The Moon's Fall (Worm AU, The Wolf Time sequel)

Hopefully that is the case and with Ward starring an un-pancaked Victoria may provide a jolt of inspiration.

Unfortunately my attempt at reading it proved that I just can't enjoy the series itself any more. Dunno why, but I couldn't make it through the first part of the prologue, let alone the story to come.

Though if the Wolf Trilogy is dead, will there be an outline post similar to the one you made when Ceaseless ended?

Not until it's dead for certain. When/if that time comes, I'll dump my outline into the threads for the story.

And of course every Tenno, be it in their Warframe or when awake, will immediately demand to pet the Good doG.

On the subject of which, anyone know if there's a Warframe fic thread on SV? I can't find one but I suck at searching these forums.

Oh shit how'd that even work? Now I want an Amaterasu frame!

I'm thinking Maroo finding a weird statue while excavating a very old ruin on Earth, then the Lotus deciding to pay a visit to her scavenged space station and happening to spot it.
From my side of things it's been clear that interest peaked during Coyote and has dropped ever since (likely in no small part due to Alpha being a poor arc and that leading to me taking a second hiatus) so that by the time Wyld finished I had maybe half the readers I started out with. Then almost nobody came over to the sequel and it just stopped feeling like there was any point in continuing.

Part of the problem may have been that most of the sequel chapters were first posted in the original thread, then later copied over to this one. People may have come to this thread, seen chapters they'd already read, and gone away, losing interest because they thought they'd already read the whole thing, or just got confused. Personally, I am of the opinion that making a new thread partway through the start of the next arc was a mistake which would only cause confusion. but what's done is done, and if you want people to regain interest, there needs to be new chapters for them to be interested in
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Part of the problem may have been that most of the sequel chapters were first posted in the original thread, then later copied over to this one. People may have come to this thread, seen chapters they'd already read, and gone away, losing interest because they thought they'd already read the whole thing, or just got confused. Personally, I am of the opinion that making a new thread partway through the start of the next arc was a mistake which would only cause confusion. but what's done is done, and if you want people to regain interest, there needs to be new chapters for them to be interested in

You're right, and I suppose there's no better time to restart a Worm fic, plus my attempt at NaNoWriMo has been pretty abysmal thus far. no matter how much I like the concept for the novel I'm working on I just can't get it come out nicely.

Since you're giving solid insight, what do you think about the Lost arc? I've been considering turning it into a side story and skipping past it for the main story stuff, but then it does have some value in amongst the padding...I'm really not sure what to do with it.
You're right, and I suppose there's no better time to restart a Worm fic, plus my attempt at NaNoWriMo has been pretty abysmal thus far. no matter how much I like the concept for the novel I'm working on I just can't get it come out nicely.

Since you're giving solid insight, what do you think about the Lost arc? I've been considering turning it into a side story and skipping past it for the main story stuff, but then it does have some value in amongst the padding...I'm really not sure what to do with it.

If you think the narrative will flow better skipping the Lost arc, then go for it. By making it a side story you can have some more room to create adventures for the various Earth-Bet exiles instead of having to make it secondary to try and reach the Tower to start the next arc. Plus, having a few references to the, pun intended, Lost episode can help create some mystery and a good narrative lead in to the side story.

But as I am fond of saying, it's your story and your decision on how to proceed.
Since you're giving solid insight, what do you think about the Lost arc? I've been considering turning it into a side story and skipping past it for the main story stuff, but then it does have some value in amongst the padding...I'm really not sure what to do with it.

Personally, I think the Lost arc is a necessary part of the main story. Everyone has been separated into different groups by the dimensional shift. I am of the opinion that it is very important to see what they went through in the process of being reunited. If you just want to skip ahead to everyone meeting up at the Fortress, then OK, but if you're going to write out the events, it should not be relegated to a side story
I would just like to say that your work with this story, and even the other moster!sider stroirs, has been a highlight of this fandom for me, and that I would be VERY excite to see your take on an Okami crossover. Keep up the great work!
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Ohgod. You might put a tech-hexing wizard in a fic with insane high tech remote controlled robots?

I just want to be there to see what happens when Harry sneezes.

My guess: A conflagration that Sargas Ruk would be jealous of(for those who have never played Warframer, Sargas Ruk is a boss who tends to unleash huge amounts of fire during battle, both from a directed flamethrower and an AoE blast which he uses almost continuously)
Did anyone ever solve that number cypher in the last letter.? Also glad i found this right as its being restarted much better than finding it liking it only to discover it is dead.
Ohgod. You might put a tech-hexing wizard in a fic with insane high tech remote controlled robots?

I just want to be there to see what happens when Harry sneezes.

Other way around, preview is gonna be Harry in his office (not sure about when other than it being pre-Changes because
I hate that Harry didn't die at the end of that book
) when a woman comes in, weird presence, talks funny, wearing sunglasses large enough to totally conceal her eyes...and asks him to help her find one of her children.

So it's more like, what happens when you dump a being of the Void (aka, the Outside) into a world so terrified of anything from beyond the Outer Gates. Then have an ancient machine goddess come looking for them.

Though if I do go with that fic, maybe a sequel might have the cross going the other way. Harry and some friends being pulled into an investigations across the Origin system.

Personally, I think the Lost arc is a necessary part of the main story. Everyone has been separated into different groups by the dimensional shift. I am of the opinion that it is very important to see what they went through in the process of being reunited. If you just want to skip ahead to everyone meeting up at the Fortress, then OK, but if you're going to write out the events, it should not be relegated to a side story

Lost is mostly gonna be set-up for later conflicts. Interpersonal stuff with all the new folks, plus some hints at their new world and the wider state of the multiverse. Setting the scene for the base building and survival challenges that Purebred will be starting to tackle.

