Turn 12 Results (2114 IC)
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- United Kingdom
Turn 12 Results (2114 IC)
The meeting proceeded as it usually did. The Warleaders of the Celestial Lions made their reports, motions were tabled and accepted or rejected and Amra shone dimly, somehow incandescent yet not blinding the room with his radiance, a light more solid and comforting than even that which shone from the Strategium display or the polished half-globes in the ceiling and walls of the Fortress-Monastery.
Internal matters were covered first, the report of the Scouts, of promotion, transfer, equipment changes or readiness updates, and when finished, the Captains moved onto external affairs, each making their report as seemed proper to them.
"The Feast of Blades has been instituted among the Southlanders, you've seen my report and I won't belabour the point. Apart from that the 10th has been deployed in the Southern Realms, where the situation is not good."
With a wave of his hand Vularakh commanded the hololith display and it showed a detailed map of Tilea, Estalia and the Border Princes.
"There have been waves of migration for several decades due to the historical disruption in Araby," the Master of Scouts recounted, "But our arrival accelerated this, and so did the works of the heretic, Settra. While Tilea in particular was happy to accept fleeing craftsmen or merchants, the vast wave of refugees overwhelmed them and many of the fleeing Arabyans fell into poverty. In turn, resentment has arisen between the various groups regarding the distribution of resources and various existing feuds, and a string of disasters and perhaps sabotage has flared up. There have been rumours of well poisonings and the granaries of Magritta have been burned, and the people of that city prusued Arabyans through the night and slew any they could find, which in turn caused the remaining refugees to respond in kind, leading to many murders and eventually half the city burning down. It's slightly better in Tilea but essentially the same, a number of crises hitting them at once. In the Border Princes however the situation has affected them much less given the inherently decentralised constitution of that realm."
"Is there true animus between these peoples?" asked Kaaram, fingering his staff, "It would make integration more difficult if they're forced to live together. Might we return the Arabyans to Araby? The fleet of Lashiek could carry them, as well as the corsairs of Sartosa."
"There is, especially among the Estalians and Arabyans. There was an invasion centuries ago which casts a long shadow on their relations. However, I question whether anything need be done at all about them. The disruption of the human nations benefits us, they will cry out for salvation." Vularakh shrugged.
"Tuthmes," Amra ordered, "Consult the Missionary in my name."
Skytalon bowed and the conferenced moved on. Tuthmes himself accepted accolated for clearing Araby from Greenskins, while the bands of undead who'd wandered the desert had apparently withdrawn to their cities, with Tuthmes warning that he detected an intelligence behind their movements.
"It was only a matter of time before the Tomb Kings reasserted their control. If they're content to remain in their ruins then we can leave them, as we have the Xenos to the south." reasoned Nassor, "I detest the idea of allowing them whatever remnants of life they retain, but we have more important matters to resolve."
"Not so brother, and I must chastise you for it!" exclaimed the High Deathspeaker to Black Nassor's left. "The Great Crusade was predicated on the fact that no human should serve in bondage to the alien or to the debased apostasies of the Long Night. The faith of the Nehekharans is ancient, and its heresy is deep indeed. Furthermore, shall we leave these dry bones to gather their strength again and assail us?"
It had become Amra's custom to keep his silence and allow his officers to speak, and so he did, but then motioned for the discussion to move on.
"I have mixed news, but certainly the worst in the end." Thalis reported, "The second planting of the lands around Pharos has proceeded well, the crop has taken root and the Biologius Magi expect a fine harvest. Genetic restructuring proceeds among the population of Pharos, though it will likely be many years before we observe an appreciable change in the general population. My examination of the Homo Terrestrius corpses proceed. Once again there's clear signs of genetic tampering, but I can confirm that they are at least Abhumans, not simply humanoid xenos with some bizarre structures in place of lungs or heart. The Dwarves possess significantly denser musculature, more efficient biology generally, and seemingly greater resilience to hazards than other Abhuman specimens. They are formidable, but they also represent a regression in intellect. The seem to have biological dispositions toward conservatism, and the psychic mutation is unknown among them. The Metallica Forge Lord, Emar Ral, has taken a special interest in the Dwai craftmanship, and requests greater supplies of Gromril, their favoured material for armour and the like."
"I will interrupt to note that I've learnt little of their runecrafting." Hath-Horeb said, "There were few examples of psycho-reactants in the settlement, but we've also had the offer of teaching from Kraka Drak, so I think that a more efficient way of learning this art."
Thalis nodded, "That is where the good news ends. Disaster has struck, my brothers, I have had to purge our gene-vaults."
The Lions were far too disciplined to make any exclamation, but their faces set in grimaces and Black Nassor muttered an oath.
