Turn 15 (2128 IC)
Turn 15 (2128 IC)

"This planet," remarked Hath-Horeb to the others, "requires a higher form of war."

The Strategium display roiled under his touch, helioliths and holograms swirling to his command.

"A place of diversity, a place of danger. Upon one hand we have a abhuman sorcerer king, apparently thousands of years old, one who played some part in the destruction of a continent and, who according to tradition, weilded the Widowmaker itself, Khaela Mensha Khaine's own sword in a duel against no less than four Greater Daemons. On the other, we have mere feudal levies armed with bronze and hides. We have faced two Greater Daemons, and reports among the Sigmarites categorise many more summoned and banished over the years. Legends speak of the Everchosen of Chaos, mortal champions supposedly eclipsing Abbadon the Despolier, and yet, why have we never heard of this planet?"

The Warleaders of the Celestial Lions were silent before the Burning Sage, silent before their Bright Lord upon his high throne.

"Why in the annals of the Index Astartes, of the restricted sections of the Tactica Imperialis, why in any of the copied Inquisitorial records or even simply the stories of our brothers, have we never heard the name of this world? If so remote, why have so many events of significance occoured here? Why did a Greater Daemon of Nurgle appear not a score of years on this world after we did? One of the leuitenants of the Lord of Decay, one who fought our genesire at the Saturnine Gate upon Holy Terra itself..."

"I suppose you shall tell us?" Vakembi asked with a grin. The new Captain of the 1st Company was one of the most junior of the assembled, but he had been a veteran for centuries, and all there knew him.

Hath-Horeb smiled indulgently, for the Lions were never ones to hold rank above each other overmuch.

"I believe this world is a nexus within space. There is nothing outwardly unusual about this planet, no unique resources, especially unusual xenoforms or anything of the like. But, it's in history where it stands out. I believe an ancient power came here, established what I now understand to be a kind of stable portal into the Warp at the planet's poles, something I once thought impossible, and then seeded the world with life. To what end, I know not, but what results is the strange protective cloak about the whole system, the oddities of history and events. A Greater Daemon has the power to destroy a whole sector, let alone a city, yet many apparently have manifested on Mallus through the years. I believe Mallus is shielded as if within a great glass sphere, yet, as glass acts as a prism, so too does the protective shroud about the planet and it's attendants conversely restrict and magnify etheryic energies. A Greater Daemon may manifest more easily, yet be weaker. Psychic events, whether natural or artificial, are more prevanent, have greater effects, yet seem to have lesser impacts also."

"And therefore we must be more ready to contest them." grumbled Black Nassor.

Hath-Horeb nodded, "We must."

Tactics followed for hours. While a single Astartes Battle Company might contest a planet, and indeed had many times in history, the Codex Astartes organisation was generally designed to restrict the abilities of Astartes Chapters to particular levels of power, in fear of another Horus Hersey. Here on Mallus though, following the Chief Librarian's narration, the Warleaders came to realise that they needed more. Some argued for heavy armour, the deployment of larger fleets of vehicles of aircraft with their heavy munitions, others for simply larger numbers, to use the exceptional skill of the individual Battle Brother and combine it with the savage grace of numbers. Hath-Horeb for his part pushed for exotic weaponry, the deployment of his runecraft, even a new mark of runecrafted armour being struck, and to the surprise of some the Deathspeakers leant their voices to his cause.

Amra sat above it all. The Emperor had spoken to him, indeed, Him-on-Earth had spoken several times. No doubt this was due to Hath-Horeb's theory, the Prism of Mallus magnified the Astronomicon perhaps, allowing the Emperor's Light to better reach Amra's soul. Amra knew not what he'd done to deserve such a blessing, but he accepted it nevertheless.

But he was only one warrior, no matter how mgihty, and there were a legion of foes.

An enemy had revealed themselves, Nagash knew of the Chapter, and Amra would have weapons to contest that black sorcerer.

• Turns will take place over roughly 2 years worth of time. A single action should be considered to be 2 years worth of effort from a particular person or group, though there's a level of abstraction with all actions given the format of the quest. I have dispensed with the Economy Turn, instead I've written a 'Status' section for relevant information, which will be updated every few turns.
• Actions will have a difficulty rating which should be apparent from the text. Some actions are time sensitive. Actions can go wrong, based on dice, reactions of characters, and other effects. Some actions are pretty vague. If action is unspecific or has options listed, it's up to you to suggest something. If nothing is suggested the most logical and simplest action will be taken, from the perspective of the characters, which may not always be the most effective action.
• Write ins are permitted and encouraged, but require my approval to make sure they're sensible. These might be 'go there, fight that, talk to them, make this' and so on. I don't give all the best options, you're meant to discuss and find the best options out. Modifications or combinations are also permitted, and may result in greater efficiency of actions and voting. If logical, you can take an action more than once.
• Voting moratorium for 24 hours to encourage discussion, do not vote before this. Post only draft plans before this. Discussion and voting are very useful for the health of the quest in general, and both are encouraged. If you're making a plan, provide reasoning to guide my writing, be broad and strategic unless you have something very specific you want to address. If you're just voting though you don't need to provide lots of reasoning, not necessary.

Note, I'm continuing with my guideline of 10% of thread participation. There are at least a hundred of you watching this quest, I expect to see more people voting. This quest cannot be sustained with a small number of participants, it just doesn't work.

Diplomacy (Choose 1)
Confessor Hermina is occupied ruling Medes, but still manages the Chapter's diplomatic efforts.
[ ] Sigmar's Heirs
The Imperium's position among the Sigmarites is relatively strong, but can be improved further. Note how you'd like to do this. This might include pushing for greater control in the Empire, especially among the armed forces, or for a religious council to further exposit the Imperial Creed.

[ ] Southern Realms
While Estalia seems closed for the moment due to Bretonnian machinations, Tilea and the Border Princes lie ripe for persuasion. Guarantee their safety in return for fealty and dispatch a diplomatic mission.

[ ] Sisterhood Training
Relations between the Missonia Galactica and Iterators are somewhat fractious, with unclear roles and responsibilities. This is partly by design, but is still less than ideal. Additionally, the relative lack of skill among many new members of the organisations is causing tensions in areas they're deployed. Now that the Chapter's missionary forces have been expanded, it would be well if they were trained.

[ ] Strigos
The ancient empire of Strigos once ruled over the Badlands as one of the first bastions of Humanity on Mallus, or so it is said in the ancient texts of Araby. The peoples of Strigos are scattered across the Old World, but some yet remain in their capital among the floating villages and fetid towns of the Marshes of Madness. While these places are hardly productive or populous, it is likely they hold great stores of arcane knowledge in their depths, and an initial diplomatic contact, with the promise of the new rise of Strigos under Imperial support, may prove useful.

Stewardship (Choose 2)
While the Magi and the Techmarines maintain some view over various matters, Arch-Factor Galannus has also taken responsibility for various questions of internal organisation.
[ ] Exotic Resource Extraction
Having identified the mountains around the Sour Sea as a good source of exotic materials such as Gromril, the Mechanicus wish to establish a Forge-Bastion on that decrepit shore.

[ ] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion
While the Serf-Militarum has some mechanised elements, to increase their capabilities these could be expanded further, especially in longer range transport and expeditionary capability so that the Lion Guard can support the Chapter's operations further afield.

[ ] Regularise Uplift
Like many aspects of Imperial rule, the uplifting of populations is largely irregular, shallow, and inefficient. This must be made more regular, with careful attention and planning over time to push the project forward.

[ ] Open the Biologis Vaults!
The Divisio Biologis maintain extensive samples of various plants and animals from the wider Imperium. Unleash these vaults, introducing populations of Grox and other Imperial staples to Mallus. Note what sort of thing you want out of the Vaults.

[ ] Repair the Peregrin
The Vanguard Light Cruiser is the vessel in best condition of the Chapter's voidships. If it can be set to rights, it can provide a number of capabilities currently lacking for the Chapter.

[ ] Genetic Restructuring
The Magi Genetor propose genetic engineering the Imperial population in Pharos to emphasise the traits most beneficial to Astartes recruitment. This genetic restructuring will be a trial for other programmes of genetic tampering that the Genetors might conduct.

[ ] Terraforming Survey
Nehekhara is supposedly a cursed land. While the Mechanicus don't necessarily believe that, in any case it will be necessary to survey the Land of the Dead to determine the best way to bring it under cultivation.

Martial (Choose 2)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, directs the military operations of the Imperium.
[ ] Spawning Pool Heist
The old insult of the Lizardmen is not forgotten, but more importantly, Hath-Horeb desires a Spawning Pool to study, and the only way to get this is to seize it from the Lizardmen city itself.

[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

[ ] Strike the Amputari
The Amputari are adapting swiftly to the 9th Company's tactics, and while the Hunters have slowed their expansion, the Amputari's threat now necessitates a full deployment of a strike force to curtail them.

