The Warcrafter

In cataclysm if I am right in assume where you took him from the mc you are a top class mercenary who works with the faction heroes(if he is Max levelled as you say he is), in alliance for example, we are trusted enough to lead Alduin around the city.

In the last expansion we might as well be immortal demigods

Each of those would stomp any cape from Brockton bay.

That is sort of an issue translating a GAME world to a STORY world... game logic usually isn't. Logical, that is.

Consider that in WoW proper, your level 1-5 character can conceivably be killed by an angry frog.
No lie. An angry frog. Not even a giant frog... just one of the wandering critters in the forest.
Actually happened to one of my first characters. I wasn't paying attention because heck, it was a FROG the size of my foot. I looked away to mess with something IRL, looked back and I'd been consigned to the hereafter.

---Anyway. Makes it kind of hard to calculate what a "real" WoW character would actually be capable of.

I generally fudge it one way or another. In story, for example, entangling vines is a hell of a lot more effective than in the game--- simply because I presume the darned vines wouldn't just vanish into thin air because you poked 'em. Some spell effects last more than a few mere seconds. Flame spells cause collateral damage, and so on.

The real ticklish thing is estimating physical strength. Consider that in the game, all else being equal, gnome PCs are just as fast on foot, physically strong and tough as an Orc PC of the same level.....
Also made this account just to comment my gratitude as well as tell a nitpicker to fuck off
welcome to sv This? Don't do this. Counter his critiques if you like with arguments, or encourage the author, but don't just post to tell someone to 'fuck off'. Doing that is a violation of SV's rules and can earn you infractions and add up to a ban. I advise reading the rules, since you're new. In that vein, you're not getting an infraction for this, but this is your newbie warning. Likewise, triple posting is a minor faux pas. Just edit your last post if you've got little bits to add and no one else has posted.
Hi first I want to say this is a cracking Fic and I'm looking forward to more.

I was wondering other than the class, gathering and profession skills the characters have access to in the fic and game if they would get access to some of the skills that appear in Warcraft lore? Like for example Highborn Mages of the old Night Elf Empire and High Elves/Blood Elves could make great feats of construction using the arcane forces they could command as well as do other miraculous things in the Warcraft universe and It was the Same for Druids, Paladins, Warlock and other classes who could touch and use the primal forces.

Also outside the Agents themselves what are the chances other outside groups will be drawn to Earth Bets core of the multiverse? (thinking remnants of the Legion or the Void begins)

Also with the proliferation of forces on Bet like Nature, Light, element and arcane what are the chances we could see native Warcraft power users pop up at some point since the energy of Azeroth must be creeping in fairly steadily at this point?

The final question will the character be able to create more warcraft races without agent intervention?
Dear @RHJunior,
You really have no idea just how relieved I am to see this story uploaded to this site. I'm serious. I first encountered your story on A03, right around when the agent's "kids" offered transformations to the undersiders, and I have been religiously checking the site for updates on it ever since. I had a browser tab on my phone that I more or less kept permanently open to the "Parahumans Series -- Wildbow" listing there and simply refreshed it once a day or so to see if there was more of this.

So seeing you come to SV with it just makes my day in so many ways. I am looking forward to finally shutting that browser tab down, for one thing :)

