The Shadowrun Thread! For All Your Shadowrun Needs!

And now, session 2.

So, we have our PC's from last week:

Adonis, the Groups face with a thousand faces
Wraith, the Limited Corporate Sinner and Mojo Slinger with an SK pin.
Hollywood, also the Limited Corporate Sinner and Mojo Slinger.
Count Zero, the Technomancer...
Scorch, the one that makes things move fast.

To whom we add AresPredator2053, the man with multiple guns, who named himself in the traditional manner one does when registering on a forum.

Where we left off, lunchtime at a McHughes just saw it's first actual meat in a few decades when Wraith sent an innocent wageslave to the Happy Hunting Grounds, while Hollywood probed their minds. Some Seals got Clubbed and the PC's made their escape at high speed before the first round of combat had finished. But, at least they know where their target is being held.


The Knights are slowly riding to the very belated rescue, eventually taking an hour to show up. The KE Mage Detective fails to detect the Astral Signature of Hollywood or Wraith's spells - probably lost in the grease.

(GM's note. I actually rolled these to check. Hollywood's Astral Chameleon helped... two dice were knocked off, and you need a minimum of three successes to make the dection, so it was tricky)

Meanwhile, as Vic regains some consciousness thanks to a fairly decent DocWagon contract. He's enough of a mind to guess what was happening, and make a call ahead and warn Fab, who takes the warning that violence was coming his way as you'd expect someone who's a non-fighter. (GM's note. This is all the data we are given on this particular individual. A name, that's guarding Moxie, who's knocked out by the time the PC's arrive. But we are far beyond that scenario now....) He has been ordered to move Moxie.

The PC's in the van are aware of none of this. Adonis finally wakes up.

They're driving at high speed across town towards a docklands Warehouse. It's one of half a dozen identical units in a small managed industrial estate, guarded by a single guard in a dirty old hut.

Scorch pulls up outside, while the guard asks for an ID key. Adonis talks their way in, convincing the guard that they'd come from McHughes in a hurry after someone shot it up and left their I.D's behind. The Guard buys the story, not really being too bothered to interrogate.

(GM Note: Adonis Rolled a glitch for this initially, so I decided that the guard would allow them to pass, but call the warehouse and let Fab know that his colleages were coming. Adonis used some Edge to cancel the glitch.... dissapointingly. I had a whole car-chase scene in mind.)

They find the warehouse quickly. It's the only one with a McHughes sign on it - a sign which dates back to a time when Pontius was a pilot. Count Zero is quickly able to locate a Comm-link running silently inside the building. And running is the right word, it's moving fast and apparently in circles. Scorch parks his van right outside the front shutter door of the warehouse. Adonis, Wraith and Hollywood bail out.

(GM Note: My intent was that Fab was having a full blown meltdown panic attack, he'd get a call from the guard to snap out of it, board the truck and come smashing through the gate just as the Tean rolled up.... )

Count Zero is trying to find architectural plans for the warehouse on the Matrix. She finds the management company's website, showing shiny pictures of brand-new warehouse units with internal office space, bathrooms, and various modular layouts with the option of a Mezzanine. The Team bails out of the van, searching for another door.

Hollywood takes a quick Astral stroll around the industrial estate, spotting a Mana barrier around another building, before diving in to the McHughes warehouse, finding a heavy rigid-frame delivery truck pointed at the closed door.

She finds one Aura in the back of a truck that is equal parts angry and terrified.
She finds one Aura in the driver's seat that is also equal parts terrified and angry.

She also manages to report back on the layout of the warehouse.

Scorch, meanwhile is worried his van has spun a bearing - it's making a diesel-like knocking. Did he do more damage at McHughes? Adonis hears what sounds like a very sick noise from Scorche's van as he slips around the back of the building. (GM Note: My handwriting at this stage decends into something resembling arabic.... Bad Arabic.) Wraith figures out that it's a diesel engine starting nearby, while Hollywood knows exactly what's going on. The truck's been started.

Adonis meanwhile prepares to shoot out the lock in the back door.
Hollywood casts an armour spell on herself.
Fab can't open the door, so he moves to ram it. (GM Note: My intention was that he wasn't aware of players, but He's been phoned and told what happened at the restaraunt so suspects they might be after him. And he's heard Adonis opening the door.... I still had hopes of 'Chase Scene')
Count Zero intends to tag the truck.
Scorch, sensibly, moves the van away from the door.

Initiative is Rolled. (GM Note: House Rule. Instead of worrying about a mnemonic and stat-comparing, actions on the same level are taken simultaneously.)

*Wraith delays to see what happens....
*Adonis places a hole where there once was a lock with his Predator, swinging the door open before moving in.
*Scorch opens the back doors of the van.
*Hollywood sneaks in after the thunderous gunshot, moving into the building, while Count Zero waits to see what happens, and Fab rams the door with the truck. The door holds, but buckles part-way open.
*Count Zero tags the truck.
*Wraith takes his action, and dives under the damaged door and takes an shot at the driver with an AK97. It's super effective.

(GM Note: At this point, it was remarked that the driver should've tested for Surprise, since he hadn't yet seen the Team and didn't know they were there. Honestly, I forgot.)

Next Initiative pass.
*Wraith boards the truck and pulls the driver out of the driver's seat, leaving him bleeding and moaning on the ground.
*Adonis makes it through the dusty boxes of long-expired 'meat' to find the driver on the ground, reaching for something in his pocket. A bullet and a big roll of the dice put an end to his misery.

In the back of the truck, is Moxie, thrilled to have her comm-link returned by real Shadowrunners.... even if she's not quite sure how her dad could afford them when he couldn't afford the ransom, and these people don't really look like she expected Shadowrunners to look like. Adonis explains it to her as:

Adonis: "Misdirection,"
Moxie: "Who's She?"
Adonis: "Old Friend of a Friend"

The security guard in the booth puts up a token resistance by firing his tazer at the van, deciding that his wages really weren't worth risking his life. He phones in a description of the Bulldog, and calls for a repair on the gate. Maybe it won't get taken out of his wages.

Scorch is driving like hell to get back to Hampton. On the way, he dodges a stack of cardboard boxes in an alley, runs over a plexiglass window being carried across a street by two orks, and dodges the rubbish truck backing out of the alleyway by the skin of his teeth. (GM Note: Dissapointed I didn't get my chase scene......)

Moxie is delivered home to her waiting Hampton. There's a tearful reunion where's she's impressed that he hired Shadowrunners. The Team are keen to remind that they were *hired*... to which he asks Adonis to come inside.

Sure he has the 500 he promised them initially, but Adonis the agreed fee was 1000 a head. The thought that they might not get all the money they were promised turns a warm reunion cold. Hampton reminds them that Vic is still alive, and probably not too pleased at having his restaurant disturbed, and distant unfavourite relative killed. Adonis suggests they skip town, and that gives Hampton an idea.... he offers the remaining 3 months of his building lease as part payment.

After a quick discussion, and a vote, the team accepts the terms, becoming the proud leaseholder of 33 Ballimer Way, Redmond.

(GM Note: I always had it in the back of my mind that he wouldn't be able to pay, but this was a spur of the moment idea.)p

Count Zero dissents, needing the money, so Scorch and Adonis by out her share. Immediately, discussions are hatched about what to do with the place. The first answer is that setting up their own lodge would make the perfect cover for three Awakened people living together. The second answer is that it could become a Shadowrun Shop. The Third answer, Sell shite to mundanes and use magic to scam people into thinking it works.

Adonis : "Well, it worked when you bought it, you saw. Must've been drained by a powerful magic attack. It saved your life."

