[The Taylor Made quest]

Chapter 16
Well you all seem to want to go home for Taylor so...

Chapter 16

Taylor went home soon after sunset and arrived at 7, a tad to early to get to sleep from her day so she quickly made another sandwich and went upstairs. 'Hope dad comes home tomorrow' Taylor thought remembering on Saturday her father telling her about him having a busy week this week and probably the one after.

Absently taking a bite from her as sandwich Taylor slowly walked upstairs until she arrived at her room and quickly sat down at her desk, leaning back a bit before she turned her computer on. 'I really should start researching my targets more... ABB especially for the fact I'm considering to take LUNG of all people' Taylor shook her head and grabbed her Parahuman note book from her draw and opened up to a new page, putting ABB and then out Lung in. It was kinda obvious in they were a villan or hero, same with the genders honestly so Taylor decided to forgo them as she just wrote Lung on the top of the page, underlined it and searched up his web page on the wiki.

Scrolling down the 'Kills' 'Victories' and 'Defeats' tabs she clicked 'Powers' and started to read and write.

'Lung is a near perfect hybrid of a escalator cape and a normal one. His power seemed to change him, giving him the changer rating, into a vaguely humanoid draconic being. With a long neck, wings, a tail and rumored to grow a extra set of arms if pushed for enough. His growth seemed to be linked to the amount of force pushed against him, but don't let that fool you.

Besides his changer power he is also a Low level pyrokinetic and a moderately powerful regenerator. With his changer power amplifying them to extreme levels and you really can't just knock him out in one swipe, in fact it's been rumoured he can vaguely control his transformation, focusing it on one spot which is said to be how he stopped a sniper from killing him, by manifesting a hard dark grey scale the ENE PRT has told is a alloy of Iron...'

Taylor wrote that last bit down just incase. That was something she needsd to know if she was going to get in a straight fight with him.

Moving down she absently noted rumours of other powers such as enhanced senses and definitely wrote down flight.

She paused as she noticed that there was a 'underlings' tab beneath it and 6 links were given.

She started with Oni Lee for the first one and was reasonably surprised at the lack of Victories or Defeats tab, just Battles.

'...Oni Lee is a teleporter who leaves behind a clone that lasts roughly 10 seconds after teleportation with a copy of everything on his body. Which usually is Knives and Bombs. It has been suspected his clones are complete copies of him and they can act independently and not a mastered projection but besides asking him for details we cannot tell. Limits on his teleportation has been set for either 3 blocks or line of sight. He is later supplemented by his team made Bakuda, a Tinker specialising in bombs and commonly carries at least 3 of her creations into a battle field, a short singularity bomb, a temporary time stopper and in emergencies a bomb which drastically increases gravity in its effected area commonly used with his teleportation to leave the affected area...'

Taylor gasped as she read wrote down the details for Oni Lee and in a sense Bakuda as she continued on the jet page. Their powers didn't seem to have synergy at first glance but with his clones having everything he has on him...

Moving on she came upon the wiki page of Kitsune.

She was apparently a minor cape of the gang, with 3 seperate 'illusions'. She could drastically slow down a person's perception of time making her seem faster, switch the vision between 2 people and her 'feint' illusion which showed a person a vision where she attacks them from her position. Besides that she has incredible reflexes and was very flexible, also had a minor mover rating for the ability to run a hundred km per hour.

Next was Yuki Onna who surprisingly wasn't a Cyrokinetic, kinda. She made these blue chains out of this crystal like material that absorbed heat around them and used it to grow longer, bigger or more durable depending on her preferences. They can be broken although the only instance of such as she is a relatively new player was against Aegis of the wards.

From there the other two members of the ABB's Parahumans where Huo whos power was described as a line of sight based creation of black Fire that didn't give off heat and supposedly burned light as fuel for the reason why they were black.

Then there was Yoddha and not the Star Wars one. He is known for the creation of blue, near indestructible forcefields in a cylinder like range of 2 meters out and 8 upwards but only a meter away from him and he can't just encase himself or else he will die from a lack of oxygen. However the forcefields move depending on his location so they will move forward if he moved forward. He commonly used his power to make a Samuri like construct to fight in with very small holes for air.

