The Real Adventures of Norgrim Grimsson, Exasperated Recluse (Warhammer Fantasy SI)

I figure it's safe to blame the elves for this.

Not sure how exactly, but it definitely feels like a safe bet.

The druchi do like magic, odd beasts and slaughter. Can't think of why they'd be in that place though...
Glad this has returned. I agree that the chaos dwarves are looking like a good suspect. With the reminder that the vampire wars are over, and Chaos currently at low tide, the fact that Gunbad is on the east side of the World's Edge Mountains make sit more attractive to them than it would be for many other potential villains.
Forcing those you love, in a way, grieve for you and bear the shame of being related to you.
to grieve for you
"The rats would do it just to be cackle at pulling wool over our eyes, don't give them wisdom they do not deserve." Jarri counters angrily.
just to cackle
A Ghoul King aka a Strigoi? They look big enough to rip apart dwarfs with their bare hands and looking at pictures some of them also have wings I think.
I don't think that Strigoi are known for their subtlety or use of magic, and dwarves are also known for their resistance to magic. Making a squad fall asleep or paralysing them is one thing, but doing the same to hundreds of dwarves at the same time, without any resisting or realising what has happened? It would need to be an incredibly powerful sorcerer to do that, or a powerful daemon. A strong poison is my bet.
If it IS a Strigoi, how are they killing dwarfs with no wounds?
The dwarves were wounded, it was mentioned that the only blood there was theirs.
Thank you for the update.
Guys, you are missing a very obvious culprit.

Look at the tactics used:

1. Uses Greenskin patsies
2. Can fly or has a flying mount
3. Has magic to kill in unusual ways
4. Has an excellent insight into Dawi mindsets and Grudges.

Folks, this isn't a vampire or a greenskin. Its not even a Skaven.
This is a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer.
The perpetrator is deterred by Dwarven runes on their oldest caches.
I rather doubt that a Chaos Dwarf would be. Besides, the Dawi-Zharr dont really operate as solo operatives, nor are they particularly subtle; one of the things they still share with their estranged cousins is a temperamental intolerance for stratagems.

If the Dawi-Zharr want Gunbad, they'd either buy it from the goblin inhabitants, or bring a force of invaders and take it.
Trying to maneuver goblins and the dwarves against each other? This is very much not how they operate.

In order to know to ambush Clan Growlsh's escort of Princess Alrika, they have to have up to date social intelligence of ongoing Dwarf society, which is something that the Chaos Dwarfs do not have, but which Imperial society does by dint of the significant trade links and dwarf population.

Assuming Norri's characterization of motive is correct?
There's only three perps I can think of who would fit this M.O, have the contacts with Imperial human society to know about the princess being moved, and who also have a known history of interest in dwarven and ex-dwarven holds:

The Under-Empire is currently engaged in a civil war, and Chaos demons dont really have the stability for prolonged presence in reality this far south, nor do I think they would be this circumspect.
Which leaves Vampires.
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I checked the wiki and it mentioned that Strigoi live in dark places and constantly strive to rebuild their former empire. Gunbad is, presumably, a Moria equivalent at this point in time, infested with orcs and still chock full of wealth. Clear out (or at least weaken) the orcs, and swoop in to take the prize that will fund a new Strygos. That leaves the issue of how it forced the MC clan's slumber, which can be addressed with poison in the booze. They're hideously strong and terrifyingly fast (accounting for slaughtering four dozen dwarven rangers with ease), can transform into bats and/or rats (accounting for infiltration and flight), and have not one but multiple specific motives (hatred of orks, desire to rebuild their kingdom).
I think they're the best possible conclusion given the information we have at the moment - the Occam's Perp, if you will. It fits quite neatly, and the primary alternatives require more stretching to make fit.
Could in be some cunning beastman?
Beastmen dont operate solo either; if beastmen were involved here, there'd be an army of the things
Nor are they anywhere this precise and circumspect.

Furthermore, beastmen do not have any known interest in dwarven and ex-dwarven holds.
And they generally stick to forests, not the snowy reaches of the mountains where the dwarfs have many of their surviving holds.
No, I dont think beastmen have any involvement here.
It doesn't actually have to be someone with a flying mount as long as they're willing to pay a mercenary with one enough.
That said, what time of day did the other attacks happen at, and were they on the shadowed slope of whatever mountains they were on/near? Because with how tall the mountains are around here, there's probably a bit of wiggle room in terms of when the sun is "out." Not that many of the stronger vampires even care all that much.
From Norri's own deduction of the info he has on hand, the most likely mastermind behind the attack is either the Vampires or Dark elves. With the Dark Elves being the longest stretch out of the two. What's bugging me is what the Vampire's end goal was. Because the only thing the death of the princess caused was the shaming and exile of a clan in the OTL, and Mount Gunbad hadn't changed from Night Goblin hands.
It could be a failed plot that basically failed to do the damage in canon. While still, Clan of Dawi got exiled, but it did not freed Gunbad from greenskin. Basically margin of error that mastermind did not thought out given it was small chance of happening.
If it's a Strigoi, I could see it being some plot to try and secure the richest mine in the World's Edge Mountains and use it (plus all the corpses) as a springboard for a reclamation of Strygos.
Normally, yeah, but they're killing a lot of dwarves. Would sacrificing lives give demons more time in the material world? Not that I can see what a demon would want with Gunbad...
Nah, you need a fair bit more, or in ritualistic manner. Greater Daemons are higher power, so they need more to keep themselves tethered, as it were.