[ ] Serf Training
The Serf-Militarum have vehicles and equipment now, but ones they're relatively inexperienced in. Through education by Astartes officers, this can be remedied, building the capacity of the Serfs.

[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.

[ ] Sigmarite Reforms
Sigmar's 'Holy' Empire has a vast array of military forces, and the state in general remains critically weak due to poor organisation and coordination. Despatch Kabor's Heralds out across the Empire to remedy this issue.

Intrigue (Choose 1)
Black Nassor, Master of the Watch, keeps a close eye on developments across the world which might threaten the Chapter.
[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.

[ ] The Head of the Snake
The heretical Middenheim 'Guild of Magic' is a growing threat and must be removed. While an assassination mission is unlikely to be well received in Middenheim, perhaps it's a better option that laying siege to the whole city?

[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.

[ ] Wastes Survey
The Flesh-that-Hates may be gone, but the Chaos Wastes still hold horrors. Or at least you assume so, you don't know after all.

[ ] The Black Chamber
While the Chapter presently lacks the capacity to develop an Assassinorum equivalent, Black Nassor intends to create a squad of Astartes dedicated to assassination and secret missions.

[ ] Hunting Nagash
The Lord of the Dead has stolen away the Black Pyramid. Now and only now, there remains a chance to follow the aetheric trail the structure leaves and find out where Nagash has sequestered it.

Learning (Choose 2)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.

[ ] The Data Vaults
Magna-Thal proposes an expedition into the depths of the Data Vaults of the Kingmaker. The libraries of such an ancient vessel may hold any number of interesting Standard Template Construct plans! Indicate if you want the techpriests to look for something in particular.

[ ] Item Creation
Hath-Horeb wishes to conduct an experiment with what he's learnt so far, and plans to create something in the manner of the 'magical' items of Mallus. Specify what Hath-Horeb seeks to create.

[ ] The Ancients
The Chapter maintains 5 of the ancients known as Dreadnoughts, yet the Tomb-Brothers seem to have succumbed to a malaise recently. Even the Venerable Ancient of the Chapter has become difficult to wake, unwilling to rouse himself to the fury that is necessary. Having investigated once, Natohk fears what might happen if the Deathspeakers fail again, and counsels against attempting it before the source of the Dreadnoughts' fugue is discovered.

[ ] Study the Abhumans
Study the cultures of the Abhuman populations of Mallus to learn more about them and their origins, as well as to inform future activities.

[ ] Acquire Abhuman Samples
Biological samples of abhumans, especially of those not extensively contacted by the Imperium yet, must be acquired to further study the Mallusian gene-craft.

[ ] Induce… Witchery?
The Spiritwalkers have proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly.

[ ] Nehekharan Categorisation
Various artefacts have been seized from the ruins of conquered Nehekharan cities, and these must be examined.

[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them.

[ ] Veiling
While Amra's form is might and beautiful for many to look upon, the Chapter Master has still not revealed himself publicly to the Imperium-on-Mallus, directing matters from behind a screen or via intermediaries. If there's any hope for the Chapter Master to go out without accusations of heresy, he must have a veil. Hath-Horeb and Khotan set themselves to designing a suit of armour to conceal the Chapter Master's appearance. After failing once, the Chapter must make more significant efforts.

Personal (Choose 1)
The Chapter Master has undergone many changes, but he remains a capable leader.
[ ] Personal Attention
Amra directs an action from the other categories. Actions should be chosen in consideration to Amra's specific appearance and the effects this might have.

[ ] Soulbinding
With the assistance of his officers, Amra intends to attempt to soulbind several psykers to himself, as a proxy for the Emperor of Mankind, and by this safeguard their souls.
Peregrin points
Can you comment on the Peregin? What capabilities do we get besides orbital strikes and scans from above? Is it done with one action or more?
It's a Vanguard Light Cruiser, so it's specialised for void combat. I'll be rolling for which type it is, with the 3 different types having different capacities. One of the loadouts for example has a bombardment cannon, which would be the type with the best capacity for bombardment.

Subsequently, you'll have the option to convert it in various ways. For example, you might just want to turn it into a defence monitor, somethign that can hang aroudn in orbit and fight off anything that attacks you from space. Or, you could install significantly larger hangars so you could put coffin landers in it and be able to deep strike your knights anywhere on the planet rather than them stomping over to the battle. The Peregrin is the easiest to get up into space, it suffered the least damage. Apart from it you've got more light ships and a few big ones.

So broadly speaking, there's a question between balancing void combat and superiority, orbital bombardment, deep strike, and perhaps space resource extraction capabilities.

AdamantGothic CruiserFlight decks and engineerium damaged
UzielDauntless Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
SagosEndeavour Light CruiserModerate damage to several systems
PeregrinVanguard Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
Cardinal of NuviaLunar CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
TorchMissionary vesselModerate damage to several systems
FarsightEndeavour Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
KingmakerOverlord BattlecruiserModerate damage to several systems, heavy damage to cargo bay and lower decks
Fleet use commentary
Thought I'd do an info post about the fleet more broadly too. Aware not everyone has played BFG or similar so can give a broad overview of capabilities.

Imperial ships use macrocannons, lances and torpedos to fight. Macrocannons are big guns, lances are energy weapons, torpedos are torpedos. Usually macrocannons batter down shields, lances do the damage once shields are down, and torpedos (and ramming) have a supporting role.

Ships are divided into several categories, strike craft like fighters and bombers fly out from larger ships and control the space or attack ships, escorts screen against such strike craft and also buzz around fighting and escorting larger ships, cruisers are the mainstay of the fleet and do most things, and capital ships usually are the big guns of the fleet.

You will have to balance your desires for different capacities between the ability to defend your little empire from space, and to contest space or anyone hostile that might turn up in a ship. As a note, Bel'akor was supposedly king of the moon at one point so maybe he has space warfare assets up there. You might want planetary bombardment abilities and indeed will probably need these to fight the elves. You might want deep strike or deployment abilities using drop pods, strike craft doing space to surface actions, or even at the higher levels dropping your Knights onto the surface in their coffin landers. Lastly, you might want to build up space industry for some reason.

The Space Marines maintain slightly different vessels, favouring more armour, boarding capacity, and losing lances because Astartes aren't trusted to have lots of space capacity.

Some of your ships are heavily damaged, others are only moderately so. Some are useful for some things, some for others. You could use here to see what the different ships do, or here. You will have to decide whether to use them for their intended purpose, convert them, or potentially scrap them to rebuild others.

You'll have schematics for most escorts and cruisers, and all schematics for Astartes vessels given you're an Astartes chapter. Apparently a Hive World can build a Lunar cruiser in 11 years because they're modular or something, so producing them, or smaller ships, would probably be reasonably easy.

At the minimum, you might want to have a squadron in defence of the planet, one for scouting to see where in the galaxy you are, and perhaps a couple of converted specialist ships for bombardment, Knight deployment etc.

VesselClassNotesWhat's it for
AdamantGothic CruiserFlight decks and engineerium damaged'Lance ship', slow anti-cruiser cruiser.
UzielDauntless Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decksFast, long range escort.
SagosEndeavour Light CruiserModerate damage to several systemsSlow, heavy escort.
PeregrinVanguard Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decksSee previous post. Astartes vessel, so potentially orbital bombardment or deep strike capacity.
Cardinal of NuviaLunar CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decksMost common cruiser, generalist.
TorchMissionary vesselModerate damage to several systemsLong range light transport.
FarsightEndeavour Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decksSlow, heavy escort.
KingmakerOverlord BattlecruiserModerate damage to several systems, heavy damage to cargo bay and lower decksBiggest ship you have, powerful guns and fast.
Middenheim's Guild of Magic
I mean more like Dargo could take control over it and institute the Imperium's tradition of psykers (astropaths, primaris psykers, etc). I'm sure there's some obstacle there because I'm a bit fuzzy on the differences of Dargo's child-sorcerers and human mages, and why the former is acceptable but the latter isn't.
In terms of differences, i've not really exposited, but to give a broad overview, Dargo has been training some psyker children in the traditional forms of Imperial psykery. This means the normal disciplines eg pyromancy, biomancy etc, and he's been doing this pretty slowly and carefully because they're children who haven't been soul bound. This isn't really an 'acceptable' thing to do, but Dargo has enough authority to try it out, and has probably been directed to have a go by Hath-Horeb, who is firmly in the 'lets poke the weird Mallus stuff' faction of the Chapter. As such, the child witches aren't that dangerous, they're being well trained, and Dargo is fine executing them if he needs to or if anyone in authority tells him to.

