The Valkyrior (MCU Thor/Worm)

Heh, i can picture how it went;

Hilda: "What did you do?"
Loki: *arches a eyebrow*
Hilda: "What. Did you do?"
Loki: *grins* "Whatever do you mean fair Hilda?"
Hilda: "The mortal."
Loki: "Ah." *nods* "We had a most interesting conversation."
Hilda: "Well, now shes decided Asguardians are a bunch of arrogant pricks and wants nothing to do with us!"
Loki: *perfect deadpan* "You dont say."
Hilda: *growling* "I wanted her for the Valkyrior"
Loki: *grins sunnily* "I guess youll have to do without."
Hilda: *slowly draws a sword* "I think its time we revisited your early lessons in swordsmanship..."

Well, either that or she went crying to Odin that loki ruined her shiny new toy, but i like this version better.

Probably more along the lines of this...


Hilda - Loki.
Loki - Oh it's you.
Hilda - Are you out of your mind?
Loki - Whatever do you mean?
Hilda - Antagonizing a warrior who has Death Spiders for pets is not something I would call the actions of a sane person!
Loki - She has them under complete control. She even fed it this afternoon. Perfectly tame. Most extraordinary.
Hilda - And what happens when you push her too far and she unleashes them? They are fast, faster than you can believe. Just a single scratch and you would be dead before you even realize you were touched!
Loki - Then I shant be touching them. *Smug Grin*
Hilda - Then how many people will die in your stead? A hundred? A thousand?

Hehe. No, i suspect all Hilda had to do was just tell Loki that she wasn't exaggerating about her fight with the last supposed god she met

Asgardian books were virtually nothing like the kind you could find in the dollar rack at the local convenience store on Earth Bet. They were mostly gigantic tomes that had to be manufactured out of science and magic.

What does that mean? "manufactured out of science and magic"? Were they manufactured and then had magic put on them? Were some of the pages forged of some mystical substance of Science?

Eh, it just bothers me when I see the two words put next to each other like that, science isn't a force or a particle or a law of reality. It's a way of asking questions and getting answers, when boiled down to brass tacks.

I saw some jerkass character Rob Leifield created in the 90s claim that his twin swords were "forged from science and magic" and the annoyance that caused has never gone away. I wanted to be like "You ass! If they were forged, that is a process that can be improved by scientific means, if they were "magicked up" somehow in the process that's great too, but you didn't get the Gods of Science to bless the damn things and even if you did a blessing would be MAGIC!"

Nevertheless, it was a good chapter, and I look forward to seeing what Taylor does with the runes.
So why make a distinction then? Wouldn't it all be technology (applied science if you will) or all magic?
His exact line in the movie was when explaining the Rainbow Bridge and how it worked. He said:

"Your ancestors called it magic, and you call it science. Well I come from a place where they are one in the same thing."
"Oh, a god? Pray tell, where is he now? I might like to meet this fellow."
"Yeah I killed him on Tuesday."
He probably thought he was a god, he had the power to destroy thousands of planets, absorb the energy of what was left, and then move on to his next conquest."

It seemed I had his attention. "Sounds like an interesting fellow. Where is he now?"
I just realized, isnt she basically describing Galactus?
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What does that mean? "manufactured out of science and magic"? Were they manufactured and then had magic put on them? Were some of the pages forged of some mystical substance of Science?

Whenever I see the two words put together I assume that XXXXX was created like anything we would make on Earth, a computer for instance. Then someone comes along and magics parts of it up. A constantly charge battery, a magical interface that connects the computer with your five senses, etc.

It's not like having the ability to use a certain % of your brain ala Lucy, something that just doesn't make any sense.
Whenever I see the two words put together I assume that XXXXX was created like anything we would make on Earth, a computer for instance. Then someone comes along and magics parts of it up. A constantly charge battery, a magical interface that connects the computer with your five senses, etc.

It's not like having the ability to use a certain % of your brain ala Lucy, something that just doesn't make any sense.
Kind of like two technologies being mashed together.

Dwarves make good hardware, the Asguardians make good software.
Whenever I see the two words put together I assume that XXXXX was created like anything we would make on Earth, a computer for instance. Then someone comes along and magics parts of it up. A constantly charge battery, a magical interface that connects the computer with your five senses, etc.

