The Rim and the Hammer (Exalted/Warhammer Quest)

yeah, 1 action over several turns would see to that. exactly because of small population. No need to rush into making farms if there are no weapons to defend them.
We have 9% of our entire population in the military and can mobilize an additional 10%. These are stupidly high numbers, which show the problem our population is so low our military takes up far more then it should.
Seems like getting agriculture taken care of ASAP would be the prudent thing to do, not only to insure our own people's food security, but also to give us another form of soft power in the region. If we have sufficient surplus, we can distribute it to locals for influence or simply sell it to pad our treasury.
@DragonParadox advice for this style of quest, don't detail everything. Projects that need more then a turn can wait until they are finished. And consolidate if possible, like talking to the Norscans about the world, can be combined with our own investigations into it. Bloat burnout on the GM side is a real risk for this type of quest.
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Vote closed, let's see how this goes
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Nov 18, 2022 at 4:54 AM, finished with 31 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] Plan building a food foundation, and information gathering.
    -[x] Martial: Choose 3 Actions
    --[x] Patrolling: South
    --[x] Restoring the herds
    --[x] Hunt for Offerings:
    -[x] Diplomacy: Choose Two:
    --[x] Name a diplomat from among the Existing Council: Sigh of the Flutes through the Willow Branches
    --[x] Shape of the World
    -[x] Stewardship: Choose 3 Actions
    --[x] Terrace Farm Planning
    --[x] Waterworks improvement
    --[x] Plant Healing Herbs
    -[x] Piety: Choose Two Actions
    --[x] Seek out the City God
    --[x] Question the Locals about their faith
    -[x] Intrigue: Choose Two Actions
    --[x] Willing spies
    --[x] Petty spirits of the air
    -[x] Learning: Choose Three Actions
    --[x] Ship of the Air
    --[x] A Study of Taint
    --[x] Enchanting workshop
    [X] Plan: All seeing eye of industry
Year 1 After Arrival Results Part I
Year 1 After Arrival Results Part I

It is not an easy choice to leave Skorlm with nothing but a promise to trade in peace from the cowed clansmen, but however useful they might prove the peril of being ensnared in the locals feuds seems too great.

The stars themselves are strange, the stars are wrong, that much can be seen even by those uninitiated in the mysteries of the heaven. The Silver Chair of Night is small and distant and beside it a baleful green luminary that none can name. The lands are unknown to eye of scout and map of elder ages alike. As for the people who call them home, they are a savage lot and all too willing to deal with the powers of the Wyld whose influence fills every stone and stream every blade of grass.

You will not lie, if you had been cast in this place alone you would be giving thanks to the Maiden of Journeys for the chance to study such a fascinating realm. But you are not alone, seven thousand souls depend upon your shepherding, a people who need to be fed and clothed, sheltered from earthly foes ad the horrors of the wyld and perhaps if the Sun should shine upon your stewardship brought once more to some semblance of the heights you enjoyed in the days of plenty and of glory.

Martial: Auspiciously Broken Haywain is a likable fellow and skilled in matters of war and husbandry alike, mayhap not the most creative of souls, but that is what he has subordinates for. Faced with a land unknown with perils unguessed the tasks of the Wyldguard will be many

[] Patrolling: With your maps now worth less than the paper they are made of it falls to the Wyldguard to fly out and make new ones, bold of wings are the scouts and perilous is their path. Specify which direction the scouts should fly in.
-[] South towards the sea, there are more small villages along the coast though none as chose as Skorlm, hopefully opening new avenues for trade

Result: 78 (Success)

The patrols report having found more of the same eastwards towards the coast villages and ports of the warlike barbarians who for the most part do not take well to winged neighbors, a few of them even hurled axes and spears with unnatural strength towards the Wyldguard hosts. However between the three other Dragonblooded who could make themselves understood in the 'Norscan' Tongue by means of charms they did eventually reach some understanding with the village of Aarvick and the the small island 'kingdom' of Ulfsland just off the coast. Many of the trade goods which the locals have shown to your soldiers are clearly not of their making, in both style and quality they speak of more civilized lands, though disturbingly not ones you know even from the most ancient of sources. Sage has even suggested buying a handful of the slaves we have been offered that we may learn of these distant lands, though other voices claim there is no place for the Wingless in Sazakan

Reward: Information, May open trade relations with Aarvick (Wood, Fish and Whale Oil) and Ulfsland (Gold, silver, pottery, wine, dyes, spices, slaves)

[] Restoring the herds: The hardy northern goats were not only a source of meat and milk for Sezekan, but also wool. Now those herds are lost, but the scouts have seen goats among the encircling peaks.
DC 44/60
Reward: Goat Herds 25/50 Food/Year;
Cost: 25 Wealth
Duration 2 Turns

Result: 78 (Success)

Though the goats of these mountains are willy and sure footed they are no less able to deal with trappers with wings than those we have left behind. Though it will take a while for their numbers to grow Hey assures you that the city will have meat, milk, cheese and wool by next year. The goats have also inadvertently prevented a a tragedy as the herders noticed they were more and more inclined to seek shelter in caves as the false-Luna grew larger in the sky. When it rose full one night a surge of Wyld energy filled the air, a time of madness and mutation as the spirits of the world writhed in agony. You say 'the world' and not creation because you are beginning to believe that the Wyld must have carried you much farther than you thought.

