The Otherworlder's Skill Grinder (Original)

i guess it would really depend on how her parents died, If they knew about her ability they could have been abusing it in some way.

It depends on how it works and how much of a monkey paw it is. Keeping a club open can range from her just joining to someone dying so the 'paperwork' never gets filled or getting lost.

It also depends if she is working like a capacitor or not and if she 'vents/cools down' bad luck to those around her.

theory crafting is setting sail! AHOY!
Ooo Djinn time!
Also, it seems like Yumeko would get the most out of gaming right now after prestiging because of her exp from victories means she'll blaze through the early levels and then ease off of it once she isn't hitting at least one level a day.

It is entirely possible that it work using Aluka's logic.

Wish is granted by sufficiently random sacrifices.

The trick will be in finding the sweet spot between light-level sacrifice and medium-level wish.
Chapter 43: Unfortunate or Fortunate?
[You acquired 150 EXP and 150 VAL]
[You leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Typing" has leveled up!]

So yesterday when I came back home, I spent my time doing one of the fanfic ideas from one of my commissioners, and then writing a short story for it. It only has 58 chapters with a total word count of 290,000 words.

The fanfic idea seems to have come from one of the popular game series in Iza, which is the Plutia Series. It somehow resembles... no, it totally resembles the Neptunia Series, but the protagonist is Plutia!

The story is pretty different though. Reading the summarized version of the story so far, it doesn't really resemble the plot that I come to know of. Though it still has the same terminologies, but everything else is different.

I only touched the Hyperdimension Plutia (I don't know how to feel seeing that title) and Plutia is not the one I know. Rather, her personality in the game, based on what I read in Wikinary (The Wikipedia of this world), is that of a lovable dork who occasionally breaks the fourth wall. Even when she transformed on her HDD form, she is slightly serious but still retains her personality to be goofy sometimes.

I would like to play that, but I don't have time.

Anyway, the fanfic idea is a what if where Neptunia (who now takes Plutia's role in the version of this game) is the game protagonist herself. Honestly, I just decided to write the first installment's story and call it a day.

I made sure to write it in my own way instead of doing what react fics usually do, like just copy pasting what happened on the game and not even writing their own interpretation of their actions on it. I decided to add something like their actions, the places, and the battle itself based on my imagination.

Writing those amount of words only took me one and a half hour. So I still have plenty of time to play MOBA. I played two matches and win both of it. Now a lot more wanted to be my friend, and someone even told me that one of my battles became a highlight to Womoba from MeGlobe.

I searched it up on MeGlobe and learned that it is a MeGlobe channel that showcases amazing comebacks, great battle initiation, and everything cool and awe-inspiring for a player to do in a single match. It only showcases the MOBA map from Highcraft, and it seems like the channel has a steady following. It seems like most MOBA players takes it as an honor to be showcased in this channel.

Anyway, I leveled up a lot, and have achieved Level 115. Now I'm Level 116 after I woke up.

"Hmm...." I look at the new prompt that appeared in front of me.

[Do you want to upgrade "Typing" into "Super Typing"]

My Random Upgrade perk seems to have chosen my Typing skill. It seems like it was just an improvement to the former skill. Of course, I accepted.

By the way, here is the evolution tree of the Typing skill.

Super Typing [1 AP]
Hyper Typing (Super Typing) [1 AP]
Ultra Typing (Hyper Typing) [1 AP]
Over Typing (Ultra Typing) [1 AP]
Instant Typing (Over Typing) [1 AP]

It's the most cheapest evolution tree I see that has five tiers in it. There is no need to think deeply about it.

As for the underground base, I am in the process of creating a solid foundation on the first room directly connected to the elevator I am making, so it is just fine. I think I will be done with the Elevator after I assembled it, and connected everything I can to make it operational.

I'll be doing that after I get back home. For now, it's time to go to school!

When I get back to school, I can't help but notice the people whispering to each other. The contents of their talks seems to be about Negai.

"Did you know about the Transfer Student?"

"Yes, one of her neighbors that is my classmate just told me that it was truly unfortunate!"

"How could that happen? She just transferred here!"

"She will have to find another place to live for now...."

What the hell happened?

When I arrived to my class, I look at Negai herself and there are many, along with Kirara, who are crowding her.

"I told you, i-it's fine!"

"You don't have to hold it in, Negai-chan! We know how hard it is for you!" Kirara said to the flustered girl's side.

The others are also giving reassuring or comforting words to the increasingly overwhelmed and flustered platinum haired girl. My Observation and Discernment tells me that she is troubled, and also embarrassed about this.

Feeling really curious about it, I decided to ask one person. If I recall, this man is Tsumugawa Hikaru.

"Hey, do you know what's happening?"

I was met with a disinterested gaze as he glances at me before he speaks. "It's nothing important. Just students being busybodies...." He said before returning his gaze back to his book.

Whoops, I pick a wrong person to ask. I stood up and go to Kirara's side. Asking her about it.

She willingly told me about it. How Negai's house was suddenly seized due to the unpaid debts that has suddenly been discovered. The documents about it are all legitimate, so she can't really do anything about it. Now she is homeless.

Homeless? In a prospering city like this?

Also, what kind of debt is it that people can just take their whole house as collateral. I mean, it is possible, but the way this happened felt like it was forced!

"You don't have to worry about it. We wish for you to become well...." Just after those words left one of my female classmates, I saw it.

Awhile ago Negai is only feeling flustered and overwhelmed at the amount of support and concern that my classmates are showering her with, though now she suddenly shifted into a despairing aura. Her eyes becoming practically wide as her body shivered greatly.

"N-no!" She blocked her ears with her hands as she lowered her head. "D-don't do that.... P-please don't wish for something like that!"

The others are surprised at the sudden shift in her attitude. She is genuinely scared that she is trembling like that. Even I can feel the amount of fear and despair from her body language alone.

"W-what is wrong, Negai-chan?" Kirara asks, and Negai didn't respond.

Before they could continue, the teacher comes. Causing the others look at Negai with concern before sighing and leaving her alone. The teacher didn't notice what is happening as Negai herself slowly calms down after they came. Though she seems to be muttering something.

"... I don't want someone to die again...." That is what I heard through my Keen Hearing.

The others decided to leave Negai alone as she looks genuinely distressed everytime someone glances at her. I can sense the confusion among my classmates through my Observation and Discernment. It seems like they really don't know what they did.

Even I am confused. What does she mean from someone dying?

Regardless, I decided to ignore that as I stood up to go to the cafeteria. Before I can do that though, Kirara suddenly rushes close to me.

"Wait! Let's eat together at the cafeteria, Yumeko-chan!" She called out, and already predicting that, I just glance at her and gave her a confirming nod.

As we are walking to the hallway, she continues speaking.

"Oh by the way, did you know about the Occult Club?"

"Yes. I heard of them. What about it?"

