I'd say dump the Thin Man research and us the extra research to finish Air Vehicles in one turn. The +5 to fighting versus Thin Men could be useful, but we need the air vehicles a lot more at this point I think.
But, but my bonus! NOOO! *sob* It's done, you monster!
Oh, I also found I mis-spelled 'air', so I got to fix that, at least.
But, but my bonus! NOOO! *sob* It's done, you monster!
Oh, I also found I mis-spelled 'air', so I got to fix that, at least.

Excellent. All goes according to my plan. Soon enough, my XCOM shall be powerful enough to destroy these alien foes, and end those fools in SEELE and NERV as well... The threat of the third Impact shall be eliminated, and when all is said and done.... Mmhmmhmm...Mwahahaha... Ahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Week 4 Results
Another week, another round of heavy production in engineering. Three SHIVs, another Skyranger squadron, and three more Operation Teams, but the real highlight are the Ravens. You now have 10 at every continental air base, and with their new Phoenix Cannons you're feeling much more confident about UFO attacks. Dr Shen has something nice for you as well.

"The team is calling them "Reaper Rounds", Commander. With the new analysis of the alien materials coming in, we've calculated that should our men face armored foes with their current weapons, they would be severely under-gunned. While research is working on a solution, these should provide a stopgap measure."
New Foundry Project: Reaper Rounds! 40 credits to design and implement.

You've informed the council about everything you have on SEELE. While they were already informed by your reports, a detailed Q&A helps put their mind at ease and makes them understand everything properly. All they can do for now is to attempt to limit SEELE's influence in the UN, however.

Speaking of the UN, you order your agents to do a complete search of it to learn its affiliation. SEELE counter-intel seems to be a bit sloppy. You think they hide on the basis that no one even has a clue that they exist. That has changed. They're tightening security in some areas though. Lorenz had a very high number of agents assigned to him, and they all knew he was SEELE, and he still almost escaped detection. Nevertheless you have him and several other important members of the UN pegged as SEELE. They wield a disproportionate amount of influence, but if they were outed the remainder of the UN should be able to oust them. Predictably, stereo-typically even, they have a higher presence in scientific areas, and a lower area in human rights and such. You can't out them yet, of course. They still wield great power. But if your alien technology based advances pan out, you could turn the tides...

Research goes excellently. First off, you've finally got the Alien Materials project done and dusted. You can finally, properly turn the tide, as Research is proposing two new projects.
Carapace Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
This will be the beginning of a new generation of armors, Commander. To start with, we've decided to test the waters with a simple design. Carapace Armor uses extremely similar designs to present armors, using only a few improvements that can be made from the increased strength of the alloys. While a soldier's movement will be slightly slowed, this is more than made up for by the extensive increase in protection offered by this armor. With your permission, we can finalise the design and have a production model rolled out in no time.
-Dr Vahlen
Laser Weapons- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
What Carapace is to armor, lasers are to weaponry. Using our newfound knowledge of laser weaponry and our ability to use alloys as a combined superconductor and heat sink (their versatility and properties continue to amaze me) the research team has come up with a design for a new multipurpose laser rifle. This will provide an extensive firepower boost, but more importantly will provide increased accuracy, ammo-capacity, firing rate and armor piercing for UFOs. While there are ways to adapt these for specialist use, we will have to perform additional research to get our shotguns, LMGs and sniper rifles up to an acceptable standard.
-Dr Vahlen

There is also a new line of aerial vehicles that can be put into production immediately.

"We may have went a bit overboard, Commander."

Of course, it wouldn't be a week without an alien attack, but this one is rather more serious. Bradford explains it in the situation room.

"We think it's a bomb, commander. We detected UFO signals over Argentinian airspace, and we believe the alien's have dropped off bomb parts in a major city, to be assembled on site. We haven't gotten reports on Sectoids, but that just means the troops will have to deal with Thin Men. We've already got men on the way and birds in the air, but you have strategic command. What'll it be, Commander?"

Council Mission: Bomb Defusal! Failure will mean the loss of all squads and Argentina leaving the council. What's the plan? Fast or slow? Stick together or split up? All SHIVs deployed, Veterans deployed.
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I really, REALLY wish that bomb defusal mission had come in two more turns so we could've had Carapace Armor and Laser Weapons... Even ONE more would've let us use Reaper Rounds. Okay everyone. We need a plan. I vote for stick together and slow scouting, with an option to start moving fast if needed and when we figure out where we need to go to disarm it. Not a GOOD plan, but, i'm looking for help and suggestions here. @EternalStruggle how unlucky ARE we that we get a bomb defusal mission now? And, what are the odds that we can handle this particular mission?
[X] Fast and Split Up
We'll be racing against time if this is a bomb disposal mission. Also, we'll be facing Thin Men so we should split up. If we all group together they can just hit all our troops with acid in one go.
If you're wondering, these missions are fiat. I'm not rolling, I just decided it was bomb defusal time. You can probably handle it unless the rolls continue as they have, in which case it could get dicey.
If you're wondering, these missions are fiat. I'm not rolling, I just decided it was bomb defusal time. You can probably handle it unless the rolls continue as they have, in which case it could get dicey.
I had been wondering, so it's nice to get an answer there. Thanks. Yeah, given how the rolls have been going, i'm rather worried.

