The Second Overwatch [Kantai Collection SI]

Well I'm glad to see Admiral Fuckwit get what was coming to him, I just think he got it too easy.

That's not Admiral Fuckwit, that's the poor bastard who was put in charge to do what Admiral Fuckwit decided on. Kanmusu Admirals are rarely actual admirals, they are mostly captains and commanders. He was relaying orders given to him. Oh also, he's alive. Epsi would find out way later though and there was no place to put that info in this update
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That's not Admiral Fuckwit, that's the poor bastard who was put in charge to do what Admiral Fuckwit decided on. Kanmusu Admirals are rarely actual admirals, they are mostly captains and commanders. He was relaying orders given to him.

Ah what a shame then. Here is hoping Admiral Fuckwit does get his comeuppance then.
Ah what a shame then. Here is hoping Admiral Fuckwit does get his comeuppance then.

I plan to add a snippet of the court case. Admiral Mitchell would decide to testify for the court against his CO for this mess.

Right, what a shit excuse. "She's too dangerous, she has nukes."

The issue was not "she's dangerous because nukes" but "she's about to become an abyssal with nukes who won't have qualms with nuking civvies"
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Here's hoping whatever Epsilon can salvage from the massive princess abyss fleet that attacked is sufficient to ramp up her industry and fix her damage.

I wonder if she can recruit kanmasu to form another faction. Maybe update their ww2 armaments for coalition standard.
Here's hoping whatever Epsilon can salvage from the massive princess abyss fleet that attacked is sufficient to ramp up her industry and fix her damage.

I wonder if she can recruit kanmasu to form another faction. Maybe update their ww2 armaments for coalition standard.

UN would actually have a decent idea for once and they would de- escalate in a way that won't make things worse. Epsi won't just "be fine" with them, but she would no longer be shooting spy drones out of the sky after one warning.
The issue was not "she's dangerous because nukes" but "she's about to become an abyssal with nukes who won't have qualms with nuking civvies"
Their assessment for the "about to become an abyssal" made it sound like it wasn't thought to be a 100% likelihood in the immediate moment, so it still seemed dumb for them to then dance on that trauma-line and push her even closer to abyssal-hood, while banking it all on the hope they can take her down before she blind-picks a couple targets for nuking, assuming a great deal about her launch capabilities. Or before she wrecks them, like she did here.

Once the double-flashes happened, this in-all-practicality became a Cold War scenario between nuclear powers, and I think they completely failed the test. They barely tried any sort of negotiation or simple talking.

Grade F, see the teacher after class, summer classes mandatory.
Once the double-flashes happened, this in-all-practicality became a Cold War scenario between nuclear powers

I think it would be hard to consider it a scenario between nuclear powers since there's only one person on the other side. It feels less like a potential nuclear war and more like nuclear terrorism where some guy managed to get a nuke and is now threatening to blow it up in a city.

Btw, there were three nuclear explosions. Two landed on the Re and elite Wo and one was detonated as an airburst directly above Epsi. She was abusing some interesting shockwave mechanics, but I'll describe them in the next update.
I think it would be hard to consider it a scenario between nuclear powers since there's only one person on the other side. It feels less like a potential nuclear war and more like nuclear terrorism where some guy managed to get a nuke and is now threatening to blow it up in a city.
It's one person (for a given value of "one," since she's also a ship with crew) that's semi-officially declaring herself to be speaking under the authority of a nuclear-capable nation in a time of high tension. She also at no point was intimating a terroristic threat of nuking some place if her demands weren't met.
It's one person (for a given value of "one," since she's also a ship with crew) that's semi-officially declaring herself to be speaking under the authority of a nuclear-capable nation in a time of high tension. She also at no point was intimating a terroristic threat of nuking some place if her demands weren't met.

True, I was mostly meaning that as a psychological sense. It is hard to consider one person to represent a nation state when said nation state doesn't exist and that one person is the only one who claims that they are a representative. They should've done it in a smarter way, but hindsight is 20-20
Well. That was about the worst way that could have gone.
Maybe she'll get a decent amount loot to fix herself up.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the Carrier Command games the carrier can't build infrastructure, they capture infrastructure like factories. Do Epsi have the ability to build or at least refurbish factories, build mines, smelters, and whatever is needed for a production line to repair and upgrade herself?
Unintelligible noise of the last nuke's interference finally clears enough for a broadband transmission to pass through: "...I repeat. Attention, USN vessels. You are committing an act of war against the Coalition. If you continue your hostilities or approach closer than 20 kilometers I WILL ESCALATE… please respond, I don't want to kill you…"

it's more than just an act of war, isn't there some type of Geneva laws about the rescuing of disabled ships at sea? And attacking an S.O.S