It's not like having the ability to use a certain % of your brain ala Lucy, something that just doesn't make any sense.
The amusing thing is that for all that people view magic and science as fundamentally incompatible, in most fantasy settings (and a some older real-world mythologies) doing Action-A to create Result-B is how magic works. Sure not many bother to explain why Action-A creates Result-B, but the very fact that a specific set of actions will create the same result every time they're followed means that it can be explained scientifically.

Really the only setting I've ever seen where magic is actually behaves in a non-scientific manner is the Dresden Files and even then there are certain rules that it follows even if they're extremely loose.
As to the 'made by science and magic'/'magic is the same as science for Asgard' , I recall a particular scene in Thor 2 that might help.

When Thor's waifu is being scanned by some Asgardian medical doohickey, Waifu asks if said doohickey is some scientific device. Asgard doc says no, it's a {insert mystical sounding name here} (I beloved it was called a Soul forge or something); Waifu then asks if doohickey does/ works by {insert science terminology here}, which Asgard doc is stunned and says yes, that's exactly how it works.

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does anyone get what this is referencing or what the svartalfar is?

Loki's thought process basically went "hmm, Father sure is going heavily armed these days. Maybe there's some kind of resurrected evil from beyond the dawn of time about to come eat our faces. ...Uh, nope, turns out he's just freaked out by Brunnhilda's new mortal and her arachnids. Bit of a let-down, that, even if she is kinda scary for a Midgardian."
Can someone explain to me about these arachnids?

Were they biological weapons left by the Dark Elves? Or? Is it that Odin carries around Gungnir because he thinks the spiders are a sign that the Dark Elves are still around?

If so, surprised that Loki is so blase about it because pretty sure the invasion was a threat to him at the time as well. Certainly not to the level of paranoia that Odin fears but at least some hesitation when seeing them wouldn't be out of place, would it?
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If so, surprised that Loki is so blase about it because pretty sure the invasion was a threat to him at the time as well. Certainly not to the level of paranoia that Odin fears but at least some hesitation when seeing them wouldn't be out of place, would it?

Loki wouldn't be born for approximately a hundred bajillion years; the svartalfar were wiped out in Bor's time. So he's allowed to take it a little lightly. ;)

I would think Odin's just grumpy and paranoid, as ever, and since he's grumpy and paranoid without telling anybody anything a lot of the time, there's not much reason to actually be afraid.
What does that mean? "manufactured out of science and magic"? Were they manufactured and then had magic put on them? Were some of the pages forged of some mystical substance of Science?

Eh, it just bothers me when I see the two words put next to each other like that, science isn't a force or a particle or a law of reality. It's a way of asking questions and getting answers, when boiled down to brass tacks.

I saw some jerkass character Rob Leifield created in the 90s claim that his twin swords were "forged from science and magic" and the annoyance that caused has never gone away. I wanted to be like "You ass! If they were forged, that is a process that can be improved by scientific means, if they were "magicked up" somehow in the process that's great too, but you didn't get the Gods of Science to bless the damn things and even if you did a blessing would be MAGIC!"

Nevertheless, it was a good chapter, and I look forward to seeing what Taylor does with the runes.
They used science on magic.
just realized, isnt she basically describing Galactus?

From our perspective yes, but the power output is drastically different. The Entities are basically doing destructive testing and research on various planets and civilizations, and blow them up while leaving. Galactus is one of the only or the only being left over from the universe that existed before ours, that ours replaced. Also, he shook hands with Eternity, so the Entities don't even compare.

That said, it's like an ant getting stepped on by a cat or a person. Hugely different, but the effect is the same. Also, we're the ants.
Can someone explain to me about these arachnids?

Were they biological weapons left by the Dark Elves? Or? Is it that Odin carries around Gungnir because he thinks the spiders are a sign that the Dark Elves are still around?

No, the two are completely unrelated. The spiders are just Asgardian spiders (and therefore hella scary, even to Asgardians). Loki is simply amused that Odin is going to DEFCON 3 (or whatever level Asgard uses for ELDRITCH HORROR INBOUND) over Skitter's choice of pets. Probably thinks Odin is an arachnophobe or something.

...Which means that Loki really doesn't understand Skitter. It's not a phobia, it's entirely rational naked terror.

The Entities are basically doing destructive testing and research on various planets and civilizations, and blow them up while leaving.

Am I right that the Entities were basically running a fuzzing attack on the laws of thermodynamics, or is that just a bad interpretation of fanon?
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