Chapter 13: "That which does not kill me has made a tactical error…"
Omega is here. Logically, I shouldn't be surprised. If I'm here then by non-exclusivity it is likely that there could be others in the same situation. Unfortunately, I doubt that our reunion would be peaceful. Even if she's not an abyssal, she probably remembers fighting Epsilon on Telos. In addition, if she's not a former human she likely has no idea that this is Earth and thus she might be operating under the directives given on Telos, which were to destabilize the small world's tectonics to shut down the mining and manufacturing operations.
The reason why I'm so sure it is her is the alleged performance of her aircraft in combination with multiple bases and the cruise missiles. Manta UAVs are flying wings and are significantly smaller than any manned jets fielded on Earth and as such have a very distinct performance and appearance.
No military on Earth has actively fielded drones like this. The only things that come close are prototypes and the Reaper and Predator drones, but they are subsonic and propeller driven. As such, MCP can't be a historic or modern shipgirl. She's either Omega, a UEC ship that I have no knowledge of or a complete "black swan" that I can't account for.
I would still attempt to communicate with her as the first resort, but I can't get my hopes up. Premature contact would likely be counterproductive. She already has several bases, and I don't even have one. The Telos campaign started in a similar way as Epsilon… I… had to conquer all of my islands from her to set up and maintain production lines that would provide resources needed to take over more islands and eventually accumulate enough assets to defeat a dumber but initially better equipped automated ship.
Even then, the risk was high. Command estimated that I had a 13% chance to win against Omega the first time. The strategy relied on a combination of fast enough territory capture to snowball but with attacks spread out and slowed just enough to confuse Omega's "weak" AI. With her being a shipgirl and thus human-intelligent, this strategy would no longer work as she could see through this and focus me down early when I don't have enough resources to fight her.
Luckily, she can't spread geometrically. Only the carrier has the construction software, coordination servers and enough engineering bots to assemble the HQ structure needed to autonomously construct and operate the island's automated facilities. Same for hacking, to take over an island the carrier needs to be within high bandwidth botnet range. As such, she needs to personally settle (and recapture) every island she wants to have, limiting the rate at which she expands.
With the advantage of the existing supply chain Omega would be able to settle islands faster than me, but she needs hundreds of islands for her directives if she still follows them. As such, I'd have enough time to at least set up the full logistics chain before I'm forced to fight equivalent "tech level" units. I should be able to overpower individual islands through force concentration. Beyond that, I expect that the humans would supply some materials if not as reparations then as a way to help me deal with the MCP or at least to occupy her and to intercept abyssal raids trying to cut through my territory.
Capture of the island is also faster than construction from scratch, even if all surface structures were leveled during combat. In fact, the purpose of the nukes on board the Green Dragon and by extension me is mostly to bypass or capture an island faster than through an amphibious attack. Most of the infrastructure is below ground and the HQ can rebuild everything that gets wiped out, but it can't defend itself from the takeover when the surface structures are gone.
Omega would be forced to expand away from me at a slower rate than my ability to take over her stuff which would starve her of materiel or she'd have to fight me for a small set of islands on the border of our territories as they get captured and recaptured until one of us gets caught and sunk. I don't know if I can win against her, but I can't afford to not take this fight. In the worst case, I can just manufacture more multi-hundred kiloton nuclear munitions as a plan Z and try to tac-nuke her directly.
At least I can guess one thing with a degree of certainty: she is probably either not an abyssal or she lacks nuclear weapons. An abyssal with nukes would likely not hesitate to use them. Sydney confirmed that there were no cases of offensive use of nuclear weapons since the Blood Week, so MCP has only used the "conventional" weapons. Omega might have not received them at the start since Red Dragon didn't utilize nukes in the Taurus campaign, but Green Dragon did. Then again… an abyssal that keeps nukes in reserve as a last resort might need to be considered...
The industrial buildup required to fight Omega would need to be substantial, and the biggest demands are placed on the first island. I need to have a headquarters island set up to remotely operate other bases. It is also designed as the first step in archipelago colonization, so it can do everything… badly.
This places a limit to the smallest island that it could be built on. Pitcairn is not large enough which would necessitate some facilities to be entirely submerged in the ocean or buried deep in the island's rock which would more than double the already substantial time and material investment. Same goes for Henderson Island, these two can only economically be mining, refinery and/or fortress installations.