The Occult Club is one of the clubs established in this school by a very delusional... okay, a very superstitious student of this school a year ago. Supernatural do exists, but it seems like this club haven't encountered anything like that yet.

It somehow stayed afloat, though it is on the verge of being shutdown by the Student Council. It barely has any members, and they haven't found any worthy achievements yet for the school. I only knew about them because of the Student Council President who blabbed about useless clubs that are going to be shutdown along with our club at that time.

"I heard from our seniors that the club suddenly have an influx of new members. All of them seems to truly believe at the paranormal!" Kirara said.

"Oh? Really?" That is surprising to hear. Not many people believes in the supernatural.

"Yes. The Newspaper Club made an article of it, and one of the new members they interviewed said they suddenly got a revelation that makes them believe about the supernatural!"

Hm? Revelation?

Suspicious. Very suspicious!

"But, even if they are believing it, they can't possibly get the school's recognition without showing any notable results for it."

"I guess so." Kirara nodded at my words.

After that, she quickly changes topic. Now it's about the current star of our school, which I quickly tuned out and just nodded along with her.

"We got it! We actually managed to get a lot of new members for our club!" Ototsuki Megane, the girl in a braid who wears a pair of thick circular glasses, said as she touches the rim of her glasses and puffed her chest, with her lips having a wide grin.

"Hmm... this is a great windfall for our falling kingdom!" A girl who also wears a glasses that are more clear and square-shaped, said that. The decorative pointy hat with a large star-like ornament on top of it makes her look like a witch. She also wears a black coat that covers her small figure and the uniform that she wore.

"Right, Cult Leader! Now we just need to find proof that the fantastical exists!" Megane exclaimed with a pump of her fist.

"... I-is that what you wished for?" Suddenly, their newest member asks in a soft tone as they entered the room.

The President of this club room looks at her with a sharp stare, before nodding approvingly of her. "Are you Mijime Negai, the one my right hand person recruited for our glorious dark kingdom?" She asks.

"Y-yes!" Negai responded with an affirming nod.

"I see." Then she stood up and pointed her hands at her in a declaring fashion. "Then you must be the one I am looking for! The priestess that is going to stand side by side with me, for the glory of our dark kingdom!~" She sounds haughty as she says that.

"Y-yes...?" Negai tilted her head, now looking confused.

Though the president wearing the pointy hat seems to ignore her confusion as she continues. "Rejoice, as I accept you to become my subordinate. Be grateful, my Dark Priestess!" She said, looking incredibly proud as she said so.

".... Uhmm..."

"Anyway, we have to prove the existence of the supernatural so the school actually takes us seriously!" The girl with the thick round glasses said.

"Obviously. Those from the beyond can't be perceived by the common eyes. Only I, the Great Queen of Hell, Yamashiro Kuroki, is capable of seeing through this veil!" She said, declaring it so proudly and without shame.

If Yumeko is here, she would have immediately seen just how blatantly untrue her claims are.

"Though if a common man wants to see them, then they must pay a price!" She said before looking at Negai. "That is where you come in, my Dark Priestess! I have heard of your exploits! How you defy the heavens and the Heavenly Court punishing you through misfortunes! Fret not, for I am strong to deal with them! Just use your powers for the common men to finally perceived the truth hidden from this world!" She looks incredibly confident of that, even if everything she says sounded nonsense to everyone.

".... Uhmm... d-do you need my help?" Even Negai is confused about the words spewing out of the girl wearing a witch cosplay.

"... Uh, I'm sorry. Our Cult Leader is always like that." Megane's face is cramping for a bit. Even she seems incapable of enduring the embarrassment from the words leaving their president's mouth. "But, we are truly looking for the supernatural, and was hoping to reveal that to the world. I really wish for us to meet with the supernatural!" She said to her. "I'm sure you can help us with that. I heard you have a lot of unexplainable encounters from them, like the time from the cafeteria." She said.

Unlike the president, the vice president has enough common sense to actually investigate about Negai before she approaches her.

"Then...." Negai smiled at that, before clasping her hands together. "If that is what you truly desire, I will grant your wish!" She looks really happy as she said that with a voice that seems to echo around the room.

Megane blinks her eyes for a moment before smiling at her. "I'm glad you are going to stick around with us! Right, Cult Leader!" She said, as she turned to their president.

"Umu! With you at my side, anything will become possible!~" The President of the Occult Club puts both of her hands at her hips as she puffs her chest, and looks incredibly smug despite not really doing anything.

Without them noticing, Negai gave them a sad smile.

'It's fine... I can help them... I have to do my best more....' She thought to herself.

This is the chapter for now. I'll try and write another later again.

Have a nice day everyone, and hope you fun reading this!~

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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So basically Yumeko just has to buy Luck Manipulation or something and everything will be solved.

Of course, she has to know that there's a problem to solve first.
Poor girl, suffering for the stupid wishes of others. I doubt that the wannabe darkqueen can protect her, even if she is the chosen vessel of Kurohashi.
Chapter 44: Hostage Situation
At the same time that afternoon, on the Yomikawa Bank, which is a bank located on the Third Nether District, the people inside are just doing their own business. Taking loans, depositing their money, applying for a card, etc.

It was such a normal afternoon. Normally nothing special is happening.

Though today seems to have suddenly turned for the worse when a large group of men suddenly emerged from a group of vans that are parked for awhile now on different corners of the parking lot to this bank. All of them are wearing differing forms of covers to their faces like glasses, masks, or even something like a combination of hood, mask, glasses, or something. All of these men are carrying firearms, ranging from assault rifles to pistols.

With the sound of gunshot, the security on the door raises their hand as the man who pulled the trigger seems to have shot the bullet of his rifle to the air.

"Move!" He said, causing the guard to move away. The others who are along with him pointing their gun at the guard.

The people who are inside the bank, and those who are at the vicinity of it froze for a moment, before different forms of panicking occured. There are those who screamed, those who curled up in fear, and then those from the outside who ran away as quickly as possible.

They ignored those from the outside as the group of heavily armed men entered the bank and pointed their guns at the people who are panicking, or freezing at the sight of them.

"Get down and stop moving! Or else we will shoot you!" The one leading them yelled at them with a strong tone, and the majority of the panicking people on the lobby froze at his threat.

Though there are those who are still panicking a lot, and one of them being an old woman.

One of the men besides the one leading them pointed his sleek rifle at the old woman, though he was stopped by the one leading them.

"Don't. We're only here for the money!" He said before gesturing something from his hands.

The man with a skull masked and a sleek rifle grunted in dissatisfaction, but still complied while the others nodded at their leader's gesture and quickly move around to secure the whole lobby and any avenues for exits and entrances.

The leader then moves his head for a bit, gesturing for those who stayed besides him to go to the counter. The four nodded before they left the leader who has walked in the middle of the lobby, and then taking his phone and seemingly talking to someone.

