The Moon's Fall (Worm AU, The Wolf Time sequel)

...What is Elfquest?

*dodges thrown tomatoes

Seriously, I have no clue.
A LONG running comic book about elves crashing their magic space castle on Stone Age Not!Earth, devolving into hunter-gatherer tribe that rides wolfs and clashes with a local human tribe. And then humans set their forest on fire, forcing them to escape.
where the last lines saying he is using his power making everyone into the Lotus Eaters for the next half hour? (I am joking, as peace and quiet would be nice in a situation like that.)
I can definitely see the potential for Dean to go Green Mile with his power set. Joining the Underdogs could definitely be a healthy change for him, and perhaps them as well.
Lost - 4

Shoving through the undergrowth, Taylor wasn't sure whether to be glad for the ridiculous density of the plants or curse them for it.

It seemed kind of like the old 'is this glass half empty or half full' thing.

A glass half full kind of person might point out that the untamed forest was too dense for her to face her old nemesis, from back when she had been young and outdoorsy. Speaking, of course, of branches that bent easily to let a girl by, then whipped back and forth as soon as they were released.

Something that would have been especially painful since Rachel's repeated transformations had left her with precisely zero clothing, and her emergency layer of modesty fur wasn't exactly protective.

A glass half empty kind of person might respond that the dense foliage included all kinds of thorns and twigs and assorted points and edges. Just perfect to keep her constantly regenerating a succession of scratches and shallow cuts.

Which might not have been a problem if she had thick clothes, or any clothes, but instead she had only the fur which, by this point, she was in the habit of cladding herself in the moment she felt a breeze. Warm and silky? Yes. Properly protective? Not even a little.

However, as she slashed through another interwoven tangle of plants she didn't recognise, Taylor reflected that both of the aforementioned kinds of people were morons.

The proper response to a glass at half capacity was not to stare at it and drone about philosophy. It was to get a damn refill, preferably after draining the glass.

Then maybe follow that up by getting a bigger glass, so people could share it, or even get everyone a bigger glass of their own. Maybe find the people who had been hoarding the pitchers and acting like it made them better than the people with little broken glasses, take their oversized drinking implements, and show them who was really in charge.

Any of the options available was better than doing nothing but talk about it.

No. If there was one thing her recent career choices had taught Taylor, it was that nothing comes to those who don't go get it.

Which was why she hadn't sat around waiting for someone else to come find her, or made some kind of signal. Despite the insistent voice in her head that kept reminding her that she was down to her own personal powers and no more, with no idea what threats were lurking around her. Maybe not the best circumstances in which to trek several miles through terrain so overgrown that, forgetting all about her original plan to become a dog and run, she'd had to climb into the trees more than once just to get by.

Not to mention that, where she'd started out on a gentle downhill gradient, Taylor's journey had taken less than an hour to level out, then grow steeper and steeper and steeper. Until she was practically climbing up the slope at times. While also wrestling with forest thicker than any amount of hiking could have prepared her for.

Taylor heaved herself up onto a branch and paused for breath, no longer bothering to turn and search for the view. Even as high up as she was -and she'd been climbing for hours- Taylor still couldn't see a break in the canopy.

From afar, and again every time she had to climb a tree to regain her bearings, Taylor had seen a seamless blanket of trees. Every time she'd climbed up to get a look, she'd assumed that the gaps would be visible when she was closer.

Well she was as close as she could get, and no matter what direction she looked in she could see only the smallest slivers of the sky.

Dawn had come and gone as she walked, but at ground level the illumination had hardly changed.

How the plants could grow so thickly with such little light was a question for a botanist. Taylor just put it down to them being alien plants and kept slicing her way forward. Still, some observations were impossible not to make.

It was because of them that a little haste had crept in as the hours wore on. Not because of hunger, because she could always try hunting. Not because of cold, because she wasn't. But because as weird as it was to see plants that ranged from slightly off (like the ones which combined bark and leaves for a thick green coating and branches that tapered into twiggy fractals) to outright bizarre (including flowers that tried to coil their stems gently around any limb that brushed against them, and trees that were definitely whispering) they were still plants.

Plants that all showed clear adaptation for rain. Lots and lots of rain. Rainforest kinds of rain.

The experience of fighting Leviathan had been horrible enough, albeit for a lot of reasons beyond the uncomfortable weather, and that had been in a place where shelter from the rain was seldom further than a doorway away.

Taylor couldn't see anywhere to take cover from the rain that was sure to come eventually. So her best option to avoid doing her wet dog impression was to get home as soon as humanly possible.

Not that she was limited to mere human capabilities. Otherwise Taylor doubted she'd have reached the base of the mountain in the same time it had taken her to climb so high. Assuming she'd have found any way to get her bearings without being able to climb up and get a look around.

It really didn't bear thinking about, so she added it to the ever growing list of things she was trying very hard not to think about, and took full advantage of the ground slowly starting to level out.

