry squad: Skill 5, Tech Military.
JSSDF Special Operations team/XCOM Base Security team: Skill 10, Tech Military.
XCOM Operations Squad (Rookies): Skill 15, Tech Military.
As it says on the front page in the wall o' text, Skill 3 Tech PMC and the Security special rule. So complete shit basically.

As a rumination on the PMC vs military split, PMC would be our low level military, e.g basic helmet, Kevlar, quality submachine gun, etc. Military is more XCOM grade, with the advanced HUD and the ultra high tech ceramic body armor, and the X-9 does to regular rifles what Ravens do to F-22s, which is roughly what F-22s do to F-4 Phantoms.

Eva and XCOM are much more advanced than modern Earth, so the Military/PMC distinction is another way to show the difference between the forces that matter and the scrubs.
I dunno. Loads is my guess. Point is NERV are useless, don't expect them to help.

Also, votes. Even if you just agree with Traveller7's plan, votes. I need them so I can update (but not until tomorrow admittedly.)
I dunno. Loads is my guess. Point is NERV are useless, don't expect them to help.

Also, votes. Even if you just agree with Traveller7's plan, votes. I need them so I can update (but not until tomorrow admittedly.)

Well, what did we gain from all the research mechanically?

[X] Split up. Two squads go to the UFO, 4 squads, including our veterans go to Terminal Dogma to save NERV. Eliminator Usage should be a mix of Own Damn Doors and Support. While Blowing up EVERYTHING would probably solve several problems, it'd earn us the enmity of some of NERV, and while we don't much care over that, it may not be something we can afford RIGHT this second. Maybe send one Eliminator Squad to the UFO, the other to NERV?
Well, what did we gain from all the research mechanically?

[X] Split up. Two squads go to the UFO, 4 squads, including our veterans go to Terminal Dogma to save NERV. Eliminator Usage should be a mix of Own Damn Doors and Support. While Blowing up EVERYTHING would probably solve several problems, it'd earn us the enmity of some of NERV, and while we don't much care over that, it may not be something we can afford RIGHT this second. Maybe send one Eliminator Squad to the UFO, the other to NERV?
Both eliminators have to go to the UFO, since they won't be able to fit into terminal dogma.
Working on it!

I'm the planner! *squee!*
Good. I apparently need to keep you away from magical girl quests because of this shit:
I'd rather advocate ripping their arms off, since they can't re-spawn those endlessly, and they are clearly experienced enough to deal with that kind of bodily trauma to some extent. I mean, the other girl is down an arm and a leg!

Also, I'm beggining to suspect that 'Systemic Overload' isn't talking about us... It's talking about the entire situation in Tokyo.
That's for quests like these, dammit. (Did someone say assassination?)

Well, what did we gain from all the research mechanically?
Med-Kits: 5 points.
-Gave med-kits.
Satellite Fine-tuning: 5 points.
-Don't need to roll for UFO hunting.
Xeno Technology: 10 points.
-Can research alien tech.
Blood Type Blue?: 5 points.
-Does shit by itself.
Beam Basics: 10 points.
-Does shit by itself.
Sectoid Autopsy: 5 points.
-See know your enemy on the XCOM squads.
Alien Materials: 15 points, 10 Alien Alloys.
-Unlocks a lot of stuff.
Vehicles (Air): 10 points.
-Gives air vehicles.
Thin Man Autopsy- 5 points.
-See know your enemy on the XCOM squads.
Beam Weapons- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
-Gives lasers.
Right, this is a bit of a conundrum. But, top priority is definitely the preservation of NERV, since XCOM is not prepared to deal with the Angel Menace. As important as seizing an intact UFO is, we have enough alternative research to put that off, and our terrible rolls recently make me reluctant to take chances, especially when we only have 2 promoted squads. So, as tragic as this is...

[X] All Skyrangers will move to Terminal Dogma.
[X] The Eliminators will 'eliminate' the X-RAY Scout

This plan is very much about 'playing it safe', so if you'd rather try and take the scout, I suggest Traverler7's plan, since that is basically my alternative choice. In fact, my first thought was to do almost (if not actually) exactly what he's doing. Then I realized that there's bloody floater's at NERV, and decided that risking our veteran's on an even fight is not something I'm willing to leave to the cursed dice.
So, do we have to save the organization trying to bring about total apocalypse, for all we know the xenos are helping by vaporising Lilith and permanently stopping third impact. What are the consequences for not deploying?
So, do we have to save the organization trying to bring about total apocalypse, for all we know the xenos are helping by vaporising Lilith and permanently stopping third impact. What are the consequences for not deploying?
Well, since we don't know this In Character ... Yes, we DO need to save NERV. Especially since I'm planning on launching a coup against SEELE next turn, and I want NERV intact enough for us to lord over them so that they can continue to fight off the Angel Menace.
Well, since we don't know this In Character ... Yes, we DO need to save NERV. Especially since I'm planning on launching a coup against SEELE next turn, and I want NERV intact enough for us to lord over them so that they can continue to fight off the Angel Menace.
Exactly. If we knew that in character, it might be a wise idea, but only IF we knew it in character AND had evidence to prove it. As we have neither... We need to save NERV.