"Hey you! Listen to me carefully and do as I say, or I will put lead on your brain! Do you understand?" The large man carrying a high caliber pistol said as they pointed it straight to one of the men behind the counter.

"Y-yes! W-what should I do!?" The man is easily threatened and quickly said that with his eyes shaking.

A short man besides the large guy wearing only glasses and a rabbit themed hoodie to cover his appearance handed a paper to the large guy, then the large guy slides it to the counter.

"Transfer five million yen on each of these accounts! Do it now!" He said. "If you make some funny business, I will shoot you!"

"Yes yes yes! Please don't shoot me!"

With a frantic nod, he shakily operated his computer as he looks at the paper that was given to him. The other people on the counter looks at him, some shaking their heads as they felt it bad for him to do it like that, though others looks with sympathy but just turned their heads away.

While that is happening, the leader of this group is talking to the person on the other side of his call.

"Did it go through?"

"Yes... I confirmed the transfer of money on one of the accounts. We only need at least ten confirmed accounts, before we can call this profitable. Make sure to bail after I confirmed all of it!"

"Don't worry. We already planned for this. I know there are only a few in duty at this day. It will take them a long time before they can respond at this. Before they get here, everything will be over!" He looks confident as he says that. "Just do your own thing so it won't be tracked. If this became successful, we won't have to work for awhile now."

"Okay. But make sure to bail out after the transfers and not be greedy! I'll take care of these transferred money so it can be used!"

"I know it. I can do it just fi--!?"

"You shit!" He was suddenly interrupted as he heard the man with a sleek rifle cursing as he smacks an old man. The old man seems to have suddenly charges at him, trying to take the rifle on his hands.

The man with a skull mask then pointed the muzzle of his rifle at the downed old man who is just forcing himself to stand up quick, before he unhesitatingly pulled the trigger. Three bursts of bullets hits the torso and abdomen of the old man, and he quickly died of the shock.

"What is it!? What's happening!?"

"Fucking Taito!" The leader cursed before screaming at the phone. "Change of plans! Processed all of those accounts with the confirmed transfers, and we will leave this place!"

"... Shit. I knew we shouldn't have taken that psycho on this heist!" The man on the other side of the call whined.

The call got dropped, and then the leader glared at the man with a skull mask who is now known as Taito. Taito just glared back at him.

"You son of a bitch--"

"What? He charges at me first! Do you want me to let him take my gun, you retard?"

He gets closer to Taito quickly, and swings his fist at his face. Taito just grunted, but didn't fall on the ground even with the full strength of his fist hitting his cheek.

"You fucked up! Now get ready to leave!" He simply said as he glared at him face to face.

Taito just glared back at him, before he stomps back to his position. After that, he saw a child who is now crying besides the old man, calling him father repeatedly as he shakes the shoulder of the corpse of the brave old man.

Taito grinded his teeth, before he swings his feet. Kicking the child straight to his stomach, much to the horror of those who are just watching and are curled on the floor.

Ignoring it now, the leader turns to the others. "We are leaving now, so wrapped it all up!"

"How about Taito, Sir?" One of the men who has a bird's tattoo on his exposed left arm asked in wonder.

"I don't care! If he wants to get himself caught, then we don't have to wait for him!" He grunted in irritation. "Now, go and prepare our getaway!"

"Yes, Sir!"

They left the bank through one of the exits, though quickly entered once more with a panicked shout.

"This is bad, Sir! There are police cars getting near here!"


Just after his surprise, the familiar sound of the police sirens resounded on the vicinity of the bank.

That evening, an unprecedented event is happening on the Third Nether District. Yomikawa Bank is under a lockdown as the police are encircling the whole area.

The heist has gone wrong, and it turned into a hostage situation. There are already confirmed gunshots within, and people becoming anxious as some of them have family members inside of it.

It got into the news, reporting the event while they wait for something to happen. The police and the criminals are in a stalemate, and it seems like they are waiting for a Special Assault Team to get here and take care of this delicate situation.

Somehow, through reasons unknown, the call for a SAT is not getting through. Even calling the nearby SDF base is not working, and the police can't really get inside. The criminals are not conceding, and are stubborn as they hold their fort within the bank. There are already fifteen confirmed criminals lurking around and acting as patrol, though specialists states that there might be more inside hidden in the bank.

Both sides are not willing to start a conflict with each other. Knowing that it will become a bloody conflict where both sides will have casualties. The criminals who are now becoming terrorists can't afford to lose some of them as it will lower the chance of their escape, while the police can't afford for one of the police officers or even the civilians inside to get hurt, or even die as it will destroy their public reputation, along with the citizen's trust for the police.

Both have their own reasons, and so both are not moving an inch. Only glaring at each other that even a new station got here and is slowly becoming national news.

Due to this, Koen Hayami noticed it as she opened the news and her eyes widened at that. Before narrowing it.

"No.... people might die if this goes on!"

Even if she lost her motivation to go around and fight crime, she still thinks that she is decently strong that she can do something that normal police force can't.

And so, with the courage of a teenager thinking they can take on the world, she called the number for Shiro and reach out to her.

"Shiro! We need to save the people from the Yomikawa Bank!"

"... Understood."

It seems like Shiro also saw the news, which makes her feel relieved as that means they are thinking the same thing.

She looks at her room where her costume is located, and after biting her lips for a bit, she looks a bit more determined now.

'Sorry Yumeko-chan, but I can't just ignore this!'

On the Third Nether District, near the bank where the hostage situation is taking place, there is an apartment there where Negai is temporarily staying in.

"T-this is bad... I-I have to do something..." She said, looking a bit frantic.

After learning about the hostage situation, she has been thinking what to do about it. She didn't want to just stay still and let people die near her.

'I promised.... I won't become selfish anymore.... I-I'll make my parents proud!' She thought to herself as she looks at the bank with a determined expression.

While that is happening, on another place. The Occult Club Vice President is also watching, and before she decided to change the channel, she saw it. A large vine suddenly emerging on the entrance to the bank, and causing the two lookout to be dragged by it as they screamed in horror.

The reporter who is a bit tense awhile ago is now excitedly talking about the sudden fantastical event, as the camera focused on the paved path that leads to the entrance of the bank. From there emerges four young people who's face are obscured.

She can't believe it. She is just thinking of finding some proof about the supernatural, and she didn't thought that it will appear on national TV. Her eyes lit up in excitement as she stood up quickly.

"I have to go there and see for myself!" She said, now becoming enthusiastic after seeing a real demonstration of the supernatural live on TV.

Okay, this is it for now. See you later everyone!~

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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One of the questions I am looking forward to is if her wish power is something she gained, was born with, or was cursed by.

I suspect her powers just showed up one day though on their own, If she had a supernatural encounter and was cursed face to face I think she'd be a lot more leary about the occult.

If she was born with them as power from her heritage/DNA then her parents would have had a history to work with and would have known how they work in general.