She bent to her task, cutting faster and faster until she was almost jogging to keep up with the rate at which she made her path. Weaving around the massive trees that dominated the forest, brushing by their smaller relations, and cutting through the saplings. Taylor knew that she was being incautious, but after hours without an attack she didn't think one was coming, not until she fell asleep at least and that was just one more reason to-


Taylor snatched her hand to her chest, biting back a scream at the pain throbbing in her hand. It was already fading to an ache that she knew would be gone in less than a minute, but that didn't make a broken hand hurt any less in the time before she healed.

"Mother fucking piece of…glass?" Her curses trailed off into a tone of wonder as Taylor brushed aside half of a bush -literally, like it had been sliced in two- and saw a room full of desks and computers and the general clutter of an office. A room she recognised, because she and her friends owned it.

She took a few steps back, looking up and up and still having to stare before she saw it.

The Fortress. It was right in front of her, only hidden by a curtain of plants. Many of them fallen against the glass or intersected by it. The latter cases were what drew her attention.

"I guess whatever sent us here, didn't care what was already there." Or else it had simply swapped without regard for such trivial matters as bringing down trees and possibly slicing people in half...

To her relief, in a slow circuit of the massive building Taylor didn't find anything but plants that had been divided by the arrival of their home.

Whatever respite from worry that granted her, another discovery stole it away. She walked the perimeter twice more but could not deny the evidence any further.

The entrance was gone. In fact the entire bottom floor was missing. She was left looking into one of the lower floors, with little to tell her which one of them she was looking at.

It was definitely one of the ones they rented out, but that only narrowed it down to thirty of below, and even with everything she could see of the work being done in the rooms around the edge, Taylor had no idea which floors had what companies working on them.

Not that it mattered.

Floor thirty was as good as floor two, for all that she had any chance of climbing from there to the top floor and getting inside.

With the lobby buried or worse, there was no other way in. Except that they'd barely made it through that climb with boosted bodies and a considerably less armoured building then what it had become in their care.

She'd fall before she made it halfway up.

So Taylor sat, finding a mighty tree that had fallen after losing its lower portion to the arriving skyscraper. Staring at the shelter she couldn't get into, full of supplies she couldn't reach.

She couldn't even leave it and go back into the woods, because the others would be coming to the obvious landmark just like she had.

So she sat.

Then she lay down.

And finally she began to consider the tree beneath her and wonder…was it missing half of itself? Or was there half remaining?

Well, it sounds like the building foundation either sunk in until it hit solid rock, or the transport wave didn't do a good job matching ground levels for incoming non-organic items. Either way, it explains the blackout for the people down on the ground floor of the building. I wonder just where the emergency generators for the building are located? Too close to the ground level, and they might have issues if they run on some version of fossil fuel and the exhausts and air intakes are blocked.
I'm guessing that the ground was never levelled off in this other world, so when the Fortress was teleported in it displaced the ground and covered the entrances. I wonder what happened to Sophia?
I wonder what happened to Sophia?
Well, she'd dropped way back from the main group after her little "discussion" with Taylor, so if she ended up transported with the rest she's a good ways further back with no strong reason to try and link up outside simple survival, and I got the impression she was in the "cut my nose off to spite my face" mode right now.
Well, she'd dropped way back from the main group after her little "discussion" with Taylor, so if she ended up transported with the rest she's a good ways further back with no strong reason to try and link up outside simple survival, and I got the impression she was in the "cut my nose off to spite my face" mode right now.

Not to mention that the Underdogs hate her and the Wards don't like her much anymore either after that little "save ourselves and fuck the innocent civilians" bit right before they parted ways. If she thought she could actually trust Sophia not to shank her, Taylor might let her stick around just so she'd know what it's like to be the town pariah
Oh God, I just realized something. Underdogs now have underground villain base!
No, their actual base is the penthouse. And the underground part is gonna be a problem because now all the entrances and exits are blocked by dirt and/or solid rock.
Well, that just means everyone gets to commit to a Pack bonding exercise digging some access tunnels down to the original doors, and any other points on the original ground level that need open air access. The fun part will be stabilizing the tunnels and working out anti-flooding measures for them.

Come to think of it, they also have to fix up an alternative sewage arrangement for the building, since the original piping now just dead-ends. As a prototype shelter, there's probably a huge water tank somewhere in there, but alternate replenishment options need to be explored as well. Yeah, there are a lot of projects the Wolves are going to be doing to get the base in working condition, in addition to scouting out their new location and ensuring a continuous food supply.

(Wonder how fast former snack foods are going to become luxury items? I know there are a number of people who are practically addicted to their favorite snacks.)
Just found this. I loved Wolf Time, but I was on SB so rarely I never caught up before it finished. I'm so happy to have caught up now and find out there's a sequel!
It's a skyscraper. Generally, they're practically covered in windows. Just smash one and get inside and use the stairs to get up from there.

