The Quest For Earth (CMGQ spinoff)

Alright, So I've been running some numbers.

Fury in Crimson definitely needs a change. Let's say I get Level 10 Generator and Level 2 Fury: At full power, I'm doing Twenty Attacks per Turn, with those attacks at a 200% Base Damage Increase.

Honestly, the Generator doesn't look too bad (unless I'm completely wrong, and if so, please tell me), since it still takes time to charge up and can be Drained by the spell (Might change it to double the amount consumed?), but that on top of that many potential ApT feels cheap at this level

Maybe Change Fury so it's a leveless skill that works off of the Stacks? Say, (Number of G-Ray Stacks/5)?
I think you may have gone too far in that direction.

She has a sudden death weapon, teleportation, and quasi scale to target, along with an extra experience source. I thought that might be enough to start with, considering the last means she should get other things sooner than normal.

Also what I said on discord. Might edit her back to an earlier design later.

EDIT: it is now later.
(Independent/Warrens family) Magical Girl Bullet Witch

Kayden Warrens

Health: 100
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 30

Affinity: Machinery | Gun | Story Maker

See Manufacturing: Weapons

If it can hurt, it can bleed...
Level 1
Base Damage: 75
Magic Modifier: 75
Affinity: Gun
Ability: Critical Strike l Batter

Where does she hide all those guns?
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Gun
Ability: Manufacture

Fight on
Level 1
-Bullet Witch cannot end her transformation willingly and has a transformation limit of five days. If forced out of her transformation for any reason Bullet Witch will instantly fall into a coma for as long as she has spent transformed or until combat begins near her, in which case she will transform and act as normal. Each instance of combat extends her transformation time by a day. Controls HP.

Body Armor
Level 1
-Protect yourself. Controls Resilience.

Packed Lunch
-Once per fight Bullet Witch can spend a turn eating the lunch her mom packed for her. The good food and memories of home give her the strength to keep fighting. It's Full Heal.

After Market Mods
Level 1
-Increases Bullet Witches's weapon damage in addition to normal weapon increases.

Infinite Ammo
-Bullet Witch's ranged attacks count as having Full Auto.

AP Munitions
-Bullet Witch's ranged attacks count as having Armor Pierce.


Witch .45's

A pair of revolvers
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 50
Affinities: Gun
Ability: Ricochet
Witch Gun 42

A heavy machine gun.
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 50
Affinities: Gun
Ability: Flight

Okay, unless I made some spelling errors or LDJ takes issue with something this is my final revision, the major changes for weapons are changing the Witch .45's ability from Anti Infantry to Ricochet and changing the Witch Gun 42's ability from Levitate to Flight. Ability changes are just swapping Weapon Boost for Armor Pierce and giving Bullet Witch a transformation limit and gimmick attached to it.

To be fair, my characters transformation is only semi permanent now.
You're two abilities past the max.
A second weapon.
A second spell.
Extra effect on health controller (still doesn't make sense grumbling noises.)
and four normal abilities.
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(Independent/Warrens family) Magical Girl Bullet Witch

Kayden Clark

Health: 100
Base Damage: 10
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 30

Affinity: Machinery | Gun | Story Maker

See Manufacturing: Weapons

If it can hurt, it can bleed...
Level 1
Base Damage: 75
Magic Modifier: 75
Affinity: Gun
Ability: Critical Strike l Batter

Where does she hide all those guns?
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Gun
Ability: Manufacture

Fight on
Level 1
-Bullet Witch cannot end her transformation willingly and has a transformation limit of five days. If forced out of her transformation for any reason Bullet Witch will instantly fall into a coma for as long as she has spent transformed or until combat begins near her, in which case she will transform and act as normal. Each instance of combat extends her transformation time by a day. Controls HP.

Body Armor
Level 1
-Protect yourself. Controls Resilience.

Packed Lunch
-Once per fight Bullet Witch can spend a turn eating the lunch her mom packed for her. The good food and memories of home give her the strength to keep fighting. It's Full Heal.

