Arbit post: 4695356 said:
We need one Raven wing in Africa, it is the only continent without cover and the council should like that all c0ntinents are covered. Well there is Australia ss well, if it is not covered under Asia.
Meh, I'll do It next week when I do another triple run of Ravens. I suppose I could do it this week, but I'ld rather double up on all of our defensive flights.
Just for some background, this project was done by a researcher with insomnia, planing on doing something productive with his off time. It's been provided to the commander now that it's nearly done.

OMAKE : The science of shielding.

Research Project : Svalinn
Main Researcher : Jhonathan Collins
Goal : Protect fighter craft and infantry from alien plasma.

An analysis of recovered amor and other evidence form aircraft and infantry casualties and fatalities alike have confirmed a previous hypothesis : Alien Weaponry is primarily consistent of plasma projectors, which deal damage by launching masses of high-velocity, high temperature ions. The prototypes produced by this project will be tested with in-house plasma torches, using proportionally scaled down defensive emplacements.

The original system developed was the MK 0.1 to the MK 0.3 variants that culminated in the The Svalinn MK 0.3.43.

The Svalinn MK 0.3.43 infantry deployable variant system utilises utilises high-frequency alternating polarity magnetic pulses to vibrate incoming plasma bolts and force them to loose cohesion. In the experiments this was demonstrated in the Plasma torch demonstrating a "blooming" effect resulting from a disruption on the magnetic containment of the torch and oscillations within the plasma itself. This "bloom" results in a drastically reduced range, as the now different structure of the plasma cone quickly looses heat to the surroundings.

Furthermore, predictions in the field includes disruption in the plasma bolt structure leading to drag, which not only slows down the bolt, but further aggravates heat loss and deformation as the plasma is redistributed by air currents. Simulations using a magnetic bottle generator suggest elongated bolt structure and possible plasma loss resulting in a 45-75% decrease in lethality.

Similar situations with the possibility of an magnetic bottle generator fired with the bolt predicts similar decreases of lethality, in addition to an added drop in accuracy of over 30%.

However, given the fact that the aliens have shown the capability of some form of movement without using obvious propellant a third simulation was undertaken with the possibility of some form of attractive force within the plasma. This results in a lowered rate of success in the disruption of the plasma bolt. In fact, the drop in effectiveness is nearly 50% at a force similar to a 1G of acceleration 1mm away from the center of mass. This simulation was undertaken to understand possible alien systems and is relatively unlikely given the observed structure of alien plasma "bolts". Both helmet camera footage and civilian footage indicate a long magnetic barrel extending the physical barrel of the weapon.

However, these iterations of the Svalinn were abandoned due to tactical implications. In fact the main issue of the Svalinn produced was that it produced immense amounts of radio waves and cause a large amount of disturbance in radio communication. As such the disadvantage of the previous Svalinn were considered to be far greater than the advantage of a possible omni-directional regenerative defence.

The Svalinn MK 0.4.19 K.I.S.S. variant infantry system is a large riot shield shaped device. This system uses composite amor formed from layers of various materials. In order, starting from the exposed face is : a layer of high-tungsten steel, kevlar, copper scale-mail, kevlar, ceramic, a thin 3mm layer of aerogel, ceramic, tungsten steel and a heavily insulated handling system. This also includes a number of high-traction 'feet' and wheels to allow the shield to be placed down so as to allow the soldier to rest himself and allow a certain amount of cover as well as move the system without unnecessarily exposing their legs.

The Svalinn MK 0.4 variants are notably limited in that they will provide a limited amount of protection in any encounter. Not only are the Svalinn limited in size due to the obvious carrying constraints but buildup of damage over time means that the svalinn will only protect against a limited number of shots. Should the plasma impact too many times, roughly five to seven times rapidly within a palm sized area, the shield may be break. This would allow the aliens to target such a weakness and bypass the defence completely. It also does not provide protection against plasma enhanced explosives. However, this variant of the Svalinn system is constructed using earth native technologies and can be mass produced. Furthermore, as long as the Svalinn is not breached, it will provide near complete defence against the alien plasma.

