The Warcrafter

Ron was supposed to swear a lot more:

He should have been swearing
When Stephen Fry (the voice behind the British versions of the Harry Potter audiobooks) asked J.K. Rowling if she'd ever had something 'too scary, sad or rude' for inclusion in the books, she replied that her editor wouldn't allow any swearing from the characters. This created difficulties in writing Ron's dialogue, as she noted 'Ron is definitely a boy who would swear'.
Rather than compromise by having Ron exclaim 'Merlin's pants' every five minutes, Rowling craftily worked her way around the problem with phrases such as this:

Whatever Ron called his teachers was probably best left to our imaginations anyway.

On a story note, I forgot something else I noticed:
Did anyone else catch that Aisha seems to have gotten a chunk of QA? She can somehow Multitask a massive swarm of Crows to be able to see though all of them and control them well enough to block out the windows without breaking them.
It is worth considering that not all Shards are created equal and very few shards are truly unique. Master Shards let people do minor parlor tricks all the way up to what Skitter / Weaver was capable of and while she had a high Master rating she didn't break the scale until she got Shard'jacked. It is plausible that Aisha just ended up with a high end Master option for her canon Shard - and remember that her canon Stranger effect was quite potent as well. Add in a different Trigger event and instead of getting "I have to hide!" Stranger she gets "I have to help fight!" Master.

For bonus points she's in a very different head-space from canon because of her circle of friends, acquaintances, and prank victims. (Hi, Bayleaf!)

Personally I think the more interesting thing to consider is whether or not her Shard has been paying attention and taking notes. The magic that Bayleaf and the other Warcrafted throw around has given Aisha's Shard ideas before Aisha even Triggered in the first place..
On the flipside of the argument, just the existence of capes should have made bullying a MUCH dicier proposition at the least.
The thing the fandom seems to forget is how rare capes are. Combine that with the fact that most capes don't trigger because of bullying or anything of the sort, or do and don't publicly attack their bullies, and stories about some bullied kid snapping and using his new superpowers to get even would be as well known and as uncommon as a bullied kid bringing a gun to school and shooting everyone are in RL, and would have as much effect (i.e none) on people's day-to-day behavior.

But apparently nobody in Winslow has ever watched "Carrie..."
They have, but the incidents are rare enough that the sort of people to engage in bullying in the first place don't worry about it.
They have, but the incidents are rare enough that the sort of people to engage in bullying in the first place don't worry about it.
There's also how said incidents don't get a fraction of the press that say, mass shootings do. Every time one happens, there's a big stupid brouhaha about, "This wouldn't happen if we confiscated all the guns and made owning a gun a capital crime!" And they always ignore that the shootings were usually done with guns that were illegal in the first place, by people who supposedly weren't permitted to have them.

If Trigger Events got the same kind of press, bullying would be taken much more seriously.
Every time one happens, there's a big stupid brouhaha about, "This wouldn't happen if we confiscated all the guns and made owning a gun a capital crime!" And they always ignore that the shootings were usually done with guns that were illegal in the first place, by people who supposedly weren't permitted to have them.
Please stick to Earth Bet.

I sincerely doubt that happens in Brockton Bay thou, given Winslow's lax discipline and all that as written in Worm, that thugs with guns in a school would even raise eyebrows, let alone a school shooting entering the news.
(Of course, do the same in Arcadia and there'd be hell to pay, but that is the case for most more-affluent schools with plenty of rich parents anyway)

If Trigger Events got the same kind of press, bullying would be taken much more seriously.
Here's the big question thou: Bakuda.

It is canon that Taylor knew Bakuda's origin story (she *something* bombed *something* a university), but did she know it because the news were blaring that fact that loudly enough that she got the facts through osmosis, or did she know because Armsmaster name-dropped her and she looked the mad bomber up?
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Please stick to Earth Bet.

I sincerely doubt that, given Winslow's lax discipline and all that as written in Worm, that thugs with guns in a school would even raise eyebrows, let alone a school shooting entering the news.
(Of course, do the same in Arcadia and there'd be hell to pay, but that is the case for most more-affluent schools with plenty of rich parents anyway)
It is pretty much the same thing; selective reporting, and you're actually proving me right with the next paragraph.
Here's the big question thou: Bakuda.