Taylor absently wrote all that down and looked at her list of ABB villains. In her opinion Yuki Onna and Kitsune were the easiest of the groups to target with what vague memories of seeing battles online showed Yuki Onnas chains appearing from her back or from her hands and Kistune didn't have any true physical attacks.

If Lung grew to much Taylor doubts her 1 meter range would work so she would have to kill him to take his power and Yoddha seemed like it would be another Kill option for his forcefields, maybe Huo to as his power was also eye based.

'Geeze it's 8:30 already' Taylor thought feeling a tad tired after the adrenaline left her system from the days events. Looking over her book she decided she could add a independent villain while she was at it and added Flipster.

Looking him up on the wiki after she specified it to Brockton Bay she wrote his entry 3 pages after ABB.


Flipstar can change his own personal gravity along with whatever he is holding/touching. In a sense he can easily walk on walls by flipping gravity that effects him to that point. His 'flipping' also seems limited by line of sight as it was shown he turned a telephone pole his personal gravity point while dragging Obelisk with him, letting her go mid travel and flipster quickly changed to the nearby building wall for his new center of gravity

Taylor absently noted that it was more a example then a explanation but she didn't care, she can understand what his power did at a later date. For now it was time for some sleep.

Yeah, this chapter was more filler in my opinion but at least you got to see the new ABB members and a independent villain Flipster. I fully admit to being inspired by Naruto for these villains with Kitsune loosely based on Tsukuyomi (Perception of time, attack that didn't happen, I threw in the switching vision between targets for originality), Huo is basically using Amaterasu and Yoddha has upper body Sussano without the cool chakra effects and special abilities. Yuki onna for more knowledgeable Naruto fans is based of Kushina's sealing adamant chains which uses Heat instead of chakra. Flipster I made up so hopefully i show I don't rip off all my new capes.

But for votes, This is what you do in the morning

[X] Go and see if Victoria is at the Pwnshop first thing in the morning
[X] Wait a couple hours and see if it's reported Lung is destroyed the Boat Graveyard
[X] Try and go Heroing in the morning
[X] Continue where you left off tomorrow in your note book
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[X] Go and see if Victoria is at the Pwnshop first thing in the morning
Edit: Also it's not bad that some of your character are inspired by others, i would have been surprised if you didn't draw some inspiration from other media to make some of the capes for this Quest.
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[X] Go and see if Victoria is at the Pwnshop first thing in the morning
- meh, a little copying is fine but this just feels cheap to me and i like flipster the most as that is actually an interesting power, hell if you were having trouble coming up with ideas you could have just asked us for some cape ideas that tie in thematically and aren't too overpowered.
[X] Go and see if Victoria is at the Pwnshop first thing in the morning
- meh, a little copying is fine but this just feels cheap to me and i like flipster the most as that is actually an interesting power, hell if you were having trouble coming up with ideas you could have just asked us for some cape ideas that tie in thematically and aren't too overpowered.
In the defense of the Author how many of us actually comment on the story?, i honestly doubt that many people would have replied if the Author had asked ideas.
In the defense of the Author how many of us actually comment on the story?, i honestly doubt that many people would have replied if the Author had asked ideas.
have you ever seen other stories where they ask for ideas, hell some give a small meaningless reward and you'll get enough people writing in anyway.
simply ask something like i need more powered individuals for the world, so i'm asking for oc's in this format. please don't make them too overpowered or at least limit them in the usual worm fashion.

real Name: Yanagi Kojiro

Alias: Onibi (yes look it up is an actual Japanese flame monster)

Affiliation: ABB, villain

Power: large scale Thermokinetic shaker/blaster 4+ (Can't create energy out of nothing but has macro control over existing heat, on his own he usually can't do much do much without standing next to a blazing house/apartment however he is immune to fire and as such he works well in tandem with Lung using the flames lung generates to attack, if caught unaware he is relatively harmless lacking any real defence however he doesn't have a known maximum limit to how much energy he can manipulate at any one time.)

(special) Equipment: he dresses in full black body armour and a demon/samurai styled helmet, he often has a few of Bakuda's special incendiary grenades on him.