Seriously, though, I've been in love with this fic since I first stumbled across it, even if I thought the premise was dubious at first, and it deserves exposure on as many platforms as possible because you, my friend, are awesome at this. Keep up the good work, and I'll be eagerly anticipating your next update.
[warning=WELCOME TO SV] This? Don't do this. Counter his critiques if you like with arguments, or encourage the author, but don't just post to tell someone to 'fuck off'. Doing that is a violation of SV's rules and can earn you infractions and add up to a ban. I advise reading the rules, since you're new. In that vein, you're not getting an infraction for this, but this is your newbie warning. Likewise, triple posting is a minor faux pas. Just edit your last post if you've got little bits to add and no one else has posted. [/warning]
Sorry, I was being pretty rude. I just don't like people being rude to a story cause it didn't go how they like it or it didn't follow all of canon lore to a T. It's a story, a fanfic even. If you don't like how the plot goes then don't read it. But these people like to point out all the minor things that don't even matter since it is a fanfic. The author can say it's an alternative universe and all these problems clear up and disappear. In the end, the point I was trying to make was. A story can have plot holes, a story can have flaws, and a story can be anything. It's a story, it's not about making sense but having fun creating something. The best stories I've read have gone against the grain cause I don't want to reread the original story with new bits and whistles. I want to read something completely new about this series and yeah it might not fit the original work but that's the point. It's not the original work and I think that's what a lot of people forget when they criticize stories like this. Sorry I got on a ramble. I'll try to be more polite and not let my emotions get the better of me
Just found this story and read it in almost one sitting (Started it at work and got some weird looks when I burst out laughing at the Walrus Kiss) and I would just like to say that it is brilliant and I look forward to the next chapter.
Hi first I want to say this is a cracking Fic and I'm looking forward to more.

I was wondering other than the class, gathering and profession skills the characters have access to in the fic and game if they would get access to some of the skills that appear in Warcraft lore? Like for example Highborn Mages of the old Night Elf Empire and High Elves/Blood Elves could make great feats of construction using the arcane forces they could command as well as do other miraculous things in the Warcraft universe and It was the Same for Druids, Paladins, Warlock and other classes who could touch and use the primal forces.

Also outside the Agents themselves what are the chances other outside groups will be drawn to Earth Bets core of the multiverse? (thinking remnants of the Legion or the Void begins)

Also with the proliferation of forces on Bet like Nature, Light, element and arcane what are the chances we could see native Warcraft power users pop up at some point since the energy of Azeroth must be creeping in fairly steadily at this point?

The final question will the character be able to create more warcraft races without agent intervention?

I suspect they will have a lot of "lore" related abilities... but they'll have to study and research a bit to unearth them, to put the dribs and drabs of know-how together in a coherent whole.

Chances of the Legion or the Void (meaning the whatever-it-is dwelling in the Void, vs. the cosmic continuity called "the Void" itself) finding them? Fairly low, I suspect. (among other things the Legion got a massive arse-whooping in the last expansion, and arguably the tide has finally turned against them, so they're probably on the back foot.) Plus the Wormverse is sort of way out there on the end of a really long branch of possible alternate universes from Azeroth... you're more likely to see Zulu warriors invading Yonkers.

Native Warcraft users in Brockton Bay? Maybe the first inklings. At least when the Alliance's notebooks and personal files start circulating... most likely it'll start as fringe elements among the Tinker set.

And them creating new Warcraft races? hmm, that is the question of the hour. Permanent transmogrification into new species is probably a little bit past their skillset. Though there MAY be a few more transmutations in the future-- there were a couple of Agent's nieces and nephews who haven't gotten Actors of their own yet....
I suspect they will have a lot of "lore" related abilities... but they'll have to study and research a bit to unearth them, to put the dribs and drabs of know-how together in a coherent whole.

Also I guess make sure that if they create a massive flying tower people don't freak out.

Azeroth... you're more likely to see Zulu warriors invading Yonkers.

Is it weird that I want to see that happen for the Lolz?
That is sort of an issue translating a GAME world to a STORY world... game logic usually isn't. Logical, that is.

Consider that in WoW proper, your level 1-5 character can conceivably be killed by an angry frog.
No lie. An angry frog. Not even a giant frog... just one of the wandering critters in the forest.
Actually happened to one of my first characters. I wasn't paying attention because heck, it was a FROG the size of my foot. I looked away to mess with something IRL, looked back and I'd been consigned to the hereafter.

---Anyway. Makes it kind of hard to calculate what a "real" WoW character would actually be capable of.

I generally fudge it one way or another. In story, for example, entangling vines is a hell of a lot more effective than in the game--- simply because I presume the darned vines wouldn't just vanish into thin air because you poked 'em. Some spell effects last more than a few mere seconds. Flame spells cause collateral damage, and so on.