A slightly modified version, the Svalinn MK 0.5, is under construction for possible field testing.

Little progress has been made on the aircraft variant but some versions (MK 0.4.8 and MK 0.4.9) show that it might be possible to create an ablative scale that would shed when the plasma impacts, reducing damage due to heat. Physical damage due to the detonation is difficult to mitigate further.
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While Dr Collins is a brilliant young man, one I am very pleased to have in my employ, as always he is prone to releasing his findings and projects too soon. While the Svalinn K.I.S.S (I see your acronym, do not be ashamed that you have, ah, eccentric ideas Dr Collins) may well provide heavy cover for advancing troops, it would come at a noticeable loss of tactical capability. The problem is I fear that while the design would prove highly effective against the Sectoids, there are others. Simulating against the 'Outsiders' plasma rifle shows a simple three shot burst would be enough to penetrate the device. As such, I would recommend skipping this avenue of troop improvement commander.
- Dr Vahlen

Despite the good doctor's salient points, the work that has gone into this design may not be wasted. I spoke with the man, and we have altered the design, taking only a few of its components to make a what we call a 'nano-fiber vest'. While still not useful to our field agents in and of itself, this design may prove useful for other purposes in the future, with the right materials and opportunities of course.
- Dr Shen

Shield itself found non-feasible. Future Gene-Mod unlocked: Iron Skin.
EternalStruggle threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: UN Petition Total: 141
41 41 100 100
EternalStruggle threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: SEELE Infiltration Total: 70
70 70
EternalStruggle threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM Total: 100
100 100
While Dr Collins is a brilliant young man, one I am very pleased to have in my employ, as always he is prone to releasing his findings and projects too soon. While the Svalinn K.I.S.S (I see your acronym, do not be ashamed that you have, ah, eccentric ideas Dr Collins) may well provide heavy cover for advancing troops, it would come at a noticeable loss of tactical capability. The problem is I fear that while the design would prove highly effective against the Sectoids, there are others. Simulating against the 'Outsiders' plasma rifle shows a simple three shot burst would be enough to penetrate the device. As such, I would recommend skipping this avenue of troop improvement commander.
- Dr Vahlen

Despite the good doctor's salient points, the work that has gone into this design may not be wasted. I spoke with the man, and we have altered the design, taking only a few of its components to make a what we call a 'nano-fiber vest'. While still not useful to our field agents in and of itself, this design may prove useful for other purposes in the future, with the right materials and opportunities of course.
- Dr Shen

Shield itself found non-feasible. Future Gene-Mod unlocked: Iron Skin.
I am determined to do better than that, so let me present the slightly more legitimate adventures of Jonathan Collins, X-Com Scientist.

Omake : The internet does help.

Jhon was, once again up late at night, when he came across a rather interesting video. Sighing, he shut down his computer and headed to the lab.

Project : Beam Basics
Sub-Project : Fairy Lights
Primary Researcher : Dr. Jhonathan Collins
Proposal : A refinement of the current focusing systems in use and a change in the operating frequencies of the Beam Basics project.

Inspired by work done by a number of universities in Tokyo, the proposed fairy lights modification to the laser system is designed to utilise variable focus mirrors to focus the beams from the laser generation to create plasma voxels within the target being.

The current system for the Beam Basics project utilises the visible and near-visible spectra of light as the main avenue of research due to the greater capacity in our understanding of optics within this spectra. The proposed modification would allow us to work with x-ray lasers which would allow greater range and throughput.

The current fairy lights prototype FL0.4.33 uses three free electron lasers to provide x-rays for the proposed weapons. The FELs utilise superconductive electron guns and superconducting electromagnets for the undulator, allowing for strong yet very compact FELs.

The superconductive electron gun is a relatively simple, though optimised, design. It uses superconductors to produce a λ/v phased ultra-high c-frac bunch-rich electron stream, allowing for an earlier high-gain regime within the undulator.