It is canon that Taylor knew Bakuda's origin story (she *something* bombed *something* a university), but did she know it because the news were blaring that fact that loudly enough that she got the news through osmosis, or did she know because Armsmaster name-dropped her and she looked the mad bomber up?
Everything was on "Crazy parahuman bombed a university! Conscript them all! Ban rogues!" Nothing about whatever trauma made her trigger.
It is pretty much the same thing; selective reporting, and you're actually proving me right with the next paragraph.
Yes, but at least this way we're talking about Earth Bet and this fic

Everything was on "Crazy parahuman bombed a university! Conscript them all! Ban rogues!" Nothing about whatever trauma made her trigger.
True dat. Nothing in canon proves you wrong.

The result is horrifying thou, given canon Bakuda's personality. Was she seriously was she always this unhinged before her trigger, did the events of her trigger (or her trigger itself) cause her madness?
One thing for sure, it's so simple to nudge PR a bit and show her 'current' self off to demonize her.
The result is horrifying thou, given canon Bakuda's personality. Was she seriously was she always this unhinged before her trigger, did the events of her trigger (or her trigger itself) cause her madness?
One thing for sure, it's so simple to nudge PR a bit and show her 'current' self off to demonize her.
That's such a revolutionary concept, isn't it? That the mentally ill are just sick people, not inherently evil people; they often do have some understanding that something is wrong with them and are trying to handle it. How society treats them is more of a burden than the illness itself: "The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't."
That's such a revolutionary concept, isn't it? That the mentally ill are just sick people, not inherently evil people; they often do have some understanding that something is wrong with them and are trying to handle it. How society treats them is more of a burden than the illness itself: "The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't."
Are you using my replies as a backstop of a soapbox to stand on or something? Every reply to mine feels to me like a demagogue sprouting off "THIS IS THE TRUTH! BELIEVE OR BE SINNED!!"...

That said, I agree. But let's put it another way: if an abused dog bites and kills... it has still killed someone, right? Should we ignore that?

The exaggeration could use some work being toned down until the truth shows through of course... but for that you can only blame a thousand years of "you and I" for that; the public has gyrated towards sensationalism for so long that it has corrupted the news to its current form (full of sites and channels sprouting heavily political news, not to mention utterly fake-interpretation 'news' sites, and with "mainstream" news joining in the fun)...
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Most humans, and especially Americans, are stupidly optimistic. (IIRC Scientists figure it's hardwired in since those who WEREN'T optimistic to some degree never tried anything new and were out competed by those more daring)

This is why you get millions buying lotto tickets, moving to Hollywood, or buying cheap housing on flood planes and known tornado paths. Everyone thinks "Oh that'll never happen to me", even if the odds are 70:30 or even 90:10 for it happening. (And in Worm it's something like 10,000:1 against that the person you're bullying has the potential to Trigger)
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Yes, but at least this way we're talking about Earth Bet and this fic

True dat. Nothing in canon proves you wrong.

The result is horrifying thou, given canon Bakuda's personality. Was she seriously was she always this unhinged before her trigger, did the events of her trigger (or her trigger itself) cause her madness?
One thing for sure, it's so simple to nudge PR a bit and show her 'current' self off to demonize her.

Whatever trauma Bakuda went through to trigger, her behavior is not that of a traumatized victim but a suddenly-unfettered sociopath. The world of Earth Bet-- and the real world as well for that matter-- is full of people who undergo world-shattering trauma or who suffer from rampant inferiority/superiority complexes, but they obviously find better ways to cope with it than making bombs to blow up toddlers.
She probably was a sociopath already.

Most people wont consider "they suspended me one exam" as the worst day of their lives, unless they have an ego the size of a continent...
Most people wont consider "they suspended me one exam" as the worst day of their lives, unless they have an ego the size of a continent...
That's as accurate a depiction of Bakuda's Trigger as describing Lisa's as "a bad dream", Brian triggering over "being upset with his Mom's boyfriend" or Victoria's as "getting fouled in a game".

i.e it's a technically correct, but very misleading description of the final straw, not of the stress that led to the Trigger.

