The Dreadhorn Clan
Of Aedra and Daedra

Kyne, Warrior-Wife and Goddess of the Storm

When you smash together a half dozen different groups, all with differing pantheons and value systems, it is inevitable that one of two things will happen: either they will all murder each other or a syncretic system will begin to develop. As the Horn Lord marched northward, taking in every reject, every outcast, and every criminal and orphan he came across, the Dreadhorn Clan would find itself doing the latter with the mediation of the Shamans and the watchful gaze of the Horn Lord forcing fusion in the face of diversity. Aedra would be shunned and Daedra embraced, the powerful reduced to servitude and the forgotten elevated to new heights, as the competing pantheons of the Dreadhorns fused into something vaguely identifiable, if not almost uniform in structure.

At the top of the Dreadhorn Pantheon sat two familiar figures;

Kyne, Warrior-Wife and Goddess of the Storm. With Akatosh absent from their pantheon - specifically, Akatosh would be deemed unworthy of worship as the Minotaurs more or less considered him to be a colossal prick who had done fuck all to protect Alessia's descendants from being hunted to near extinction - and Shor of much reduced importance, Kyne would be accorded new respect in the eyes of the Dreadhorns. Not only would she be the Goddess of the Storm, Kyne would also become the Mistress of the Heavens who cares for the dead in the Afterlife.​
Hircine, Daedric Prince of the Hunt. Unsurprisingly, Hircine has been accorded a place of great import by the Dreadhorn Clan who have worshiped Hircine since long before Domihaus the Bloody-Horned took command of them. With the inclusion of Minotaurs, Orsimer, and Nords into the ranks of the Dreadhorns, however, Hircine has become more than just the Prince of the Hunt. Emphasizing the many tales in which Hircine gives his prey a fair chance at survival, Hircine has become associated with honour and battle, the former being a particular sort of honour familiar only to the Dreadhorns who think it's perfectly honourable to murder a man in a dark alleyway if you give him a chance to draw his own dagger first.​
Immediately below them are their siblings and servants;

Mara and Dibella, the Handmaidens of Kyne. As the Minotaurs are disinclined to allow any of the other Aedra to stand higher than Kyne, both Mara and Dibella have been reduced to Kyne's Handmaidens. Of the two, Mara is given greater importance due to a growing belief among the Reachmen that she is also the Wife of Hircine, as they can see no other reason why she would fill Nirn with so many things to hunt if it were not as a gift to Hircine.​
Malacath-Orkey. With a number of Orsimer joining the Dreadhorn Clan during their march to the Sea of Ghosts, it is no surprise that worship of Malacath has come with them. The Daedric Prince of Outcasts, Malacath has found surprising favour among the Dreadhorn Clan who are, almost to a man, the dregs and rejects of Tamriel. In their eyes, Malacath is of special importance because he grants the oppressed the tools needed to overthrow their oppressors and because he is believed to stringently enforce any oaths and promises made in his name, making him a popular invocation when making oaths.​
Meridia, the Glister Witch. Perhaps as a response to the work of Molag Bal and Manimarco, worship of Meridia has grown among the Dreadhorns in recent months due to her undying hatred of the undead. Associating her with Kyne, the Dreadhorns believe that Meridia is responsible for the collection of the souls of the dead and for maintaining the Cycle of Life. For this reason, she is the enemy of necromancers everywhere, and it is believed that the most effective way of worshiping her is to kill anyone trying to defile the dead.​
Morihaus-Breath-of-Kyne and Saint Alessia. Unsurprisingly, a confederation of peoples led by a Minotaur claiming to be a full-blooded descendant of Morihaus and Alessia pay homage to Alessia. Although they are not considered to be either Aedra or Daedra, the Dreadhorns have begun to join the Minotaurs in paying them homage. They are considered to be the Guardians of Men, figures between the realms of mortality and divinity who regularly intercede in the affairs of Men and mollify the Gods should their anger turn towards them. The Minotaurs especially believe that when they die, it is Morihaus and Alessia that will collect their souls and take them to a paradise of their own, where they will remain until the world is undone and everything comes to an end.​
Azura, Daedric Prince of Prophecy and Queen of Dawn and Dusk. Although not as popular as Hircine, Malacath, or Meridia, worship of Azura has also emerged in the Dreadhorn Clan. Largely owing to her benevolent image, many Dreadhorns offer her tribute from time to time, believing that she can bestow upon her worshipers anything from visions of the future to great wisdom. Her association with the stars would only serve to cement her worship within the Dreadhorn Clan once they began their voyage to Akavir and the need to navigate by the stars grew once the Dreadhorns had left Tamriel behind.​

Beyond these figures, there are others worshiped by the Dreadhorns in accordance with the particulars of each group that make up the Clan. Shor remains a popular Aedra for those few Nords within the Clan while a few Reachmen are known to maintain quiet worship of Molag Bal and other Daedra whose worship has been banned by Domihaus. They are, however, worshiped by so few of the Dreadhorns that they are more quirks and exceptions than fully fledged parts of the burgeoning Dreadhorn Pantheon.​
From Lurog gro-Shurkul, Third Captain of the House of Steel and Emissary of the Patriarch of the Dreadhorn Clan and Horn Lord, Domihaus the Bloody-Horned
To the Men of Akavir

@EliudFS1 & @Altered

On behalf of Domihaus the Bloody-Horned, Horn Lord of the Minotaurs, Patriarch of the Dreadhorn Clan, Man-Bane, Blood of Alessia, Champion of Kyne, the Winged Lord, King of the Ashes, and Fear of Men and Mer, I bid you greetings, Men of Akavir.

Know that we have come to your shores in pursuit of Kyne, Mother of Morihaus-Breath-Of-Kyne, Widow of Shor, Goddess of the Heavens, the Winds, the Elements, and the Spirits of the Air. Her passing has been marked in the dreams of those favoured by her, by the shamans who have witnessed her cross the Sea of Ghosts and here, into Akavir.

Though you have warred upon Tamriel twice in the past, once as the Tsaeci, who knelt to Reman the Worldly God, and the other as the Snow Demons, who were vanquished by the Half King and the Pretenders, it is not the intent of the Horn Lord to do battle with you. His quest is not one of vengeance but of faith, for Domihaus the Bloody-Horned has seen that Kyne leads him not towards battle but to a home for the Dreadhorn Clan. Should you not bar his path, nor take up arms against him, know that he shall be a friend unto you, one as firm as Morihaus-Breath-Of-Kyne was to Saint Alessia.

But should you seek to bar his path and deny the Dreadhorn Clan the way to Kyne, then you would do well to heed the lessons of the Ayleids and Umaril, whose hubris saw their undoing at the hands of the Minotaur and their race brought near to extinction for the sin of opposing those in whom the Aedra place their favour.

