Ooh, yeah, the urge to go off a killin' is rising within him. And I'm not even sure if that's a Dwarf thing or just good ole survivors guilt and PTSD. I wonder if everyone will be surprised/impressed when he seeks his vengeance as himself, rather than as a Slayer?
Also, yay! Next chapter we'll get to see a conversation between him and Alrika. I'll be looking forward to it.
And below are some editing suggestions:
between stubborning doing
stubborning - stubbornly
"Then with Her Highness'es leave,
Highness'es - Highness' (Unless you're intentionally going for an accent)
"Didn't I say we would talk again, wouldn't we Ranger?" she says.
And this line is worded oddly. I don't think a Princess would use a double negative. And the "wouldn't we" stands out as incorrect in this instance as well. Maybe:
"Didn't I say we would talk again Ranger?" she says.
"I did say we would talk again, didn't I Ranger?" she says.
Norgrim you really need to stop looking so competent, you are making everyone feel so much worse at the though that you are going to go slayer and they are losing such a loyal promising Dawi.
I know you aren't going slayer but they clearly dont.
Yeah, his Elders have definitely noted him down as having promise. Baraz of course from Norgrim's initial debriefing and what Alrika has certainly mentioned. Then with that little nugget of wisdom he ferreted out in this chapter? If he can keep from going any more nuts... Well, the reward for good work has always been more work, hasn't it?
Alrika who before didnt think much of rangers before now is now very interested in ranger business
Yeah, I noticed that as well. Something tells me that she's going to be taking her people's scouts a bit more seriously going forward.
Wait, Strigoi has 3 toes don't it?
That they do... sort of. Depending on the model they either only have three toes, or they have three toes touching the ground alongside a toe "spur" further up. Kinda like a rooster.