Reward: Goat Herds 50 Food/Year; Warning about the Cursed Moon [Locked for 1 Year]

-[] Hunt for Offerings:
Just as the Wyldguard can look for beasts to hunt for food and meat so too can they hunt or rather those rare plants and animals filled with potent Essence which help fuel works of Thaumaturgy or even sorcery.
DC 65
Reward: 1d3 Rare Reagents which provide a +10 thaumaturgical or spirit negotiation actions
Cost 18 Wealth

Result: 121 (Critical Success) -> How Many: 3

As hoary hunters bearing dozens of storied scars make their way cautiously along the rivers and creeks, knowing that even the fiercest monsters of the Bordermarches need to eat and drink, setting snares and plotting out the chase young Chosen still drunk on the glory of the second breath charge headlong into the the fray.

For a wonder none of them died.

And as though to make particular mockery of the warnings of the elders a trio of bold new heroes manage to draw away and slay a pair of nesting Griffons, claiming not only the claws and hearts of the beasts but also a pair of eggs, which they insist can be hatched into tame Griffons to guard the skies of Sazakan.

Reward: Chimera Brains, Griffon Hearts and 2 Griffon Eggs (can be used as reagents normally or hatched in the hopes of taming them)

Diplomacy: You do not have a diplomat of any sort so this is a matter you will handle yourself
Choose Two:

[] Name a diplomat from among the Existing Council: By far the simplest way to deal with the matter the person will simply add to their existence duties and retain their voting privileges
-[] Sigh of the Flutes through the Willow Branches

Sigh of the Flutes through the Willow Branches takes his new position with aplomb and while some on the council call the move rash, none can say they it is radical. In truth it is more a return to tradition

[] Shape of the World: Find out more about Skorlmling society, culture and religion
DC Automatic
Reward: Information
Cost: 10 Wealth

The Skorlmlings worship a vast and tangled pantheon of gods, spirits and heroes, mingling the rustic prayer to the Terestrial gods with ancestor worship, though thankfully there is no sign of the cold hand of the dead among them and they do not practice the rites of necromancy. Shadowlands is any are to be found are far to the south in lands spoken more in legend and tale. Strangest of all their beliefs though is that the Skorlmlings, and indeed all Norscans by their account, do not believe in the cycle of reincarnation that holds sway over all of creation, but that they instead pass into the halls of their gods were they serve as warriors or thralls each according to their deeds in life. Some of these accounts, like the ones of being chained eternally under the sea to serve in Neiglen's crews seem so dreadful as to have been conjured from the nightmares of the Yozi.

Worse yet is the custom for the bold, the mad or the desperate to set out north towards the Twilight Land, a sort of testing ground at the very gates of he gods own land where it is said the unworthy are undone and the worthy are raised up as great chieftains and champions. To you have the descriptions of that place, which they claim to be more real then the world under the sun all this, has a dreadful ring of familiarity about it. They are worshiping not gods who dwell within the world of form and help order it, but the Rashka who wish nothing more than its destruction. They seek gifts of madness and mutation and hasten the world's undoing.

How do you react to this realization?

[] With horror, bar the gates, refuse further entrance to the barbarians, you will seek out the men of the south of which you have heard and deal only with sane folk

[] With Compassion, they are lost and befuddled, you must show them the way as was the duty of the Exalted in the days of old. Though you are no lawgiver you will do your best and pray to the Most High that it is enough

[] Write in

OOC: I decided to break this here, both to give you guys more time to absorb the results and because this is a big character moment and a big decision for Gus. What to do here should not be point nine in a twenty point plan.
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[X] With Compassion, they are lost and befuddled, you must show them the way as was the duty of the Exalted in the days of old. Though you are no lawgiver you will do your best and pray to the Most High that it is enough
[X] With horror, bar the gates, refuse further entrance to the barbarians, you will seek out the men of the south of which you have heard and deal only with sane folk
I say we get into a crusading mood.

[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
Reward: Chimera Brains, Griffon Hearts and 2 Griffon Eggs (can be used as reagents normally or hatched in the hopes of taming them)
Yes I was only hoping for ingredients to help with dealing with the forest spirits next turn. But getting Griffons Eggs is pretty good if we can hatch them. Need to get demon summoning so Nemoh's breed them, and they prevent utilizing Pegasus without a lot of work, but still very nice.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
Nice update.
Sage has even suggested buying a handful of the slaves we have been offered that we may learn of these distant lands, though other voices claim there is no place for the Wingless in Sazakan
hahaha, when buying slaves is too egalitarian an option XD
[] With horror, bar the gates, refuse further entrance to the barbarians, you will seek out the men of the south of which you have heard and deal only with sane folk

eeeh, vote seem already decied. just a few notes. Gods of the south are (for the exalted) also closer to Raksha. With maybe Dragon Gods of far east as an exception. They also dwell in the Warp and are also essentially living stories.
[X] With Compassion, they are lost and befuddled, you must show them the way as was the duty of the Exalted in the days of old. Though you are no lawgiver you will do your best and pray to the Most High that it is enough

I'll go with this one. While Norse do worship chaos gods, most of them don't revere it like Kurgan farther to the north. It's all about power here.
Some of these accounts, like the ones of being chained eternally under the sea to serve in Neiglen's crews seem so dreadful as to have been conjured from the nightmares of the Yozi.
Oh boi. Are they in for a treat. XD
[X] With Compassion, they are lost and befuddled, you must show them the way as was the duty of the Exalted in the days of old. Though you are no lawgiver you will do your best and pray to the Most High that it is enough
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror tinged with pity and determination. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better, and it is likely many will refuse to hear the truth and turn from it, but while we must guard ourselves from their madness we must also be willing to help those who would turn away from such darkness. We will seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, maybe turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
[X] With horror, bar the gates, refuse further entrance to the barbarians, you will seek out the men of the south of which you have heard and deal only with sane folk