Description: (optional, if you want to add a backstory, try to make it somewhat believable) Kojiro was an immigrant from kyushu, one day he walked too far away from the safer parts immigration camp and was kidnapped by some e88 members, they beat him up and coated him in gasoline, in his desperation he triggered as the empire goons lit him on fire, turning the blaze back on them he walked away naked, bruised and battered but alive.
The morning after he received a visit from lung carrying an offer he couldn't and wouldn't refuse.
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Lol just looking over the comments. I do accept parahuamn OC's but I already have over 3 dozen and if you do give me them I would more then likely have them as either End Bringer casualties, Out of town players or maybe some of Boston's gangs. If I decide to put one of the Parahuman's you guys made in the fic I will also put in a extra thing you guys ask for aslong as it doesn't interfere with anything I already have planned.

Also for ABB capes I think Japanese and sometimes Chinese is a tad overdone. Use other Asian languages if you guys want a higher chance of having your Cape in the fic.
Totum threw 1 3-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
Totum threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 3
2 2 1 1
Lol just looking over the comments. I do accept parahuamn OC's but I already have over 3 dozen and if you do give me them I would more then likely have them as either End Bringer casualties, Out of town players or maybe some of Boston's gangs. If I decide to put one of the Parahuman's you guys made in the fic I will also put in a extra thing you guys ask for aslong as it doesn't interfere with anything I already have planned.

Also for ABB capes I think Japanese and sometimes Chinese is a tad overdone. Use other Asian languages if you guys want a higher chance of having your Cape in the fic.
So you're still using the lower the role better the result thing right?
Meh, not really. The dice rolls this chapter aren't for combat or anything major for the plot. Didn't want to get a coin actually so this had to do for the secound one.

Edit: actually on secound thought it might be later down the line...
Totum threw 1 3-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
Totum threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 100
100 100
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Chapter 17
So…. Hope you guys notice the increased quality over chapter, I am trying something new with writing. Hope it works out and let's get on with the chapter.

Chapter 17

Taylor groaned as she slowly got out of bed. Her hand fumbled slightly as she hit her alarm clock on the top, showing it was 6:30 in the morning. It was made worse by the last few exciting days she had, discovering her powers, becoming a rogue contract of Faultline and becoming a Hero with Victoria. 'Well I hope for the last one' Taylor grumbled as she got out of bed.

She quickly put on a dark green shirt and black trousers with a grey hoodie to hopefully offset the cold of the winter morning as she prepared to go out. Eating some Milo and getting her shoes on in front of the door Taylor slowly opened the door and closed it behind her, locking jt with her keys she jumped down the steps to the house, ignoring the rotten first step and made a slight jog to the Pwnshop.

Yesterday's events remembered Taylor shook her head to offset the negativity of that day. 'Hopefully Victoria got it all sorted' Taylor thought as she soon arrived at the shop roughly 15 minutes later, which she quickly noticed the 'Closed for today' on the chalkboard.

Looking inside Taylor was surprise to see Victoria was waiting for her, albeit she was floating and leaning against the back door. "Hey Taylor, when I said first thing in the morning I was expecting another hour" she admitted and Taylor took a quick glance around the room and noticed quite a few items off the shelves were missing, the jewelry for one she immediately noticed. She sighed as she guessed it did technically fall under that law from vigilants Victoria told her yesterday.

Taking a closer look Taylor noticed Victoria looked a tad more tired then she was expecting. "Rough night?" Taylor asked and Victoria snorted.

"When you left I had to call up Crystal to tell her the situation. She would not believe me until she came over and I shower her the unconscious Uber. We had lunch and did some Heroing before we came back around 5ish. Since then Crystal dragged Uber and I the mecha through the force field at high speeds, with her covering the mech and Uber late at night and dumped him in the outskirts of Boston, away from Brockton bay" Victoria said and Taylor winced as she couldn't imagine how long that situation would of taken. L

"From there I moved all the Tinker tech with Crystal, safely to notice damage any if it mind you and then went home, slept for a few hours before coming back here half a hour ago. Since then we have been 'looting' everything we see as valuable, taking some precautions such as flying and grabbing everything with Crystals force fields. She isn't currently in the back taking stock of everything while I waited for you" Victoria told her and Taylor nodded absently.

"Do you want to go see Crystal" Victoria said and Taylor nodded, a slight smile on her face at the chance of meeting another Hero and soon walked to the back as Victoria opened the door.