Comparably the Guild of Magic is a much different institution. Canonically, Middenheim is a hive of sorcerers in the Age of Three Emperors, and is the only magical institution in the Empire (IIRC). Building on this, in this quest you've got 'magickers' (rich people dabbling in magic), sorcerers (mages using dhar or serving Chaos), necromancers (mages following the specific tradition of Nagash/vampire necromancy), elementalists (one of the native Empire traditions), random pre-colour mages (eg mages who use one Wind coincidentally similarly to how the Colleges would later), divine mages (preists of different gods), and more recently the Djinncallers who've set up shop there and use their own more developed tradition. As a Guild, the orgnaisation brings together various magical traditions and combines and improves them. The necromancers and sorcerers for example have trouble with dhar's inherantly corruptive properties, and maybe some of the others could give them tips.

The Guild is a multi-cultural, large organisation, fairly diffused in terms of authority and resources, and only moderately authority led. Comparably, Dargo's little cabal is extremely regulated, small etc, and follows a single tradition.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Dec 30, 2022 at 7:59 AM, finished with 78 posts and 5 votes.
  • 9

    [X] Plan Supremacy and Influence
    - [X] Sigmar's Heirs: Pushing for greater control of the armed forces.
    - [X]Exotic Resources Extraction
    - [X] Repair The Peregrin
    - [X] Amputate the Amputari
    - [X] Sigmarite Reforms
    - [X] Veiling x2
    - [X] The Black Chamber
    - [X]Hunting Nagash
    [X]Plan Guarding In Place, looking towards Space
    - [X] Sigmar's Heirs
    - [X]Exotic Resources Extraction
    - [X] Repair The Peregrin
    - [X] Amputate the Amputari
    - [X] Sigmarite Reforms
    - [X] Veiling
    - [X] The Data Vaults
    - [X]Hunting Nagash
    - [X] Plan Dynamism 2 Elctropriest Hullabaloo!
    - [X] Southern Realms
    - [X] Strigos
    - [X]Genetic Restructuring
    - [X]Terraforming Survey
    - [X] Militia Liason
    - [X] Strike the Amputari
    - [X] The First Men
    - [X] Nehekaran Categorization
    [X] Strength through Fortification
    [X] Item Creation
    [X] Sigmar's Heirs
    [X]Exotic Resources Extraction
    [X] Repair The Peregrin
    [X] Amputate the Amputari
    [X] Sigmarite Reforms
    [X] Veiling
    [X] The Data Vaults
    [X]Black Chamber
    [X] Plan Dynamism 2 Elctropriest Hullabaloo!
    [X] Southern Realms
    [X] Strigos
    [X]Genetic Restructuring
    [X]Terraforming Survey
    [X] Militia Liason
    [X] Strike the Amputari
    [X] Hunting Nagash
    [X] The First Men
    [X] Nehekaran Categorization
    [X] Personal Attention, Strigos
Prince of Black Wood
The Border Principalities were as always ever changing. Self declared petty princes and lords warring over land they will just as likely lose in the next season. So numerous were these warlords, gambling rings in the drunken taverns and coaching inns of the Border Princes would earn easy coin on whether the number of fledgling princes was greater or lower come the agreed upon time by the gambler.

T'was a petty realm belonging to one dubbed the black prince that would be one of the rare few that would remain untouched. Belonging to the mysterious figure called Gashnag, he would be lauded and lionised by bards and troubadours for his greatness especially the curse that made him elusive to his subjects.

Though with life such as it was in the border princes they were happy enough just paying their dues to their sovereign rather than worry about such inconsequential matters when rival princes who were planning to invade and sack their home ended up with their heads on spikes in the village square or rival towns had their livestock hunted by wolf packs.

Consequently this tiny kingdom saw new growth at the chance of peace and security despite the dreary atmosphere. So when strange sounds or light are seen or heard in their lord's castle that would soon receive visitors from the mysterious Golden Sons the onlookers would swear there was a ''golden metal box' spewing flames in the sky! Said box landed during the night with ear splitting noise inside the castle grounds to the south. From it came the Golden Sons said to be pivotal to reversing the Vampire Wars in the Empire's favor.

"I must say my esteemed lords, you sure do know how to make such an entrance." said the castellan as he led the Golden Giants into his lord's hall while the quiet ambiance of the castle would be filled by the stomping of armored boots forged among the stars.

The leading Golden Giant lead his fellow giants who marched behind silently nonchalantly replied, "The Sons of Dorn go where they're needed."

Marius had not much to say on that while noting the panoply of these giants especially their leader who had runes etched in his. Theirs clearly rivaled the armory of elves and dwarves and with the rumors he heard and what his master had to say about them, they were the new rising power. Will they spit on his hospitality when they know his true nature and lay waste to this hamlet?

Such was not his concern he thought as he opened the door to the main hall and let them into a room of fine banquet table laid out for a feast with expensive tableware, vintages, sweet meats and many other delicacies. He had a rather peaceful life managing a dreary castle with not much need for guards and he'd continue to do so until he nears the end of his life.

With a gesture towards the table he said "You may wait here my lord will see you soon, partake in the hospitality of my lord for food and drink has been provided but...." he gestured toward their armor, "I'm afraid with your current garments you would break the chairs as soon as you sit upon them."

Rather than taking offense, they all laughed boisterously as if it was a funny joke told during serious moments. Their leader most of all laughed in a way through his helmet that Marius could've sworn something more than human from his voice before gently patting the castellan on the shoulder and said "It is no matter castellan. We shall enjoy your lord's hospitality while standing. Tell him we are waiting for him."

Simply nodding, Marius sauntered away from the giants and left to inform his lord while the giants relaxed and enjoyed themselves in orderly fashion. Trading war stories while drinking and eating, it was only their leader and couple who didn't take off his helmet but joined in their conversation.

The door opened and the fireplace would flicker almost as if a dark presence emerged as the door creaked open fully to reveal a ragged slouching figure covered in tattered black robes with a human silver mask for a face with only the eye slits hinting something monstrous in this strange figure who proceeded to bow towards the giants in a bent manner. This was Gashnag the so called Black Prince. Their host had arrived.

"Welcome to my humble abode, esteemed guests I hope you found my hospitality satisfactory?" said Gashnag as he bent upwards with a gait and then walked closer to the giant's leader while his associates tensed at the appearance of their host but simply stared back as a cautious predator ready to pounce.

Examining them all it was their leader Gashnag looked at the most with a cursory gaze before saying with gasping breath "I heard a lot about you Golden Sons. They say a lot of things about you from the Empire and the Arabyans. Even in the frozen northlands of Norsca they talk of your deeds against enemies both foul, beastly and undead for none are your rivals." with a pause as he took a step back to gesture to the giants he continued on "And what shall I make of your appearance? Not quite any typical human clearly."

He took a step back with a finger covered in rags on his chin in contemplation "And yet some power has elevated you beyond what any sorcerer or so called gods have blessed their own followers with weapons and armor rivalling the dwarves or the elves." he took a step back in curiosity of his guests "But enough about your exploits and to the matter at hand." with a flourish he picked a seat amidst all the standing giants as if it was normal before steepling his garbed hands to his mask. The only hints to the seriousness of the situation seen through eyes in the slits of his mask that looked bestial.

The giant with a helmet like a skull was the first to speak with a gauntleted hand slamming onto the table close to Gashnag who didn't flinch but he instantly froze in response. "We know what you are vampire." growled Natohk. "If it wasn't for the chapter master and the curiosity of my brothers in your aid toward aiding the people of Strigos in reclaiming their lands from the greenskins, I would sooner see you dead and your subjects punished for consorting with a mutant." the hand retracted "Now say your piece to my brothers, why should we spare you and some of your kind from our coming rule?"

Gashnag raised his hands as if in surrender before standing up to remove his mask to reveal a bestial face that looked at the giants with a serious face. "All I ask is that you listen for it is a long tale about my kind especially those of us that are of the Strigoi. Follow me Sons of the Emperor." Gashnag pressed his hand on a switch hidden among a stone wall and it opened to a staircase downwards to unknown secrets ready to be unearthed as Gashnag grabbed a lantern and beckoned the giants to follow into a passageway that expanded into a chamber of peculiar collections of weapons and armor to tapestries and books in stands and display cases. Starting with an icon and numerous jars followed by a bronze khopesh many were familiar with as they fought them before on the sands of Nehekhera against the heretic Settra. "It all started long ago from a civilisation of men great just as they are terrible in their deeds that those you fought as the tomb kings were then the priest kings but it was their fear of death from the strongest and greatest of them all the first priest king Settra that layed the seeds for our existence in the mortuary cult and the second son desiring the throne."

The giants followed behind and Gashnag continued to regale the history of the vampires as they silently listened beckoning to the various trinkets kept here to emphasise his story. Of the Nehekherans a once great human civilisation who begat the founder of necromancy Nagash responsible for much of the maladies that plagued the world besides chaos and the greenskins. From him were the first undead, second the vampires with their bloodlines when they stole the secrets of eternal life for their own in the city of Lamia and then the revival of the priest kings of old when Nagash's deal with the ratmen backfired with treachery and denial of his plans but left what was once a mighty and far flung stronghold to humanity despoiled and rotten.