On the other hand, she seems to have a personality shift and/or seems bound to say something in a certain manner to complete the wish.

But on the OTHER hand, she could have been adopted... hmmm grr GAA! still, not enough data to say if her powers are a natural heritage waking up, something that happened due to encountering something, or just a plain old curse from a god/demon/cured item/other... Heck she herself could be under a cursed geas of some sort.
The reporter who is a bit tense awhile ago is now excitedly talking about the sudden fantastical event, as the camera focused on the paved path that leads to the entrance of the bank. From there emerges four young people who's face are obscured.
Oh dear... This could turn very quickly into a bloodbath.

Attacking the guards on the main entrance (with or without superpowers) is the opposite of subtle. There's a reason the police is waiting for their SWAT equivalent.

What's stopping now those bankrobbers/terrorists (especially the trigger-happy one) from murdering some of the hostages in retaliation?

Shiro has the power of Shadows... Couldn't they have at least tried to infiltrate the bank before?

And good luck keeping their secret identities, after using their powers and walking in front of all those TV cameras!
Some disapointed looks and rants about having to clean up after her friends and the incident gets defamed to level 1

I know but the odds of them being pushed by the wish are also high, The real question is are THEY the only ones being pushed to act because of being nearest OR will other supernatural interfear as well? We all could only expect the girls only but actually other/more supernatural beings may show up thanks to the wish and fubar the situation even more.

This will at least give an eye to how the government deals with this. I have no doubt they will handle it the cameras and footage and such, it's the modern world so odds are the supernatural being filmed and photographed is old by this point.

How the government acts after the suppression will show a bit of how the supernatural has meshed into this world though. It could be a hands-off situation where the supernatural police their own and the government act as cleaners. It can also be they have dedicated supernatural agents and teams. It can even be a type of yakuza/territorial deal where groups handle incidents under their protection.

So many ways! Another curve ball the author can throw besides adding to the people responding because of the wish, Is that who's to say the criminals don't have supernatural support themselves? This is a lot of people to rob a bank, and that requires a lot of contacts.

One reason to try and pull this off with so many people and not having to worry about someone blabbing/bragging is perhaps an 'ace' in the hole with supernatural powers, perhaps a supernatural yakuza or gang member.

So many things to consider! Not to mention we already know her parents are still Japanese citizens, yet responded to a situation in the USA showing at least international groups between the USA and Japan.

How out of hand this gets really depends on if the lack of commutation mentioned was because of the wish or if the criminals have supernatural support that caused it.

ARG another thought pops into my head causing me to yet again edit the post.
Depending on how fubar the who thing gets and how big a breach of the masquerade this becomes and how odd and out of character the people act, the government may even realize something odd is happening here affecting people and events and not even care that much about the girls themselves but put a massive effort looking for whatever could have affected the behavior of such a large group of people.

Basically, they may crack down harshly on the entire area not looking for the girls directly, but instead looking for what caused them to go from stealthy takedowns in alleys to bank robbery.

Supernatural girls handling gangs in alleyways? - Supernatural puberty
Is something causing a change in behavior in those Supernatural girls? - Holy shit this needs a full response pronto (full scp style investigation launch)

yet another possibility is that the robbers themselves are also affected and suddenly decided this.
Sorry author if my pondering and theory crafting is annoying, I just really like your concept so far and all the avenues it can take.
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Hmm... This is from a previous chapter:
Well, her image is there. Even when her eyes are censored on the image, her hair and general appearance is enough to easily identify that this is Negai who is in the picture.

Maybe her eyes were different back then? So something happened after that photo was taken; perhaps an encounter with the supernatural, and since then poor Negai has been haunted by some kind of twisting-wishes entity.

It's enough for her to just one day say in the middle of an argument "I wish you would leave me alone!"... and then her parents drop dead, right in front of her.

If she hates herself for that, then that would explain her 'bad luck'; she is cursing herself, believing she doesn't deserve better after what she (accidentally) did.

And that would be why she's trying to be 'selfless', to only help other people; trying to turn her curse into a gift, somehow...

This is all just a theory, of course.
Chapter 45: Blunder & The Truth Behind the Wish
Going back in time for a bit...

"So how are we going to enter there?" Saki said with a frown as they look at the bank below.

The four of them are standing on top of the rooftop. Now wearing different outfits. Unlike Hayami who is still wearing her cosplay like green dress, the other three changes to better conceal their identity. Saki's hood now has cat ear shapes on it and the general palette of her outfit is dark blue. Honomi now opted to wearing an eye mask and she is now carrying a taser besides her. Then Shiro is on a casual dress, with her face only being obscured by an oni mask.

Shiro shook her head. "Impossible." She said. Saki reached out to her with a mental connection, hearing her surface thoughts. 'Multiple foes lurks within the corners of the building. Even the place of comfort and the room of trashes are filled with these scums!'

"Room of comfort, what do you mean?" Saki tilt her head in confusion.

"Bathroom." Shiro vocally responded with a deadpan.

"... So, we can't enter?" Hayami asked.

"I asked for the rats to infiltrate the interior of the bank, but they haven't returned yet. If the gunshots we heard is to be believed, then they might have killed my rats, or worse!" Honomi looks concerned after saying that.

The four became silent, before Hayami took her phone out and then go to their group chat.

Yumeko, we need help.
We are currently at the bank at the Third Nether District. There is a bank robbery happening here. We didn't know what to do!
Please respond quickly!​

That's the only thing she said, and she waited for a moment for a reply, though it seems like the girl she is asking for hasn't seen the message yet. She is thinking that if it's Yumeko, then she might be able to help somehow.

"We can't just stand here! Those criminal scum might just kill those people!" Saki exclaimed. Her face looking a bit more impatient now.

Hayami looks incredibly hesitant. She didn't know what to do right now.

And then, she somehow got an inspiration as she coincidentally recall something that happened on her favorite anime. Her mind became fixated on it, causing her to believed that this plan might work.

"I have a plan...."

And so she said her plan, a plan that if Yumeko heard it herself, she will quickly shut it down.

Hayami is not so sure anymore after they started showing themselves in front of the criminals. They have initiated an attack by emerging from the ground while she charges her power to create a large plant.

The plan is simple. Take the attention of every criminals to them, and create as much distraction as possible, while the police goes inside to save the hostages. It is such a simple plan, and children would have thought it will work because it happens on stories.

The others felt that it might work too, their mind somehow fixating on their victory instead of the case when they actually failed. It felt like their mind somehow started forgetting how to think rationally as they only pointed their thoughts to what they think will help the most.

Their imagination makes them think that the police will magically know what they are planning without even conveying it, and then they will go inside in a sneaky manner, while the criminals all rushes at them to try and defeat them.

That's not what happened. Hayami only saw some of the criminals that weren't hit by her surprise attack staring for a brief moment at her, before they unhesitatingly pointed their guns at them.