I really want to see the aftermath back in the states
it's more than just an act of war, isn't there some type of Geneva laws about the rescuing of disabled ships at sea? And attacking an S.O.S
I gather that had been amended to some degree given the mention of "Siren" Abyssals that would play possum or fake-out and then attack the responding Steel/Kanmusu fleet, suggesting this tactic had been seen often enough to Name the act.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the Carrier Command games the carrier can't build infrastructure, they capture infrastructure like factories

Correct. In Gaea Mission you do have construction pods, but in the lore they are firmware packages that order surviving underground infrastructure to rebuild. In CC2 all islands are built up and you can't destroy the bases while in the original CC you can just bulldoze the base with units and build a new one. For reasons of plot convenience Epsi can build permanent bases, but they are hella expensive and take a while. It was basically impractical for her to build up before, but now she has no other choice and she will start plopping down some factories.
I gather that had been amended to some degree given the mention of "Siren" Abyssals that would play possum or fake-out and then attack the responding Steel/Kanmusu fleet, suggesting this tactic had been seen often enough to Name the act.
counter point, I am sure the Abyssals are declared Hostis humani generis, so when the admiralty give the orde to attacked a second time they committed the crime.
the Captain who held the position of admiral will maybe be charged for warcrime but the who give the Captain the order will surely be charged and imprisoned if he does not burn a lot of politcal capital and favors to just be discharged with dishonor
Can you feel the sunshine?
Does it brighten up your day?
Don't you feel that sometimes
You just need to run away?

Another excellent chapter. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when It come time for the AAR on this fustercluck, especially now that NUCLEAR WEAPONS have come into play. I don't think that "oops, we attacked a kanmasu by accident, better finish her off before she goes abyssal" is going to go over all that well with the shipgirls, either.
Animated Epsi and update on image status
After a couple hours of finagling with google photos I've finally managed to reattach all images in all of my threads. If I forgot anything then please poke me so that I can fix it. We'll see how long they keep attached for. In the meantime, I'd like to thank my good friend Rhipose for frankly an impossibly amazing gift:

Epsi launches Mantas

A slightly older version where Epsi launches a bit too many Mantas
Upcoming retcon: dialogue
After debating a few aspects of my writing, I decided to rewrite the last third part of the 10th chapter starting with Iowa's pov. Initially I wrote it at 4 am and literally forgot and fucked up a few bits that I didn't even notice at first. The core events would stay as is, but there would be changes to some contextual information. Here is what I'm planning to change for now:

1) Epsi's behavior would be rephrased to sound less bipolar. She wasn't supposed to sound that way in the first place, but I was informed that this is what her first message reads like. It is supposed to be her mumbling to herself after the message (because she has failed to contact them repeatedly and was frustrated) rather than stating the "I'll kill you if you come closer. I don't want to kill you"

2) Epsi was supposed to state that she demands USN to wait for several days until she repairs herself enough and then they could maybe discuss de-escalation. The command would decide to double down after that as they'd consider several days to be too risky due to the chance of Falling. I somehow straight up forgot that bit and without it she seems way more unreasonable than she is. If she doesn't say this then the risk of her getting attacked the third time approaches 95%, in fact it would be surprising if she's not preventatively nuked.

3) Commander Mitchell would be portrayed as more obviously against this entire mess. The idea was that he'd be on the side of shipgirls and advocating to abort and wait for Epsi to calm down, but he'd be pushed by the command to attack due to the bombers. The choice would be to either attack with the bombers or to stand idly as bombers strike and then get hit by angry Epsilon regardless. This is an intentionally written error in judgement from the part of the air force coordination combined with coercion from higher up and the person responsible for the former would be utterly fucked.

4) Intrepid's portrayal would be altered a bit to fit canon image a bit more closely. I didn't realize that she got added and was channelling Azur Lane Essex. Intrepid is apparently a much softer girl that wouldn't curse quite that much

5) Intrepid actually saw Epsi reloading her missiles and thus they'd have an estimate of how many nukes she might have at least (she had 2 cruise missiles left and was loading in more, she had no reason to hoard conventional CMs when fighting BB-hime so it is safe to estimate that she had 2 nukes loaded). Comparing this to the amount of cruise missiles she launches against shipgirls would provide USN the estimate to how many nukes Epsi might have left at all

6) B-52s should be supported by F-35s or engaging Epsi would've been too reckless. Due to that Epsi would fire SAMs at them instead of sending Mantas.

