The whole world is a Gamer. Lit RPG/The Gamer

Had a coupl things occur to me @Zedalb :

1. It looks the discord link's expired, you might want to change that, or wait and send out a new one in pms if you're going to select from the submitted sheets.

2. Just to clarify, Force and Elemental Mages are both on the next tier up from the base Mage, correct?

3. Without having seen the Ranger's skills, and assuming they're range weapon based, would they work with/apply to magic spells?

4. Will there be hybrid classes? Ie if you reach both 5 in say Weapon Expert and Enchanter you can unlock something like Spellblade?
Had a coupl things occur to me @Zedalb :

1. It looks the discord link's expired, you might want to change that, or wait and send out a new one in pms if you're going to select from the submitted sheets.

2. Just to clarify, Force and Elemental Mages are both on the next tier up from the base Mage, correct?

3. Without having seen the Ranger's skills, and assuming they're range weapon based, would they work with/apply to magic spells?

4. Will there be hybrid classes? Ie if you reach both 5 in say Weapon Expert and Enchanter you can unlock something like Spellblade?

1)Fixed, thank you.

2) yes everything you see is tier 1 or 2 so far.

3) I will only be giving brief blurbs until someone levels up and has that class as an option, but no not exactly, because of 4.

4) I have said very little about the larger class system intentionally. However there are many more options than seen and spell blades are possible and expected.
Cool. Last question (I promise, for now):

Any chance of getting some mental magics? Eg illusions, mind reading, etc? Or are those reserved for a much higher tier?

Can we also have a skill from the "life before the world changed", like fencing, or chemistry skills, or programming, or other things that a modern person could plausibly have learned and could either augment the gamer elements due to unorthodox tactics (imagine spilling vials held by some telekinesis-esque magic skill, filled with 96% solution of H2SO4 at zombies on a dungeon)?

If so, then how many skills would be our maximum during character creation?

Oh, by the way, can we experiment with magical skills later on and try to develop our own spells? Like, telekinesis (my favourite power ever!)?

I feel a little sad that Chaos World, my third roleplay on this site, isn't going to be continued, but maybe the streamlined mechanics and more familiar background of modern world, plus the slightly more personalised and fast-paced experience of fighting in dungeons via Discord is indeed going to make for a better game. Time will tell, I suppose. In any case, I am highly interested.
Can we also have a skill from the "life before the world changed", like fencing, or chemistry skills, or programming, or other things that a modern person could plausibly have learned and could either augment the gamer elements due to unorthodox tactics (imagine spilling vials held by some telekinesis-esque magic skill, filled with 96% solution of H2SO4 at zombies on a dungeon)?

If so, then how many skills would be our maximum during character creation?

Oh, by the way, can we experiment with magical skills later on and try to develop our own spells? Like, telekinesis (my favourite power ever!)?

I feel a little sad that Chaos World, my third roleplay on this site, isn't going to be continued, but maybe the streamlined mechanics and more familiar background of modern world, plus the slightly more personalised and fast-paced experience of fighting in dungeons via Discord is indeed going to make for a better game. Time will tell, I suppose. In any case, I am highly interested.

No skills like that at character gen you have them, and such but they aren't mechanically implemented and should be represented in your stats.

Unorthodox tactics are welcome but no promises on effectiveness.

I would rather you experiment with a skill and us write up a class for what you want to do, then you take that class (and it open to anyone who meets the prequs)

I am sad about chaos world to, parts of it were excellent, and some of the players are awesome (but they came with me) however yes this should work and run a lot better.
Post 2 the class guide post has been updated to contain all tier 2 classes that are currently accessible.
Character sheet:

Name: Donavin Patterson
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Personality: A cranky old man in a 26 year olds body. He complains about his hip constantly, and yells at people about ethics far more than he should. Wants to make the world a better place but sees how complicated that is and gets stalled. Drinks a bit more than he should, but balances it out by giving more to others than he should as well.


HP: 55

Primary Class:


(1)Melee weapon mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.
(1)Shield mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.
(1)Heavy armor mastery:Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.


Level 1 White: Baseball bat
Level 1 White: Improvised wood and rope shield.
Name: Desmond Villalobos
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Personality: Desmond is what one might describe as Flawed. A harsh childhood surrounded by gangs, drugs and violence as well as abusive parents has led to his current survivalist mental attitude. Self-centered, egotistical, Apethetic and Flighty. All words that could describe him. Still, he isnt completely without virtues. He has a soft spot for the elderly, children and animals. And while he is new to the area, he has already gained a positive reputation amongst the few grandmas whose trash he helps empty and lawns he mows for free.