That said I agree Bakuda (and to a lesser extent Sophia) are acting in canon like sociopaths released from the threat of retaliation, not traumatized kids.
Randomly growing brain tumours can have terrifying side effects. Sometimes I wonder how many capes were actually rather sane-ish before triggering.
Whatever trauma Bakuda went through to trigger, her behavior is not that of a traumatized victim but a suddenly-unfettered sociopath. The world of Earth Bet-- and the real world as well for that matter-- is full of people who undergo world-shattering trauma or who suffer from rampant inferiority/superiority complexes, but they obviously find better ways to cope with it than making bombs to blow up toddlers.
And there are lots of people whose lives were defined by pain, and they're determined to share it with the world. I won't make excuses or justifications for them, but I understand them. You know what they say; the first one's expensive, the rest are free. What can the cops do; execute you twice? Once enough cheese has slid off your cracker that you're willing to bring a gun to school, or build a bomb, or poison the cafeteria, then you know there's no going back.

Hell, this is what got me reading WORM in the first place; I remember being Taylor. When I fought back, I was the one who was punished. If I shut up and took it? The teachers hung back and let the bullies do as they pleased. I had actual dreams where I ran through the school like a particularly brutal FPS, killing everything in sight, grinning as everyone who hurt me and everyone who let me be hurt suffered and died at my hands. All I could think of on mornings like that was "It would feel so good..."

But I understood that a killing spree was incomparably worse than schoolyard bullying. I refused to take that first, irrevocable step. Because I knew how it would end; society has decided that bullying is completely tolerable, but harming or humiliating bullies is a death sentence. I knew I wouldn't make it out alive, and I did all I could to find reasons to want to stay alive - because I knew how I'd choose to die if I didn't.

If I'd developed freaking superpowers at some point...?

It's wrong. But anyone who doesn't understand why it happens? We have nothing to talk about.
Kalaong, that's the difference between a "normal" ( for a definition of the term ) person and a deranged sociopath ( notice that most of the sociopaths are sane enough to fake empathy to evade "bad" consequences ).

Everyone has revenge fantasies. Everyone.

Most of the people (including most of the sociopaths, btw) understand those are fantasies and do not proceed to react "Falling Down".

Yes, I agree that with superpowers the number of such reenactments will multiply.

But that is also Wildbow wanting to have his apocalyptic dystopia, and people going normally to school, together. Is a bit of an oxymoron, because in such an earth the teachers would be really really trained to stop bullying as soon as they see it because their own lives depend on that.
because in such an earth the teachers would be really really trained to stop bullying as soon as they see it because their own lives depend on that.
People keep saying this, and keep ignoring that the numbers don't work.

In canon there is about 1 in 10000 chance a person will be parahuman, those are probably mostly in places like Africa or south America rather than the US, but we can assume that's compensated by the higher percentage of teenager vs. other age groups who trigger, so 1 in 10,000 school kids will trigger but nearly all of those will have nothing to do with bullying. Capes we know their trigger event are:
Brian - Assault/attempted rape by his mother's "boyfriend"
Aisha - E88 attack
Lisa - Brother's suicide and related events
Victoria - family issues
Amy - Her sister being injured/in danger of dying
Dennis - father's illness.
Rachel - Abuse at "home"
Taylor - abuse/bullying at school
Bakuda - socital/parental/percieved pressure and not doing well in school
Triumph - Cauldron vial
Aiden - living in post-Leviathan BB
Riley - Jack Slash
Jack Slash - Parental abuse
Weld - Cauldron vial
Rune - being alone in prison
Battery - Cauldron vial
Theo - Abandonment
Miss Militia - Child Soldier (in the worst possible meaning)

Then you have those we don't have exact details on:
Vista - something relating to her parent's shitty relationship.
Kid Win - something to do with his family's financial situation.
Gallant - probably cauldron vial, or something to do with society / his lack of empathy
Regent - Parental abuse
Cherish - Parental abuse

And that's only those who we know their trigger and were not yet adults when they triggered so I think it's safe to say ~5% of triggers may be related to bullying
So that brings us to 1in 200,000, if half those kids actually attacked the school I would be surprised, but we're up to 1 in 400,000. People don't worry about things with such low odds. They don't worry about things with far better odds of happening. Heck a student has a better chance of being struck by lightning while being a highschool student(~1:175,000 in the US), than of triggering from bullying.
People keep saying this, and keep ignoring that the numbers don't work.

