The Maple Seed Flies - Auto Gyro Design Quest

"Strive for perfection in everything we do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it. Accept nothing nearly right or good enough." said Henry Royce. But what does a company that makes motor cars know about aviation, eh?

[X] Try to find a balance between cost and capability (+1 Stress)
[X] Try to find a balance between cost and capability (+1 Stress)

If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. The best ambulance in the world is worthless if nobody can afford it, but it needs to be good enough to help to be worth the effort in the first place so... stress it is.

Also I imagine we're going to have a rather awkward conversation with our young assistant as we try to figure out what we've gotten ourselves into socially...
[X] Minimise cost as much as possible at the expense of capabilities.

Cost is going to be the key obstical to adoption in an unproven role in a country with limited industrialization. If it does at all what it's supposed to. that's enough.
[X] Minimise cost as much as possible at the expense of capabilities.
also is there a stat sheet somewhere?
2.5 What's The Joke Here?
CW: Homophobic behavior makes an appearance towards the end of the chapter.

[X] Try to find a balance between cost and capability (+1 Stress)

Even as the C.6's design grew closer to being finalized, problems kept cropping up. Of course, it was to be expected; you were pushing the limits of current aeronautical engineering in nearly every way. You might not be building your 'gyro for maneuverability, but maximising the potential speed while keeping the risk of a stall low was still a tricky proposition. Tricky, but provided you were willing to put in the work, easily possible for an engineer of your caliber.

Of course, that was just the design phase. Manufacturing a prototype model would present an entirely new set of challenges. While the main body is a typical canvas-covered design, and the engine would require very little modification, the rotor blades were shaping up to be more than four and a half metres long. Each. And it will need at least three of them. Thank goodness for Akitsukini's healthy lumber and milling industry.

Then there were the wings. You frown, perturbed, as you stare at the draft papers in front of you. Ordinarily, you'd have used a tried-and-true canvas design, but Michi had managed to convince you of the merits of local innovation. During the war, a few Ohara aircraft had apparently used wings made of paper. You'd thought it was a joke at first, but Ichiro, the older workman, had backed them up, and you'd agreed to at least build a scale version of it. To your astonishment, the math checked out; specially treated paper could function just as well as canvas - while being light enough that a single angled truss could support each wing.

If everything worked as intended, you'd fulfill all the promises you've made in the last few weeks. An aircraft that can land almost on a dime, make a hundred kilometres an hour in level flight, and all on a full load of passengers and fuel. Maybe after that, someone would come looking with an actual contract, not this pipedream design process.

A knock at the door interrupts your train of thought, and you close the folder with a sigh. You can work on this later. Maybe lunch is an idea…

"Come in."

Kiku peeks her head around the door, eyes wide.

"Miss Cierva, there's a Doctor Ashihara here requesting a meeting?"

You damn near jump to your feet, heart in your mouth and struggling to find words for an answer, "I, um… I will be out in a minute! Can you ask her to hold on?"

Your frantic attempt at presentability takes more than a minute. You're not sure why you're going to such an effort for a business meeting, and your heart is racing as you walk out of your office into the low building's entranceway.

The Doctor is standing in the middle of the small room, dressed fashionably but without showing off. She's talking to Kiku; a confident smile spread across her soft features. She raises a hand as she speaks - the pretty bangles clinking against the cuff of her jacket - and tucks a stray strand of hair behind one ear.

You can think straight enough to hold a conversation. Right?

Her smile widens as you enter the room, and she turns to greet you with bright eyes.

"Baronesa, it's so good to see you."

You eagerly shake her offered hand. Her palm feels soft, almost delicate, and you can't help but feel self-conscious about the coarseness of your own.

"Imiko. The pleasure is mine."

"I'll be in the office, Miss Cierva."
Kiku gives the faintest hint of a bow. A shared look between the two women leaves you wondering what exactly they were talking about, but before you can drag an answer from the young secretary, she has already hurried out. You consider asking the doctor, but you don't want to start things on the wrong foot.

"If I remember correctly, you promised me a tour, Helena."

"I did. Would you like to follow me?"

"Nothing would please me more."
She purrs and slides a hand into the crook of your elbow.

You can feel your face reddening, and you quickly start the tour in an effort to distract from your blush.

First is one of the drafting rooms, then a machine shop. Imiko passes mild commentary on each, making polite conversation. You begin to wonder if you're boring her, but then you reach the engine shed. Her eyes widen in excitement as they fix on the shining test-bed Hornet affixed to a stand in the centre of the open space.

"Is that the engine?"

"That will be the autogyro's engine, yes. It is a six-cylinder model, and produces around 150 horse-power."