Infinite Ammo
-Bullet Witch's ranged attacks count as having Full Auto.

AP Munitions
-Bullet Witch's ranged attacks count as having Armor Pierce.


Witch .45's

A pair of revolvers
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 50
Affinities: Gun
Ability: Ricochet
Witch Gun 42

A heavy machine gun.
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 50
Affinities: Gun
Ability: Flight

Alright there we go. Three abilities so everything should work now.
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@LostDeviljho @Crystalwatcher On farther review, I don't believe that the Overwhelm ability matches what I intended for the Antimatter Drop spell that Detonation Wave has. You probably already know, but Detonation Wave and her kit as a whole are adaptations from something else, and the ability of Antimatter Drop to absorb attacks that hit it and add their damage to its own is kind of its defining feature.

I have something figured out that would do the job, but I'm not really sure on the name. The name that I want to use already belongs to a different ability, albeit a similar one that applies to users rather than spells, and I would like your input. This is what I've got:
Assimilate(Spell): The spell may initiate intercepts and have intercepts initiated against it, as though all parties had the Intercept ability. The spell gains a 1.5x multiplier to its offensive string during intercept conflicts. If the spell wins an intercept conflict, add the opposing offensive string to the offensive string of the spell instead of subtracting.
Alternately, as a less wordy and less limited version that doesn't leave the possibility of it losing the intercept conflict:
Assimilate(Spell): Allows the spell to 'eat' other attacks and incorporate their damage into itself instead of entering an intercept conflict. The spell may initiate intercepts and have intercepts initiated against it, as though all parties had the Intercept ability.
I personally favor the first, since I think it should still be possible for it to be intercepted and countered by a sufficiently strong attack.

Right now I'm calling it "Assimilate(Spell)," as you can see. Given the pre-existing "Assimilate" ability...
Assimilate: Allows the user to 'eat' something and incorporate the victim's abilities into itself. Works with Protean. kind of makes sense the keep it as a "Spell" version of the same thing, but I don't want to assume.

Alright there we go. Three abilities so everything should work now.
Personally, I would have just scrapped the whole thing with the transformation not ending and all of that. I get that you probably have a picture in mind for her as a character which needs it, but from the outside it feels like something tacked on, rather than something necessary.
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Personally, I would have just scrapped the whole thing with the transformation not ending and all of that. I get that you probably have a picture in mind for her as a character which needs it, but from the outside it feels like something tacked on, rather than something necessary.

If it seems tacked on, that's because it is. It was poorly thought out and it just looks stupider the more I think about it.

That is four. Fight On also counts, seeing that it has additional effects next to the Health-Controller.

Fixing it.

(Independent/Warrens family) Magical Girl Bullet Witch

Kayden Warrens

Health: 100
Base Damage: See Manufacturing: Weapons
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 30

Affinity: Machinery | Gun | Story Maker

See Manufacturing: Weapons

If it can hurt, it can bleed...
Level 1
Base Damage: 75
Magic Modifier: 75
Affinity: Gun
Ability: Critical Strike l Batter

Where does she hide all those guns?
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Gun
Ability: Manufacture

Fight on
Level 1
-First in, last out. Controls HP.

Body Armor
Level 1
-Protect yourself. Controls Resilience.

Packed Lunch
-Once per fight Bullet Witch can spend a turn eating the lunch her mom packed for her. The good food and memories of home give her the strength to keep fighting. It's Full Heal.

Infinite Ammo
-Bullet Witch's ranged attacks count as having Full Auto.

AP Munitions
-Bullet Witch's ranged attacks count as having Armor Pierce.


Witch .45's

A pair of revolvers
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 50
Affinities: Gun
Ability: Ricochet
Witch Gun 42

A heavy machine gun.
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 50
Affinities: Gun
Ability: Flight

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If it seems tacked on, that's because it is. It was poorly thought out and it just looks stupider the more I think about it.
Well then, why don't you remove it, rather than changing it? Make the ability just a health controller, with nothing about not being able to leave her transformation or anything. That would also bring you down to the correct number of ability slots.
Right, removed the Army targeting ability from G-Ray Stream in order to replace it with Mana charge. Feels it works better with the Super Robot Gimmick, and the High Single Target Damage build in general.