To Lurog gro-Shurkul, Emissary of the Dreadhorn Clan,

We know not of this Akavir you speak of, nor your Goddess, much-less the Tsaeci - though we wager we have an idea regarding these Snow Demons you mention. The people of our land will not dispute your shamans' visions, but we do seek to inform you that this land has never been called Akavir by us, or any other until now. The land you find yourself upon is known as Westeros, the Seven Kingdoms that are One, the Sunset Kingdoms, and the Land of the Free. If you doubt my word, the people of this land can provide proof whether it be in written record or trusted testimony from the Mages, my own House has hired from the Ebonheart Pact across the sea.

We wish peace and prosperity, not bloodshed and war - though do not mistake the desire for peace as the view of not being capable of fighting. War has come to our shores before, and the people of this land are capable of demonstrating their martial abilities if necessary. We are not here to bar your from your path to Kyne, your Goddess - truly we understand a desire to fulfill obligations our one's God. However, for you to settle upon our land you'd either need to swear loyalty to my House or whatever Lord who lands you settle upon along with upholding and obeying our laws. Alternatively, we can see to it you speak to our ruler - King Jaehaerys Targaryen and in doing so might be granted land.

Either way, if you come bearing lies seeking to enslave us or any, you will be cast down. If you wish peace, then let us be peaceful and talk - ensuring our two people might eventually become one, regardless of religion and race. May your own Goddess Kyne bless you, as well as ours: The-Seven-Who-Are-One.

Signed Lord Robert Redwyne, Lord and Knight of the Arbor
Either way, if you come bearing lies seeking to enslave us or any, you will be cast down. If you wish peace, then let us be peaceful and talk - ensuring our two people might eventually become one, regardless of religion and race. May your own Goddess Kyne bless you, as well as ours: The-Seven-Who-Are-One.

Signed Lord Robert Redwyne, Lord and Knight of the Arbor
The Horn Lord will meet with you then, as will the Herd Mother and proper Captains, if only to learn more of where it is we are if this is not truly Akavir.
The Horn Lord will meet with you then, as will the Herd Mother and proper Captains, if only to learn more of where it is we are if this is not truly Akavir.

Then we shall meet and let us pray this discussion is fruitful for both parties.

Signed, House Redwyne

(OOC: Guess we're taking it to RP then?)

County Mir
Turn 1

Internal events:
County Mir's contribution to the Ebonheart Pact's conquest has generated into a series of unforeseen (sic!) events for the Count and its family. The County's fleet, freshly built, was taken by surprise by an attack of the Aldmeri Dominion which targeted both the County's forces and the Ebonheart Pact's stationed in Lake Rumare.

The non-aggression pact that had been for years the pride of Collybiscus Voria has been shattered and the people demand Aldmeri blood, which has resulted in a drastic rise in membership in cults once considered dangerous.
Processions carrying Saint Pelinal's icon fill the streets of every town and village in the County, Mir Corrup included, while thousands make their ways into the deepest marshes, to semi-abandoned ziggurats for initiation into Alessian and even Marukhati cults calling these ruins so distant from civilization home.
Even more peaceful cults such as those of Saint Alessia and Dibella promise bloody vengeance on the "accursed slavemasters".

In dire need of recruits to fill the army and man what remains of the navy, the Count has tolerated and even encouraged this martial sentiment, going as far as taking interest himself into cults that would have once been considered illicit under the Second Empire.

Count: Collybiscus Voria the Fourth
Countess: Isa Caro
Heir apparent: Vitellius Voria

Diplomatic Ties/Ongoing Treaties:
War with the Aldmeri Dominion.

To the Moot of the Ebonheart Pact @JuliusNepos

The Aldmeri Dominion has struck the first blow, attacking our fleet together with Yours and breaking the treaty that for years ensured peace to my fief. It is now clear that the slavemasters will stop at nothing until mankind is once again under their misrule and this leaves us with no choice but to request admission into the Ebonheart Pact in order to better coordinate against this cunning enemy.

We also suggest the immediate confederation of County Cheydinhal - currently under military occupation - to County Mir in a free association of Nibenese territories. The people of the east are impatient to bring the fight to the Dominion and only an organized and centralized rule can sort out the minutiae required for their enrollment.
This will of course mean taking responsibility for the reconstruction efforts and dealing with the appropriate punishment of members of the Tharn family still within the County, after all of this will be behind us.

Collybiscus Voria IV
Count Mir.
To: Orzammar @EliudFS1
From: Tevinter Imperium
CC: Dawi Zharr @Ironanvil1

We come on behalf of the Dawi Zharr, the "Dwarfs of Fire" from the distant northeast. Powerful new arrivals, they express interest in sending envoys to Orzammar to meet and learn more about your realm and peoples.

Though our relationship with them isn't nearly as long and fruitful as the one with the great city of Orzammar, we can attest that so far they have given us no cause to doubt their good intentions.
To: Tevinter Imperium
From: King Endrin Aeducan

This is most unusual, we have heard rumors of a new kingdom of Dwarfs from our merchants. It brings me great happiness to learn that another thaig of dwarfs survived the first blight. We would be happy to receive a delegation of theirs, so we could share stories of our Paragons together.
To: The world (Lizardmen, Mercenary companies of Essos) @EliudFS1 @Maugan Ra @Rincewind357

I bring greetings from the Kingdom of Gondor. We have heard word of your mighty kingdom through the dwarves of our land. We wish we came with simple greetings and well wishes but we come asking for a great favor. Our lands are under assault by the armies of Sauron, the Dark Lord and his forces of orcs. What he seeks is total world domination through the use of dark magic. They fly on great beasts and have all manner of dark creatures at their disposal. We are happy to offer trade concessions as well as payment should that be required.

From: Denethor II, Steward of Gondor
To: Rivendell @EliudFS1

My son Boromir has been wounded by a Morgul blade. I beg of you that you help us save his life. Our men are taking him back to our lands but we must save his life. I will not lose my son to the monster who tried to murder him.
The Mercenary companies of Essos are currently being involved in the war of the three daughters between the Triarchy and Volantis. The few mercenary companies that are currently without contact are few in number and demand a high price. While not providing enough numbers to seriously march on their own, they will provide great support and bolstering for existing armies.

From: Lord Elrond of Riverndell
We will send what aid we can, though I fear that you should prepare for the worst. We will send our fastest riders.

The stranger emerged from the foggy marshes that engulfed Braavos, the city perpetually sinking into them. A traveler dressed like a king wrought from shadow and silver. To look upon him was as if to see a beam of moonlight transfixed for an instant, as though he would vanish if you but blinked. Perhaps he would if he chose to...

Yet, untouched by perhaps Valyria's bastard daughter's first defense, with an expression uncaring of its others, Alith Anar left his message in the atrium of the Sea Lord's Palace, before departing without trace nor word.

Meet me in the place where gods are buried, lest tyrants make slaves of us all upon dragonback.
The court of the Sealord of Bravos was, in essence flabbergasted. Many feared that they had wronged the Facelessmen and the House of Black and White, but never before had the servants of the many faced god been so brazen in their acts. The Sealord would decide to share words and agree to the phantom's suggestion to talk. After all, with the world as it was. Lizards in the Dothraki sea and slavers in Ibben, now was not the time to make enemies. Specially if this truly was an act of the House of Black and White.
Birds of any number of species seem to find there way into the camps of the Dalish Clans dotting Thedas, each with a small, elegantly written message strapped to their leg. Observing the recipient with eyes far too filled with intelligence, they chirp and leave upon their messages delivery.