The undulator itself is constructed from superconductors, which allow it to be constructed from far more powerful compact electromagnets. This allows a greater amplitude within the resultant x-rays which in turn produce higher power x-rays.

However, the greatest benefit is the ability to utilise a resonator type FEL to produce the x-rays.

Resonator x-ray FELs are not possible normally, as earth has yet to develop a efficient enough x-ray mirror, however, samples taken from the hull of the downed UFO have shown that one of the alien alloys utilised in it's construction is capable of reflecting the radiation**. After several attempts, we were able to utilise a one of the previous failed prototypes* from the larger Beam Basics project to act as a make-shift laser crucible to vaporise the material and coat the mirrors necessary for the FEL. This has allowed a significant increase the pulse power produced when running laser.

This in combination with the ability to reduce the size of the variable focal length mirror array for the lasers has allowed the three FEL to reside within the frame of the laser rifle and two, with the undulator reduced to 1/4 length, within the laser pistol.

In the proposed modifications, a laser rangefinder included within the rifle, provides the position of the target. The processors are currently set to automatically add 25 millimetres to the range determined by the rangefinder. Once the system has set the appropriate focal length, a process we have managed to reduce down to 0.001 seconds, the FEL will activate, projecting a beam into the target.

Due to the added 25 mm this will produce a high-intensity plasma voxel within the target, vaporising the surrounding flesh and causing a small explosion.

Tests preformed on ballistics gel and animal carcasses have produced large gouging wounds several inches deep and have both vaporised and cracked bones. Shots to the head are even more gruesome, with any shot to the forehead resulting in the brain being rendered into slop and in the case of a direct hit on the pupil, the eyes exploding out of their sockets as the brain behind it is vaporised.

Researcher notes :
*The prototype referenced here was the already obsolete MK 0.04.16, it has since been returned and FL0.3.75 is currently being used to power the laser crucible.
**This data was contributed by Dr. Jones on the Alien Materials project.

Jhonathan looked at his report once again, then to the prototype laser rifle that he had designed. After first making sure the super-conductive power-pack was removed. He put the weapon in it's case, the two power packs slotted in the holders beside it. Closing the case, he placed the printed out report on the box and gingerly carried it to Dr. Vahlen's desk.

Asking her to look over it, he went back to his workstation for the rest of the day's work.
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[X] XCOM Security Team x5 (half a company): 10 Credits
Hey, remember when I said something about expanding security? Yeah, now feels like a good time.
Sub-Total: 10 credits

Engineering Queue:
[X] Basic S.H.I.V. x2: 10 Credits
This will give us as many SHIVS as can currently be deployed. Probably get a new Skyranger next turn.
[X] Raven Wing x3: 90 Credits
-[X] Europe x1
-[X] North America x1
[X] Modify Avalanche missiles to sacrifice range for acceleration (increasing burn rate in exchange for efficiency) Name : Landslide missiles. Pair Landslide and Avalanche missiles for use on Raven Wing squadrons. (30 credits)
Total: 110 Credits

[X] Beam Basics: 8 points (+2 = 10/10 points)
Stuff like this is why we need an excess budget (although it may not give us anything yet)
[X] Sectoid Autopsy: 5 points
Pick this up along the way, and start the grand tradition of mutilating/cannibalizing the bodies of our fallen foes!
[X] Alien Materials: 4 points (/15 points)
We need to get addicted to this!

[X] Petition UN for additional funding
Staying under budget is a lot easier if we have a larger budget. We might not have a lot to go on though, especially if SEELE feels aggravated. I'm not too worried though.
[X] Talk with NERV see if you can get a general overview of the oncoming Angels and possible threats on a tactical level, in return offer them information on the aliens that are attacking. Just to give each other a bit of a heads up if our wars cross paths. (What are the Angels? diplo action)

[X] Review our security precautions
We have poked the bear! Let's lock our front-door, that should help.
Maybe we should put agents in NERV and stop investigating SEELE until we're in a less vulnerable state? There's a chance the trail could go cold, but I think it outweighs the risk of getting fucked by SEELE.
@JhonCollins If your dropping one of the raven wings, then you need change the x3 intoan x2, and drop the associated cost to 60. Otherwise, increase associated costs by 30.