Also: If Someone were to try and attack me with a ranged attack, could I intercept and use overwhelm by throwing my Tomahawk at them?
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Spire Cracker
Total XP Earned: 51
Total XP Spent: 50
Current XP Total: 1
(Unaligned) Magical Girl Spire Cracker

Marissa Blake


Health: 400
Base Damage: 30
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Sacrifice | Stone | Story Maker


Duster Knuckles
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Stone
Ability: Detonate

Stone Spire
Level 2
Health: 100
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Sacrifice | Stone
Ability: Spell Reflect


Spire Spike
Level 2
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Stone
Ability: Instant Manufacture | Target by Level


Chiseled Body
Level 2
-Determines base health. Whenever a Stone Spire is destroyed, Spire Cracker regains 20% of her maximum health.

Marble Skin
Level 2
-Determines base resilience. Increase Spire Cracker's base resilience by 20% for each standing Stone Spire.

Line 'Em Up
-Each cast of Spire Spike violently creates a number of Stone Spires equal to its level.

Knock 'Em Down
-Spire Cracker's attacks against Stone Spires have Auto Kill and Knockback.

-Spire Cracker is immune to knockback and stuns while in contact with the ground.
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@LostDeviljho @Crystalwatcher On farther review, I don't believe that the Overwhelm ability matches what I intended for the Antimatter Drop spell that Detonation Wave has. You probably already know, but Detonation Wave and her kit as a whole are adaptations from something else, and the ability of Antimatter Drop to absorb attacks that hit it and add their damage to its own is kind of its defining feature.

I have something figured out that would do the job, but I'm not really sure on the name. The name that I want to use already belongs to a different ability, albeit a similar one that applies to users rather than spells, and I would like your input. This is what I've got:

Alternately, as a less wordy and less limited version that doesn't leave the possibility of it losing the intercept conflict:

I personally favor the first, since I think it should still be possible for it to be intercepted and countered by a sufficiently strong attack.

Right now I'm calling it "Assimilate(Spell)," as you can see. Given the pre-existing "Assimilate" ability... kind of makes sense the keep it as a "Spell" version of the same thing, but I don't want to assume.

Personally, I would have just scrapped the whole thing with the transformation not ending and all of that. I get that you probably have a picture in mind for her as a character which needs it, but from the outside it feels like something tacked on, rather than something necessary.
I'd call that Damage Absorb or something.
Twilight Wanderer
(Unaligned) Magical Girl Twilight Wanderer

Alice Douglas

"The Darkness took everything from me! Now I'll use the darkness to take everything from them!"

Health: 75
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 25
Magic Modifier: 25

Affinities: Shadow | Slaughter | Story Maker

Black Moon Crescent
A scythe made from magic, its edges blur into the shadows surrounding it.
Level 1 (Controls Damage)
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Slaughter
Abilities: Execute | Backstab

The Grinning Remnant
A cat made of pure shadow fades in and out of view, starting, and ending, with the grin.
Level 1 (Controls Magic Modifier)
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Shadow
Abilities: Teleport

Shadows deepen as a black moon hangs in the sky, and ethereal laughter fills the air.
-Targets the closest enemies first
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Shadow
Ability: Downgrade | Target by Level

Live for Slaughter
"Die! Die! Die! AhaHahAhA!!! I could get used to this..."
Level 1
-Controls Health. The more Twilight Wanderer kills, the more her sense of pain is deadened (this has no mechanical effect).

Dress of Shadows
"Oh, you like my dress? Thank you, I made it myself! You've earned the right to die quickly!"
Level 1
-Controls Resilience. In dark areas, Twilight Wanderer's form blends ever so slightly with the shadows around her, making the edges of her figure somewhat indistinct (provides no actual bonuses to hiding).