I am known by many names and titles across the lands I have traveled.
But here, I am merely Teclis and I find myself a stranger to those I would wish to call my people.
I humbly request a conclave of the People, so that you might come as a united front in times of turmoil and I learn of you, should it be decided we are kin,
Or treat with you as an Ambassador and an equal if not.

From: Keeper Marethari Talas of the Sabrae Clan
To: Teclis

We have heard of you, an elf that appears different to our own. They say you've help Ferelden in their time of need, perhaps you might help us as well.

There is an evil that resides in our ancient homeland of Elvhenan, monsters have infested the ruins and our forest. The keepers of the clans have spoken, and we march to war. We are leaving Ferelden and joining up with the other clans. It is my wish to offer you an invitation, so that your case may be heard by all members of our kind.

Our clan currently resides in the Frostback Mountains. If you wish to take me up on my offer, you know where to find us.

Dareth shiral
To all holds of the Karaz Ankor that can still be reached, including High King Thorgrim of Karaz-A-Karak

Khazukan Kazakit-ha

Brothers of the Karaz Ankor, the time to throw off the malaise that has gripped our people for so long. There are new lands, filled with new peoples and mountains to mine for gold and silver. Already the stinking Skazvarr of Sartosa have been crushed and the ancient hold of Karak Varr, lost to us due to the foul Elgi during the War of Vengeance, has been reclaimed. Many great grudges have been scratched from the Dammaz Kron, and soon many more shall follow them. For now great wealth pours into Barak Varr and the clanless gather in great numbers. For these new lands shall bring wealth and soldiers, soliders we can use to drive the grobi, thaggoraki and worse from our fallen holds. Brothers, we ask you to join us! Send your men and your weapons, all the help you can. We shall conquer the great sea of this new world and in doing so reconquer our fallen holds!

King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk

Emperor of Man, Chosen of Sigmar, Friend of the Dawi, Oathkeeper

Emperor of Man, the Karaz Ankor begins to awaken from our long sleep. The children of Grungi and Sigmar have long been allies against the darkness of the world, fighting off Grobi and the Tainted Men of the North. Against our combined shield walls we have broken many enemies, but always we have stayed on the defense. But now we both realize we can do this no longer. The pirates of Sartosa lie burned and broken by our fleets and I have heard tell that your own armies put the traitors in Marienburg to the sword. The Dawi march Throns into the Border Princes, to secure the lanes of trade and heal that savage land. Will you both assist in this and open up to further and freer trade between the ports of Barak Varr and that of the Empire?

King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk


Black Prince Gashnag,

It is not in the custom of the Dawi to speak to a Zangunaz with undrawn ax, but needs must. Your kind has a great deal of Gurdges written against them, but you yourself have done nothing to cause furor between yourself and the Karak Ankor. So we give you a warning and a opportunity: the Dawi march throngs into the disputed land to end the Grobi threat, destroy lawlessness and secure trade between our holds. Work with us, fly the flag of the Karak Ankor with your own, and you shall be allowed to remain alive and in power over your lands. Stand against us and all kind words will be finished and you shall break like many others against the fury of a dwarf.

The choice is yours,

King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk
To: Keeper Marethari Talas of the Sabrae Clan @EliudFS1
From: Josephine Montilyet

Honoured Keeper,

As we have heard of the desire of the Dalish clans to cleanse the Elvhenan from the greenskins which despoil it, so I am sure have you heard, or expected, that certain elements of the Chantry are considering another Exalted March in response to this.
In light of the many injustices the human nations of Thedas have committed against your people, and are still committing, I would not blame you for being sceptical about my next words. Still I want you to know that the Federation of Antivan City States is doing its best to convince the Chantry not to call for an Exalted March, neither now, nor ever.

Furthermore, since the green-skinned savages that have invaded Elvhenan are also a direct threat to all in their vicinity, I feel obligated to inform you that the Federation of Antivan City States and Tevinter are currently also raising armies in order to purge the greenskins. Therefore I want to beseech you, all the Dalish, to allow our forces to join with yours. Neither of us can afford to underestimate the greenskins, not after what the foreign undead did to Ferelden, and fighting amongst ourselves would all but assure an easy victory for the foreign invaders.

Whether you choose to join with us or ignore us, let it be known that the Federation of Antivan City States supports the creation of a new Elven nation within your ancestral lands of Elvhenan. We have already managed to convince Tevinter not to oppose this, and shall do all we can to stop the Chantry from doing anything foolish in response.

Though we can never truly absolve the sins of the past, in this new age, where we are beset by new, unknown dangers from beyond the open seas, dangers which might make the Qun look like a joke in comparison, this is the time for all of Thedas to look to the future and stand united.


Lady Montilyet

To: Divine Beatrix III
From: Josephine Montilyet

Your Holiness,

I would beseech thee not to lend credence to those who would have you declare another Exalted March against the Dalish who are seeking to reclaim the lands of Arlathan.

If the invasion of Ferelden by undead from foreign shores has shown anything, it is that now, more than ever, Thedas needs to stand united. These undead, as well as the greenskin savaged now residing within Arlathan, in our eyes present a much greater threat to the faithful than the Dalish ever could. Should the elves succeed in rebuilding their ancestral nation, they are likely to keep to themselves. Even if they do not, that would be a problem which can be handled politically. But for the nations of Thedas to fight amongst ourselves would only weaken us against outside forces that might be worse of a threat than even the Qun ever was.

This is a new age, and if we seek to protect that which the Maker has granted us, we can only do so united. I humbly ask the most Exalted Servant of the Maker to consider my words.

In reverence,

Lady Montilyet.
From Domihaus the Bloody-Horned, Horn Lord of the Minotaurs, Patriarch of the Dreadhorn Clan, and so forth
To the Dragon King, Jaehaerys Targaryen @ByzantineCaesar
As Conveyed by Lurog gro-Shurkul
CC: House Redwyne @Altered

Having spoken with your Lord-Knight of the Arbor, know that Domihaus the Bloody-Horned comes east to meet with you, Dragon King. It is asked that you clear space beyond the walls of Capital so that the Dreadhorn Clan might have a place to set up camp for the duration of the meeting.

May your Seven-In-One and the Aedra and the Daedra keep you, King of Westeros.

To His Ever-Lasting Grace, the Dragonlord, King Jaehaerys the Conciliator, (@ByzantineCaesar)

Your Highness, the strange fleet reminiscent of the Ironborn that appeared off the shores of Oldtown has been met with. Their people come from across the Sunset Sea, much like the Ebonheart Pact that House Lannister discovered. However, rather then men this motley crew is comprised of some beings that are non-human, titled Minotaurs as well as some humans. Their leader is one such being. Having met, they've officially disclosed that they came much-like the Andals did, for religious reasons. Though where the Seven-Who-Are-One ordained their followers to cultivate worship in the land, these people of the Dreadhorn clan come in search of both their Goddess and a new home. The meeting was kept peaceful, no bloodshed and not even a voice raised. Though a more faithful man then I would note that these followers of a different God, did technically desecrate the Sept we met in with a throne and beg for your leave to humble such sacrilegious folk. However, these are foreigners - folk whose own exotic ways are alien to us, just as ours are seemingly foreign to them.

