Iterator Interlude 2
Iterator Interlude 2

Behold then, the Lords-in-the-Trees, behold their mighty works!

The wonders of the Great City were limitless. Truly had never considered anything like it.

The young man liked to think of himself as a well-travelled warrior, he'd fought in raids, taken sacrifices and danced the sacred dances of his people, he'd lain with women, and travelled to the towns of other tribes in the great jungles of the Southlands.

But Pharos, the City of the Gods, was something else entirely.

Apparently this was everyone's reaction. The central spire of the Kingmaker, the mighty temple of the Mechanicus, was perhaps the most massive single building in the world, though Lukeni had heard that some elven spires were taller, though spindly and weak…

Lukeni had been recovered by the Lords-in-the-Trees, and by their chief, the Star-Lion himself. He had little memory of it, he remembered light and magnificence, shining steel and wings of gold. Then he woke in a sickbed, hundreds of miles away, having been healed by the Star-Lion's presence and then sent for recovery. He had intruded, unwillingly or not upon the domain of the Lionlords themselves but rather than striking him dead for breaching the Realm of the Gods, the Star-Lion had set him upon the True Path.

Lukeni was taken by the priests of the Lion, those men and women called Iterators. He was sent to a place of learning, the Schola Indigena, he studied there, learnt of what he'd once called magic, learnt chymistry and mathimatika, he sang in the Choir of Ten Thousand, composed entirely of the natives of Mallus, and he attended the Readings of the Dead by the Archpriest of the Lionlords.

By day he learnt, and by night he taught. The sky-people came to him for information. They asked all manner of things, from the names and qualities of plants to the history of earthquakes and the former teachings of the old religion. In each case they clarified and classified, so that the might Ironhide became the Ferructus, while the sneaking muck-stalkers of the southern gullies became the Foetedon.

Much had been revealed to him, wonders and terrors, and after a year and a day he was dispatched back to his own people to teach them. Each day he would preach the Lectitio Divinitatus, standing upon the sacred stone of sacrifice and worship, he would sit beside the Honoured Mothers (though behind a cloth screen as was proper) and advise them. Heretics were shown the error of their ways, and the Sotek worshippers were stamped out.

Once, in yet another wonderous experience, Lukeni even spied a Lionlord hunting in the forest, wrestling a mighty Ironhide and snapping it's neck, laying it out on the floor and taking it's skull for a trophy. Lukeni led his folk to the corpse after and they gave worship with the meat of the beast.

All was well in the jungles. There was a single abortive attempt by a confederation of tribes who held to the old ways to unite against the Lords-in-the-Trees but Lukeni led his people and scattered them, mounting the pyramid of Sotek and sanctifying that place with the blood of the faithless.

Life in the jungle changed relatively little though. There was no more conflict between tribes, though the rituals of war still took place under the auspices of the new priesthood. Sacrifices were still given, but no longer of death, rather the folk of the jungle gave their lives for the Emperor, heading out toward the Golden Tower where the Lionlords sent their servants to bear them away to the Emperor's wars.

Three years later, Lukeni knelt before the Iterator Prime and received his silken stole and staff. He went, commanded and ordered, certified and anointed, out into the towns of Araby as one of a new cohort of missionaries and advisors to the people of that land, his abilities recognised and rewarded.

He ruled his territory by word, delighting in the destruction of the Arabyan gods. In one case, he assured Mechanicus Enginseers that they could indeed locate their railyard over a particular spot.

"The local's don't seem best pleased." the Skitarii Ranger Alpha remarked, thumbing the activator of his arc-maul.

"I assure you, my lord," Lukeni replied easily, "This place was merely a midden heap, there is no wider significance."

The Arabyans shouted and gesticulated as the excavators unearthed the corpses of their ancestors, and Lukeni grinned. The Arabyans had tormented his people for centuries in their slave taking and raids of the coasts, and he was glad he could revenge himself upon them, even if by only destroying the graves of the already dead.

Life was good, Lukeni brought the True Faith to the region, he stamped out the unfaithful just as he had in the jungle, and after a time he was returned back to Pharos, this time to teach those who had once been like him. He stood alongside his colleagues from the Iterators, as well as those from the original Missionarus Galaxia sent alongside the Celestial Lions' fleet.

"This new cadre will do well, I think." said one Drill-Abbot to him as they ate together during a break, "They have the intellect, and the zeal I think, but I fear for their purpose."

Lukeni's confusion must have been evident.

"What I mean," the missionary continued, "Is that while the Missionaria's taught everyone well, I see fundamental flaws. It's hardly my place to say, I know Confessor Hermina has spoken to the Arch-Factor about it… There is inflexibility, a lack of proper systems. We send our students out, students like you, without a clear idea of what they're to do, other than preach."

"Is that not our purpose?" Lukeni asked.

"Yes." The missionary admitted, "But, it's been the Missionaria's perspective that preaching itself isn't enough. Did you attend the Arch-Factor's address last year? Of course you did, but you remember, he said 'In order to make them civilised, we must first make them men'? Fundamentally the Iterators are attempting to implement a dozen projects at once. There isn't enough training, enough understanding of the cultures we're sending our people out into. Why, only last week I heard about a purge of one tribe who'd taken in heretics from another tribe who'd warred with a loyalist group previously. The regional governor considered the sheltering of refugees as a prelude to an attack, so he struck first, but it wasn't, that tribe just happened to follow a culture where hospitality was sacred. As I say, inflexibility… You might also say that the Iterators have been rolled out according to an unsuited design. We in the Missionaria have taught others, but the Arch-Factor controls it all, he administrates the scheme, but he does so as a high ranking Chapter Serf and a servant of the Astartes, thus he considers all matters in relation to his position, he cannot prevent the Astartes from doing as they please, even moderating them, consider this fire cult they have going for example-"

"I would not think those words wise." Lukeni remarked, looking around. While he'd lost some of his wonder he was still a pious man. "It is not wise to even think such things." While it might be reasonable to criticise mortals, even implying that an Astartes, the Chapter Master no less, had made a bad decision was stupidity, and worse, heresy… The Elysian Pyrocult of the Lions was well known as a source of contention among the more orthodox elements of the Ecclesiarchy on Mallus, but it was rarely spoken of.

"True enough." the Drill-Abbot replied, and bent to their food.
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Drakenhof Interlude
Drakenhof Interlude

The Midnight Aristocracy gathered in a dank cavern beneath the walls of Castle Drakenhof. What ancient haunt was this? What laboratory or scholarium full of secrets had led them there?

None, it was merely the storage space for tax records in von Carstein territories. The custodian undead that maintained the place had been banished and the room made secure from observation with magic.

Mannfred von Carstein stood alert, pale eyes look about him, armour burnished with shadowy enchantment, his greatsword leaning against his shoulder.

A dozen figures, vampire and human, stood in the gloom, most of them entirely able to see in the darkness.

The largest was a hulking monster, King Druthor of Grimbarrow, master of the Haunted Hills and lord over a dismal graveyard. He was Stigoi, the cursed corpse eaters and the get of Vorag Bloodytooth.

The smallest was Madam Kalfon. Rumour had it that her Necrarch sire had been fascinated by her wild magic as a child, and turned her, swiftly leading to his own death at the hands of the undead child. The 'madam', an affectation to make her more mature, was an abomination. If any von Carstein turned a child Mannfred would have seen to their torturous death himself, but Kalfon survived the transformation and had become one of the most able of Mannfred's little cabal.

Anark von Carstein was there, the Grandmaster of the Drakenhof Templars. He was Mannfred's own get, a brutal and ambitious vampire, one of the former knights of Castle Drakenhof itself. He wasn't Mannfred's equal in magic, but he was far better with a blade, and Mannfred admitted, in command and battle. Reliable, but ambitious, Anark and his Templars were Mannfred's answer to Walach Harkon's Blood Dragons.

Harkon had suffered an immeasurable loss of prestige since his defeat outside Averheim and the destruction of his mount. The Necrarch Brotherhood had gifted him the mount, drawn together by black magic in the Forest of Shadows at great cost, and were subsequently less than pleased.

Mannfred gave his firstborn childe a small nod.

"We are gathered to debate the survival of our people." Anark began.

Mannfred had commanded him to assemble the group. He had the best claim to his father's throne and the dark kingdom of Sylvannia, but for a century or more he'd let others fight among themselves, and now only Konrad was left of Vlad's get. Despite this, it wouldn't look good for Mannfred to seem to be plotting, better than Anark did, he had the most military experience in Sylvannia except for Harkon, and that experience would give him gravitas.

Heterneb of Lahmia sniffed, putting on her affect developed many years ago in the Silver Pinnacle at the feet of her mistress. The Lahmians had proved suprisingly useless in the Vampire Wars, as the Empire called them. They had been good information collectors, but they were stuck in their ways, they loved subterfuge and their networks of spies, but they had an almost unbreakable aversion to actually taking action when necessary.