In canon there is about 1 in 10000 chance a person will be parahuman, those are probably mostly in places like Africa or south America rather than the US, but we can assume that's compensated by the higher percentage of teenager vs. other age groups who trigger, so 1 in 10,000 school kids will trigger but nearly all of those will have nothing to do with bullying. Capes we know their trigger event are:
Brian - Assault/attempted rape by his mother's "boyfriend"
Aisha - E88 attack
Lisa - Brother's suicide and related events
Victoria - family issues
Amy - Her sister being injured/in danger of dying
Dennis - father's illness.
Rachel - Abuse at "home"
Taylor - abuse/bullying at school
Bakuda - socital/parental/percieved pressure and not doing well in school
Triumph - Cauldron vial
Aiden - living in post-Leviathan BB
Riley - Jack Slash
Jack Slash - Parental abuse
Weld - Cauldron vial
Rune - being alone in prison
Battery - Cauldron vial
Theo - Abandonment
Miss Militia - Child Soldier (in the worst possible meaning)

Then you have those we don't have exact details on:
Vista - something relating to her parent's shitty relationship.
Kid Win - something to do with his family's financial situation.
Gallant - probably cauldron vial, or something to do with society / his lack of empathy
Regent - Parental abuse
Cherish - Parental abuse

And that's only those who we know their trigger and were not yet adults when they triggered so I think it's safe to say ~5% of triggers may be related to bullying
So that brings us to 1in 200,000, if half those kids actually attacked the school I would be surprised, but we're up to 1 in 400,000. People don't worry about things with such low odds. They don't worry about things with far better odds of happening. Heck a student has a better chance of being struck by lightning while being a highschool student(~1:175,000 in the US), than of triggering from bullying.
This is a good bit of analysis but something that I don't think I've seen anyone address is what happens if the person who is being abused is connected to or outright is a Parahuman. If someone from the E88 is beaten badly enough will Kaiser send someone (or go himself) to "express that this kind of behavior is not acceptable" to whomever did the beating? What if Taylor was actually Rune in disguise. Rune!Taylor could walk out into the parking lot and start throwing cars through the school buildings.

Based on what we see in canon!Worm these things are possible but they aren't common. (Which is just more evidence that people wouldn't directly worry about this as much as some people suggest.)
What if Taylor was actually Rune in disguise. Rune!Taylor could walk out into the parking lot and start throwing cars through the school buildings.
From the POV of a teacher or most people really, it doesn't matter if a kid is related to one of Kaiser's Lt. or a parahuman in their own right, in either case Kaiser would let it be known the kid is under his protection, and the teachers would respond to that. It's only trigger events that mess things up by having someone with no protectors suddenly gain a lot of power.
Yes, I agree that with superpowers the number of such reenactments will multiply.
If only because bully slaughter would have a "win" condition; if you triggered with enough punch to overcome local police response, you could get your revenge then go on to a successful criminal career.

It takes a truly broken mind to go for a mass murder-suicide, but if people knew from publicly available sources - such as when Bakuda made the news - that you could get away with vengeance if you were strong enough...?

It would be a lot more common. That's one of the big problems with modern civilization; as long as the high-functioning sociopaths keep their predations below a certain threshold? Then they can get their rocks off then go home and sleep well while their victim is left bleeding. Bonus points; if they pick the "right" victim they can drive them off the deep end, watch them self-immolate, and society will protect them from the dog they kicked into biting them.
You know what... You know what I noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying. If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gangbanger... will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up... nobody panics. Because it's all "part of the plan." But when I say that one... little old mayor will die... well then everyone loses their minds!
It's the societal equivalent of chronic traumatic encephalopathy; as long as no individual injury bruises, the bullies of the world can cause all the pain they want, and only their victims are blamed when they finally snap.

"Thou Shalt Not Get Caught."
Perhaps taken a step further; "Thou Shalt Not Get Prosecuted."
Hurt and hurt and hurt as you like, and always be aware of where the chair is when the music is about to stop.

Only in the WORM-verse, there's a 1-in-10000 chance that all of this will give the victim a means to just knock over the game board.
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Chapter 29
The rooftops were ablaze. Bullets, energy blasts, and explosions crisscrossed in a free-for-all firefight. It was a nasty little square dance with four participants in the center-- Butcher, Oni Lee, Skinwalker and a very unhappy Bakuda-- doing their damnedest to dance between the raindrops, take out their foes, and not get killed themselves.