"The tale you weave vampire is making the case against you. Heretics consorting themselves with forbidden sorcery spawning forth monstrosities does not do your kind any favors." Nahtok growled briefly interrupting Gashnag's story who could only smile sadly and reply "The folly of man is to delve into forbidden secrets we are not meant to know I agree and yet.... here we are you and I." Before he continued he tapped his own chest and then pointed to the giants "There is a markedly huge difference between our creation and yours. Your Emperor is a man of many talents in comparison to Nagash who never made us but as a consequence of nobility experimenting with the scraps of knowledge they can secrete away from his defeat. I know naught of your turning but you were one of them were you not before you were chosen?"

"You dare compare us to your predicament? I should ki--" Nahtok's anger was silenced with a hand raised from the leader who shook his head before turning to Gashnag.

"My brothers have been busy investigating your kind. Causing trouble wherever they appear especially Mannfred and his ilk in Sylvania against the Empire. The witchhunters and your kind's victims have much to say about you and yet...." The leader glowed bright and his armor transformed into a golden and shining figure with wings. Gashnag screamed, crashing and scattering priceless museum pieces as he crawled away from Amra in abject agony from the proximity to what his being deemed to be part of the divine almost as if it knew something that frightened his very being.

"Your intentions in submitting to our will is sincere." Amra's voice boomed as he said it while not taking a step further while watching the vampire squirm as far away from him while covering himself with a cloak to shroud his body from the radiance of Amra. "With my powers I can see into you Gashnag. You have cruelty in you that you reserve for your enemies even as you reserve compassion and generosity to your subjects corrupted as you are by your condition...." the light from this golden being focused onto Gashnag who continued to scream and writhe in agony despite no effect of smoke or heat on his person.

"Answer me truthfully Gashnag and I shall consider your submission. What do you think of the ruinous powers?" the voice echoed as a chorus inquisitively while the light dimmed so as to give the questioner a brief moment of respite who croaked out their reply. "An enemy of us all my lords! We may have left our mortality behind but it is precisely because of our existence that offends them for being unchanging just as much as our own arrogance and decadent pursuits proved our undoing!"

Mustering enough strength he continued to give one more statement to his submission he rasped, "It is why my founder is dead at the machinations of his bitch queen sister Nefereta! The dream of a kingdom free of petty squabbling and foolish politics while it's people do not need to fear us for we feed only on criminals and the kingdom's enemies! Now we are divided and scattered to the corners of the world mortal and vampire alike."

Despite the pain he weakly stood up to kneel shakily in fealty to Amra and said, "I have seen what you have wrought of your coming and recognise the coming of a new power that is yours from the stars and that is why I submit to your authority. What I know and possess will be yours to decide for the future because I know you will aid my people that was of Strigos more than I can. As for my kind if they will not submit I will gladly aid you in wiping out the other bloodlines for what they have done to mine but as for my kin ....." Gashnag could only sadly look at the stone floor before steeling his gaze at Amra who was curious about this vampire's reply. "I will do my best to convince them of the benefit of submission but if they are too degenerated in their ways to not submit than I will end them myself and release them from their madness."

"And Nagash? Would your aid us in his defeat?" asked Amra.

"Yes my lords. He too is a threat to us all brooking no challenger to his authority." replied the Black Prince.

At those words, the light from Amra receded and once more he transformed back into his armor with the wings gone receded into himself.

He held out a hand that Gashnag weakly took before being raised up and Amra gave his reply, "Your words are sincere. I accept your submission and we shall have arrangements for your integration into our ranks as your existence demands safeguards and conditions but first for the rewards of your submission...." Amra turned to a white armored giant. "Do you wish to test that hypothesis of yours Thalis? It may aid in your research."

With a nod Thalis brought out a peculiar instrument to stab his own arm through an opening in his armor before taking a goblet from the table that he proceeded to fill it to the brim with his precious life blood changed and altered by forces beyond human understanding.

The aroma of such a specimen caused Gashnag's mouth to ache eager to satisfy his hunger already weakened by proximity to Amra's surprise who led his weakened body unable to walk to the waiting hands of Thalis holding out the goblet.

His grasp weakening on the goblet he tipped it's contents hungrily into his eager maw in one gulp curious as to what the essence of these giants would do to his already wretched form.

For a moment nothing happened but he dropped the goblet and immediately crashed onto the floor writhing in agony as he screamed with open fangs a pain he never felt in his immortal life. With both hands he grasped his own throat coughing and sputtering while bestial eyes and veins on his twitching body bulged from the infusion of astartes blood mixing with his own changed by Vorag Bloodytooth whose blood that changed him was in turn changed by Ushoran.


The commingling of such heritages forced a chain reaction in all the cells of his body and something deeper in his being. What was seconds became minutes to hours, days and years under the pain and in that delirium Gashnag as his eyes rolled upwards he experienced fragments of visions only Amra could view with his telepathy like an open book.

Because they were underground none heard him but his guests who observed his pain silently as they had different opinions on this approved experiment by the chapter master despite some misgivings towards allowing under their classification an abhuman.

Said abhuman from records and accounts of the original vampires was altered from the baseline human through sorcerous alchemic means with the elixir of life a cruder way to to extend one's lifespan without access to rejuvenat albeit not of Chaos despite further scrutiny while they procreate through an exchange in blood with the intended initiate.

To Thalis and Hath-Horeb, it was an experiment of biology or the warp. The secrets of Mallus held secrets in both genetics and psychic phenomena and who better to test their thesis on a willing abhuman willing to embrace the Imperial Truth?

Nahtok the Deathspeaker was as usual the most opposed among them but conceded upon Amra's final say whose powers in his new form can ascertain whether this vampire will be found wanting and in doing so be considered worthy to consume the blood of their battle brother and Dorn's genetic heritage.

Amra in his new form had the most insight into seeing the changes of Gashnag's form in body and soul. Through his brief bouts with the undead and the vampires that were no match to his power he easily ascertained their very being with his divinely blessed sight.

This world as Hath-Horeb hypothesized, restricts and magnifies etheryic energies and in doing so it's effects manifest themselves especially so for those that become exposed to them enough to manifest it's properties. Despite their rotting and decaying nature it was not of chaos in the end.

The followers relying on that energy to despoil a people and it's land were no better than reckless purveyors in experimentation on atomics and outlawed genetic splicing.

It was his own telepathy into Gashnag that proved most illuminating as to the metamorphosis process. Broken visions and images bloomed and died and in them he could interpret them. The life of Gashnag's mortal and immortal life was to be expected.

Pain especially in a moment where one's life is in a possibility of running it's course will force the one dying to relive past memories at once but it was as he focused deeper he saw something more surprising.

Images of planets and ships he has been to serving the chapter that it dawned on him he was viewing some of Thalis's memories but of the others he doesn't recognise but does see memories that include fighting marines in boarding action.

He realised it was a memory from the Horus Heresy to the bisecting of the skull of a powerful Alpha Legion figuring wielding an esoteric looking spear and bearing artificer armor in sinister and baroque styled scales gave even Amra changed as he was pause enough to gasp and break emotion such that his form once again was released to radiate light in the dark room.

"By the Emperor!" proclaimed Amra which surprised everyone as he rushed to Gashnag's side and held his twitching hands. "Through the consumption of brother Thalis's blood he can see the memories of our brother and his predecessors." He put a hand on his forehead. "I even saw Dorn slay the traitor Alpharius with Storm's Teeth and...." with a pause he concentrated with both hands on his forehead in an attempt to calm him and peer closer before turning to his brothers to speak, "I see Dorn dueling the traitor Fulgrim in his human form on the grounds of Holy Terra at the Saturnine Wall before he turns into a daemon!"

All at once at the news, the marines stoic broke ranks to surround Amra tending to Gashnag still unconscionably twitching frantically in reaction to imbibing such a potent source of life blood.

"What did he see brother?"

"He can see not only our brothers but also our primarch? How?"

"What did the traitor primarchs look like brother!"


Nahtok the Deathspeaker once again became the voice of reason as he pushed in and shoved his brothers away from Amra with a scathing lecture, "You act like children when this abhuman sees visions of not only our brothers but our primarch Dorn himself! We will get more answers from him provided he survives this.... impromptu initiation." turning to Amra he asked, "Will he survive chapter master?"

Amra was unsure while he stared at the pained face of Gashnag still writhing in agony under his arms. The radiance dimmed as it reflected the chapter master's uncertainty who gave his response, "The etheryic energy used in his transformation from his mortal life is rejecting the properties of the Emperor's creation he may not survive the imbalances afflicting his vessel." Uttering that the room started to brighten as he turned his head back to Nahtok.

"With my connection to the emperor I can use my presence to bind him just as I would the psykers of this world with your blessing."

The skull faced helmet simply nodded before saying,"Do it then. The Emperor's light will be his crucible."