The Lifebinder continued, "I am still investigating, but some corruption had spread, almost unseen, till I had opened them again to monitor certain factors." Thalis eyes darted to Kaaram, "I can at least confirm that the infection predates the manifestation of the psyker gene among us, rather, the gene-seed infected comes from the first tithe we conducted and the zygotes matured from progenoid glands intended for those who failed in the first phase of implantation. I suspect some additional misfortune however, the infection should not have been able to spread so far, or so stealthily. Nevertheless, I have conducted a full re-origination. We have no gene-seed in storage. From my calculations from the Norscan tithe, I should be able to recover a hundred progenoids to use in future, but no more."
Though Amra was concerned, in truth, it was not as bad as it could be. Without the Magi Invigilator to call on or the Adeptus Terra to supply them with new gene-seed, the Chapter was left with only the careful husbandry of their existing organs. It was said, for example that the Adeptus Terra used bloodslaves, criminals usually, to mature gene-seed in the bodies of mortals, but this rite had never been shared with the Chapters to ensure the Adeptus Terra maintained their control.
"We will speak more of this in time." Amra said, "This wound is grave, but not mortal… Selous, speak to us of victories!"
The Master of the Hunt stepped forward, "I have fulfilled my oath, and liberated fifty giants from the clutches of the Greenskins of the Bloody Hand tribe. I went in with my pride in darkness and rallied them. They are strong indeed, but ungainly and clumsy and I managed to wrestle their leader into submission. A few didn't want to follow but they thought better of it after that. They bear the scars of slavery and I've set them among the lumber camps in the forests. The serfs have no experience of them but they're well fed for their work ripping down trees and the like. They seem happier even, they're like children…"
Truly, many of the marines had seen the 9th's bike squadron revving back toward Pharos, the pack of giants in tow. In turn, the giants had been stupefied by the size of the city. Baron Agiad, the great Knight of Colossi, had been undergoing maintenance for his mount at the time, and the size of the God Machine had seemed to frighten the giants into further submission.
The last report was from Natohk, who had reviewed the reports coming from Sergeant Dargo, still posted to Solland. The Sergeant had extended his negotiations with the native cults of the Sigmarite nation, meeting with representatives of the major cults and minor religions. He reported moderate contact with the cults of Taal and Rhya from Talabheim, as well as with those of Manann in the ports of the northern Empire. However, with the cult of Ulric and his wolves, war had essentially been declared. The Ar-Ulric himself set himself against Dargo in battle, sending a high priest with insults Dargo could not ignore. The high priest had come off worse, finding himself cut in half and sent back in a box. While the worshippers of Ulric were not common in the southern Empire, Hath-Horeb advanced a theory that the Chapter was beginning to stumble into the existing political issues of the Age of Three Emperors, with Helmut of Marienburg's recent acclamation apparently failing to fully resolve the issues among the Otillans, Wolf Emperors, and Nuln Emperors.
However, it was with the minor cults that the Sergeant had found the most success. The Cults of Morr, Verena, Shallya, as well as the foreign imports like that of Mymidia, had all suffered during the Age of Three Emperors when each of the factions warring had neglected them in favour of the patrons Taal, Sigmar or Ulric. A senior priest in the Cult of Verena had even pledged to swear allegiance to the Imperium-on-Mallus, in secret, should the Lions take the cult under their protection.
"If they will foreswear the godhood of their patrons, accept the Imperial Creed's theorisations, undergo tests of purity and righteousness, and finally banish the psykers in their midst and accept no new ones, as seems to be the custom of his world, I have no objections." Natohk mused.
Hath-Horeb, perhaps the most open and philosophical of the Celestial Lions due to his occupation, smirked. He had no animosity toward the High Deathspeaker, but he knew it would tickle the Astartes to have to tolerate heretics, for that's what they were after all, regardless of promises of future adherence. Natohk had taken great pleasure in the purges of Araby, in impaling the priests of Norsca on their own idols, or of throttling the Djinncallers to death slowly while reciting litanies against their foul perversions. It would perhaps be better if the Chaplain wasn't permitted to get too close to the native cults. Confessor Hermia was much better at that sort of thing after all.
The meeting went on for several more hours, covering wide topics, but finally the Marines bowed and left the chamber, leaving Amra alone.
Khotan, Master of the Forge, was the only one to remain after Amra's dismissal. The Chapter Master could travel through the conduits of the Monastery in a flash of light, but he had made it a habit not to display this ability overmuch, lest he put pressure on his brothers and their forbearance of his condition.
"You think to go out, as you have, and to conquer. Very well, but we have done so for a decade. We need time to consolidate and prepare for greater threats. Think on it, Chapter Master."