Their leader has some truly terrible titles but commands the respect of all who follow him. They seemed to have thought our land was called Akavir which when translated does seemingly fit Westeros at the present, as it means Land of Dragons. Still, we are not the land they sought originally. Domihaus, the leader of the group seemed quite interested in the fact that you rode and commanded Dragons. He alluded that he and his ilk had experience with Dragons and those of his land seemingly are capable of thought like men, at least enough to not bow and be full of pride while attempting to dominate all in their path. The creature also seemed quite interested in the tales trickling down from the North, alongside the letters constantly flying to the Red Keep of the Others and more beings fighting each other beyond the wall.

They asked me to guide them to Kingslanding and ensure that they would meet with you. Since they're quite the curiosity I saw no harm, especially not with the might of your Dragons. They have sworn to remain peaceful and seem to take such oaths as heavily as the Northerners are with guest rights. No magics were displayed in the time that I met with them, but that does not mean they lack the ability - so I caution you of that.

Signed, your faithful servant, Lord Robert Redwyne
Mid Term Events [3]
Mid-Turn Events [3]

Chivalry Eternal

In the three years since the great union of worlds, the Knights Errant and the Questing Knights of Bretonnia had slowly expanded their range of adventure. In the second year alone, knight errants made their way towards Thedas. Some even fighting valiantly in remote areas against the Vampire invaders. Some even went to Orlais, and fought with Chevaliers in matters of honor.

A year later, some would even trickle in to the lands of Westeros, making a living serving as hedge knights, though the numbers of them were still incredibly small. Still they would regale tales of their adventures and of the Old World.

It is expected that in the coming years, more and more Knights would make their way to all four corners of the world. In their search for great deeds and battles, in hopes of being worthy of being a knight of the realm. Or even in the hopes of finding the holy grail, and become a grail knight.

Essos at War

The Sealord of Bravos has recently made attempts of diplomacy with the intent of forming an alliance against the slaver empire in the Shivering Sea. So far, he has managed to acquire the attention of Norvos, Lorath, and Qohor, since all three of those cities are threatened by the slaver empire. With this new conflict brewing in the North, this marks the beginning of an era of conflict in Essos, as most, if not all, Free Cities and Hordes are now in a state of war.

After the End

The armies of Ferelden have barely made it through the vampire conflict. Many had fallen in the conflict, many tried and true tactics proved useless against the undead horde. With this in mind, the armies of Ferelden under Loghain Mac Tir are determined to learn the lessons of the war. New tactics are implemented, and new ways to wage war against different kind of threats are being taught to the remaining veterans of the war. "Ferelden will stand strong." Loghain vowed.

Many knights of Redcliffe, and even some Questing and Errant knights have taken to searching for the urn of sacred ashes. The mercenary band of Gotrek and Felix were also asked for help by Loghain, citing the need for a King in Ferelden, if it is to survive. Loghain has also called a Landsmeet in order to organize and determine succession, should King Cailan succumb to his injuries.

A Time for Spring?

The measters of Westeros have announced that Spring is approaching. With the ash now fallen, the last vestiges of Winter are starting to fade. As winter snows are replaced with spring showers, so did something unusual also started to emerge. Giant mountain lions were spotted once again in the Westerlands. Great Elk runs once again in the Rainwood. Direwolves are spotted south of the Wall for the first time in centuries, and if some people are to be believed, Giant Eagles in the Mountains.

Rivendell on the Move

A delegation of elves has left Rivendell towards Gondor. Among them stood some of the finest healers of the elven realm, including Arwen Undómiel 'Evenstar' among them.
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General call to all dwarves present in Thedas , to be spread in all neighbouring nations and in the Anderfels proper @EliudFS1 ( @Ironanvil1 and @THatWhichWillBe maybe ) :
One of the last bastion of your race , some of the last dwarves not yet forced into exil , are now under grave threat. We call on all dwarves , surface dwellers or otherwise , to join the Grey Wardens in the Anderfels , for who do not intend to leave the most old friends of the Order alone in their hour of need , and we will march to not only defend Kal-Sharok but also push back against the hordes and reclaim as much of the Deep Roads and Thaigs as we can.
Scrawled in the tongue of the Orzammar dwarves:

"I have taken oaths of employment to lend my axe towards Ferelden. Once I have brought the Urn to the King, my oath-honor will be satisfied, and I will unite with my Dawi brethren to beat back these hordes!"

- Gotrek, Slayer
In greetings to distant Dale and Erebor
@Desdendelle @EliudFS1

The Asur of Ulthuan bid good tidings against the men and dwarfs of this realm. We have heard tales of the Shadows cast out and those that linger and wish to make pacts of aid, knowledge and friendship against such foes.
Erebor, the Lonely Mountain
TA 3015 / turn 3

Internal events:
  • If the arrival of the Lizardmen and the discovery of further human lands to the west past the Great Sea were of no concern (for the most part) to the Dwarves, the increasing Easterling aggression (and what it told of the thoughts of the Enemy) was. So for the past two years the Dwarves have been putting their unparalleled knowledge of stone-masonry to work, fortifying both the Lonely Mountain and the Iron Hills. Finally, their work was done; there was nothing more they could do with their currently technology.
    That is not to say that the fortifications weren't impressive. The caves were rigged; the walls, strengthened; ballistae and catapults guarded carefully-designed killing zones. The Gates of Erebor were so well-balanced a team of Dwarves could close them, denying entrance to the Mountain to all but the strongest adversaries. Plans were made to evacuate the civilian population of Dale and the outlying Mannish towns into the Mountain, should need arise, and the signal fires were kept ready for communication between Erebor and Emyn Engrin.
  • In the elder days, the Dwarves of the East had a decent relationship with the Men of the area. Some traded with them; but even those who did not like them left them alone in their mountain stronghold. Things have changed, however; and for years now Dwarves from the East made their way West, seeking refuge. They were troubled, and some spoke in whispers of the Enemy and of the Land of Mordor.
    Be that as it may, the increase in population afforded the ruler of Erebor some luxuries he could ill-afford in the past; that, combined with the recently-fought battle, which was fresh in Dáin's mind, led him to greatly reinforce the standing armies of the Kingdom Under the Mountain.

