[X] Confront Gendo
-[X] Why the hell is there an angel under your base?
-[X] Due to the alien threat that has imposed itself upon you, XCOM will be contributing to the defense of NERV
--[X] (If he attempts to refuse) I am not asking for your permission, Commander Ikari.
--[X] (If he 'graciously' accepts) <don't act surprised, be polite>
[X] Set up base

Also we need to get arc throwers so we can start interrogations. It seemed to me like the aliens knew there was something there and it would nice to know how much they know.
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[X] Confront Gendo
-[X] Why the hell is there an angel under your base?
-[X] Due to the alien threat that has imposed itself upon you, XCOM will be contributing to the defense of NERV
--[X] (If he attempts to refuse) I am not asking for your permission, Commander Ikari.
--[X] (If he 'graciously' accepts) <don't act surprised, be polite>
[X] Set up base and study it


Also we need to get arc throwers so we can start interrogations. It seemed to me like the aliens knew there was something there and it would nice to know how much they know.
OOC, we know the aliens know something, we're just not sure what. IC, I think we're pretty sure the aliens know something, but again, we don't know what.
I don't think this will end well.

Same with this. NERV is just as dangerous as SEELE. Doing this will raise huge red flags for both of them.

Well, we'll be taking down SEELE next turn, probably, and while NERV is dangerous, I don't think there as big a danger to us as SEELE is, particularly not with the information we currently have. And, honestly, i'd love for a better way to confront Gendo and study the angel, but this is the best idea we've got offhand. If you can come up with something less likely to bite us, i'm open to suggestions, but, at this point, this seems like our thing to do.
Well, I could strike the 'and study it' part from my vote, but I'm not giving up basing XCOM personnel in, or near NERV's Center of Operations (aka the Geofront, I believe). Their defense forces were just horribly mauled, and if not for the prompt action of XCOM, they would have failed in their primary function.

I think that will give us plenty of clout, one way or another, to start putting our own people in their, even if it's only security personnel. And, as long as we stay in Kaji's good graces, we won't even need to force our way up the chain of command.

However, I'm thinking of putting off SEELE's reckoning for a week, and blowing our entire budget on Security Teams, Operatives, and SHIVs. Those Uber-Soldat have gotten the Commander's nerves on edge, and stated goal of providing security to NERV will provide a ready made excuse... Although THAT request will probably only come before the UN after they clean house.

I invite your criticism!
Well, I could strike the 'and study it' part from my vote, but I'm not giving up basing XCOM personnel in, or near NERV's Center of Operations (aka the Geofront, I believe). Their defense forces were just horribly mauled, and if not for the prompt action of XCOM, they would have failed in their primary function.

I think that will give us plenty of clout, one way or another, to start putting our own people in their, even if it's only security personnel. And, as long as we stay in Kaji's good graces, we won't even need to force our way up the chain of command.

However, I'm thinking of putting off SEELE's reckoning for a week, and blowing our entire budget on Security Teams, Operatives, and SHIVs. Those Uber-Soldat have gotten the Commander's nerves on edge, and stated goal of providing security to NERV will provide a ready made excuse... Although THAT request will probably only come before the UN after they clean house.

I invite your criticism!
All that sounds good to me, and it would give us time to put laser weapons on everyone as well to deal with said Uber Soldats when they show up, which would give us a leg up i'm worried we'll need against them, and we KNOW we need against the aliens.

As well, given we have the best scientists in the world, I doubt they'll be too upset over us studying the angel if we put it the right way. A live angel we can study how best to make anti angel weapons and the like that doesn't require the EVAs and all their various issues and hangups. Admittedly, Gendo and SEELE won't like it, but given we're ousting the latter, and we can go over the head of the former due to the Council and the UN, we should be able to do so with, relatively speaking, a minimum of issues.
So, I've stricken the 'and study it' from my vote, but kept the section where we set up a new base here. They're going to have a much harder time arguing against that.

Of course, enough people are going to have to change their vote for it to matter, but I'm not too worried, one way or another.
So, I've stricken the 'and study it' from my vote, but kept the section where we set up a new base here. They're going to have a much harder time arguing against that.

