[The Taylor Made quest]

Can we
[X] return the powers in a panic and then leave


It's not so much that I don't want whirleygig's power, but 'frantically put back what you stole' seems like a reasonable response. It would also avoid outing us. I'm not sure if I want that or not.
20 wait is that a white… bunny cat?
Aw man, I wished we got that. All sorts of interesting things could happen from introducing one interdimensional power-granting alien intelligence searching for ways to stop Entropy into a setting which already has a bunch of interdimensional power-granting alien intelligences searching for ways to stop Entropy.

[X] Walk in another direction and calm down about the fact your a freaking cape
Chapter 3
Well it seems [X] walk in another direction and calm down about the fact your a freaking Cape won.
But anyway here is chapter 3

Ch 3

Taylor walked slowly along the road as if the scene didn't happen. The circle still In her sense of awareness and now that she saw it, she could see a small new overlap in her vision, one with a black background, golden center and a silver, dimmer dot to the north. She was a fucking cape, one with the ability to permanently steal powers and in turn kill the parahuman.

'faerie queen 2.0' Taylor thought in a sense of numb shock as she remembered the parahuman thought to be a order of magnitude beyond even the second strongest which was a member of the triumvirate, the strongest capes in America and possibly the world.

'OK i may not be THAT strong. Let's think for a minute, what is my pow-' Her train of thought was derailed as her focus was immediately brought to the golden tower Her new map had. 'transportation of shards to current dimension, complete dominion of shards once entered, needs visual help if host to locate corona pollentia, gives auras of colour for parahumans, give expressions to host' the idea churned in her head and she had to stop as she wrapped her head around that.

'....so I'm basically a cape detector, if I lock eyes with a cape for a unknown amount of time or have a thin resistance to their corona pollentia for me to connect to the 'shard' steals the other shard from another dimension where they rest and drag it over to its own, where it connects to them and takes control. Well isn't that a mouthful' Taylor thought a tad sarcastic.

'it didn't include the ability to understand one's powers if I focus on the dots in my vision…. It doesn't even include my vision as all. Does my power just find it to obvious and doesn't mention it or something' Taylor slowly started walking again as she thought things through.

'....could I ask it questions….' the thought came to mind and Taylor focused on the golden crystal, Her original one and directed '[Query?] (How do I prevent hosts of shards from dying from the process?)' Taylor nearly winced at her own thought. Why did she say Query and what was that sub thought. It hurts just to remember it.

'[Data] (discharge of energy found in 'corona pollentia' upon removal of hosts connection to Shard 'Corona Genma' causes brain to bear brunt of the discharge of energy)' the reply caused her to wince again but she understood. When her power forces a 'Shard' over to its reality it disrupts the Genma which kept in control of all the energy in the Corona Pollentia. Which when released fried Whirlygig's brain.

'Now isn't that a thought' Taylor scowled at it seemed her power literally killed any cape that she took powers from on command. So to be a hero she has too have a body count 'not that you don't have one already' a traitorous part of her mind spoke and she ruthlessly pushed it down. 'huh… now what?' Taylor thought as she stared ahead.

Now again you have 3 options
[X] Go back home and apologize to your dad for storming out.
[X] Keep walking and prode your power more (Gold one) maybe you can fix this
[X] Keep walking and prode Whirligig's power (Silver one), maybe it has some interesting info
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Will try and update more frequently, more votes also means faster updates
Also do you guys want a more AU quest then it already is or do you want it to be near identicle to 'Taylor with alt power goes through cannon obstacles'?
Also do you guys want a more AU quest then it already is or do you want it to be near identicle to 'Taylor with alt power goes through cannon obstacles'?
There's no way canon can be preserved. I'd rather you didn't try to preserve canon, but also didn't change things for no reason.

As examples, if you decide Lisa figured this cape steals powers and so she skips town, is be fine with that. Not thrilled, but that's perfectly reasonable as a reaction on her part. I'd you decide to make Kaiser a loving father and husband, I'm going to raise a metaphorical finger in confusion.

