[X] Made the newly dead twitch and stammer out what seems to be prophecy

Ambiguous 'prophecies' are good fodder for manipulations.

[X] Alas, my priestess says that tonight I must say a special prayer, and I had forgotten

We can make a habit of religious excuses for strange behaviour, maybe. OTOH foreign faiths bring suspicion. What's the religious terrain like?
[X] Made the newly dead dead twitch and stammer out what seems to be prophecy
[X] Alas, I have learned a ship from my home has come into port, and I desperately desire news. I fear it is not good.
[X] Infected the city with a plague that cause sufferers to fall into a deep coma for seven days which they suffer from terrifying visions
[X] Alas, my oldest servant, the last person with me since home is taken ill
[x] Made the newly dead dead twitch and stammer out what seems to be prophecy
[x] Alas, there is a problem with my residence, and I must go and deal with it.
[X] Made the newly dead dead twitch and stammer out what seems to be prophecy.
[X] Alas, my priestess says that tonight I must say a special prayer, and I had forgotten.
[X] Made the newly dead dead twitch and stammer out what seems to be prophecy

[X] Alas, my oldest servant, the last person with me since home is taken ill
Act 1: Scene 2
[X] Made the newly dead dead twitch and stammer out what seems to be prophecy
[X] Alas, my oldest servant, the last person with me since home is taken ill
Vona looks down at the ground.

Viona: Alas, my oldest servant, a man whom I have known since birth lies fearfully ill. I must go to him.

King Edward (In great concern): Shall I have a royal physician sent with you?

Viona: Kind King, I appreciate your offer, but I have my own healing arts. The touch of a royal brings many miracles does it not?

King Edward: Oh, of course!

Viona departs, walking down the path between the guests with a confident stride as the King Edward is pulled out onto the dance floor by Catherine. Viona passes through the gate and down a corridor of carven statues of the warriors and sorceresses of old. Each statue is covered twisted vines. She comes to the outer part of the palace, where waits Munira, her lady in waiting. She has much darker skin and is slim and lean where her mistress is voluptuous. With her are several of Viona's attendants, young ladies of noble bearing but lesser finery. They step through the first gate, passing red clad royal guard, and go out into the outer defenses of the palace. Here, the royal guard are outnumbered by guards in silver washed mail, each bearing the symbol of the king's house, and by white clad soldiers of the city watch.

Act 1
Scene 2: Trajnostheid, the Great Capital of the Central Kingdom

What ales poor Enapay?

Munira: I believe it is his heart. Broken, so he says.

Viona: Of course he does. Well, let us not tarry.

Munira: Your carriage awaits.

Viona and Munari, with the attendants trailing, step out through the second gate and into the city proper. Viona pauses for a moment to look out at the view over the city. The city is built into a mountain crater, with the palace at its highest point in the centre. From this gate, a vast jumble of slate roofed houses, white domed temples and gleaming glass houses extends out in all directions. In the distance, a massive wall, well over two hundred feet above the city rises, guarded by equally large scale towers. The city slopes down to a large bay, the wall extending a ways out to sea. Brightly coloured sails can be seen entering and leaving through great sea gates, and airships glide in over the walls to moor at great, purpose designed towers. Riders on giant birds and griffins can be seen circling.

Viona (to the audience): The city of Trajnostheid is one of the three greatest fortresses within the known reaches of this plane. Only the Black Glass castle of the Dark King is said to match it, and only the Citadel of Voices in the far east to exceed it.

They say that the first Hero King of the Central Kingdom battered ten years of his life to the queen of Earthandi to have her raise the perfect fortress. That she in turn called in a favour from a god to have a mountain raised so conveniently. Once it was complete, the sorceresses of the first race carved a great magic into it to guard it further, and the Hero King himself planned the city's geomancy so that it would never be breached.

A legend now, ten thousand years distorted, but it is a mighty fortress. It has never been taken, not by storm, by stealth, or by siege, but there is one way that it maybe taken. It maybe taken by not being regarded as having been taken in the first place.

A carriage of light coloured hardwood stands with two gleaming iron horses on the front, held by a footman. As the ladies approach, there is a crash, and Elfric, a young, dark haired rogue erupts from a side street, pursued by several city watch and royal guards.

puts out a foot and Elfric sprawls, landing and being surrounded by the royal guard and watch. The leader of the Royal Guard, a tall woman in beautifully stylized silver plate steps forward, her cloak waving.

Royal Guard Commander: Hold where you are thief. You thought you could get into the palace and then away from us?

Elfric: Alas I thought your armour would slow you down more than it did. I see I misjudged Milady.

A watchman steps forward. He is a tall, grey bearded fellow, his white hair matching his white tabard and armour

Watch Commander: Hold Lady, he is no longer in the palace, by the king's order, your jurisdiction is ended at the wall. This prisoner is ours, and you should promptly return within.