Of course, enough people are going to have to change their vote for it to matter, but I'm not too worried, one way or another.
Ehh. I don't think i'll change mine since, honestly, we're going to be studying the thing sooner or later, and I doubt it'll matter much to Gendo or to SEELE if we do. The setting up the base will be what they don't want. It is possible, though i'm not sure where it falls in being probable, that they'll assume we can't learn anything by having the angel to study. They're WRONG of course, but they don't know that yet. If we're lucky, they won't know that till it's too late for them to stop us from saving the world. And we were going to do this anyways with one of our diplo actions. This'll just save time. At least if it goes to plan.

Edit: Of course, it is ENTIRELY possible i'll regret this when we get the results, it'll go horribly wrong and so on, but...We'll see. And possibly others will change their votes, after all.
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[X] Confront Gendo
-[X] Why the hell is there an angel under your base?
-[X] Due to the alien threat that has imposed itself upon you, XCOM will be contributing to the defense of NERV
--[X] (If he attempts to refuse) I am not asking for your permission, Commander Ikari.
--[X] (If he 'graciously' accepts) <don't act surprised, be polite>
[X] Set up base and study it
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[X] Confront Gendo
-[X] Why the hell is there an angel under your base?
-[X] Due to the alien threat that has imposed itself upon you, XCOM will be contributing to the defense of NERV
--[X] (If he attempts to refuse) I am not asking for your permission, Commander Ikari.
--[X] (If he 'graciously' accepts) <don't act surprised, be polite>
[X] Set up base and study it

[X] SEELE (Human Instrumentality Committee)
Well, we'll be taking down SEELE next turn, probably

Even the OP has said it's too early to try taking down SEELE. Ideally we'd want to do it when XCOM is bigger and badder, and then be effective enough we can go after NERV too (near) simultaneously. We don't want to put Gendo on high-alert and give him any breathing space when we fuck over SEELE either.

We should start putting plants in NERV IMO.
Week 6 Planning + SEELE Interlude
You've come to a decision. You wave off Shen and turn to your Comms Officer.

"Get me Gendo Ikari. Now."

The Hologlobe is replaced by the visage of the commander of NERV. He's amazingly only lost a bit of his cool, managing to remain dispassionate and alert even at this level of tension. You are impressed to say the least. Time to get to the point.

"We stopped the aliens in your basement, Commander."

You wonder what must be running through his head right now, the shadowy visage of a relative unknown gazing down on him, telling him in probably the second most blunt way possible he'd discovered NERV's darkest secret.

You hope. Lord only knows what you'll do if it turns out NERV has more secrets behind this one. They probably do at that. SEELE definitely does.

Gendo takes a breath and then sighs deeply.

"Everyone who doesn't have access to the LCL Production Plant, leave the room immediately."

Everyone but Ikari, Vice-Commander Fuyutsuki and Dr Ritsuko dutifully file out of the room. Your stare only intensifies. So, only three people know about this thing? Ironic. Because after today, everyone at XCOM will know about this nonsense, yet not even the pilots of the Evas and NERV's own Operations Commander know about this. You muse its because you don't have to keep secrets, because you don't have anything to lose.

Your mind drifts to a different track. The aliens. You know they could have deployed far more force to this location. Even with the two new types of alien seen, it would have been easy to overwhelm both NERV Security and your own forces with just Thin Men and Sectoids, yet they didn't. It must have been a conscious choice, a ploy to let you know about this being. Just what is the aliens game plan? After today you're less sure than ever of what they want.

You tell him everything you have on the Angels and the Evangellions, but decide to avoid discussion of SEELE. You know he's aware of the organization, or at least you're fairly certain, but you don't wish to take the chance he reports back to them about you. If they're not sure that you know about them, they'll be less inclined to act against you. Probably. Spy mind-screws, how you didn't miss them.

Gendo sighs again and taps the side of his chair in the near empty room. He seems to come to a decision, and then starts talking.

"Well, commander there is a good explanation for all this. You were led to believe that Second Impact was a meteorite going at relativistic velocities. This is not the case. In truth, we, that is a classified research expedition connected to the high command of NERV, led by Captain Katsuragi's father, discovered a strange alien being in the south pole, which was designated Adam. Upon experimentation, something went awry, and it awakened, doing something, probably connected to AT fields, that triggered the Second Impact catastrophe. This destroyed the being and the expedition. GEHIRN and later NERV were formed to combat this threat. This is why we developed the MAGI and Evangellions well in advance of the Angels arrival, to be clear. We're not sure what happens if an Angel reaches this new being, called Lilith, but we do know it will be a disaster on the scale of Second Impact, if not more so. I assure you, we are keeping the world safe just as much as you, if not more."