(GM Note: Paraphrased slightly. But I really like what was made from this. It gives me so many *ideas*)

Meanwhile, Adonis receives a call from their fixer, Markas. He wants to meet at 9:00pm the following night, at his Nightclub. He promised them a real job if they finished their milkruns, and he's giving them one.

Still, they have a little downtime. Scorch repairs the light damage to his van with a panel found in the junkyard, while the Mages make themselves at home with a Mana Barrier around the building. Discussions of a magical protection racket, or similar. Or defense against protection rackets.... something that brings in money. Count Zero has a child to take care of, so spends the next few days at home.

That night, the group (Minus Count Zero, who has obligations), meet up at the Rainy City Night's Dance Club. Above the door, the rainworn sign, 'Amazon'.

(GM Note. The spurt of prose I prepared to describe this seemed good on page, but not so much when I had to say it. It's a nightclub built inside an old Amazon datacentre, playing retrothrash music. )

They enjoy the club and a few drinks, waiting and passing the time. Markas leaves them waiting just long enough to remind them who's in carge. It's long enough that Adonis is about ready to ask what the hold up is, when a fairly large bouncer looms behind him, informing the Team that Markas is ready for them.

They're lead through a dimlit lit corridor to a classy, well-appointed office, with the person in charge right at the centre. Wraith immediately notices Markas' cybernetic right fingers, drumming on the top of his desk. Hollywood notices it's a full arm, along with hints of a tatoo beneath his greying hair, and a face that's seen a lot of 'city' miles, fady scars hinting at a bloody past.

Scorch, meanwhile, trips.

Adonis leads by complimenting Markas on his suit. It is a damned nice suit. But Markas is polite and Business-like.

It's a simple BNE job. Client doesn't expect heavy security. They're offering 9k a head for the job. Meet at the Zemliane motel tomorrow. Ask for a woman named Kitsuribami.

(GM Note: I'd intended for Markas to make some sort of passing reference to the dead wageslave....but fluffed the wording of it completely.)

With a day or so before the meeting, Adonis calls up an old friend of his who he thinks might be looking for work, expecting the team to need some firepower.

Enter AresPredator2053, the man with multiple guns.

Zemliane motel is the sort of place that people only stop at if they can't afford to go to the better franchise a few hundred yards down a road. The fleas have fleas in this pit. Waiting for them at reception is an Ork teenager who's more interested in a Wrestling match on Trideo than actually doing his job. Adonis tries to make small talk, but is directed to room 4 to meet Kitsuribami. The kid's just not interested....

Adonis, Scorch, Hollywood and Wraith get the awful feeling that something has walked over their graves, a chill carressing their spines.

A quick peek into the Astral by Hollywood reveals that there were just observe by someone else's Astral projection, and that there's a mana barrier around the doorway to room four. They don't see this as anything out of the ordinary - expecting it's just the customer taking care to check them out.

(GM Note: I thought it'd be a good idea to ask Perception + Intuition scores, so I could make Astral detection rolls in secret, without saying what they were for, and only relaying the result.)

Adonis knocks on the door.

Kitsuribami is dressed up in corporate-standard clothes better suited to a boardroom than than a fleapit. She's dressed to perfection, either the HR drone who fires you, or the executive that drone was covering for. She greets the team politely, her Japanese accent showing strongly.

Wraith believes it to be genuine. Hollywood realises it's a put-on.

(GM Note: I specifically asked a what languages were known at character gen for just this I could pick a language someone could make this roll. Not sure if this is the 'right' way to do things, but it seemed fair to me. Also... nobody checked her out, beyond a cursory glance to make sure she wasn't Awakened, and didn't score that high on that roll either.... missing all the goodies)

Kitsuribami adds details. The target is a small technology company named AGILE Microtech. They've been bought out by a competitor of hers who's intentionally keeping a low profile, while she's looking to get a particularly advanced prototype stolen. The full details are offered on a portable disk drive, which Adonis accepts.

She sets a specific date for the run to take place. Monday, March 30th, 2075. It is currently March 25th.

Adonis tries to negotiate for a better rate, but Kitsuribami shuts them down. 9000 is the final price, per-head.

This is agreed. The teams takes the job...

Leaving the Motel, Scorch notices a Mitsuhama Jigabatchi parked outside, A fine, high-class luxury vehicle, and well beyond their means. He concludes it belongs to Kitsuribami.

The Team proceeds to plan the operation..... and we break for the night.

(GM's notes: This went better than I expected. I will admit that most of the first half of this session was done on the fly. Including maps sketched in a notepad that proved barely more informative than my descriptions because my handwriting really is *that* bad. We went so far beyond the original quick start module it was hilarious. But fun.

Also, Scamming Magical Items Sales. That alone made this worth it.

Since we were just getting into the swing of things, and it was expected to not be a 'real' operation. There weren't any Karma bonuses or penalties for 'Food Fight' because everyone believed it wasn't a 'real' game, just a shakedown of the rules. Since character sheets aren't fully set in stone yet, it seems fair. Going forward, Karm and Reputation will be worked out at the end of each run.

There's also a couple of things happening behind the screen at the moment that will be mentioned when the run ends. Far from just Kitsuribami, there was a whole team of Prime Shadowrunners present, including a Decker, a Rigger and a Mage, keeping an eye on things incase it went south while feeling out the team. Aside from copping the Astral projection, nobody looked around to see.... just assuming it was a natural attempt to see who they where and that they had no unpleasant intentions (Which arguably was true ). I'm concerned that maybe I'm not dropping enough of a hint, or the 'twist' will come as too much of a surprise. I'm trying to create evidence that Kitsuribami was trying to mislead them. Working into the Matrix, the datadisk includes instructions and maps that're to be downloaded into the team's comlinks - along with with a Sleaze action that'll put a Mark on each one if their commlink's firewall doesn't stop it.

On a related note - I need to add more detailed Matrix work to this, I'm aware of that. I'll try do better next time.

Finally, I have a few plots in my scratchpad.
First and foremost, planning for the job gets interrupted by some of Vic's goons annoyed at Hampton. The PC's must deal with the interruption
The main run happens...
Based on how it goes, PC's might be stuck with a valuable artificat, which 2 Johnsons try to buy off them. And both of them are trying to screw them over.
More Capitalism. A few requests from contacts. Customers in the shop. Bad Future-Yelp reviews.
The Team is offered a job to Guard the maiden drive of a cross-continental non-stop nuclear-powered bus from Seattle to Denver, which has been threatened by an environmental group. While one of the PC's contacts has asked them to bring some gear aboard.
Splintered State module I bought.
A few 4th-ed modules I was loaned....
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I'm concerned that maybe I'm not dropping enough of a hint, or the 'twist' will come as too much of a surprise. I'm trying to create evidence that Kitsuribami was trying to mislead them
Well, to be fair, it IS Shadowrun. Where 'newbie team does job perfectly well' can totally lead into 'WTF BETRAYAL' with no warning. Although, yeah, it's best if they get /some/ sort of warning from a gaming point of view. I forget, does the team have a proper Fixer yet, or are they still too new to have a regular Fixer looking out for them? That's always a good source of info. Someone's info network pulling up a bit of data, like 'hey, most of the newbie teams who work for a Johnson going by that name end up dead or in prison' or something, dunno how subtle that is.


At least it even gives plot hooks if they survive!

Who ordered them betrayed? Do they go for revenge and/or pre-emptive target removal or decide that getting out with their lives is fine and then be a bit more paranoid in the future? Can they convince gullible rubes that their Totally Powerful Magic Super Foci will gain power if they are bathed in the blood of a jerk? How hard is it to hack FutureYelp?

