Ms Marvel is the only MCU tv show I finished, most I didn't even get through the 1st episode. Mostly because it was a goofy colorful thing focused on a young new protagonist. Whereas the rest felt like what happens if you double the length of an MCU movie while halving the budget and making a B-lister the protagonist. Maybe that's good if you reallly wanted more Jeremy Renner or whatever, but I didn't.

In any case this movie is going to get reviewbombed by the usual suspects. They hated Captain Marvel alone for both the character and actress being insufficiently supine to their caveman sensibilities, but having a trio of women, two of them of color and one a Muslim? They're gonna be furious.
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Ms Marvel is the only MCU tv show I finished, most I didn't even get through the 1st episode. Mostly because it was a goofy colorful thing focused on a young new protagonist. Whereas the rest felt like what happens if you double the length of an MCU movie while halving the budget and making a B-lister the protagonist. Maybe that's good if you reallly wanted more Jeremy Renner or whatever, but I didn't.

In any case this movie is going to get reviewbombed by the usual suspects. They hated Captain Marvel alone for both the character and actress being insufficiently supine to their caveman sensibilities, but having a trio of women, two of them of color and one a Muslim? They're gonna be furious.

She-Hulk was pretty goofy and colorful
This actually doesn't look bad. My expectations couldn't possibly have been lower, but it actually looks pretty cool.

I am a fan of the integration of the series and movies. I wanted this way back when, the Netflix shows and Agents of SHIELD and stuff but... hey, it's never too late. I appreciate that we've moved past having to make sure we explain everything contained in a single movie... we can safely assume people have watched the rest of the stuff and just move on. Very down with that.

I've rewatched Captain Marvel recently and I like it better than I used to. I still really don't like Brie Larson. I wish almost literally anyone else got the role. But the movie itself really isn't bad. It's better in retrospect... I think part of my dislike originally was timing. You drop that in between Infinity War and Endgame... I just... didn't care, and all it really did was make me think that Carol was gonna swoop and save the day completely unearned with one movie coming in so late. It didn't really happen that way, I think Endgame utilized her very well, but at the time I couldn't help but think that.

I didn't finish Ms. Marvel. No particular criticism of it. Just wasn't interested in it. Felt like it wasn't for me, and that's ok. Not everything needs to be for me. I think I got about halfway through. She was good in the role from what I saw. I'm down for Monica.

Ms. Marvel (Disney+): United States daily TV audience insights for smarter content decisions - Parrot Analytics

Ms. Marvel United States tv ratings and audience insights for Disney+'s Superhero Series series based on US demand data from Parrot Analytics for television executives. Includes audience growth rate, affinity and television ratings (market multiple) based on demand data.

Hawkeye (Disney+): United States daily TV audience insights for smarter content decisions - Parrot Analytics

Hawkeye United States tv ratings and audience insights for Disney+'s Superhero Series series based on US demand data from Parrot Analytics for television executives. Includes audience growth rate, affinity and television ratings (market multiple) based on demand data.

ms. marvel seems to be holding its own
Oh hey, it's that shitty analytics site that I think I complained about a while ago.

That's all cool, what are the nielsen ratings like?
Oh hey, it's that shitty analytics site that I think I complained about a while ago.

That's all cool, what are the nielsen ratings like?

Why Lower Ratings For 'Ms. Marvel' Means Bigger Problems For Disney+

Ms. Marvel seems to be the lowest rated show by Nielsen.

First Week Ratings
Ms. Marvel: 4.2 Million
Loki: 12.2 Million
Falcon and Winter Soldier: 8.3 Million
Hawkeye: 7.1 Million
Moon Knight: 7 Million.

I have to parrot myself... Ms. Marvel is sort of a niche show aimed at a niche audience. It should be surprising when it lacks broad appeal... that doesn't make it bad. I like alot of niche things. But... it's going to result in lower viewership.

There's a somewhat realist aspect to the notion of "Go Woke Go Broke". It's a stupid mantra but in broad strokes... diversity and representation is great... but at the end of the day, if a work is looking for maximum viewership, it has to have the broadest appeal and be aimed at the largest demographic... OR at the very least be well done enough that even if it's not specifically aimed at the largest demographic, they will still enjoy it (something like Black Panther)
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I do think Disney kinda shot Ms. Marvel in the foot by having it air at the same time as Kenobi.
A few months later they ended pushing back the release of Andor three weeks so that it wouldn't overlap with She-Hulk, so Disney probably came to the same conclusion.
Ms Marvel was also a very young adult show. It felt different then most marvel things. Which I think is good, but some people are super invested in the way marvel has done near everything else

and, you know, the howling racists and misogynists were out in force hating it.
and, you know, the howling racists and misogynists were out in force hating it.