"Hey Crys (pronounced Chris, was not sure on how I would give Crystal a nickname), the girl I told you about is here" Victoria suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her along before she closed the door behind them and rushed her along, making her stumble slightly as she led her into the backroom and Taylor got her first view of what she quickly spotted at Laser Dream.

Crystal was definitely attractive, nice heart shape face, full lips even Taylor felt they looked kissable and nice blond hair in a similar style to Vicky's.

Her outfit on the overhand was the white costume she wore an Laser Dream with stylized arrows pointing down and to her left and right with half a dozen lines trailing behind it over her left shoulder, with similar rows of lines trailing down her legs and arms. She also wore a ruby red hair band that fit the onsomble.

She was also a tad older than Taylor thought. Most on PHO thought Lustre was the eldest of the children of Brockton Bay Brigade but Taylor could tell Crystal was at least 19, maybe 20 if she thought about it. "Hey I'm Crystal, Crystal Pelham" she smiled at Taylor, holding her hand out and Taylor smiled a tad awkwardly and shook her hand.

"Taylor Hebert" she replied and Crystal smiled at her she became a tad serious.

"I know your a Cape as Vicky told me but she wouldn't tell me exactly what you did, so can you explain it for me" Crystal asked her and Taylor shuffled a bit before opening her mouth but Victoria beat her.

"Basically, Taylor here is a Power thief that can give people back access to their powers. However she has 2 methods, one of which is to look in someone's eye from a distance and take their power but it kills the cape in question, Taylor also has another version where if you touch her she can take your power and give you back access to it with no problem" Victoria gave her cousin a explanation and Taylor was a tad shocked that Victoria didn't mention a thing about her ability to revoke said access back.

'Did she just forget?' Taylor thought but that idea fell down as Taylor saw Victoria wink at her and Crystal nodded, if a tad shocked at the power.

"Do you have a limit on the amount of powers you can use or steal" Crystal asked and Taylor shook her head.

"I see Powers as crystal towers I take from one person and bring them into me to join my pre existing field" not exactly the truth but that would take longer to explain. "From what I can tell I see other earth's that have a power stored on them and the only limit I would have is how many if these towers I can fit into that world. As for how many powers in use" Taylor chewed her lip and thought of a best way I explain it. "I don't in a sense but it can get very confusing" Taylor left it at that as she looked around the room. The 2 single couches she saw last time were covered in various jewelry and nicknacks that she was sure we're not just from the front store. Other then that only the staircase down existed.

"I can see why you want such a power secret. Power thief's are relatively unknown besides the Faerie Queen and the ones I do know beside her age more of a temporary basis. You can count me in on keeping it secret so you don't have to worry" Crystal told her a tad gently and Taylor nodded, smiling brightly before Victoria butted in.

"Now that that's over with Crystal to you want a demonstration?" Victoria asked and Crystal thought it over for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah I would, hearing about it is OK, but seeing is believing" Crystal looked at her and Taylor gulped before she thought it through.

'Whirligig, Scrub and Labyrinth are out for sheer principle, Shamrock is already on and wouldn't be very suitable, Saturn I would want hidden, Uber and L33t take time and Victoria's could work but only if I tell her to punch me…' Taylor thought before shaking her head. 'No, I can have Crystal just fire a beam at me' Taylor thought before speaking up.

"Well I have Victoria's power currently on so a short beam could prove it" Taylor suggested and Crystal rose an eyebrow before raising her hand in a gun fashion and firing a small, short lived beam from her finger tip that quickly did next to nothing against her.

"I guess that demonstrates it… but this is better" Victoria grinned mischievously and sent a punch towards Taylor who froze as Victoria's fist entered her force field, bringing its own field and merging the two together. By the look on Victoria's face she realised it to before Taylor was punched back a bit from the half hearted punch, still in shock.

"Uhhh guys what happened" Crystal looked at the two worriedly and Victoria was the first who snapped out if her daze.

"It seems our force fields merged together when I hit her" Victoria told Crystal who blinked in surprise.

"Well I guess that proves it more than anything then" Crystal admitted before a devious glint entered her eye "Wait… If Taylor can bypass your field…." Crystal chuckled darkly for a bit making Victoria edge away from her cousin.

"Hey Taylor" Crystal said to the stunned Taylor getting her out if shock "Whenever Victoria is being stupid feel free to smack her in the back of the head for us all OK" she said sweetly and Taylor chuckled, even more so when Victoria started to grumble.

