[The Taylor Made quest]

Well... Whirlygigs shard is called [Force Sphere]... Make of that what you will
She can only control things to the level of dust. A secound trigger might be atom level but anything from other telekinetic in her 2 meter rangr that's not a total one like my fanon whirlygig is going to be shot back at them
Right so "Cyclone Aura", "Telekinetic Marble Form" or "Precog-Immune Good Luck Aura" these are the three options we have to choose from if so then i chose. [X] Shamrocks shard
We can already use those powers can't we?

Well except maybe Saturn.

What are the upsides to fixing a shard for us?
It in effect can cause a fake secound trigger as shards can put more energy into the power. Should I give a example but be warned if I do that path for the power is blocked
It in effect can cause a fake secound trigger as shards can put more energy into the power. Should I give a example but be warned if I do that path for the power is blocked
Right so Second Trigger versions of those three powers we can choose correct?, now i understand why you're pushing us towards Whirligig a second tigger version of her power would allow us to do some pretty weird things. so could Saturn's power actually huh might have to retake my Vote
Up to the shard if they want to. After all they only use a small amount their processing power for the powers themselves. So they might do it although Taylor can say don't do that or do that if it helps
Yeah, I have 1 hilarious version, 1 meh version and 1 good version. Remember said shards can also secound trigger like most other shards, but that's way down the line.

Also wondering why no one comments on the fact Zion is dead
Yeah, I have 1 hilarious version, 1 meh version and 1 good version. Remember said shards can also secound trigger like most other shards, but that's way down the line.

Also wondering why no one comments on the fact Zion is dead
Huh he's dead, oh noooo the inhumanity. In all seriousness really didn't realize he was dead huh Shamrock power is looking more and more appealing well if we fight cauldron that is. Also i assuming that the Second Trigger power we get is going to be decided by the Dice Gods?.
[X] Shamrock's Shard

It's a usefully subtle defense power, we want to play power whisperer even if Faultline already knows more than I'd like, I'd like to keep as many others in the dark as long as possible, at least until we have enhanced reflexes, and at least two layers each of thinker (one non-precog) and mover (one non-teleport) defense.

[x] Don't take her power immediately. Wait for her to be focused on something else besides us, be sure to give her her power back ASAP and keep a copy. May want to keep our version her ability turned off for now.
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Yep. Dice chose. I have 3 for each one so hopefully you guys do well. You did good the chapter before
Prometheus isn't the only fire thief in mythology, most ancient mythoses have that sequence in one form or another.
true, but most don't really sound as well or don't fit for other reasons,
Prometheus works well in an american setting due to it's well known origin in Greek mythology.
Azazel has way to many demonic/evil connotations,

maui is kindah meh as a name for a girl but could be done,
Spider would work as well, wouldn't be obvious and would be a throwback to the original work but spiders aren't exactly cuddly if you know what i mean.
coyote, beaver or dog are all kind of meh,
Crow could work as it sounds edgy enough to be viable and it lacks the absolutely evil connotations as well as other damming markers, hell the whole thief aspect would come out perfectly with crows but animal names aren't that great for a superhero unless you use the animal within the theme of your powers.
rabbit is too tame.

Nanabohzo might work but it's long, relatively complicated for a name and therefor forgettable.

Amirani is actually probably the best name, due to it sounding feminine, its obscurity and its simplicity, but it lacks the impact of something as well known as prometheus or Azazel
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How Taylor's power works and some bits and pieces
Also noticed a bit of confusion around Taylor's power so I will clear it up.

Taylor can see capes by a dragonball Z like Aura. Gold for Zion and Silver for Eden

However shards colours can be different for a multitude of reasons
Dim colours are the result in Cauldron style triggers in this fic, this means the main energy source they use is damaged, such as when the entities crashed into earth.

Tarnished means they aren't in a network, cannon dead shards with the network's at their core is a Vital Nexus shard in this fic. Which is nearly every shard with few exceptions like Vital Nexus itself.