The meeting proceeded as it usually did. The Warleaders of the Celestial Lions made their reports, motions were tabled and accepted or rejected and Amra shone dimly, somehow incandescent yet not blinding the room with his radiance, a light more solid and comforting than even that which shone from the Strategium display or the polished half-globes in the ceiling and walls of the Fortress-Monastery.
Internal matters were covered first, the report of the Scouts, of promotion, transfer, equipment changes or readiness updates, and when finished, the Captains moved onto external affairs, each making their report as seemed proper to them.
"The Feast of Blades has been instituted among the Southlanders, you've seen my report and I won't belabour the point. Apart from that the 10th has been deployed in the Southern Realms, where the situation is not good."
With a wave of his hand Vularakh commanded the hololith display and it showed a detailed map of Tilea, Estalia and the Border Princes.
"There have been waves of migration for several decades due to the historical disruption in Araby," the Master of Scouts recounted, "But our arrival accelerated this, and so did the works of the heretic, Settra. While Tilea in particular was happy to accept fleeing craftsmen or merchants, the vast wave of refugees overwhelmed them and many of the fleeing Arabyans fell into poverty. In turn, resentment has arisen between the various groups regarding the distribution of resources and various existing feuds, and a string of disasters and perhaps sabotage has flared up. There have been rumours of well poisonings and the granaries of Magritta have been burned, and the people of that city prusued Arabyans through the night and slew any they could find, which in turn caused the remaining refugees to respond in kind, leading to many murders and eventually half the city burning down. It's slightly better in Tilea but essentially the same, a number of crises hitting them at once. In the Border Princes however the situation has affected them much less given the inherently decentralised constitution of that realm."
"Is there true animus between these peoples?" asked Kaaram, fingering his staff, "It would make integration more difficult if they're forced to live together. Might we return the Arabyans to Araby? The fleet of Lashiek could carry them, as well as the corsairs of Sartosa."
"There is, especially among the Estalians and Arabyans. There was an invasion centuries ago which casts a long shadow on their relations. However, I question whether anything need be done at all about them. The disruption of the human nations benefits us, they will cry out for salvation." Vularakh shrugged.
"Tuthmes," Amra ordered, "Consult the Missionary in my name."
Skytalon bowed and the conferenced moved on. Tuthmes himself accepted accolated for clearing Araby from Greenskins, while the bands of undead who'd wandered the desert had apparently withdrawn to their cities, with Tuthmes warning that he detected an intelligence behind their movements.
"It was only a matter of time before the Tomb Kings reasserted their control. If they're content to remain in their ruins then we can leave them, as we have the Xenos to the south." reasoned Nassor, "I detest the idea of allowing them whatever remnants of life they retain, but we have more important matters to resolve."
"Not so brother, and I must chastise you for it!" exclaimed the High Deathspeaker to Black Nassor's left. "The Great Crusade was predicated on the fact that no human should serve in bondage to the alien or to the debased apostasies of the Long Night. The faith of the Nehekharans is ancient, and its heresy is deep indeed. Furthermore, shall we leave these dry bones to gather their strength again and assail us?"
It had become Amra's custom to keep his silence and allow his officers to speak, and so he did, but then motioned for the discussion to move on.
"I have mixed news, but certainly the worst in the end." Thalis reported, "The second planting of the lands around Pharos has proceeded well, the crop has taken root and the Biologius Magi expect a fine harvest. Genetic restructuring proceeds among the population of Pharos, though it will likely be many years before we observe an appreciable change in the general population. My examination of the Homo Terrestrius corpses proceed. Once again there's clear signs of genetic tampering, but I can confirm that they are at least Abhumans, not simply humanoid xenos with some bizarre structures in place of lungs or heart. The Dwarves possess significantly denser musculature, more efficient biology generally, and seemingly greater resilience to hazards than other Abhuman specimens. They are formidable, but they also represent a regression in intellect. The seem to have biological dispositions toward conservatism, and the psychic mutation is unknown among them. The Metallica Forge Lord, Emar Ral, has taken a special interest in the Dwai craftmanship, and requests greater supplies of Gromril, their favoured material for armour and the like."
"I will interrupt to note that I've learnt little of their runecrafting." Hath-Horeb said, "There were few examples of psycho-reactants in the settlement, but we've also had the offer of teaching from Kraka Drak, so I think that a more efficient way of learning this art."
Thalis nodded, "That is where the good news ends. Disaster has struck, my brothers, I have had to purge our gene-vaults."
The Lions were far too disciplined to make any exclamation, but their faces set in grimaces and Black Nassor muttered an oath.