Despite displaying an unnatural power, these are criminals who are on the verge of snapping from this stalemate. If something out of the ordinary happens, the first thing a cornered person will do.... is to fight!

And so without them being able to prepare for it, a burst of fire shoots at them. They gasped, surprised at the sudden amount of fire focusing on them, and if not for Shiro managing to quickly react, they might have died on the spot.

Hayami finally processed just what happened after unconsciously gawking at the sudden weightlessness that she felt. They sink on the ground, and then emerges somewhere on an alleyway outside the bank. The sound of gunshots echoing, before the cacophony of screams from the curious people watching and those inside the bank were heard.

"W-what happened!?" Her mind still can't keep up that Hayami unconsciously asked. Her heart pounding greatly that she can hear it echoing in her ears.

"They shot us! W-we almost got... killed there...." After Saki said that, the three of them shudders.

Though they heard a grunt and a thud, looking at that direction and gasping. On the ground is Shiro who is groaning as she clutches her torso. They can see a patch of red slowly staining her white casual outfit.

"Shiro-san!?" It felt like a bucket of cold water hitting her after she realized what just happened.

"Auu.... it hurts.... I don't like this...." Even Shiro seems to be close to crying as she said that with her lips quivering.

"W-what should we do!? U-uhmm... a-ambulance! Right, we need an---!?"

"D-don't... I will... I'll take a rest...." Shiro seems incredibly scared as she stops them from reaching her out. Only wanting to hold onto her bleeding torso.

She is scared. She didn't want to move as much. Thinking that the pain might get worse. She is already feeling an incredible amount of pain burning through her veins, and she is just gritting her teeth. She is becoming lightheaded as she gritted her teeth.

"What to do!? What to do!?"

"D-do you need help?" Suddenly, after Hayami's panicked words, a soothing voice asks them to the side.

Looking on that direction, they saw the transfer student. Mijime Negai who seems to be in a hoodie. Her aquamarine and magenta eyes gazing at them with pure concern as she looks at them.

".... What?" Hayami muttered in confusion.

Without waiting for them, Negai walks closer to the sitting Shiro. Kneeling and then looking at her straight in the eyes even if she looks like she is trembling.

"I-I can help you. J-just, make a wish. I will make sure to grant it!" She said, her fist clenching tightly as she did so.

"What are you saying? Wait.... do you have...?" Hayami becomes a bit suspicious, before a dawning realization came to her.

"... She might be able to help." Saki said. "Her mind kept repeating on saving the person she first saw." She added.

"B-but..." Honomi looks confused before shaking her head. "No, please help her if you can!" She finally said. Feeling that this might be a chance to get out of this predicament.

"T-take... the p-pain away..." Shiro's quivering words causes the others to wince, instinctively touching their torso as they saw the white haired girl sweating a lot.

"Of course, I will grant your wish!" She clasped her hands together and then, they saw it. A subtle glow that shimmers in an instant around Negai's visage.

And then, a miracle occurs. Like a video being rewinded, the red patch on her dress looks like it is being absorbed on the wound she is clutching, before it practically vanishes. Only the hole on that part indicates the bullet did hit her. The sound of lead falling on the ground with a few clinks was heard besides her, showing that it truly left her body.

"Gahagk!?" The instant it happens, Negai who's hands are still clasping together coughs up blood. Staining her legs and Shiro's thighs as she then clutches the exact part of her torso just like the one when Shiro got shot.

"Wait, what now!?" Hayami exclaimed as she quickly moves to Negai's side. Looking incredibly worried for her.

"I'm fine... t-there is no need... to be c-concerned for me...." Despite the obvious pain being expressed on her eyes and brows, she still gave a reassuring smile at her.

"What are you saying! You just vomited blood!"

"T-that's the price.... of using my powers..." She said before continuing. "I-it's only right.... I-i've been selfish s-since then.... I-I have to redeem myself...."

"What are you saying!?" Hayami looks incredibly confused.

Though Negai simply shook her head as she stood up with shaky legs.

"P-please.... make your wish.... I-I have to save them...."

"We can't possibly do that now! You just said there is a price for your powers to work!" Hayami said in anger.

"I d-don't mind.... i-if it will save the others..."

"No." Saki is the one who spoke next. "Your mind is a mess. Go back to your home and leave this to us!" She said, now looking incredibly serious as she gazes at the girl.


"We are grateful for your help, but we didn't want to sacrifice someone just to save more people! That wasn't how we work!" Honomi is the next one to speak. Then she clutches the girl's wrist. "Come on, just tell me where you lived and I will take you back."

"No!" Surprisingly, despite being frail looking, Negai roughly pries herself away from her hand, and then runs to the bank's direction.

Though before she could get far away, her next step sinks into the darkened shadow of the ground. Causing Negai to yelp in surprise.

The one behind it is Shiro who has wiped her tears with her arm, while her other hand is stretched out and pointed at her.

"You saved me. I won't let you put yourself into danger." She said before looking at the other three. "I'm sorry, but if you truly have the power to grant wishes, then I will wish for you to be--!"

"No! Don't! Stop it! You will die!" Before Shiro could finish it, the girl who seems incredibly eager to take the wish of others covered her ears with her hands. Curling her head to the ground as her body is half-sunk on the darkness of the ground.

Shiro widened her eyes in surprise, before they heard Saki gasping, and then letting out a disgruntled sigh.

"I'll hold her. You are needed to get inside the bank." Saki said to Shiro, and the white haired girl frowned for a moment before nodding.

"Wait... I think it's a good idea to wish for her--"

"No. It wouldn't be a good idea, Hayami-senpai." Hayami furrowed her brows as she saw Saki who is glaring straight at her. "Trust me. It wouldn't."

They stared at each other for awhile, before it was broken off by Honomi.

"Well... let's just leave this to Saki-san and go to the bank. It will be bad if they did something to the hostages inside...."

".... Okay." Hayami said, glancing at Negai who looks incredibly unwilling, before they turned their back against her.

Negai was then freed of her immobilization, before being quickly held by Saki who, unlike Honomi, is clutching her incredibly tightly.

"No! Don't go! I can help! Please let me go!"

"Don't thrash around, girl! I don't know what actually happened, but if what I read from your mind is the truth, then whatever your wishing powers can do is malicious!" Saki said. "What kind of powers is it that only benefits the others and becomes a detriment to it's user! If it exists in a game, I will immediately make a complaint at the game designers!"

"But, I have to do it! Or else.... I... I want to make them proud...!" Negai seems to be close to crying as her voice quivered. "I'm at fault! I'm always selfishly thinking of myself! I-I have to do this so I c-can f-face my parents again...!"

Saki's eyes widened after she heard the words leaving her mouth, along with the thoughts that are revealing itself slowly from the depths of her consciousness.

She hears it. The agony and guilt within her mind as she blames herself for killing her parents. By manipulating them to wish for her wellness, the price has been paid for their lives. On that fateful day at her birthday, despite knowing the risks of her powers, she still gave mild suggestions that will lead to her parents wishing for her happiness.