I like the Sleaze thing, though. See if the team's decker sorts catch it, since that'd be a great '...guys? Guuuuys? This is worrying' sort of thing.

Anyhow, cool update, man. Keep 'em coming, I love seeing people play Shadowrun.

Also, Future-Yelp should totally be their most dangerous opponent. Also, there's the fun of the Locals (Gangs, mafia, whatever) trying to muscle in for some Protection Money, plus, y'know, not all Talismongers like the idea of someone setting up near them, so, hey, potential business rival! :D
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Hey @TikiTau , Just wanted to ask some advice on making goons/enemies for fights. The SR4A gives a few examples, but only for specific people/organizations. Just anything that can help speed up the process, or know what their Attributes should be/what gear they have.

Im mostly asking cause like in other Tabletop games like DnD or Pathfinder, they not only have dedicated Monster stats but also CR that helps out with how strong the monster should be compared to the party. And I wouldnt want to make goons that are too weak or too strong.
feh my group always had 'that one guy' you know the one, the guy who thinks its funny to fuck with the run and not tell anyone? my two most memorable.

a troll hunter(based on the predator alien) decided to run off with our 'delivery' to deliver them and not tell anyone. we spent literally the entire 4 hour game session trying to figure out how the hell 4 silver briefcases just went missing.

2nd one was a guy was playing a trust fund baby face decided to kidnap the entire crew via drugging them, load them on a plain and take off heading to some location I forget where. then of course one player miss hears a description summons a spirit to rip off the top of the plane and kills us all. he thought we were still on the ground and miss understood what the GM said.

All in all very frustrating sessions and as much as the players were annoying I blame the GM slightly for actually allowing the bullshit. still it was enjoyable even with the annoyances kinda miss that group.
Well, to be fair, it IS Shadowrun. Where 'newbie team does job perfectly well' can totally lead into 'WTF BETRAYAL' with no warning. Although, yeah, it's best if they get /some/ sort of warning from a gaming point of view. I forget, does the team have a proper Fixer yet, or are they still too new to have a regular Fixer looking out for them? That's always a good source of info. Someone's info network pulling up a bit of data, like 'hey, most of the newbie teams who work for a Johnson going by that name end up dead or in prison' or something, dunno how subtle that is.


At least it even gives plot hooks if they survive!

Who ordered them betrayed? Do they go for revenge and/or pre-emptive target removal or decide that getting out with their lives is fine and then be a bit more paranoid in the future? Can they convince gullible rubes that their Totally Powerful Magic Super Foci will gain power if they are bathed in the blood of a jerk? How hard is it to hack FutureYelp?

The person due to pay them ends up 'captured' and generally consigned to being, ahem, dismantled for parts. This gives them the choice of trying to mount a rescue to go for the cash and the contact, or selling the hardware they stole to either the original team's Johnson for less cash, a party crash by another corp meaning they have 24 hours to get it back before the deal goes down or a dozen other things....

My biggest fear is making it seem like *I'm* screwing them over, as opposed to the world doing it. I don't want to do that.

I like the Sleaze thing, though. See if the team's decker sorts catch it, since that'd be a great '...guys? Guuuuys? This is worrying' sort of thing.

Dancing on the line between making it too obvious, and too subtle. The easy answer is that this particular Johnson works for Mitsuhama, and that's just what Mitsuhama does..... controlling and planning the run out for them, keeping tabs to make sure it's going ok. It would also make sense considering they've been asked to steal a prototype for a kind of Clockless Random Access Memory. If anything, it should seem too convenient or obvious.... Of course, if they never ask the question amongst themselves.
Anyhow, cool update, man. Keep 'em coming, I love seeing people play Shadowrun.

Also, Future-Yelp should totally be their most dangerous opponent. Also, there's the fun of the Locals (Gangs, mafia, whatever) trying to muscle in for some Protection Money, plus, y'know, not all Talismongers like the idea of someone setting up near them, so, hey, potential business rival! :D

Oh yeah. So many side-dishes. And the requirement to balance them all. If it goes well, it'll be like Tapas.[/quote][/QUOTE]
Hey @TikiTau , Just wanted to ask some advice on making goons/enemies for fights. The SR4A gives a few examples, but only for specific people/organizations. Just anything that can help speed up the process, or know what their Attributes should be/what gear they have.

Im mostly asking cause like in other Tabletop games like DnD or Pathfinder, they not only have dedicated Monster stats but also CR that helps out with how strong the monster should be compared to the party. And I wouldnt want to make goons that are too weak or too strong.
Mmm, not really sure off the top of my head. The Dumpshock forums suggest modifiying the goons Professional rating a bit, tweaking stuff like their Group Edge if you want them to be more dangerous (Since you have no reason to save it for goons).

Or tweak stats a point or so across the boards to make 'em more dangerous.

Or just modify their gear. A bunch of guys with pistols and basic clothing aren't going to be nearly as dangerous as a team of higher rent corpsec with smartlinks, APDS, and a tacnet, fer instance.

Honestly, for the most part, you can swap the generics around a bit, tweak 'em how you see fit.

This go gang has a lotta mages? Okay, fine, they're going to have an extra mage to cause havoc with.

Hmmm, the group's going up against a AAA. Well, if they get in a fight, they're going to have to deal with the Big Boys.

A bit of tweaking and refluffing and most of the generic mook templates can probably be swapped around. I'd honestly say just poke around google, hit a few of the Shadowrun Forums, see what they say. Afraid this is one spot where my lack of hands on experience shows a bit.
So, in Summary so far:

As a reward for a milk-run well completed, well, completed at any rate, the PC's have just received their first real paying Shadowrun. And it promises to be a doozy at 9k a head. The meet with the Client - Kitsuribami - has gone remarkably well, even if Hollywood realised the Japanese accent she was putting on was bogus...

Still, she gives Adonis a disk drive with the job details on it, then sets a specific date for the run to take place. Next Thursday. It's Currently Saturday Evening....

(GM Note. Oops.... Teaches me to use my computer calender at a glance. I got the dates in my notes mixed up in a moment of confusion, and all my notes are now in the 'revised' date format. Reality Quake!)

So, on with the game.

Morning. Count Zero investigates what's on the drive, immediately getting a warning of an attempt at hacking her comm-link for two marks. It's not a particularly effective attempt, giving her the idention of the hacker in the process. The Icon for Jake204 appears.

(GM Note: He had a profile. He had a roll. He didn't do good.)

Jake204, is not some corporate goon. He's been associated with a couple of high-profile corporate hacks. Count Zero thinks he might be more of a Shadowrunner. As a final gesture, CZ fires back a quick response that any Hackers would recognise. "Better Luck Next Time". She keeps an eye on him and his social network posting.

Count Zero copies the useful and genuine data from the disk, before sending it to the rest of the team. Inside are plans, a discription of the building layout, and a few suggestions for completing the mission. Count Zero then sets about digging up whatever information she can on AGILE and their building security.

Meanwhile, planning is in full force.

First thing's first - With Hollywood claiming Kitsuribami's accent was a put on, and the hacking attempt from a Shadowrunner, things don't add up.

Second, questions on how to properly handle to prototype wafers, which must be delivered cleanly. There's a little confusion as to what exactly a wafer is and how to properly transport them. AresPredator2053 calls an old school-friend for advice - someone who actually paid attention in class and got themselves a cushy job. He gets told that the wafers need to be transported in special cases, they're not generally sold to the general public, but there'll probably be some around the lab.

(GM Comment. In the process, rolling a Glitch..... which, IRC, wasn't edged away. *Scribble Scribble* Also, this is what happens when anyone with an engineering background tries to run a game)

Third. The Plan.