Hmm. You think he's telling mostly the truth, but you're very much not convinced about that last bit. Experience and a hasty lie-detector set up makes you think at the very least he's not spewing total bullshit, but the SEELE connection worries you. Maybe he just doesn't know and is really on your side-

Okay you can't actually finish that thought. Of course he's shady as all hell! No way you're trusting him. You want an eye on him.

"Well, commander Ikari, surely you wouldn't object to an outpost in your base for security purposes?"

He grimaced, and for a moment you were worried he was about to call your bluff, before he finally relented.

"Very well. We will allow you a security station in the GeoFront to prevent a repeat of this incident, commander. Gendo Ikari, out."

You turned to Dr Vahlen. She had several things to say about the recovered alien artifacts.

Video Conference Room, NERV HQ, The Human Instrumentality Committee.
The five men of the committee sat before Gendo. Needless to say, they did not look overly happy about the situation.

The silence was first broken by Gendo, who leaped to his own defense.

"What was I supposed to do? I couldn't lie outright for several reasons, and they have seen Lilith herself. I couldn't deny them either, or they'd become even more suspicious. I performed the best course of action at the time. Simple as that. Besides, they don't know about the Evangellions true purpose, or you. Our plans for human instrumentality continue unimpeded."

The US representative leaned back and snorted disdainfully both at Gendo and the rest of the committee, before leaning forwards and speaking his own mind.

"Best option it may have been, but if you think XCOM are no threat to our plans, you must be living in a very different world than I. Look at what they already knew. They knew we had created the Evangellions from Adam, that they are actually angels, they had a read on the angels and their capabilities after a minimum of expended effort, they know a decent bit about GEHIRN and they have just discovered Lilith. Should their investigations continue at this rate, they will likely discover our plans and the true nature of the angels before we finish the construction of the remaining Evangellions. Worse still, we do not know for a fact they don't know about us. In fact, it would make sense. They have an eclectic collection of information, and the connecting factor is SEELE. Why would they investigate, or even know about GEHIRN? They could knew it was connected to NERV from SEELE, and they searched to sniff us out."

From the head of the table, Lorenz nodded grimly, his mouth set into a thin line.

"I believe it is so. The file raids, the agents following me, connecting it all back to XCOM is the logical thing. What other organization would have the means and motive to do these things but XCOM if they knew about us?"

The French representative took the pause as an opening to speak his own thoughts on the matter.

"And what of the aliens? They must have known about Lilith to launch an attempted strike on her, and we must regard them as no lesser threat than XCOM in regards to our plans. Worse still, they have one mention in the scrolls."

Looks of shock and horror washed over the faces of the other five members of the conspiracy present. How could they have missed something like that? And what did it mean for their plans? It seemed the day wouldn't stop getting worse for SEELE.

"I took the liberty of re-reading the Scrolls, and found talk of calming the angels with, and this is just my abridged version, "the dreaded great weapon of The Thrice-Accursed Reapers, The Eternal Foes, The Merciless Annihilators, The Foul Revengencers, The Eternal Nemeses, and this goes on for quite a while longer, They Who Ended Us, The Ethereal Ones" as a potential last resort for "The Knowledge Bearers", aka the Lilim. Us. The brief description fits exactly with the calming of the boy Shinji after the battle with the Third Angel. Artificial calming from Berserk is an event not otherwise acknowledged in the scrolls. These Ethereal Ones must be the leaders of the aliens."

Looks of stunned silence emanated from throughout the room. This had the potential to change everything. After a moment of silence, the chairman took control of the discussion once more.

"We must act then. I will have our agents move to counteract the growing influence and support base of XCOM and this "Council" immediately. The assassination attempt is to go ahead of schedule. Whether or not it succeeds, we will go forward with the planned emergency strike. If this fails we shall launch a sweeping condemnation of XCOM as best we can, and be prepared for the worst in all cases. Is the mass driver ready?"