7) SoDak and Wash apparently strongly dislike each other in canon. Not sure if I can implement this here, but keep it in mind for the future. They would be professional enough to keep that under wraps when on duty

8) In case anyone missed the edit, Bisko is no longer the highest profile shipgirl who falls. That dubious honor is moved to Zeppy. More info on that subject way later in the story when I actually write that.

While we're at it, I'd like to collect some opinions as I'm legit having trouble estimating the reaction to this mess. I'd like some input on:

1) Societal reaction: Within hours of the nukes everyone with access to the internet would know that something went down. Pairing that with delayed release of the official statement as situation evolves over the month might result in a very negative perception of Epsi. She might be considered "a new kind of abyssal with nukes" regardless if that's true or not, or at least that's what people are recommending me. I'd like a second opinion on this before I make the story more grim than initially intended

2) Public statement: what is the best thing that the brass could say about this to the press and when? Or at least the least bad way to handle it

2) International reaction: We have the first use of nukes probably since the Blood Week five years ago. How do you think the nations of the world would react? I'm recommended to have most nuclear powers point canned sunshine in Epsi's direction while countries without nukes would rapidly want to make closer ties with those that do have them. Once again, I'd like a second opinion

3) Investigations and court martials: I'm being told in STAB that there is no one among the mentioned staff who actually did anything court martial- worthy. The punishments might end up being entirely political if they happen at all. I'm not sure that I agree 100% so I'd like a second opinion as well. I'm also not sure how long would it take to comb through the entire mess for the investigation. Couple months?

4) Iowa's court martial: I was thinking that she'd actually want a CM to make her case, but it would fall through due to a combination of being the symbol of USN kanmusu, the most advanced battleship girl and no concrete case against her which is strengthened with every day that Epsi doesn't fall. This might cause some people to consider this favoritism. Does this make sense?

5) Any other consequences that might not be obvious or should be mentioned?

Note: I haven't actually finished rewriting, it will likely take me several days

EDIT 11.mar.24: I managed to pass it through several people, and it seems that the result would actually change a lot. Like, to the point where second attack might be called off entirely. This mainly boils to the fact that since nukes are involved then the president would be forced to be the one taking charge of the decision making. And at that point it is talk or nukes, and if it is nukes then there's no more story.
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Governments are gonna start to panic and nukes are gonna be put on tight triggers. Readiness levels will be elevated and its not unreasonable that more jingoist elements start rattling their sabers and agitating for nuking the problem first.
All she has to do to turn public perception against the military is fox her communications array and dump her logs plus some video evidence onto the internet, which really should take her that much time? It's not like the internet is very secure even if you are having to piggyback on com sats
All she has to do to turn public perception against the military is fox her communications array and dump her logs plus some video evidence onto the internet, which really should take her that much time? It's not like the internet is very secure even if you are having to piggyback on com sats

If she could do that then she could contact humans in a manner that would've been less likely to be misinterpreted. She has no modern communication protocols and it would take time for her to get them. Then again, it is not like public perception would matter to her when stranded on a deserted island for another month at least.
All she has to do to turn public perception against the military is fox her communications array and dump her logs plus some video evidence onto the internet, which really should take her that much time? It's not like the internet is very secure even if you are having to piggyback on com sats
Depends on how sophisticated her EWar set is. If its just ECM/ECCM not so simple, but if she has some attack programs and the like, odds go up.
Depends on how sophisticated her EWar set is. If its just ECM/ECCM not so simple, but if she has some attack programs and the like, odds go up.

She has a hacker specialist, but that crewman is not familiar with modern computer systems and they don't have an example they could take apart to look through. It is something that she'd have to do at a later date when the problem would be mostly irrelevant as permanent contact would already be established. Maybe she'd buy a cheap laptop or something
Thank you for sharing your writing; I've really enjoyed this story so far.

The screw-up from higher-ups here has severe enough consequences that I think it's reasonable to expect a schism within the Kanmusu. This depends on Iowa, and how forceful she is in her convictions and briefs that continuing the attack once it was known that Epsilon was a new Kanmusu is unforgivable. Not only did their attack go against her principles, but it also put at grave risk her fleet and admiral.

Is there a chance Iowa loses trust in her chain of command enough that she goes neutral, or more fancifully, requests asylum from the UEC to make sure that Epsilon has someone on her side in case she is at risk of falling? How far does she go to convince other Kanmusu, or does she act passive and loyal (to a fault), divulging minimal information and speaking only when spoken to?

These are two opposite extremes and may be unlikely from the story's point of view, but there's a lot of room for a shake-up due to the magnitude of the fuck-up. I'd personally prefer some kind of shake-up, if only to avoid the cold-war MAD tinged grim/gray direction a middle of the road narrative might go.