[X] Go back home and apologize to your dad for storming out.

Taylor is in no rush. She needs to keep Danny calm. He is currently our best and only alibi.

I'm not going to vote to go to an Endbringer battle and do a mass harvest, but perhaps we could camp out PRT villian transfers and pick up powers when said capes break out?
[X] Keep walking and prod your power more (Gold one) maybe you can fix this
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Also do you guys want a more AU quest then it already is or do you want it to be near identicle to 'Taylor with alt power goes through cannon obstacles'?
It's up to you if you want to go full-fledged AU. I'm fine either way
There's no way canon can be preserved. I'd rather you didn't try to preserve canon, but also didn't change things for no reason.
I think he was asking if we wanted a Full AU, where we can't rely on any canon knowledge, or if we want Taylor to be the initial divergence point. Of course people should react reasonably to what we do, but should a lot of background history be different?

[X] Keep walking and prod your power more (Gold one) maybe you can fix this
Also do you guys want a more AU quest then it already is or do you want it to be near identicle to 'Taylor with alt power goes through cannon obstacles'?

I think he was asking if we wanted a Full AU, where we can't rely on any canon knowledge, or if we want Taylor to be the initial divergence point. Of course people should react reasonably to what we do, but should a lot of background history be different?

Oh, yeah, that makes sense.

I'm lazy, I say keep the characters starting off as canon.
Chapter 4
It seems like [X] Keep walking and prod your power more (Gold one) maybe you can fix this, won. Was a tad surprised as I would of thought the go home option would of been the pick but, here you go.

Chapter 4

"surely there is a way to fix this. Maybe if I…" Taylor mumbled as she walked, eyes downwards. '[Query?] (Is there a way to stop the energy discharge)' again Taylor winced at the thought and decided she needed to get used to the idea that she was going to be experiencing a lot of headaches.

'[Possibility] (If host in physical contact/ within a meter distance to target, possibility of having [Shards] absorb the energy as command during movement process. More possibilities with more data can include a draining field, temporarily nullifying opponents powers in close range)' Taylor didn't wince this time as which she was grateful for as the translation sunk in.

'so if I touch my target I can effectively force the other shard to adsorb the energy in the corona pollentia so as to not discharge the energy before the movement process. If I do it enough it's possible for me to get a sort of close range Power nullifier by commanding shards to adsorb the energy which since you said I could nullify powers means it has something to do with how powers manifest…. Could I have Hero's keep their powers and i just copy it, no that doesn't fit with what I do' Taylor mumbled as she walked more into the boardwalk area.

After a few minutes Taylor smirked triumphantly and asked '[Query?] (could I allow previous hosts or humans in general access to the shards)' she asked and waited for the reply. Meanwhile the dim, silver dot hung tauntingly in her vision. She could understand why it was a tad smaller than the gold one but why was it dimmer?

Deciding it didn't hurt to check she [Query?] it and was almost surprise at the answer. '[Hunger] (Self sustaining energy source damaged. Needing more energy for host to have full access to power and not become drained)' Taylor paused for a moment before continuing as the info came to her.

'...so its energy source is damaged unlike the golden one I originally had, if it had more it would allow me to have full access to Whiryligig's power which I'm guessing she didn't have either…' the thought heavy on the mind she asked it for help '[Satisfying?] (how do I fix sustainable energy source/make sure you have enough energy to be acceptable)' she once again for the feeling the shard was in deep thinking.

Realising she didn't get what it did she focused on it again and the idea rushed through 'counterclockwise use of telekinesis, magnifies in ability the longer it's in use, interface creation'. OK then Taylor now knew where her mental map came from. 'Whirlygig was arguably the weakest escalator cape of the Old 3 but she was a Escalator. A cape who's threat rating grew stronger over the course of the fight. I can probably take a member or 2 from the newer gangs from new haven' Taylor thought remembering the influx of gangs arriving from new haven after leviathan hit. 7 deadly sins was one of the few gangs that arrived.

