The Shadowrun Thread! For All Your Shadowrun Needs!

Indeed it is. I started the DL before I left for work, but won't be able to get to the game til I get home tonight.

EDIT: HORY SHIT. Some elegan/t g/entleman must have shelled out some money, or the Devs are fans of Shadowrun Storytime because Dervish, aka AMERICA-SAN is one of the character portraits.
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AM sick with a mild cold. Debating whether or not to call in sick from work tomorrow to play SR:HK. The struggle is real.
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Hrm. Which Etiquettes are best for use in HK, do you guys think?

I'm tempted to restart my character and give them the Gang Etiquette, because it and the Shadowrunner Etiquettes seem to be more useful this time around.

...and make them an Adept. KATANAS EVERYWHERE.
Well, Shadowrun has advantages and disadvantages for forum-play for several reasons:
- You can have a loose network and players and runners, which fits well since Shadowrun is not all about "tightly-knit" teams
- It's easier to split off matrix-runs and the like than it is in a homegame
- However, the rules as they are written, especially for combat, are often ill-suited for a forum-game. All the opposed dice rolls, and worse the Interrupt actions...its just not suited to the slow reactions in a forum game.

So a forum-game would have to, at least, simplify combat. And possibly some other interaction-heavy rules here and there. But if there is one, i'd be quite eager for it, I'm starved for good Shadowrun-action, and the games can't fully sate that.
I'd have no problem with altering the rules somewhat to make it flow better in a forum game- but I'd definitely not be running, since this'd be my first Shadowrun game at all.
Fuck it, I already have a planned campaign l cannot do in real life. If people do not mind a slower pace as I do not have time for rapid fire updates I might GM. Give me a day or two to check some shit for a final answer on if I will run a PbP campaign. My current campaign I have set up is Europe wide and is prime runner, adapting it for a lower level is MAYBE possible but given some locations do not count on it.

Don't raise your hopes too high just yet, my only recent writing I have done has been a 40RPG PbP that I dropped when except for like one person it felt like herding cats and some test writing I did for a quest I was planning but dropped when I realized I somehow turned a one resource system into an incomprehensible mess. Shadowrun requires finesse as a GM and I am leary in my own ability to bring that to the table in PbP format at the moment but that said I intend to try.

My campaign is also going to have significant events in the backdrop so if someone is willing to co-gm we could run multiple groups.
I'm tempted to offer to co-GM, but I am equally tempted to join the game, since I have always been the GM in Shadowrun games so far (except once, and that GM was horrible and barely knew the setting).
So, question: Would the co-GM have to be involved in the lore of the main story?
Because if that that''s not the case, I'd gladly handle a few minor runs that my character is sitting out.

As for characters, I have several I'd like to play:

- Xiula "Jester" Cynis. An Elven Adept who really enjoys mind-altering substances. Depending on what she's using, she can be a nice, mellow fellow, a charming, flirting socialite or a sadistic combat monster. Role-wise, she's a Face, but with some nasty combat capabilities (she uses a Monofilament Whip and a Slivergun, but also a variety of Bolas, both normal ones, with grenades as counterweight or some with monofilament wire)

- Ophelia Parker. A Human Rigger with a fascination for steampunk and airships. And an edge of paranoia that makes her have drones everywhere, at all times. Or at least as close as she can get. Role-wise, she can cover transportation, but would also bring out a ton of support for the team.
Sadly, that character was made for 4E. She'd need some reworking for 5E and has been sitting on the shelf for ages. And 5E does not yet provide proper rules for vehicle modifications.

- Dominique Ashcroft. SURGEd Mage and Hacker. Has some very disturbing beliefs about her magic - she interfaces it heavily with technology, but also makes a lot of pacts with dark spirits and the like. Not a spellslinger, she's using ritual magic, spirits and alchemy. Not a combat hacker either, if she needs to go heavy she uses Agents. If she really has to fight herself, she lets a spirit possess her.
Created for 5E, but if I end up playing her I'd heavily request some modifications to the Alchemy rules. Because they're currently shit not worth investing heavily into, but handing out magic-imbued trinkets instead of directly casting a spell is very central to her.

I'd actually prefer to play Xiula, she's the one that needs the least rule-adjustments and will probably take the most active roles, while the other two characters are more support-characters. But hey, whatever the group ends up needing.
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I've got a coupla ideas- possibly either a stealth specialist/sniper, a Gunslinger Adept (I was considering Mystic Adept, but first character might make that not a good idea), or a Face.
Well, the character sheet for Xiuala is mostly done.