The Russian representative simply nods assuredly and gives a sadistic grin.

"Good. We shall use it as a last resort only, however it shall remain an option. This meeting is adjourned. May the First Ancestral Race watch over us."

XCOM HQ, Commander's Office. Research Proposal Hour.
Seeker Autopsy- 5 points.
Thanks to the heroics and aptitude of Strike-3, the cloaked tentacle machines, now named 'Seekers', did not get a very impressive performance. Nevertheless, we should not make the mistake of underestimating them. It would appear their preferred method of attack is to wait until an enemy is engaged, and then strike from ambush in a surprise attack. Their primary methods of attack are rapid strangulation and a mouth based cutting beam, weak by the standards of plasma weapons but to be feared nonetheless. Their cloaking device is extraordinarily potent, and can hide them from even the sharpest sight and most advanced sensors. The good news is they do not appear able to maintain it forever, meaning they cannot stalk our troops back to base or the like. Somewhat reassuring, I hope.
Floater Autopsy- 5 points.
The Floater, perhaps an even more practical designation than Thin Man, is a horrid cyborg abomination made of equal parts flesh and machinery. It is in a constant state of blood-lust for its most likely short life, but retains some tactical acumen. It's jet pack allows it to get up to extraordinary speeds while maintaining a good fuel capacity, and its life support system allows it take several hits. A fearsome foe.
Elerium- 15 points, 5 Elerium.
Element E-115. The aliens power source and just as revolutionary as the other two materials we have recovered. In a way it is the most important by far, and I am almost disappointed by the fact we have got it only know, several weeks into our campaign. It appears to generate various amounts of energy when hit with various accelerated particles, it doesn't really run out and it is energy positive. This material truly is impossible, and we will not discover its secrets for quite some time commander. Its primary usage will be in constructing pure Elerium power-plants and micro-reactors, but it could also be used in smaller quantities to spike fusion reactors, and it has so many other uses as well. If we win this war, human society will be changed forever. Count on it commander. Count on it.
Specialist Beam Weapons- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
While we have created a useful weapon in the Laser Rifle, the fact remains specialists such as heavy troopers and snipers have been left out in the cold. This is a project to remedy that by creating three weapons: the heavy laser, scatter laser, and the precision laser, or laser sniper rifle. This will fill the gaps in our armories and allow us to finally bridge the gap between ballistics and lasers in full. With this and the carapace armor, we will enter a new era of warfare.
Alien Navigation Computer- 20 points.
The alien navigation computer is a marvel of technology. It uses a neural interface to link directly to a pilot, allowing unparalleled reaction speed and control of a craft. This will be necessary should we choose to make Elerium powered vehicles.
Alien Power Source- 20 points.
The alien power source is also a marvel of technology. It uses Elerium, but unlike a normal Elerium reactor uses a highly miniaturized particle accelerator to generate an extreme amount of energy from the Elerium present in comparison to is size. This cannot be easily miniaturized and will have to be mounted on vehicles, and will be a necessity should we choose to make Elerium powered heavy units.
-All from Dr Vahlen.

There are also notes from Shen on your desk, telling you of his plans for the base in NERV HQ and that XCOM has been requested to begin construction of satellites to replace the ones lost in the windup to the NERV base assault.
Satellite creation will cost 30 credits. Base construction total is 100. 30 necessary this turn for setting up basic command post.

The good news for your poor budget is that the council has managed to arrange for XCOM grade base security to be marshaled and sent to Tokyo-3. Time to get rolling.

Week 6 Planning
Engineering Queue:
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Well Okay

a few key facts
  1. Aliens Know about the Angels and for whatever reason they want X-com ( the guys fighting them) to know about them
  2. Selene Knows that x-com knows about them
  3. we have agents on the Geo front now ( compatint People Yay!) @EternalStruggle can we get them to interact with the pilots?
  4. Aparently our men did well to take down advanced Alien troops

So we Need to hit Selene this turn if not next
As an intrigue action, yes. I'd wait until Kaji arrives and get him to do it, or sneak in actual agents first. Remember, just normal security personnel. Not trained therapists.
Oh, that is a lot of research we now have to do... We could finish Carapace Armor and do Elerium research in one turn.