What is agreed upon, is to ignore any of the suggestions in the document. Instead, the team eros in on the Wagemage named Damien Resden (GM Note. I'm sorry... small reference pools) as their potential in. He's a 20 year LoneStar employee, on a LoneStar contract to AGILE - and LoneStar's contract is running out in a month's time so there's the possibility he might be disgruntled... Their first idea is to try and hire him to give them an in, since he's probably at risk of loosing his job. But rather than nab him violently, they decide a much better option would be to set up a fake WageMage Recruiting agency, named Mages-R-Us. Jobs for Mages, by Mages. They spend most of a day putting together a believeable looking matrix presence with appropriate contact details, false referrals and enough doodads to make it believeable as a company.

(GM Note. This was about where what I thought would happen, and what actually happened went in different directions.... I was expecting something 'simpler'. Take a peek. Then go in, cause some ructions, then leave. This is so much better)

It's also agreed that gear could use some investments and additions. Count Zero is interested in aquiring a good quality sequencer to make entry easier, along with an electronics kit. Adonis is interested in a decent set of lockpicking tools.

Count Zero does some more digging on the background of AGILE microtechnology, attempting to work out just who it was who bought them out. Unusually, it hasn't been publically announced.

Hollyood uses her experience of corporate politics to surmise that the Lone Star contract might've been abruptly cancelled, if Lone Star weren't popular with the new owners. It isn't hard to find that there's been some disagreement between Saeder Krupp and Lone Star lately.

(GM Notes. 11 edge-assisted successes on a corporate politics test.)

Meanwhile, Wraith takes a watching position in a Starbucks across the street from AGILE offices, watching the comings and goings of employees for most of the day, checking for any who are awakened. Aside from the usual background percentage of 'slightly' awakened individuals, he doesn't see much. Until a BMW-manufactured van parks up outside, disbursing its suited and armed contents.

Wraith recognises "Bob" from "Accounting", from his corporate days. A reasonably low-level Security Officer, but still a corporate officer. Wraith waves, inviting him over for coffee.

(GM Notes. 7 edge-assisted successes on a perception test.)

Saeder Krupp.

Count Zero's response when told is an uneasy: "Lofwyr! Lofwyr! Lofwyr!..."

The sun rises on another monday morning. The Mage Recruitement Agency is now enough of a thing for the plan to be further amended. They then receive their first customer phonecall from a mage who's been unemployed for a few months. So it's a good fake. Good enough to give false hope to innocent wageslaves.

Count Zero "Going Straight is Easy!"

The team seriously consider taking on an innocent mage, and using them as a scapegoat. Especially as an unpaid intern.... like a Jobbridge. With this in mind, Adonis pays a Visit to the AGILE offices on behalf of Mages-r-Us, trying to talk to a manager to bid for the security contract. He gets stopped at reception, failing to convince the on-duty sanitisers that he was there on genuine business. Mr. Carrington is not available, but please leave your contact details, and we'll be in touch.

(GM Note.I was worried about accidentally railroading things.... but it all makes sense and dice were rolled fairly.)

AresPredator2053 spends some time in the same Starbucks, watching the comings and goings from the building with his augmented senses. Heat and Cooling emissions are well within normal bands. His augmented hearing however, captures a scrap of a conversation from inside the building....

A engineer arguing with a security officer about his Maglock priveleges. Aparently, he's been denied access to the parts of the building he needs to work. Moments later, someone storms out the front door. AresPredator2053 takes a snapshot with his optics.

Count Zero wonders if it might be possible to find the engineer, forge his maglock card, then swap the forgery for his real one, leaving them with the good card. But the idea is set aside.

The team returns its attention to Resden. Adonis' revised plan is to call him up, make him a false job offer, and take him in for interrogation, then Adonis will use his ability to replace him. He takes the phonecall from 'George, of Mages-R-Us' and seems remarkably amenable to the idea of of being picked up in a limousine.

Scorch rents a good one. And a chaffeur's outfit.
Adonis gets a lead on a lockpick, but it's been sold. Still, the seller knows a guy who knows a guy who might have what he's looking for . So it's progress.

(GM Note: Houserule/Correction. Searching for gear is an extended test... )

Tuesday. Time for the Headhunt to begin.

Scorch dons his suit and driver hat.

Adonis "Try to drive a little less like a maniac."

Adonis slips into the back, and Wraith tags along incase things go South. They are all thoroughly enthused about being in a snazy rental limo. AresPedator2053 trails conspicuously on his motorbike.

(GM Note, I had it in mind that Resden might ask if they knew they were being followed, depending on his dicerolls.... but alas, that's not what happened)

Resden is waiting for them when they arrive, dressed in his best suit. He is also thoroughly enthused about being picked up in a Limo for the first time in his life. Otherwise, the interview is a car crash. Clearly, Resden has been 20 years in the same job, and gone a little stale on interviewing skills. He's able to spot that Adonis is a mage with a little astral perception. Still, he's especially enthusiastic about working for a Mage-based agency.... by us, for us. The negotiation begins, Resden wanting 100k to switch from Lone Star. Adonis goes through the rigmarole of negotiation up until Resden elects for a quick demonstration of his abilities. After a moment's consideration, Adonis agrees. Wraith glances at his pistol.

(GM Note. It's not just the players familiarising themselves with the system. On a side note, he fires off a Force 6 spell, with Drain of F-2, and failed to soak any of it, so took 4 stun. )

Resden is surprised by the drain, winded a little, but correctly points out the guns Adonis is carrying. Adonis tries to act impressed and they both agree on a salary. Adonis and Resden shake hands, and the wired tazer in Adonis suit does the rest. Wraith is dissapointed that his gel-rounds won't be needed.

In the meantime, Hollywood nicks him in the back of a neck with a scalpel, before bandaging it up. The only thing better than putting a Cortex bomb in someone's neck, is making them think you have a Cortext bomb in their neck. Wraith adds a quick Ward to keep him in the Astral dark, simultaneously remembering that he'd forgotten to establish the building's Ward earlier like he'd agreed to...

Wraith: "Oh, I didn't do that..."

Resden is treated to the experience of waking up tied to a chair in a basement, to a group of Shadowrunners, with obvious signs of a Cortex bomb in his neck. So naturally, his first instinct is to moan about how he's definitely going to loose his job now.

Adonis: "Perhaps we can now drop the ruse,"
Resden: "I'm due in work at 7,"
Adonis: "I'm sure it can be arranged that you'll show up,"

The sight of another man shifting his face to match his own, is enough to convince Resden to sing like a canary. That, and the company's just not being paid enough to have him die for his clients, so he's at least protected by contract if he talks. He talks about his life, gives a reasonably detailed layout of the building and it's security services, then gives an insight into some of the events going on inside. There's security chaos with the new Saeder Krupp-supplied troops, and some engineers are finding that their security clearances have arbitrarily been modified or revoked, making it impossible for them to do their jobs. The SK troops are also a bit more gunhappy, being armed only with lethal weaponry. He gives the lowdown on the number of guards and their distribution, how strong the internal security is. Three engineers had recently been fired over a security breach that allowed an outside hacker to break into one of the secure servers. Jennifer, Allan Jenning, and an "Ork"... apparently, someone had used pirated software, which realised it was pirated, and hadn't been patched or updated.

(GM Note. I had Adonis roll for his interrogation, based off his Con skill to gather the required information, with the idea that the amount of hits he gets acts as a limit to his rolls to pass as Resden. But this might not be the best idea.... )

Count Zero quickly finds a post by Jake204 bragging about how easy it is to crack corps hoping to save some coin using cracked software. Pieces fall into place. Adonis and Count Zero start to suspect a doublecross is awaiting them when they go to make the handover. It may get violent.