Maybe we should put agents in NERV and stop investigating SEELE until we're in a less vulnerable state? There's a chance the trail could go cold, but I think it outweighs the risk of getting fucked by SEELE.
I (and Jhon) are currently beafing up our security first. I may consider that option for next weeks intrigue action, if only so that when we do more angel/Seele research, we'll be in a better position to get what we want. One way, or another.
@JhonCollins If your dropping one of the raven wings, then you need change the x3 intoan x2, and drop the associated cost to 60. Otherwise, increase associated costs by 30.

I (and Jhon) are currently beafing up our security first. I may consider that option for next weeks intrigue action, if only so that when we do more angel/Seele research, we'll be in a better position to get what we want. One way, or another.
my modification re-introduces the landslide missiles, a shorter-range, high-accuracy avalanche variant that pairs with the phoenix cannon. it is supposed to be mounted on some of the planes of a raven flight squadron to give them a higher change of dealing damage.
my modification re-introduces the landslide missiles, a shorter-range, high-accuracy avalanche variant that pairs with the phoenix cannon. it is supposed to be mounted on some of the planes of a raven flight squadron to give them a higher change of dealing damage.
I noticed. You also removed Asia from the list of places to be reinforced with a new flight, but haven't re-allocated that third order of Ravens anywhere. The 'Total' value is meant to represent 'total credits spent' but is currently incorrect if you are purchasing all three flights, but would be accurate if your only getting two. Note: we have enough production capacity that you could get all three flights, plus your weapons projects, and still have enough for the SHIVS, but you need to indicate where to send them.

In short: somewhere, your math is wrong, but I'm not sure where.
I noticed. You also removed Asia from the list of places to be reinforced with a new flight, but haven't re-allocated that third order of Ravens anywhere. The 'Total' value is meant to represent 'total credits spent' but is currently incorrect if you are purchasing all three flights, but would be accurate if your only getting two. Note: we have enough production capacity that you could get all three flights, plus your weapons projects, and still have enough for the SHIVS, but you need to indicate where to send them.

In short: somewhere, your math is wrong, but I'm not sure where.
The Landslide variants cost 30 credits to do... that's why I took out asia. It can also be seen as avoiding stepping on NERVs feet from their point of view.
The Landslide variants cost 30 credits to do... that's why I took out asia. It can also be seen as avoiding stepping on NERVs feet from their point of view.
But you still have 3 flights on order, is what I'm getting at. Although, I do approve of the 'don't step on NERV's toes (publicly)' positon, there is plenty of Asia to cover without getting anywhere near them. In fact, we already have a flight there, I was reinforcing that continent up to two wings.

In regards to the original topic
[X] Raven Wing x3: 90 Credits
Should be
[X] Raven Wing x2: 60 Credits

Edit: and Eternal Struggle just rolled two Nat 100s for us, one for funding, one for something that probably involves spies. Apparently, we're just really bad at combat?
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Week 3 Results
This week was an extremely eventful one, to put it lightly. Engineering goes off without a hitch, and you have 10 Ravens each on the most important continents. All your deploy-able squads have S.H.I.Vs, and you've beefed up security in preparation for intruders, with more men and new and better protocols, designed for the possibility of human infiltrators. Good thing you did, at that. You can create theoretical laser weapons (and Dr Vahlen assures you practical ones will come soon) and you have autopsied the Sectoid. Vahlen is gushing about it. She's confirmed its not natural, identifying sub-dermal nutrient intakes and high profile enhancements. She has also confirmed the Sectoids eyes are not immune to flash-bangs. Their demonstrated resistance to them in the disastrous breach is a result of their psychic powers, confirming them for offensive use. Highly worrying. Our troops will now know how to take them on, and Vahlen is now stressing the importance of a live capture. Shen has already proposed an Alien Containment building.
Special Rule Know The Enemy Unlocked!
Arc Thrower Project Unlocked!
5 points.