'I'm already planning to steal powers, it would be easy to. Lungs identity is public, a cape fight happens practically every day or two and a certain duo puts up live streams of their powers' Taylor thought a tad dully as remembered Uber and L33t. 'I need to go sort my head' Taylor decide.

Yeah, the more I wrote the chapter the more I realise I'm basically mixing a mechanical non sentient 'Halping' QA and a secound trigger Manager Taylor without the number limit…. Oh well I sort had the idea anyway, just going to have to make up for it with good plot. Now here is the choices.

[X] Go home, it's got to be past noon by now and your dad has to be worried.
[X] Explore the boardwalk and maybe have lunch.
Also a Omake of 'HALPING' QA in my fic would be hilarious if anyone wants to take the challenge.
Chapter 5
Well '[X] Go home, it's got to be past noon by now and your dad has to be worried.' Won so here it is

Chapter 5

'Maybe going home would help. Dad has to be worried by now' Taylor thought, chewing her lip. Deciding it was best she walked back, trying to be inconspicuous as possible when she passed by the broken market place and slowly walked all the way home, jumping over the faulty step and knocked on the door.

"Dad, I'm back!" Taylor yelled and heard a slight tumbling and rapid steps before the door opened and she was brought in a crushing hug.
"oh god Taylor, I'm so glad your back" Taylor's father Danny Hebert clutched his daughter closely. It was just 2 hours ago when she stormed out of the house and he already heard on the news a merchant raid was happening Mr nearby.

"Are you hurt" Danny had to ask and Taylor shook her head.
"I'm OK dad. Still a bit pissed about, well this situation. But I'm calmed down enough" Taylor said sighing and her father nodded.
"That's good. I'm angry to but there isn't much we can do about this mess… except well…." Danny Hebert smiled and Taylor looked at her father in confusion.

"I will tell you tomorrow. Got to get it sorted first but hopefully you don't have to worry about bullying ever again" he said that in a tone of finality which made Taylor wonder on exactly what he planned after she left.
"but anyway, lunch is on the table. I was going to have it but I can get a bite to eat while out. Just stay inside today Taylor, the merchants apparently failed at a market raid today so they will be out tonight" Danny warned his daughter before heading back inside not noticing the slight shock on her face.

'that was a Merchants raid! Oh god this is not going to end well' Taylor thought as she stepped inside. Her dad grabbed the car keys off the kitchen side and quickly left the house. Telling her he was probably waiting for her to return home before heading back out. Looking to the kitchen side showed a nearly finished sandwich, just the top layer of bread not placed.

"Banana sandwich dad, really" she chuckled and walked over to finish the sandwich before heading up to her room. A single bed right text to a small bookcase with a desk and laptop, a nice room in her opinion and perfect for a potentially budding parahuman serial killer to get started.
'yeah right' a brief chuckle escaped her at the thought but she knew it was all to possible. 'alright then, first eat my sandwich as I prepare for my venture into…. Heroism, Villainy? What exactly would it be?' Taylor mentally questioned and shrugged.

Moving over to her desk, placing her sandwich on it and getting a spare book out of the draw, which she would normally use to replace ones the Trio ruined at school she put 'BB capes'
Deciding to wing it she put in the 3 old gangs, ABB, E88 and ABM or Archers Bridge Merchants before putting in the 'new' gangs. ID or Iron Dominion was one of them, a sister organisation to E88 if more… brutal with their tactics, The organisation Coil led, a mysterious person who owned seemingly random areas around town, the Undersiders a teenager villain gang who debuted majorly in taking out the entire wards team they encountered. After that is a group of thief's called Red Hand and from Haven we have the 7 deadly sins. Then Uber and L33t, Faultlines crew, another gang from Haven Hecta, Need for Speed another gang from Haven then finally the villain list ended with the Stone makers. Not counting independents like flipster, circus and flood.