Finally, Resden informs Adonis that he has a security check at 7pm. This gives Adonis his in - a chance to snoop around and get a lay of the land. Resden requests that his great-grandfather's M1911 pistol be returned to him when it's over.

Meanwhile, Count Zero manages to compile a sprite, with the intention of watermarking Jake204. The process of compiling and attempting to register the sprite with the Matrix knocks her out for an hour. She manages to come around before GOD converges on the innocent sprite, and sends it away to do its duty. It watermarks Jake204's person, then returns to the resonance.

(GM Note. There was some confusion here. Originally, the intention had been for Count Zero to watermark the wafers being targetted, but a bit of a communication error occured at the tabletop, and this was the agreed upon turn of events. The wafers are basically just slabs of Gallium Arsenide crystal and are effectively inert in the matrix, I figured. An argument could be made that they might've had some sort of RFID tag or similar that could be detected.)

Adonis gets ready for his performance....

And that's where we break for the night.


(GM Final Note. Like I said, this was not the direction I expected everything to go in. Especially given how the last session went. As usual. Still, it was a more fun direction for all involved. We also got to exercise a good variety of rules in the session. I'm still getting caught on the hop more than I'd like... but I can get better. Resden basically existed as a profile, to act as a spellslinging target, for a start. Now he has an elf for a wife and children, worries about his job and something of a backstory.

Also, I've gotten at least two more notes to add to my 'possible plotlines' if the game continues beyond this run. Bonus Karma has been noted....

Wraith waving at his former associate from SK has been noted, and will be a cause of problems in the next game. The presence of Saeder Krupp and the fact that he is known to them might also add a complication for the team later.

AresPredator glitching his roll to call his contact, means his contact has also forwarded details of the call to the boss. Ares Macrotechnology might be able to join 2 and 2 in the aftermath of the forthcoming run, adding to complications.

The Team also knows they're being messed with a little - but not quite how. I'm happy with this turn of events.)

So, To recap...

The Team has it's first run - it seems to be a firly simple smash'n'grab of some prototype hardware. After doing some due dilligence, they discover that the person who hired them is putting on a fake accent, while the memory stick with the job information on it turned out to be bugged with Sleaze action. Still, tempted by 9000 NY a head, they press on, scoping out the AGILE Microtechnology lab. In the process discovering that AGILE's reasently been taken under Lofwyr's corporate wing.... SK are running the show. Knowing they need an 'in', they kidnap the Lone Star Wage Mage -Resden- providing magical security - setting up a fake Mage recruting agency to entice him into an interview in a limousine. He next wakes up strapped to a chair in a basement....

Tuesday evening finds the team in planning, discussing how to approach the run.

Adonis is preparing for his reconnaissance, disguised as Resden. Depending on how it goes, they're running through ideas. Adonis hopes to be able to act as a 5th column inside the building, using his Mage disguise a 2nd time, while Wraith enters the building invisibly and just grabs the hardware. Secure the prototype, set off the firealarm to force all the maglocks open, then run for it. Should be simple. There is a discussion over whether Count Zero should also go in to deal with any maglocks or security systems.

Count Zero is of the opinion that being onsite physically may be a lethally bad idea for her. Instead, Count Zero plans to compile a sprite and have it use Gremlins on the security cameras.

Adonis, however, has his 7pm appointment to make. He goes through the front door, and - after a moment to check - his disguise is accepted by the receptionist as genuine.

(GM Note, the receptionist tied the roll on Limit - actually rolling higher.)

After a few minutes waiting, he's met by Max Reinhardt -a middle-aged man speaking in a polite and kind German accent whom, Adonis notes, is wearing a fairly snapping Actioneer suit. Reinhardt leads Adonis through the building, discussing security plans and warding arrangements, along with whether or not the building ward extends to the ceiling.

Of course it did - it didn't take long to check. Reinhardt is polite and friendly as he leads him around the building, before dropping a minor bomb on proceedings. He's aware of the run coming in in the near future, what with the earlier hack on the building's security systems, and the spotting of one of his former colleagues smiling and waving at him from the cafe across the street.

Meanwhile, Wraith is scaling the outside of the building with a tingle in his ears. He confirms that the ward extends to the top of the building and the location of a vent stack that could be used to access the inside - guarded by a maintenance grate with maglock - and that there's a ladder to gain access. Stealth, and Invisibility keeps him from being spotted. He also spots the Wards.

(GM Note. A minor ruling on the Earth Sphere acting as a barrier for Astral projecting. If it's penetrated by a shaft or other manmade object, it's possible for a projection to travel down this shaft. It doesn't stop at an invisible line where the earth level would've been.)

Reinhardt meanwhile, asks Adonis whether the building's internal high-security ward also accounts for the ventilation stack. It doesn't, it's only encompassed by the building's own outer ward. Reinhardt asks him to cover the gap. This is a minor problem for an Adonis, who doesn't know the spell. Still, he's good at bluffing, so gives it a go. In this instance, he gets it right. Reinhardt believes him. It also gives him a good chance to investigate the ventilation stack for a possible entry point.

(GM Note, I'm not sure I did this exactly right. I was trying to do something suspensful, while dropping a potential hint about an entry and the location of the target, and it wasn't until afterwards that I realised it might just have come across as drawn out)

Reinhardt leads Adonis down to the lower, high security, level of the building. Along the way, Adonis makes a mental note of the locations of any emplacements or security cameras, along with the types of locks along the way. First on the list are the two engineer prototype offices where highly secret tests are performed. Reinhardt has to check to make sure that nobody is performing any sensitive tests before allowing Adonis in. The Engineer's office area is locked down tight. Individual cubicles are fitted with privacy screens, shielding work theirin from what unauthorised eyes might accidentally see. A red light warns people not to enter when sensitive work is being performed. For the really secret stuff, there're the two labs.... one of which has a red-light glowing over the door. Reinhardt allows him into the second.

(GM Note: Inspiration from Apple)

In the first room Adonis is alone while Reinhardt sanitises the next one. He's able to take a few notes and discover one of the carrying cases for the Wafers. But it's empty. Again, he fools Reinhardt into thinking he's cast a legitmate spell.The second one is more of the same, with an added sprinkling of Cheeto dust. Reinhardt watches him 'cast' this time.

Another beautiful deception. Adonis fakes the drain, asking for a few minutes rest. They have a break in a small employee locker-room. Reinhardt chats about the benefits employment with Saeder-Krupp could bring - a job which rewards success, though punishes failure. It's a 'friendly' chat.

(GM Note. I was trying to create tension here. It was somewhere around this point that Hollywood's player pointed out there wasn't a single toilet on the floorplans I created. This is the future...we have the three seashells for that sort of thing. )

Last stop on the tour is the Secure Storage room, behind a guarded desk. Adonis spies two more wafer cases, one of which is obviously locked. Again, Reinhardt watches him perform the warding 'ritual'. Something catches his attention for a moment, and Adonis tries to pass his slip off as the effect of drain induced fatigue. Reinhardt cools, quickly concluding their business

(GM Note. Reinhard pulled enough success to realise this instance was a deception, but not that Adonis was anyone but who he appearred to be. He actually rolled very well, but his social limit kicked in hard. So, Reinhardt allowed Adonis to leave, before getting in touch with his employers to complain about shoddy service. Which then revealed the truth. Reinhardt's plan was to set a trap, welcoming Adonis in disguise back, allowing the run to proceed, and then springing a trap when everyone's inside. One full captured Shadowrun team. Or an awesome complication for the team to beat. As it would happen....)

Wraith aquires a grappling hook and climbing gear.