One of the Royal Guards behind her commander erupts wrathfully.

Royal Guard: This villain snuck into the palace and sought to pry silver from the king's chamber, he is ours to claim!

Watch Commander: Then perhaps you should have caught him within. This is our city, yours no longer.

Royal Guard Commander: We all hold the same King. You'll give us a report on what you find out about him.

Watch Commander: I may do a lady such a courtesy, we shall see.
The watchmen grab Elfric and bear him away.

Viona (to the audience): The Royal Army was formed during the reign of Queen Isendra the wise, using the revenue from the healing springs at Mir to maintain it. There are many tales as to why the Queen preferred warrior women for this duty, be they noble, peasant or nun, but mostly it was that women of the sword had little loyalty to the various barons and nobles around her.

It was this army, the Royal Army, that, more than the troops of the house of Alatheon that built this great Kingdom out of the thousand petty kingdoms that once occupied these lands, that drove the demons back to their hell's and forced the Orcs and the Droderin back beneath the surface.

It was also that Royal Army, more than anything, that saved the kingdom in the first days of the war with the Dark King. Against his teeming armies of Galthacs, his Orc sell swords, his Northernmen, and fiendish allies, the Royal Army stood at Canterkeep, At Tristri, and at the Black Bridge, each time outnumbered more than ten to one, and each time they stopped the Northerns or drove them back.

And they died doing it. After the war, King Edward, who had never liked the Royal Army much, had the survivors declared a royal guard, seized most of their property and begun to use his house troops.

A sad tale really, but it creates a situation I can use.

They board the carriage, and set off through the streets, passing spice merchants and cloth merchants, weapons stalls and sellers of meat. Docile Umbeasts and oxen, constructs of enchanted clockwork and golems of stone or ebony.

Despite the cries of the hawkers, there's a certain tension in the air, people look back and forth between their faces, and whisper in clumps. Many openly wear weapons, while white clad city guards stand on the street corner, fingering their swords and battons and looking around.

Viona (to the audience): Now there's four armies in the city. The royal guard, the city watch, the retainers of house Alatheon, and those of house Iram.

Of those, the city watch is the strongest remaining, having taken over the duties of the royal army in guarding the walls and towers. They are also the least certain in their loyalties, bought by everyone I hear.

House Iram is next, then the Alatheons. I'll be needing an army if I'm to take this city, but thinking how to take one is a problem.

The carriage comes up to Viona's house. It is a large white mansion surrounded by ornamental gardens. The carriage crunches on the gravel and up to a pair of guards who come to attention as Viona steps free, one of the guards moving her to help her down. Viona proceeds inside, into a house of more white marble laid with fine silk rugs and painted with strange and otherworldly scenes of fae frolics and the like. She goes through into a large light room where an old man lies abed, his breathing shallow and laboured. He looks up as he sees Viona come in, and notes she is alone as she shuts the door.

Viona moves over to the bed and leans down.

Enapay: A kiss for an old man, a royal kiss to revive him.

Viona: I don't think I'll kiss you in that guise. It is unwise enough to kiss you in the first place, but…

Viona trails off as he transforms into a tall and very handsome man with long black hair and strong features. His ears are long, and his face seems set in a handsome sneer. He rises and pulls Viona into a kiss.

Enapay: How was this king of yours oh queen to be?

Viona: As expected, a boar. And how are things in the house?

Enapay: This Camilla of yours is far more intriguing company than that Sun Priestess of yours. We talked long about my experiences with the Jeldum dynasty, a thousand years ago.

Viona: Talked only? You surprise me.

Enapay: Must a human think only about her next meal? Not at all, and so even a fiend such as I may have other pursuits. Besides, I have eyes only for you.

Viona: Have all the eyes you wish, jealousy is not one of my vices.

Enapay laughs, a handsome sound.

Enapay: So, now that I am restored, what does the plan require for tonight?

Viona (to the audience): Well then, what shall we do?

[ ] A meeting of all the Viona's minions, so they may tell of their progress.
[ ] Arrange to meet with Princess Melinda for practice
[ ] Investigation of the city's underworld so it may come under our control
[ ] Something else
[X] A meeting of all the Viona's minions, so they may tell of their progress.

Meanwhile, at the legion of doom...
[X] Investigation of the city's underworld so it may come under our control

Take over the local underworld? Don't mind if we do... and then the City Guard, and we have quite an army.
[X] A meeting of all the Viona's minions, so they may tell of their progress.
[x] A meeting of all the Viona's minions, so they may tell of their progress.

If we want to win this, we must understand our forces.
[X] Arrange to meet with Princess Melinda for practice

It's about time to meet our plucky heroine, don't you think?