For heroes we have the Protectorate, The junior division Wards, the brockton bay brigade and independent heroes of vigilants being Phoenix and Ring maker. Rogues include Parian, Liner, Chain Length, Sinker, Leo and Seerer if that last one was a tad iffy.

'Last time I checked, there was over 100 Parahumans in the bay making it the highest Parahuman to normal human ratios in America…. The best place to start for a Power thief like myself' Taylor grinned at the thought as she ate her lunch. Her train of thought was stopped however when-

Time to vote
[X] The Golden one started to communicate to her
[X] The Silver one started to communicate to her
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Chapter 6
Well I'm updating early today, another chapter around normal time to so double update day. It was close but '[X] The Silver one started to communicate to her' won.

Chapter 6

(Main energy source damaged, greater network of [Shards] to become fake [Entity] would create energy supply needed, unadvised as it creates dependence on network. Other avenues include devouring another [Shards] energy source)' Taylor winced slightly at that before she took in what was said.

'So the shard is telling me if I have enough shards in my 'network's It will become this fake Entity thing and I presume energy would be shared among the entire thing. So all the excess would be given to it and other shards that have their energy source damaged. But that sounds like literally putting a bandage on the huge gaping wound instead of fixing it....' Taylor decided that while it would happen anyway relying on the 'network' isn't going to cut it.

'I guess the avenue of taking another shards energy source could do it. But then I will have the other shard be dependent on the network...' Taylor frowned at that.

'well... I think I read somewhere that some Parahuman get mutations from their powers. The monstrous capes and Case 53s the more extreme example.... Could I just not activate the shard and have it's energy supply taken' Taylor thought about this carefully. It would meen giving up on the power but... 'from what I can tell most Case 53s either have very annoying powers, kinda weak ones or generalised ones. Most of their abilities coming with their altered biology' Taylor nodded at that. Satisfied with her decision before noting she finished her sandwich already. Sighing a tad disappointed as it was a good lunch she focused back on the gangs.

'ABB, Merchants, E88 and Iron dominion are the only gangs with actual gang members. Others are just groups of Parahumans that while some have henchmen their not so much of a gang at a villainous group. I think Hecta and Faultlines crew own some shady businesses, no body knows a bloody thing about Coil, Red hand is a hired thieves group, The Undersiders don't even have a known territory, Deadly sins practically own most of the cities strip clubs and actually illegal things like fighting rings. Stone makers are more of a illegal hired help group and then there's Uber and L33t' a chuckle came from her mouth remembering their shows.

'Need for Speed is actually the easiest gang to get into, it's like a classical motor cycle gang with their red and white colours and you have to find someone to get you to join. Especially with Motor running the group. Some kind of vehicle Tinker but all she's been known to create are ridiculous motorbikes' remembering one of THEIR shows caused a smirk to come across her face. The only reason they weren't in the Rogues category was well, they were a motorcycle gang and they didn't care for property damage.

'hmm. Which gang should I target first. I could go try and find some of the more real gangs out and about patrolling, I could wait for a Uber and L33t live stream and try to get them their, I could try and find those businesses faultline crew and hecta own or I could try and join Need for speed. Which one should I do' Taylor thought curiously.

Now time to vote
[X] go out on patrol and hope to find one of ABB/E88/Merchants/Iron Dominions parahumans
[X] wait for Uber and L33t livestream
[X] Go after Faultlines buisnese
[X] Go after Hecta's business
[X] Try and join Need for Speed

Also to note, as you can see I chose a more extreme AU. For that reason some future shard stuff will be confusing. If anyone can guess what happened to cause the confusing shard stuff Kudos to you.
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[X] Go after Faultlines buisnese
-[X] Don't they have a Case53 try to talk to them and see if we can pass this off as an underground cure for Case53's and possibly to others with unwanted powers.
--[X] Get past our issues we are going to need a cell phone preferable a burner phone that will be difficult to trace. Our powers make us a grade A trump and instant kill switch for capes lets not get a 9mil singing bonus with the first gang to find this out.
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