The Warcrafter

Tell us, how do you feel about, oh, ponies?

Is she gonna be Pinkie Pie's daughter or something, cause I could see her enjoying that and being able to help her mum will make her feel like she really is a good girl.

I like that Riley is getting a second chance to make up for the loss of her innocence and childhood, while also giving her a chance to redeem herself for what she had done.
Somehow, it really feels right sending Riley to the world of ponies.

Nothing bad really happens there, and if it does then it's litterally fixed by the power of friendship like 10 minutes later. It's proably the most perfect place for somebody as broken as Riley to slowly pull herself together over time.
For a bit I thought that Jack's death was anticlimactic and then. No. That was the death that SOB deserved
Bingo. Was worried that people wouldn't get it.

The evil egomaniac wanted his death to be dramatic. Taylor made sure he died like a backlot crowd extra, without even final words to remember him by.
Somehow, it really feels right sending Riley to the world of ponies.

Nothing bad really happens there, and if it does then it's litterally fixed by the power of friendship like 10 minutes later. It's proably the most perfect place for somebody as broken as Riley to slowly pull herself together over time.

hehe. you should check out my pony fics on ... things can get hardcore messed up.
Haha Hahahahaha the pathetic caricature of a man is dead hallelujah and let freedom sing.
Alas the broken child is dead may you find peace in your new life shalom
one, I am so happy this is back. two, I like jacks end and I couldn't help but laugh a little at the pony bit. three, I feel like adrian and taylor's relationship needs a tad bit more fleshing out. This has all been really nice but it's devolved into a lot of work work work with no real time to grow the characters as people without warcraft involvement. there's definitely some time devoted to it but I feel like the story could benefit a little from exploring who the characters are and how they feel about their new lives. I can't imagine canary was very ok with how she looks now considering how ordinary she was beforehand and I feel like Alec should get a little screen time exploring who he's become and how he feels now that his emotions are less out of wack. This arc was really tough on a lot of people so I don't think it'd be remiss to maybe show them spending some down time in the aftermath and working through their feelings.
Well, the next chapter or so is going to be "down time," just for that purpose. Take a bit for everyone to catch their breath and adjust.
I don't really think that the world would be that messed up by Riley, seeing as Riley just wants to be a child. I think that Riley would end up one of the kinder characters in the series.
I feel the same. Riley desperately just wants to go back to being 5 years old, , to before Jack found her and her parents, and I feel like she would truly appreciate a second chance, and really work on making her new life better than her old, and be a better person now that she has the option. She never did have the option to be an actual "good girl" when under Jack's thumb, so I feel she would do her best to be a kind and caring person, especially considering how the Pony world is.

Honestly, while I've never gotten into the pony fandom or fanfics of them, it would be a nice story to read whenever I wanted some feel-good story to read :).
I don't really think that the world would be that messed up by Riley, seeing as Riley just wants to be a child. I think that Riley would end up one of the kinder characters in the series.
Not what I meant.
I feel sorry for Riley cause she'll have to deal with Pinkie Pie and general insanity.
Granted it's the good sort of insanity but still... I imagine it's exhausting as hell sometimes.
Oh, that put the Canary among the warcats, it did. I'm kinda actually looking forward to the looks of consternation on the faces of all of those that wanted her sent to the 'Cage.

I hope Taylor doesn't feel remorse for killing Jack. He, more than any other of the Nine, was little more than a rabid animal. No, it's not dehumanizing him to say so; sociopaths of that level are rabid beasts devoid of any shred of human decency. They are in possession of only the worst of humanity's ills, and are deserving, at the very least, a swift, painful death.

As Jack received.

The only thing Taylor should feel is regret for having to take a life. One should always regret that, as to not do so is to dehumanize oneself. Regardless of your motivation, killing a thinking being is still a negative act. I'll leave the discerning of how evil it is to theoreticians; I'm not in the mood to debate philosophy.
Bingo. Was worried that people wouldn't get it.

The evil egomaniac wanted his death to be dramatic. Taylor made sure he died like a backlot crowd extra, without even final words to remember him by.