The real ticklish thing is estimating physical strength. Consider that in the game, all else being equal, gnome PCs are just as fast on foot, physically strong and tough as an Orc PC of the same level.....

for entangling vines strength there is a cinematic for the battle for dark shore that has Malfurion using them to pull a large group into the ground to bury them alive (they may have been killed by the vines not sure)
Yeah, I've seen the cinematic. Hence my point. Just take it as a given that most Azeroth spells are going to be a tad more potent-- and flexible-- than is canon in the game itself.
Consider that in WoW proper, your level 1-5 character can conceivably be killed by an angry frog.
No lie. An angry frog. Not even a giant frog... just one of the wandering critters in the forest.
Actually happened to one of my first characters. I wasn't paying attention because heck, it was a FROG the size of my foot. I looked away to mess with something IRL, looked back and I'd been consigned to the hereafter.

It gets worse.

Any critter that you encounter that is close to your level, including neutral/non-hostile critters that you aggro even by accident, can kill you dead. Even when you are at max level and stacked with end game raiding equipment and they are fawns.
I AM better than that. That's why I censored that.

I grew out of the "screaming DOODY is FUNNY" phase when I was four.

Self-censoring like that is even more immature. If you can't handle writing "bad words", then find a way to not write them. Replacing whatever you don't like with BEEP is just plain lazy writing, irritating and immersion breaking.

Right offhand I can think of three different ways to write skidmark without swearing, are you saying you can't?
You are ignoring content by this member.
Self-censoring like that is even more immature. If you can't handle writing "bad words", then find a way to not write them. Replacing whatever you don't like with BEEP is just plain lazy writing, irritating and immersion breaking.

Right offhand I can think of three different ways to write skidmark without swearing, are you saying you can't?

Or you know others can think its funny and leave it the way it is. Cause you know the reason I personally like RHJunior's stories so much is because they have a level of humor. I mean compared to Worm and heck even Past Sins he mixes in a much higher level of comedy with his serious bits.

And your coming across as a bit of prick like this. If YOU don't like that then that's fair but be aware that your preferences are not necessarily the same as other readers.
Jesus, this fic.

This fic started out bad, then quickly dived into the shitter.

The fact that the very first chapter is flanderizing Armsmaster to the point of unrecognizability is bad enough. Transforming Taylor into another Worgen alongside a forced relationship is worse. No-selling Contessa is the hallmark of shitty worm fics, and I stopped reading after the Undersiders all got the chance to turn into Warcraft characters.

This started off as a harmless power wank, and quickly devolved into "I'm the best because I'm the best and fuck any sort of narrative tension". You tried to do something with the E88 kid's death, except then you just... dropped it? after about a chapter and a half.
You are ignoring content by this member.
Jesus, this fic.

This fic started out bad, then quickly dived into the shitter.

The fact that the very first chapter is flanderizing Armsmaster to the point of unrecognizability is bad enough. Transforming Taylor into another Worgen alongside a forced relationship is worse. No-selling Contessa is the hallmark of shitty worm fics, and I stopped reading after the Undersiders all got the chance to turn into Warcraft characters.

This started off as a harmless power wank, and quickly devolved into "I'm the best because I'm the best and fuck any sort of narrative tension". You tried to do something with the E88 kid's death, except then you just... dropped it? after about a chapter and a half.

*Facepalm* Sigh. And agree with you that Armsmaster here is a bit flanderized. And typically I don't care to see characters flanderized in a serious story. However this isn't a serious story. It has its serious moments but it ultimately uses Armsmaster's flanderization to help drive the plot, provide comedic moments, and ultimately advance Colin's character. It will grate people who find the worm side more enjoyable because this fic while not being crack does take itself far less seriously then the source material. What you are quibbling about here is not the quality of the fic but the fact its style does not suit you.
Or you know others can think its funny and leave it the way it is. Cause you know the reason I personally like RHJunior's stories so much is because they have a level of humor. I mean compared to Worm and heck even Past Sins he mixes in a much higher level of comedy with his serious bits.