Black Moon's Curse
Shadows cling to those unfortunate enough to suffer on the Witch's Night
-Any opponent hit by Walpurgisnacht is marked by shadows for the remaining and following turn. The mark remains if the affected entity is killed before it fades, indicating Grinning Remnant's prey. Attacks against marked targets count as Homing.

Witch's Dance
The night doesn't end 'till the dance is done.
-Every time a marked enemy dies, Walpurgisnacht is cast from where they fell. This does not count toward Twilight Wanderer's Spell limit.

Master of Shadows
"Dance, puppets, dance!"
Level 1
-Grinning Remnant may spend ApT to summon a copy of any devoured creature with an added Shadow-Affinity. Summons last for 10 minutes, their minds are twisted so their goals align with Twilight Wanderer's; the number of actions required to summon depends on the creature. Twilight Wanderer may not teleport during a summoning.
-Imp (1 ApT) (3 available)
-Demon Foot Soldier (2 ApT) (1 available)
-Deer (1 ApT) (1 available)
-Assorted Rodents (1 ApT) (5 available)
-Raven (1 ApT) (3 available)
-Softball-sized Bug (1 ApT) (1 available)

Updated version of the sheet. It was pointed out to me that I was under budget on abilities, so I added a second weapon, and moved the teleport ability onto it.

I also added flavor text, and renamed the shadow cat, so as to avoid stepping on Quantum Cheshire's toes.

Also, since I forgot to include it last time, my ability budget:
- Swapped 1 ability for an extra weapon
- Swapped 1 ability for an extra weapon ability

EDIT: made it clear that Live for Slaughter's extra effect is just for flavor.

EDIT 2: Changed alignment from Independent to Unaligned, to better reflect her relationship to the UL.

EDIT 3: Reworked a number of her abilities (Thank you to Naron & Lost!)
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If it seems tacked on, that's because it is. It was poorly thought out and it just looks stupider the more I think about it.

Fixing it.

(Independent/Warrens family) Magical Girl Bullet Witch

Kayden Warrens

Health: 100
Base Damage: 10
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 30

Affinity: Machinery | Gun | Story Maker

See Manufacturing: Weapons

If it can hurt, it can bleed...
Level 1
Base Damage: 75
Magic Modifier: 75
Affinity: Gun
Ability: Critical Strike l Batter

Where does she hide all those guns?
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Gun
Ability: Manufacture

Fight on
Level 1
-First in, last out. Controls HP.

Body Armor
Level 1
-Protect yourself. Controls Resilience.

Packed Lunch
-Once per fight Bullet Witch can spend a turn eating the lunch her mom packed for her. The good food and memories of home give her the strength to keep fighting. It's Full Heal.

Infinite Ammo
-Bullet Witch's ranged attacks count as having Full Auto.

AP Munitions
-Bullet Witch's ranged attacks count as having Armor Pierce.


Witch .45's

A pair of revolvers
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 50
Affinities: Gun
Ability: Ricochet
Witch Gun 42

A heavy machine gun.
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 50
Affinities: Gun
Ability: Flight

I like it much better. Her base damage and MM are a bit confusing, though, what do they scale with?
(Independant) Magical Girl Twilight Wanderer

Alice Douglas

"The Darkness took everything from me! Now I'll use the darkness to take everything from them!"

Health: 75
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 25
Magic Modifier: 25

Affinities: Shadow | Slaughter| Story Maker

Black Moon Crescent
A scythe made from magic, its edges blur into the shadows surrounding it.
Level 1 (Controls Damage)
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Slaughter
Abilities: Rend | Backstab

The Grinning Remnant
A cat made of pure shadow fades in and out of view, starting, and ending, with the grin.
Level 1 (Controls Magic Modifier)
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Shadow
Abilities: Spell Boost | Teleport

Shadow Puppet
The Grinning Remnant opens its mouth far wider than should be possible, and, with a disturbingly silent cough, spits out a creature wrapped in shadow.
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 75 (summoned creatures' total Health)
Affinity: Shadow
Abilities: Summon | Total Charge

"The Black Moon laughs tonight!"
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Shadow
Ability: Downgrade | Omnipresent

Live for Slaughter
"Die! Die! Die! AhaHahAhA!!! I could get used to this..."
Level 1
-Controls Health. The more Twilight Wanderer kills, the more her sense of pain is deadened.

