The Quest For Earth (CMGQ spinoff)

"There goes the 'ride the boar' plan. Unless it won't remember about this when you resummon it?"

"It won't," Alice said with a smirk. "They come out fresh every time. It's a good thing, too; I don't really want them to remember how horribly they've died before, they might start to resent me."

She steps up. "Twilight."

As the other girl approached, Alice's smile tightened, her eyes narrowing slightly. "What do you want?" She demanded sharply.
As the other girl approached, Alice's smile tightened, her eyes narrowing slightly. "What do you want?" She demanded sharply.
Well, Marissa can certainly get a feel of Twilight's thoughts on the matter now. She's not disguising the animosity one bit. Best lay it out quickly then. "I took my frustrations out on you earlier, and I used things I'd overheard to do it. I was trying to offend you, but I don't have the context behind the words to judge whether I went too far. I was out of line in several ways."
"I took my frustrations out on you earlier, and I used things I'd overheard to do it. I was trying to offend you, but I don't have the context behind the words to judge whether I went too far. I was out of line in several ways."

Alice opened her mouth to spout a scathing reply, but a glance at Cecilia cooking allowed her to hold her tongue. 'Ceci's still here with me, no need to flip out here...'

"Yes. You were." Alice said with a level voice. "You have no idea what I've been through, so allow me to enlighten you." She gestured over towards the girl cooking breakfast. "Me and Ceci spent the past two years travelling around and protecting people from demon attacks. That ended badly when an attack happened while we were separated. I ended up sacrificing myself to allow her to escape alive, except, well, it didn't really stick, for either of us."

Alice looked Spire Cracker dead in the eyes. "You put the blame on me for what happened to the only person in the world I actually care about. Just... don't do it again."
"I ended up sacrificing myself to allow her to escape alive, except, well, it didn't really stick, for either of us."

It takes Marissa a few moments to decipher that. Twilight Wanderer attempted to make a last stand, but Winter Lion got caught anyway? And the boatmen pulled them both away in time to, either by intention or happenstance, save their lives. They'd gotten an insane stroke of luck, to have survived that.

Perhaps not whole, though. Twilight had been screaming a lot of vitriol toward a 'Dawn Wanderer' at the tail end of the conversation. A third teammate that she barely tolerated? She's certainly not hesitating to spit on her grave. Even destined partnership proclaimed by having the same word in their name can't make up for clashing personalities, it seems.

Now that she's actually considering what she overheard instead of dismissing it as 'not my business', that Twilight took a lot of offense to her impulsive snipe is the completely obvious result.
"You put the blame on me for what happened to the only person in the world I actually care about. Just... don't do it again."

Marissa nods. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I won't bother you any longer." She turns to leave, but pauses when her eyes land on Winter Lion, who has apparently just lost a teammate and friend. "I'm sorry for your loss." Condolences delivered, she walks back to the fallen tree and the small plane to continue her inspection.
Marissa nods. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I won't bother you any longer." She turns to leave, but pauses when her eyes land on Winter Lion, who has apparently just lost a teammate and friend. "I'm sorry for your loss." Condolences delivered, she walks back to the fallen tree and the small plane to continue her inspection.
Lion shuffled slightly awkwardly before she just settled for nodding her head as she said, "It's just what happened, nothing to be done for it now."
With nothing immediately bad happening, Shan left Ellen and Dorothy to their own devices. She considered talking to Samantha or Maria, but decided against it for the time being. There was still one member in their little group Shan had not really spoken to at all, something which she wanted to rectify quickly.

Lion was also the only one she was not on first name basis with yet, which added to her decision; she still waited until Marissa was done talking to Alice before wandering over, though. As much as she wanted to help her friend get things resolved, whatever was going on, she did not want to be overbearing.

So Shan crouched next to Lion with a polite smile, eyeing the meat she was preparing curiously. "How are you doing?"
So Shan crouched next to Lion with a polite smile, eyeing the meat she was preparing curiously. "How are you doing?"
Lion has let the awkward conversation pass as she tended to the food before Crimson had ambled over to squat next to her. The question her fellow MG asked wasn't unwelcome, but it felt a little weird to Lion if she were asked. Still, she couldn't think of a reason to refuse to answer, not that she wanted to, so Lion gave a slight shrug before she spoke. "Honestly? I'm doing better than I could be given the circumstances. Things have been a hell of a lot more stressful than I'd prefer but the outcome has been more than I would've hoped for," she said in a pensive voice.
"Honestly? I'm doing better than I could be given the circumstances. Things have been a hell of a lot more stressful than I'd prefer but the outcome has been more than I would've hoped for"
Shan nodded understandingly. Considering the... 'conversation' she had overheard in parts during the previous night, as well as the events that unfolded afterward, she could understand why Lion would be stressed.