While Heterneb might have proven adequate for some purposes, she'd also completely failed to provide anything of note in the most recent phase of the Wars against the reinvigorated Empire. No matter, she would have her place.

"Give me your eyes." whispered a voice in Mannfred's ear, "For I see not with my own…"

With a gesture and a spell he banished the spirit and earnt himself a sneer from Mundvard the Cruel, vampire lord of Marienburg, the 'Lord of Shadows' who controlled that city with spirits and intrigue.

Anark ignored the interruption ably, "The Golden Sons represent a threat we have never faced."

"They are worse than elves." spat Druthor in a growl, lips forming the words crudely around his fangs.

"Indeed." Anark said, "Against a united Empire victory was never certain-"

"Especially after beloved Vashanesh's true death…" Heterneb said mournfully, as if she really cared about her mistress's former lover.

Anark's face showed a sneer for a moment before he schooled himself. It had been a true task to gather such a variety of powerful figures, and the interruptions weren't helping Mannfred's patience either.

As Anark managed as best he could, marshalling the others with rhetoric and persuasion, Mannfred reviewed the recent events.

He had betrayed his bloodsire, leading to his death and the possibility that Mannfred instead would become the Emperor in Darkness, as was his destiny. The Empire had beat the undead armies back to the borders of the River Stir and the haunts of Sylvannia, but no further. His other brothers slain, sometimes by his own hand, Mannfred and Konrad were the only ones left, if you could call the insane beast that was Konrad von Carstein truly a person.

Plots and strategies abounded. The Era of Three Emperors largely continued, Counts were encouraged to war against each other, but Mannfred had seen no possibility of true disunity among them. Thus, they'd adopted a different tactic.

In a move that sometimes surprised even himself, Mannfred had managed to get a corpse elected as Emperor. It had taken some time to plan and more effort to execute, but he'd managed it and somehow no one appeared to have noticed yet. Helmut of Marienburg, or rather, his animated corpse, had been kept concealed to give the impression Helmut was still suffering a wound from battle.

It had been a good plan, use the infirmity of the Emperor to drive the Empire back into civil war.

But then the Golden Sons had arrived.

Seeming to emerge from the wilderness in the Empire's hour of need, they routed Konrad's forces at the Battle of Averheim, and subsequently showed magnificent tactical and strategic skill, destroying any army sent against the Empire and also conducting campaign of assassinations and fast strikes across the Empire.

At first Mannfred hadn't entirely believed the stories the Lahmians had brought him. First there were three Golden Sons, then a hundred. First they wore merely cloth and bore common weapons, then they girt themselves in magnificent golden armour wielded armaments the likes of which even the Dawi knew not.

It had been a confusing few years. The Golden Sons had flying vehicles of some sort, able to match anything in the air, and indeed in one instance apparently a manticore had flown into one of them and simply been splattered across the hull of the craft. Such vehicles made their efforts difficult to track and predict.

The Golden Sons had been reported before, in the Southlands, but in truth Mannfred's attention had been on the Empire and he'd paid it little mind. It would have been useful if there were subordinates who were focused on such things, but the Lahmians were unhelpful as even and hadn't seen fit to draw his attention to other matters.

They had done much, provoking a theological debate in the Sigmarite church regarding Sigmar's divinity, apparently destroying half of Norsca in conflict with an uncertain foe, and accomplishing various ridiculous feats. Supposedly Kabor Brighthand had wrestled a griffon to submission and mounted it, while Dargo Dragonkiller had trained a dozen child-mages which followed him in battle.

In perhaps the most notable feat, the Golden Sons had apparently cleared the Drakwald Forest. Hundreds of miles of woodland were burned, but nevertheless, whole herds of beastmen and tribes of forest goblins had been destroyed. For his feats Brighthand had been named the Reiksmarshall of the Empire and supreme commander of their forces in the Vampire Wars, and now carried Klingerach , the Sword of Vengeance, Runefang of Solland.

It had all fallen apart. The von Carsteins were in retreat, hardly able to muster an army without the Golden Sons bearing down on them and the Griffon Company marching on their heels.

That had necessitated a change in strategy. Mannfred sent out dozens of necromancers, not to conquer, merely to destroy, to raise hordes of zombies and abandon them just as easily. It seemed that the Golden Sons were limited at least in fuel and numbers, and through this dispersed strategy Druthor had led vampires to swoop down on terrorgeists and hellsteeds, striking swiftly, never trying to hold territory or conduct great rituals, merely to destroy. The Golden Sons had a single mage of power, and he couldn't be everywhere.

It had worked for a time, but when the Golden Sons had reformed they'd learned, able to combat the Vampire Count tactics well enough to make more progress.

Even unorthodox tactics had proved relatively ineffective. The shriek of Mundvard's banshees had made them hesitate, but they'd pushed forward, immune after the first time they'd heard it. Cries that could scare entire regiments to death were ineffective, and the spectral knives of the undead were useful to a point, until the Golden Sons started brandishing small pieces of paper and wax seals, no doubt an item of faith to drive away the spirits.

The Lahmians attempted seduction, and when they managed to get close enough the Golden Sons appeared confused more than anything. Heterneb had gotten close enough to open the throat of one Son with her dagger, but the next day it was found that the warrior was healed and back in battle again.

Madam Kalfon and the Necrarchs had proved slightly more effective, they'd developed new spells from the Lore of Shadows to conceal and obfuscate, spells strong enough to resist even the Sons' piercing sight.

The less said about the Blood Dragons the better. Walach Harkon had begged a new mount from somewhere and gone into battle with his bodyguards, swearing to add Kabor Brighthand's blood to his magical chalice. The leader of the Sons had accepted the vampire's offer of single combat and promptly overcome him, Walach's crimson blade shattering beneath a mighty blow, even the hilt-shard skittering off Kabor's golden plate. Walach's guard had rode forward to the aid of their chief only to be slaughtered by some sort of rotary cannon and Brighthand's Runefang.

Not only were the Sons might warriors, easily a match for most vampires, they seemed to combine the massive strength of a Strigoi with the bladecraft of a Blood Dragon and the tactical intelligence of a von Carstein. While his people were not necessarily overly troubled with morale, the revelation that there were so many who could oppose them openly was a harsh one.

While thousands of humans had been slaughtered, soldiers and civilians alike, only a dozen of the Sons had been brought down. Mannfred had seen to three himself, trapping them in mazes of shadow before lashing out with his blade. Necrarchs had managed to bring down more, even one of their craft with a volley of dark magic, finding themselves under fire themselves by other flying chariots soon after. Druthor and two of his kin had surprised more of the Sons, pinning them down in turn and ripping off their heads, while a few others had been slain in similar circumstances by others.

Now it was time for new action. It was clear that they were losing the war, and without significantly enhanced resources, information, and unity there was no hope. Mannfred had proposed a retreat. None of this had gone to Konrad, he could rage in his castle till the Sons brought it down around him, but Mannfred had rallied his cabal to remove all the resources they could from paintings to magical artefacts to alchemic reagents. This was the first time they'd met openly all together, and Mannfred led the conversation, soothing egos and stroking passions.

Retreat, only to return in time with greater strength. That was what they agreed, all to Mannfred's designs, and swiftly each went their own way. They prepared a spoiling action. By dark magic and black sorceries they would leave traps for the Golden Sons wherever they could. Infected wells with warpstone and vampire blood, drawing up ghouls and making them Crypt Horrors, enormous mutated hungerers, while Arnak would descend with Druthor into the crypts to waken the vampires who'd been sealed away, weakening the locks on their prisons just enough to allow the Vargheist and Varghulfs to break free.

"You too must be away, my apprentice." Mannfred said.

Helman Ghorst nodded and bowed, "By your will, master." and he departed.

More to this spoiling action would be Ghorst and his compatriots attempts to spread more chaos through the Empire. Through plague and pestilence, contamination and sabotage, Mannfred hoped to keep the Golden Sons busy enough not to look for him.

The last element Mannfred had told no one of. Dieter Helsnicht, newly appointed Rector of the Middenheim Guild of Magic, was in truth an agent of the dark, and through Mannfred Helsnicht would lay the groundwork for a religious war between Ulricans and Sigmarites. The Empire would be plunged back into civil war, and the Vampire Counts would be able to gather themselves in secrecy.

But Mannfred wouldn't be here for that.

No, he would go south, sneak through the Badlands, possibly even past Karak Kadrin and then down the eastern side of the World's Edge Mountains. Timor Noctis, the Sword of Unholy Power, forged by smiths of Zhar-Naggrund, would be enough to protect him. South and south again to the Cursed Pit.

South to Nagashizzar and its dark master.
Thunder Interlude
Thunder Interlude

Ancient wonders span through the dreams of Torgul Brassbearer.

The world turned, ages passed and the skies changed with the earth's movements. Long years ago he had woken and warred, and now he slept again, or he would, though as he stepped through visions he felt himself waking once more.