As for launching a coup against SEELE next turn, i'm not yet sure we know enough about them to do so to full effectiveness. Another turn or two of research might be necessary. The moonbase, the ubersoldats and the like. Wish we had a way to assault that moon base of theirs...
Exactly. If we knew that in character, it might be a wise idea, but only IF we knew it in character AND had evidence to prove it. As we have neither... We need to save NERV.

As for launching a coup against SEELE next turn, i'm not yet sure we know enough about them to do so to full effectiveness. Another turn or two of research might be necessary. The moonbase, the ubersoldats and the like. Wish we had a way to assault that moon base of theirs...
If I wanted to destroy SEELE, I'd agree that this is somewhat immature. However, my goal is to cripple, if not totally remove, their ability to interfere with XCOM. Removing them from the UN will cripple their over-the-table political power, and give us more leniency in any future efforts to annex their assets for our own use.

Additionally, with the UN more favorably predisposed to XCOM, and with this most recent alien incursion, along with it's implications, it shouldn't be at all difficult for XCOM to begin supplanting NERV's security with our own people. Full annexation of NERV by XCOM is unlikely at such an early stage, but this would be the first step towards rooting out it's mysteries, although it will almost certainly have it's own tricks to play in this regard.

The Council moves ever closer towards World Domination!
If I wanted to destroy SEELE, I'd agree that this is somewhat immature. However, my goal is to cripple, if not totally remove, their ability to interfere with XCOM. Removing them from the UN will cripple their over-the-table political power, and give us more leniency in any future efforts to annex their assets for our own use.

Additionally, with the UN more favorably predisposed to XCOM, and with this most recent alien incursion, along with it's implications, it shouldn't be at all difficult for XCOM to begin supplanting NERV's security with our own people. Full annexation of NERV by XCOM is unlikely at such an early stage, but this would be the first step towards rooting out it's mysteries, although it will almost certainly have it's own tricks to play in this regard.

The Council moves ever closer towards World Domination!

All true, and using our security people to replace NERV's would be an AMAZING outcome for this, but do we have enough evidence against SEELE in order to get them removed from the UN and power in general?

If we can then I might be all for it, though I am worried they'll drop into the shadows and team up with/form EXALT. Still. It'd be a fairly major blow to SEELE, it's just that I want to learn all we can while they're underestimating us, THEN crush or seriously cripple them in an instant.

Edit: In case anyone's wondering, hit up an XCOM generator for two operation names for our UFO strike and our NERV saving. What came up was Lost Grave, and Glass Crown.
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[X] Bring everyone
[X] Eliminators are to hang around and stay ready to bomb the crap out of any hostiles that might come up as a valid target.
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All true, and using our security people to replace NERV's would be an AMAZING outcome for this, but do we have enough evidence against SEELE in order to get them removed from the UN and power in general?

If we can then I might be all for it, though I am worried they'll drop into the shadows and team up with/form EXALT. Still. It'd be a fairly major blow to SEELE, it's just that I want to learn all we can while they're underestimating us, THEN crush or seriously cripple them in an instant.
Doop-de-doo, ah, here it is, turn 4. We have enough intel to oust them, but we may not yet have enough clout to follow through though. Hmph. Now I'm reconsidering what to do with that UFO... bah, staying with my current plan for now, maybe someone else will convince me otherwise.

[X] Bring everyone
[X] Eliminators are to chase off the UFO, or shoot it down if at all possible, but don't leave the combat zone. We don't know when we might need that firepower.
The UFO (that's a misnomer at this point, really) is already down, and the Eliminators can't help at NERV...
SEELE... can be ousted with a solid chance of success next tern, if you like Über-Soldats in your base, killing your dudes. Certainly a valid and interesting option though.

The moon base assault is still a long way off. A really long way off if you destroy the current UFO.

The earlier you annex NERV, the earlier you can change NGE canon, certainly.

The alien's objective...

They're heading to Terminal Dogma with a giant bomb, what do you think?