I'd say this was up there with the death from Taylor Varga, coming just in behind it simply because he actually got to get killed by a parahuman (from his perspective) rather than a normal human.

The ideal death for Jack is being swatted by a fly, incidentally, by someone intent on something that has absolutely nothing to do with the Nine, letting him live just long enough to realized that and that his killer literally didn't care about him.

I have yet to see that, but I live in hope.

The only thing Taylor should feel is regret for having to take a life.

She shouldn't regret taking Jack's life; she should regret that it was neccesary to take Jack's life. There was no other option, she had no other choice, but it would have been better if it hadn't had to happen.

It's a subtle difference, but it's important. One puts the blame on her, the other doesn't.
I'd say this was up there with the death from Taylor Varga, coming just in behind it simply because he actually got to get killed by a parahuman (from his perspective) rather than a normal human.

The ideal death for Jack is being swatted by a fly, incidentally, by someone intent on something that has absolutely nothing to do with the Nine, letting him live just long enough to realized that and that his killer literally didn't care about him.

I have yet to see that, but I live in hope.


She shouldn't regret taking Jack's life; she should regret that it was neccesary to take Jack's life. There was no other option, she had no other choice, but it would have been better if it hadn't had to happen.

It's a subtle difference, but it's important. One puts the blame on her, the other doesn't.

The Techno Queen, Jack (and the rest of the S9) killed off because hammy silver age tinker Taylor goes on holiday and doesnt notice they're dead till she gets home

total honesty here, was expecting Dragon to come in clad in crimson scales and golden flame, songbird priestess is good too though
That last line...!

Well, that's a potential rollercoaster right there. On one hand I'd love to see what sort of chaos THAT would cause (although I'm less sure I want to know what would require it), but I also like your existing stories too much for them to go on further hiatus.

But a (slightly less) mad biotinker in a realm of physical gods would probably rate pretty high on the insanely awesome scale, if done right. Admittedly, I have no idea if she'd have a power even remotely similar to what she has now, but I can be amused at the discrepancy there.
Jack's death reminds me of a number of fics where a character wanted a historical battle and memorable end, only for their killer to render it anti-climactic and mundane. A footnote in history rather than front-page news. Classic example of Joker in Arkham Knight where he is quickly forgotten, embodying his greatest fear. So how much money did the Alliance gain the end from the bounties? I wonder when Canary got the bargain to change like that too.

Hmm, any chance that you could put the speech of the lights at the end in italics or something? Makes it harder to tell when they're talking.

As for Riley, there's more than one way to interpret the 'ponies' comment. Everyone is convinced that she's being sent to MLP, while it could mean her taking on a pony body in a different environment. I would find it both appropriate and amusing if she appeared in your other fic of My Little Hero Academia, allowing her to attend UA and become a proper hero alongside Izuku. Ladybird is too close to home for it to feel right.
Somehow, it really feels right sending Riley to the world of ponies.

Nothing bad really happens there, and if it does then it's litterally fixed by the power of friendship like 10 minutes later. It's proably the most perfect place for somebody as broken as Riley to slowly pull herself together over time.
That all assume's it's cannon Equestria rather than some AU that's injured in a bad way needing Rileys help to recover
Good to see this update again!

Adrian screamed "Taylor!" rather publicly when that building collapsed on Hemlokk. Rather obviously, too. Were their identities already known, or did he just unmask her?

Jack dying anticlimactically is always good fun, and I like how you handled Bonesaw, even if a five year old keeping her identity intact without outside support under that kind of abuse for so long strains credulity.

Canary interrupt was nice, got me wondering about that ambassador business.
Adrian screamed "Taylor!" rather publicly when that building collapsed on Hemlokk. Rather obviously, too. Were their identities already known, or did he just unmask her?

Jack dying anticlimactically is always good fun, and I like how you handled Bonesaw, even if a five year old keeping her identity intact without outside support under that kind of abuse for so long strains credulity.
Most of the dockworkers already knew, and they were just saying how the Unwritten Rules weren't going to protect anyone or their family in the Alliance.

It would be just like Jack Slash to make sure that part of Riley remained. But yeah, I loved the way Jack snuffed it.