After a few moments Crystal spoke up again looking serious. "Taylor…" she spoke grabbing said girls attention. "I'm willing to let you have my power" she said shocking Taylor.

"Huh" that was all Taylor said to reply and Crystal shuffled slightly.

"You see… Brockton Bay Brigade was rather lucky despite saying how they lived in the Dark Ages of Capes the truth is back then the Unwritten rules were enforced rather heavily on the cape side on them. There was a strict no killing policy for capes, even the Butcher agreed to that which will tell you something. Nowadays you see newbie Heroes and Villains, Especially the Rogues targeted and often killed. Did you know there was 30 cape death's in Brockton bay alone last year" Taylor soon realized this wasn't Crystal talking here. It was Laser Dream, a Hero who looked rather worn.

"I personally am the better Flying artillery cape in the family, even better than Brandish if I go all out. I also have the weakest Shield. A good trade off in my opinion but not one I would willingly do. What I'm trying to say is it's more likely for me to be killed in a conflict anytime soon then the others and I would at least want to make sure my powers will be used for… Something if I ever die" Crystal finished her explanation looking down and clenching her hands to her sides and Taylor looked at her and felt a strange sense of determination and she walked towards her new friend.

Immediately when she entered her range she saw it was a Gold tower, like Victoria's and in 2 seconds it fell North East North, a tad apropriatly in Taylor's opinion and she immediately knew of Crimson Lights Powers. Giving Crystal access to her old power Taylor smiled "Thanks for trusting in me" Taylor said and after a few moments a loud clap brough the two girls out if the deep moment.

"Well that was all good and that, good for you Crystal for giving your power like that" Victoria had a grin on her face saying she knew exactly that she ruined the atmosphere in the room and continued on "We, well I wanted you downstairs to check if any of the Tinker Tech was damaged/ still operational while me and Crystal go explore the Hallways we found yesterday" Victoria grinned wildly and Taylor just sighed followed by Crystal as the 3 flew down the stairs and quickly out to the bunker.

—————————————(Time Skip. 10 Am)—————————————

The 3 girls were now in the upper floor area of the house, beyond the hallway, and looked around. It was surprisingly done in a dark blue office style, with 2 desks making the center of the room with 2 computers side by side. It wasn't a gamers desk though without the console next to the computers which Taylor personally suspected L33t tinkered with.

"Well at least it's a lot more interesting than those hallways" Victoria muttered and Crystal had to agree. Those things took 2 hours to go through and even the. It was boring. There was a force field along the wall every 300 meters of so, with a slightly expanded room behind them presumingly used to turn any vehicles driven down them to face the force fields and even at the very back wall that was there was a up ramp to the surface, with the left one leading a few miles outside of town surprisingly open and the other in a curved pattern opening into a spot around a 100 meters away from city limits.

This room at least wasn't drab grey and had some interesting posters along the walls. "Let's go see if there is anything around in here" Taylor said as she slowly walked into the rather empty looking office and saw there were draws on the desks to the opposite ends of each other, presumingly where they kept documents.

Opening the top draw she was surprised to see only 1 document, more like a letter, was in there and Taylor's blood run cold as she read it.

To Uber and Leet

Uber and L33t I am looking to pay for another service. I am in need for able body in my cooperation and humbly request you get one for me, it can be a random person you see on the street or a member of the Gangs for all I care. If you do so I will pay you 3 thousand, like our other agreements…

From Coil

Taylor's thoughts on the letter were interrupted as she felt the letter was snatched from the draw and she looked up to see a pissed off Victoria look at the letter in anger. "Well at least we know what those idiots were going to do with you" Victoria actually growled and Taylor quickly noticed Crystal was looking it over as well, eyebrows furrowed in anger.

"We have to out this off for now. Coil presumingly knows that Uber and L33t lived here, maybe knows about the bunker. Taylor you have L33ts Tinker power right?" Crystal looked at her sharply and she nodded.

"Good. Can I ask that you come by again tomorrow or this afternoon and make some defences or something. This place will more than likely stormed by Coils mercenaries in a week. After that we can get this place more set up and go after coil" Victoria said this time and Taylor was about to object, feeling the anger within her at the fact she was going to be kidnapped by Coil if all people before Victoria looked at her with a sharp gaze. Quickly telling her that she would not budge on that decision. Sighing Taylor reluctantly nodded causing a smile to appear on Victoria's face.