And your coming across as a bit of prick like this. If YOU don't like that then that's fair but be aware that your preferences are not necessarily the same as other readers.

If he did it deliberately for the sake of humor, that's fair, but he hasn't broken the fourth wall anywhere else that I can recall. With it being the only instance of that kind of writing, it stands out as an inconsistency.

Its not whether I like it or not; it's that it doesn't fit the rest of the story. Like someone switching from 3rd to 1st person halfway through the tenth chapter, it's not wrong or bad, just weird and a little confusing, and looks like a mistake rather than a deliberate style choice.
Know of any way to auto-fix the paragraph spacing? Other than going in and doing it all by hand, that is.
I think you can run a RegEx find-and-replace on line spacing.

Alternately, you can probably import it into Google Docs, then un-port it from there. Normally, that fucks things up by turning my double spacings into triple spacings, but I think it would turn single spacings into double spacings. :Citation Needed:

And it's ROGUE, not ROUGE. DAMMIT already!

Your CLASS has been set to ROUGE, a brilliant shade of red, and a SUBCLASS of the ROGUE ARCHETYPE.


I think I'm going to make that my boilerplate response to people making that mistake.

Anyway, this story is amazing and made me break down into almost howling fits of laughter. Just wanted you to know that.
You are ignoring content by this member.
If he did it deliberately for the sake of humor, that's fair, but he hasn't broken the fourth wall anywhere else that I can recall. With it being the only instance of that kind of writing, it stands out as an inconsistency.

Its not whether I like it or not; it's that it doesn't fit the rest of the story. Like someone switching from 3rd to 1st person halfway through the tenth chapter, it's not wrong or bad, just weird and a little confusing, and looks like a mistake rather than a deliberate style choice.

You do remember the very first scene of him in Brockton Bay is being comedicly dropped from a thousand feet up above the bay managing to recover only to plow into a wave right?

And when does he break the 4th wall? I don't remember that part.
That formatting needs fixing, badly. All of it. Like some chapters or sections are fine, they're properly spaced... and then it just stops. Massive walls of text that I have no intention of even trying to parse, several chapters in a row. This is the internet, you have effectively infinite space to write in. Every paragraph should be followed by a blank line.
That formatting needs fixing, badly. All of it. Like some chapters or sections are fine, they're properly spaced... and then it just stops. Massive walls of text that I have no intention of even trying to parse, several chapters in a row. This is the internet, you have effectively infinite space to write in. Every paragraph should be followed by a blank line.

Not everybody writes up their chapters in the post-window thingie. In his case, he ported over the entire fic from AO3, and the formatting got eaten in the transfer. He has asked for assistance in figuring out how to auto-reformat the text.
*Facepalm* Sigh. And agree with you that Armsmaster here is a bit flanderized. And typically I don't care to see characters flanderized in a serious story. However this isn't a serious story. It has its serious moments but it ultimately uses Armsmaster's flanderization to help drive the plot, provide comedic moments, and ultimately advance Colin's character. It will grate people who find the worm side more enjoyable because this fic while not being crack does take itself far less seriously then the source material. What you are quibbling about here is not the quality of the fic but the fact its style does not suit you.
My ultimate complaint is that this is a poorly-written excuse for a powerwank that has no larger planning, very little in the way of narrative tension, and has absolutely nothing to differentiate itself from the hundreds of other godawful worm fics except that it's a Warcraft crossover.

Sorry if I was unclear about that.
interesting story so far thx for writing it
like the wow powersets and the idea for agents
nice seeing having fun and hal-beards expense and forcing the issue of healing the director
got a nice balance with power with the new team members and kicking 5 year old contessa ^^
He actually made a pretty good point about contessa I think in the early chapters
He actually made a pretty good point about contessa I think in the early chapters
Yes, the "I don't like Contessa therefore I completely no-sell her and she's in fact a whimpering 5-year-old without her power".
*slow claps*
Bravo. Bra-fucking-vo. He succeeded in turning one of Worm's most interesting(and most useful as a plot device) characters into a sobbing child for no other reason than "I didn't like her."