HP: 31
MP: 30

Primary Class: Rogue

Light armor mastery:
Dagger mastery:

Trench knife (level 1:white)

Throwing daggers. (Level 1: white)
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Name: Adrik
Sex: male
Age: 20
Personality: Used to playing video games and staying indoors although playing a few sports here and there he is always willing to help a friend in need but has always had a strange fascination with death that he doesnt understand. After years of a difficult life he decided to cast off his old name for a fresh beginning.
Strength: 5
Constitution: 8
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Willpower: 7
Intelligence: 5
HP: 45
MP: 40

Primary Class: Mage
Staff Mastery:Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.
Cloth Mastery:Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.
Mana bolt: Cost 10 Mana and shots a bolt that does damage equal to ((Intelligence+Skill Level)*2.5)

Ruger 22 rifle (level 1 white)
Lacross stick (level 1 white)
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Name: Steven Stone
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Personality: Used to a sedentary life. Takes the lead if nobody else is willing or able. Sometimes cannot read the mood, or if he does, he pushes through whatever tension there is.
Strength: 5
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 8
Agility: 7
Willpower: 5
Intelligence: 5
HP: 30
MP: 30

Level 3
EXP: 7/20

Primary Class: Lv 3 Rogue
(1) Light armor mastery:Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.
(1) Dagger mastery:Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in it's usage.
(1) Stealth: Helps you remain undetected when hiding or sneaking.
(1) Luck:Increases rarity of loot drops nearby, increase chance of crits, increase chances of enemy fumbles, increased chance of traps,attack or other dangers missing.
(1) Flee

1 Level 1 White Pistol
1 Level 1 White Dagger
1 Level 3 Green Dagger -Bone Quality: 10% Armor Penetration
1 Level 3 White Robe

2 Magazines
6 bone material
2 White medicine
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Name: Scarlett Nia Brady
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Personality: She is an introvert, preferring a small group of friends or allies. She prefers to be on her own but if working in a team she isn't one to take the lead, despite this if she has an opinion she will try to make herself heard.

"I make my own luck... or steal it. Stealing it is fine too."

Strength: 5
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 7
Agility: 6
Willpower: 5
Intelligence: 7
HP: 30
MP: 32

Primary Class: Rogue lv 2 (7/15)

(1) Light armour mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in its usage.

(1) Dagger Mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in its usage.

(1) Stealth: Helps you remain undetected when hiding or sneaking.

(1) Luck: Increases rarity of loot drops nearby, increase the chance of crits, increase chances of enemy fumbles, increased chance of traps, attack or other dangers missing.

1 Level 1 White Throwing Dagger
1 Level 1 White Dagger
1 Level 3 Green Bone Pistol - Bone Trait +10% Armor Penetration
1 Level 3 Green Bone Cloak
1 Level 3 Green Bone Greatsword
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Person other than grunt
Name: Korr Thompson
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: He stands at the short stature of 5"5 and is what you would consider as skinny as a bean pole. His skin tone is a light tan and he has a fairly light mustache. Hair wise it's cut close to the scalp and is black.
Personality: Is fairly outgoing and somewhat a Party Animal. But can tone down and adjust himself accordingly. Although he is about as a subtle as a Bull in a Chicken Coop and is blunt as all hell.
Stats: (Start with 5 in all and 5 to distribute)
Strength: 5
Constitution: 10
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Willpower: 5
Intelligence: 5
HP: 55
MP: 30

Primary Class: Warrior
Melee weapon mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in its usage.

Shield mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in its usage.

Heavy armor mastery: Each level makes appropriate equipment 5% more effective as well as imparting you with more technical skill in its usage.

Scutum Shield: Lvl 1
Dory Spear: Lvl 1
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Grinding clarity.
Lot of questions about grinding, and how that works.

So you have 5 actions only 3 can be spent to just grind.

As in
  • (1) Skeleton Patrols on the roads
    • (Scouted) The skeletons are patrolling the roads in small groups of 5 with swords and shields, a long side 3 archers, who provide ranged support, they are going house to house killing everyone they can.
  • (2) Skeleton Fort Overpass
  • (3) Skeleton Dungeon (Spawn Point)

Those are 3 different locations you can grind at each gives 1d10 per rank (so 1d10,2d10, or 3d10) per action. Of which you can do 3 a turn.

The other two actions can be towards quest, knocking out class prerequisites, helping others in various ways, scouting or whatever else.

When people work in a "Group" they all roll the exp, for the area per action, then use the highest roll for everyone. (not per die, highest total roll for all actions spend, so 3 actions at 1d10, becomes whoever rolled the highest on 3d10).
However groups require you spend the same number of actions at the same location. They also require IC interaction and statements saying you grouping up.
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Right, rolling grinding.

Beckrooster, don't forget to roll your two as well, so we can take the highest~
Alanek threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: grindin' Total: 12
5 5 7 7
Grinding, 1 action:
ZeeBat threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Grinding Total: 10
10 10
Do you want to join cultist group. Well let you grind with us to get more roles, light friendo( join the dark sideeee we have cookies and xp)

I'm already off on my own, I'm not gonna try and group up with people now, after the turn started, just cause I made a shite roll.

I made an offer for people to group up with me in like the second post of the IC, no one responded, so I'm on my own. Simple as that.