Gambier is beyond large enough for my purposes. My headquarters on Telos were less than a quarter as big and it has to have a stockpile of materials collected both by the abyssals and from the ruins of the town. The island is even a tiny archipelago with three smaller islands large enough to house primary refining or manufacturing facilities.
Unlike in the game, the production chains go beyond "fuel", "resources" and "dedicated factories". It is not factorio, bots are smart enough to build and route themselves, but every primary resource that I need has at least a two step chain of facilities with branching options. For instance, I can run a variety of power plants to produce synthetic fuel, or I could tap into a natural petrochemical reserve and build an oil refinery to get my avgas and diesel.
There are also dedicated factories. Some focus on ground units or aerial units. Others focus on production of specific munitions or weapons. A separate drydock facility is needed to produce logistic ships as well as escort gunboats and frigates. There are universal printer arrays, but a dedicated factory is always faster and more efficient at doing a narrower task and I need to decide how narrow I'm willing to go. If I really needed, I could have a dedicated 2 ton aerial bomb factory that would output munitions faster than I could physically sortie with them.
There are also a few options that are turbo expensive and aren't useful in the moment or for warfare at all such as terraforming equipment and spaceports, but I was especially interested in something called an "experimental weapons factory". Maybe it could give me some sort of an edge, but it is still below the priority for the industry and conventional forces. A lot of experimental options are encrypted and would need the decrypting array in the factory, but the bits that are readable hint on "laser CIWS" and "railguns" beyond a significant list of other options which is getting me excited. I hope they don't suck…
In any case, two things stand between me and my first base. First is my seaworthiness. I am fucked up, no other way to say it. However, I don't need to be at 100% to sail this distance. Once I'm there, the status of my hull or weapons won't impede the rate of construction. As such, I need to fix myself "just enough". Minimum Value Product, hah.
There are two main reasons why I'm not seaworthy. First of all, I have a large breach in my starboard aft and collapsed load bearing elements and hull in mid- starboard, which has to be fixed properly and there's no way around it. Second reason is my engines. I'm missing two entire engine blocks out of four.
It is unfeasible to print out new engines. Superconductors can't be printed with the onboard facilities and it would take almost a month to fabricate lower tech electric engines assuming access to sufficient copper reserves, which I don't have. However, I don't need full propulsion, I just need what can get me there.
As such, Engine 1 (outer left) would be moved to the slot for Engine 3 (inner right) which would allow me to at least move in the correct direction. In combination with hull repairs and the total focus of all of my engineering bots this would get me back on my feet within mere two weeks.
Far from perfect, but still something. My horsepower and energy reserves are halved and I need to be loaded to the brim with salvaged steel so my speed would drop to mere 18 knots. Maybe it was once respectable for a WW1 ship, but it still means that I'd take more than a day to cross the distance.
Here is where the second issue comes in. The surviving elements of the BB-Hime's fleet fled to Gambier and I frankly don't have the strength to 1v however many of them are left even if I was fully operational. With the reduced speed I won't be able to run. Nukes are an option, but I'd prefer to not resort to them, and if this works I won't need to.
Gambier is within strike range of my Mantas. They fly higher than WW2 fighters and anti air while being capable of precisely engaging ground targets with impunity. When Hime was around, her storm enforced the ceiling cap which would put expensive aircraft in danger, but now I can just take my time and eliminate every surface target with laser guided bombs.
I don't have enough munitions to kill every abyssal ship in the base, but that's not my goal anyway. I want the island, not the corpses. As such, I decided to bluff. Hime didn't know that I wasn't an abyssal until I removed my helmet which suggests that her forces are most likely unaware of my nature.
I simply placed some abyssal steel near my transmitter and sent a focused radio message demanding them to vacate the island or else. Over the next two weeks as I repair I'd be targeting static installations and I'll also focus down the abyssals that attempt to fight back. If they don't vacate the island on time I'd start demonstratively wiping out the most prominent abbies one by one until they flee.
The only way this could go wrong is if the abbies ignore the USN kanmusu hauler nearby and the fact that I used nukes against them to sortie against me in force, and for these cases I would have to use nukes or I could request evacuation from the americans. However, with most of the leadership gone I doubt that they'd have the will to pull something like this off.