-A live capture will be a necessity to find the alien's objectives. Language barriers? Oh, we have ways commander. No, that's wasn't meant to be reassuring. Hmmhmmhmm.
-Dr Vahlen.

Thanks to the diligent actions of Dr Collins on the beam project, Alien Alloy analysis is ahead of schedule at approximately 1/3rd complete.
Omake Bonus- + 1 research point (Needed round numbers, sorry.)

"...and, together, we can defeat the aliens, no we will defeat the aliens. Upon my life this I swear. Vigilo Confido."

An uproar of applause. You smile and turn off the TV. That was one of your best, you think. Even better, the UN has matched the council's funding increase. Life is good, and confidence has been restored in XCOM. If you fail your next task, you will not be liked. NERV's doing fine. A second angel attacked Tokyo-3, Shamshiel. This time, the Eva managed to fight it off without any trouble or... berserk-ness? The pilot's getting better. You hope. You sigh and push yourself up. You've found your first SEELE infiltrator. They really dislike you. As you walk to the brig, you consider this is another big catch for intelligence. They might just be the most successful branch of XCOM thus far.

XCOM HQ, Entrance. 2 Hours prior.
You Ryoji Kaji, and you are somewhat nervous. Your masters at SEELE have sent you to infiltrate XCOM Headquarters, learn everything they know about SEELE, take note of their defenses, and report back. If they know anything at all about the world's true masters, they will be destroyed. They had hoped to use the UN for this purpose, but with the total support of the invisible council, and the recent surge of support in the UN proper, XCOM has a 73% probability of winning control of the UN from SEELE. A heavy blow to operations, and one that would noticeably increase the chance of the failure of the plan. Not that he knew what the plan was. He wasn't that trustworthy, apparently. He grinned. A wise choice, that. He'd been flagged through the gate easily. He walked through the massive underground complex with ease. SEELE had access to perfect maps of the facility. That would mean they had their hooks in the head of the UN. Or was Lorenz himself a SEELE member? As he entered an elevator, he was flanked by two blue-capped XCOM men.

"Hello, Mr. SEELE agent, I'm afraid that you are under arrest."

Well shit.

XCOM HQ, Brig.

You smile. It was very lucky you had him pegged as an agent of the enemy. A NERV ambassador? He was NERV, so that wasn't a lie, but he was heading towards your high end data banks, and that could mean only one thing. He wanted classified intel. The classic "say it and they give themselves up" trick later, and you had one SEELE agent right here. Now then, for interrogation-
"Commander, you're going to want to hear this. We have alien abduction reports all over the globe. Big ones."
Dammit, Bradford. Time to save some lives.

Alien Abduction Report:
[] Argentina: Cash.
[] England: Engineers.
[] Japan: Scientists.

-Damn clever. They know we can't respond to all of these at once, so they're probably either testing us or trying to undermine support. If we sent a Skyranger squadron to each location, we'd have alright odds of success, but with how last fight turned out I'll have to recommend we stick to one. But it's your call, commander.
-CO Bradford
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[X] England: Engineers.
[X] Japan: Scientists.

Can we do this and split our 6 squads between the two places?
As the update says, you can, but it might not work. Also you only have enough Skyrangers for 4 squads.
EDIT: That's it, it's now d100s all the way. My d50s are cursed!
EternalStruggle threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Assault The Enemy Total: 60
14 14 46 46
EternalStruggle threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: ARE YOU SERIOUS Total: 67
19 19 48 48
EternalStruggle threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: ... Total: 68
49 49 19 19
EternalStruggle threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: The Thin Men Total: 46
34 34 12 12
EternalStruggle threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Finish them? Total: 53
53 53
EternalStruggle threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: XCOM Reputation Total: 86
86 86
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