Taylor when she locks eyes with a cape and hits the mental steal button sees a crystal tower of a colour depending on the type of shard. Cauldron capes are both dim and tarnished while regular are just tarnished. She then slowly moves said shard from that earth it resides in to the one Vital Nexus is in. This is signified by the shard being taken moving from her left eye to her right.

Hower in the version where it's purely looking in their eyes with someone the cape drops dead from the energy released which fries their brain.

Taylor if her connection during the process is interrupted by say the cape moving their head away she starts getting a headache.

In a 1 meter radius around herself she can safely take ones power and can order the shard to adsorb the energy inside the corona pollentia which temporarily nullifies their powers and this way she can steal from capes in her range.

She can then allow capes to have access to their shards again by mentally linking them in her no kill stealing radius and can give them extra powers if she wants. She can also simply remove said Powers she gives out at anytime she wants which will be brought up next chapter.

Regarding case 53s Taylor can 'cure' those with a inhuman appearance as taking their shard removes it but they still have no memories and most will probably not want to give up on the Parahuman life. Except for those like Sveta with no control over her body or just plain undesirable appearances.

Regarding capes such as Uber and Victor, with uber his power trains him in the skills, Victor on the overhand 'steals' them which are added to his own Brian so they wouldn't immedisntly notice until they try and pick another skill.

Tinkers on the other hand are basically just if the shard wants to. Which sadly for L33t unless Taylor demands it his tech tree won't get a refresh.

How Taylor improves shards: well... Here it is
- Once Taylor has a set of 4 shards she can repair one damaged shard which causes a fake secound trigger
- once Taylor has a set of 16 shards... Well im going to put this in when it gets to that point.

Faultline only knows we see shards as crystal towers during the process and we can give back access to powers. She doesn't know about the kill on eye contact, cape Aura or the fact Taylor now has admin rights to her power.

Hope this clears things up
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So what the upper limit of Whirligig & Saturn's Telekinesis? total control basically means at smallest they can control dust but i want to know how much weight they can lift. also does repairing shards destroy/deactivate the 3 shards used to repair the 1 shard?.
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Well Saturn doesn't have as much as a weight limit as more of a size limit. If something say a ship was dropped on her but she was only underneath say a the back of it, forcing it away would only flip the ship. What I'm trying to say is that unlike most TKs she can't effect a whole object. Just what falls in her sphere.

Whirligig Fannon I made to make her stronger forces everything inside a 10m radius move at the same speed in the Counter clockwise direction which slowly increases along with the radius.

So theoretically infinite which is why they Trump most other TKs but practically whatever they can grab and have time to
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The whole reason why shes stronger is that I wanted to give the merchants My idea of eslacator capes. Capes that if given time to prepare/be unchecked can cause MAJOR issues. I demonstrated that by giving Kaiser the Escalator status by making the new dock area
[X] Shamrock's Shard
[X] Don't take her power immediately. Wait for her to be focused on something else besides us, be sure to give her her power back ASAP and keep a copy. May want to keep our version her ability turned off for now.
30km/h and slowly escalates, even slower the hookwolf but still bloody fast. I say 90km at 10 seconds and add 60 per 10 seconds as we go. Also where do you get the idea for sacrificing shards. I had a idea for it earlier but don't remember if I put it in the fic.
30km/h and slowly escalates, even slower the hookwolf but still bloody fast. I say 90km at 10 seconds and add 60 per 10 seconds as we go. Also where do you get the idea for sacrificing shards. I had a idea for it earlier but don't remember if I put it in the fic.
Um in Author Note it was implied that repairing one shards required the destruction of 3 shards
Will try and edit it to make it.clear but it's more like VN doesn't like Newter, Gregor or Spitfires shards. All you need is to have 4 in your collection at minimum to repair 1 shard, nothing is destroyed. What happened to those shards will be revealed soon
Totum threw 2 3-faced dice. Total: 6
3 3 3 3
Totum threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
Totum threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 61
61 61
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