The Otherworlder's Skill Grinder (Original)

If you're still taking suggestions on what comes next, you could have something about her parents, like them visiting Yumeko for some family time
Hmm, now that I think about it... We have talked about Yumeko following her dreams, but what story does she want to write?

She published "Summoned Hero", first of its kind in this world. It was a success, now she has a following on *RoyalRoad and beyond... But it's not really her story, is it? She took many ideas from her former world, an easy way to get started and get better at writing. It worked! And yet... Doesn't she want more than that, something that is truly hers?

Same with the Game Development Club's projects: those are a team effort and she has contributed a lot... But it all began with Hayami and her brother's idea.

What would Yumeko like to write?

And here 'writing' could mean more than just posting her story in *RoyalRoad. It could mean creating a website, perhaps a webcomic; with some animated parts, even interactive ones that work like a game. A nice soundtrack, maybe even voice acting; chapters/episodes uploaded on her *YouTube account. More options to receive donations, from people who VALue her work...

Hope this helps!
I'm like her mundane interaction with the internet, that is what her dream of being multi-media creator is all about. Creating, sharing, talking.

The supernatural crap are pretty meh.
Yelp, I have just read through this entire thread. Pretty interesting. Havn't really read that many gamer fics as far as I can recall. I think it's mainly been ones involving rwby really.

I wonder what supernatural factions might be thinking now. Granted at the same time their also unaware of what she can do let alone who her parents are considering the mention of wanting it hidden or something about them having a daughter. Also I think there was something about a detail involving beign unable to or something...

Was the whole student council president but wonder who else is on that council let alone that one girl in track and field who made the initial offer and kicked off that whole line.

Wonder what if she got an assistant?
Am curious about how things will go with Negai let alone if she manages to stumble upon things at her house...Defiantly on the list of friends so suppose technically will soon be a trio in the same class besides the club. Granted one is a bit left out I think from the more supernatural. Though feels like some people will notice a sudden attachment. Was for a bit there hoping for Negai to end up staying with her but yeah, is the reason given for why not. Though I wonder how'd Negai would think if she got some food made by Yumeko considering how in that contest she did have some thoughts about the food and taste. Finally on this tract I do wonder how the remainder of her friends who haven't already will react to visiting her house. Granted considering last time wonder what the chances are for the one who I sorta forgot the name of to somehow also end up with some power or revelation or something. Granted at same time would probably want a more science, non-supernatual person...

Further along until that whole elemental immunity. Which then makes me think of actual elementals.

Considering one of her friends can talk to animals I wonder if she might note the result from Friend of Beasts. Just had at one point random thought of her dealing with an uncooperative one only for Yumeko to sho up and it to suddenly decide it has reconsidered it's stance...

Was also that whole mention involving Soyu or something alongside those threads before it was revealed to her friends she actually made the computer. Probably something that could originate somehow. Basically a incorrect thought of a company in the US apparently with something that seems like it came from Lithuania yet only examples is yet in another different country...

...Not sure why but at some moments I just imagined her just building an army of robots. For one to also help populate the massive underground base she's making? Or androids outright. Just thought a random robot army from nowhere possibly as a result of someone asking her her and what army would be funny but eh. Just something random.

Do wonder how that alter ego will go? My thoughts first want to go to either fate go, Jeckyll & Hyde, or another persona/second identity...
Someone already mentioned that one girl whose really a dragon god I think it was.

Final thoughts would probably be about the game and seeing how that will go and their progress. Both the one brother and other people/fans whole likely go check it simply due to it being made by the same ones as the previous game.

Welp I just wrote down my thoughts.

Kinda wonder about an information post having the notable side characters?
Chapter 52: First Underground Floor
I was just solidifying the next room I am making when I suddenly heard my phone ringing. Quickly taking it, I saw it was Hayami's number. Of course I accepted the call.

"Yumeko-chan! Did you arrived at the bank! Sorry for leaving early that night, I thought you won't come as it is getting late!"

"No. It's fine. I understand." Well, I did go there and when I didn't see them, I look at our group chat only to see Saki and Honomi notifying me that they have already came back home as it is getting incredibly late.

They also said they are very worried about Mijime Negai.

"Do you want to come along with us? We are still looking for Negai-chan..."

"Hm? You don't have to worry about that! I took care of her problem!" I simply said.

I think I also told them that on the group chat. Did she not see it yet?

I decided to explain to her briefly what happened that night (minus the part about the weird chain of bad events and my encounter with G-Kun) before she finally becomes satisfied.

"Thank you so much! I knew you can do something about it!"

Strangely, Hayami seems to believe in me greatly. I don't know why?

After talking about it for a bit, it seems like the four of them will be taking a break on their house. That means they won't go to school even on the next day, despite it being Friday tomorrow.

It seems like they got incredibly drained from the events that night. I can understand. Anyone will feel mentally exhausted if they encounter literal bank robbery!