They seem to have escalated, though. First they drugged everyone in time for an avalanche, a very deniable yet effective method, then they decided to skip all that right to slaughter-

Come to think of it, how sure are we these are the same people?

Two entirely different methods, it's possible once the subtle gambit failed, someone else took over.
Something I don't think most people's theories are taking into account, is that if we consider that in this universe the only diversion from the canon pathway of the world that we know of is Norgrim being born and given that events transpired in such a way that the Princess escort still happened, then this plot canonically succeeds/fails with no one knowing of it. That makes me think that given there is no sign of vampire presence in this region after this time in canon, that this plot fails in canon despite this early success, and with survivors that can point the finger then this is even less likely to succeed.
I would normally agree with that, but of all races, I would assume Dwarfs are the ones least likely to fall for any sort of gas attack. If you dig into a mine and don't know how to detect a gaseous hazard, that's insta-kill for you.

Granted, these are mostly a contingent of rangers, but the MC's band definitely had miners with them. And I don't think they'd be so lax as to not check for gaseous dangers just because they are out in the open and not deep within the earth.
Generally miners encountering gas is a matter of active and awake miners moving into a gas zone and noticing/evacuating.

Theres nothing to detect if a paralytic or sporofic gas cloud rolls over sleeping tents from the back of the camp, though you might need to eliminate some sentries if the gas doesn't work fast enough
Generally miners encountering gas is a matter of active and awake miners moving into a gas zone and noticing/evacuating.

Theres nothing to detect if a paralytic or sporofic gas cloud rolls over sleeping tents from the back of the camp, though you might need to eliminate some sentries if the gas doesn't work fast enough
I'm 99% confident that the intended interpretation was that the alcohol was spiked, hence why our nearly-sober MC was immune.
Would be tricky to get them all that way without affecting the taste or having some affected at different rates.

Plus the beer rations should be well secured
I'm 99% confident that the intended interpretation was that the alcohol was spiked, hence why our nearly-sober MC was immune.
The original event in the original time line was blamed on excessive drinking. Here, not so much.
And spiked alcohol appears unlikely for several reasons.

1) Clan Growlsh live in Karaz a Karak.
Getting access to their provision stores would require a pretty catastrophic failure of internal Dawi security.
Ditto with getting into any Ranger caches along the way undetected; Norgrim hasnt worried about the bad guy poisoning their caches because there were security seals on their stuff.

2) The avalanche happened several days into their journey, after an attack by goblins.
The antagonist mastermind had no way of guaranteeing that they would partake of poisoned liquor in a location where they could pull off an avalanche.

3) We know whatever was used hit Princess Alrika along with the rest of the clan, because Norgrim saw her sleeping:
I rush past them all, screaming about an avalanche and hoping they rouse themselves, still running to my destination despite every inch of me screaming to help my family, and stumble through the flap of the main tent to see the sleeping form of her Highness Princess Alrika Kemmasdottir, dozing away peacefully with her arms under her head to the right of Thane Grimbrew. The rest of Clan Growlsh present within all equally asleep.
If some hostile had gotten into their travelling provisions, they would have used a lethal poison, not a soporific.
And she would be dead, instead of waking up several hours later.
Ergo, we arent looking at spiked food.

Neither Norgrim nor Alrika speculated about anything getting into their provisions.
Certainly, if Norgrim thought their provisions, whether food or alcohol, had been spiked, he wouldnt have headed for one of their caches in order to stock up on more possibly poisoned provisions.

4) A blizzard "coincidentally" followed the avalanche, burying the camp site pretty heavily and helping to kill off any survivors with exposure. That points at an antagonist with pretty serious magic.
And the fact that his uncle was smashed into a tree hard enough to shatter his chest further reinforces this.
Happy that everyone's enjoying the mystery, here's hoping the pay off is even somewhat close to whatever you guys have built up in their head. Is it a spoiler to say that Norgrim won't fulfill his Grudge easily?

Well, hello there repressed stress from Norgrim, i can be absolutely sure that clearly nothing will be happening to him for just repressing and repressing those emotions, whats that ''emotions'' ?, is it something that we can eat nahhh we don't need it.
The Ol' Dawi special.
Alrika who before didnt think much of rangers before now is now very interested in ranger business
Partly that and also the state of her headspace makes her not really inclined to speak right now.
So obviously it's a Lord of Change manipulating a Vampire manipulating Skaven manipulating Greenskins in order to manipulate Dwarves.
Patsies all the way down until we reach the real villain of the entire debacle, no the entire setting!

John Warhammer.