She ultimately responded with an understanding noise. "I think we all had a lot more excitement since yesterday than we expected before." Alice and you most of all, she did not say. "It is good to see that things begin to work out." But Shan knew this was not a topic to dwell on for now, so she turned a searching look at the forest around them. "It is almost sad that we can not safely explore this place; we might not even be in the LDC, so there may be some incredible things to be found."
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I won't bother you any longer." She turns to leave, but pauses when her eyes land on Winter Lion. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Alice sighed through clenched teeth, a scowl etched across her face. "Passive-aggressive bitch," she muttered as the shadows around her curled and squirmed, accenting her irritation.

With a yell of frustration, Alice slammed her scythe into the rock stump she had been sitting on, burying the blade in it up to the handle, before turning and stalking away. As she walked, the Grinning Remnant emerged from her shadow, opened its mouth wide and swallowed her whole, leaving an awkward silence in her wake.
High Noon fidgeted in place as she listened to Alice's tirade to Marissa before she disappeared after one final comment from both side. While she sympathize with Alice and thought that the blame was more on Marissa, she was not willing to start or continue any fight between any of them. Particularly not when they have no idea how far they are from home and it appeared that their best chance were to work together.

Glancing between Marissa and Lion, High Noon breathed out before approaching the cooking Magical Girl. "I'll... cook the rest," she started to Lion, "You should, uh, look? wait? Uh, whichever of that for your girlfriend and console her."
Cheshire winced at Spire Cracker and Twilight Wanderer's chat. That clearly didn't go as planned. Cheshire didn't hear what exactly the two were talking about, but when one party storms off it really isn't hard to figure that things did not go as planned.

It felt...awkward just standing around after that, so Cheshire decided that maybe getting an update would be good. With that, she popped over to Grand Hero.

"So Hero, you've been having your planes scouting, right? Any changes we should know about?"
She ultimately responded with an understanding noise. "I think we all had a lot more excitement since yesterday than we expected before." Alice and you most of all, she did not say. "It is good to see that things begin to work out." But Shan knew this was not a topic to dwell on for now, so she turned a searching look at the forest around them. "It is almost sad that we can not safely explore this place; we might not even be in the LDC, so there may be some incredible things to be found."
"It would be something nice, but I don't think it's in the cards for now, Crimson," Lion offered with a shrug. She wasn't exactly sure how she was supposed to handle this conversation given that it seemed there had been a few misunderstandings about what had happened prior to her and Twilight's arrival here, but Lion wasn't sure if she could or even should clear them up for the time being. Especially not when it seemed that the conversation was-
Alice sighed through clenched teeth, a scowl etched across her face. "Passive-aggressive bitch," she muttered as the shadows around her curled and squirmed, accenting her irritation.

With a yell of frustration, Alice slammed her scythe into the rock stump she had been sitting on, burying the blade in it up to the handle, before turning and stalking away. As she walked, the Grinning Remnant emerged from her shadow, opened its mouth wide and swallowed her whole, leaving an awkward silence in her wake.
-doing that and aggravating Ali.

Glancing between Marissa and Lion, High Noon breathed out before approaching the cooking Magical Girl. "I'll... cook the rest," she started to Lion, "You should, uh, look? wait? Uh, whichever of that for your girlfriend and console her."
Lion winced at the sound of Twilight's scythe burying itself in the stump. When High Noon approaches her, she gave a slight sigh and nodded her head as she said, "I probably should, so thank you."
"So Hero, you've been having your planes scouting, right? Any changes we should know about?"
As she got up from her seat to let High Noon take over though, Lion abruptly paused at Cheshire's question and promptly grimaced. "Yeah, those raptor things she spotted are heading this way," Lion declares as the radar indicators abruptly started coming in the direction of the camp.

"Everyone get ready, we have incoming hostiles!" Lion called out loud enough for the entire group to hear.
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"It would be something nice, but I don't think it's in the cards for now, Crimson,"
Shan nodded; she really would have liked to spend a few weeks exploring this area... with a safe staging ground to work from, that was.

Her smile quickly fell when things went bad on Alice's part, and she quietly made some room for Lion to get up. She was not happy that she had to postpone the conversation, but it could not be helped.