@EternalStruggle Do the credits on the base setup and the satellites count against our engineering production? And, if we can't field lasers yet, how do we get on that? Elerium seems to be the likeliest thing we need for it but... I was really REALLY hoping to have the ability to field them this turn.

On the bright side, the meeting with Gendo went over well. 60 credit minimum getting tossed down is going to be a pain. The mass driver and the assassination are both potentially highly worrisome.
Okay so goals

  1. Anti-Seleen Movement needs to hapen Now! we can hit them damn hard and we know where their primary Moon base is and IIRC we know about the Mass produced EVA units so we Need council authority to strike now
  2. Therapists to the EVA pilots ASAP we have contacts there and we have an IC reason. the best way to Keep us from a third impact is to keep the Eva Pilots sane and stable
  3. I want Gendo Ikari in Alien containment ASAP he has Adam on him and is known to work with Seleen
@EternalStruggle Do the credits on the base setup and the satellites count against our engineering production? And, if we can't field lasers yet, how do we get on that? Elerium seems to be the likeliest thing we need for it but... I was really REALLY hoping to have the ability to field them this turn.
They do.

You need to finish Carapace to get in on Laser/Alloy Tier equipment, so next turn. This is easier on my calculations, plus lasers don't really help on anything not called a floater right now, so really it makes bugger all difference.

The council already knows about SEELE. You've been giving them status updates. You still have need to know, but the Council are very much in that category. You're not NERV and its incredibly tight security.
Okay so goals

  1. Anti-Seleen Movement needs to hapen Now! we can hit them damn hard and we know where their primary Moon base is and IIRC we know about the Mass produced EVA units so we Need council authority to strike now
  2. Therapists to the EVA pilots ASAP we have contacts there and we have an IC reason. the best way to Keep us from a third impact is to keep the Eva Pilots sane and stable
  3. I want Gendo Ikari in Alien containment ASAP he has Adam on him and is known to work with Seleen
You can't get to the moon base, which is a secondary base anyway, you do not know about the mass-produced Evas although you do know the Evangellions are connected to SEELE.

Doable, but it'll take an action and could cause some trouble.

Gendo doesn't have Adam on him yet. He won't until its transported to him by Kaji. You know, Kaji your operative in SEELE?

Also it's SEELE not Seleen.
They do.

You need to finish Carapace to get in on Laser/Alloy Tier equipment, so next turn. This is easier on my calculations, plus lasers don't really help on anything not called a floater right now, so really it makes bugger all difference.

The council already knows about SEELE. You've been giving them status updates. You still have need to know, but the Council are very much in that category. You're not NERV and its incredibly tight security.

You can't get to the moon base, which is a secondary base anyway, you do not know about the mass-produced Evas although you do know the Evangellions are connected to SEELE.

Doable, but it'll take an action and could cause some trouble.

Gendo doesn't have Adam on him yet. He won't until its transported to him by Kaji. You know, Kaji your operative in SEELE?

Also it's SEELE not Seleen.
Well that's why that's not a vote I guss.

And sweet we have a shot to intercept Adam
[X] XCOM Security Teams x15 (1.5 companies): 30 Credits
[X] XCOM Ops Teams x 4: 20 Credits
I'm pretty sure I said I'd be buffing our security and Ops squads big time, didn't I?
Engineering Queue:
[X] Statelite: 30 points
Get this up ASAP.
[X] NERV Security Base: 100 points
Hello NERV, there's a new marshal in town! Unfortunately, this means we're putting of the SHIVs until next turn, and then they'll be competing against our new gear.
Total: 130 Eng + 50 Rec = 180 Credits
And there goes the treasury! Our buffer will build itself back up, especially if we don't take any significant losses in the near future...

[X] Carapace Armor: 5 (+ 5)/10 points
[X] Specialist Laser Weapons: 10 points
Completing both of these will enable us to bump our Ops squads' to the next era of weapons' & armor tech. And it will be beautiful
[X] Arc Thrower: 5 points
Oh look, I have 5 points left. SNAG.

AAAND now I have to worry about what to pad our diplomacy and intrigue with until next turn, at which point THE COUP BEGINS. Set up ground work, I guess?

