The whole world is a Gamer. Lit RPG/The Gamer

Too Desensitized
Name: Mark Doyle
Sex: Male
Age: 19

Appearance: A lean and slim guy that stands at 5'10", Mark doesn't look much different from your average late-teenager; wavy brown hair that has next to no maintenance, blue eyes, and fair skin are really the only note-worthy aspects of his appearance.

Personality: Mark is, frankly, an idiot. Not so much due to a lack of intelligence, but more so a lack to look deeper into things - though this only holds true for things he doesn't truly see as important. Considering the whole world is a game now, he now as a number of things to look deep into. Like, let's say, his survival.

HP: 41
MP: 40
Strength: 6
Constitution: 7
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Willpower: 7
Intelligence: 5

[Primary Class]: Warrior 1
[Other Classes]: -

「Melee Weapon Mastery」Level 1
「Shield Mastery」Level 1
「Heavy Armor Mastery」Level 1

<Mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.>

「Level 1, White」 Gladius
「Level 1, White」 Parma

Melee/Bow Weapon Damage is: (Strength*X, where X is your weapon level)
Gun Weapon Damage is: (Weapon level)

HP: (Constitution*5+ Strength*1)
MP: (Willpower*5+Intelligence*1)

Strength: (Physical Damage and lifting/carrying capacity)
Constitution: (HP/ Certain resistances)
Dexterity: (Ability to dodge, run quickly, and dance)
Agility: (Ability to hit things)
Intelligence: (Power of magical skills "Spells" )
Willpower: (Maximum Mana and ability to remain calm)

「 」
『 』
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Name: Evelyn Norgrove
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Personality: Evelyn is not the most selfless girl on the block. Quite manipulative in intention, albeit tending to be shy and easily getting nervous, a lot of the friendliness she seems to try to show to the world is merely an act to gain positive relations, and therefore influence, with other people for her own selfish needs. Easy to anger, she is a tranquil fury whose genuine emotions rarely reach the face.

HP: 30
MP: 33
Strength: 5
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 7
Agility: 5
Willpower: 5
Intelligence: 8

[Primary Class]: Priest

「Staff Weapon Mastery」Level 1
「Cloth Mastery」Level 1
「Heal」Level 1

「Level 1, White」 Bamboo Staff
「Level 1, White」 S&W Model 642 Revolver
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Rollin rolling rolling
EchoNova threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Grind grind grind some gear Total: 7
7 7
EchoNova threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: EXP Total: 10
10 10
EchoNova threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: MORE EXPEXP Total: 7
7 7
Name: Holly Anderson
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Personality: Holly is an incredibly kind girl. She is the type of person that can easily chat with anyone, and is genuinely nice to everyone she meets. She dislikes violence, though she understands it's necessary at times. She is endlessly cheerful, never running out of kindness to share with others.

Her boundless friendliness can be dangerous at times. Even with strangers or people who mean her harm, she can't help but to be super nice to them. It's not that she doesn't know that they're dangerous, it's just that she can't help it. She isn't inwardly nearly as kind as she is on the outside, she simply can't help but to treat everyone and everything with the utmost kindness, lest they hate her. Of course, she'll still kill monsters dead if need be, but she has to be kind while doing it.

Strength: 5
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Willpower: 10
Intelligence: 5
HP: 30
MP: 55

Staff Weapon Mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.

Cloth Armor Mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.

Heal: Cost 20 Mana Restore a number of health equal to (Intelligence*1.0X where X is your skill level) to your self or target you touch.

Desert Eagle Mark XIX
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Time to grind!

Edit: oh well, I tried
Theaxofwar threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Go Go Gadget Grinding! Total: 9
2 2 7 7
Name: Julius Barca
Sex: Male
Age: 32

Appearance: Dark haired, pointedly well kept.

Personality: Obsessive to his core, Julius is a man who could be politely described as blithe, and impolitely described as a hot-blooded lunatic five days away from dying of blood loss after running out of ink and using the closest substitute. For as much as he might seem like a carefree drifter, he is close to single-minded in his pursuit of the ultimate truth.

HP: 30
MP: 55
Strength: 5
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Willpower: 10
Intelligence: 5

[Primary Class]: Mage

「Staff Mastery」Level 1
「Cloth Mastery」Level 1
「Mana Bolt」Level 1

「Level 1, White」 Staff
「Level 1, White」 Dagger
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Not entirely sure I remember how to roll dice....

EDIT: So to check I've understood, that's eleven exp in addition to the skill related benefits?

EDIT 2: And I'm an idiot who misunderstood much. I blame MTD for everything.
S.P.Q.R threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Grinding Mana Burst Total: 5
1 1 4 4
S.P.Q.R threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: I Only Know One Spell... Total: 6
5 5 1 1
S.P.Q.R threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: ...Rincewind or Emiya? Total: 11
1 1 10 10
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I thought you could take up to three actions for grinding, and people seemed to be using the level two dungeon.
So my friends told me about this thread and convinced me to come on over and write-up a character sheet, and so, without further to do...