In acknowledgement Amra focused his attention on Gashnag and the room brightened so that even the marines who wore helmets couldn't see while their visors auto adjusted to the sudden light as they listened to the screams reach fever pitch.

That was then they saw.

What was once a wretched and bent bestial body began to transform. Claws on hands and foot receded just as the spikes on his back did and his mouth that elongated more like a wolf shrank along with his fangs. His muscled body with it's unnatural paleness once more showed brief signs of life while his ears that were shaped like a bat warped to that of an abhuman elf.

It was quite a sight especially for Thalis and Hath-Horeb to witness such a change.

And then it ended and so did the screams.

What appeared before them was no longer some bestial looking abhuman but something more human. Quiet and unconscious. Gashnag would soon after be swiftly awoken and inducted into the Celestial Lions as a serf of special status for the blood of their primarch that now flows with his veins thus requiring an initiation into the chapter especially for the visions and memories he experienced of their battle brothers and primarch himself. Serfs like him would eventually increase once Thalis worked together with Gashnag to unlock the secrets of vampirism.

Later the reveal of the Black Prince showing himself to his subjects only served to raise the prestige of these Golden Sons and more converts to the true Emperor for as their liege described them as responsible for breaking the "curse" he had.

Unbeknownst to only a few he would lead them to Sylvania in Hunger Wood a dangerous spirit infested maze of briars and bogs where they would learn more of the vampire abhumans that is to be accounted for in achieving compliance for the world of Mallus. Suffice to say Akhana the Hag was all too willing to embrace the Emperor's Light and in doing so revive the long dead kingdom of Strigos while providing secrets of the other vampiric bloodlines leading toward their demise or capitulation towards their rulers from the stars.
Turn 15 Results (2128 IC)
Turn 15 Results (2128 IC)

Black Nassor hauled himself over the final ledge, then up onto a windswept plateau.

The clouds drifted all about him and he stepped through little bushes of hardy grasses and thorny trees. They tugged at his robes, but when they struck skin his transhuman form turned them aside easily.

He felt the heat before he saw it, before he saw the beast looming out of the clouds. A noble aquiline head, feathers of tawny gold and a black beak with intelligent eyes over it.

"He smells blood on you, brother. Did you encounter difficulty on the way up?"

Nassor turned, and from the clouds walked Kabor Brighthand, his brother-captain and Master of the Marches.

"Some raging beast, it stuck me with a stinger which was distinctly unpleasant, but I crushed it's neck in a contest." Nassor shrugged, motioning with his hand to the ragged hole in his robes. "You test your company well, if this is what you make they try. The climb was almost challenging!"

He had come to visit the 8th Company, driven largely by sentimentality, but also by a desire to understand how the 'Heralds', as they were called, were operating.

They'd been deployed for a decade or more in Sigmar's Empire, and though trust was strong within the Chapter, the Deathspeakers had requested he make an assessment of their activities, which Nassor was happy to do so.

"A manticore, I judge." Kabor said, "They're a challenge for the Scouts. Apparently some of the Abhumans ride them sometimes, but I've been considering a cull, Antorax has a taste for them." Kabor slapped his mount's flank, "Though he is a greedy beast, and gorges himself."

Nassor nodded, it seemed Kabor at least remembered the origins of the Chapter, if he'd named his creature after one of the ancient Battle Barges of the Imperial Fists. Still though, it was unusual for an Astartes to form such a connection with an animal, save for perhaps those of the Space Wolves.

"What news then? I have less good news, and I would hear yours first." Kabor asked. The clouds had cleared somewhat and Nassor could look out of the territory of Solland, the capital of that province far below. Once white walls were now blacked with soot and fume, the result of the new forges and foundries that ringed the city, while Nassor could see alien architecture, square towers taller than many churches to house the new population of industrial workers.

He approved. Though primitive, it was starting to resemble any city you might see on an Imperial world, and the influence, if not the proper adherence to the Standard Template Construct was clear in some of the designs. No doubt Kabor had given them direction, if not supervised the construction himself.

Nassor thought for a moment. Kabor had been isolating himself. He had a Librarian, and they were in communication with Librarius at Atakora, but Kabor seemed to want to test his Company away from friendly territory and supply. That was his right as a Warleader of course, and all the Companies acted slightly differently.

"The Mechanicus are spreading north, up through the mountains." he began, narrating the expansion into the Sour Sea. It was a dreadful place, hostile to human life, wrought with sulphurous craters and deep ravines, and the body of water itself was salty to the extreme, only strange gelatinous creatures pulling themselves through it's thick foamy shores. "There is talk of adapting the native elements to our manufacture, of making power armour from Gromril rather than ceramite. Apparently there are some advantages that the Techpriests are interested in."

"That sounds well, the Dawi have made wonders with it certainly." Kabor said, patting the sword at his side, "My glade is Gromril, enchanted with their runes, and it cuts anything I've put it to."

"The Peregrin is repaired, and up." That had been more notable, but strangely, when Nassor watched the cruiser rise from the Plain of Tuskers, he'd felt less than he thought he might. In the end it was just a ship after all. The Serfs had been happy though, they'd celebrated for days after, and the golden ship had been seen for miles around, one more of the Chariots of the Gods, or so the locals thought. "It's a Mark III, suited for planetary assault and bombardment, I think we shall be glad of it eventually."

Kabor nodded, "Though I wager our supply of munitions will be less than secure, at least in the short term. I know Khotan maintains Exterminatus-grade weaponry, but simple plasma bombs will be just as difficult to produce for the moment. Would that we had the fire of Bellona to rely on."

Forge World Bellona had serviced the Chapters of the Adeptus Vaelarii in the years prior to the Celestial Lions' flight from their former homeworld, the hounds of the Inquisition nipping at their heels. It was considered bad fortune to refer to anything that had come before their arrival on Mallus, and indeed, the Deathspeakers had taken steps to erase or conceal the Chapter's history from the new recruits. The Lions had broken solemn oaths of service and protection to the people of Elara's Veil, and no one was inclined to remember those oaths, or the shame of their betrayal.

"Tuthmes proposes to reform a Company, the 7th, as I understand, a light reserve able to conduct landings and deep strikes." Nassor continued.

"It may be wise, but Tuthmes is Master of the Fleet and would be the one to lead, surely?"

Nassor shook his head. "We are barely three hundred. I disapprove of this business of maintaining many demi-companies rather than proper forces. Very well, we must engage with the World around us, but in sending out twenty or thirty brothers we throttle our own strength. In any case, Tuthmes has detached a squad to man the Peregrin."

"I think there is risk too," Kabor replied, "But we have little other option. The advantages of tactical prioritisation, of concentration of specialist force, are clear. Or would you not say the Selous' Hunters have been effective, despite being only two squads strong?"

Nassor said nothing.

"There are other measures though I understand?" Kabor hinted.

Nassor nodded, but refused the goad. The Master of the Watch now commanded the Black Chamber, a squad of ten armed with silenced weapons and tools of sabotage. Where overwhelming force would always carry the day, it was becoming too costly to use in some cases.

"They will be useful in your affairs, or so I gather?" Nassor returned, and now Kabor's look turned sour.

"If the Pridelord approves I would call on your Chamber to destroy the Guild of Magic in Middenheim. I can marshal the Sigmarites against the Ulricans, that is easy enough, but it would tear this Empire apart and leave them free for xenos and heretics to tear at the wounds. I cannot march into Middenland, and Talabecland is turning against us too. With your aid we can sabotage their efforts, make it seem that the Guild has assassinated the Graf of Middenheim, or something similar. You have chem weapons? Perhaps frenzon? We need only make the Guild seem unreliable and the Empire will turn on them! Poison them or create some other damage, and these rouge psykers will be forced to defend themselves against their allies."

Nassor nodded. This was after all the exact reason he had pushed for the Black Chamber to be created. Space Marines did not naturally fit into the role of assassins, but on Mallus it was necessary to be more subtle. The Middenheim Guild of Magic couldn't be assaulted without turning the Empire against the Chapter, so instead assassination or sabotage might be used. If a poisonous cloud rose from the Guildhall, or a conflagration that set the city on fire, who was to say it wasn't the heretic wizards who had caused it?

"I would hear more of your troubles first. We cannot act precipitously."

Kabor frowned again.

"It began with the Diet." he started. "I was appointed Reiksmarshall several years ago, and technically I hold authority over the Empire's armies, but I fear I've overstepped. The Empire's forces are a patchwork of Frateris Militias, knightly orders, professional state troops, and then mercenaries. My authority in truth though is as much as they give me, and the politics of the situation have always been difficult. I led their forces against the Vampires, I was victorious, that gained me their respect, but I think I've lost that now. A setback…" Kabor sighed, "But not a fatal one. Not if I don't let it be."

"The Missonia Galaxia teach that there are two ways to take a planet by conversion, from above, through nobles and established power structures, or from below by popular pressure and eventually revolution, I suppose you now turn to the later?"

