The Maple Seed Flies - Auto Gyro Design Quest

[X] Kiss her. (+1 Stress)

Cierva is this close to getting a musical number via having a stress induced hallucination with a singing Tom Cat and his clowder of Gay Lovers. (The Chorus)

𝄞 There you see her,
Sittin' there across the way,
She don't got a lot to say~𝅗𝅥
But there's somethin' about her~𝅗𝅥
And you don't know why
But you're dyin' to try you wanna,
Kiss the girl (Kiss the girl~𝅘𝅥𝅮)

Yes you want her, look it her you know you do𝅘𝅥𝅮
Possible she wants you too~𝅗𝅥
There is one way to ask her (Ask her)
Don't take a word, not a single word go on and
Kiss the girl~𝅗𝅥

Sha-la-la-la my oh my,
Look like The Dame too shy~𝅗𝅥
Ain't gonna kiss the girl!
Ain't that sad, what a shame, too bad~
You're gonna miss the girl~𝅘𝅥𝅮
[X] Stability

OMG that -6 stability. :cry:

I think we shouldn't de-prioritize anything. The top speed is good for a scout, it needs to be reasonably tough to survive being handled at sea, it can't be too expensive. The stall speed is pretty low already. We don't really know what the navy is looking for beyond a low stall speed so I don't really know where to go with this.

[X] Kiss her. (+1 Stress)

My heart says yes, but my brain says STRESSSSSSS!
[X] Stability
[X] Chicken out.

I'm torn on the kiss. On the one hand I really wanna go for it, on the other I don't want to push our stress so hard that we can't handle anything else going on between now and the launch.
Especially since we just asked for help "charting a course and learning about yourself", I fear we may end up with another chance to be honest at the expense of some stress on this very date, and I'd rather not screw ourselves out of that because we leapt at this chance.
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Given our stress level, could we get a refresher on Breakdowns?
Yeah, the last tangentially relevant breakdown explanation is Castles of Steel in 2019.

Castles of Steel - Lesbians Good, Imperialism Bad Original - Mature

Hey just to give context, I'm gonna explain how Breakdowns work. When you hit 10 Stress, the Breakdown happens. It's really simple. First, all the Stress goes away, cathartically obliterated by the Breakdown. Then, we give you a series of choices. All of them will have long-term consequences...
[X] Strain

[X] Kiss her. (+1 Stress)

Gonna be one awkward data though. Show up, go for a kiss, start talking and then pretty much immediatly breakdown the moment any emotional issues are brought up.
[X] Stability
[X] Strain

That max strain and stability are terrifying, and need to be better. Gonna suck a bit, but it's gotta happen.

[X] Kiss her. (+1 Stress)

Kissssss herrrrrrrr!
[X] Strain
[X] Kiss her. (+1 Stress)

Low stability is survivable
Strain that low means the autogyro will snap in half if we so much as jiggle the stick
Rethought it a bit.

[X] Stability
[X] Strain

[X] Cost

[X] Chicken out.

Stability and strain are both pretty essential, stall is already not the greatest and speed is good but we wouldn't want slower. So, if we want to avoid pushing stres to 10, cost it is.
[X] Kiss her. (+1 Stress)
We came to Akitsukuni looking for adventure?
Well here it fucking is lol
Aww fuck, @Inquiring Mind is right. That's not a viable aircraft in its current form. Strain is critical, stability is just worth trading against cost.

[X] Stability
[X] Strain

[X] Cost

[X] Chicken out.
[X] Stability
[X] Strain

[X] Cost

[X] Chicken out.

Autogyro lady shouldn't do anything she isn't comfortable with. This is the first date, after all.
[X] Stability
[X] Strain

[X] Cost

[X] Kiss her. (+1 Stress)

We're here to kiss girls and have a mental breakdown and we're not out of stress capacity yet.

Vote result:
Prioritise Strain and Stability
Deprioritise Cost
Kiss the girl
Update as soon as we can, thank you for your patience <3
3.4 - The Kiss
[X] Kiss her. (+1 stress)

You don't speak, watching her face drop from a broad smile to a look of gentle confusion. Instead, you step in close to her, taking a deep breath of her perfume. Your hand finds her shoulder, then the back of her neck. Your other slides into the small of her back. You pull her close against you, feeling her warmth in the cool evening air.

'Now. Do it. Before you can chicken out,' your brain screams inside your skull. 'Just do it!'

You lean in and press your lips to hers. Your heart feels like it might burst in your chest. She is delightfully soft in ways you couldn't have imagined before this moment. She relaxes into you, letting her weight rest in your hands, and you feel like you could stay like this forever. It's a little taste of divinity, a moment of communion from the touch of another. Her lipstick is the wine, her scent as sustaining as bread.

This is a more honest prayer than you've ever given in front of a priest.

She doesn't break the kiss quickly. When she does, it is with the sharp breath of someone holding one for far too long. She finds your eyes, searching them for something; whatever she finds seems to satisfy her, and she leans in to meet your lips again. Hers is far more tender, a gentle, exploratory kiss rather than your hungry collision.

"We should go inside," she whispers in a momentary pause for breath.


The food is good, though you hardly notice the cacophony of flavours. You cannot take your eyes off of her. Had you missed her this much in a matter of weeks? You had no idea you could. You were drinking her in like water.

You don't notice she's asking you a question until she repeats herself. "I said, what happened to the fear?"


"Of this. Us."
You look down, watching as her delicate fingers gesture between you both. "Last time we talked about this you were panicking about what it meant."

You feel a twist in your gut as the last three weeks of anxiety come rushing back. "I am still– I mean, I suppose…"

Dear Lord, Helena, you're more eloquent than this.

You take a deep breath and try again. "I am… still scared. Running away to a new country halfway around the world is nothing compared to this. But… it is the same choice, no? I have to choose between cowardice or… another new adventure."

"Somehow, I can't imagine my
Baronesa as a coward."

Her Baronesa. Dios Mio, this girl will kill you if she's not careful.

"I am not brave. But neither am I a coward." You reach across the table, and she takes your hand. Her palm is so warm against your own it could almost burn. It feels… good.

– - - -

You walk Imiko home again, this time hand in hand the entire way. She holds herself close enough that you feel her shoulder brush against your arm. Every touch is an electric spark that runs through your skin. It's almost a shame when you reach her house; it's far too soon, far too early for a parting.

"Tonight has been…" you trail off, uncertain of what you're even trying to say. It's positive, but the precise words escape you.

Thankfully, Imiko provides in your stead. "It's been delightful. I've missed you."

"I have as well. It will not be three weeks again."
You place your palm against her cheek. She is so warm it feels like she could burn your hand. Your own cheeks burn in sympathetic fury.

She matches your motion, placing her hand over yours.

"I know how hard your work is."

You think of the stress of the last weeks, of the tension in your muscles and joints. The headaches that plague you as you try to sleep each night. The past few hours have done so much to unburden you. Does it have to end?

"I am glad I finally took a break."

"It doesn't have to end,
sweet Baronesa."

You step back, trying to study her face. She's smiling gently, eyes half-lidded and full of promise.

"Do you want to come inside? I have some Europan drinks we could share."

"I would–"
You begin. She places a finger over your lips.

"I have a very empty bed."

[ ] Accept the offer (+1 Stress).
[ ] Decline the offer and go home.
[X] Decline the offer and go home.

I don't think we can afford it given where our stress is. That's enough bravery for today.
[X] Decline the offer and go home.
Lets not break her brain so quickly she did a gay kiss and scandalous hand-holding, that's a fine first step :V