Though her equilibrium only held for a few seconds, too.
"Everyone get ready, we have incoming hostiles!"
At this point, Shan's expression had warped into a grimace. She sighed and got up, drawing Will and Courage to prepare casting her Bloodletter at the first enemy she could see. A moment of consideration made her aware of the fact she did not know in which direction to look, so she called out to the ship-themed girl: "Where from, Lion?!"
"Yeah, those raptor things she spotted are heading this way," Lion declares as the radar indicators abruptly started coming in the direction of the camp.

"Everyone get ready, we have incoming hostiles!" Lion called out loud enough for the entire group to hear.
At Lion's proclamation, Cheshire let out a frustrated sigh. Of course those stupid raptors would come while the group was trying to cook breakfast. What a pain...Cheshire began looking around, and tried to layer her magic over her claws in preparation for the fight.
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High Noon let out an annoyed groan as she heard Lion's warning. She looked down at the meat being cooked and the brand array below it. Not knowing how to turn it off, the girl chose to move the meat out of it and into the uncooked pile. As she patted her hands to her 'pants,' High Noon considered using parts of the meat as bait before dismissing the idea as they unlikely to have time and the beasts are likely to go for the more obvious threats rather than easy food unless the group just leave.

Drawing her weapon out, High Noon would similarly looked around for signs of the raptors as the other Magical Girls before settling her sight at Lion after hearing Crimson Harvest's question.
With a yell of frustration, Alice slammed her scythe into the rock stump she had been sitting on, burying the blade in it up to the handle, before turning and stalking away. As she walked, the Grinning Remnant emerged from her shadow, opened its mouth wide and swallowed her whole, leaving an awkward silence in her wake.

Marissa startles at the clash of stone and steel and spins on the spot, only to see Twilight Wanderer stalking away and vanishing into the cat's gullet. But the bizarre exit is cast from her mind at the sight of the scythe left behind, buried deep into the remnants of one of her spires like it had been stabbed into butter.

It hadn't really occurred to her earlier when Shan had reduced one to so many layers, but Marissa's spires are her only defense against the dangers of this world, and they've been proving to be unsuited to the task of actually stopping things. Things like the vicious weapon of an unstable girl who seems to have dismissed Marissa's apology with contempt.

Twilight hasn't actually attacked any of the group yet, but then nobody has provoked her like Marissa appears to have done, either. She'll have to watch for—
"Everyone get ready, we have incoming hostiles!" Lion called out loud enough for the entire group to hear.
There can never be just one problem at a time, can there? "Wasn't the whole point of their excursion earlier that we wouldn't have to fight off everything in this miserable forest?" she exclaims with frustration and a touch of fear leaking into her voice. She needs to be safe. Her Spires aren't standing up to abuse, but she can't do anything about that. She'll have to rely on layers, then. The way the camp is set up now, the fence is basically the curtain wall of a castle. They're about to suffer a siege, so she'll retreat to the keep.

"The stone idol stands to bear your burden. I am Magical Girl Spire Cracker!" Before the light of the transformation has fully faded away she continues, "Spire Spike." The gap in the fence that she had opened up for the hunting party seals itself. She raises her voice to reach the whole group, "I'm going to barricade myself into the shelter, hurry up if you don't want to be outside. High Noon, I can carve out sight lines for you." As she jogs over to the stone hovel a thought occurs, but is swiftly set aside for later consideration in favor of the current crisis. She'll ponder the implications of a small spire sprouting from the top of the first to match the others without the need for a second cast, later.
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"Wasn't the whole point of their excursion earlier that we wouldn't have to fight off everything in this miserable forest?"
"Not everything at once!" Shan called back calmly, still waiting for directions from Lion. Though she assumed that the way her ally's guns turned was where the raptors would attack from and faced in the same direction for now.

At least Marissa had a good head on her shoulders, repairing the barricade as she did and moving to shelter their less durable teammates. Which brought her to hope that Ellen would follow inside. Shan would not say anything this time though; she wanted to know whether her charge could make such decisions by herself.
"Where from, Lion?!"
"Northwest, they just passed the hundred meter mark though they're not moving too quickly," Lion answered as she adjusted her stance and brought her weapons to bear in the raptor's direction.

"How do we want to play this? I've got a decent solution on them so I could just unload a salvo on them unless anyone has other ideas." She said calmly.
"Northwest, they just passed the hundred meter mark though they're not moving too quickly," Lion answered as she adjusted her stance and brought her weapons to bear in the raptor's direction.