As the one saddled with an angry struggling bomb-tinker over his shoulder, and the only dance couple on the floor who could not flash teleport, Skinwalker was having an interesting time of it. He fired off moon strikes and sun strikes and bursts of solar wrath as he raced around the rooftops, trying to keep both Oni Lee and the Butcher hopping as much as he was. The only thing working to his advantage was that Oni Lee seemed reluctant to close distance with him…

It's Bakuda, he realized. He can't use his 'serial suicide bomber' shtick so long as I'm carrying her.

In fact, he's having to run interference for me with Butcher, keeping her from blasting me-- and Bakuda-- to pieces.
It was confirmed a moment later when Butcher appeared in front of him in a blast of flame, leveled her minigun on him and his squalling hostage, and was immediately dogpiled by a half-dozen Oni Lee clones.

So his brilliant plan was working. Or it would be, if he'd actually planned for that… oh well, gift horses, etc. a tiny portion of Adrian's mind thought as he dove out of the way of another badly-aimed hail of bullets. He hustled and leapt from cover to cover, trying to keep out of sight behind the rooftop vents and air conditioner units, zigzagging back and forth randomly to throw off both homicidal teleporters after them. Judging by the screams and swearing coming from his passenger Bakuda wasn't particularly happy with this strategy.

Oni Lee and Burnscar!Butcher were in a hell of a stalemate; As fast as Butcher teleported in bursts of flame or explosions, Oni Lee's teleport-clones were on her latest position just as fast five, six, seven at a time. But as fast as the demon-masked assassin ported in, grenades and blades at the ready, Butcher mowed them down with bullets and flame and ported out before their grenades could go off. There was more smoke and ash on the wind than a chain smokers' convention. Adrian leapt from the roof of the studio roof down to the next building over, trying to get some distance from the deadly duel. Out of the corner

of his eye he saw ButcherScar step up on the ledge, leveling her chaingun at him...

The clouds of ash and smoke suddenly grew darker and thicker, and began moving with purpose. Smoky arms and fists formed from the smoke, lashing out at the villain. To Adrian's surprise Grue's punches actually caught flesh, He must have been phasing in and out of his own darkness cloud, his fists going solid long enough to land.

Grue's attack didn't persist long. Snarling, ButcherScar flailed at the darkness with one hand. Adrian staggered in midstride as his skin seemed to tear itself into strips-- Butcher's pain aura, he realized. When he'd heard of the power he'd discounted it. He'd been really, really stupid, he decided. He fell to the rooftop in a tumbling roll, yelping and squalling in agony. Grue was no more immune to it; his cloud recoiled from ButcherScar in writhing tendrils.

Another half-score of Oni Lee clones swarmed her. She slashed her hand across their throats; they fell backwards with ugly festering wounds spreading across their throats even as they crumbled to ash. Oni Lee seemed to take this as his cue to switch tactics.His next teleport was right on top of Bayleaf; he grappled with him for Bakuda. Even with a quick half-dozen port-clones the outcome was predictable. Ninja or not, he was a baseline human grappling with a seven-plus foot tall werewolf. The clones exploded on his claws like bags of blood and ash.

That was what Adrian had been waiting for. ButcherScar was lost in her flames and killing frenzy; Oni Lee's destructive-teleportation depleted mind was so focused on retrieving Bakuda for his master he was starting to make deadly tactical errors. "You want her? Go get her!" the worgen snarled-- and threw the bomb Tinker one-armed straight at the Butcher.

At that exact moment the last of Grue's darkness around ButcherScar dispersed. Bakuda landed sprawling at her feet. The flaming psychopath's scarred face lit up. The barrels of her gun swung around to level on Bakuda...

Just as ButcherScar sprouted the point of a katana from her chest. For a brief moment, the rage and madness slid from her face. Then she slumped down in a boneless heap, her weapons clattering on the broken roof. Behind her stood Oni Lee, scorched, bleeding and unmoving.

Adrian dropped to all fours and lunged for Bakuda like a panther, snatching her up from where she lay sprawled at Oni Lee's feet and tearing ass away from the assassin cape with Bakuda tucked under one arm. He didn't stop at the edge of the roof; he leapt into the void, his glider cloak snapping out and catching the air, carrying them to the street below. They landed roughly in the middle of a group of PRT troops who quickly pulled them to cover. "Oh what now?" Bakua screeched.

"Now the shit hits the fan," Skinwalker said, his ears laid flat.