My bluff worked beyond expectations. A week into bombardment individual abbie ships and small groups started dispersing towards the north-north-west and beyond the scouting range. Within the week and a half of the bombing larger groups led by prominent capital ships started heading out in roughly the same direction until the vast majority of identified ships were gone. It didn't mean that the island was empty, but it suggested that I could fight whoever was left directly.
Of course, it wasn't bloodless. A Wo- class attempted to intercept my jets with her late WW2 piston-props on the second day. I redirected an entire Manta against her and dropped four 500kg laser guided bombs. Let's just say that mushroom clouds can be formed by things other than nukes.
Guided bombs landed almost simultaneously. One into the oil bunkers, one into the avgas storage, one into the known ammunition stores and one directly into the carrier island. She was just instantly gone. The shrapnel and shockwave visibly startled and concussed smaller abyssals nearby as she was reduced to chunks of steel debris and a tattered keel, all covered in flaming inferno. They didn't even try to put her out, just letting the fire burn out over the next several days.
It took only one more example for the attempts to intercept my jets to cease. Another carrier tried to juke the bombs in open water with some quite inspired maneuvering, but she was gone and reduced to atoms as well, not even a Thanos joke. This was what broke the camel's back and after that abbies started to slowly and then faster and faster vacate the island.
As this took a long time, Sydney was periodically recalled to her tender for rest and debrief, leaving me with enough privacy to remove the prosthesis and repair my leg. Regrowing the foot felt… weird. Unlike what I expected, it was less like the way Deadpool or Wolverine regrow limbs, it was more like it was actually built with scaffolding first, then the hull and internals. Due to a rush job the boot and the screws didn't look great and my toes looked nasty, a bit inflamed and unnaturally bent, but my foot was fully back. Good enough.
To prepare for the potential upcoming fight I salvaged a little bit of the Hime's armor plating making a simplified helmet with open face and a vest. I couldn't use the armor I had because it was too heavy to float with. I'd also salvage the gauntlet mittens and I'd be taking the mace. I know that it is a risk of further abyssal influence, but my defensive weapons won't be sufficient to handle being jumped by multiple ships at point blank range.
Sydney wasn't happy and she demanded that she'd follow me. She insisted that after I refused to allow the USN to send more shipgirls to escort me or to clear the island first. Eventually I relented, but I had conditions. First of all, this won't be considered a favor. I refuse to owe anything for the assistance which I didn't ask for and I wouldn't accept this as a favor or a bargaining chip.
Secondly, she'd load up on processed steel to help with the hauling of as much building materials as possible. With the round trip of two days I need to get as much stuff in one go as I can as I wouldn't be able to return until the HQ is set up.
Third, USN would try to avoid landing on Pitcairn and if they do they promise to not physically take anything. I have a mostly intact and yet to be salvaged abyssal Princess corpse as well as stores of yet to be processed scrap steel. I don't care if they take samples or measurements, it is the materials that I'm concerned about. If they offer to buy her for an equivalent quantity of stuff I'd consider it.
The islands are too far for decent remote operation. Short of leaving a bunch of UGVs with autonomous orders to shoot anything that moves I can't really enforce my ownership. As such, I can't prevent anyone from landing on the island, but I can state what items there I value and implore them to think twice, especially considering our current relations.
Something rubs me wrong about this, I hope I won't regret taking her along…
Perspective: Wo-Class standard carrier, USS Oriskany CV/CVA-34, Essex class. Gambier Island abyssal base drydock
…The time of reckoning is almost here. This is the day after the deadline of the new Hime. Everyone who could leave has already left, the few who were too far gone have already scuttled or passed away from the after effects of the Hime's unbridled rage and power. I am not quite sure why I'm still here. Do I wish for a warrior's death? Do I hope for Hime's mercy? Or am I simply too much of a coward to punch my own ticket?
During my old Hime's last mission I was hit directly into the avgas stores. The damage wasn't that bad at first, but I failed to contain the fire and by the time I was extinguished the engines were too damaged to work and all my aircraft were lost. I… watched how the "Big Sister Wo" disappeared in the blinding flash of the nuclear blast. While only the late Bunker Hill was a "true" Essex like me, she was still a sister to me, and so were the others.