Dress of Shadows
"Oh, you like my dress? Thank you, I made it myself! You've earned the right to die quickly!"
Level 1
-Controls Resilience. In dark areas, Twilight Wanderer's form blends ever so slightly with the shadows around her, making the edges of her figure somewhat indistinct (provides no actual bonuses to hiding).

Master of Shadows
"Dance, puppets, dance!"
Level 1
-Grinning Remnant consumes the body of anything killed by Twilight Wanderer. Twilight Wanderer may use Shadow Puppet to summon a copy of any creature consumed this way. The copy gains the Shadow affinity and disappears after 10 minutes/level. She may only summon one copy of a given creature at a time, and her copies' goals and personality are twisted to (generally) align with hers.

Updated version of the sheet. It was pointed out to me that I was under budget on abilities, so I added a second weapon, and moved the teleport ability onto it.

I also added flavor text, and renamed the shadow cat, so as to avoid stepping on Quantum Cheshire's toes.

Also, since I forgot to include it last time, my ability budget:
- Swapped 1 Ability for an Extra Spell
- Swapped 1 ability for an extra weapon
- Swapped 2 abilities for extra weapon abilities
I like it. I assume the cat scales MM?

(Random sidenote: I did edit Second Embrace)
I like it much better. Her base damage and MM are a bit confusing, though, what do they scale with?

The Magic Modifier scales with what it's supposed to I guess? I'm not actually sure what magic modifier does other than boost damage/defense or what causes it to increase.

Base damage depends on her weapons and scales with their level though. I'll put a note there to make things clearer.
The Magic Modifier scales with what it's supposed to I guess? I'm not actually sure what magic modifier does other than boost damage/defense or what causes it to increase.

Base damage depends on her weapons and scales with their level though. I'll put a note there to make things clearer.
Usually, MM scales with the weapon level. But she has two with independent damage values (which is unusual). Usually, one would control damage and the other MM.

And the base damage of each weapon scaling made sense. She just had a 10 in her base damage and I had no clue where it came from.
Winter Lion
(Unaligned) Magical Girl Winter Lion

Cecilia Isolde

"This chance I've been given… I won't waste it."

Health: 900
Base Damage: 140
Base Resilience: 180
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinities: Battle | Spirit | Legend Maker

Level 2
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Targets Per Attack: 4
Affinities: Battle | Spirit
Abilities: Protean
These abilities can be changed once per turn before attacking. The ability selected determines which part of Lion's armament is used.
-Collateral Damage: Fire the main battery.
-Full Auto: Entering secondary range.
-Anti-Air: Hostile aircraft spotted.

Level 2
Base Damage: 200
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Battle
Abilities: Danmaku | Punch-Through

"Time marches on and I refuse to be left behind."
Level 3
-Time marches ever onwards and with its passage, the tools of war are constantly improved. The navies of the world were no strangers to this and plans have been made to ensure that such assets remained viable in future conflicts and Lion is no different. Increase Lion's base hp by 300 and her base resilience by 60 with each level of this ability.

Active Radar
Level 2
-Within a range of 100m per level of this ability, Lion maintains a battlefield awareness. While engaging targets within this range, Lion is treated as having High Speed Combat equal to half this ability's level with a minimum level of one and she ignores the effects Hypersonic.

Fortress upon the Winter Ocean
"I was made for this but I was never given the opportunity. Now that I've been given the chance, I'll give it my all."
-The manifestation of half of Lion's legacy. While engaged, Lion deploys her Rigging and may move unimpeded over water. With her numerous weapons, Lion may target and engage up to four enemies per attack. Should she so choose to focus fire upon fewer enemies, each blast counts as a separate assault.