"Wow! All that from a flat-six? I know you aeronautics types import all sorts of wondrous things, but it's still striking how different the auto scene is. Is the engine air-cooled as well?"

"Ah, yes,"
you reply, faintly shocked. Where had this come from? "You are familiar with engines?"

"A friend of mine has an interest in racing cars, so I've picked up a bit here and there,"
she explains with a shrug, "Still, I'm impressed you managed to get one that powerful for your plane."

"I think that it helps to have the backing of Mr. Asano's money."

"Ah, of course. Does it ever not come back to money?"

You give Imiko a look, unsure of her meaning. She breaks the awkward pause with a bright, apologetic smile, which you return uncertainly. Thankfully, before you can embarrass yourself further, she suggests you continue the tour.

You show Imiko a few more perfunctory spaces before entering the main construction room. To your slight surprise, Tomomi stands in front of one of the drafting boards. They turn as you answer, raising a hand in greeting.

"Helena, good to see-" Their voice falters almost imperceptibly as Imiko follows you in. "-you. I was not aware that you were bringing a visitor."

"Oh, Tomomi, this is Doctor Ashihara. Imiko, Tomomi is the company's translator and, um-"
You stumble, unsure of how to continue. You're still not used to the social protocols of Akitsukini; you're entirely uncertain as to whether or not you need to broach the topic of Tomomi's… identity.

"Doctor Ashihara, it is an honour to welcome you to Asano Heavy Industries." Tomomi gives a shallow bow, hands clasped in front of them. After they straighten up, their eyes fix on the Doctors hands slipped through your arm. "Are you here for business, or…"

"Business. Amongst other things."
Imiko replies.

"We met at a cafe that Kiku showed me. I thought that Imiko might be able to offer some advice on the C.6" You add, a little of the earlier colour returning to your cheeks.

"Oh?" Tomomi raises a curious eyebrow as they share an unspoken look with Imiko.

"She's all business. I prefer to think of it as an extension of last night's encounter, but I defer to the engineer in this space." Imiko laughs, her hands squeezing your arm gently.

"Ah." Tomomi turns back to their work, though you can't help but notice them watching you out of the corner of their eye. "Well, don't let me disturb you two. I'll be done shortly."

The hangar in which the C.6 will soon take shape isn't nearly as constricting a workspace as the other rooms. Aside from a few trestle tables covered in plans, the only thing occupying the space is a marked-out area in the middle. In the coming weeks, this is where the woodworkers, tradesmen, and other specialists will assemble your design. At the moment, though, you can't help but be reminded of the scene of a crime; lines of chalk sketching the murdered form of your 'gyro.

Dios Mio, but that was a morbid thought. What has gotten into you, Helena?

Imiko is a welcome distraction from your inexplicable anxiety. Her questions about the construction process are insightful, and she soon has you pacing back and forth in excitement, detailing exactly how you and your team will go about building the 'gyro. She listens intently, sometimes interjecting with her own musings, sometimes offering you a warm smile. You can't help but blush at the latter.

You haven't had the chance to truly match your intelligence with another since you arrived in Akitsukini. Not only is Dr. Imiko Ashihara keeping pace, but she's also making suggestions you wouldn't even have considered. Her comment about the potential of rice paddies as improvised landing strips was inspired. The whole thing is a thoroughly wonderful experience.

At some point, you notice Tomomi gliding out the door. They must have finished with their work without you noticing. You can't help but feel relieved; something about their presence had felt almost judging, but your fears of having upset them are interrupted by another question from Imiko. Her enthusiasm for your ideas is flattering, but you appreciate her questions even more; they're pointed, critical, precisely the kind of challenge you need to ensure C.6 will be the best it can be.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. There's no need for Imiko to justify herself, but she explains she has to go to work at a nearby hospital. You escort her back out of the complex, arm in arm. She leaves you in the doorway with a kiss on the cheek and a promise to make herself available again soon. You touch your hand to your face and find yourself blushing once more as she walks away down the road.

The walk back to your office is interrupted as someone clears their throat behind you. You turn and find Tomomi looking at you, foot tapping and arms folded across their chest.

"Can I ask you a question, Helena?"

"Is there a problem? I thought Imiko's input could be useful-"

"No. No, she would be perfectly suitable as a consultant."

"Then what is the issue?"

Tomomi doesn't respond immediately; their face is screwed up in frustration as they massage their forehead. Whatever this is about, it has them more visibly irritated than you've ever seen before.

"Look, whatever it is, just say it. I doubt you can manage anything upsetting."

"Just hold on for a second- Gods. I have no idea how Michi manages it."
They take a deep breath, steeling themselves for your reaction. "Fine. Helena, what exactly are your intentions towards Dr. Ashihara?"