"You have the right of it." Kabor admitted, "I pushed too fast and too hard, I managed to insult the knightly orders, disturb the burgomasters, and alarm the Cults when I tried to centralise the armed forces. I wanted them to be better equipped to face foes without my input, but I think it will require greater oversight, perhaps Astartes advisors in each province, I'm not sure. In any case, the feudal system in this polity is delicate and I've been on the verge of upsetting it completely. The Emperor, the Sigmarite one that is, is very weak, wounded supposedly and constantly unwell. I've not felt the need to question that, but so far it's worked in our favour. Now though the other Elector Counts see me as an extension of centralised power, a military threat, rather than an asset."

'We are a threat.' thought Nassor, but said nothing. Kabor had championed the Sigmarite cause in the councils of the Space Marines, and he had no wish to alienate his brother.

"I've managed to establish agreed standards of training, equipment, superior logistical systems and tactical coherency among the state troops, as well as bringing the mercenaries under my hand, more or less, but in doing so I've largely lost the Ulricans, and I've burned bridges with the knightly orders. That loses the heavy cavalry, the striking arm of the Empire, but it also alienates the nobles. I've elevated commoners and foreigners to high office in my mortal serfs, and the nobles hate that."

"Let them." Nassor shrugged, "Let them face the Amputari with lance and horse."

Indeed there had been an argument to drive the Amputari out of the World's Edge Mountains and into the Empire to force another situation the Lions could take advantage of, but Kabor had vetoed it.

The Amputari were a strange foe indeed, and Nassor let his mind wander as the two Captains looked out across Solland.

The Flesh-that-Hates, the original Nuglite psy-weapon of mutated organic matter that had engulfed much of the northern regions of the world, was now gone. It had turned on its master and then consumed itself. However, the Flesh was incredibly adaptable. Toward the end it had combatted it's foes with large mutant creatures, intentionally split off from the main mass and adapted to particular qualities. These were the 'Amputated', or the Amputari. They bred like enormous single-cell organisms, splitting apart to form two of themselves, or when two divergent forms met, forming into one mass, then splitting again each sharing their mutated genetics with the other. They'd taken on the genetics of everything the Flesh-that-Hates had consumed, from humans to trolls to base animals, to more exotic creatures. Some of the Amputari flew, other burrowed through the earth, some struck with acid sprays or breathed poison mist, while more had rending claws or bio-pneumatic spikes to pierce armour.

The Amputari had been growing in the north of the world for several years, exceptionally difficult to root out. They were intelligent, not tool using, but once they'd realised the Thunderhawks were using auspex sensoriums to detect them a wave of change went through the population and within weeks the whole mutated host were using various methods of camouflage, or turning their bodies cold to avoid being detected by heat. The Chapter had never fought such a foe, but in the last year three companies were deployed, to little result. Yes they culled the largest or slowest forms, but the rest skittered off into tunnels and burrows, and Nassor's company had to burn them out with melta charges. The Amputari had been significantly degraded, but they were a clever foe, and he was sure they'd be back there again in a decade to see to them.

There were other matters, but Nassor would not speak of them here. True, they were standing on top of a mountain and it was unlikely they were observed, and besides that no one on Mallus spoke the Elysium battle-cant, but still he was reluctant.

Firstly, Amra had finally been Veiled. The specialists of the Chapter had built him a suit of magnificent armour, double layered and made from the remnants of damaged Terminator armour. Amra's terrible form was now veiled within a suit of golden plates, interlocking with each inscribed in hexegrammic seals. He resembled an enormous golden man, eight feet tall with gems for eyes and sculpted muscles. It was magnificent indeed, and had been combined with an oversuit, some of it designed by Amra himself following divine revelation, and composing a magnificent work of Artificier Armour, the likes of which Nassor thought would be worthy of First Founding Chapters or Inquisitor Lords. He had walked abroad in the last year, only in Atakora or Pharos, but where he went the serfs fell to their knees with tears in their eyes, thankful that their King had been restored from the supposed wounds he'd taken in battle.

The second matter though was more grave, and it was well their Chapter Master had been strengthened now, for they had discovered the location of the Black Pyramid of Nagash. By study of certain ancient scrolls and interpretation of the Emperor's Tarot, as well as the kine-senses of the Librarius, they had tracked the Pyramid to Nagashizzar, the dark fortress of the ancient Necromancer, deep in the Broken Teeth Mountains. The Pyramid hung in the air, dark energies issues from it upon the winds, and even the crew of the thunderhawk felt a shadow pass over their souls as they saw it.

Sigmar's Empire military improved, but improvements have agitated the feudal arrangements within that territory.
Peregrin now operational: Peregrin, MkIII Vanguard Light Cruiser, armed with a Bombardment Cannon, Macrocannon batteries, and voidcraft Launch Bays. 10 Marines, 1 Chaplain, Epistolary Kaelar, 4 Techmarines attatched. Loaded with:
○ 4 Thunderhawks
○ 4 Thunderhawk Transports
○ 8 Fury Interceptors
○ 6 Starhawk Bombers
Amputari significantly degraded, 7 Marines lost.
Veiling successful
Black Chamber operational: The Black Chamber, 10 Veterans equipped with Mk VI Corvus Armour and specialist weapons enabling them to be more stealthy than usual Astartes deployments.
Nagash's Black Pyramid located at Nagashizzar (somewhat unsurprisingly given that's where he lives)
Last edited:
Turn 16 (2131 IC)
Turn 16 (2131 IC)

"Vularakh has lent me two of his Veterans," Hunter-Captain Selous explained, "But this will continue, we know this."

Only seven Marines had died during the battle against the Amputari, victims of the terrible adaptations of those creatures, but perhaps worse than that was another case of mutation.

Two marines had noticed physical changes and reported them swiftly to their attached Deathspeaker for quarantine. Over time they claimed to be able to detect the flows of the Immaterium in the sky, to smell it upon the wind. Their bodies changed, swelling with muscle, teeth lengthening and eyes turning to split pupils. They were made as their name, hunters, but retained their faculties, save for a savage joy in the chase and a need to tear the throats from their prey with their teeth and claws.

The Deathspeakers judged them solemnly, weighing the dangers of physical mutation against the stories of the Death Company or Wulfen. Such tales were poorly understood, but they were at least known of among the Astartes. In the end the two Marines had been dispatched to the Librarius with as much honour as their mutated forms allowed.

"We have almost twenty Manifest Psykers now, and a dozen Librarians. If this continues a pace, we might form a demi-company of psykers. That would be a potent force I think, but we require the equipment for such a force…"

"That may be, but I would rather we had more Battle Brothers than mutants." Tuthmes replied. "We have around three Companies of Battle Brothers, though each of our Companies in truth are distinctly understrength. Only Kabor's Heralds are over half strength, and that's because he's received the largest share of the new recruits. At our current rate, I estimate it will take us over two hundred years to fully replenish our numbers. If we suffer calamitous setbacks, even longer. Several paths are available to us in light of this." and he turned to Kabor.

"The first, as I have proposed previously," Brighthand said looked about, "Is greater use of mortal levies. If a hundred mortals must die to prevent the death of an Astartes, so be it, for any general would regard that as a good trade. The Lion Guard are reasonably capable, but with specialised regiments, with drop troops, armoured forces, siege artillery, they can conduct campaigns without significantly decreasing the quality of warmaking. If we are to command them directly, we all know they'll be more effective, though I know this breaks with doctrine."

"Much has been broken upon this world, from honour to faith." Natohk's vox-grille boomed, "Yet we still stand."

Kabor didn't know if he was being praised or chastised, but subsided into silence, yielding the floor.

"The second strategy is to increase our recruitment of Astartes in the first place. I am now confident in our ability to implement Rapid Zygote Maturation safely, and instead of maturing a single zygote from each progenoid, I intent to mature many at once."

"Cloning?" asked Kaaram. Like the others he had heard dark stories of desperate Chapters who attempted to use that ancient art to replenish their numbers.

"Not quite, merely the precise application of genecrafting. It is forbidden by the Adeptus Terra, not explicitly, but any alteration to standard protocols is looked on poorly by the High Lords."

Amra sat above it all, high on his throne, rune-scribed plates of exceptional intricacy making up his face. He let his Warleaders speak, guiding the discussion at points, but allowing them the freedom to suggest courses.

The discussion today mainly focused on the Chapter itself, but it remained for Amra to consider his duties as Planetary Governor, as well as Chapter Master.

Elsewhere in the Imperium-on-Mallus' domain, the Mechanicus had sent a delegation. They'd consulted on, but not been directly involved in Amra's new Veil, and in turn had been amazed when they'd finally seen him. The Metallican Explorators had desired expansion, unclear on the extent of the Astartes recruiting grounds in the Southlands jungles. In truth Amra himself wasn't sure either, the settlement of that territory was irregular at best, but Astartes worlds and therefore any territory Space Marines administered were exempt from any other organisation's taxes or dues, and some settlement would have to be reached. The Mechanicus were amassing mountains of resources, but production facilities were lagging behind.