"What war is this?" he asked, fiery eyes opening, clawed hand grasping for the hilt of his mighty weapon, "What slaughter calls me?"

But it was only one of his sons, "Father, father, they're stealing out lightning!"

Fury sparked in Torgul's heart at that, ridiculous as it sounded, and he raised himself.

The wound he'd taken at the edge of the god-axe of the Maggot-king had healed, but the forelimb was still tender as he stepped out. He felt power through the earth, but looked out to the storm.

Rain splattered on his craggy face and ran through a blood-crusted beard as Torgul raised his head. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed, and Torgul felt himself exalt in the storm. He raised his sword, calling the forks to clash around Thunder Mountain.

The storm was his, and it returned to him, but what was that?

It was as his son had said, though the storm came and crashed over his body filling him with energy, there was something else, yes, away out on the Mountain of Iron, no, slightly further west actually, Torgul saw strange rods of metal sticking out of a mountain, and what seemed to be a settlement at the top on a broad plateau.

There had been no such plateau when Torgul had last walked the world.

"This will not stand." Brassbearer growled, with a single gesture he called down a mighty bolt, holding it within himself, then casting it into the cave where it roused his sons from slumber with sparks and crackling.

"Rise my sons!" Torgul roared, "There is work for axes here!"

Baying they followed him down the mountain, roaring and prancing.

They smashed through a band of Dung-folk in the valley, sending them flying, Torgul tasting their foul blood on his lips, and then it was up into the mountains, swiftly as a raging torrent, the storm clashing all around as Torgul held it close.

His armour bore the first shots, arcs of fire shooting out from the settlement, but Torgul cared not, even as his trappings burned. He swept forward, striking the gates with his shoulder, charging through and cleaving a rank of mortals in into pieces with a single swing of his blade. His sons leapt over the walls or clung to the rocky sides, climbing swiftly over and biting into the enemy.

It was over quickly, for there were few warriors in truth, but when Torgul looked about him he saw something new for the first time in millennia.

The Firepowder was known to the Maggot-folk, Torgul had faced their iron before, but he had never seen anything like what the Young-folk had wielded. He ordered his sons to gather the material, to test it against his hide. They did so with trepidation, and some difficulty given the size of their fingers, but with the tip of a talon they managed it, operating the weapons to sting at Torgul's skin.

He gestured, and this time they brought up a larger cylinder. Greater it was, and this one not only stung him but pierced straight through the rune-forged hellbras of his armour, the beam of light scorring into the flesh of his breast.

Brassbearer looked down impassively, probing the hole with one finger as his sons quailed. There was pain, but pain was an old friend, and as he found his ribs within the wound he knew the world was changing.

A swift interrogation produced results, his sons, one a sentry for each decade, had seen the new people growing and building for years now, they blasted the top off a mountain, ran carriages of great speed across the plain and only recently had created their lightening hooks. They flew in sky-wains, and Torgul's sons spoke of other things besides.

Though the news was less than certain, Torgul found it plain that him and his dozen sons couldn't overcome such beings. They were Young-folk, this was clear, but the Young-folk were always breeding and settling, as had always been the way. No, this would require more than Torgul could muster.

"Gather up these things." Brassbearer ordered and his sons began to rip choice bits of the settlement apart, also seizing the wargear of the Young-folk warriors, with Torgul carrying the device that had so wounded him.

"We make east, to the Sons of Hashut, there we shall barter these items and raise a warhost. Come my sons, I see lives on the plain below, let us eat well, and remind the world of it's true masters!"
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Index Mallus
This one's more for flavour.

Index Mallus


Homo Terrestris is a Ordo Beta abhuman strain native to Mallus. Terrestris are abhumans appearing as short, stocky Homo Sapiens. Terrestris are more resilient to various common and exotic enviromental effects, and possess substantial physical strength and fortitude.

Terrestris origins are suspected to derive from xeno genetic modification, rather than a relation to Sapiens Rotundus.

Unconfirmed analysis indicates biological inclinations toward conservative social attitudes. See [REDACTED] analysis.

Terrestris possess unusual resistance to warp phenomena, and utilise a native psychic tradition. See Runecraft.

See Karaz Ankor for social organisation and threat assessment.

Homo Insolens is a Ordo Gamma abhuman strain native to Mallus. Insolens are abhumans appearing as lithe, tall Homo Sapiens. Insolens are resilient to physical mutation, but suscenptivle to mental mutative conditions. Insolens are relatively faster than Sapiens, with quicker reflexes but weaker physical strength and fortitude. Numerous Insolens display stable native traditions of warpcraft, and all Insolens are to be treated as dangerous.

Insolens are suspected to be a result of xeno genetic tampering. Note, Insolens, while bearing superficial resemplence to the xenos, Eldar, have been confirmed as stable Abhumans, not xenos. Insolens society and culture however appear to have been subverted by Eldar agents for purposes unknown.

Unsubstantiated reports of 'Wood Elves' have been recorded on Mallus, but are as yet unconfirmed.

See Asur, Druchii for social organisation and threat assessment.

Homo Famelicus is a Ordo Gamma abhuman strain native to Mallus. Famelicus are abhumans appearing as tall, obese Homo Sapiens. Famelicus are more resilient to various common and exotic enviromental effects, and possess substantial physical strength and fortitude.

Note, Homo Famelicus bear resemblence to Homo Sapiens Gigantus, but should be considered as separate subspecies. Homo Famelicus has not evolved over time on a high gravity world, but appears to have been subject to xeno genetic tampering.

See Orks.

Note, Greenskin subspecies appear to demonstrate greater genetic diversity on Mallus, for reasons unknown. See Goblins.

Homo Titanicus has been categorised as an Ordo Gamma Abhuman strain, native to Mallus. Titanicus are extremely large humanoids, appearing as deformed Homo Sapiens. Medical intervention and partial sedation is recommended when not employed as labour.

Note, Titanicus appears to suffer from extremely constrained genetic diversity. See Titanicus Breeding Program.

Reptilian Ordo Beta Xenos, native to Mallus. Lizardmen come in several forms, including Skinks and Saurus. Slann, a naturally psychic race of larger, physically incapable but psionically potent xenoforms, have been categorised as Ordo Delta.

While Lizardmen demonstrate divergent forms, intelligence indicates they reproduce using unknown xenotech 'Spawning Pools', and thus have been categorised accordingly in one entry.


Term for diminutive humans on Mallus.

Despite claims regarding Halflings' supposed civilisation and unique culture, no evidence has been found to indicate a unique abhuman strain. Aerial reconnaissance and scouting missions have been unable to locate the alleged Halfling settlement 'the Moot'.

Halflings, or reports of such, are to be treated as merely Mallusian mutants, and dealt with accordingly.

Term for mutants on Mallus. Note, despite evidence of independent cultural development, Beastmen genetics are too divergent to be classified as an Abhuman strain, though specific strains with the group may be identifiable under further study, notable Minotaurs, Harpies, Centaurs, Gors.

See Halflings.

Term for rat-like mutants on Mallus.

Note, reports of Skaven civilisation as an independent Abhuman strain living beneath the earth appear baseless. No evidence has been found for independent polities of Skaven, though Skaven communities within human settlements have been discovered with varied levels of genetic stability.

See Mutant.

See Lizardmen.
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Apothecarium Interlude
Apothecarium Archive
Subject: Ars Secreto Progress Reflections - Divisio Octo
Author: Chief Apothecary Thalis

+In Nostra Manus - Progenies Futura+

Genetic tampering with the human and abhuman populations of Mallus is all but confirmed.

In native strains of abhumans, as well as clearly present in the human populations there a several signs of genetic additions many generations ago. Without samples from the wider Imperium I am unable to make a wider study of this phenomena, but more concerningly older human genetics appears to bear similar structures as those of the Nehekharan samples I've accumulated so far.

Local traditions state that ancient actors, xenos or otherwise, created the various species of the world, placing them in locations according to an unknowable plan. While the influence of the Eldar is clear on the Abhuman Insolens strain, other strains may simply be a result of the unusual levels of Immaterial energy on this planet.

I will require further items to properly integrate the superior Mallusian genetics into our Astartes implantation procedures. Much can be learnt from the Lizardmen 'Spawning Pools', and one should be acquired if possible. First however I will need further genetic samples of Nehekharans. Genetic material can last thousands of years, and if samples can be gained from the mummified remains of Nehekharans I can make significant progress.

In other matters, I have made less progress. When studying the Astartes gene-seed one often forgets what one is actually looking at, but truly, this is the Emperor's finest work.

The Adeptus Terra have ever held the processes of implantation over the heads of Astartes Chapters like the ancient Sword of Damocles. The gene-tithe has send millions of progenoids to Terra over the years, and while there is some flexibility in the process in terms of operational necessity, it has always grated on us, especially in the Apothecarium.

We, the Masters of the Chapter, myself included, have committed heresies of disobedience and concealment in the years that preceded the voyage to Mallus. I myself claimed that the losses we'd suffered prevented the tithe's payment, but it established us well. The Norscan tithe was the finest in the Chapter's history, and worthy enough as a reward for our efforts.