My damage kept me far enough away to not be affected by the fallout, unlike many of those that were escorting my sisters. The contamination caused them to lose crew, some quickly, others slowly. The lost imps could be refilled and the deadly dust eventually lost its potency or was cleaned off, but if all of the crew is lost then you are lost as well. I've seen destroyers and cruisers almost entirely repaired yet limp and having to be carried out of the drydock to triage the space for more of the wounded.
I was spared of that horror, but I still had to be towed back to the base. I wouldn't sail, not for another month at least but now I fear that this day won't come. My body aches all over from the burns, my crew is limited to a third of what I need to operate due to the damage to the quarters and most of the cabling is fried to the point where it needs to be replaced entirely. While towing was technically on the table, my fleet had decided that there was little hope for me to survive the journey to another Hime.
Some suggested trying to ambush the other Hime, but that notion died out pretty quickly. She has defeated Polynesian Battleship Princess in single combat, sunk more than a third of our Hime's combined fleet and within just two weeks she was ready for the second round. She is a monster clad in remains of our fallen allies, if Ka was to be believed. This silenced anyone proposing to request the new Hime to adopt our fleet. That coward fled first…
Woos, one of the newer carriers nicknamed after her production number Wo-05, tried to defend the island from Pitcairn Hime's planes, but they were too high, too fast and hated fair dogfights with passion. There was nothing of her left to salvage. Her sister Tessera followed in her footsteps several days later and then the fleet decided to leave.
There are a few places where they could go. Kiribati Depot is always in need of someone to screen her convoys. There's also Central, Midway and Samoa Harbor Hime who are known to at least not cannibalize fleets who wish to join up or stay before moving elsewhere, although getting to the latter via a direct route would be difficult on account of Modern Carrier Princess. I hope the girls will eventually get to some kind of safety…
I hear some explosions and gunfire, the Hime must be close if she's focusing down the garrison imps with strafing runs and airstrikes. It… it hurts… only one boiler is working, none of my secondaries are functional and my airwings are depleted. I should thank the girls for helping me prioritize the scuttling charges, but will I have what it takes? I hope she's not as bad as I think…
The door bursts inward being blown off the hinges and a silhouette enters the room. I struggle to tilt my head to see her approach. I'd prefer to see my death coming. I hear two sets of rudders clicking against the floor, but I can't see the second ship. She walks up and stands over the pool. I wince.
She is tall, imposing, her chest and head covered by abyssal hull plating which echoes with screams of my old Hime. In her hand she carries a horrifying black mace, held in a resting position from which she can strike me with no hesitation. "This is your first and only chance to be heard. Do you understand me?" she asks, her voice causing shivers to run down my keel.
"Y…yes…" I reply, struggling against both fear and wounds.
"I gave you the time, why have you stayed?" she asks, strangely her voice doesn't drip with malice as I've expected.
"...damage… too severe… I couldn't…" I replied with hesitation. The more I look at her, the more I realize that she is not a Princess. Her skin is not pale enough, at least not everywhere. Her uniform has too much color. Her eyes stutter in their glow. She is a shipgirl.
How can a shipgirl be so… She is the [Traitor]… no… a shipgirl wouldn't do such things. She looks so close to us… I get a rising headache. I have nothing that could hurt her. I don't want to die and she seems to be… different. Maybe…
"What is your name?" she asks. I start replying: "Wo-cla…" and she shuts me up. "No, your actual name, as you were commissioned." I hesitate. Headache increases as I contemplate on how to reply. A part of me thinks that this would be cooperation with the [Traitors], but the more I look at her and think the less I see her as a [Traitor].
"...USS …Oriskany, CV-34" I produce, my voice shaky. For a few excruciatingly long moments the …Hi… …Tra… …She… thinks, after which she replies: "Very well, Ori. I will give you the chance to repair, and then a way to leave my territory safely. Take any materials you need. Don't make me regret this."
Her last words carry so much malice, yet she was kind enough to spare me. No kanmusu [Traitor] would do that for us… She is like us. She has practically fallen, and when eventually she does she'd be a powerful Princess. And a Princess needs her Servants…
The headache and the voices begin to quiet down as I bow to the best of my ability, cringing from pain. "Thank you, Hime. I won't betray your kindness." My Hime takes a step back as I hear a gasp of someone else… and the two start arguing.