It doesn't matter if they have powers. They're still children!

Even I, who was an adult in my past life, still felt a bit tired just thinking about that event. I really don't want to get into that kind of trouble myself.

Anyway, after that call, I now confirmed that I truly have a lot of time in my hands. Which means, I can finish the base in four days! My engineering and architect skills makes me incredibly fast at building stuff after all!

Nothing special happened for the next three days. I mostly spent my time building my underground base and using the remaining three hours of my time for a day to take care of the requested commissions from me.

On these past few days, I learned a lot about my new abilities. Super Typing increases my typing speed incredibly. It's first level easily bumps my typing speed up to 10,000+ wpm. Now that it is level three, my typing speed became a whopping 40,000+ wpm!

There is also Virtual Art. Whenever I touched the computer, I felt like I am incredibly connected to it now. That when I make art, I can simply will for the computer to do the art I am trying to do. It's like a complete copy of what I am imagining. Any imperfections will be simply corrected with a flex of my will.

If I have to explain it plainly, it makes it feel like the art tool from the computer itself became an extension of my limb that I can move freely. That's the only way I can explain.

This fact enables me to discover what Mental Programming and Virtual Programming can do. Virtual Programming enables me to program directly to the programming file I am using by just being in contact with the computer, while Mental Programming enables me to connect my mind with the programming tool and write codes on it through my mind only.

It might sound the same, but there is a difference. One is limited to what I am thinking, and the other seems to have become an extension of my limb. It's like the difference between thinking about stretching your body and actually stretching your body.

I also discovered some, but they are not as interesting as the aforementioned abilities.

Just in time, I'm done making all the rooms for the base of operations for my friends. The next thing I will be doing is making an elevator shaft to the next floor below, which is easy for me. Being superhuman and my abilities increasing my speed of productivity just makes it possible for me to just finish everything in barely a week.

I was just thinking of what to do next when I heard someone ringing the bell on my door. Focusing on the presence in front of the entrance of my door, those are familiar ones. So I quickly wrap things up on this base before leaving it.

After a few minutes I am back to the ground floor. Walking to my entrance door and opening it. Seeing the familiar faces of my friends plus another one.

"Hey, Yume-chan!"

"Hello." I responded back to Saki who raises her hand casually in a greeting. "Your just in time. Come inside, I want to show you something!"

All of them look at each other for a moment, before they quickly walk into my house.

Really, some of my plans changes when I am building the whole first underground floor for their base of operations. I want to tell them my plans. Just notifying them because why not?

Hayami can't believe what she is seeing. They are now in a mostly white room. The light weirdly doesn't hurt their eyes despite the brightness of the light above the room.

Just the elevator alone makes them incredibly excited and amazed at how smooth it is. Then seeing the very first room to the underground base makes their jaws dropped as they saw the hi-tech looking cube that is five times their size. Yumeko seems to call it the Super Generator.

Then getting to the next room, they finally found a room that can be aptly called a scifi command room. The general light of the room is dim, though the bluish lights of the monitors surrounding the slightly curved tables on the middle of the room makes it look like what's inside a hull of a spaceship. On the large screen in front of them, the screen shows the whole map of Yomi City in real time. Then the other screen on the surroundings seems to be only showing blue screens.

"Wow.... what is this place...?" Honomi gasps as she looks around in wonder. Her eyes shining in intrigue at everything on this room.

"This is the main command room. This is where oversight and comms will be done when you are on the field." Yumeko casually says that as she urges them to follow her.

As she is touring them to the base, she is telling them about things that they mostly can't understand. Like how she made a mini-probe that is now floating on low earth orbit above this city and it seems like it is only limited to the sight of this city, and half of the neighboring cities due to how small she made the probe. It seems to be the one responsible for showing the map of the city on that screen in realtime.

Then she explained about the bulletproof screens, blast and shake proof walls, and even the heavy duty doors that can be only opened through facial recognition, eye recognition, or even fingerprint recognition. Or they can do it the easy way which is using the key cards she personally made, which has some sort of security in it that makes it impossible for others to copy it.

She gave them those key cards. It's literally a card. The shiny look it has makes it look like a credit card they usually see their parents carries around them. Though it has a futuristic silvery sheen on it.

After that she toured them on the room connected to the main command room, which she calls as the lounge. It seems like they can take a rest here if they wanted. Yumeko said she is planning on adding some sort of skill or a production line for their protective gears and they think she is not joking now that they saw she can actually create something like this underground base.

The lounge seems to have some beds, and different game consoles, along with really comfortable sofas and even a really wide bathroom. Yumeko thinks that they might need it if they somehow find themselves in a really bad situation that they can't stay with their families temporarily.

The last room she toured them is a half-finished room that she calls the armory. She said this is where they can take necessary equipments for their superhero night outs.

After that they go back to the command room.

"This is amazing Yumeko-chan! You really made all of this!?" Hayami can't help but be amazed at everything around here.