"Good… I say that was enough for today so maybe we can go out and get some lunch, or breakfast in our case" Victoria grinned and Crystal causing the three of them to laugh.

————————————(Time skip. 12 pm)——————————————

Taylor absently licked her ice-cream as she slowly walked back into the store. Victoria and Crystal had a great lunch with her, both having some banana bread while Taylor had a burger from the nearby restaurant and a ice cream to go. The two Heroines left to go back to their families, both promising next time they meet up tomorrow they will bring along their sibling.

Taylor on the overhand went back to the Pwnshop, getting ready to use some of L33ts equipment to build up some defenses for the bunker or at least security. 'Maybe some kind of force field to cover the roof so now bombs can get through, maybe the same for making repeated 1 way forcefields all along the corridors to block out Intruders' Taylor rather liked that idea as she opened the back door and slowly flew down the staircase into the large open room.

Looking around the edges she saw that they both moved the Tinker tech ti the left and right, leaving the back of the room completely clear which was good as Taylor wanted to test something out. She currently had Victoria's, Faultline's and Shamrock's Powers activated and she wanted to see what would happen if she activated Crimson Light. 'Would the force fields merge and would I become twice as fast' now that was the only 2 things she could think of that would be effected with the combined power set and as soon as she had the clear space she activated Crimson Light and was grinning wildly as she looked herself over.

She could feel the extra layer over Victoria's shield, which she knew would dampen any impacts and visibly regenerate to her so she could more than likely take 2 consecutive hits as once. Machine guns will still probably kill her, so would Shotguns if she thought about it but this way she would be slot more protected.

'Now the other test' Taylor grinned as she 'shifted gears' so to speak and began flying with Crystal's version. She was a tad faster then Victoria in the beginning but that didn't mean much when Victoria could slowly build up speed. Switching back to Victoria's Taylor had a idea come to mind and she slowly flew in a circle before launching herself at the back wall, quickly activating both Crystal's and Victoria's forms of flight together and she instantly stopped moving, quickly turning left she did the same thing and grinned as her idea was true.

'Crystal's flight doesn't carry momentum, more like telekinesis in my opinion but I can only use it to fly around. Even with the momentum of Victoria's flight I can use Crystal's to immediately switch directions' Taylor grinned wildly. She may not be faster like this but she has a lot more options for flight in this form then any of the previous two. It actually got Taylor to think if any of her powers had a similar synergy.

'Wait, could I give a cape a second power' the thought stopped her right in the air as Taylor considered it. She knew she wasn't 'giving them back' as much as just giving the previous user access. Could she just give someone access to 2 powers at once, if so the idea was incredible if it worked. She just didn't know what to do at that moment. Would she start making the Bunkers defences, continue trying to check unique power synergies or would she continue with her line of thought and check if she can give someone access to multiple Powers…

Yeah… hope the chapter was of better quality then previous, poor Taylor though, not getting her revenge soon as you guys didn't vote on letting Taylor go upstairs a few chapters ago where she would discover the documents. From there you all can pretty much guess what Taylor would do, keep it hidden while she attacked the bastard, of course if she didn't then the mercenaries in coils employ might of found the bunker…. Who knows what that route would of led to.

I still have Taylor a chance, the 100 dice roll on my previous post, if she got bellow 5 which is a 1 in 20 chance then she could of sneaked out with the letter. Anyway time for the votes.

[X] Start using L33ts workshop to make defenses for the Bunker

[X] Start scoping out other power synergies, there has to be one somewhere!

[X] Start thinking on giving people access to 2 Powers as once. It has potential as you felt it.

Also going to put up another Informational chapter that will be updated along with the story soon. Detailing Taylor's Shards, their names, Powers and current status.
I still have Taylor a chance,
Do you mean "I'll give Taylor another chance," or something else?.
Also like the new format definitely more easier to navigate through the story without having to backtrack.

