The Real Adventures of Norgrim Grimsson, Exasperated Recluse (Warhammer Fantasy SI)

Yeah, definitely a Vampire. They can shapeshift, so no significant opening in the trees is fine.

And it would not be the first time a vampire decided they wanted a karak for themselves.

Possible, but they have a hard time staying in the world normally. This doesn't feel like the kind of thing they would be doing with their limited time frame. Or more accurately I think there aren't enough moving parts for this to be one of their plots they are enacting while in the world. They'd be more likely to be manipulating other groups into doing this.
Idk, the whole 3 toe tracks, the flying bulk we saw chapter 1 or whatever it was, the weird ass magic, how it keeps just appearing and disappearing, idk what kinda vampire matches those tbh. They're (mostly) human lookin' afterall, and I don't think the Vampire Wars have happened as of yet. This feels like the set up for something bigger than just a Vampire doing its thing.
Idk, the whole 3 toe tracks, the flying bulk we saw chapter 1 or whatever it was, the weird ass magic, how it keeps just appearing and disappearing, idk what kinda vampire matches those tbh. They're (mostly) human lookin' afterall, and I don't think the Vampire Wars have happened as of yet. This feels like the set up for something bigger than just a Vampire doing its thing.
The last of the Vampire wars ended around 50 years ago if I remember the timeline right. Mannfred is currently Mann-dead.
Idk, the whole 3 toe tracks, the flying bulk we saw chapter 1 or whatever it was, the weird ass magic, how it keeps just appearing and disappearing, idk what kinda vampire matches those tbh. They're (mostly) human lookin' afterall, and I don't think the Vampire Wars have happened as of yet. This feels like the set up for something bigger than just a Vampire doing its thing.
Vampires can shapeshift. Their default form is humanish, but they have more monstrous ones they can pull on, depending on which bloodline it is.
Idk, the whole 3 toe tracks, the flying bulk we saw chapter 1 or whatever it was, the weird ass magic, how it keeps just appearing and disappearing, idk what kinda vampire matches those tbh. They're (mostly) human lookin' afterall, and I don't think the Vampire Wars have happened as of yet. This feels like the set up for something bigger than just a Vampire doing its thing.
A Ghoul King aka a Strigoi? They look big enough to rip apart dwarfs with their bare hands and looking at pictures some of them also have wings I think.
You know I love the little bits of character devlopment you can see.

They grill me for information I know that Baraz already possesses, asking for dates, tracks, anything at all that lets them calculate the creature's path. I answer and watch them work, while occasionally glancing at Alrika who seems engrossed in what's being said.

Alrika who before didnt think much of rangers before now is now very interested in ranger business
Vampires can shapeshift. Their default form is humanish, but they have more monstrous ones they can pull on, depending on which bloodline it is.
Yeah, but 3 toes seems a really weird distinction to make for a shapeshift. I'm probably just overly focusing on it... Wait, Strigoi has 3 toes don't it?
A Ghoul King aka a Strigoi? They look big enough to rip apart dwarfs with their bare hands and looking at pictures some of them also have wings I think.
Ninja'd dammit.

Yeah, I guess it could be strigoi then. They aren't really known for their magical abilities though and this definitely seemed like a magical sleep rather than poisonous one. But thats a bold Assumption since it seemed to come from their beer... Hmmm
Yeah, I guess it could be strigoi then. They aren't really known for their magical abilities though and this definitely seemed like a magical sleep rather than poisonous one. But thats a bold Assumption since it seemed to come from their beer... Hmmm
They also aren't known for being civilized, because people have forgotten they once ruled the greatest vampire nation to have ever existed. This doesn't fit the usual behavior of a strigoi, but maybe one that has regained more sanity than usual?
If it IS a Strigoi, how are they killing dwarfs with no wounds? Can't just be straight up magic, no one spell is that clean. Poison is the closest fit, but how would it be done? Shapeshift into a squirrel and foul up the supplies? How is it not detected, and how is it working in such a coordinated manner?

Best closest fit is a magical delayed acting sleep spell imbued into some poison. Magic so it's undetectable to dwarfs without runesmiths in their band, and delayed spell so the spell can be activated at the Strigoi's convenience. It doesn't even have to be that strong a spell (barring the need to overcome natural dwarf resilience) if it's only used to make the prepared traps that much more effective.
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I was actually wondering whether the magical sleep could be from some kind of banshee variant? Yeah, normally they just scream and wail but if you had one which retained intelligence and was able to employ the magic in it's voice more subtly well...

