The Maple Seed Flies - Auto Gyro Design Quest

[X] Decline the offer and go home.

Breakdown in bed seems unwise. We made good progress today as-is.
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[X] Decline the offer and go home.

Stress breakdowns have consequences. Those consequences are bad. The most likely consequences of a breakdown while in the aforementioned empty bed affect Imiko. Let's not push things too hard and damage the relationship.

Also smh this is the first date, what kind of proper Europan lady doesn't wait until at least the third? /s
[X] Accept the offer (+1 Stress).
Stress breakdowns have consequences. Those consequences are bad. The most likely consequences of a breakdown while in the aforementioned empty bed affect Imiko. Let's not push things too hard and damage the relationship.
Yes, yes they do. Those consequences are in fact generally bad, you're correct. Unfortunately, for metagame reasons, the consequences of the alternative are worse. In the slower-paced setting of the design quests, when you're not a hotshot pilot getting wasted every night, the "most likely consequences" of not just taking the breakdown are:

"spend literal months slogging your way through minimum options on everything until you've finished two to five projects with mediocre results and the paltry few low-risk vice options after each of them are enough to clear 9 stress"


"teeter between 7 and 9 stress for months and months and months until the other people in your life stage an intervention (cough matsura asuka cough), and then spend more months slogging your way through minimum options on everything until you've finished two to five projects etc etc."

Taking the breakdown is the better option because it makes the quest not painfully tedious for both irl and in-game months trying to recover the slow way- especially as unlike Matsura, our poor dear Baronesa doesn't even have a confidante to tick down 1 extra stress per cycle without the dangers of vice rolls,

...and doesn't have the "the first thing per project that would cost Stress doesn't" office staff that let Matsura still push something during recovery,

...and doesn't have the "literally a wizard" level of talent that let them coast at minimum-stress options when required and still get largely good-to-world-class results...

tl;dr breakdown bad for now but exciting, no breakdown less bad but boring for, like, ten updates minimum.
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Sure, it may be optimal, but as someone who's had really bad stress-induced breakdowns before, I can't wish it on anyone - even fictional characters. There's ways for us to de-stress over time if needed, and I think there's still interesting decisions to make even if we can't raise stress - that's just another design constraint to work around.

Narratively, @thepsyborg is right. Mechanically, @thepsyborg is right. However, I'm still saying:

[X] Decline the offer and go home.

Bear with me here. Something is going to have to give. We're much more likely to take a necessary or even a pushed stress than we are to carefully back off and apply self care. But, we can take that stress induced breakdown when we want, to a point, and I would rather blow up in the office than in Imiko's bed. The planes aren't the most important thing here.
[x] Accept the offer (+1 Stress).

It definitely feels like a bad choice, but I'm hoping that the damage from a breakdown will be minimized by the circumstances. Hopefully, at least, this isn't too unfair to Imiko.