Adonis returns to the shop the team are using as a base and fills them in. Reinhardt knows something's up and expects a run coming in. He lets Wraith know why exactly he expects a run is coming.

Wraith: "Makes it fun"

(GM Note: If anyone asked Adonis anything he hadn't specifically noted on his original walkthrough, I asked him to make a memory test. It seemed like a good idea at the time, to account for things noticed, but not specifically looked for.)

Based on this, their first idea to deal with this, is to create a distraction run, to divert attention away from their real attempt.

Hollywood: "What about Hiring someone to do a fake run?"
GM: *Nervous laughter*

Their second idea is to attack Reinhardt's car and go after him directly, take him out of the picture. But that would definitely give the game away. AresPredator suggests using knockout gas on the complex - but that would involve hauling something heavy up to the ventilation system without getting spotted.

By the end of the night, they have a plan:

*Adonis will infiltrate the office as Resden again, under the guise of detecting something crossing the Ward. He will palm his key off with someone in the security office, to get better access.
*Hollywood to listen to conversation in the Cafe to determine who has what access
*Count Zero will hack the lock on the roof, then compile a Gremlin sprite to hit the surveillance system.
*Adonis gains entry to the Secure storage room and grabs what he thinks is the hardware.
*Wraith will then repell down into the vent shaft on a rope, to wait for Adonis
*Adonis hands Wraith the hardware.
*Trigger the Fire Alarm to unlock the doors. Then escape
*AresPredator is nearby incase things go south and guns get needed.
*Scorch is in the van listening to Spanish Flea while all hell breaks loose inside.


Wednesday. The run should happen tomorrow.

AresPredator53 spends some time on the roof of the building, using his cybernetic augmentation to listen to what's going on inside. He managed to capture snippets of five conversations:
*Someone complaining about how they've been told to move wafers to secure storage, but don't have access.
*A german accent "Act as if his card has been accepted, the call me"
*Another voice "We are emptying the clean room until the situation has passed"
*A German Accent "It was definitely not legitimat"

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Resden earns an invisible boot to the head after his attempt to get enough attention to get a meal ends up being mistaken for an escape attempt. He tries to inquire about the PC's plan...

Resden: "Who am I going to tell"
Adonis: "This isn't one of those movies"

(GM Note: "We did it, 35 minutes ago.")

Finally, Adonis manages to track down a lead on the Autopicker he's been looking for. It's good. Still in stock, ready to go.

AresPredator53 returns, reporting in. It's quickly obvious that Adonis has been made in some way. Reinhardt is expecting them to come in disguised as Resden.

The planning begins again, wondering how to get through when Reinhardt is expecting Resden. Thoughts turn to the Wage Mage himself:

"There is one person who has no choice but to look like the son of a bitch"

Hollywood's first idea is to puppet Resden in through the front door, but it's quickly pointed out that the building's wards would release him from her spell - and he could then blow the whole thing.

They decide to stick closely to their original plan - as close as possible anyway.

*Adonis will slip in using a stolen ID card
*Trigger an Evac with the fire alarm.
*Taze a Guard
*Use his key to get access to the goods
*Meet Scorch outside.
*Resden is a liability before the run happens.


Thurday. Run day.

Aware that Resden's access card is now definitely Non-Grata, Adonis follows one of the security staff he recognised leaving the building after a shift change. His attempt at grabbing the guard's wallet unnoticed fails. The guard doesn't push the matter when Adonis just hands the wallet back to him - and doesn't notice his missing security card. He's lucky enough to get his wallet back without a fight.

(GM Note: Nicely pockerfaced. Nicely done. The way he said 'I give him his wallet back', had me fooled. )

It's only when he makes it back to home base that he realises it would've been easier to just replace the guard.... maybe have him go back for something he forgot on-shift. But, it's too late for that now.

Runtime is 6pm. A little bit early compared to what was suggested, but should suffice.

(GM Note. And a perfect explanation for what happens next.)

AresPredator, Adonis and Wraith sneak up onto the roof, followed by Hollywood and Count Zero. Count Zero quickly and competently obliterates the security on the lock, hacking on the fly within two seconds, shutting it down, then mentally rebooting her persona before GOD even wakes up..

Meanwhile, AresPredator manages to capture a single snippet of conversation with his augmented hearing.

"Reinhardt will be back in 20 minutes"

Adonis immediately changes his disguise.

A few minutes later, 'Reinhardt' walks through the front door of the building.

---break for the night.

(GM Final comment. I like the plan here. I especially like how it's been continuously amended and adapted as things went on. With Reinhardt, I was hoping to create someone who came across as competent and planning, without being omniscient. Going into this, I was concerned that his stats might've been a little bit too tough, but he rolled honestly the whole time. Like I mentioned, I was hoping for Adonis' scenes to come across as quite tense. As it was, this meant for a fairly Adonis-heavy session since it took longer than I thought.

Next week is run-week. This plans to be an interesting one. )
I think I'm going to do shadow run as the next campaign I run for my nephews. We're running a 5th ed dnd campaign right now and I think they will like the tech and magic combo.

Have them do a funnel, each of them play a 4 or 5 member street gang or something then have survivors unite to face off against the lbbeg who played the gangs off against each other as stage 1 to his 3 stage profit scheme.
I'm looking to GM 4e, but I absolutely HATE the map. Is there any way I could make it a bit more realistic that would make sense? Oh, and I've thought about changing some of the timeline too... Like the Indian stuff, just because it seems stupid to me. What changes would you folks make?
Shadowrun #5.

---In Which the GM is Impressed.

In our last session, Adonis managed to slip inside the facility, impersonating a Wage Mage. The deception almost worked - until Max Reinhardt, the local corporate security chief, realised he was being deceived. Allowing Adonis to leave, Reinhardt hatches a plan to snare the entire team when they make their entry. Using his cybernetics, AresPredator catches snippets of a conversation indicating that they've been blown, and the team decides to move the timetable up a bit.

At the last moment, they learn that Reinhardt has in-fact left the building, and won't be back for another 20 minutes. Never one to pass up a good opportunity, Adonis quickly re-sculpts his appearrance to match Reinhardt, and drops down the ventilation shaft.

Scorch waits in place in his van, biding his time. He's the first one to notice a speeding van come tearing past. Coincidentally not too dissimilar to the one parked outside the Motel where they'd met Kitsuribami. Count Zero realises the plan immediately - figuring that they're being used as a distraction run by another team of runners, and that they might've just accidentally blown the run.

"If our employers are dead, we don't get paid!"

The team continues with the plan. Interfering at this stage risks not getting paid. Count Zero compiles a sprite which infects a security camera facing the access hatch for the vent with a nasty case of Gremlins. l

(GM Note: It locked it on a single frozen image. But it never came up. )

Hollywood readies her firearm - at least, she holds it in her hand, accidentally pointing it at the entire party in turn while she readies herself. AresPredator hides behind cover. Eventually, she follows Count Zero to a nearby Cafe to observe proceedings. With both of them gone, Adonis exits the ventilation shaft. Wraith drops down, then makes himself invisible to follow beind.

(GM Ruling: Incidentally, it was ruled that spells being sustained are ended when the person sustaining them passes a ward. Even if the actual spell's effect - such as another person remaining invisible, remains outside)

AresPredator drops to the bottom of the shaft and waits for things to go south as Adonis in disguise enters the building. Wraith follows him invisible. Guards are fooled by the Reinhardt disguise, Adonis' purloined security key allowing him easy access all the way to the desk and the guard.