The scattered PRT agents and heroes got a clear view of what happened next. Oni Lee stood stock stillatop the battered TV station building for several seconds before he began to shudder violently. Another Oni Lee appeared next to him, shaking and trembling. Then there were three of him. Then there were eight. Then twenty. In less than three seconds the rooftop of the scorched and crumbing building was filled with shaking, trembling, demon-masked men.

Then they started killing each other.

Screaming in unimaginable rage, the army of Oni Lees drew their blades and began hacking and slashing at one another. There was no skill to it, no martial artistry-- it was nothing but caveman-like butchery. Even Bakuda was taken aback. She knelt behind a PRT vehicle, watching in awe as the ABB's deadlest cape hacked himself to pieces. She breathed out an oath in her native tongue. "What the hell is this??"

"Self-hatred, brought to life," the wolfman crouching next to her said. The large furry hand pinning her arm behind her never wavered even as he watched the carnage. "Every Butcher ends up with all the previous Butchers trapped in their head, screaming at them, trying to control him twill they go insane."

"Yeah, but they never go that crazy that fast," Bakuda protested, so flabbergasted by the turn of events she'd forgottenher own circumstances.

"They never had free rein before," Skinwalker said. "Maybe you didn't know, but your ninja-wannabe coworker's power isn't teleportation, it's destructive replication." Judging by the way her head whipped around to stare at him, she hadn't. "Exactly," Adrian continued as if she'd spoken. "And the copying is flawed, degenerative. After all these years? His mind is gone. His brain is practically free real estate."

"You knew this would happen?" A nearby PRT agent blurted out.

"When I goaded Oni Lee into killing the Butcher, I figured one of two things would happen," Bayleaf said. "One, and worst case scenario-- Oni Lee could become the new Butcher. Which would at least reuce the number of teleporting, exploding psychos we had to deal with by one. Two, Oni Lee's flawed power would eventually erase his mind completely, along with the Butcher voices, turning him into a Cape potato. But this..." He trailed off.

"So whar's happening?" Bakuda yelled.

"The voices in his head hate each other more than anything else in the world. With Oni Lee's mind gone, they all jumped at the opportunity to take the reins. They're taking over his duplicates...and trying to kill each other." Detonations tore across the station roof; one of the Oni Lees had finally remembered the bandolier of explosives across his chest. Everyone scrambled as shattered concrete rained down. The first explosion was followed by a chain of them, a staccato roar like something out of a war movie. The top of the building disappeared in smoke and fire.

As suddenly as they began, the explosions stopped. The smoke parted; the top floor of the building was simply gone. Oni Lee and his final clone stood in the shattered remains of the second highest story, impaled on one another's swords. The tableau held for and endless second, then Oni Lee-- the real Oni Lee, who did not dissolve into a cloud of ash-- slid off the end of his duplicate's sword and fell to the street far below. The replicant clutched his head and screamed in anguish... then crumbled to ash in mid scream, drifting down in a silent grey cloud.

"Holy shit," the PRT agent from before said, his voice low in awe.

Over at the PRT command center, a bloody and bandaged Piggot watched everything with grim satisfaction. "And that's Burnscar, Oni Lee and the Butcher accounted for," she said. "Let's see if we get a clean sweep."
"The voices in his head hate each other more than anything else in the world. With Oni Lee's mind gone, they all jumped at the opportunity to take the reins. They're taking over his duplicates...and trying to kill each other." Detonations tore across the station roof; one of the Oni Lees had finally remembered the bandolier of explosives across his chest. Everyone scrambled as shattered concrete rained down. The first explosion was followed by a chain of them, a staccato roar like something out of a war movie. The top of the building disappeared in smoke and fire.

As suddenly as they began, the explosions stopped. The smoke parted; the top floor of the building was simply gone. Oni Lee and his final clone stood in the shattered remains of the second highest story, impaled on one another's swords. The tableau held for and endless second, then Oni Lee-- the real Oni Lee, who did not dissolve into a cloud of ash-- slid off the end of his duplicate's sword and fell to the street far below. The replicant clutched his head and screamed in anguish... then crumbled to ash in mid scream, drifting down in a silent grey cloud.

...Well, thst's a creative way to destroy the Butcher - put it in a situation where it will destroy itself. Seems possible anyway, just would require a special set of circumstances. Certainly fun to watch.
Holy shit, that's one hell of a Christmas present. Very well done. Now we just have to hold out for Taylor surviving against Jack fucking Slash.