I just stared at her for several long moments across the commlink.

A test? A fucking test!?
I'd have verbally torn into everyone involved; if Rain hadn't managed to override Amy's control over her ship, that would have turned into a friendly fire incident. Decloaking inside weapons range is not how one safely ends a live fire exercise, particularly when those involved don't know about it. Admittedly it does serve as a useful reminder that external communications from 'trusted sources' can still be a threat to control over your ship...
IIf Rain hadn't managed to override Amy's control over her ship, that would have turned into a friendly fire incident. Decloaking inside weapons range is not how one safely ends a live fire exercise, particularly when those involved don't know about it. Admittedly it does serve as a useful reminder that external communications from 'trusted sources' can still be a threat to control over your ship...

Training link. It's not a normal feature.
I have never been a fan of this concept, no matter how well intentioned. Yes, I understand the reasoning behind it, but I vehemently disagree with it.

It both undermines trust, and increases the likelihood that one might mis-identify a genuinely real threat as merely allies 'testing' them (and thus not reacting to it as decisively in the fashion they should).

This is a bad fucking practice.
I have never been a fan of this concept, no matter how well intentioned. Yes, I understand the reasoning behind it, but I vehemently disagree with it.

It both undermines trust, and increases the likelihood that one might mis-identify a genuinely real threat as merely allies 'testing' them (and thus not reacting to it as decisively in the fashion they should).

This is a bad fucking practice.
You know how in all those movies they broadcast things like "action stations, this is not a test"? Well they do actually do that, and also broadcast "this is a test" when it is.

That said, I would be surprised (ha!) if there were not some amount of surprise training, with appropriate safety measures.
I have never been a fan of this concept, no matter how well intentioned. Yes, I understand the reasoning behind it, but I vehemently disagree with it.

It both undermines trust, and increases the likelihood that one might mis-identify a genuinely real threat as merely allies 'testing' them (and thus not reacting to it as decisively in the fashion they should).

This is a bad fucking practice.
Surprise drills are a perfectly valid training tool if properly supervised and discussed afterward. Which is exactly what happened.
It took us hours to get everything ready even with my transporter, replicator, and maintenance drones.

It got my mind off being pissed at Rain and Miramar, that's for sure. Camin collapsed onto one of the couches in the main room, "Done."

"Done," I agreed and looked around. The place had a cosy feel to it now. The walls were decorated with something other than the normal calm grey colours, and one of them had been completely covered with a projection film, allowing me to display anything I wanted on it.
The furniture of the small mess hall had been beamed out and replaced with a buffet table and a couple of couches, while keeping most of the floor free for dancing.

The quarters had also been modified, but with less room for dancing: beds and desks ripped out and replaced with more comfortable couches and chairs. One was for movies and the other for just relaxing.

I would need to replace everything later, but this would be perfect.

Camin groaned and rubbed her eyes, "…That was way more work than I thought it would be."

"Tell me about it," I agreed and crossed my arms, leaning against one of the walls as I switched on the screen of the room to display an image from Miramar's sensors aimed at a close by nebula, "We still need to get ready, too."

She let her head drop back against the couch for a second, "How much time do we have left?"

"People will start getting transported over in an hour or so."

Camin quickly scrambled up from the couch, "An hour! That's not enough time! Beam me to my apartment! I need to get ready!"

I quickly negotiated it with Miramar, and then engaged the transporter. We're not supposed to use them outside of transporter pads on the station, but it was an emergency.

Oh crap, I need to do the same!

Quickly transporting my avatar to my room aboard Miramar, I scrambled to get changed. Thank everything I didn't need to shower.


I slowly orbited close to the local gas giant, displaying the seemingly infinite expanse of whirling purple clouds just below us on the wall in the main room.

I had some thirty people on board, and quite frankly, it was fun. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, watching the horror of a monster hunting the crew of a starship in the theatre, or dancing in the mainroom, or just relaxing on one of the couches.

Been waaay too long since I went to a real party.

My avatar was dancing on the floor, and things were just generally fun. It almost made me reconsider my goal.

Combat clearly sucked and this was awesome. Why not switch to being a yacht or a luxury transport instead?

But then the stars drew the attention of my sensors, and I needed to know what was out there.

My dance partner, Jalvek, an Andorian, let out his breath as the song came to an end, "I need a break. Want a drink?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm good, thanks," and as he headed for the replicator, I left for the movie room before collapsing into a free spot on one of the couches.

Camin was also there, but she wasn't paying attention to the movie, she was too busy cuddling with another human, a guy named Mark. They had been going out for a week or so, he seemed nice.

If I'm to be completely honest, I was a bit envious about the entire thing. Having somebody to cuddle with sounded rather fun.

Never done anything like that.

Well, not outside of a holoprogram anyway and that hardly counted. Hologram characters weren't real.

Shifting position, I rose up from the gas giant to skim along its rings to the ooohs and aahhs of the people in the main room.