Nevertheless, I have pursued arts I knew existed, but knew were secret. The Blood-thrall, a human implanted with progenoids to merely multiply the number of glands available, has been another secret Terra has kept from us, but through experimentation I have discovered it's processes. The art is cruel, a human must be kept conscious for a decade or more, but at the end of the process the progenoids can be grown, though the process remains imperfect, and is currently only 50% effective.

Secondly, and far more damagingly, I'd considered a process to rapidly mature zygotes from existing progenoids. I had predicted this would significantly increase the numbers of Aspirants we could implant, and therefore who would survive the process, but disaster has struck.

I will not record it in this note, but in short I have lost all current gene-seed. It is fortunate this was only a dozen or so progenoids, but my hearts are heavy at the thought. The Master of the Watch investigates as I write, and I hope he may discover what can have caused the horrors I saw in the Gene-vault.

Despite this, the Chapter is in a better state than it has been in a decade or more, and I have great optimism. I am even considering a joint project with the Librarius to use native Mallusian biomancy to assure the implantation process for the next blood tithe, but that will have to wait for the Deathspeakers to properly assess the matter…
Dream Interlude
Dream Interlude

"I do not sleep." quoth Amra, blazing eyes staring across the Reclusiam toward the portrait of the Emperor. "In dreams I see many things… Once I could barely perceive the passing moments, except when I held a sword and fought evil, now though I feel almost as I did when I still held a mortal form."

"What do you see?" the Master of Sanctity asked, sitting across from the Chapter Master.

Natohk had donned his robes of office, rather than his skull-faced armour. They were alone in the chamber, save for a single cenobyte servitor softly intoning prayers in the corner.

"Many battlefields, ancient men making war with crude weapons, bronze, I judge, perhaps even before our current naming system. I have seen the like before, on feral worlds, it is no different, but when I look up the world becomes as night, and I see the stars of Terra." Amra said, "I confirmed this with the Librarius, the constellations are from Terra's sky, so I judge it to be some ancient civilisation."

"What feeling does this image evoke?"

"Triumph." Amra said after a time, "A sense of justice, an exaltation of sacred violence, rather than pity or sadness. I feel no kinship with the warriors, but I know their cause is worthy. Their livery changes between sigils, as does their wargear, but I see the wars of Terra's past, I think."

"You've never been to Sol." Natohk remarked, "Or at least not as far as I'm aware. I know not how you would identify the stars. Perhaps, as the Blood Angels do, you've somehow glimpsed some memory of our gene-sire. Such phenomena has never been known among the VIIth."

The High Deathspeaker paused, "But then again, nothing about your state has precedent." He murmured something under his breath, then looked back at Amra, "And the dream changes to night?"

Amra nodded once, the light in his eyes going out briefly as he blinked, perfect translucent shining face bowed for a moment. "I stand atop the black earth, atop a sacred land, I see a figure on a golden chariot, with stars in his eyes, the Emperor. He beckons to me and we watch men toiling by a wide river. 'Behold' they say 'the prince is standing and looking on', and they hasten to their work. Then the man directs his chariot and it becomes as a naval vessel, upon the water where he directs it. He tells me 'This is a good day, come out onto the land, the north wind has come out, the sky is according to our heart, let us work and bind firm our heart.'"

"A curious verse."

Natohk thought on it, recalling the verses of the pyro-cult of Elysium as well as the millions of chants of the Imperial Cult. He did not know them all, the major ones, and those most appropriate for war and to Astartes, but others, especially regional variations, were beyond him. "Could it be lines from your childhood? You weren't born on Elysium."

"No, underhive on Cygnis II." Amra replied, "And I don't remember much singing there, my memories really start when I joined the Chapter."

It wasn't surprising, Natohk's were the same, after all, ten years as a mortal child were nothing when compared to centuries of service, not to mention the hypno-indoctrination of training.

They spoke more, but in the end, while Natohk was confused and perturbed, he was confident that the Chapter Master wasn't under any undue influence at least. "At the least," he said, "we may confirm that your visions are in line with common themes and images of the Emperor Oracular. Furthermore, your very presence is holy, you display the same abilities the very earliest Imperial Saints are recorded to have. You can turn back mutation, burn daemons from existence, and they seem to hate you in turn."

"The Nurglite Daemon called me a 'son too foolish to see the truth'."

Natohk made no motion though a mortal might have shrugged, "Such is the way of Chaos, they claim to have some special knowledge, but it is all deception. I suggest you meditate upon these matters further. Clearly the Emperor has chosen you for something, but what that may be, other than to be his Warleader and Champion, I know not."

"And the Project?"

While not necessarily in secret, the Masters of the Chapter had been investigating a project for some time. In the initial crash the Chapter had lost almost all the psykers of the fleet, with the Prime Navigator going mad during entry, and the Astropathic Choir falling to possession when they tried to pierce the void around Mallus. For a decade any psyker unsuited to Astartes implantation had simply been purged, but a proposal had been tabled to use Amra's divine connection to bind the psykers, in the same manner as astropaths were bound to the Emperor.

"I'm confident enough in your connection to the Emperor that I believe you could act as a conduit yes. We would have to proceed carefully, but for any psykers unsuited to implantation yes, the work has my blessing."

Amra flew on mighty pinions out across the desert. He went as he desired, feeling the flow of magic across the sky, playing along his form like a caress.

He flew past cities in the grass, cities in the desert, and he came to rest on a grand terrace in one of the cities. The balcony looked out into the desert, and through the night Amra could see perfectly. Every grain of sand, every ancient ruin in the darkness. The city around him was dead, but the Chapter Master wandered the pyramid, wings furling into his armour as he went. He saw signs of life, or at least, of activity, as the place revealed itself, and as he went he wondered who might have abided in that place, what king or queen, what legion of servants or bands of warriors.

At last Amra came to the pinnacle and stepped out onto a final balcony. Here the ruler of the land had looked out across the world, their dominion, and now so did Amra look out across his land, his dominion.

"Five times the span of man we have walked abroad in the land, Star-Strider," whispered the desert behind Amra, "Five hundred turns of the world, yet none has tried to usurp our patrimony, or betrayed the gods so."

He span, drawing his blazing sword.

Monsters lay in wait behind him, concealed by some enchantment. Before him immediately was a rearing serpent, and he swooped left as it struck, lashing out with Je'hara.

From behind a scarab pounced upon him, leering face shrieking as that cursed lord struck at him with regicidal dagger.

Amra struck again, the fire pushing back the Realm of Night, but the monsters came on, owl-headed and scarab bodies, they pressed him through the pyramid, laying ambushes and flanking through the corridors on each side as he duelled with the snake and scarab.

"My Lady perceived the skein of your fate." the asp said, fangs ready, and at once Amra saw that it was a woman, a queen, yet a snake also. "No peace, no rest in the grave while your schism stands. A husband abandons his wife, and you are the baseborn error that follows, a failed experiment."

Amra did not dignify them with a response, cutting the scarab-assassin in two, only to see the creature's blood boil out, not blood but scarabs again, the body bursting apart in an explosion of chitinous wings, flying across the battlefield before reforming into the mocking semblance of a man, "Finish him, press him below!" the creature rasped.

And truly, down they pushed, and Amra felt his unnatural strength fading as they went. He defended, parrying attacks, even as they scored at him, knowing that with any single strike the asp's poison or the scarab's bite might end him.

But what was that? There, a single long corridor leading to the outside. Amra sped for it, wings giving him haste, even as the dark creatures roared in impotent rage behind him.

Thy blade destroys the faithless

The voice came to him, and though the sky above was freedom and safety, Amra turned. He was the Lion of the Emperor, and he would not flee. Instead he turned, Je'hara raised in his hands.

The asp darted at him, the scarab came on beside it, and with them were horrors of the dread abyss, creatures crawled from the underworld to torment him, to deny his destiny.

Destroy them

Amra was beset by visions, the city was alive, then dead, the people lived and walked to and fro, then they were reduced to pitiful shambling husks. Three days he fought there, fought against sand and stone, in the courtyards of the city and upon the mount of the pyramid. His enemies were tireless, indefatigable in their hatred, and the soul-hounds gnashed at his heels and wings. Wounds he took during night, and by day the sun healed them. Spirits aided him, creatures of light and life swooped down, their star-forged steel ringing amidst the ruins.

The Emperor's hand was upon his shoulder, and by his gene-father's will he struck, the Lion's Claw coming down onto the Asp's throat, severing her from collar to hip, then with another strike the Scarab was slain too. Noonday sun roared, and Sol Invictus hurled a shaft of fire down from the heavens, spearing the spirits of the dead to the ground.


The Emperor spoke again in Amra's soul, and he saw his mysterious allies bearing the souls away, hurling them through the Door of Night and beyond into the eternal pit.