I'm not sure what Taylor's problem is right now.
It's a skyscraper. Generally, they're practically covered in windows. Just smash one and get inside and use the stairs to get up from there.

I'm not sure what Taylor's problem is right now.

In a phrase: Safety Glass.

The panes of glass used in skyscrapers, even on the lower floors, are -not- the same sort of glass that you see in ordinary residential houses. They tend to be thick, multilayered, and designed -specifically- to resist shattering, even from considerable impacts. And considering the fact that the fic mentions it to be -armored-, I expect that to be ballistic glass, meaning even a heavy-caliber rifle is going to have trouble punching through it, let alone a tree branch swung by a single teenage girl, even one amped up with her own powers.

Edit: I completely forgot about the fact that Tinkertech armoring exists, so take everything I said up there and amp it up to the level of "Transparent Aluminum".

And a cookie to you if you get that reference.
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Didn't Regent have a widow that could open? Might try climbing a tree and getting in through the top of the building.

The building has over ninety floors. Fortress wanted to make a serious statement with it, and it shows in every one of its dimensions.

The trees meanwhile, ancient, alien, and untamed as they may be, don't even reach halfway up it. The tallest of them (and were talking redwood heights here) are still only around a third of the height.

It's a skyscraper. Generally, they're practically covered in windows. Just smash one and get inside and use the stairs to get up from there.

I'm not sure what Taylor's problem is right now.

Coil had tinker-made material on certain floors in place of glass. The Underdogs and Wolves then replaced all of the glass with said material, since they had only so long to make use of his constructions resources and connections before people realised what had happened.
The building has over ninety floors. Fortress wanted to make a serious statement with it, and it shows in every one of its dimensions.

The trees meanwhile, ancient, alien, and untamed as they may be, don't even reach halfway up it. The tallest of them (and were talking redwood heights here) are still only around a third of the height.

Coil had tinker-made material on certain floors in place of glass. The Underdogs and Wolves then replaced all of the glass with said material, since they had only so long to make use of his constructions resources and connections before people realised what had happened.

Ah, so a Fortress in every sense of the term. Considering that the only thing keeping the Protectorate at bay was the promise of Mutually Assured Destruction by means of Tattletale's big old blackmail file, reinforcing things would be a prudent investment. And it does explain Taylor's decision to wait regain some energy along with hoping she was not the only person sent to Earth-Zaev.
Farmerbob1 - Taylor learns the value of silence
Pardon me, the muse just grabbed me. Have a crossover snip.

Taylor bashes on one of the windows with a rock for a while, then sits in frustration, puffing with exertion.

Remembering a story she read once, she grins, raises a hand into the air, and yells out a command to the world. "Nom!"

She sits back to rest with a silly smile on her face.

A few minutes later, she feels the earth shaking, and hears trees falling in the distance. The sounds grow louder and closer.

Shortly after she heard the first sounds of its approach, the sandgorgon appears, shouldering aside an immense tree while taking a final three steps and stopping in front of her.

"Oh shit." Taylor mutters to herself as she realizes she just summoned a being that only respects the power of white gold.

Nom moves closer, raising one battering ram arm purposefully.
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Ah, so a Fortress in every sense of the term. Considering that the only thing keeping the Protectorate at bay was the promise of Mutually Assured Destruction by means of Tattletale's big old blackmail file, reinforcing things would be a prudent investment. And it does explain Taylor's decision to wait regain some energy along with hoping she was not the only person sent to Earth-Zaev.

Taylor's problem is that without Rachel her power is less tentacle wielding bio-mech, and more just a really strong person. If she goes for absolute max strength (without pushing past her control threshold) and nothing else then she could maybe lift a car. A small one. With nothing and nobody in it. She wouldn't be able to throw it at all and it would be a strain.

So while she could probably handle the fuckloads of roots that toughen the soil layer, she can't do shit once she hits stone. They're on top of a mountain (not a particularly big one, around 1,600 metres tall, hence the forest on top despite it not being a tropical climate) and that means the stone is not far down. Unless the lobby was the only floor buried (it's not) she has no way to reach it right now.

Without Rachel she has absolutely no chance of getting through the 'glass' and climbing is going to be extremely difficult. Even with the ability to go very furry doggo and maybe survive falling off, it's just not a good plan.

So she's stuck outside for now.
Taylor's problem is that without Rachel her power is less tentacle wielding bio-mech, and more just a really strong person. If she goes for absolute max strength (without pushing past her control threshold) and nothing else then she could maybe lift a car. A small one. With nothing and nobody in it. She wouldn't be able to throw it at all and it would be a strain.

Hmm, just how far did Taylor go past the control threshold at Winslow, then? IIRC, after the whole mess with Taylor getting outed, Winslow needed major renovation due to the damage from the fight.