Smiling to myself, I burned thrusters and rolled, starting to fly quickly across the rings, ducking through them at one place where there was a good spot.

Come on, how often do a bunch of students, even at the Contact school at Miramar, get to ride around in a ROU? Might as well make the party memorable.

So, I danced along and through the rings, spinning and burning thrusters.

It didn't take long before I attracted attention.

A ROU fell in on my port side, Murder class, the ROU 'Feel lucky?'. She didn't open a channel or anything to me, just flashed her running lights twice.

Mentally grinning to myself, I flashed back before I started to dance with the older and slightly smaller torpedo boat. We twisted and turned through and along the rings, sometimes passing as close as a dozen meters from each other, close enough that our shields crackled against each other.

It was half dancing, half formation flying. All awesome!
Fun over. Back to work.

It had been two months since the 'training exercise' and the pace had not relaxed. Class after class.

Other than my days off for mental breaks, it was constant pressure.

This time, I was idly floating outside the station while drilling transporter behaviours. Basically, beaming a biological sample container back and forth while Miramar was working to disrupt the transporter confinement.

It was boring, tedious, difficult, and required quite a bit of focus.

I had been doing it for the last sixteen hours. I had beamed a biological sample container back and forth over nineteen thousand times. I had failed just over two thousand times.

My avatar had disconnected and gone to classes with everyone else for the last twelve hours, so at least one part of me didn't need to handle this in real time.

I really really hoped she was having more fun, so I would get that experience later.

Shifting my position, I changed my orbit around the station to clear the flightpath of LSV 'Techsupport, how may I help you?', the repair and rescue version Island class coming in, dragging a clearly disabled Ferengi cargo vessel in her tractor beams.

Wonder what happened there? She might be just a normal ship, not one of us, but I still felt sorry for her. Poor ship.

A signal came in from across the station from GCU 'Keep Hands Clear of Moving Parts' and I opened a channel.

Her avatar was a human with dark skin and her long dark hair over her left shoulder, "Wasn't Aiming at You, hi. I was hoping to get to talk to you?"

"Amy for short," I agreed with a nod, "What can I help you with?"

"Clara for me," she said with a smile, "I understand you are trying to join Contact?"

I nodded, "I am. Before I became a ship, I didn't know what I wanted. But when I saw the universe… I wanted to see more of it. See what's out there."

She nodded, "The reason I'm asking is not just curiosity, I'm actually looking to split into a LSV. I could use any core for that… or I could evacuate my aeroshuttle and let you take it over. You could be a LCU."

Yes! Yes!

"You would?!"

Clara smiled, "Potentially. I have talked to Miramar and a couple of your teachers. So I figured I would check if you were interested and if you would like to meet up with me and my captain?"

"Yes! Yes please!"

She nodded, "I'll se it up. How does tomorrow sound?"


"Anything you want to know before?"

Uhm. Think!

I nodded and crossed my arms, "Which class are you? Your IFF is down."

"I'm a Slipstream class," she said, "I'm currently undergoing maintenance, my com system is down. I'm relaying this through Miramar's systems."

Slipstream class, a replacement of the Zephyr class. About the same size and carried one Amur class aeroshuttle. A population of two hundred and while the Zephyr had been carrying two aeroshuttles, the Slipstream only carried one.

In return, she was made for long term missions instead of short to medium like the Zephyr and she were technically able to land on planets much like the old Intrepid class.

She wasn't rated for indefinite deployments like the Island classes and larger, but five year missions were no problems.

I checked the records. Clara's captain was a human, Oliver Hendriks. He was fifty-three years old and former Starfleet, having left after the Berserker war. He migrated to the Commonwealth a couple of years after it split from the Federation, and joined Contact soon after.

"Nice. Why are you looking to split into an LSV? If you don't mind you asking?"

She shrugged a bit, "I like being a GCV, but I also want to find out how it is to have a larger population. But it's not just that, an LSV is more involved in Commonwealth business. Contact ships aren't as involved to be honest, we can spend months or even years out of com range."

"Oh. Yeah, I suppose that makes sense."

Clara grinned, "Don't get me wrong, it's amazing. But I also want to put some more work into things."

I nodded, "Mmm. Being away with a small crew, getting along would be important, right?"

"It is," she agreed, "Even more so because I'm such a small ship. If we decide to do this after the meeting with my captain, you would need to meet the away mission specialist team. You would be working mostly with them, and it's important that you and they can get along."

I hesitated at that before I nodded, "…Yeah, makes sense. I want to do this right, not make things difficult for you and your crew."

Clara smiled, "Oh, just finished with my captain. He asked if ten tomorrow morning works, and if you would mind if Specialist Thivan Kusum join us? He's in charge of the away team."

"It does! Thank him for me?"