Go forth, thy blade destroys the faithless

And so Amra did, sword in hand, into the air.

Out to conquer.

Right, so we're now finsihed with the interludes I had planned for the 10 year timeskip. I'd been dreading witing 20k for these, but compresse these pretty significantly, which I'm rather pleased with. We'll now move back to the normal turns. I am presently disinclined toward econemy turns, as I don't think people actually find them useful, and I also don't really care much about specific calculations of how many mines you've got running. I'm open to challenge on this, if there's a great enthusiasm for economy aspectsfor the quest then I'm fine with continuing them. Comments on this desired. Additionally as we're moving back onto decision points, I'd like any questions you might have on the events of the last decade of the timeskip, which I can answer with in character info.
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Index Astartes - Celestial Lions
This one is largely flavour and background, based on what the Inquisition know about you.

Index Astartes - Celestial Lions

Founding ChapterVII Imperial Fists
Founding23rd Founding (Suspected)
StatusUnknown (Suspected Traitoris)
Chapter MasterAmra
HomeworldUnknown (Formerly Elysium IX)
HeraldryGold armour with blue pauldrons and helmet, astrological and leonine sigils
SpecialityArmoured Assault
StrengthUnknown (formerly 8 Companies)
Battle Cry"Finis noctis!"/"We are the Emperor's Lions!"

The Celestial Lions are a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, formerly based in the Elara's Veil sub-sector of the Ultima Segmentum. The Lions stem from an unknown founding, sometime after M38, and draw from Imperial Fists gene-seed. The current status of the Chapter is unknown.

The Celestial Lions first appear in records in M38 during the Grim Harvest of 666.M38, and subsequently in various actions of the Redemption Crusades of M39. It is speculated that the Lions stem from the 23rd 'Sentinel Founding', with the Lions one of the Chapters raised to pursue perpetual crusades and rebuild the Adeptus Astartes strength in general after the 21st 'Cursed Founding' as well as various conflicts of the time.

However, it is also possible that the Lions were raised during the 25th 'Bastion Founding' due to the Lions' similarities to the Emperor's Spears and Star Scorpions chapters, and their later association.

While the specific details of the founding are unknown, the traditions of the Chapter are additionally hidden. Due to similarities in doctrine and organistion, the Lions are suspected to directly stem from a Successor Founding of the Imperial Fists, or subordinate Successor chapter. The Lions demonstrate similar assault doctrine to the Iron Champions, Executioners, Soul Drinkers and Black Templars, all of whom succeeded from assault or armoured formations of the Imperial Fists during the Second Founding. Certainly the Lions preferred deployment includes significant assault elements, led by armoured spearheads and fast attack elements. Secondly, the Lions maintain non-standard terminology for Astartes officers, including the 'Deathspeakers', a term identical in form and function to that of the Executioners Chapter. Lastly, the Lions maintain several items of wargear supposedly originating in the Black Templars Chapter, and has previously fought alongside that Chapter in numerous actions.

Prior to their disappearance, the Lions maintained significant fleet assets including their Battle Barge 'Serenkai', as well as several cruiser-class vessels. The Lions also maintained a significant ground force, including numerous Thunderhawks and at least 3 Land Raiders.

While certain specific wargear has been recorded in use by Celestial Lions officers including the Relic Blade 'Je'hara', the only other unique item is the 'Jagged Claw', and adapted Pain Glove in the style of the Imperial Fists mortification tradition. The Jagged Claw leaves notable scarification on internees, and this scarification should be used to identify Lions if suspected.

Organisation and Doctrine
The Celestial Lions largely conform to the Codex Astartes-standard of organisation, with minor exceptions. Firstly, instead of Scouts being placed into Devastator Companies first, the Lions follow the example of the Space Wolves and instead place Scouts into Assault Squads, emphasising aggression over firepower.

In general, the Chapter is offensively focused, relying on fast, hard strikes using armoured forces against weak points, with limited reconnaissance by faster elements such as Attack Bikes and Land Speeders. The Lions retain high mobility, firepower, and close assault elements, but lack significant stealth capabilities, as well as artillery for longer engagements or sieges.

The Lions term their Captains as 'Warleaders', their Librarians as 'Spiritwalkers', the Apothecaries as 'Lifebinders', their Chaplains as 'Deathspeakers', their Techmarines as 'Ironmanes' and their Sergeants as 'Pride Leaders'. Despite these naming conventions, each function largely conforms to Codex standards.

Some organisational differences have been observed between Marines from Elysium IX, and those from other bloodtithes. This differences are notable, but lack consistency. Marines from Elysium IX are identifiable by their phenotype due to the Elysium's settlement by Afrik colonists during the Golden Age of Technology, with most such marines having darker skin and hair.

Given the Celestial Lions' unknown Founding and circumstances, it is difficult to determine when and how the Lions settled Elysium IX, however, following the 25th Founding the Celestial Lions joined the Star Scorpions and Emperor's Spears Chapters in the Adeptus Vaelarii, an alliance between the Chapters to defend the Elara's Veil region of space. The Lions were successful their part, diminishing piratical Ork and Eldar activity, as well as combating several emergent cults in the region.

Elysium IX itself is a Feral World conforming to the broad category, but notable for the presence of psychic xenoforms endemic to the world's savannah and jungle biomes. The inhabitants of Elysium IX hunt these beasts and occupy numerous small bastion-settlements across the world from which the Lions recruit.

Elysium IX possesses a native religious tradition, suspected to stem from societal collapse during the Age of Strife, featuring emphasis on individual action, and 'pushing back the night', rewarding heroism and civilisational efforts and celebrating these through song. The 'Pyro-cult' identifies the Emperor of Mankind as the first 'Torchbearer' of humanity, and has been evaluated by the Ministorum as a permissible variation on the Imperial Truth.

It is unknown to what extent the Pyrocult has infiltrated in the Celestial Lions themselves, when compared to standard Astartes practices.

During the Khattarn Insurrection of 329.M40 the Celestial Lions successfully crushed the revolt of the Shrine World Khattarn. While some records indicate the priesthood of Khattarn had fallen to Chaos, a reassessment demonstrates that this revolt was merely a Categoria Nullis event. The Lions destroyed the local opposition, and subsequently were ordered to enact Exterminatus by Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Apollyon. The Lions disobeyed, refusing to bombard the supposedly compliant planet, and even attempted to interpose their voidcraft between the local Navy forces and the planet itself, though unsuccessfully. The Lions, including their Chapter Master, Saul, subsequently petitioned various parties including Militarum, Administratum, and other Inquisition forces to censure Inquisitor Apollyon for his actions. Apollyon in turn ordered Inquisition assets into place to reduce the Chapter, attempting to set an example and prevent further strife between the Astartes and Inquisition, and especially to ensure absolute obedience to Exterminatus orders in future. Though unsuccessful, Inquisitor Apollyon's actions have been subsequently approved by the Kytain Conclave, and Apollyon has been proved correct with the recent regrettable 'Months of Shame'.

Notable Figures
Of the current Chapter, only two figures are notable in these records. Firstly, Amra, the Chapter Master of the Celestial Lions himself. Amra is at least six centuries old, having been a Captain or 'Warleader' in the Macharian Crusade, and subsequent Macharian Heresy 392-470.M41. Like most Astartes commanders, Amra is a skilled individual combatant, possessing artificer wargear speculated to draw from older Black Templar stocks following the Second Founding. While Amra has been observed to be of a pious, forceful and cautious personality, lacking in indirect inclinations, the Chapter Master is capable of wider strategic thought, diplomacy and guile.

Secondly, the Chief Librarian or 'Spiritwalker' Hath-Horeb is known to be a psyker of significant ability and experience, present in records of the Gothic War between 139-160.M41. No clear intelligence is available regarding Hath-Horeb, save for observations regarding his unusual competence in the psychic disciplines.

Attempts to assassinate both individuals have been unsuccessful, especially following Amra's retreat and garrison of the Celestial Lions homeworld. While the Chapter possesses reasonable levels of experience among Marines and leadership, previous Inquisition action has successfully reduced this experience. Notably, in the Caladian Gulf Incident, elements of the Ordo Hereticus, Minotaurs Chapter and Officio Assassinorum were able to eliminate the previous Chapter Master, Saul, as well as the Chapter's Reclusiarch and several Captains.

Current Status
The current status of the Celestial Lions is unknown. It is assumed that Chapter Master Amra, seeking to protect his Chapter, husbanded his strength on Elysium IX, and intelligence suggests that Amra called in various favours from the Mechanicus, Ministorum and Militarum.

Amra additionally petitioned the Deathwatch for the return of Celestial Lions deployed there, citing the immediate need of veterans, as well as withholding the Chapter's gene-tithe for fifty years. In both cases, Ordo Hereticus estimates indicate that the Chapter was well-resourced, with at least 6 companies active, indicating deception on Amra's part.