Happiness that is impossible for her as she is born from a star of misfortune. The time she realizes that her prediction that her parents will only experience sadness for a few days didn't happen. They just die in front of her. Collapsing as if their puppet's with their strings cut.

Since then, she didn't want others to wish for her sake. Because they will be the one to bear the burden of the wish. The equal payment for the wish granted to the others.

"I have to do it!" Negai pleaded to her. "P-please let me go! I-I have to do this!"

Saki looks at her with pity, before becoming cold as she didn't let up the strength of her hold on her shoulders. "No! Whatever you are thinking, I am not letting you go! Just leave this to us!" She said.


"Because killing yourself is not the right way for it!"

That's it. The true plan why Mijime Negai is desperate for the wish of others.

She wanted to die.

But she wanted to do it by doing good to the others. She thinks if she can achieve it, she might be forgiven by her parents that she killed.

Regardless if she didn't intend to do so, she knows that she manufactured that event to happen. Taking advantage of her parents' love to her so she can get what she wants.

She can't forgive herself. It is the only way for her to redeem herself.

Negai still tried to thrashed around, but Saki only hold onto her tight.

"Come on now, Leader. Let's shoot some of these wimps so they know not to mess with us!" Taito, the one with the skull mask, said as he is face to face with their leader.

"I told you to stand down! Get back to your position you fucking psycho!" The leader grunted as he glared at the man with a skull mask.

"What a fucking sissy you are..." Taito said as he flips him off, and then turned his back. Going back to his position on the corner of the room.

The Leader with an alias of Kaizo knows they can't just kill the hostages here. If that happened, the police might suddenly charge forward, and it might even cause those young girls with weird and unnatural capabilities to suddenly go on a rampage.

They still have to hold onto it. Thankfully they managed to retaliate without the police managing to intervene. Though they don't know what happened to those four girls.

"Shit.... this is not what I thought would happen when we were planning for this heist!" He grunted in anger.

Almost everyone is surprised as they look at the large vine that now mostly blocks the entrance. It is a blessing in disguise as it now covers most of what is happening from them, and the large vines seems incredibly tough that it can be use as a cover.

Almost everyone are reeling from the shock that they just encountered the supernatural. Their body are tense, and it seems like a single abnormal disturbance will cause them to turn and pull their trigger without questioning it anymore.

While Kaizo is thinking of what to do next to leave this predicament, on one of the comfort rooms for women, the only female accomplice of these criminals are staying here. Being weird as, along with the heavy machine gun she carries, there are also two blades sheathed on her waist behind her. She is wearing a long green coat, and a mask that depicts a traditional Iza fox.

She takes an amulet and then put it in her ears. The amulet with some mysterious Izanese symbols glowing a bluish glow before something seems to have clicked within it.

"This is Azunamaru, reporting!"

Outside it is only soft hum of noises that can be heard, though somehow she seems to understand what is being conveyed on these noises.

"Right. Our plan to infiltrate the Golden Izanese National Bank changes into making a heist on the Yomikawa Bank. We think the person we are looking for is here." Another noise, before she speaks once more. "Yes. We believed the vessel of Kurohashi-sama is located in this place. If we meet them, I will immediately retrieve them!"

Another series of noise, and this time she narrowed her eyes.

"... There is another report I must make. I just encountered the local faction of this city. They seem to be newbies on the scene, yet I saw someone interesting. There is a girl who displays the same capabilities as those who are kin of Kurohashi-sama. What would you like me to do?" Another hum, and her eyes beneath the fox mask lit up maliciously. "Understood."

The glow of the paper amulet vanishes, and then it turned into ashes. The girl then steps forward, half-unsheathing one of her blade which seems to reflect light beautifully, as she glances at it.

"It seems like Amakyou no Tsurugi will taste another battle!" She said, before sheathing her blade with a smooth slick and a click of it's hilt.

[You learned "Fate Resistance"]
[You learned "Mental Resistance"]
[You learned "Control Resistance"]
[You learned "Miracle Resistance"]
[Your Ability "Fate Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Fate Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Mental Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Mental Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Control Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Control Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Miracle Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Confusion Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Intuition" has leveled up!]

I don't know what's happening. I suddenly have this urge to get inside my Instant Dungeon and harvest a lot more. I found some really convincing reason to do it, though thinking about it, it was actually really nonsensical.

Why would I need to find out if I can survive on the core of the Earth? Am I an idiot!?

Then I finally noticed these prompts after I felt like I just woke up from my lucid dreaming. Something is happening, and it might have swept up my friends too!

So I immediately leave the Resource World even if I am in the depths of the Earth's crust. It seems like when the real counterpart of the Instant Dungeon have obstacles in it, I will be teleported to the nearest safest place for me to live.

And so, instead of finding myself suffocating on the depths of the crust, instead I am already on the underground room that I am still in the middle of making in the real world.

Just after that I heard the sound of notification from my phone. Quickly looking at it, I saw a message from Hayami on our group chat.

"..... I have to go now!"

What the hell is happening outside!?

Okay, I will write again later. See you soon!~

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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Chapter 46: A Sudden Encounter with an Absurdity
Just outside the cordon and police presence surrounding the bank, a luxurious black car stops before two girls leave it along with a single man in a black suit and glasses. These girls are Yamashiro Kuroki and Ototsuki Megane.

"As expected of our Cult Leader! We easily got to this place!"

"Of course!" Kuroki looks proud as she says that.

"Kuroki-sama, you promised to only look at a safe distance. So please don't get within the crowd." A handsome man with short and gelled light brown hair then emerges from the car. He stood beside the large man in a black suit, as he looks at Kuroki with a calm smile.

"But, my right-hand woman told me about the beings from the beyond! I must personally see them with my eyes!" Despite still sounding haughty, she looks incredibly excited. Even hopping around as if wanting to see what is happening on the bank.

The man shook his head while putting his palm on his face. "Why does the Current Head spoil you so much..." He muttered exasperatedly. "Kuroki-sama, please don't get too far. If you get harmed, The Family Head will kill me."

"Hmph! No way I will get harmed. I'm the Great Kuroki after all!" She looks high right now.

"Don't worry Cult Leader. You can stay there, and I'll take the chance to get pictures of them!" Megane said with a large smile, presenting the phone she has which seems specialized in capturing images.

"... Fine!" She is sulking, but she seems to relent after Megane looks at her eagerly.

The girl wearing thick glasses pumps her fist high, before weirdly saluting her.

"Then, this Ototsuki Megane will take care of this! Be right back!~" And so she quickly joins the crowd of people around the police.

After the girl got obscured by the wall of people around, the man lowered his posture for a bit and smiled at his mistress.

"Now, why don't we find someplace? Preferably a safer spot that is away here?"