(I would bet anything that she has an annoying talking animal or two).
Act 1: Scene 3
[x] A meeting of all the Viona's minions, so they may tell of their progress.

Act 1
Scene 3: The meeting room

enters the meeting room, with Enapay, still in his true form, behind her. Much like the downstairs, it is a large, white marble space with big windows on one side that let the light in through a set of gauzy net curtains that prevent anyone outside seeing within.

In the centre is a large light wood table covered by a white cloth. A masked servant woman pours a measure of red liquid.

Viona sits at the head of the table and looks between those already seated.

Enapay takes a seat on her left, and Munira on her right. Beyond Munira, sits Caroline, a pale skinned and studious brunette with black ebony rimmed glasses. Rather than a full length dress, she wears a short skirt and black thigh highs, with a black cumberbun. Her cufflinks are small silver skulls, and she is leafing through an ancient book as Viona enters.

On the other side from her is a Selena, a beautiful blond woman with flowing hair and a prominent golden sun symbol mounted into the flesh of her forehead. She wears a slightly transparent white and gold robe, with many lace add ons, and very red lipstick. She seems to be sitting in prayer.

Beyond her is Adam, a man in his early twenties, well fed and beautiful, with aristocratically pale skin and long, very dark hair. He wears an expensive green doublet and white hose, both laced with silver thread. He has a feathered cap on front of him on the table and is playing with it. As he sees Enapay, they exchange the smile of co-conspirators.

At the other end of the table is Adam's Father, Robert, who looks like an older version of his son, his good looks shading into handsome. He is in his early forties, though his eyes seem older.. His hair is shoulder length, with grey at the temples. He gives Viona a steaming look, which she returns with a coy smile.

On the third place on the other side is Meztil, a dark skinned woman with a long scar down one side of her face. She is wearing clothes which would probably code as male to a city dweller, hoses and a dress shirt, along with strange, blue glass armoured gauntlets. A sword hangs at her side.

Viona (To the audience): My loyal seven, and I make the eight, an excellent number.

Viona takes her seat and raises her glass.

Viona: To glory, to success, to our association. Loyal forever to none but one another.

All: To none but one another!

They drink back the liquid, and put down their glasses.

Viona: Alright, let's start by hearing your reports. Robert, let's begin with finance.

Robert: Profits from shipping, property rents, and from the spice trade that we control are all high this month, and I'm pleased to report we have regenerated the expense of the reagents which we have purchased for the ritual. Currently, our treasury consists of five thousand gold, our expenses are one thousand gold a month, and our income is four thousand gold a month.

In terms of less than legal activities, we have a good supply of dream dust, but no one to sell it too. Our agent suggests that she will require one thousand gold a month for a package, which we should be able to turn around for at least five or six thousand to a distributor.The problem is we don't have a distributor, and the pipeline is unlikely to last more than two months if we cannot begin to buy.

In terms of expansion of my above board businesses, I believe that as you become better placed in court, your open patronage could increase our output by around one thousand gold per month. At that point, I believe we will be approaching the top of what can be earned legitimacy against the existing royal monopolies and merchant guilds.

Viona: Very good. You've done well. Next, Munira, what's your report on the underworld?

Munira waves and Samantha young woman, obviously local in birth, thin and nervous and dressed as a maid steps in and bows.

Munira: Samantha has been my agent in this, as I am perhaps too eye catching. Samantha is a maid who has had, shall we say, a troubled past. She was in the thieves guild before she sort legitimate employment. She has found that the pay of a maid is insufficient to keep both her and her poor brother, so has accepted an additional job from us. She may have ferreted out a good prospect. Samantha, please.

Viona: Has she taken the sign?

Selena: Yes. Her and her brother too.

Samantha: Ah, yes, thank you, uh, lords, ladies. I spoke to the other maids, picked up gossip in the palace and on the street. They say that Prince Nicholas runs the thieves guild, he has since the war and the usurper, when they hid him. Still, there's more than one guild see. Like, there's the big guild, but there's a few other smaller ones, true thieves they call themselves, without royal patronage.

I've heard, well, I've spoken to one of the maids of Lady Janentis Winterhome. They say she can get you what you need, if you want drugs or anything. I did a little digging on the street, and I think, I think she's a high woman in one of these other guilds. I, I, I suppose I maybe even know which one.

Selena:: And which one is that, darling?

Samantha: Ah, well, I'm not sure you'd know it Highness. They call themselves the red hands, they sell drugs mostly. They're violent, if you cross them, you die quick, but if you're loyal, they'll help you out with anything. That's what people say.

Viona: I see, well, you've done very well. We'll see you and your brother are taken care of.

Samantha curtseys and almost trips over herself as her falling head catches Enapay's eyes and he winks at her. She hastily withdraws.