Subsequently, in 456.M40, the Celestial Lions abruptly abandoned their homeworld, rendezvousing with an Explorator Fleet of Forge World Metallica and minor elements of other organisations, then disappearing toward an unknown destination. It is speculated that the Lions used previously unknown routes through the Warp in an attempt to evade the Inquisition.

Due to concerns regarding broader relations between the Inquisition and Adeptus Astartes, Inquisitor Apollyon has ordered the Lions to be declared as 'Lost' rather than Excommunicate Traitoris. Despite this, Inquisitors should keep the Lions in mind when investigating reports of unknown Astartes activity, and make all attempts to diminish the Chapter, should they be found. If possible, the Emperor's Spears Chapter should be alerted and utilised, the Spears having sworn a blood-oath of vengeance against the Celestial Lions for abandoning their duties in Elara's Veil. Additionally any and all efforts should be made to diminsh the connections the Lions previously possessed between the Mecanicus worlds of Bellona and Metallica, as well as the Militarum regiments of Macharia (a positive relationship going back to Amra's participation in the Macharian Crusade), as well as the Lions' connections with other Imperial Fist-lineage chapters.

It is assumed the Chapter has established another Homeworld either outside the Imperium's borders, or in Wilderness Space. No further reports have been received after the Lions' departure from Inquisition agents embedded in the Astartes fleet, in particular agent [REDACTED].
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Turn 14 (2125 IC)
Turn 14 (2125 IC)

Amra had spent long in meditation in the last year. The Emperor had spoken to him, spoken not in dreams but the waking world. The Emperor had commanded him to war, and to war he would go. However, while the Champion's blade could manifest in his hand with but a thought, Amra was Chapter Master of the Celestial Lions, and his Battle Brothers were his true weapon.

"Twenty five years we have been on this world." Amra said, "Much we have accomplished, much we have lost. What now, my brothers, shall be our task? I have spoken to you of the mission I have been given, how shall we best serve the Emperor's Will?"

• Turns will take place over roughly 2 years worth of time. A single action should be considered to be 2 years worth of effort from a particular person or group, though there's a level of abstraction with all actions given the format of the quest. I have dispensed with the Economy Turn, instead I've written a 'Status' section for relevant information.
• Actions will have a difficulty rating which should be apparent from the text. Some actions are time sensitive. Actions can go wrong, based on dice, reactions of characters, and other effects. Some actions are pretty vague. If action is unspecific or has options listed, it's up to you to suggest something. If nothing is suggested the most logical and simplest action will be taken, from the perspective of the characters, which may not always be the most effective action.
• Write ins are permitted and encouraged, but require my approval to make sure they're sensible. These might be 'go there, fight that, talk to them, make this' and so on. I don't give all the best options, you're meant to discuss and find the best options out. Modifications or combinations are also permitted, and may result in greater efficiency of actions and voting. If logical, you can take an action more than once.
• Voting moratorium for 24 hours to encourage discussion, do not vote before this. Post only draft plans before this. Discussion and voting are very useful for the health of the quest in general, and both are encouraged. If you're making a plan, provide reasoning to guide my writing, be broad and strategic unless you have something very specific you want to address. If you're just voting though you don't need to provide lots of reasoning, not necessary.

Note, I'm continuing with my guideline of 10% of thread participation. There are at least a hundred of you watching this quest, I expect to see more than 2 people voting.

Remember you've just had a timeskip of 10 years.

I don't think the Economy Turn is a useful way of tracking information going forward. For now I'll write a short statement on each capability, and you can ask me questions on specific parts. I'm entirely fine writing 500 words or similar on topics, for example 'Whats going on in Estalia'.

Diplomacy - Rule in the Imperium's vassalised territories is largely uncontested, notably in the Southlands and Norsca. In all areas, the Imperium are perceived to be the saviours of the native peoples, and while there may be some criticism of the mortal administrators, the Astartes are worshipped without complaint. In all things, the Imperium is a relatively distant overlord, infrequently demanding tribute or tithes, but also lavishing loyal subjects or allies with various boons. The Imperium has a broad awareness of most Mallusian polities, though levels of understanding and true comprehension vary significantly, and in some cases communications are non-existent. In the Empire, Solland continues to prosper under the newly appointed Reiksmarshall, Kabor Brighthand, while the Dawi of Kraka Drak also prosper and recover. Both polities have strong links with the Imperium, though further afield, for example in Bretonnia, hostile forces may be gathering. Minor missions of iterators and missionaries are sustained in all Old World human polities, with little success at present.

Stewardship - Resource extraction and production facilities are established in Imperial holdings, though specific industry remains lacking, for example in armament production. The Imperium still lacks sources of the rarer and more exotic resources. Infrastructure construction continues in the Southlands, Norsca, and to a lesser extent in Solland, and in general the levels of sophistication vary significantly between different polities. As one example, Southlands tribespeople travel on advanced magnetic railways past enormous pit mines, only to deliver small baskets of shiny rocks to their god-overlords.

Martial - The Chapter itself is relatively strong, having approximately 3 companies of Marines ready for action. However, the Marines largely result from either well experienced Veterans, or newly tithed natives, and a more experienced core must be built up. In mortal forces, gunpowder technology has been spread in Imperial territories and crude black powder weapons have proliferated, wielded by a Holy Militia which can be called up in times of need. The Serf-Militarum forces primarily consist of the Lion Guard, a force of 50,000 armed with Imperial Guard standard weaponry. All forces lack significantly in mobility and sustainment, with no armament industry established, and the Astartes reliant on a dozen Thunderhawks for transport. The Imperium has only the Fleet's old voidcraft such as bombers and fighters, and has very little capability in space.

Intrigue - The Imperium relies on Black Nassor's Watchers, a network of informants, for most information. The Watchers are present in all human polities in the Old World, though to lesser and greater extents. At present the Imperium possesses no more advanced capabilities such as chambers of assassins. The Imperium possesses extensive archives of information, varying significantly in depth and understanding. Generally, while individuals assembling armies will be easily reported to the Chapter's Master of the Watch, more subtle actions will be missed or not responded to.

Learning - Much has been learnt regarding Mallus, but broadly speaking, this understanding is lacking. Indeed, over the past decades the depths of the Imperium's ignorance has been illuminated. Whole halls of enchanted items have been seized from Araby, and Kraka Drak's runesmiths have agreed to share their arts, but there are currently simply too many projects to examine, some of them extremely complex, such as delving into the ancient gene-tampering known to have occurred on Mallus.

Diplomacy (Choose 2)
Confessor Hermina is occupied ruling Medes, but still manages the Chapter's diplomatic efforts.
[ ] Sigmar's Heirs
The Imperium's position among the Sigmarites is relatively strong, but can be improved further. Note how you'd like to do this. This might include pushing for greater control in the Empire, especially among the armed forces, or for a religious council to further exposit the Imperial Creed.

[ ] Southern Realms
While Estalia seems closed for the moment due to Bretonnian machinations, Tilea and the Border Princes lie ripe for persuasion. Guarantee their safety in return for fealty and dispatch a diplomatic mission.

[ ] Sisters of the Word
The Imperial Creed is rather weak on Mallus. Command a massive expansion of the Hospitalliers to strengthen their organisation and iterate Terra's Truth across the Old World, with the associated other benefits of the Ordo such as the actual Hospitallier services.

[ ] Strigos
The ancient empire of Strigos once ruled over the Badlands as one of the first bastions of Humanity on Mallus, or so it is said in the ancient texts of Araby. The peoples of Strigos are scattered across the Old World, but some yet remain in their capital among the floating villages and fetid towns of the Marshes of Madness. While these places are hardly productive or populous, it is likely they hold great stores of arcane knowledge in their depths, and an initial diplomatic contact, with the promise of the new rise of Strigos under Imperial support, may prove useful.

[ ] Psyker Survey
As Thalis suggests, a survey must be undertaken of the psykers among the human and abhuman populations of Mallus, or at least those known of. While the Djinncallers seem to have be rightly cautious of daemons, there now exists a danger that some other order of witches might call more Traitor Astartes to Mallus.

[ ] Complete the Subversion
The Militarum and Sororitas remain somewhat aloof from the Chapter's efforts to subvert their organisation. Push forward on these points, and bring them under Imperial control.

Stewardship (Choose 3)
While the Magi and the Techmarines maintain some view over various matters, Arch-Factor Galannus has also taken responsibility for various questions of internal organisation.
[ ] The Settlement of the Southlands.
Araby lies wounded, though at least not dying. This is an excellent opportunity to influence the specific arrangements of political, economic, religious and social life in the newly acquired cities. Specify in which ways you want to influence Araby. Your control in Medes is far stronger than in Araby.

[ ] Exotic Resource Surveys
While the Mechanicus have identified some sites, more will be necessary in the coming years to feel the Imperium's foundries, especially in the more rare resources.

[ ] Serf-Militarum Production
Currently production has been ad hoc, dependant on individual Magi creating runs of equipment. This must be made more regular, starting with the armed forces. Establish facilities to create PDF level equipment mostly consisting of auto-guns and other similar material, with lesser quantities of more advanced equipment being produced such as lasguns.