"How do we want to play this? I've got a decent solution on them so I could just unload a salvo on them unless anyone has other ideas." She said calmly.
Shan quickly adjusted her own posture a little bit and got to think. At least she had a warning about the noise that was to erupt soon, so she could brace herself. Lion's suggestion was probably the best way to go about it, though a little stubborn voice in Shan's head insisted she go and do it herself instead. That was wrong, though. She ignored that part of herself and considered their options.

"Alice would want to afflict some of them with her curse so she can gather more summons," she began carefully. "So should we let her start and then throw everything we have at them a moment later? Assuming that she returns in time," Shan amended; their companion was still... wherever she had gone.
"The stone idol stands to bear your burden. I am Magical Girl Spire Cracker!" Before the light of the transformation has fully faded away she continues, "Spire Spike." The gap in the fence that she had opened up for the hunting party seals itself. She raises her voice to reach the whole group, "I'm going to barricade myself into the shelter, hurry up if you don't want to be outside. High Noon, I can carve out sight lines for you." As she jogs over to the stone hovel a thought occurs, but is swiftly set aside for later consideration in favor of the current crisis. She'll ponder the implications of a small spire sprouting from the top of the first to match the others without the need for a second cast, later.
"Can you make a platform instead? I think I can help better if I can see everything without being blocked." High Noon asked Spire Cracker as the latter made her barricade.

"Northwest, they just passed the hundred meter mark though they're not moving too quickly," Lion answered as she adjusted her stance and brought her weapons to bear in the raptor's direction.

"How do we want to play this? I've got a decent solution on them so I could just unload a salvo on them unless anyone has other ideas." She said calmly.
"Would that be effective? Just from there being multiple of them mean they're not as big as the snake before, right? Won't your salvo mostly hit the trees instead?" High Noon questioned. "Though that should at least hit some of them at worst."
All of a sudden, Grinning Remnant stepped out of a nearby shadow. Its mouth opened wide, and Twilight Wanderer hopped out and perched on the handle of her scythe, a smirk on her face. She looked around at the group as they rushed to prepare for the incoming creatures.

"Oh, is it time for more killing?" She said with a twisted grin, as she hopped to the ground and pulled her scythe out of the stump. "I'm glad I didn't miss this!"

Alice then walked over to Cecilia and whispered, "After this, I have something I need to tell you about, and show you if I can."
"Oh, is it time for more killing?" She said with a twisted grin, as she hopped to the ground and pulled her scythe out of the stump. "I'm glad I didn't miss this!"
"Pretty much," Shan offered amiably and crossed her blades in preparation. "You cast first, we go right after." Which was... basically the whole plan. She really ought to put more thought into these matters, but it was the best she could come up with on short notice. Then again, everyone knew their own strengths best at this point.
"Can you make a platform instead? I think I can help better if I can see everything without being blocked."
"I can't make that sort of thing on short notice." Ducking inside, she calls out, "You could hop onto the roof, if you need some height!"

She begins running her hands along the seam where two spires lean against each other, the stone crumbling at her touch to leave a gap roughly an inch in width and six in height, at eye level if one is crouching as the sloped roof requires. She replicates this at every other seam for seven gaps around, the eighth to be made once the entrance is sealed. She looks out to see whether any are moving to join her inside.
Oh, is it time for more killing?" She said with a twisted grin, as she hopped to the ground and pulled her scythe out of the stump. "I'm glad I didn't miss this!"
"I can't make that sort of thing on short notice." Ducking inside, she calls out, "You could hop onto the roof, if you need some height!"
"That should work I would think," Lion commented idly. Her attention was more focused on Alice though as her friend leaned in and whispered to her.
Alice then walked over to Cecilia and whispered, "After this, I have something I need to tell you about, and show you if I can."
"Provided nothing else comes calling right after these things and that we don't take too long, that should be fine, Ali," she replied just as softly. The thought of just what it was that Ali wanted to show her made Lion want to shiver slightly in a mixture of anticipation and trepidation but she ruthlessly clamped down on the reaction. They had enemies in bound and she needed to make sure that she kept herself steady as she prepared to fight.
"Ah, okay then," High Noon said as Spire Cracker ducked into her fortification. She looked towards the rest of the group and seeing that she had the space while no one decided to join Spire Cracker, she threw her gun onto the roof before hoisting herself up with more ease compared to her attempt of climbing up an object earlier. Once up, High Noon picked up her gun and peered down the peak of the spires to see how much support she could give the others.
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