EXP Gained: 70
EXP Spent: 60
EXP Stored: 10
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I'd call that Damage Absorb or something.
Not as catchy but I guess that works. Here's the updated sheet then. I also tweaked a couple other things. Namely, a couple of names and removing the "friendly fire" qualifier from what used to be Containment Field so it works on hostile and neutral attacks as well.

Also added a bit of a description for her weapon and spell in a separate accordion. Included there is the description for Damage Absorb.

(Independent) Magical Girl Detonation Wave

Haley Park

Health: 120
Base Damage: 55
Base Resilience: 45
Magic Modifier: 40

Affinities: Antimatter | Containment | Legend Maker

Point Focus
Level: 1
Attacks per turn: 1
Affinities: Antimatter | Containment
Ability: Disintegrate

Antimatter Drop
Level: 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 80
Affinities: Antimatter
Abilities: Collateral Damage | Damage Absorb

Core Shielding
Level: 1
-Governs Resilience

Antimatter Core
Level: 1
-Governs HP

Null Star
Security is paramount. Even the slightest chance of a containment breach is unacceptable. Guard the containment facility with your lives, because if it goes, so do you.
Level: 1
-Each round, generate a number of particles equal to the level of Null Star, up to a maximum number equal to the level of Null Star times 3. Detonation Wave begins combat with her maximum number of particles.
-For each active particle, reduce incoming damage by 5%. This effect cannot reduce damage by more than 95%.
-Each round, consume one particle per enemy within 10 feet of Detonation Wave and deal damage to them equal to 1/2 her Base Damage times the level of Null Star.

Molecular Prime
Level: 1
-Applies the Physical Slayer ability at (Molecular Prime's level/5) times effectiveness to all attacks with the Antimatter affinity whenever Detonation Wave is present on the battlefield.
-At level 5 and higher, all attacks against enemies of Detonation Wave gain the Antimatter affinity and Collateral Damage ability while she is present on the battlefield.

Hazard Containment Zone
Level: N/A
-Detonation Wave and any allies within a number of feet equal to her Magic Modifier are immune to the effects of Collateral Damage or similar abilities and effects.

Weapon and Spell Details
Point Focus (Weapon)

Point Focus is a scoped sniper rifle with the Containment and Antimatter affinities. The upper "barrel" is actually part of the scope, with the open assembly under it being the real "barrel" from which the projectile comes.

Point Focus fires a tiny nugget of contained antimatter at a significant velocity. Upon hitting a target, the containment shifts and restricts the effects of the resulting reaction to the target, with the end result of disintegrating it rather than causing it to explode in a violent fashion as it otherwise would.

Though Point Focus can be fired from the hip and does not have any form of kickback, it is greatly preferable for use at mid- to long-ranges.
Antimatter Drop (Spell)

Antimatter Drop releases an orb of contained matter and antimatter particles, which travel at moderate speed in a straight line. Detonation Wave may actively direct the spell to an extent, but it cannot lock onto a target so it must be manually guided. Upon reaching a target, the containment breaks and the matter and antimatter contained within react to make a violent explosion.

Due to its significant travel time, it is fairly easy for both allies and enemies to hit the orb before it reaches a target. Any attack that does so is incorporated into the spell itself, breaking material down into useful particles and co-opting energy to farther compress the containment and catalyze the end reaction. Any attacks that intercept the spell must therefore either completely overwhelm it by a large factor, or will merely increase the size and power of the explosion when it detonates.

Damage Absorb
Level: N/A
-The spell may initiate intercepts and have intercepts initiated against it, as though all parties had the Intercept ability. The spell gains a 1.5x multiplier to its offensive string during intercept conflicts. If the spell wins an intercept conflict, add the opposing offensive string to the offensive string of the spell instead of subtracting.

EDIT: Fixed the second accordion. Not used to this particular BBcode yet.
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