Diplomatic ties, treaties, and the like:
  • Alliance with the Brandings of Dale
  • Good relations with the Elves of Mirkwood, the Beornings of the North and Dorwinion


King under the Mountain Dain II Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills
(@Desdendelle )

I write to you from the saddle, fighting against the enemy that has but recently invaded both our lands. There is much to thank you for, and the news of your great and valiant defense did greatly embolden the men of Rohan. All in our lands speak of the courage and honor of the Kingdom under the Mountain, and of the ability with axe and shield of Durin's Folk. I do not doubt that this much you already know, and have been well informed of our campaigns by King Théoden the Horseman, long may he yet live. The noble battle on the banks of the Celdiun saved Rohan from being flanked, and our and my gratitude will be yours for as long as Rohan lives on; none shall speak ill of Durin's Folk in our ancestral lands. Let the friendship between the Kingdom under the Mountain and the Kingdom of Rohan be everlasting.

My regards, your friend and ally,

Prince of Rohan of the House of Eorl, Marshal of the Mark
Théodred, Prince of House of Eorl, Marshal of the Mark
Prince Théodred,
We, too, have heard of your valiant defence of your homes; many a mug were raised in praise of the brave riders of Rohan.
Let there be friendship and camaraderie between Mountain and Plains, and know that while the Mountain stands the Easterlings shall not pass.
Up axes!
Dáin II, Lord of Durin's Folk, Lord of the Iron Hills, King Under the Mountain

In greetings to distant Dale and Erebor
@Desdendelle @EliudFS1

The Asur of Ulthuan bid good tidings against the men and dwarfs of this realm. We have heard tales of the Shadows cast out and those that linger and wish to make pacts of aid, knowledge and friendship against such foes.
Although we have heard but little of you, we are not so haughty as to turn away the open hand of any of the Free Peoples. We would gladly seek better relations; although, in this you would have to send an embassy to the merry town of Dale, where our friend and ally King Brand, son of Bain, son of Bard the Bowman, reigns.
Let there be peace between our peoples,
Dáin II, Lord of Durin's Folk, Lord of the Iron Hills, King Under the Mountain
Although we have heard but little of you, we are not so haughty as to turn away the open hand of any of the Free Peoples. We would gladly seek better relations; although, in this you would have to send an embassy to the merry town of Dale, where our friend and ally King Brand, son of Bain, son of Bard the Bowman, reigns.
Let there be peace between our peoples,
Dáin II, Lord of Durin's Folk, Lord of the Iron Hills, King Under the Mountain
Then let this be an accord between us. We have heard tales of more of our kin that dwell elsewhere within this land? Be this true? I would have much desire to speak with them.

Lirazel, Handmaiden of the Everqueen
From: Keeper Marethari Talas of the Sabrae Clan
To: Teclis

We have heard of you, an elf that appears different to our own. They say you've help Ferelden in their time of need, perhaps you might help us as well.

There is an evil that resides in our ancient homeland of Elvhenan, monsters have infested the ruins and our forest. The keepers of the clans have spoken, and we march to war. We are leaving Ferelden and joining up with the other clans. It is my wish to offer you an invitation, so that your case may be heard by all members of our kind.

Our clan currently resides in the Frostback Mountains. If you wish to take me up on my offer, you know where to find us.

Dareth shiral
Then I shall come to you. It is no trouble and if these creatures be what I suspect, I know of lore and firsthand experience in dealing death to the Greenskins, though it gives me sorrow to see them dwell within more lands.


Upon Foreign Ships and Foreign Tides

Kings Landing is no stranger to odd sights. After all, does the King not ride a dragon, the city founded by a King who considered himself above a mere man, descended through pure bloodline from a peoples who once shaped the very world to their whims?

Though, perhaps, despite the vague common foreignness the ships of Braavos offered to those bored enough to look at the ships, had their been a sight quite like this.

Standing upon the prow, was a man who was not. He seemed too tall, too slender, the very way he seemed to move was too graceful for the human eye to ignore. It was as if, though his movements were swift and without wasted energy, that he was constraining himself, permitting those who gazed upon this stranger to see him move at speeds observable, like a snake coiled and ever ready to lash out with a bite.

Through intermediaries, this stranger sent forth a message to the Red Keep politely requesting an audience, strangely enough "From one King to another", whilst he seemed content enough to laze upon the ship, basking in the sun like a cat, his strange clothes glittering like scales in the sunlight.
Then let this be an accord between us. We have heard tales of more of our kin that dwell elsewhere within this land? Be this true? I would have much desire to speak with them.

Lirazel, Handmaiden of the Everqueen
While there are no doubt Elves - in their tongue, Edhil - in this land, the Loremasters are confused by this claim of kinship, for the Elves say that they awoke in the East and their Blessed Land is in the West, yet Ulthuan that you speak of as your homeland lies to the north, past the ice sea.
I am, however, but a scribe, and this is clearly a matter for a Witness, or one of the famed sages of Rivendell.
The Loremasters would no doubt add that, once your embassy arrives, it would no doubt find great interest in visiting our distant neighbours in the Elvenkingdom in Mirkwood.
May your beards be always long,
Nyi, Scribe to the King​
Mid Term Events [3] Part II
Mid-Turn Event, Nirn
Bloody Feathers

The Daggerfall Covenant's woes were not over. Despite their ongoing decline, the death of Lalorian Dynar, and their diaspora, the Aylieds were still not extinct, and critically a small but dedicated society remained in the city of Bisnensel, worshiping Hermaeus Mora. The massive influx of new worlds had spurred Mora to action, and so his Ayleid Catspaws stirred, marching forth from their ruins to seize unwary travelers as supplies for their biomantic and daedric rituals. Calling themselves the Primeval Seekers, and led by High Priest Uluscant, they have begun to summon Daedra in vast numbers to threaten the very heartland of the Covenant.
To the Moot of the Ebonheart Pact @JuliusNepos

The Aldmeri Dominion has struck the first blow, attacking our fleet together with Yours and breaking the treaty that for years ensured peace to my fief. It is now clear that the slavemasters will stop at nothing until mankind is once again under their misrule and this leaves us with no choice but to request admission into the Ebonheart Pact in order to better coordinate against this cunning enemy.

We also suggest the immediate confederation of County Cheydinhal - currently under military occupation - to County Mir in a free association of Nibenese territories. The people of the east are impatient to bring the fight to the Dominion and only an organized and centralized rule can sort out the minutiae required for their enrollment.
This will of course mean taking responsibility for the reconstruction efforts and dealing with the appropriate punishment of members of the Tharn family still within the County, after all of this will be behind us.
Collybiscus Voria IV
Count Mir.
We are honored by desire to join our cause count, but a great moot must be called to formally ratify your joining. This may take some time, and until then we cannot hand over Cheydinhal to your authority. But make no mistake, your desire to free Cyrodill from the Aldmeri yoke is shared by us, and we will fight with you to achieve this goal, whether you are accepted into the pact or not
Tevinter Imperium 9:28/Turn 3

The Qunari lie broken and the Norscan interlopers routed by the might of the Imperium and its new Dwarven partners. With conventional resistance on Seheron over, the Archon wastes no time in returning to Minrathous for a glorious Triumph of the likes unseen in centuries. The clean up and restoration of Imperial order in Seheron is left temporarily in the hand of military commanders. Work on restoring the Imperial administrative-bureaucratic machine over the islands will wait until after the celebrations.
When the magistrates, judges and tribunes finally land on Seheron, they are accompanied by shiploads of retired veterans, war refugees and bands drawn from the urban poor. Given land, tax breaks and roles in the new order, the Imperium now seeks to restore the numbers of the lower citizenry to shore up its position in the region.