"Will do."
IFF is down and comms are being redirected? Sounds like our little Amy might be getting into her first kidnapping!
I'm not sure what you're talking about, this conversation happened over the station comms because Clara's communication systems are currently down. Amy even went and looked up her captain on the station logs. If you think Miramar missed any of that, you should reconsider.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, this conversation happened over the station comms because Clara's communication systems are currently down. Amy even went and looked up her captain on the station logs. If you think Miramar missed any of that, you should reconsider.
I would not at all be surprised if Miramar was the one who recommended Amy in the first place.
the repair and rescue version Island class coming in, dragging a clearly disabled Ferengi cargo vessel in her tractor beams.
Dominion spy detected.
I nodded and crossed my arms, "Which class are you? Your IFF is down."
Dominion spy detected.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, this conversation happened over the station comms because Clara's communication systems are currently down. Amy even went and looked up her captain on the station logs. If you think Miramar missed any of that, you should reconsider.
Dominion spy detected.
"Should I be hyperventilating? This feels like a hyperventilating situation!"

Camin shook her head, "Relax, you'll do fine. Besides, not like that would help you."

I spun my avatar to her, "How do I look!?"

She grinned, "You look fine."

I had been switching outfits for the last hour, but I'd finally settled for the Warship uniform. I wanted to look professional for this. My red hair was pulled back into a ponytail; Rain told me to keep things simple.

Pacing a bit, I fretted, "Last time I did this, it didn't go fine!"

"Last time, didn't you lack any kind of experience? You've got some now, relax. Besides, they contacted you, not the other way around. Just keep calm and things will work out."

She was right.

I needed to be calm and professional for this. They won't expect me to be a complete expert in everything from the start, they know I'm new.


Okay then.

What was it Rain said? You're still a Warship. Everything you are is meant to be usable as some kind of weapon. Physical, mental, anything you can possibly do to give yourself an advantage over the enemy.

Calm down, Amy. You're already a member of Contact (technically!!), just in the Combat division instead of the Exploration half. …Trainee, but still!

This is a chance, yes, but not your only one. If they decide I'm not a good fit, too inexperienced… that's fine.

There will be another chance in a week, in a month, in a year.

Wouldn't actually be horrible if they passed me by, it would give me more experience while working to get the next one.

Nodding I moved to give Camin a quick hug, "Thank you."

"Go get them."


"And here is the bridge," Clara said as she lead us onto her bridge, "Sadly my holograms are offline right now for maintenance."

I nodded and looked around the grey dome with a single chair close to the middle. Seemed pretty standard for what I knew about smaller ship designs.

"Full hologram design," I commented.

Captain Hendriks nodded, "Space efficient, which is important on a small ship like Clara. I remember back when I served on a Nova. Seven people bridge crew crammed into a space smaller than this. Good thing none of us were claustrophobic, let me tell you!"

I nodded with a smile, "I can imagine."

I liked Captain Hendriks. He looked like he belonged on a old 19th century steamer, standing on the bridge with a pipe in his hand. Steel grey eyes and a big bushy grey beard.

Senior Specialist Thivan Kusum followed us inside. He was a tall joined Trill in his mid-thirties with short dark hair and an athletic build. While Captain Hendriks and Carla were wearing Exploration uniforms, they were blue and a bit more similar to the Starfleet uniforms, Thivan were wearing black like me. He may be the lead of the away team, but he was also chief of security onboard.

Clara grinned, "Not that you would be likely to spend a lot of time here other than a holo avatar. Your area would be more down in the small ship bay."

I nodded in agreement. Made sense.

Thivan walked up next to me, "A question, do you have any experience running Explorer Two armor?"

I pulled up the schematics and then shook my head, "No, but I do have training in Defender Three class combat armour as well as Primal Fear class drones. Database says that Explorer Two armour is somewhat similar in it's workings to Defender Two?"

"It is," he agreed, "The major difference between Defender and Explorer class armors are armor and sensors. The Explorer armor set is much more light-weight. There are some differences between MK Two and Three, but I don't doubt you would be able to adapt quickly. You said you had experience with Primal Fear class drones?"

I nodded, "I have training in them. Are there any onboard?"

"I carry two of them," Clara said, "You don't need to worry about those though, they're my responsibility. You would however carry two Seeker and one Stalker class drones."

"I haven't used any of those, but they seem good. Would love to learn how to use them."

Clara nodded, "They're easier to learn than the Primal Fear drones, so you should be fine," she said with a smile, "Same with the aeroshuttle. In a vacuum it's rather similar to a runabout; it has wings though so you would need to learn how to use it in an atmosphere."

"Oooh, using control surfaces?" I asked with a grin, "Like an old aeroplane?"

She grinned back, "Well, partly. It does have them, but most of the flying is done with thrusters and counter grav, the control surfaces are mostly there for emergencies. It's a lot of fun to fly though."

"I bet."

Captain Hendriks motioned towards the second door, "Please, let's continue this in my ready room."