...So uh. Do the medkits make us poison immune like they do in the game? That'd be helpful.
[X] Fast and Split Up

Might want to change what you're using for rolls, like the site or something. I dunno. What ever you are using now seems cursed.
[X] Stick together, move fast.

Right, this is how I see the options given: Fast means we risk higher casualties, but decrease the odds of the bomb exploding without us being able to get near it, while slow will increase survival at the risk of mission failure. Sticking together means that we have all our guys within the same vicinity, ready to support each other, and will be able to bully through most resistance. However, presuming that the bomb doesn't have a giant glowing sign on it, telling us where it is, than it means we may end up spending more time searching the area to find the damn thing.

So, my plan in greater detail would be:

Fan out, and sweep forward in the general direction we think the bomb is. Teams will remain within sight/support distance of each other. Swift advance, sticking close to cover (advance through buildings?), but until we make contact, the priority is making time. Advance into greatest resistance, on theory that is where the bomb is. Hope it conveniently glows.
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However, presuming that the bomb doesn't have a giant glowing sign on it, telling us where it is, than it means we may end up spending more time searching the area to find the damn thing.

In XCOM Bomb Missions, the actual bomb is surrounded by scattered power nodes, that are responsible for charging it. Disabling those delays the bomb exploding. But yes, speed and covering lots of ground efficiently remain big issues, which is why those missions are commonly held as the most difficult ones, next to Terror Sites.
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So, no one wants to hedge just a little bit on surviving contact with the enemy? No? Ah well, less budget for me... :cry: my budget...
I'm, tempted, and was originally going for sticking together, but i'm not sure which way to go. Splitting up would be wise to find it as soon as possible. Sticking together means we won't die due to aliens. But, if we can't find and disarm the bomb in time, we all die anyways...
I'm, tempted, and was originally going for sticking together, but i'm not sure which way to go. Splitting up would be wise to find it as soon as possible. Sticking together means we won't die due to aliens. But, if we can't find and disarm the bomb in time, we all die anyways...
Meh, I'm more worried about ending up being defeated in detail, although charging the wrong way is a semi-valid concern.

@EternalStruggle Will our guys on the ground have a vague sense for which way to go, when searching for the bomb?

...oh also, YOUR THE ONE WHO TALKED ME OUT OF THE AUTOPSY! New policy, always do autopsies ASAP, no matter what it might delay!
Would it be possible to get the Argentine military involved? We could use more cannon fodder if anything else and it's generally hard to work on a bomb when you're being shot at.
Would it be possible to get the Argentine military involved? We could use more cannon fodder if anything else and it's generally hard to work on a bomb when you're being shot at.
If the Argentinians can do anything, they've probably already done it. XCOM is here to do what they can't, and anything else they send now will barely qualify as chaff. Honestly, any time spent waiting for them would be better spent forging ahead without them.
Meh, I'm more worried about ending up being defeated in detail, although charging the wrong way is a semi-valid concern.

@EternalStruggle Will our guys on the ground have a vague sense for which way to go, when searching for the bomb?

...oh also, YOUR THE ONE WHO TALKED ME OUT OF THE AUTOPSY! New policy, always do autopsies ASAP, no matter what it might delay!
My apologies again for that. In my defense, how was I supposed to know we'd have to deal with a sudden influx of Thin Men!? I assumed we'd have an extra turn before this sort of thing happened and horrors went down. Hm. Maybe we should add to the vote to use plenty of heavy weapons and thus hopefully minimize losses?
My apologies again for that. In my defense, how was I supposed to know we'd have to deal with a sudden influx of Thin Men!? I assumed we'd have an extra turn before this sort of thing happened and horrors went down. Hm. Maybe we should add to the vote to use plenty of heavy weapons and thus hopefully minimize losses?
No hard feelings, I DID change the plan, after all. Still, being XCOMis brutal like that. Apparently, there's a reason we have so many more toys when compared to everyone else!

Also, 'Excessive Force is Authorised' really should be the first line in every XCOM feild operative's guide book. Hm, maybe we should check that, later?
Also, 'Excessive Force is Authorised' really should be the first line in every XCOM feild operative's guide book. Hm, maybe we should check that, later?
Actually the first line is "Pillage, the burn." Excessive force leads to more explosions which leads to less loot which leads to less tech which leads to more dead soldiers which leads to the earth getting a brand new set of alien overlords.