The other matter was more delicate. The Empire of Sigmar was perhaps the single greatest source of potential for the Imperium. Araby had been gutted, and though it was recovering it had never been a populous land, while the Southlands or Norsca had only a tenth of the population of the Sigmarite lands. However, they were not necessarily only Sigmarite. Competing feudal lords, knightly orders, religious authorities and cults were agitating. The Empire was fragile now, it had come out of the Vampire Wars weakened by rampage and plague, but in peace the Counts and the Cults had seen opportunity.

It grated on the Pridelord that his warriors had to rely on less direct methods, but it was better to drink sparingly than to poison the well…

• Turns will take place over roughly 2 years worth of time. A single action should be considered to be 2 years worth of effort from a particular person or group, though there's a level of abstraction with all actions given the format of the quest. I have dispensed with the Economy Turn, instead I've written a 'Status' section for relevant information, which will be updated every few turns.
• Actions will have a difficulty rating which should be apparent from the text. Some actions are time sensitive. Actions can go wrong, based on dice, reactions of characters, and other effects. Some actions are pretty vague. If action is unspecific or has options listed, it's up to you to suggest something. If nothing is suggested the most logical and simplest action will be taken, from the perspective of the characters, which may not always be the most effective action.
• Write ins are permitted and encouraged, but require my approval to make sure they're sensible. These might be 'go there, fight that, talk to them, make this' and so on. I don't give all the best options, you're meant to discuss and find the best options out. Modifications or combinations are also permitted, and may result in greater efficiency of actions and voting. If logical, you can take an action more than once.
• Voting moratorium for 24 hours to encourage discussion, do not vote before this. Post only draft plans before this. Discussion and voting are very useful for the health of the quest in general, and both are encouraged. If you're making a plan, provide reasoning to guide my writing, be broad and strategic unless you have something very specific you want to address. If you're just voting though you don't need to provide lots of reasoning, not necessary.

Note, I'm continuing with my guideline of 10% of thread participation. There are at least a hundred of you watching this quest, I expect to see more people voting. This quest cannot be sustained with a small number of participants, it just doesn't work.

You've got 2 intrigue actions now, and an option for an additional stewardship action.

I've put a load of long term actions in Stewardship especially. If you start any of them they're locked in till they're done. Keep in mind you'll be having a timeskip at some point, so some of them can be spent on that sort of thing.

No rush on voting, 24 hours before you post plans as usual, then maybe a few days for votes.

Diplomacy (Choose 1)
Confessor Hermina is occupied ruling Medes, but still manages the Chapter's diplomatic efforts.
[ ] Stirrups and Heels
The chivalric orders of Sigmar's Empire are beginning to agitate for greater autonomy, railing against the supposed overreach of Imperial authority. Remind them of their true allegiance, whether by word or demonstration.

[ ] Witch Hunters
The Empire of Sigmar is beset by religious turmoil. Each heretic Cult attempts to track and bring down other heretics, mutants, and Cults. The Sigmarite faith is the closest to that of the true Imperial Creed as laid down by the Lectitio Divinitatus, and with a single stroke, by patronising the Order of the Silver Hammer, the Chapter can assume authority over this aspect of the Sigmarite administration.

[ ] Southern Realms
While Estalia seems closed for the moment due to Bretonnian machinations, Tilea and the Border Princes lie ripe for persuasion. Guarantee their safety in return for fealty and dispatch a diplomatic mission.

[ ] Strigos
The ancient empire of Strigos once ruled over the Badlands as one of the first bastions of Humanity on Mallus, or so it is said in the ancient texts of Araby. The peoples of Strigos are scattered across the Old World, but some yet remain in their capital among the floating villages and fetid towns of the Marshes of Madness. While these places are hardly productive or populous, it is likely they hold great stores of arcane knowledge in their depths, and an initial diplomatic contact, with the promise of the new rise of Strigos under Imperial support, may prove useful.

Stewardship (Choose 2)
While the Magi and the Techmarines maintain some view over various matters, Arch-Factor Galannus has also taken responsibility for various questions of internal organisation.
[ ] Mark IX 'Mallus' Armour (1 of 2)
With a reasonably supply of Gromril from the mines of the Sour Sea, and the learnings of Kraka Drak in it's forging, Khotan proposes the creation of Gromril suits of Power Armour. Hath-Horeb has enthusiastically supported this project, calling for runecraft too, while the Deathspeaks, not wanting to be left out, wish to inscribe the suits with their wardings. The proposed armour will be exceptional, perhaps even to the standards of Terminator Armour, and will be highly resistant to warp phenomena. However, the resources used in material and manpower will be extensive, and only a single squad of such armour can be produced at first.

[ ] Heresy Upgrades (1 of 4)
Most of the Mallusian marines are equipped with Mark V 'Heresy' Armour, due to the previous resource issues when constructing the armour. This armour is distinctly inferior to others, and a programme of upgrades over several years can upgrade the armour to Mark VII 'Aquila' Armour, the most common pattern used by Astartes across the Galaxy.

[ ] Specialist Upgrades (1 of 3)
The present distinct lack of specialist armour, notably Mark VI 'Corvus' Armour used by the Black Chamber and the Hunters, as well as more advanced patterns of armour for officers, must be remedied. Without this, the Chapter will continue to have to cannibalise damaged armour from stores rather than repairing it.

[ ] Lion Forge (1 of 12)
The needs of the Chapter, of rebuilding and repairing the vehicles and voidcraft of such a force, are immense, indeed greater than even some minor Forge World's would be able to meet. Without access to the advanced facilities of the one of the greater Mechanicum planets, it may be many centuries before the Chapter's armoury can be replenished. Instead, Khotan proposed the establishment of a specialist Forge Temple to manufacture Astartes equipment specifically, significantly reducing the amount of time needed to produce Power Armour or Astartes-grade vehicles, and even possessing the facilities to manufacture Terminator Armour and other relics.

[ ] Uziel
The Dauntless scout cruiser 'Uziel' is now the least damaged ship of the Chapter's navy, and should be the next to be raised.

[ ] Vehicle Repair
Many of the Chapter's vehicles were damaged in the early years of the Compliance, and have languished in the bowels of various ships. Khotan knows not what damages might be present, but will attempt to repair many of the vehicles.

[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
The Cult Mechanicus have exploited all the sites previously available to them, and now beg leave to expand across the Southlands, opening new mines and constructing new roads. This expansion must be carefully coordinated given the Astartes recruiting areas in that continent, but once resolved will significantly increase the Mallusian Mechanicus' ability to support the Chapter.

[ ] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion
While the Serf-Militarum has some mechanised elements, to increase their capabilities these could be expanded further, especially in longer range transport and expeditionary capability so that the Lion Guard can support the Chapter's operations further afield.

[ ] Regularise Uplift
Like many aspects of Imperial rule, the uplifting of populations is largely irregular, shallow, and inefficient. This must be made more consistent, with careful attention and planning over time to push the project forward.

[ ] Open the Biologis Vaults!
The Divisio Biologis maintain extensive samples of various plants and animals from the wider Imperium. Unleash these vaults, introducing populations of Grox and other Imperial staples to Mallus. Note what sort of thing you want out of the Vaults.

[ ] Peregrin Modifications
The Vanguard Light Cruiser 'Peregrin' is the only voidship in the Chapter's fleet, or at least, the only one not crashed on the surface of the planet. Now repaired, the Peregrin might be modified to suit other purposes than its current role of planetary assault and bombardment. See ship infoposts for ideas, and specify what you want it to do.

[ ] Genetic Restructuring
The Magi Genetor propose genetic engineering the Imperial population in Pharos to emphasise the traits most beneficial to Astartes recruitment. This genetic restructuring will be a trial for other programmes of genetic tampering that the Genetors might conduct.

[ ] Terraforming Survey
Nehekhara is supposedly a cursed land. While the Mechanicus don't necessarily believe that, in any case it will be necessary to survey the Land of the Dead to determine the best way to bring it under cultivation.

Martial (Choose 2)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, directs the military operations of the Imperium.
[ ] Spawning Pool Heist
The old insult of the Lizardmen is not forgotten, but more importantly, Hath-Horeb desires a Spawning Pool to study, and the only way to get this is to seize it from the Lizardmen city itself.

[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

[ ] Serf Training
The Serf-Militarum have vehicles and equipment now, but ones they're relatively inexperienced in. Through education by Astartes officers, this can be remedied, building the capacity of the Serfs.

[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.

[ ] Void Warfare
Of the Chapter's Mallusian recruits, none have any experience of Void Warfare. Tuthmes Skytalon suggests the establishment of a new force in a reconstituted 9th Company to concentrate the Chapter's knowledge and abilities in void based warfare, and to be posted permanently aboard the resurgent Peregrin.