Yes, she's very much inspired by Eldar Harlequins. And thanks to the higher gear availability limits of Prime Runners, I could actually assemble a useful approximation of their gear too:
Second Skin armor can provide changing colors - actually to a degree where it can aid stealth, so it fits her skills too. And you can of course wear all sorts of clothing over it, so it's perfect armor for almost every occasion. Especially since it stacks with other armor, to some degree.
The Ace of Cups by Vashon Island is high-fashion armor clothing. Specifically, it's a long, high-collar coat that can be left open in the front - so with the right tucking, it doesn't even impede the stealth-function of the second skin that much, and it allows for some colorful combinations in social situations too. Better yet, it includes pulse-weave, so it can basically act as a flashpack. And of course, the usual protection against tasers.
And a Ballistic Mask can take all sorts of scary shapes fits in well too.

Background-wise, she's an actress that typically does athletic stunts. No major roles, despite being awakened. And who does the usual drugs of her trade, but was smart enough to get augmentations that supported that. And picked up some combat skills somewhere, honestly not sure where yet. Nor do I have a decent "descent into shadows" for her yet, though that's probably easily explicable by her just being unstable.

To-Do List for the character sheet:
- list all that gear she has
- write out her background
- add in knowledge skills

So yeah. Sneaky, drug-using, high-life Face with pretty good close-range combat abilities.
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...if Face wasn't something that was already being done, I actually would make that Incredibly Polite Troll Face.

Intimidation, while still being perfectly polite. :D
I'd be interested. I'd need to finish reading the 5th edition rules though (I started then stopped).
Okay I just have to ask I heard an infamous spell called Turn to Goo, so can anyone explain why is it infamous?

It is a basic spell that only affects organic matter. Cybernetics are inorganic so when you turn someone to goo their metal parts are still there, and can be removed before ending the spell and letting them turn back into their original form, sans cybernetics.
It's basically petrification - turn to stone, except with goo. No greater potential for killing really, you could smash a statue too and that'd kill that person.
But with goo - well, as @Conundrum said, you can pull out their cyberware. Which will be worth a good chunk (pun intended) of money.
Of course, you can already harvest cyberware the normal way - Turn to Goo just provides a handy package for doing so. It's not broken, just a bit grisly.

At least, not broken in the way Troll Archers or Mr. Edge
A bows damage depends on the strength of it's user, though the bow has to be built to support it. Get a Troll with maximized Strength and Strength-boosting Cyberware, and your bow will do as much damage as an assault cannon.
Well, that was true in 4E and I think previous editions. In 5E, they limited it to 12 damage - which is still as dangerous as a large-caliber shotgun. Oh, and you can still do insane damage with melee this, but that's melee.

Furthermore, a bows damage depends on Strenght as well. So you get high range out of that deal as well.
Not sure what that memetic build is called in english actually.

So, in Shadowrun 4E and 5E, you do have an attribute called "Edge". It's your luck-stat, basically.
It can do three things basically: boost your initiative for one turn, let you reroll one set of dice, or add dice to a test.
How many dice you add depends on your Edge attribute. So if you have 2 or 3 Edge, that's just 2 or 3 dice - rerolls will be better.
BUT! You can normally have up to 6 Edge, if you invest into it. A Human can have seven, and with the Lucky quality you can push that to 8.
Adding 8 dice is worth a lot. That can easily double medium-sized pools, and even on maximized pools it'll be a 30% boost or so.
Better yet, it can boost dice pools that were reduced to 0 by penalties.

That gives you some absurd results.
Say you have to pick a lock. It's pitch-black, you have no real tools, your hands are tied up, you are hungry, sleep-deprived and freezing. Even if you are very well-trained, you'll have barely any dice on that roll - you might have no chance at all.
But if you pull that Edge-trick? You gently tap the lock, and it'll open. Because you just rolled 8 dice, penalties be damned!

Mind you, that's not really "broken" per se. It can be in some cases where you use it to boost dice-pools, especially high ones. But mostly it's just a fun, slightly weird build.
Builds like edge master was nerfed slightly with introduction of Limit in 5e, so was the infamous Diplomancer build.

Unless I'm misremembering and Edge boosted rolls are unaffected by limit. Which is possible.