The Lifebinder continued, "I am still investigating, but some corruption had spread, almost unseen, till I had opened them again to monitor certain factors." Thalis eyes darted to Kaaram, "I can at least confirm that the infection predates the manifestation of the psyker gene among us, rather, the gene-seed infected comes from the first tithe we conducted and the zygotes matured from progenoid glands intended for those who failed in the first phase of implantation. I suspect some additional misfortune however, the infection should not have been able to spread so far, or so stealthily. Nevertheless, I have conducted a full re-origination. We have no gene-seed in storage. From my calculations from the Norscan tithe, I should be able to recover a hundred progenoids to use in future, but no more."
Though Amra was concerned, in truth, it was not as bad as it could be. Without the Magi Invigilator to call on or the Adeptus Terra to supply them with new gene-seed, the Chapter was left with only the careful husbandry of their existing organs. It was said, for example that the Adeptus Terra used bloodslaves, criminals usually, to mature gene-seed in the bodies of mortals, but this rite had never been shared with the Chapters to ensure the Adeptus Terra maintained their control.
"We will speak more of this in time." Amra said, "This wound is grave, but not mortal… Selous, speak to us of victories!"
The Master of the Hunt stepped forward, "I have fulfilled my oath, and liberated fifty giants from the clutches of the Greenskins of the Bloody Hand tribe. I went in with my pride in darkness and rallied them. They are strong indeed, but ungainly and clumsy and I managed to wrestle their leader into submission. A few didn't want to follow but they thought better of it after that. They bear the scars of slavery and I've set them among the lumber camps in the forests. The serfs have no experience of them but they're well fed for their work ripping down trees and the like. They seem happier even, they're like children…"
Truly, many of the marines had seen the 9th's bike squadron revving back toward Pharos, the pack of giants in tow. In turn, the giants had been stupefied by the size of the city. Baron Agiad, the great Knight of Colossi, had been undergoing maintenance for his mount at the time, and the size of the God Machine had seemed to frighten the giants into further submission.
The last report was from Natohk, who had reviewed the reports coming from Sergeant Dargo, still posted to Solland. The Sergeant had extended his negotiations with the native cults of the Sigmarite nation, meeting with representatives of the major cults and minor religions. He reported moderate contact with the cults of Taal and Rhya from Talabheim, as well as with those of Manann in the ports of the northern Empire. However, with the cult of Ulric and his wolves, war had essentially been declared. The Ar-Ulric himself set himself against Dargo in battle, sending a high priest with insults Dargo could not ignore. The high priest had come off worse, finding himself cut in half and sent back in a box. While the worshippers of Ulric were not common in the southern Empire, Hath-Horeb advanced a theory that the Chapter was beginning to stumble into the existing political issues of the Age of Three Emperors, with Helmut of Marienburg's recent acclamation apparently failing to fully resolve the issues among the Otillans, Wolf Emperors, and Nuln Emperors.
However, it was with the minor cults that the Sergeant had found the most success. The Cults of Morr, Verena, Shallya, as well as the foreign imports like that of Mymidia, had all suffered during the Age of Three Emperors when each of the factions warring had neglected them in favour of the patrons Taal, Sigmar or Ulric. A senior priest in the Cult of Verena had even pledged to swear allegiance to the Imperium-on-Mallus, in secret, should the Lions take the cult under their protection.
"If they will foreswear the godhood of their patrons, accept the Imperial Creed's theorisations, undergo tests of purity and righteousness, and finally banish the psykers in their midst and accept no new ones, as seems to be the custom of his world, I have no objections." Natohk mused.
Hath-Horeb, perhaps the most open and philosophical of the Celestial Lions due to his occupation, smirked. He had no animosity toward the High Deathspeaker, but he knew it would tickle the Astartes to have to tolerate heretics, for that's what they were after all, regardless of promises of future adherence. Natohk had taken great pleasure in the purges of Araby, in impaling the priests of Norsca on their own idols, or of throttling the Djinncallers to death slowly while reciting litanies against their foul perversions. It would perhaps be better if the Chaplain wasn't permitted to get too close to the native cults. Confessor Hermia was much better at that sort of thing after all.
The meeting went on for several more hours, covering wide topics, but finally the Marines bowed and left the chamber, leaving Amra alone.
Khotan, Master of the Forge, was the only one to remain after Amra's dismissal. The Chapter Master could travel through the conduits of the Monastery in a flash of light, but he had made it a habit not to display this ability overmuch, lest he put pressure on his brothers and their forbearance of his condition.
"You think to go out, as you have, and to conquer. Very well, but we have done so for a decade. We need time to consolidate and prepare for greater threats. Think on it, Chapter Master."