Commoners, despite appearances, are as important in securing Imperial power as the Magisters and slaves. Meanwhile, both former Qunari and Seheron natives are brought to heel by the power of Tevinter magic and steel. Slavery is the most common fate for those types, or even death in case of the most fanatical of the Qunari followers. Exceptions, however, are not unheard of. For in the months preceding the invasion, Imperial Frumentarii were hard at work establishing links and pacts with both native leaders and Tal-Vashot bands. Those that took the Imperium's offer, few as they may have been, saw their fortunes soar after the Tevinter victory. Citizenship, land grants, administrative positions, internal autonomy and such other rewards were reaped by those who sided with the Archon. To the chagrin of several factions within the Magisterium, who saw the concessions as a way to weaken Imperial control over Seheron. Archon Davan, drunk on victory and riding high the waves of popularity with the general citizenry, gave them little heed.

Despite its importance, the Archon's attention wasn't limited to Seheron either. With the Arthalan forest invaded and burned by greenskinned savages, Ferelden raided by maritime undead and Maker only knows what's happening in the Anderfels these days, its clear to the Imperium that this new reality is one far more threatening than Thedas. With foreign, unknown and powerful invaders showing up by the thousands every year. Thus, Tevinter decides to engage in a substantial and costly military build up.
Old fortifications throughout the entire Imperium are restored, Seheron receiving special attention. Both because the Imperium wishes to hold it for good and because the island is expected to bear the brunt of any attack coming from the northern realms.

New Legions and fleets are also in the process of being mustered. Volunteers are plentiful, spurred by the freshness of the reconquest of Seheron and widespread propaganda. But more than simply enlarging the rosters of the Imperial military, this build up also brought new weapons and tactics into the Tevinter arsenal, courtesy of their experiences in Seheron and the Dawi Zharr.

Diplomatic Ties/Ongoing Treaties:
War with Grimgor Ironhide
Alliance and trade with Orzammar
Assorted treaties with the Grey Wardens
Disliked by most of Thedas
Trade with the Dawi Zharr.

Important Characters:
Archon Davan:
The ruler of Tevinter. As the title implies, Davan is a powerful mage and skilled political operator. Aged and venerable, Davan comes from an old family, even by Tervinter standards, and made his fame fighting the Qunari
Magister Radonis: Davan's former apprentice, chosen heir and son-in-law. Proud, powerful, efficient and a cat lover.
Aurelian Titus: A Old Gods-worshiping Dreamer mage,, Aurelian Titus (if that's his real name), has served as Davan's knife in the shadows for years without knowledge of the rest of the Imperium, or Thedas at large.
Danarius: Influential Magister and renowned in the field of Lyrium research. Also known for being brutally harsh to his slaves even by Tervinter standards. Master of the Castelum Tenebri​

To: Tevinter Imperium @Bandeirante
From: The Federation of Antivan City States

Rest assured that we are in complete agreement about the Arlathan situation. Though Antiva has sought to avoid open war for past generations, thanks to it our war-chests have been growing to the point of bursting. And know that I shall see them all serving a singular purpose: The protection of Thedas from outside threats.
For too long has Tevinter stood alone in its struggle against the legions of the Qun. It is a shame on all nations that we did not assist in defending the freedom of the continent once the exalted marches concluded. Nevermore. I care not what historic plights there have been, here and now the men and women of Thedas must put their differences aside if we are to weather the forces coming to invade our shores.

In that vein I must bring up the matter of the Dalish. We shall try our very best to bring them and their invaluable skills into the fold. Though as usual, people tend to fight best when properly motivated.
The current situation clearly shows that Arlathan is a weak point. The green savages should have never been able to make landfall in Thedas unopposed, and yet they did with only wildlife to hinder them.
A most sure-fire way of gaining Dalish help would be assurances that both our nations would support them in rebuilding a Dalish nation within the forests of Arlathan after it is cleansed of greenskins, as is their intention already anyway (and we really don't need them as an enemy right now). Thus we would gain a buffer state and future ally as an extra defensive layer against future invasions.

Naturally I'd understand if you'd have reservations about this. Consider though, that we'd inform the elves that Antiva and Tevinter would only recognise their right to a nation if they are to sign a treaty that forbids the participants from making war on one another, and also binds the new elven nation to our own economically. Furthermore, the Crows would see to it that all elven leaders pushing for a war against either of us regardless would not live long.

Going back to the present. Once our armies join forces to cleanse Arlathan, please do let your troops know that:
- We will try to get Templar support from the Chantry, as the enemy is said to have mages also.
- There will be Tal-Vashoth mercenaries in our ranks. Remember that many of them hate the Qun as much as you do, if not more.
- Our armies will be reinforced by dragons. Please tell your soldiers not to attack them.

To: Federation of Antivan City States
From: Tevinter Imperium


The idea of restoring Arlathan to Dalish control is not something we like. Nor is the thought of having to court them for additional sword arms. But these are seemingly desperate times and we see no other choice but to agree with your proposal. We have no further objection to your other points as long as they bring us more swords with which to slay this new foe for good.

But now we wish to ask your opinion regarding the recent developments in the Anderfels. For all that they may try to justify their coup, and that's what it was, we cannot help but feel disturbed by how blatantly the Grey Wardens are interfering in the affairs of sovereign nations.

As they approached the Dragonpit, Daemon once more wondered how they had come here. The both of them were kitted in riding leathers, not quite the unusual sight for him as Daemon often took Caraxes flying, were it not for his aunt Gael, who was by his side. Ever since she had returned to the great bur dreary castle on Dragonstone, dress half-torn and muddy, but on a dragon, the elusive Grey Ghost no less, he had started seeing his younger Aunt in a different light. At last it seemed, she was coming out of her shell. A few days later he had caught her talking with his grandfather, excitedly discussing her trip to Dragonstone, unheard of the shy child he remembered her being.

Still, she had blushed when he had taken the liberty to order her some riding leathers, along with a note asking her to come fly with him. Now she was eagerly though still a bit shyly walking with him to the Dragonpit. She was still a bit uncomfortable in the form-fitting leathers, far more fit for flying on dragonback than the dresses Princesses usually wore. His youngest Aunt had always been coddled by his grandmother after Aunt Saera, Daella, Viserra, and his own mother Alyssa had all either been disgraced or died far before their time. His stern but ever sweet grandmother had clung to Gael, her youngest child, in her grief. From what he heard, the Dragon Dreams, heralded by the gradual return of magic to Westeros, had spurred her to tame the infamously shy dragon, and this was her first step to liberty. Something Daemon wished to encourage. He had no desire for another sweet, incredibly shy aunt, a wyrm of a woman, where a dragon could grow instead.