Viona: Caroline, Selena, what about the ritual status?

Caroline puts down her book

Caroline: Well, the ritual is still going. So far, the words are just general prophetic sounding horseshit. Cold reading stuff, intermixed with critic references to stuff we know will occur, or is likely to occur, or that we're making occur. If you want something more inflammatory put in, it's just a matter of putting it in the book.

Viona: Are you sure that it can't be traced back to us? This kind of thing is going to draw investigation.

Selena: The Sun Queen has the secret. Those trying to find it through mystic means will go blind. As long as the ritual chamber remains undisturbed, it can run indefinitely.

Viona: Alright. Do you have anything else?

Selena: I desire an introduction to the court, at a convenient time. I would like to see if I cannot convert a few nobles to our cause.

Caroline: And I need an escort to some ancient ruins I've found under the city. You could come too if you want. It'd be just like old times.

Adam: I believe I might have a likely prospect for a business opportunity. A client of mine, an artist, is looking for a patron. He is a fine artist, and you could gain status at court by modelling.

Enapay: I have found a certain royal guard captain who might be willing to help us. You should meet her.

Viona: Meztil, do you have anything?

Meztil: Not really. Noboby has tried to break in, and we don't have enough guards to really do anything. I'm at something of a loose end for now, though I'm available to bodyguard you if you ever thing you need it.

Viona: I'm not sure if I should do that anymore, but well, I suppose it could be good to keep my hand in.

She looks at the audience

Viona (To the audience): So, that's the situation, dealing with these issues will mostly take a day or an evening. The next major affair at court is not for four days, so I need to fill time till then.

If you think I should take Meztil somewhere, or assign her to someone else, then put:
[ ] Send Meztil on the task.

If you're happy for Carolina to explore on her own or with Meztil, then say
[ ] Let Carolina explore the undercity.
Just be careful. She could get herself hurt.

It's better if you don't do anything more than once. It'll come off as weird and clingy if we do.

What should we do tonight?
[ ] Go See Melinda
[ ] Go with Carolina to Explore the undercity ruins
[ ] Visit Enapay's royal guard
[ ] Go meet Robert's Artist
[ ] Go meet Lady Janentis Winterhome

What should I do tomorrow?
[ ] Go See Melinda
[ ] Go with Carolina to Explore the undercity ruins
[ ] Meet Enapay's royal guard
[ ] Visit Adam's Artist
[ ] Go meet Lady Janentis Winterhome
[ ] Patronize Robert's Business

What should I do the day after tomorrow?
[ ] Go See Melinda
[ ] Go with Carolina to Explore the undercity ruins
[ ] Visit Enapay's royal guard
[ ] Visit Adam's Artist
[ ] Go meet Lady Janentis Winterhome
[ ] Patronize Robert's Business

What should I do on the third day?
[ ] Go See Melinda
[ ] Go with Carolina to Explore the undercity ruins
[ ] Visit Enapay's royal guard
[ ] Visit Adam's Artist
[ ] Go meet Lady Janentis Winterhome
[ ] Patronize Robert's Business

Finally, what should I put into the prophecy
[ ] Leave it Vague and General
[ ] Impune the Royal Family
[ ] Promise a great disaster unless heroes step forward
[ ] Promise a great heroine will emerge.
[x] Send Meztil on the task.
Tonight [x] Go with Carolina to Explore the undercity ruins
Tomorrow [x] Patronize Robert's Business
Day After [x] Visit Adam's Artist
After After [x] Go See Melinda

[x] Promise a great heroine will emerge.

God, we sure are busy.
[X] Send Meztil on the task.
Tonight [X] Go with Carolina to Explore the undercity ruins
Tomorrow [X] Patronize Robert's Business
Day After [X] Visit Adam's Artist
After After [X] Go See Melinda

[X] Promise a great heroine will emerge.

Exactly what I was going to put down, Exhack! Woo! Conspiracy!
[X] Promise a great disaster unless heroes step forward

I'm not too sure about anything else, but creating a single role to fill tends to be more conspicuous than a multitude of them. Of course, this is probably the sort of place where they'd just go along with such narrative conventions, but it never hurts to be cautious...
[X] Send Meztil on the task.
Tonight [X] Go with Carolina to Explore the undercity ruins
Tomorrow [X] Patronize Robert's Business
Day After [X] Visit Adam's Artist
After After [X] Go See Melinda

[X] Promise a great heroine will emerge.
[X] Send Meztil on the task.
Tonight [X] Go with Carolina to Explore the undercity ruins
Tomorrow [X] Patronize Robert's Business
Day After [X] Visit Adam's Artist
After After [X] Go See Melinda

[X] Promise a great heroine will emerge.