[ ] Serf Vehicle Production
The Serf-Militarum are critically lacking in vehicles. Establish production facilities to remedy this, producing Cargo-6s and 8s, Valkyries, as well as Chimeras and artillery.

[ ] Repair the Peregrin
The Vanguard Light Cruiser is the vessel in greatest condition of the Chapter's voidships. If it can be set to rights, it can provide a number of capabilities currently lacking for the Chapter.

[ ] Regularise Uplift
Like many aspects of Imperial rule, the uplifting of populations is largely irregular, shallow, and inefficient. This must be made more regular, with careful attention and planning over time to push the project forward.

[ ] Open the Biologis Vaults!
The Divisio Biologis maintain extensive samples of various plants and animals from the wider Imperium. Unleash these vaults, introducing populations of Grox and other Imperial staples to Mallus. Note what sort of thing you want out of the Vaults.

[ ] Genetic Restructuring
The Magi Genetor propose genetic engineering the Imperial population in Pharos to emphasise the traits most beneficial to Astartes recruitment.

Martial (Choose 3)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, directs the military operations of the Imperium.
[ ] Spawning Pool Heist
The old insult of the Lizardmen is not forgotten, but more importantly, Hath-Horeb desires a Spawning Pool to study, and the only way to get this is to seize it from the Lizardmen city itself.

[ ] Lighthouse Keepers
The Pharosian Guardsmen and women are all now reaching retirement age, with even the youngest members pushing into middle age. Without action, retirement will mean the Imperium loses their unique skills in void warfare and Zone Mortalis action. Create a programme to slim down the formation to single Divisio of 10,000, and to maintain these skills through drill and training.

[ ] Push into the Desert
The Tomb Kings were broken by the Fulgurite Field, but they were not destroyed. Several forces of undead and their leaders escaped and have returned to their cities, while others simply wander aimlessly in the desert. It would be better to deal with these sooner rather than later, and now that Settra's Storm of Magic has been dispelled, it is expected that a moderate force of Marines would be able to deal with the enemy.

[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

[ ] Amputate the Amputari
The Amputari, the unique organisms which developed from the now destroyed Flesh-that-Hates, have become endemic in the northern reaches of the world. It would be well if their flourishing was curtailed.

Intrigue (Choose 1)
Black Nassor, Master of the Watch, keeps a close eye on developments across the world which might threaten the Chapter.
[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.

[ ] Assassins and Witches
Hunt down and root out the final remnants of the Assassins and Djinncallers, known to have fled Araby before the conclusion of Araby's conquest. Many single Djinncallers have been identified, especially in the Southern Realms, employed as court conjurers by mortal rulers and have even taken on apostate apprentices! They cannot be permitted to establish themselves again.

[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.

[ ] The Black Chamber
While the Chapter presently lacks the capacity to develop an Assassinorum equivalent, Black Nassor intends to create a squad of Astartes dedicated to assassination and secret missions.

[ ] Wastes Survey
The Flesh-that-Hates may be gone, but the Chaos Wastes still hold horrors. Or at least you assume so, you don't know after all.

Learning (Choose 2)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.

[ ] The Data Vaults
Magna-Thal proposes an expedition into the depths of the Data Vaults of the Kingmaker. The libraries of such an ancient vessel may hold any number of interesting Standard Template Construct plans! Indicate if you want the techpriests to look for something in particular.

[ ] Item Creation
Hath-Horeb wishes to conduct an experiment with what he's learnt so far, and plans to create something in the manner of the 'magical' items of Mallus. Specify what Hath-Horeb seeks to create.

[ ] Imperial Runecraft
Hath-Horeb now has a decent understanding of runes, and now seeks to create 'Imperial Runes'.

[ ] The Ancients
The Chapter maintains 5 of the ancients known as Dreadnoughts, yet the Tomb-Brothers seem to have succumbed to a malaise recently. Even the Venerable Ancient of the Chapter has become difficult to wake, unwilling to rouse himself to the fury that is necessary. This is a concerning matter and Hath-Horeb intends to conduct an investigation.

[ ] Study the Abhumans
Study the cultures of the Abhuman populations of Mallus to learn more about them and their origins, as well as to inform future activities.

[ ] Acquire Abhuman Samples
Biological samples of abhumans, especially of those not extensively contacted by the Imperium yet, must be acquired to further study the Mallusian gene-craft.

[ ] Induce… Witchery?
The Spiritwalkers have proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly.

[ ] Veiling
While Amra's form is might and beautiful for many to look upon, the Chapter Master has still not revealed himself publicly to the Imperium-on-Mallus, directing matters from behind a screen or via intermediaries. If there's any hope for the Chapter Master to go out without accusations of heresy, he must have a veil. Hath-Horeb and Khotan set themselves to designing a suit of armour to conceal the Chapter Master's appearance.

Personal (Choose 1)
The Chapter Master has undergone many changes, but he remains a capable leader.
[ ] Personal Attention
Amra directs an action from the other categories. Actions should be chosen in consideration to Amra's specific appearance and the effects this might have.

[ ] Soulbinding
With the assistance of his officers, Amra intends to attempt to soulbind several psykers to himself, as a proxy for the Emperor of Mankind, and by this safeguard their souls.

I'll probably leave this up for longer than usual. I would expect some decent discussion about strategies etc, and ideally this is an opportunity for people to participate who haven't before.

  • Various resource gathering enterprises established, though not overly productive at present.
  • Too busy with other matters to properly attend to minor projects.
  • Amputari now endemic, failed to cull them quickly or effectively enough and they're spreading south through Kislev and the World's Edge Mountains.
  • Information networks expanded to the Empire, Kislev, Southern Realms, Bretonnia. Basic current information regarding affairs in those territories now available to the Master of the Watch.
  • Subversion of non-Astartes elements continues, with Administratum largely subsumed. Militarum and Sororitas proving more difficult and will require direct intervention.
  • Vampire Wars going reasonably well, vampires have adopted anti-Astartes tactics, but are continuing to be pushed back and overcome.
  • Djinncallers identified as largely coalescing in Middenheim around the apostate 'Guild of Magic'.
  • Missionary teams dispatched to Abhuman polities disappeared.
  • Some Thunderhawks repaired
  • Human psykers unsuitable for Astartes implantation now able to be trained
  • Knowledge gained on all public aspects of Dwarves and Elves. Knowledge gained of Beastmen and Ogre issues, with some information on giants. Halflings and Skaven confirmed as spurious rumours and merely paranoid reports of beastmen or mutants.
  • 7 psykers manifest during this time, 3 to the 3rd Company as fire mages, 4 to Librarius training. Hath-Horeb notes that Astartes appear to manifest psychic abilities when encountering significant warp phenomena.
  • Can now soulbind psykers to Amra as a proxy of the Emperor.
  • 199 Battle Brothers, all Mallusian natives, predominantly from the exceptional Norscan tithe, distributed to Companies
  • Vakembi promoted to lead the significantly reinforced 1st Company.
  • Kabor Brighthand declared Master of the Marches, leading the newly reestablished 8th Company.
  • Relic acquired: The Sword of Vengeance, 'Klingerach', also known as 'Grudge Settler', is one of the 12 Runefangs, given to the Elector Counts during the Empire's founding, and has been awarded to Kabor Brighthand as the Count of Solland. The Sword of Vengeance is able to cut through any armour like other Runefangs, but also empowers the user against the ancient foes of Mankind such as Daemons and Greenskins.
  • Ars Secreto Discovered - Blood Thralls, By implanting a progenoid gland in a human undesirable, an additional progenoid gland, as well as the original, can be harvested after a decade. The host must be kept conscious and awake during this process to maintain the delicate chemical balance needed for gene-seed maturation, causing the Blood Thrall great suffering, and eventually leading to their death when matured gene-seed is removed. While the Adeptus Terra maintain this technology, it has not been shared with the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes in order to better control them through the supply of gene-seed. Additionally, the Celestial Lions have not yet perfected this technique, and gene-seed organs show a greater than usual number of mutations and imperfections, making the process at best, 50% effective.
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Black Sun Interlude
Black Sun Interlude

Black Nassor's 2nd Company advanced from the east, through the Charnel Gate, their transports shadowed by great statues of ancient past. They bypassed Quatar, but soon it came under the guns of an armoured fist of the 1st Company's assault vehicles. Vindicator rounds battered down Quatar's walls, Whirlwind rockets fell among the palaces of the dead, and the Land Raider 'Fatebound' roared through the breach, the Crusader-pattern tank a gift from the Black Templars Chapter doing it's work, blasting stone wrought sentinels with frag charges and assault cannons, Terminators of the 1st Company charging out to lay about them with their own deadly armaments.