So, that was in truth why he had invited her to the pit. For aside from his grandparents and his elder cousin Rhaenys, Daemon, even at the tender age of eight and ten, was one of the most experienced dragonriders Westeros possessed. After his uncle Aemon had been slain on Tarth by Myrish traitors, his enraged mount, the blood-red Caraxes had settled back into the Dragonmont, semi-wild once more. It was the first sign Uncle Aemon had died. His younger self had been a resident of Dragonstone at the time, where father had been helping Uncle Aemon rule the seat of their ancestors. Even at one-and-ten, he had been a bold boy, and had snuck out at the Hour of the Wolf to seek a dragon. His father's guards were easily escaped, and it was not long until he was climbing the Dragonmont. Before he had gone far though, his uncle's former dragon had swooped down, one big red menace. He had not backed down, and Caraxes had merely laid his snout down on the ground and whined. He'd petted the dragon, and together, they had mourned his uncle until morning dawned. That is how Father and Viserys had found him, tucked next to Caraxes on warm summer's ground. Nevertheless, when his panicking father had urged him to back away, Viserys had merely winked and looked at him, and then Caraxes. Daemon had smiled, and needed no further prompting.

With some difficulty, his younger self had mounted Caraxes for the first time, and they had flown what seemed like hours, but really was not very long at all, when he had flown back to the castle, landed, and was promptly embraced by Father, who had been extremely worried. Viserys was merely proud. Daemon considered this the incident that had urged his older brother to claim old Balerion, the Conqueror's dragon, not a year later, as they were staying at court after the funeral of Uncle Aemon. A pyre lit, in traditional Valyrian fashion, by his surviving dragon, on his orders. In that, he had earned his family's respect, for giving his dear uncle that last honor in death.

Now however, it was time to break in a new generation of dragonrider. While his older brother needed no prompting, and had taken to his new mount with a vigor he had not seen in Viserys in some time, his Aunt had only just completed her maiden flight, and knew not yet the intricacies of riding and fighting on a dragon, as he had been taught by his older relatives. Even if his own training was still far from complete, a fact he had reluctantly admitted, his grandparents and Father were far too busy, and his elder cousin Rhaenys was off with Corlys Velaryon on a distant voyage southwards, to explore the fate of Sothoryos, which had mysteriously disappeared with the return of magic to the world. So, he had gladly taken the initiative to initiate Gael into the most treasured art of their Valyrian ancestors. For now, she was but a dragonrider. But, after he was done with her, Princess Gael Targaryen would truly be that which their ancestors once proudly were, a Dragonlord of Valyria of old. And to that thought, he cheered.


The Dragonpit was relatively quiet on this sunny day of the early spring. Gael had been willing to depart rather rapidly, but as Grey Ghost had always been wild dragon, and never before been ridden, their presence had been requested earlier than usual, as a dragon needs to be calm to be effectively saddled by the Royal Dragonkeepers. Quite the task indeed, it mainly involved Gael gently petting her mount on the snout as the Keepers rushed in, put on the freshly made saddle, and adjusted the straps. Most of the men who worked in the Pit were dragonseeds, as their dragonblood kept them more docile around them than most. Indeed, many of them had been hand-picked by his grandparents after their time on Dragonstone for their trustworthiness, and their sons, grandsons and granddaughters now worked alongside them to maintain the Pit.

The first saddling was always a testy affair for most dragons, though it had been very long indeed since a wild dragon had been first saddled. Most of his kin preferred the dragons that had hatched from their own eggs, given to them upon birth and set in their cradle, or hatch-lings kept in the Pit. But Grey Ghost was none of those things. It had lived for decades in isolation on Dragonstone, hatched in the wild and had escaped the Cannibal's notice, and remained shy and elusive to men before his aunt had managed to tame him. Now, his shyness worked in the favor of the Keepers, as he laid gently onto the ground as he was hurriedly saddled, yet ever watching of those strange men and women who were not the woman he had bonded with, even if they carried her blood, however diluted and distantly.

Without great incident, Gael, ever impatient, wished to hurry to mount and fly off high into the sky. But he stopped her in her tracks.

''Now, Gael, it would be most unkind to hurry off. The Keepers do a dangerous job, and your dragon is wilder than most. It would only be right to thank them.''

A tinge of red reached her cheeks as she curtsied and thanked the burly Keeper in charge of the Dragonpit, who had come to oversee the first saddling of the most unpredictable dragon in the Pit.

He grinned a gap-toothed smile.

''Tis no trouble ye Grace. Grey Ghost has been quite the gentle beast. He's yet to act out.''

A fact that could not be attributed to Caraxes. He'd often got complaints of chains wrung and walls burned by his mount.

Nevertheless, he still had to teach his Aunt.

''Gael, when we fly off, I want you to follow behind me, and mirror my movements. Your control of Grey Ghost likely is not very good yet, and you must learn to control him, lest he control you. Show determination and no fear. A dragon can sense fear. We will be doing some simple moves today, mainly to increase your control of Grey Ghost. After that, we shall land on Sweetport Sound, and teach Grey Ghost some vital commands so that you may truly learn to become a Dragonlord.''

Gael meekly nodded.

But that soon changed. While he could not hear her over the flapping of powerful wings and the gusts of wind, her face said enough. In the air, Gael was truly free. No meekly Princess of the court. A dragon awoken.

When they landed on Sweetport Sound, with King's Landing still barely on the horizon, sun high in the sky, she was an entirely different person, even if for the briefest of moments.

She approached him with a smile on her face.

''So Daemon, now what ? ''

He grinned.

''We came here for a good reason. This part of Sweetport Sound is close by to the Capital, and not forested or close to the castle of Lord Sunglass. Traditionally, we come here to practise with teaching our dragons to breathe fire. A command we give in High Valyrian. It is easiest done when with an example. Dragons are intelligent beings, but this is the quickest way to mastery.''

He stepped towards Caraxes.

''Caraxes!'' he shouted, as he pointed towards the sea, ''Dracarys!''

And from the mighty red dragon's mouth spewed forth great red flames that boiled the water away and left part of the sandy beach glass.

Gael merely looked in awe. This had been her first time to witness the true terrible strength of a dragon up close.

She took a deep breath, and walked over to the pale grey dragon. Like Daemon, she pointed at the sea, and said : ''Dracarys''

When great grey flames finally spewed forth from Grey Ghost after a couple of tries, she was enthralled.

After that day, none could doubt Gael was now truly a dragonrider.


@ByzantineCaesar I posted before you reacted, if anything is not to your liking as your agreement, it will be redacted in a sufficiently pleasing manner. But I just wished to post after a long write. I think I got Gael and Daemon's characters relatively well.
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To: Karl of the House Franz, First of His Name, King of the Realm of the Smith, Lord Paramount of Reikland, Champion of Light, Shield Of His People, Lord Commander of the Reiksguard, By Grace of The Gods That Are True Lord of Lords @ManusDomini

Your Grace,

I am a maid of noble birth, far from the land of my birth, hounded into exile by the decrees of a tyrant, driven from the lands beyond Lustria onto the shores of this "Confederacy of Princes".