Yumeko just shrugs. "I mean, I can't just let you go around and fight crime without doing anything. I have the capability to help, so I am helping you in my own way." She said before continuing as she turned at them. "Just tell me when you want to go outside and do something, and I'll quickly try to assist you."

"Assist us?" Honomi tilts her head.

"Right. You see that command room? I'll be the one doing oversight and comms for your escapades!" She smiles at them after saying that.

"... How?" It's now Shiro who asks that while walks around the command room.

"I will give you this." Yumeko handed them something once more. "These are wireless earbuds. You can just put it in your ear and it will stay stuck in there and won't slip out of your ears, unless you take it off yourself. The earbuds are pretty good as it won't impede your hearing on your surroundings, and at the same time harmonizes with environmental sound if I decided to talk through your earbuds. It also has a tracker in it so I will know where were you if you are wearing it." Yumeko admitted to herself.

"Uh... tracker?"

"Right. You don't have to take it to your home if you want. You can give it back to me and just use it if you are planning to go out and fight crime. It's just a safety measure in case you suddenly go missing."

"I see...." Hayami is not that surprised anymore. It seems like Yumeko has thought this through.

"Oh right. To make it easier for you girls to do your job, I made an AI that will search every nook and cranny of this city to find crime and forward it all to the main monitor here." Then Yumeko pointed to one of the hi-tech looking computer lined up on the slightly curved table. "I can just tell you where to go, and can do your own saving thing."

"T-that's amazing!" Now Hayami is more amazed at that.

"Is that so...?" Yumeko seems like she has raised her eyebrow at that, though it's like an imagination as she is still looking at them with that calm expression.

"Yeah, this is truly amazing Yume-chan! With this we won't have to do everything to find those criminal scums and beat them up!" Saki exclaimed in excitement.

"Hmm! Easy mode!" Even Shiro is incredibly excited about it as she pumps her fist up.

".... By the way Yumeko-chan, I saw that there are many buttons on the elevator when we are getting down here. Is there another floor other than this one?" Hayami asks in honest curiosity.

"Well, I haven't done it yet. I already planned what I wanted to build there, and I'm just going to finish the armory before I did that." Yumeko told them.

"Is that so!? What are you going to build after this?" Hayami thinks she might suddenly build something amazing, like a robot hangar, or some sort of scifi stuff.

"A server room." Though they are surprised when Yumeko simply says that.

".... Server room?" Hayami tilted her head.

"Right. I did told you all that I want to be a multimedia content creator, right?" With their nods, she continues. "I think it is time for me to make my own game. I'm planning to make a large scale MMORPG and I'm planning for my Server Room to take care of every burden so other players can play it smoothly even if they are playing in a low end computer."

They blink their eyes for a moment, staring at her before gasping in surprise.

"What!?" Hayami is surprised. It's unlike what she is thinking at all.

Yumeko is building a whole underground room just for making a game!?

It felt like that's too much even for just making a game. Though seeing her now giving them a genuine and bright smile makes them unable to say that to her face. Regardless of how exaggerated she is going for it.

I'll take this slow for now. Writing chapters until I can get to a part which I wanted to write once more.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions!~ I'll take note of it, and make sure to use it as reference!~ Hope you enjoy this story!~

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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Awesome. I think Yumeko building a server farm for a game would be pretty cool. With all her abilities she could make servers that could support all kinds of impressive MMO capabilities.
With her skills? Pretty damn sure she could make a WoW world with flexibility from PoE and make it actually balanced for both neets and casual players, without locking people into builds, and with a bit of stretch make assymetrical pvp matches, like 40 pro vs 200 noobs and actually make it fun for both sides.

Edit: Btw, since she can't at the moment access her bank accounts in any professional capacity, will she make/hack one she could use for her Val lvl ups? Make 7 or 10 accounts and start pretending she is different ppl and keeping her place in the top 10 ff writers?
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Yumeko doesn't want to go crime-fighting, she would rather just make multimedia content; on the other hand, she wants to help her friends... So she builds her own underground secret lair base, so that she can be Mission Control for the GDC girls and create a MMO empire at the same time!

Seriously, anyone else would think that Yumeko is some sort of evil genius.
"I don't care about her 'just making videogames' front. She's clearly up to something, we must find the truth!"
"Oh, you sweet summer child... You don't know Yumeko at all, do you?"

And from Miss "digging into Earth's crust is difficult but not impossible", now comes "my homemade satellite just covers half a dozen towns so it's not really that impressive..." :V
Ch 29

"fighting against demon lords, and that demon lords are actually pretty common on in the past."

"The way as she plays and then casually refers her experience when making it,"
The question now is if Yumeko is aiming to be a Goddess of Multi Media or if she will try to moderate her success by dialing down her work. She doesn't want to use Fame Manipulation but might be pushed into a corner again if she draws too much attention.

Either way I welcome our God Empress Gabe-chan to the world stage!