Alternatively, a Lahmian with some kind of exotic mount seems possible. They like being subtle and I could see them going out of their way to find ways to put people to sleep or kill them without leaving a mark.
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They also aren't known for being civilized, because people have forgotten they once ruled the greatest vampire nation to have ever existed. This doesn't fit the usual behavior of a strigoi, but maybe one that has regained more sanity than usual?
Tbf it was a horde of green skins manipulated by Lahmians that destroyed the Strigoi empire. Maybe the goblin clan in Gunbad are descendants of part of the horde, or this hypothetical Strigoi just has a grudge against all greenskins.
Guys, you are missing a very obvious culprit.

Look at the tactics used:

1. Uses Greenskin patsies
2. Can fly or has a flying mount
3. Has magic to kill in unusual ways
4. Has an excellent insight into Dawi mindsets and Grudges.

Folks, this isn't a vampire or a greenskin. Its not even a Skaven.

This is a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer.
Guys, you are missing a very obvious culprit.

Look at the tactics used:

1. Uses Greenskin patsies
2. Can fly or has a flying mount
3. Has magic to kill in unusual ways
4. Has an excellent insight into Dawi mindsets and Grudges.

Folks, this isn't a vampire or a greenskin. Its not even a Skaven.

This is a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer.
Except its 3 toed prints instead of hoof prints
Yeah, definitely a Vampire. They can shapeshift, so no significant opening in the trees is fine.

And it would not be the first time a vampire decided they wanted a karak for themselves.

Possible, but they have a hard time staying in the world normally. This doesn't feel like the kind of thing they would be doing with their limited time frame. Or more accurately I think there aren't enough moving parts for this to be one of their plots they are enacting while in the world. They'd be more likely to be manipulating other groups into doing this.

So obviously it's a Lord of Change manipulating a Vampire manipulating Skaven manipulating Greenskins in order to manipulate Dwarves.
Gas. You can't get all of them with ingested, and if there is a difference in trigger rate it'd have been noticed when some panicked.

Gas them while the camp is mostly sleeping and nobody would notice when the sleeping become the comatose
I would normally agree with that, but of all races, I would assume Dwarfs are the ones least likely to fall for any sort of gas attack. If you dig into a mine and don't know how to detect a gaseous hazard, that's insta-kill for you.

Granted, these are mostly a contingent of rangers, but the MC's band definitely had miners with them. And I don't think they'd be so lax as to not check for gaseous dangers just because they are out in the open and not deep within the earth.
Ooh, yeah, the urge to go off a killin' is rising within him. And I'm not even sure if that's a Dwarf thing or just good ole survivors guilt and PTSD. I wonder if everyone will be surprised/impressed when he seeks his vengeance as himself, rather than as a Slayer?

Also, yay! Next chapter we'll get to see a conversation between him and Alrika. I'll be looking forward to it.

And below are some editing suggestions:
between stubborning doing
stubborning - stubbornly

"Then with Her Highness'es leave,
Highness'es - Highness' (Unless you're intentionally going for an accent)

"Didn't I say we would talk again, wouldn't we Ranger?" she says.
And this line is worded oddly. I don't think a Princess would use a double negative. And the "wouldn't we" stands out as incorrect in this instance as well. Maybe:
"Didn't I say we would talk again Ranger?" she says.
"I did say we would talk again, didn't I Ranger?" she says.

Norgrim you really need to stop looking so competent, you are making everyone feel so much worse at the though that you are going to go slayer and they are losing such a loyal promising Dawi.

I know you aren't going slayer but they clearly dont.
Yeah, his Elders have definitely noted him down as having promise. Baraz of course from Norgrim's initial debriefing and what Alrika has certainly mentioned. Then with that little nugget of wisdom he ferreted out in this chapter? If he can keep from going any more nuts... Well, the reward for good work has always been more work, hasn't it?

Alrika who before didnt think much of rangers before now is now very interested in ranger business
Yeah, I noticed that as well. Something tells me that she's going to be taking her people's scouts a bit more seriously going forward.

Wait, Strigoi has 3 toes don't it?
That they do... sort of. Depending on the model they either only have three toes, or they have three toes touching the ground alongside a toe "spur" further up. Kinda like a rooster.
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