[X] Prepare our case for the UN
Before we start throwing around wild accusations, let's make some pamphlets and power points!
[X] Inform the Council of our plan to oust SEELE from the UN, and request their support.
I'm sure that OUR shadowy-backers have some connections that they can use.

[X] Identify any possible loose ends.
Don't forget to dust the corners! Don't want to miss anything important, now do we?
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Actually, for the NERV base, you only need 100 credits total. The 30 counts towards its construction. I'm not that cruel. So I'd replace the 30 extra credits with the satellite refurbish, unless you want Asia to get fucked by XENO SKOOM.

As for diplo and intrigue, setting up for your coup? With the council and UN I mean.
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[X] XCOM Security Teams x15 (1.5 companies): 30 Credits
[X] XCOM Ops Teams x 4: 20 Credits
I'm pretty sure I said I'd be buffing our security and Ops squads big time, didn't I?
Engineering Queue:
[X] Statelite: 30 points
Get this up ASAP.
[X] NERV Security Base: 100 points
Hello NERV, there's a new marshal in town! Unfortunately, this means we're putting of the SHIVs until next turn, and then they'll be competing against our new gear.
Total: 130 Eng + 50 Rec = 180 Credits
And there goes the treasury! Our buffer will build itself back up, especially if we don't take any significant losses in the near future...

[X] Carapace Armor: 5 (+ 5)/10 points
[X] Specialist Laser Weapons: 10 points
Completing both of these will enable us to bump our Ops squads' to the next era of weapons' & armor tech. And it will be beautiful
[X] Arc Thrower: 5 points
Oh look, I have 5 points left. SNAG.

AAAND now I have to worry about what to pad our diplomacy and intrigue with until next turn, at which point THE COUP BEGINS. Set up ground work, I guess?

[X] Prepare our case for the UN
Before we start throwing around wild accusations, let's make some pamphlets and power points!
[X] Inform the Council of our plan to oust SEELE from the UN, and request their support.
I'm sure that OUR shadowy-backers have some connections that they can use.

[X] Identify any possible loose ends.
Don't forget to dust the corners! Don't want to miss anything important, now do we?

All this looks good to me. Ideally, the loose ends will let us find out about the mass produced EVAs and/or the Uber Soldats. Things are at least going about as we planned so far, so THAT'S good at least.
Week 6 Results + TERROR MISSION 1
As usual, it's a busy week at XCOM HQ. In preparation for the grand reveal, you double your security forces and acquire 4 more squads of Operatives. You predict trouble, and it arrives in style. An assassin arrives and stealth's past you outer perimeter with ease. He is thankfully caught by security before he can do any damage, the XCOM base being nigh on impossible to penetrate with your frankly excessive amount of personnel and solid anti-infiltration protocols. Dr Vahlen suggests using the so called 'Brain-Trawl' she made to use on alien subjects.

The subject does not survive interrogation.

He was a SEELE assassin alright, and his target was you. Worse still, vague reference was found to a 'larger solution' to XCOM being in the works. It seems that SEELE really doesn't like you. You're going to want some well equipped troops for next week, and Research have given just the thing: production model Carapace and specialist Lasers. They've already proposed a next generation of armors. Can't keep research down, eh?
Tier 2 equipment unlocked! Stats and cost on the equipment list! Assassination foiled!

Skeleton Suit- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
The carapace suit, although well designed, was fundamentally a basic suit of armor made with alien materials. These two designs seek to change that. The skeleton suit has been designed as a lighter armor that allows rapid movement across terrain and increased reaction capabilities, while also using (assuming this pans out) ingenious armor schemes to provide protection still better than modern armors, although it would of course be inferior to carapace. In addition, we are currently tinkering with an advanced gauntlet mounted motor to potentially allow for a high-tech grappling hook. This would primarily be issued to support and sniper soldiers, with some variation.
-Dr Vahlen
Juggernaut Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
The Juggernaut armor is the opposite. It is our first foray into powered armor, and is an extremely bulky thing, thick and slow, yet contained within is immense power from bundles and banks of heavy duty servo-motors. This would be a good aid to our troops in shock tactics and breaching actions, of which our troops partake in quite often. When developed, it would be assigned primarily to heavy and assault troopers. In addition, thanks to a similar power system as our laser weapons, it can maintain battlefield operations for any realistic length of time. This will be our first armor that can reasonably withstand a direct hit from a plasma rifle or heavy weapon of some kind without suffering a breach, but it is by no means invincible. Be sure to remind the troops of that.
-Dr Vahlen

The good Doctor herself spends her spare time drooling over what she can find now that they have unmitigated access to an angel. You have reports she can be heard talking to herself, using such phrases as "I wonder if it's immune to power tools?" and "Fuck you Ritsuko it's mine all mine" (that last one is paraphrased from a slightly longer rant.) You do worry about that girl sometimes.