Black Nassor meanwhile broke north, and within hours he was through the gates of Numas, the Scarab City. The Warleader of the 2nd duelled Prince Tutankhanut on the steps of the Nehekharan's great pyramid, his arceho-tech pauldron sending bolts of fire to ignite the Tomb King's dry wrappings, the corpse-god screaming as he burned until Nassor cleaved his foe in two. The Scythans, a tribe of gullible nomads who had taken Tutankhanut as their god, quailed in fear before Nassor's fell visage but when he turned his rage upon them they knew no more. They were heretics, and heresy deserved only one punishment in Nassor's eyes.

Simultaneously from the north came Tuthmes Skytalon, fighting as he was accustomed to, from above in lightning assaults, seizing Zandri and firing the skeletal fleet at anchor. Skeletal sailors were thrown beneath the waves and strange undead leviathans were put to dust with melta-charges hurled into their mouths and sea-bloated bodies. Tuthmes pursued one large beast himself aboard a Land Speeder, leaning out of the side of the craft to harpoon the creature as it dove away into the Great Ocean.

Last, from the south went the Ashwalkers, their ever-burning banner preceding them. Behind them the Knights of Kollosi marched, three great Knights striding through the sand up to their waists, their feet meeting bedrock. Still further behind, flanking the great procession came the Lion Guard, loyal Chapter Serfs in magnificent new golden vehicles, Valkyries and Vultures screaming overhead as the newly appointed soldiers marched. In truth, theirs was the hardest battle, taking Bhagar, the Eternal Necropolis, then storming the Black Tower of Arkhan and all its horrors within. That tower burned in a ritual of holy purification by the Ashwalkers, but then on they went, under the terrible shadow of the Black Pyramid of Nagash, that same structure which had cursed Nehekhara thousands of years ago.

The three forces met at Khemri, City of Kings. There they found fighting already, the undead seeming to fight against themselves with little indication of which side was which. The Imperium pushed on though, three Companies of Marines to storm the Pyramids, three Knights to battle the Sphinx of Usekph itself, raised with the last power of the deathly Mortuary Cult. Terrible were the losses on both sides, for the Cult put forth the last of Nehekhara's might against the Imperium, but in the end the Hath-Horeb stood stop the Golden Pyramid of Khemri as the Serfs cheered below. He spoke then, and his psychic might filled the hearts and ears of the Serfs with joy and victory.

But then the sun darkened, a black hand stretching over the celestial orb.

"Did you think I had forgotten? O usurpers, o you deceived?"

The voice cut through the windless night, and many men fell dead at the feel of it on their souls. It was ghastly, dry as the desert and sun-baked reeds. The world whispered the name…


The Enemy of the World spoke, and the World recoiled. Magic rose at the command of It's master, shaped to the will of that colossal ego. He Who Laid the Gods Low stretched his claw, and his subjects moved.

"What Fate denied me, Destiny shall assure! Such is my power!"

The dead rose again, and the Imperials found themselves besieged by horrors in the darkness, for even illumin-flares seemed to only be pinpricks of light for strange shadows to swoop upon and devour.

Hath-Horeb then stood, his sword of burning stone shining bright, and at that the shadow seemed to recoil, the memory of an ancient wound sustained by such a blade.

Then the Darkness turned, and in the distance coruscating light played across the Black Pyramid.

"Rise! The Undying King commands you! Come to me!"

The sickly light lashed out, destroying an errant Thunderhawk, but while the Chapter and their Serfs fought amidst the ruins of Khemri, the Black Pyramid floated on a cloud of spirits further away. It was only when it was away beyond the horizon that the sun returned and the Chapter would finally have rest.
Turn 14 Results (2125 IC)
Turn 14 Results (2125 IC)

Nagash's voice had been heard across Nehekhara, indeed across the Southlands. Tribes of the jungle quivered, and riots broke out in the Land of Assassins. But, absent a tidal wave of the undead sweeping across the world, the Iterators seeded among the population were largely able to demonstrate the superiority of the Emperor over the terrors of the Old Night.

Despite this, it was impossible to stop the rumours that spread after the Battle of the Black Sun, and the authority of the Imperium-on-Mallus was shaken somewhat, particularly in areas where the Iterators and Missionia Galactica cadres had recently spread. Indeed, in one regrettable incident, a Damsel of Bretonnia challenged an Imperial iterator to demonstrate the faith of their god, with the tension escalating to violence due to the inexperience of the iterator, with the resultant expulsion of all Imperial agents within Bretonnia, with the Estalian authorities swiftly following.

While the Iterators preached though, the Astartes watched. Black Nassor, fresh from the field of battle, turned once more to his Panopticon Solar, sitting amidst the monitors and data slates, compiling an extensive database of psyker populations in Mallus. The results were worrying, but Nassor had grown used to such feelings. Where most Imperial worlds had witches, very few existed with developed alternate traditions of 'magic'. That was something that hadn't been seen since the Great Crusade, where the Imperium's forces had gone out across the galaxy to conquer. Nassor saw then a dozen heretic cults, each with seemingly unique 'miracles' of their gods, he saw culturally specific sorcerous traditions such as those in Kislev or Bretonnia, and worse of all he read reports of Middenheim's new 'Guild of Magic', a black college where mortals would actively seek to share their traditions of witchery. Such a development could not be tolerated, and Nassor rose swiftly to take his report to his peers.

Upon his order, slayers went out and while he strode through the halls of Atakora his Company took to blade and bolter. Those they could find, especially of the escaped Assassins and Djinncallers, were hunted down, and the 9th under Hunter-Captain Selous set out as well after their own prey, the Amputari. Neither mission was especially successful however. The Djinncallers had gone to ground, while the warp-spawned horrors of mutated flesh, now sundered from their original host, had begun to breed in the World's Edge Mountains. Both groups had adapted, the Djinncallers had turned to spirits of air and shadow to conceal themselves, while the Hunters had difficulty even detecting the Amputari, for the creatures seemed to have adapted to hide themselves from the Astartes auspex, no doubt through some foul biological mechanism.

Elsewhere the Techmarines poured over survey reports. They sought alternate sources of exotic resources, for stripping minerals from the fleet's armour plates were no longer acceptable substitutes for properly refined metallics and crystals. There were good results though, Gromril was a promising candidate for various mechanisms, and could be found in the Sour Sea or Black Water, near to the Dwai city of Zhufbar. Further north, comets of condensed Warpstone were flung, burning green through the atmosphere, from the warp tears at the poles of the world, and in Norsca many fell which might be exploited.

Internally, the Chapter also faced mixed results in their endeavours. The Dreadnoughts would not awaken, regardless of the Chaplaincy's efforts, while Amra's holy aura proved too difficult to properly veil. Even Hath-Horeb's attempts to understand the runecraft of the Dwarves were embarrassing failures for one so experienced, and his pride bent to the advice of the Dawi, the Norscan Dwarves virtually saving the project, with the Spiritwalkers now wielding runes in a new alphabet developed from ancient Terran symbols.

The Black Hand of Nagash stretched forth across the world. The Astartes would meet it, regardless of setbacks.

Macharian 45th remnants retired and removed from active forces. Pharosian Guard original Voidsmen retired, with replacements continuing their traditions.

Ars Secreto Discovered!
Imperial Runecraft - Through cooperation with the Abhuman Dawi, the Spiritwalkers of the Chapter have learned how to bind warp energies into particular symbols, objects, or totems for various exotic effects from simply strengthening an armour plate, to imbuing the wielder of an item with greater strength when facing a specific foe. While a witch might use psycho-reactive materials to strengthen their psykic abilities, anyone can use a runic weapon, making this art more sorcery than psykery. The Spiritwalkers of the Chapter now utilise these items to better control the Warp, and strengthen their own abilities to even greater levels, in essence boosting their power with a sort of sorcerous battery or capacitor.

The Land of the Dead pacified, all major hosts destroyed, with Astartes kill-teams roaming across the sands to destroy any remaining bands of undead. Ancient Nehekharan defensive systems destroyed such as Sepulchral Sentinels, meaning the buffer zone Nehekhara represented is no longer active.

Significant losses among the Serf-Militarum, though these losses will be recovered over time through natural replenishment.

3 Psykers, affected by Nagash's Storm of Magic, have 'Manifested', and been assigned to the Librarius, including 1 Chaplain.

1 Thunderhawk destroyed, 1 Techmarine pilot killed with 5 Battle Brothers. 12 Battle Brothers killed in initial battles, 23 in the Battle of Khemri. Razorback damaged. 2 Pyre Brothers killed. 15 Battle Brothers from the 2nd and 12 from the 4th killed. Various vehicles damaged.

Nagash, Lord of Undeath, apparently active and monitoring the Chapter's activities, and has reclaimed his Black Pyramid, a massive artefact of unknown function, but one that allowed him to curse Nehekhara as he did thousands of years ago.

Large quantity of Nehekharan artefacts acquired.

13 other Battle Brothers killed in unrelated actions.

Missionary activities significantly expanded.

Dreadnoughts asleep and Amra too shiny to veil properly, although you could try again on both.