I just worry that it'll be too slow for most readers.

Did anyone ever solve that number cypher in the last letter.? Also glad i found this right as its being restarted much better than finding it liking it only to discover it is dead.

Well now I have no choice but to get it back up and running. :D Thanks should go to RHJunior I guess.

Oh, and I think someone in one of the threads did manage to solve it.
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... How does one even accidentally delete a comment as soon as he uploads it?

Anyway, what I wanted to say is: as long as a story is worth being written, people will think it's worth reading. And I think this story deserves to be written, Lost and all.
As for the lost arc I say keep it in the main story if only for dean's chapter. The characterization you gave him was pure gold. Besides it may be slow but it is important and most books have one or two slow scenes that readers have to deal with.
As for the lost arc I say keep it in the main story if only for dean's chapter. The characterization you gave him was pure gold. Besides it may be slow but it is important and most books have one or two slow scenes that readers have to deal with.

Nothing stops an author from putting exciting bits in to keep story interesting.

If Lost seems too slow, you can always take a page from the writer of the Sam Spade series and just have a man with a gun barge into the room. Or have one of the normal people trigger. Or whatever. There are lots of extremely stressed people there, and they don't all have powers.
Nothing stops an author from putting exciting bits in to keep story interesting.

If Lost seems too slow, you can always take a page from the writer of the Sam Spade series and just have a man with a gun barge into the room. Or have one of the normal people trigger. Or whatever. There are lots of extremely stressed people there, and they don't all have powers.

Now that I think about it, you are right that this is a situation primed for a cluster trigger. And if Cauldron's Kephri alternative managed to kill Zion, it likely to be as messy as the wild trigger we saw at the end of Worm.

Another potential faultline that may be worth exploring would be between the werewolves and any capes or civilians who were not changed in the course of the Leviathan fight/Golden Morning. For those outside of the Underdogs and the DWU, all they have to go on are the news reports about the "psycho cape" who attacked a school and defied the Protectorate without even a slap on the wrist. Plus if any of the recently changed heroes besides Gallant are with them, odds are they are still trying to Wrestle the Beast so that is not helping opinions. And now their survival is not only in the hands of vilified monsters, but the lingering question is whether or not circumstances will force them to give up their humanity as well.

Still, I hope that some of the other Wards and heroes did wind up on Earth-Zaev as well. Because, aside from the potential for conflict and seeing the two groups come to grips with the aftermath of Golden Morning, the image of Vista as an unholy combination of a Were-Corgi and a Slinky just won't leave my head.
I've been following and enjoying this story, so sorry if I forgot to rate it when I finished a chapter. I do hope you continue this fic, but if you don't want to, fair enough. A lot of people struggled with the Glow-Worm prologue interludes, so you aren't alone in that.
A lot of people struggled with the Glow-Worm prologue interludes, so you aren't alone in that.

It may be because I slept like a particularly feverish baby, but I'm really struggling to grasp your meaning here.

Now that I think about it, you are right that this is a situation primed for a cluster trigger. And if Cauldron's Kephri alternative managed to kill Zion, it likely to be as messy as the wild trigger we saw at the end of Worm.

You know...I hadn't considered that...which makes me feel like a bit of an idiot now :p

Another potential faultline that may be worth exploring would be between the werewolves and any capes or civilians who were not changed in the course of the Leviathan fight/Golden Morning. For those outside of the Underdogs and the DWU, all they have to go on are the news reports about the "psycho cape" who attacked a school and defied the Protectorate without even a slap on the wrist. Plus if any of the recently changed heroes besides Gallant are with them, odds are they are still trying to Wrestle the Beast so that is not helping opinions. And now their survival is not only in the hands of vilified monsters, but the lingering question is whether or not circumstances will force them to give up their humanity as well.

Now this is more along the lines of what I have planned.

Still, I hope that some of the other Wards and heroes did wind up on Earth-Zaev as well. Because, aside from the potential for conflict and seeing the two groups come to grips with the aftermath of Golden Morning, the image of Vista as an unholy combination of a Were-Corgi and a Slinky just won't leave my head.

There's a better one than Vista that will happen in a couple arcs. looking forward to it a lot.
It may be because I slept like a particularly feverish baby, but I'm really struggling to grasp your meaning here.
Well, Glow-Worm is a prologue to Ward, but also serves as an Interlude between Worm and Ward, so I wasn't really sure which to call it, so I went with both. You said that you couldn't bring yourself to finish Glow-Worm, and a lot of other people have complained about the readability of those mini-chapters.
Well, Glow-Worm is a prologue to Ward, but also serves as an Interlude between Worm and Ward, so I wasn't really sure which to call it, so I went with both. You said that you couldn't bring yourself to finish Glow-Worm, and a lot of other people have complained about the readability of those mini-chapters.

Ah, yeah, I'd completely forgotten what the prologues were titled.
There's a better one than Vista that will happen in a couple arcs. looking forward to it a lot.

And I note the lack of denial against Vista being a Were-Corgi. Now I hope for Missy's sake Glastig Udine did not escape from Earth-Bet to Earth-Zaev as well. She would spend every waking moment trying to make Vista her Royal Mount.
Oh I'm not making it that easy. If I link it then I'd be confirming which of the solutions is correct.

Don't worry though, it's just a minor hint of some stuff. Nothing important to enjoy the story.
Curse you Anzer'ke You big tease. Now It will haunt my mind for two weeks. Woe is me Woe is me. :cry::lol