The Guard, of course, is a little bit nonplussed about the re-appearrance of Reinhardt when he wasn't expected. Informed that it's a test, he decides that proceedures must take precedence over common sense and asks to see "Reinhardt's" security card. Adonis Zaps him with a Tazer. Wraith zaps him again when it's clear the first shock just wasn't enough.

(GM Note: Well, it seemed logical to include nonconductivity in their armour....)

Adonis strips him of his keycard and radio, before stuffing the unconscious guard under the table.

(GM note: I half expected Wraith to cast invisibility on the Body....)

The first purloined keycard won't allow him into the secure storage room, but the second one works. Adonis grabs three sealed wafer holders, assuming they have something valuable inside them. Leaving with the units, they pass another Guard, who fails to spot the deception. Despite "Reinhardt" carrying three supposedly secure items. Wraith and Adonis take a moment to try gain access to targets of opportunity, but the Maglocks won't open for any keycard they have.

(GM Note: The Guard they passed found the body)

The Guard calls in a warning. Adonis immediately answers, impersonating Reinhardt, calling for a full alert. Alarms go off and guards mill around, while Adonis and Wraith make their escape Meanwhile, Reinhardt himself cuts into the comm wondering what the hell is going on.

Only to be answered by 'himself'.

Outside, the Prime Runner's van pulls up outside, its contents quickly exiting the vehicle. Count Zero quickly spots her Matrix watermark on Jake204 - he's inside the van. The other team begin to move towards the second building in the complex. Hollywood recongnises Kitsuribami amongst them.... clearly far more a Razorgirl than they'd been led to believe.

(GM Note: It's only around this point, as the team starts wondering how the other team realised the run was going ahead early, that I realised I hadn't actually thought of that part.... I came up with a rapid answer)

Inside, Adonis is busy sowing amusing confusion between himself and Reinhardt, but it's quickly clear his cover's blown. He's up and out of the ventilation shaft, quickly followed by Wraith, then AresPredator.

On the roof, Adonis is spotted. Wraith spots the real Reinhardt running towards the building. Reinhardt, guided by his com, realises that Wraith is there. Initiative is rolled as Wraith levels his AK-97

Initiative is Rolled. Guards Arrive in next turn. 2 Minutes until Knight Errant.

6 Shots full auto from Wraith.
It Wings Reinhardt, shaving some hair.
Reinhardt ducks out of the line of fire, putting he building's wall between himself and Wraith.
Scorch pulls up beside Adonis.
Adonis Drops his magazine, planning to drop a magazine. Flip a mag in as a free action. He runs to the van
AresPredator runs for the van.

Wraith makes a break for the van.
Reinhardt fires at the van with his slivergun.... but it does no more than cosmetic damage. Nothing unusual. Not even a -1 on attributes.
Scorch floors it.
Adonis takes a pot-shot from inside the van.
Hollywood and Count Zero enjoy their coffee while the entire shop films the ongoing Shadowrun.
AresPredator Takes a shot at Reinhardt. with a silenced pistol, and injures him.

Wraith uses his final initiative pass to knock Reinhardt down with another fully automatic burst. Reinhardt staggers to his feet, stunned but unhurt. His armour holds.

(GM Note: I'm trying to play Reinhardt as an intelligent antagonist.... hence the whole 'taking cover' and waiting for guards to show rather than standing in the way of bullets.)

Meanwhile, the Prime runners are going south in a very big way.. Count Zero notices that the Jake204 has 'stopped' moving. As the van speeds away, they discuss bailing the other team out...

Wraith: "Let's just fucking fence this shit."
Adonis: "If they were straight with us from the start?"
Count Zero: "Fuck that shit. It's not worth loosing our necks."
Adonis: "Not getting paid is bad. Getting killed is worse."

Count Zero and Hollywood take a cab back to the shop once the shooting has stopped.

As the team returns to the shop, they notice that the front door has been kicked in. Carefully sweeping the building, they discover that the Wage Mage has been freed, but nothing's been stolen. Count Zero pulls the CCTV and notes a suspiciously familiar van outside. Still, they realise their hideaway has been compromised, so leave.

(GM Note. Totally not an asspull. Completely and utterly not made up on the spot. The other team figured out the angle with the Wage Mage the same way Reinhardt did, tracked him down through a contact, then kicked in the door and found out what was happening. They've been on the back foot ever since Count Zero spotted the program they'd created to monitor the PC's.)

They spend the night at home.

The next day, AresPredator and Wraith scope out the Motel where the handover was supposed to happen. Aside from a family in a green,dishevelled Ford Americar station wagon, nobody shows up. Count Zero checks Shadowpoint, Finding Jake204 and Arbalest noted down as dead and missed, with Kitsuribami and one other team member missing and unheard from. Adonis breaks in to the Motel office, checking off a list of names of guests. 'Griswold Family', 'Mr. Johnson', 'Mr. Smith', 'Ms Kitsuribami'..... each time the name appears, it has a different contact number. On a hunch, he tries ringing them.

It dawns on them that they may not be getting paid for this run.

Markas, their fixer calls. Adonis quickly realises that's pretty angry at how things went - but probably not at them. He calls them in for a meeting at his club. Adonis wears his Amazon Web Services hat. He orders Virgin cocktail. AresPredator is staying sober. Driver Scorch is drinking.

Saeder Krupp have been in contact. They have Kitsuribami. They'll trade her for the wafers. The offer Markas makes is simple. 40,000 Ny for the wafers, and to make the handover in person. Suffice to say, Adonis is somewhat disturbed at the potential for meeting Saeder-Krupp in person. He demands 100k, straight up. Markas offers 80, and they agree.

He returns to the team with the deal. They are about as enthusiastic as could be expected.

Wraith takes a call on his comm while the group is talking through their plan for getting in touch with Saeder-Krupp and and making the exchange without getting horribly, horribly killed. They have a phone number to call, all they need is a location.

Count Zero suggests they go to the Barrens, with hired Gangers as redshirts since SK while be bringing the best. Matrix connectivity is poor, and it'd keep Saeder Krupp away from physical support. Puyallup is suggested.

Scorch points out the obvious flaw.: "They just throw money at the problem."

The team get some of the money upfront - enough to plan - but not even a grain of sand compared to what a corporation could bring. Even so, doing this right without getting dead means this is going to be Expensive.

Wraith returns to inform them that Reinhardt contacted him, offered him 50k to betray the group, which he earned a Karma point for declining, then lets them know that SK have no intention of giving up Kitsuribami.


GM's final comment. Thus ends the first full mission I've ever run. More or less. Thanks to all involved for making it fun.

Also, I must say. Really, truly, epicly done. I was surprised Wraith didn't try make the unconscious guard invisible, but most of the major angles were thought of and considered and dealt with. And the other team learned a valuable lesson - unfortunately, they're a bit too dead or captured to enjoy the benefit. Oh well.

And yes, Reinhardt is hard as nails, and then some.

Finally, Cash and Karma awards:

Adonis: 7
Count Zero: 7
Wraith: 7
Hollywood: 6
Scorch: 6
AresPredator53: 6

Cash, to be split as the team sees fit: 40,000 NY.

So I'm thinking of a quest thread using the SR5 rules, but does anyone have any recommendations for an online dice roller that can provide links to dicerolls? Or just a good SR dicerolling site?
So I'm thinking of a quest thread using the SR5 rules, but does anyone have any recommendations for an online dice roller that can provide links to dicerolls? Or just a good SR dicerolling site?
Hmm. Well, I found these for Shadowrun-specific dice rollers. Don't do the links, but does do the bit where it tallies up how many hits are in whatever pile of dice you just rolled. They both have the thing where it'll reroll 6's if you tap the 'edge' option.