"Minion! Stop being a coward and stay here along with me!" 'But my name is Kishibe...' "Oh, I retract my words. Carry me on your shoulders!"

The now-named Kishibe blinks his eyes for a moment, before letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Ugh... if not for the high salary and large benefits, I would have already quit this job..." He muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Kuroki-sama! Your will is my command!" With a complete shift in attitude, he bowed to her lady before turning around and kneeling, presenting his back to her.

Without hesitation, Kuroki hops onto his shoulders. Sitting on his shoulders and him grabbing onto her thighs so she doesn't fall before he easily stood up. Even as Kuroki looks extremely excited as she exclaimed at the higher vantage point, Kishibe is only looking at the front with a deadpan.

Hey, wait for me! I am going there right now!​

[GDC_President]: Sorry.
[GDC_President]: We are already fighting them...

"What!?" I almost froze after hearing that. Currently, I am on a bus going in that bank's direction. I am not confident about my Presence Concealment to hide me from some people. They might suddenly know that I have powers, and I don't want to get the attention of some of the supernatural.

It will take a few minutes before I got there. Thankfully, the TV inside the bus is on the channel that is reporting what is happening at that bank. It might be delayed because it hasn't shown anything that indicates there is a fight within the bank. My friends say the criminals within are carrying firearms, so it is normal to hear gunshots if a fight is breaking inside.

I would honestly prefer if they just stopped trying to get into dangerous situations, but I can somewhat understand them. They are still young teenagers who suddenly got powers. I'm sure they are feeling extremely confident that they can somehow do something that the police can't do.

Based on the report, it seems like the first conflict between the mysterious group of girls and the criminals ended briefly, and it seems like the criminals haven't done anything yet like killing one of their hostages. I don't know what they are exactly planning, but it seems like they didn't want to start the hostilities as both sides will lose a lot if that happens.

What Hayami and the others did has the possibility to escalate things. Good thing the criminals, or even the leader himself is calm enough to just stay still. I would prefer they become like that as I go there.

Though if Hayami and the others are truly thinking of fighting these criminals, I need to help them out while waiting for the bus to arrive at that bank. So with that said, it seems like I need to use my Fame Manipulation again.

I already banned myself from using this, but because this is an urgent matter, I have to stop holding back. One of my friends might suddenly get hurt or worse if I don't do something. Though I also need to be careful, because I didn't want another accident like the one I did from those Kurohenge.

Just as I was trying to do that, I felt like the world suddenly freezes.

[You learned "Time Resistance"]
[You learned "Curse Resistance"]
[Your Ability "Fate Resistance" has leveled up!]

Uh... what?

And then everything moves once more, though I felt like something shifted within my surroundings. It took me a while to suddenly realize that the bus I am currently on seems to be on the verge of exploding based on my scientific and technological knowledge.


Thought Acceleration works as intended. Causing the world around me to become extremely slow. With Parallel Though, I can think of different things at the same time. I think I currently have hundreds of thousands of thoughts running simultaneously at the same time.

So I managed to quickly prioritize what I am going to do next. First I took the whole bus to my inventory. Next, I take out large amounts of extremely soft feather bedding that I took from the different stores around this city. After that, I calculated every point where all the passengers and the driver of the bus will be falling, and then throw these feather beddings on those exact locations.

[You learned "Throwing"]
[Your Ability "Throwing" has leveled up!]

I quickly leave the scene, making sure to lower my fame so no one would think about me even if there is this tiny little chance that someone might consider me suspicious after the bus just suddenly vanishes.

To make sure that my friends will also be safe and won't be crowded by the people around after they are done, I tried to manipulate the fame of my friends once more.

And then everything stops once more...

[Your Ability "Time Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Curse Resistance" has leveled up!]

The brief moment of being frozen in my tracks is noticeable due to my accelerated thought process. It is so noticeable that it felt like a few minutes for me instead of a mere nanosecond to the world.

The world moves once more, and suddenly I noticed the skies darkening. It is unnoticeable due to me getting into an alleyway, but Night Vision, Observation, and Sharp Vision gave me that edge to see those unnoticeable changes in my environment.

Danger Sense pinged me from the impending danger that is going to happen to me, and I quickly dodged. As I was just falling to the ground, I saw it. At the location where I was supposed to land my feet, a bunch of banana peels that seems to have been thrown over by the trashcan beside it appeared on it. There are a lot of them that even if I change my posture, I will still step on one and slipped on it.

So instead of trying to dodge it, with my newfound superhuman strength, I stomp on it hard. Causing my feet to dig into the concrete. This also prevented me from slipping from these extremely slippy peels of banana. But with this movement, it delayed my action for a split second.

A split second causes me to be unable to leave the radius of the danger zone that I sensed coming.

I was surprised when a strong burning flash surrounded my vision. The strong smell of ozone lingers on my nose after that brief moment of flash, along with the sounds of sizzling and the slight feeling of being burned and electrocuted.

[You learned "Lightning Resistance"]
[You learned "Martial Arts"]
[Your Ability "Fate Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Evasion" has leveled up!]

Urk! That freaking hurt!

Ouch, it stings my whole body. It's like being scalded by boiling oil all over my skin. That's how much pain I am feeling right now! Good thing I have Pain Resistance as it has dulled most of the pain I should have felt from that, though it still stings a lot!

And it seems like my superhuman capability doesn't include being resistant to pain. Talk about being halfhearted! If this power is going to strengthen me, it should have gone all the way!

No matter. I know what hit me. That's literally a bolt of lightning that fell from the skies!

And if my Scientific Knowledge is to be believed, I was hit with the strongest positive charged lightning from the skies. That's literally a billion volts just slamming straight to my location!

I am surprised it didn't burn the whole surroundings here! How come it only affects me!?

.... Well, it seems like a sudden blackout occurred around the neighborhood of this place.

I don't want to try anymore...

Someone is deliberately stopping me from helping my friends. Despite my lowering my fame, it seems like whoever is this entity is stopping me from even lowering the fame of my friends. For what reason?

.... You know what? I might become forgotten for a moment here, but I decided to do it anyway!

Whoever is targeting me can see me. Then if they are somehow noticing me, I should do something about it, right?

Like making sure that it doesn't notice me anymore.

This will only be for a brief moment, but I decided to manipulate my fame to zero.

Everything about me will become absolutely obscure!

So I say, but it seems like it was a bad idea after all!

After making everything about myself obscure, I safely manipulated the fame of my friends so they become inconspicuous even to the cameras all over the place. To make sure that none of the people become interested in it anymore, I lowered the popularity of the Yomikawa Bank Robbery and the hostage-taking happening to it. Then I only raised the popularity of that incident specifically on the police and every peacekeeping force of this country, while lowering the fame of the peacekeeping forces of this country to the eyes of every considered criminal in that bank.

I can do things like that because Fame Manipulation doesn't have a range. So long as it is a concept or an aspect, I can reach into it and control its fame whenever I want.

