The Shadowrun Thread! For All Your Shadowrun Needs!

I haven't kept up with 5th, but I know in 4th all the AAAs were varying degrees of evil, except for Horizon. Horizon wasn't an evil corperation, they were an insane corperation.
I haven't kept up with 5th, but I know in 4th all the AAAs were varying degrees of evil, except for Horizon. Horizon wasn't an evil corperation, they were an insane corperation.
Eh, depends. Alternative take is their 10 rating in PR meant that of course nothing bad would ever leak, and that they are in fact the best in using psychological tricks to create happy little drones.
Honestly, the least objectionable one is Sauder-Krup to me, and that's simply because Lof is a) pragmatic as hell, and b) has such a tight hold on the reigns. If his subordinates do something bad; something exceptionally horrible? He will make sure they're punished. I recall one Shadowrun campaign where there was some truly horrific shit being perpetrated by a Saeder-Krup manager and his son, so bad that Lofwyr himself punished them and then sent us a video of it. The father and son were locked together in a cell, starved until the father killed and ate his son, then the father was somehow magically banished from the world.

The thing that scared us the most, after getting the video sent simultaneously to all of our private commlinks? Lofwyr also paid us... with accounts from a SK-backed bank, all under our real names.
The thing that scared us the most, after getting the video sent simultaneously to all of our private commlinks? Lofwyr also paid us... with accounts from a SK-backed bank, all under our real names.

Yeah things like that, or getting little side notes like "How's your sister doing at 123 Madeup Street, Seattle? Getting along with her new job in Ares?" are always fun to have Lowfyr drop to freak runners out.
I've always loved the Shiawase blurb in the 4th Edition Shadowrun core rulebook. Just the bit that's along the lines of "Shiawase tends towards draconian punishments for failure, and lacks Saeder-Krupp's excuse of being run by an actual dragon." It never fails to make me smile.
I have always loved when the books do some of those comprehensive run downs on the corps and show a in-universe look into their mentalities. Like one book had the corp specialist who used to work for each corp who straight could not explain the Horizon hierarchy past scratching the surface with the whole social media status thing.
Well...Better than Bad is out and going a long way towards dragging the meta back away from the black and gray morality and forcing a little light back in. The new crunch all being focused on evening the playing field for non-awakened is nice too. Probably should have reconsidered before making Lifestyle essentially not a thing any more
It's a step in the right direction in some ways, but in others the lore has kind of tied itself into incomprehensible knots. I'm kind of wondering why they don't try and start from scratch. Rebuild the lore from the ground up, excise the clusterfuck that was CFD, and try and see some of the threads like the coins of luck, Tempo and Chicago to some kind of real resolution.
My local group primarily does missions play, so yes, I do

For various reasons we ended up making our own meta. With homebrew, and our own FAQ

Finally got sick of b as socially being told we didn't matter by Catalyst

Also sick of terribly written missions