But access to the angel is useless if you cannot hold it, so you task Shen to fully construct his base, and he does so gladly. Parts are churned out day and night, and loaded on board council transports and shipped to NERV HQ for setting up. Soon the base is fully constructed, with a command post outside Terminal Dogma, heavy internal defenses and security cameras all over the place. You couldn't ask for a more defensible location. Gendo still isn't too happy that you've more or less replaced his Section 2, and you're finishing absorbing them right now, but he can't do anything about it, because if it comes down to a fight inside his base by this point he would probably lose. Nevertheless, you order your men to keep an eye out for any remaining Men in Black. You wouldn't trust those types as far as you could throw them. You should know, you've been one. You're remaining manufacturing capacity goes towards replacing the satellites you lost over Asia.
NERV Security more or less replaced! Base set up! Satellites replaced! What are the angels replaced with What is the 'Lilith'?- 25 points.

With all this new equipment, Shen has some ideas. The foundry is waiting for your approval to get prototyping.
Lase Cannons and Alloys SHIVs unlocked! See OP for details! Laser Cannons can not be refitted onto Ravens!

Sadly, your diplomacy and intrigue sections have decided this of all weeks was the time to stop being so great. The good news is you had no disasters. The attempt to prepare the UN has met with limited success, and you have a few pointers on what not to do, but the UN is so diverse a universal power-point isn't happening. The Council was completely flatfooted by your decision, but reluctantly agrees to support your efforts. The agents of both your factions try to clear things up, and run into SEELE agents doing their own thing, being quite a bit more successful than you. Some of your supporters are silenced or quieted, but you manage to stop a majority of the damage. Still, unfortunate.
XCOM support in UN slightly damaged! SEELE in action!

Your not the ones with the worst luck though. The Jet Alone project, developed and constructed by Japan Heavy Chemical Industries, was a weapon designed to supplant the Evangellions. As such, the council had some minor interest in the project and assigned an observer. However, the mech went runaway, and Shinji Ikari and Captain Katsuragi had to stop it, just barely doing it in time. The project has been officially discontinued. Shen says this is surprising, as despite working heavily on experimental technologies- in fact, they were the ones who made the positron cannon, and have a research and engineering department almost as good as XCOM's, they had an excellent safety record. Intelligence reports confirm foul play: there was almost certainly an act of sabotage to make Jet Alone fail like that. Although they failed to stop the perpetrator, they have a good idea who it was: Ritsuko Akagi. After they overheard her telling the truth of Second Impact to Ikari, she was trailed for a while, and she was the only one unaccounted for when the rampage happened. While hardly enough to convict her, you and security feel it was probably her. The only unknown is who she was working for.
Jet Alone happens as cannon! Xeno-Tech Jet Alone locked off!

Last but most, it wouldn't be a week at XCOM (except the second week) without an alien attack. But this one's different.

The aliens are attacking Washington D.C in their largest attack ever. Floaters and Thin Men control the streets, and the US army can't even offer minimal resistance. Worse, there's reports of yet another new alien, a zombifying insectoid(you're unsure) beast that you finally receive once the Skyranger's are well on their way. This is going to suck.

TERROR MISSION! What's the plan commander? How will the troops act and how will the Eliminators act when they arrive? Remember, this is your last chance to make a good impression on the UN before the coup.

This is a change in the alien's tactics, which could well mean a change in their goals as well. The numbers look more intimidating than they are, commander. If the American army could actually be brought to bear the aliens would be defeated. The problem is it can't. By the time they could marshal the aliens will be long gone. While there should be some national guard units around, they've probably fallen back or been destroyed by now, so don't count on help. As it stands, the aliens are split up, and we have the chance to defeat them in detail. What's the plan commander?
-CO Bradford