Character sheet:

Name: Oliver Reed
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Appearance: Exceptionally tall, broad, and hairy, with a full head of thick, curly hair (dark), and a full beard. His build is stocky despite his height, he has an olive skin tone, and dark green eyes.
Personality: Independent, and amiable, but brutal towards his enemies. Is fairly hard to offend, and more often then not takes a 'live and let live' approach to other people. Is determined, even stubborn, and sincerely wishes to help defend 'civilization' from the 'horrors' of the new world, romanticizes the idea of 'civilization' more than a little.
Strength: 7
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Willpower: 7
Intelligence: 6
HP: 32
MP: 41

Primary Class: Priest
Staff Weapon Mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.
Cloth Armor Mastery:Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.
Heal: Cost 20 Mana Restore a number of health equal to (Intelligence*1.0X where X is your skill level) to your self or target you touch.

.454 Casull Revolver
Large Hardwood Walking Stick

Pretty straightforward, he was a security guard working his way through college when the event happened, now he just wants to get stronger and help keep people safe. The gun he has a license for, and either uses for work, or used to use it for work depending on Canadian gun laws (it's legal where I'm from, but not so sure about your hometown). In either case he's a US transplant taking advantage of a local scholarship to finish school without going into debt. The walking stick came from a knee injury that happened several years ago that required a considerable amount of physical therapy to recover from. Oliver thinks that one of the best parts of the new world is his healing abilities, as they allowed him to remove some of his old aches and pains almost immediately. His dream is to one day track down the rest of his family and heal them as well... assuming that they are still alive and have not received magical healing already, in any case he remains cautiously optimistic.
This looks fun. Question though: How do summons/raise undead work? Do we have a limit, or do we tap mana?

Name: Victor Cox
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: Average height, with short brown hair and a typically knowing or joking smile. Victor tends to try fruitlessly to obscure his eyes and wear baggy dark clothes just to appear 'edgy.
Personality: Hyperactive, but actively tries to hide it to act as cool and brooding as possible. Intelligent but lacking in any sort of real direction, Victor wants to use this newest 'update' to reality to establish some sort of important dominance upon the world. Despite this, his personality can be best described as harmless.
Health Points: 40
Mana Points: 33
Strength: 5
Constitution: 7
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Willpower: 5
Intelligence: 8

Class: Mage
Level: 3 and 3/20
Staff Mastery Lv 1
Cloth Mastery Lv 1
Mana Bolt Lv 1

Large Kitchen Knife
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Back-up character just incase Markus Bites it.

His estranged little sister.

Name: Marcia M. Baker
Sex: Female
Personality: Marcia is twitchy, Nervous, and general unsure and anxious, Marcia is a ball of nervous energy looking for an outlet. And she only has two activities that she can reliably use as a release mechanism. Drinking and Fighting.
HP: 42
MP: 30

Primary Class: Warrior.
Skills 1:
Melee weapon mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in its usage.

Shield mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in its usage.

Heavy armor mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in its usage.

Equipment:1X White, Level 1 Ditchblade 1X White, Level 1 Car door Shield.
This looks fun. Question though: How do summons/raise undead work? Do we have a limit, or do we tap mana?

Name: Victor Cox
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: Average height, with short brown hair and a typically knowing or joking smile. Victor tends to try fruitlessly to obscure his eyes and wear baggy dark clothes just to appear 'edgy.
Personality: Hyperactive, but actively tries to hide it to act as cool and brooding as possible. Intelligent but lacking in any sort of real direction, Victor wants to use this newest 'update' to reality to establish some sort of important dominance upon the world. Despite this, his personality can be best described as harmless.
Health Points: 40
Mana Points: 33
Strength: 5
Constitution: 7
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Willpower: 5
Intelligence: 8

Class: Mage
Staff Mastery Lv 1
Cloth Mastery Lv 1
Mana Bolt Lv 1

Large Kitchen Knife

Welcome aboard! As far as Summons/Raise Undead goes the only classes that have the ability is the Dark Mage, who can only raise one undead at a time.

Then there's the Cultist class, whom at Lvl 5 can Summon Demons, who can summon Demons, who can summon demons. They're pretty powerful, but come with the small drawback of not being under your control. So...Summon at great risk to yourself and your allies.

These are just Tier 2 Classes however, no one but the GM knows what lies at higher tiers. Any other questions?
Also, Cultists will probably be hunted by other humans, due to the whole 'summon Demons with human sacrifice' thing.

I, personally at least, will be hunting Cultists once I learn the class exists IC.