Intrigue (Choose 2)
Black Nassor, Master of the Watch, keeps a close eye on developments across the world which might threaten the Chapter.
[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.

[ ] The Head of the Snake
The heretical Middenheim 'Guild of Magic' is a growing threat and must be removed. While an assassination mission is unlikely to be well received in Middenheim, perhaps it's a better option that laying siege to the whole city?

[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.

[ ] Wastes Survey
The Flesh-that-Hates may be gone, but the Chaos Wastes still hold horrors. Or at least you assume so, you don't know after all.

[ ] Destabalise the Chivalrous
The Bretonnian-Estalian alliance has continued strongly these last few years, with the twin kingdoms assisting each other in internal matters and administration. While the Chapter presently have no need to fear this polity, it might be well to try to begin to destabalise the pact sooner rather than later.

[ ] Nagashizzar
The citadel of evil, Nagashizzar lies deep in the Broken Teeth mountains. Little is known of it, or it's denizens. Dispatch a force to quietly gather information, and if possible infiltrate the palace.

Learning (Choose 2)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.

[ ] The Data Vaults
Magna-Thal proposes an expedition into the depths of the Data Vaults of the Kingmaker. The libraries of such an ancient vessel may hold any number of interesting Standard Template Construct plans! Indicate if you want the techpriests to look for something in particular.

[ ] Item Creation
Hath-Horeb wishes to conduct an experiment with what he's learnt so far, and plans to create something in the manner of the 'magical' items of Mallus. Specify what Hath-Horeb seeks to create.

[ ] Study the Abhumans
Study the cultures of the Abhuman populations of Mallus to learn more about them and their origins, as well as to inform future activities.

[ ] Acquire Abhuman Samples
Biological samples of abhumans, especially of those not extensively contacted by the Imperium yet, must be acquired to further study the Mallusian gene-craft.

[ ] Induce… Witchery?
The Spiritwalkers have proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly. The Deathspeakers support the project, if only to understand what's causing the process better.

[ ] Nehekharan Categorisation
Various artefacts have been seized from the ruins of conquered Nehekharan cities, and these must be examined.

[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them.

[ ] Genewright
While tithing for Aspirants is easy enough, without the requisite gene-seed, recruits cannot become Astartes. Thalis proposes a bold project, using all the secret arts and knowledge he has to accelerate the maturation of Progenoids, implanting many Aspirants with the limited gene-seed available. If successful, this project could furnish the Chapter with at least a hundred Astartes, and provide the potential for significantly expanded recruitment in future.

[ ] Psy-Armour
The phenomena of 'Manifest Psykers' seems to show no sign of stopping, and though they receive training, there simply hasn't been sufficient time to give each Marine the appropriate psy-conductive equipment Librarians usually receive. The Librarius propose a project to upgrade the equipment of the Manifest Psykers you have currently, bringing them roughly on par with normal Librarians.

Personal (Choose 1)
The Chapter Master has undergone many changes, but he remains a capable leader.
[ ] Personal Attention
Amra directs an action from the other categories. Actions should be chosen in consideration to Amra's specific appearance and the effects this might have.

[ ] The Ancients
The Chapter maintains 5 of the ancients known as Dreadnoughts, yet the Tomb-Brothers seem to have succumbed to a malaise recently. Even the Venerable Ancient of the Chapter has become difficult to wake, unwilling to rouse himself to the fury that is necessary. Having investigated once, Natohk fears what might happen if the Deathspeakers fail again, and counsels against attempting it before the source of the Dreadnoughts' fugue is discovered.

[ ] Soulbinding
With the assistance of his officers, Amra intends to attempt to soulbind several psykers to himself, as a proxy for the Emperor of Mankind, and by this safeguard their souls.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Jan 16, 2023 at 2:42 AM, finished with 50 posts and 5 votes.
The Turn of DOOOOOOM!
Though I do have an idea for getting to choose our failure. Leaving aside bonuses, you can consider a bunch of scenarios because of the rolls and let us pick our poison.
I am persuaded by this argument, as such:

The Turn of DOOOOOOM!

In the rolls for the Turn 16 Results, there have been some pretty poor rolls. Which I'll spoiler below:

[X]Witch Hunters
Decent Sigmarite help vs chaotic sector 12, poorly! chaotic stuff prevents centralisation, everyone runnign about all over the place.
Imperial influence in development of order, vs attempts to stay indepednant 17, also extremely ineffective.

Fear of centralisation feeding into further problems with nobles? No need to roll because the last two went so badly.

Got some sigmarites, but lots of opposition from non-sigmarites and even some sigmarites.

[X] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion, no rolls
[X] Regularize Uplift, rolls for effectiveness vs chaotic uplift 14, also very poor, not sure what's goign on here! will need to be taken again, little progress.

[X] Serf Training, 34, fine iwth normal stuff, will need additional advanced training for other stuff.
[X]Void Training (note: make new company), 1, wow. Hmmmmm. Will have to think of something for this. Do I blow up the ship you just fixed? Thoughts?

[X] Study the Abhumans
[X] Acquire Abhuman Sample
Combined rolls for learning about abhuimans,27, poorly, just about learnt some stuff, but not much.

[X]Write In: Spycraft Expansion. roll vs existing criminals, 43, some successful, some organisations infiltrated.
roll vs other infiltrators eg skaven, chaos, 34, skaven and chaos existing infiltrators upset, aware of infiltration, oppose it.

Nassor's most trusted human operatives are given the resources and training to infiltrate their local criminal organizations.

[X] Nagashizaar
roll for infiltration? 37, discovered.
Roll for combat? 33, somewhat poorly, losses.
Nagash taking notice? 47, no he's busy happily.
Roll for discoveries? 28, not many, too busy running.

[X] Write In: An Governor's Triumph, no rolls, successful, roll for opposition? 55, easily dealt with, not a big deal.
Amra ,now healed, travels imperial-held territories and tribute states with a special emphasis on reassuring leaders of cities and military groupings that not only does the Imperium remain strong and able but that the empeor continues to aide them, maybe healing mutants along the way, etc

Secret roll, 4, wow also very bad, that's unfortunate.

Of particular note is a critical fail in your training in void warfare, as well as a very poor roll for a particular secret roll I did. I'm thinking we might do a little experiment here so that you can choose what went wrong in these rolls.

As such, choose 1 of each option. Just two votes, no plan format etc. Voting open immediately, no particular reasoning required, but would be cool to hear thoughts. Will close the vote in a few days, unless there's a clear leader.

The Ship of DOOOOOOM!
The Marines of the Celestial Lions donned wings once more, and ascended beyond the clouds above the orbit of Mallus for the first time twenty years. The newly formed 9th Company had been training Mallusian marines in void combat, but disaster struck! Of what sort was the disaster?

Choose 1:

[ ] Warp Accident!
Though acheiving Warp travel, the Peregrin and all it's crew have not returned! None now know what has become of the cruiser, and while it may yet return, the Chapter's Warleaders fear the worst.

[ ] Moon Daemons!
Enraged by the Peregrin's tresspass in the Sacred Void, the Moon Daemons of Morrsleib swiftly flew out from their terrible haunts, led by their chief, the Child of the Gravid Orb, Moonclaw. The Moon Daemons fell on the Peregrin while training exercises were still ongoing, and only with valour were they repelled, leaving the vessel damaged and it's crew decimated.

[ ] Sabotage!
The most terrible enemy comes from within, it is said, and this has proven true in the latest voyage of the Peregrin. Whether traitor, heretric, or xenos, their attack has damaged the Peregrin extensively, but more importantly, it has revealed the prescence of this hidden foe.

[ ] Weapons Fire!
The Peregrin has been fired on by another ship! Though the cruiser managed to drive the attacker off, it was unable to do anything more due to reduced system power under the training exercises. An enemy lurks in the orbit of Mallus!

The Secret of DOOOOOOM!
The Chapter's efforts met with failure in the last few years, and those failures were sometimes visible to the many eyes watching the Astartes' affairs. How did the Chapter's foes take advantage of the Astartes' distraction during this time?

Choose 1:

[ ] Infiltration!
While the Chapter has been distracted, enemies have infiltrated a central function of the Imperium-on-Mallus. Who or where has been infiltrated, the Chapter does not yet know.

[ ] Treachery!
One of the organisations of the Imperium-on-Mallus has started to work outside the strictures of the Chapter! This is surely the first steps on the road of Heresy! Who knows what the organisation has planned in future?

[ ] Technological Development!
Through theft, artifice, and by long observation one of the Imperium's many enemies has begun to develop technologically. This foe will surely continue to develop, and will soon pose a threat to the technological supremecy of the Chapter! Already, they have developed limited production of autoguns and internal combustion engines.

[ ] Collusion!
While the factions opposing the Imperium have been fractious and divided in the years since Planetfall, over that time they've slowly been coming together, combining recources, and now one faction in particular have formally allied, and will oppose the Chapter more vigorously in future.