After that, I finally decided to return to my fame. Fame Manipulation is irreversible, except for me. If they wanted to become relevant again it must go through a natural process like recognition from the others.

I am sure whoever is watching me won't know that I am the one who did it.

Well, that is what I am thinking.

And now... I think I regret thinking that whoever it is won't know...

"Good. You managed to defy one of our young'un."

In an instant it takes me to blink, a man suddenly appeared in front of me. He is a tall man wearing a striped suit and a top hat. He is wearing some sort of mask that seems to change expressions at random intervals. Every identifying trait like skin, hair, or even the exposed ears that he has kept changing to like an ever-changing collage.

Who the hell is this guy!?

[You learned "Insanity Resistance"]
[Your Ability "Fear Resistance" has leveled up!]

Insanity Resistance?

"Now I know. You are the one who tore up one part of my body. Amazing. You seem to bear incredible powers within you!" Even if I can't see his eyes, I can't help but feel like he is looking at the entirety of my existence.

[You learned "Analysis Resistance"]
[You learned "Domination Resistance"]
[Your Ability "Insanity Resistance" has leveled up!]

".... W-who....?" What is this? I can't speak clearly!

[You learned "Silence Resistance"]

"Hm... so you can speak on my presence. Even though this is just a lowly avatar I made on this plane of existence, this form is still beyond the comprehension of a mortal person."
He continues as if he doesn't care about my situation. "Now you are making me more interested in you!"

Why does he sound so creepy? His voice keeps echoing both in my surroundings and my mind!

[Your Ability "Mental Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Insanity Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Domination Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Analysis Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Silence Resistance" has leveled up!]

"Hm? You are slowly becoming a blindspot to my sight... is your power adapting to me?"
He asks in wonder, though I don't feel like he is directing that question to me. He sounded like he is contemplating it to himself.

I just noticed that it is pretty hard for me to move now. Though I can slowly peel my fingers away from their frozen state. As my eyes are still focused on that guy who is now walking around me as if he is inspecting a slice of prime meat.

"I see... so you adapt to the situation that you find yourself with. An interesting specimen if I do say so myself." He claps his hand, and I felt danger suddenly blaring in my mind as if my instincts are being desperate.

It felt like my whole brain itself is screaming to me to run. It is so strong that I somehow noticed myself already zooming through the alleyways without any regard for my surroundings.

What the hell is he!? Why do I feel like panicking even though I have high resistance against fear?

"Then listen to me.... and [UNDERSTAND]"

I just don't know when, but he suddenly appeared beside me and then he...

[You learned "Korean Language"]
[You learned "Chinese Language"]
[You learned "Vietnamese Language"]
[You learned "Thai Language"]
[You learned "Arabic Language"]...

[Due to the amount of the same abilities being learned simultaneously, the System arbitrarily decided to merge all of these abilities into one!]

[You learned "Earth's Language"]
[Your Ability "Earth's Language" has leveled up!] x4

Language. Every language conceivable in the human mind has been spoken in a single word. A word that conceptualizes the meaning of "UNDERSTANDING".

[Your Ability "Insanity Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Mental Resistance" has leveled up!]
[Your Ability "Domination Resistance" has leveled up!]

It hurts my mind for a brief moment, but I simply managed to understand it at all after that and quickly concentrate on my surroundings.

With that concentration, I immediately knew that I can't escape from this man. So I simply didn't. Stopping myself on top of the rooftop and him just suddenly popping in front of me.

[Your Ability "Fear Resistance" has leveled up!]

I don't have time to be waiting for those abilities to get on the same level that I can resist him, so I decided to raise it all to the max. Insanity, Fear, Domination, Mental, Analysis, and even Silence Resistance for good measure!

Thankfully all of them only need 1 AP to raise their immunity ranks. I don't need another type of ability to evolve them!

"Hoh? So you can understand all of that despite having a mortal's mind?" He tilts his head as he did a contemplating gesture. "... That is weird. All your emotions towards me have suddenly turned cold. Is that your adaptation working on the background?"

"Shut up!" I am done with this guy. "Who are you? And why are you doing this to me? Are you the one who is messing with me?"

I still can't read his expression. His body language suggests he is amused, but even I am unsure!

"If you are talking about those mortals, then it is not my own doing. One of our young'un becomes intimately connected to one of the mortals living in this small community you call a city. I think with her connection to our kin, she is capable of displaying some phenomena your kind will call a miracle." He just kept talking, this guy! "But I digress." And then he bowed to me like a gentleman. "Who you faced now is the Avatar of the Infinite Faces. You may call me..."

Gysphilles Guezfellez Gisfillyz Guezpilis Guisfuez Ghesthuez Heusfheyes Quisphelles Quesfoliez Suezfolies Gypselles

I just heard it. Millions of interpretations of his name. All of it conceptualizes what he truly is. I just instinctively know and felt like I just saw the cosmos as I heard his name. It lingers in my mind, and if not for my maxed-out resistances, I might have gone mad!

[You learned "Eldritch Knowledge"]
[You learned "Eldritch Resistance"]

.... I am facing an absurd being!

So what happened on the earlier parts of this chapter is that Yumeko's intervention will also affect one of the conditions of the wishes from the Occult Club. So it tried to find ways to prevent it from happening.

That is what happened, so she suddenly faced increasingly ridiculous events that can't be understood by anything other than calling it magic.

As for the being that appeared on the later parts, well... I did show him some chapters ago...

Anyway, Yumeko won't be able to intervene for now. Which means the bank robbery arc will get a bit longer.

If this is not preferable, I'm sorry....

This is the chapter for now, see you later!~

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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So he finally appears! This is from Chapter 37:
At the same time, a being from some other dimension also felt it. A humanoid being that has a magician's mask, and has a suit commonly seen for formal illusionists.

"Ugh!? A small part of me has suddenly been torn apart from me?" He exclaims in surprise, before glancing at one of the worlds where darkness exists.

It might have been an insignificant part of him, but it is still affiliated to darkness. This being, an entity that is synonymous to insanity and the depth beyond the darkness, has been affected as a part of darkness just vanished like that.

"Hmm.... surprising... it seems like I have to create some avatar to investigate this matter. The origin of that is.... there!" His eyes beneath his smiling mask lit up in interest.

Not just his eyes, but many eyes formed around darkness that makes up the whole space. All of them being directed on a certain blue planet.

"I am curious just who is it. The one who can delete an aspect of darkness!"

Yumeko: "I think I'm gonna call you like that guy from Half-Life... G-Man!"
G-Man: >:-(

And it seems Saki is getting the hang of her mind-reading powers; she doesn't seem to tire so fast anymore, and she can read quite deeply someone she barely knows. One wonders what she and the rest of the girls might be able to do in the future, because they seem to be improving too...

By the way, I like how Chapter 45 solves many apparent issues; now a lot of things make more sense.

And how many supernatural factions can meet in the same place? :V