I'm always alittle suspect of how much that actually matters. Like, yes absolutely, it exists. But does it REALLY have much an affect on anything? Does a very loud minority ever really matter, or are they just annoying... and sometimes an easy scapegoat?

It's a crutch used alittle too often today even by creators and studios themselves, "Oh you didn't like our project? Obviously some combination of -ist and -phobe."

It works both ways though, and seems to equally ineffective. How many times have people called for boycotts for something on the grounds of it being x-ist or x-phobic, and be completely ineffective?

Ms. Marvel had a few things working against it...

It was associated with a generally received as mediocre MCU movie, Captain Marvel. Otherwise, generally unconnected from the universe at large.
It did not feature an existing MCU character to garner more interest.*
An unknown actor in the lead role.*
( *The inverse of Moon Knight, a non-established character but a generally well-liked actor in the lead role.)
Geared towards a younger target audience.

Sure, we also can't ignore some cultural things, i'd hesitate to call something like x-ist or x-phobic, but I can speak from my own experience... I just wasn't particularly interested in the muslim cultural pieces. I have nothing against muslims, i'm just... not interested in it. I must reiterate a thousand times because people get touchy but it's perfectly for me to not be interested in things that others are. Totally cool!

On that note, I *WILL* say maybe I learned something from what I did watch of Ms. Marvel. Part of why I didn't get through it was that I just couldn't identify with the show. As a straightish white man, that usually isn't the case. Perhaps there was a bit of enlightenment there, realizing "This must be how other people feel about some things." It is somewhat odd though because I never felt that way about say, Black Panther. Maybe a touch in Wakanda Forever, just acknowledging that the movie definitely doesn't resonate with me as emotionally or culturally as might others, but still enjoyable. I think maybe Ms. Marvel just hit a few too many "Not-me" boxes to trigger it. Like... i'm a straightish white guy again, T'Challa is a straight(assuming) black man around my general age. We're different races, but that doesn't stop me from identifying. T'Challa's cool as hell. Ms. Marvel is a teenage muslim girl, maybe just a bit too far off for me to get into.

Again though, it gave me a modicum of insight as to why people might not want all the heroes on screen to be Chris Hemsworth. It's cool to have a vastly diverse array of characters, even if there may be some i'm less interested in over others, because other people might be all about them! It just sucks from a purely business perspective... tightly focusing on a minority character will probably net rightly focused minority ratings.

In hindsight, it may have been more prudent to almost reverse these two entries and do The Marvels first, introduce Kamala, and THEN do the Ms. Marvel show.
Ms. Marvel was notoriously review bombed on IMDB, this is actual fact, not random "excuse" to make "scaepgoats" explaining the show not having a wider success (even though it did so that's a weird claim to make).
Ms. Marvel was notoriously review bombed on IMDB, this is actual fact, not random "excuse" to make "scaepgoats" explaining the show not having a wider success (even though it did so that's a weird claim to make).
We have no idea weather or not the show had wider success, because that would require Disney to release their actual streaming numbers and I'm pretty sure no streaming company does that.
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No review or review bombing from misogynists is enough to make me not go to a movie I like. I'm not too crazy about the teen Marvel its just that I have zero interest in her character. Studios spite their own noses saying that review audiences didn't like a movie. Let people decide themselves. Usually they'll make it back at streaming.

I love WW any movie with her in it................especially after the success of the first movie, but the premise of the second movie I wasn't interested in at all. I go see movies I'm excited for. If its a bomb I get over it. I'll probably watch it, for women making up the majority of the human race, you would think they're a special interest group in some of the comments I've see around the 'net.

The Marvel's look interesting, really waiting for the Godzilla movies.
This is going to be a streamer for me. I appreciate that it FINALLY seems to be moving the needle closer to a multiverse meta-story, but that's really all I care about in the movie. I'm really not invested in any of the characters.

I tend to not really trust reviews, but I read them anyway. This one is all over the place from "It's pretty good" to "Easily the worst MCU movie ever".
I'll see this in cinema, but it might be a few weeks from now. Depends on how reviews fare from it, plus money. Mainly money.