[X] Start using L33ts workshop to make defenses for the Bunker. "Better to do this now rather than latter, i can play with my powers later"

I have no idea why i added that line of dialogue.
Taylor's stolen Powers
Taylor's Shards as of Chapter 17

Vital Nexus: Taylor's original power, can move other shards from their dimensions into its own and dominates them, giving Taylor access to their powers. Also a Network Core
Colour: Gold
Status: Not damaged, Connected

Force Sphere: Originally my own Fanon Whirlygig's power. Like cannon she can telekinetically manipulate objects in a counter clockwise direction but all objects that fit in her slowly growing range move at the same speed of 90km per hour, with 6km added ontop every secound. Can also control other telekinetically controlled objects.
Colour: Silver
Status: Damaged, Unconnected

Dimensional Replacer: Scrubs power or replacement of matter hit by sphere's to alternate, empty earths. Incapable of organic matter, cannot be properly aimed
Colour: Gold
Status: Not damage, Unconnected

: Access to all Tinkers tech trees, but the more similar a creation is to a past creation the more likely it fails
Colour: Gold
Status: Not damaged, Unconnected

Area Manipulation: Shamrocks shard, combined with unconscious Clairivoyance and micro telekinesis with precognition immunity you have a tricky power, also works on herself
Colour: Silver
Status: Repaired, Unconnected

Range Sphere
: My Oc's Saturn's power, for Taylor this allows the creation of 2 10cm in diameter spheres that appear from her hands and invisible while not using Telekinesis. The range for the Telekinesis is 2 meters and they can control anything to the level of dust in it.
Colour: Gold
Status: Repaired, Unconnected

Dimensional Creation and Space Swapping: Labyrinth's power or Creation of blank pocket dimensions around a planet in scale with whats inside chosen by host. Later shift said constructs into hosts current world. Range increases the longer host is within a area
Colour: Silver
Status: Not damaged, Unconnected

Bond Separator
: Faultline's power or Canseparate molecular bonds of inorganic through skin contact. Power can run through 2 points of contact (E.g putting 2 fingers separated on the floor, the Power runs between then)
Colour: Silver
Status: Not damaged, Unconnected

Excelerated Learning: Ubers power, the ability to learn skills are rapid rates. 1 skill learned in 6 hours of practice
Colour: Silver
Status: Not damaged, Unconnected

Effect Field: Victoria's shard, it can grant a personal force field that can take any blow once, then needs to recharge for a secound or 2, sustained Fire like a Laser will have a noticeably longer recharge and rapid blows don't count as one like a machine gun. This force field can be spread by Taylor over 30m cubed, also grants Super strength while the force field is active and cannon Glory Girl 'Aura'
Colour: Gold
Status: Not damaged, unconnected

Crimson Light: My Laser dreams power. basically cannon laser dreams with a tad strong red lasers, 80km/h flight and slightly weak regenerating red forcefields
Colour: Gold
Status: Not damaged, Unconnected

[Organic Manipulator] My Amelia's power. Manipulation of all biological matter and systems to the level of Nucleotides
Colour: Silver
Status: Unconnected, Not Damaged

[Azure field]
My Shielders power. creation of force fields that's durability depends on the energy put in them, the ability to manipulate said forcefields shape, flight and weak lasers with recoil
Colour: Gold
Status: Unconnected, not damaged

Status definition's
Not damaged: A shard that was naturally placed in the cycle
Damaged: a shard that is of a Cauldron trigger
Repaired: A damaged shard that was repaired
Unconnected: a shard not connected to a network
Connected: a shard connected to a network

If a Shard goes from Damaged to Repaired it goes through a Fake Secound trigger with limits removed.

If a Shard goes from Unconnected to Connected it goes through a Fake Secound Trigger event with limits removed.

Shard Colours
Gold: Shard from The Warrior/Zion
Silver: Shard from The Thinker/Eden

Will update on this as time goes on, maybe make a better format later.
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Lol, also ignore the informational for now, it's incomplete
you should probably add a small line describing the changes made to shards that were repaired, people might get confused about the difference between to versions of the power.
[X] Start thinking on giving people access to 2 Powers as once. It has potential as you felt it.

Be the superpower Santa!
Nothing here
Please ignore this post, this is only going to be used for dice rolls for future chapters.
Totum threw 1 4-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
Totum threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
Totum threw 1 3-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
Totum threw 11 100-faced dice. Total: 637
90 90 99 99 70 70 43 43 55 55 29 29 90 90 32 32 96 96 6 6 27 27