"What on earth do you mean by that?"
You'd expected something about trade secrets, not… whatever they were suggesting, "It's as I said; We met at the cafe Kiku recommended to me, we hit it off, and I felt her input could be useful for the plane."

"Oh, at a women's cafe, recommended by Kiku? Dear gods, Helena, she was hanging off your arm the entire time she was here. She barely looked at anything but you; I'm shocked she wasn't begging you to take her home by the end of it! I don't want to think that you've been stringing her along so she'll help you with the plane, but I'm hard-pressed to find another explanation."

"Take her home?"
You can't imagine there is anything in your little apartment that would be of interest. Even the drawings from home are rudimentary compared to those drafted at the factory. "Why would that be relevant? If I'm going to be showing her the plane-"

"Because she's a lesbian, you idiot!"

"A what?"
What did silk have to do with this?

"You don't- No, of course she doesn't know the word, she's a damn Europan," they mutter, irritated, before switching to a more familiar tongue. "Alright. I think the Albian term is 'Tribades'?"

+1 Stress

"I beg your pardon?!" Your stomach drops in shock as you momentarily revert your mother tongue, "Am I a- No, of course not! How dare you! What on earth makes you think it is in any way acceptable to accuse me of… such behavior? Or Imiko, for that matter! I'll have you know that she is a civilised, honest woman, and I will not stand for you making such slanderous-"

Tomomi interrupts, then snaps when you don't stop, "Helena! I don't know what you learned back in Europa, but here there is absolutely nothing wrong with being interested in other women. Is that going to be a problem for you?"

Your mind flashes back to that dim bar, sitting beside your employer as he suggested you take a nice girl home. It ought to be as absurd now as it was then; you are a proper Hesperian noblewoman, you know how a lady is supposed to act. You certainly know that your intimacy with women goes no further than quiet moments of disclosure, not this… this foreign perversion!

So why can't you stop thinking about it?


Tomomi's face slowly falls as they watch you process the input.

"Oh no. Another one." Suddenly, you feel Tomomi's hands on your shoulders. They try to catch your eye, but give up after a moment and simply wrap you up in a hug. "Do you want to talk about it?"

[Gain +2 Stress!]
[Current Stress: 4]

12þ New, 6þ Used
1þ Upkeep

Full Load 2 92 1 4 10½,
Bombs 2 93 1 3 10
Full Fuel 3 93 2 3 10
Half Fuel 3 93 2 3 10
Empty - 94 - 3 0

Vital Parts
Controls, Seat #1: Pilot, Fuel Tanks, Engine #1, Oil Cooler #1, Radiator #1, Landing Gear

Dropoff 6, Reliability -1, Overspeed 26, Ideal Alt. 0-29, Fuel 8
Visibility 0, Stability 1, Energy Loss 10, Turn Bleed 1 (2)
Toughness 6, Max Strain 34, Escape 2, Crash Safety 0, Flight Stress 1

Passengers: 1 cabin seats and 2 first class or stretcher seats.

Autogyro Stall: An Autogyro cannot stall, it automatically trades Altitude for speed 1-1.
If it runs out of altitude before regaining control, it lands gently.
If the autogyro exceeds Max Speed or sustains negative Gs it suffers a more traditional stall.
Wing Warping: Get +1 to Dogfight! at below 15 speed.

You are a Hesperian Noblewoman. You;
[ ] ...don't understand how this could happen to someone like you?
[ ] …trust God to not test you more than you can manage.
[ ] ...won't allow yourself to be seduced by perversion.
[ ] ...shouldn't talk about such things. It's not right.

Make final modifications to the design before construction begins;
[ ] Write in.

@open_sketch was an immense help in writing the latter part of this chapter.
[X] ...don't understand how this could happen to someone like you?

Time for a heart-to-heart bit of character growth.
You are a Hesperian Noblewoman. You;
[X] not accept the vicious slander of this Oriental scandalmonger. They will retract their insult to your friend, or by your honour and with God as your witness they will face you on the field of honour.
[X] not accept the vicious slander of this Oriental scandalmonger. They will retract their insult to your friend, or by your honour and with God as your witness they will face you on the field of honour.

[X] not accept the vicious slander of this Oriental scandalmonger. They will retract their insult to your friend, or by your honour and with God as your witness they will face you on the field of honour.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa oh god
[X] not accept the vicious slander of this Oriental scandalmonger. They will retract their insult to your friend, or by your honour and with God as your witness they will face you on the field of honour.

Tomomi has their job cut out for them.
[x] ...don't understand how this could happen to someone like you?