Otherwise, my google-fu is not pulling much up. Suppose you might just have to consult the standard dice rollers on here? appears to pop out a link to use to share your rolls with someone.

Finally, you could always try using our ever-lovable forum dice roller, although it's probably possessed by the gods of amusement and RNG.

So, yeah, it looks like you can get Shadowrun Specific Dice ROllers or Online Sharable Dice Rollers, but getting both is not in the cards at the moment, alas.

Hope that helps, Gideon!
It's been a while. During which our gaming group only managed 2 sessions due to schedule conflicts and the like.

Still, we managed a nice short followup mission to the above. This writeup comes from Adonis' player, with GM notes and additions marked. A good chunk of this scenario was spent running and gunning on my part, with only basic notes and profiles on various characters generated beforehand. I'm finding this a lot easier than having a full plotline that falls apart on contact with a PC with ideas.

AresPredator has dropped out of the game.
Otherwise, we're all good.


Journal of a Scoundrel

So we got out first payout... a payout with strings attached. The crew seemed less than pleased with the prospect of heading back into the jaws of the dragon. Still, we some time to prepare I was confident we could do it and keep our brains on the right side of our skulls. Besides, we need to start making good impressions if we want to get regular work. Walking out on a contact who just lost their go to team is going to leave a bad taste. Coming through though, that gets you off of the rolodex and onto speed dial.

The job, to exchange the wafers for the Razorgirl. Sounds easy but given Saeder-Krupp's resources if we didn't keep them on their toes and out of their element we were toast. Count Zero brought up the idea of bringing them out into the barrens and getting some extra muscle.

(GM Comment. This one sentence took about two hours ingame planning and discussion. The group discussed various options, from doing it in a public place, to arranging it in a restaraunt. To paracrocadiles. Full Text transcript here Including some temptation from me to take a riskier, but cooler option).

Luckily I knew some Orc gangers, the Softies, who were a little down on their luck having recently lost a turf war. Their turf out in Puyallup ain't pretty but it would do the job and they could do with the creds. Only problem would be them being desperate enough to try and work both sides. We decided it would be best to keep the details vague and keep them away from direct contact with whoever the corp sent. There was an exchange happening but with who and for what, they didn't need to know. After a bit of haggling we arranged the details with their bossman Slaphead.

( GM Comment. Yes, they were originally from Redmond, Why do you ask? My own fault for writing while tired and up on Coffee. Also in this segment, was Mikey, an ork teenager who managed to negotiate himself 10% of the action for letting the players know where to find Slaphead, and,most importantly, a name on the GM's character notes sheet. He's in a local bar on Ezra Pound street formerly named Hop King, where the PC's are their usual gregarious selves....

Adonis: "Not bad for horse piss,"

Bartender: "Only the best damn horse for sure,"

Slaphead is gregarious, the CEO of his own personal gang. He's hesitant to get his people shot up at first. Adonis negotiates 10 Guys, 700 NY a head after negotiation with Mikey getting his evetra 10%. Wraith ups a decent battleplan with the gang-leader, combining military knowledge and local knowledge. (3 succeses - 2 for not quite an appropriate skill.))

They recommended a disused internment camp from some old war, Camp Harmony. Used to be a museum but after Mount Rainier went up it was abandoned. Out of the way, plenty of old buildings for cover. Walls and fencing to limit access. It was perfect.

Count Zero put together a shopping list. Something about the barrens messing with out commsets and no matrix. Can't say I know how but by the time he was done we had cameras covering the approaches and comms that worked despite the static.

(GM Notes: Count Zero suggests grabbing some microtransceivers to assist in comms. Adonis suggests adding a jammer, while leaving a single frequency free. Count Zero suggests combining Microtransceivers with Cameras. GM suggests it might be possible with a good hardware roll. Count Zero purchases 6 Microcameras, alongside Microtransceivers. Adonis merely takes a few successes to find the low rarity item for Count Zero. (GM sets threshold of 4..... to get one working. Once one's working you can do it over and over again, so he builds 5 of them. But it takes him into the late evening. Adonis' player earned a bonus karma point for pulling Count Zero into the game here. Count Zero earned one for a really clever idea.)

We made the call. The next day Reinharte would receive instructions on where to go, 2 vehicles only, I guess I should learn to be more explicit. After giving the coordinates they turned up in a transport and a gunship!

(GM Comment: A flash of an idea based on his specific wording, but It seemed like just such a Corp-y thing to do! Remind them of the true pecking order. You hold cards sure, but I have an entire deck.)

Reinharte landed on the field and took the first of the wafers. The gunship then landed and the Razorgirl was brought out. She looked like she had been through hell, most of her augments had been pulled out but was mostly in good health. Crucially, it was her, assensing confirmed it. Scorch then brought up the van with the second wafer. The swap was made. Once we were away we would call Reinharte and let him know the location of the final wafer we had hidden. He had an unexpected curveball, a cortex bomb implanted in the razorgirl head. He would give us the deactivation code when we gave up the location of the last wafer.

We gave the signal for the Softies to clear out and Scorch burned rubber. Once we were clear we called in the location, our little joke. Wafers should be kept in the a clean room so where better than the sanitation block (well, what was left of it). Reinharte got a joke over on us though, turns out there was no cortex bomb!

(GM Comment: They pulled the same stunt in the last run. It seemed like such a perfect thing to do in return. It also forced the players to play their final card while still in Gunship range - which in any other game might've led to a chase scene since 5 minutes is nowhere near enough time to go to ground.)

After getting what was left of the Razorgirl patched up at a Steetdoc we dropped her off at Marcus club and collected our payment. He seemed pretty grateful so we could be looking at getting a regular gig. The Softies were likewise pretty happy with things, 700 creds each for a babysitting job with not a single shot fired.

When the dust had settled Reinharte called one last time. He was impressed and wanted to put us on the payroll. Not sure how I feel about working for a corp. It's secure yeah but seems like fun of living on the edge is gone. That thrill is why I do it instead of going for the easy con jobs. I told him I'd speak the crew and we'd talk it out. I guess we'll all have to decide, go straight or keep running on our own terms?


(GM Comments:

ALL players earn 6 Karma for a job well done.

Adonis and Count Zero, gain a Bonus point as detailed above. Adonis given the option of improving his contact rating with Slaphead, rather than take the bonus point, which he took.

One thing I have been specifically trying to do is avoid the usual Shadowrun Cliches and have adversaries try be reasonably smart rather that 'lol Evulz corps'. (Even the prime runners had their reasons for being so tightlipped about the true nature of the run) Generally, I'm trying to play 'fair', rather than drop a bridge. I was worried that there might not have been enough tension to the meet if everything went to plan, but positive player feedback makes me glad that I stuck to that. One of my goals is to try and reward good planning of a run and just not running and gunning it, and the players appreciated that. They also like Reinhardt as a character.

On the whole, it actually proceeded in a fairly straightforward manner when you look at the big picture, with only the minor setback of the choppers causing a moment of actual concern to the players. Nobody did anything stupid or really reckless.

As for Reinhardt - I am hoping to bring on one or two more job streams, rather than just Markas. With him being the one offering some of the more morally suspect jobs.

One thing that has been brought to my attention is my tendancy to take too many notes mid-game. Partly it's me being a pedant, and partly because it gives me space to clear my head and work out what's happening relative to what I expect. The sum total of my experience GM'ing a game is basically in this thread. Especially since I hadn't expected this to become a campaign, only the original break-and-enter run was realy planned.

There has been one other session since, but between chargen and other matters, it'll be rolled into the next one. In which what I thought would be an offhand amusing piece of background caused a PC to have a panic attack. In character, of course. Which is gonna be fun when they find out where they're going)