I know that I shall find neither safety nor succour here among these wolves playing at lords. Yet even among these brigand princelings there are tales. Tales of valor, and mercy. Of a heart that is stout enough to defy the dread tyrant who has harried me across the seas, and merciful enough that it will not set aside the pleas of one who has nowhere else to turn.

I pray to the God Beneath The Waves that the tales are true, that you will not refuse my entreaty, that I may be granted leave to shelter in your hall, even if only for a fortnight, that I may recount the saga of my tribulations, as a skald at your fireside, or only as account to be copied by your scribes, so that at least some memory will remain of myself and my people before we perish before our fell overlord's claws.

To: Lady Dagrun

Your Illustrious Highness,

We, Karl Franz I, Grand Prince of Reikland, Defier of the Dark, Protector of the Empire, Emperor Himself, Elector Count of Reikland, by the Grace of all the Good Gods, Commander of the Grand Order of the Reiksguard, Peaceful Ruler of the Entire Empire in Perpetuity decide with State and Counts-Elector in Council to grant to her illustrious highness Dagrun amnesty from that which ails her and citizenship under the Imperial Crown in the Free City of Altdorf.

We, Karl Franz I also deign in our Sovereign Majesty to lay upon her illustrious highness Dagrun the respect commanded by one of noble birth and abjure all harm against her person on our sovereign word. We declare her to be a resident of Altdorf and guest of the Emperor and invite her to tell of her case before the gathering of the Prime Estates and Council of State.

-His Imperial Highness and Most Serene Monarch Karl Franz I, Grand Prince of Reikland, Defier of the Dark, Protector of the Empire, Emperor Himself, Elector Count of Reikland, by the Grace of all the Good Gods, Commander of the Grand Order of the Reiksguard, Peaceful Ruler of the Entire Empire in Perpetuity

Emperor of Man, Chosen of Sigmar, Friend of the Dawi, Oathkeeper

Emperor of Man, the Karaz Ankor begins to awaken from our long sleep. The children of Grungi and Sigmar have long been allies against the darkness of the world, fighting off Grobi and the Tainted Men of the North. Against our combined shield walls we have broken many enemies, but always we have stayed on the defense. But now we both realize we can do this no longer. The pirates of Sartosa lie burned and broken by our fleets and I have heard tell that your own armies put the traitors in Marienburg to the sword. The Dawi march Throns into the Border Princes, to secure the lanes of trade and heal that savage land. Will you both assist in this and open up to further and freer trade between the ports of Barak Varr and that of the Empire?

King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk

To: The Dawi of Karaz Ankor, Friends of the Empire

His Imperial Highness Karl Franz I answers the call of Karaz Ankor in matters of trade as well as war. No further words are necessary.
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To: Karl Franz, Elector Count of Reikland @ManusDomini

I will be absent for my 2nd Honeymoon for some time. Frederick Wilhelm will be managing Sylvania in my absence. Do not disturb my peasentry or ruin my empire, and I will bring you back some sweets from our trip.

Vlad von Carstein, Elector Count of Sylvania and rightful Emperor
Your Faction name:Aldium/ Gashnag the Black Prince
Year/Turn Number: 3
Flag or Image associated with your faction:

Introduction : The Histories of Aldium and its "famed" black prince are irrevocably tied. Once the usual small camp of exiles or of a second son, the future location of the city was on quite a major trade route. The Old Silk road in fact! However, it was almost not meant to be. The tale varies from source to source, but the basics are as followed: The camp was attacked by one of the variety of dangerous groups which frequent the border-princes, whether it be greenskins, ogres, various monsters, or an up and coming chaos warband. The people were not equipped to deal with it, and it all seemed lost...Till the Black Prince showed up. A monster, for sure, but a noble one, it resided in a nearby abandoned castle. Once he had heard the sounds of battle, he came over to help the beleaguered humans. Single-handily turning the tide, he wiped out the invader and saved the prospective settlement. As he moved to go back to his crumbling den, the survivors actually came to thank the Black Prince. After staying for a bit, and conversing with the locals, he decided to offer to protect the settlement. Under on condition of course: that they swear their loyalty to him. Deciding that the monster was, at least, a reasonable liege-lord, the settlers accepted. And so, Aldium was founded...

Though this tale is quite a story, there is no real record of it truly happening. What is known, however, is that the Black Prince has ruled the city from its earliest mentions. And it has been a long and prosperous reign indeed. Patient, wise, and strong, Gashnag has built the city into one of the most prosperous and powerful influences in the region. Called the "Marienburg of the Border-Princes", it is the biggest source of foreign trade in the remote border-princes. Though one may think this paints an exceptional target on the city's head, one must remember that the Black Prince very much wishes to keep his subjects safe. Being a powerful "being", the black prince is a potent protector for the city, and all the traders who walk through its lands. This does not mean that the humans are complacent: after all, there is both a array of mercenaries and the professional troops of the Black Prince to guard it.

That is not all what the city has to offer, for it also attracts a variety of artist, intellectuals, craftsmen, and more. The Black Prince likes to encourage intellectualism in his holdings, and knows full well what its like to suffer under a curse. So the city has a small community of eccentrics, useful or otherwise. This further bolsters Aldium's worth, and with the seat of Gashnag's power, Castle Strige, being close, it is very much thought of as the capital of The Black Prince's principality. Which some call "Gashnagia", but the Black Prince somehow doesn't really...Like that name. He hasn't come up with any other name for his domain, but oh well.

Onto more recent history, the production of The Black Prince has made the city even more notable. The production of a relevant work of culture tends to do that. And there are rumors that the Black Prince is going to sponsor more of such fine works. Not those further telling his illustrious story, but more original pieces of work. Some even suggest that the next big cultural revolution will come from Aldium. Fools, certainly. There is no way something from the border princes of all places would inspire such great cultural strides. Such a preposterous suggestion makes even the thought of the border princes uniting seem reasonable!

Also, please note that there are no other occupants of Castle Strige other than Gashnag and his not-cursed servants. There is no gaggle of differing supernatural beings in it. Only Gashnag lives in his palace.
Diplomatic Ties/Ongoing Treaties
To: Karl Franz, Elector Count of Reikland @ManusDomini

I will be absent for my 2nd Honeymoon for some time. Frederick Wilhelm will be managing Sylvania in my absence. Do not disturb my peasentry or ruin my empire, and I will bring you back some sweets from our trip.

Vlad von Carstein, Elector Count of Sylvania and rightful Emperor

To: Count Vlad von Carstein
From: Adelbrikt of Altdorf, Imperial Scribe

Your illustrious highness,

On behalf of his Imperial Highness Karl Franz I, I have searched the genealogical archives but found no indication of any Elector Counts of Sylvania. However, if you feel that your ducal title has been treated wrongly, you may appeal to your sovereign liege, the Elector Count of Stirland or bring the case before the Prime Estates of his Imperial Highness Karl Franz I. In case you decide to bring it before the Prime Estates, you must of course, as is custom, seek the permission of your sovereign liege.

Yours in devotion.