The Lonely Scarecrow (Naruto)

[X] The girl with the purple facial tattoo's looking at you like you were a teddy bear
We need her Heart...
Wait... maybe we shouldn't?
[X]Ninjutsu (Mastered all E-rank Ninjutsu, can start learning D-rank jutsu)
Jutsu's mastered: Body Replacement Technique, Clone Technique,Transformation Technique
You sent the poor anbu on a chase throughout the compound with the creative use of clones, and constantly replacing yourself from objects you found as you went. Eventually you got tired from the use of chakra, and ended up on a piggyback ride through the village as sleep overtook you, waking in the Hokage's office.
[X]Yes, even if your father wasn't here anymore, you were proud of him, and weren't ashamed that he saved his teammates. Sure, he broke the rules, but he was your dad. (Kenjutsu unlocked right away, +10 on all combat and training rolls (Once in a Generation perk), -5 on all social rolls (Awkward perk))
Check the updates...
I'm not sure if we were actually practicing Henge or The Body's Replacement in this update. Not quite sure how replacing positions with an object makes it so half of the body is ours.

[X] Oh you were going to regret this, but you guess you could sit next to Guy
[x] The girl with the purple facial tattoo's looking at you like you were a teddy bear
[X] The girl with the bob cut who was making doodles of a pig with a pearl necklace
[X] Oh you were going to regret this, but you guess you could sit next to Guy
Who was he again?
[X] Oh you were going to regret this, but you guess you could sit next to Guy

You know, I kind of want to mix things up and not be in Minato's team.
Let's see what we have here. And, with SB it looks like were going to going with Guy.

  1. [X] Oh you were going to regret this, but you guess you could sit next to Guy
    Number of voters: 12

    StarkDemise, Nix's Warden, Derek58, globalwarmth, Ct613hulu, Blueshift, Derekc2, Taka, konamikode, Internetholic Li, Dovahsith, Walkin' Man
  2. [X] The girl with the bob cut who was making doodles of a pig with a pearl necklace
    Number of voters: 5

    veekie, HavocKeeper, Gh055twr1t3r, PlatypusofFail, Gamerlord
  3. [x] The girl with the purple facial tattoo's looking at you like you were a teddy bear
    Number of voters: 3

    UbeOne, Ghostdevil, KingOfWorlds
  4. [X] Obito, who was hiding in the corner trying to avoid the sensei's gaze
    Number of voters: 2

    Ambit, Icefyre
  5. [X] The boy who was looking out the window, chewing on a senbon
    Number of voters: 2

    Blueharbor, EVA-Saiyajin
Adhoc vote count started by Na7eY on Jul 7, 2017 at 3:14 PM, finished with 33 posts and 24 votes.
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Part 3
Yeah, this probably wouldn't end well, but you guess you could sit next to Guy. He was the only person you actually knew, albeit barely. But, strength in numbers or whatever was a far better alternative than sitting next to somebody you didn't know. Plus, Guy probably couldn't talk to you all that much anyways during class, or at least you hoped it would work like that.

"Ahh yes," Guy smiled, flashing you a smile, taking a seat next to you. "Us two prodigies against the world!"

You heard a kid in front of the class sputter, no doubt trying to stop from laughing, if you had to guess it was probably that kid with the black glasses from earlier. He seemed unbearably smug, proving him wrong seemed like it would be fun.

"Right, Guy," you sighed, no need for him to get too crazy. "It's just because I know you."

"No need to be so modest, friend" Guy laughed, reaching across the aisle to give you a hard pat on the back. "It's alright to be shy."

"I'm not shy," you ground out, this was proving to be a bad decision.

"Guy, Hatake," Ryota-sensei yelled from the front of the room, "Shut up! You would do best to learn what is expected of you this coming year."

You and Guy shut up rather quick, it would do no good if you didn't know what you needed to graduate. Moreover, the sooner you got out of here, the better. It would be a shame to be let in early and then failed to graduate early.

"Well anyways, as I was saying, you are expected to leave the academy mastering the 3 basic Ninjutsu."

You heard Guy gulp next to you.

"I fully expect each of you be able to master the Clone technique, Body-Replacement technique, and the Transformation technique by the end of the school term," Ryota-sensei announced, "No exceptions."

"But, sensei what if I'm really good at Genjutsu," red eyed girl called out.

"No exceptions," Ryota-sensei ground out.

So basic Ninjutsu,that would be cake. You were basically close to mastering the Body-Replacement technique by yourself. No doubt you would be able to master these techniques in time for graduation, moreover you could probably get started on a D-rank or even a C-Rank.

"Sensei, I can use a C-rank jutsu," Obito called out from the back of the room, "So that totally is worth three basic jutsu's, right?"

C-rank huh? Obito surely didn't look like the kid to have the ability to master a C-rank, especially considering he couldn't even make it to class on time. Then again some of the best tended to be the most weird.

"What part of no exceptions do you kids not get," Ryota-sensei spoke to himself as much as he did to the rest of the room, "These techniques are staples in a shinobi's arsenal. Not mastering them means I would be sending you out into the world at a disadvantage."

"Moreover, I will have the first round of class ranks at the end of three months. You will be tested on theoretical questions along with spars to see where you're at on month 3, 6, and the finals at 9."

What followed was a basic schedule of what was expected of the class, thankfully Ryota-sensei decided that each of the three months would be broken up focusing on the single Ninjutsu. The first three months would focus on the Clone technique, the second three months would be on the Transformation technique, and finally the Body-Replacement technique. Eventually things even began to stall out as sensei finished the basic orientation.

"Alright kids, lets go outside, I want to see how good our new students are," Ryota-Sensei smiled.

"Umm....Sensei," purple tattoo cheeks called out as she followed Ryota-sensei out to the training yards, "Isn't it a little early for us to start sparring."

"Absolutely, Nohara," Ryota-Sensei agreed, before pausing and turning around to face the class focusing on you and Guy. You knew where this was going. "But, I'm not going to let a five year old and a seven year old in the senior class until they show me what they got."

"Sensei, that's not fair," Obito called out with the Nohara girl agreeing with them, "The Hokage would not have been put them in our class for no reason."

Maybe the boy who couldn't show up to class on time should talk to you about who you could and could not spar.

"Anyways, I'm think Hatake you should match up with . . ."

Choose one (Social rank unlocked)
[] Asuma Sarutobi (#1 in last years class, +5 on his combat rolls)
[] Ebisu (#2 in last years class)
[] Obito Uchiha (#14 in last years class, -5 on his combat rolls )
[X] Obito Uchiha (#14 in last years class, -5 on his combat rolls )

Time to go say hi to Obito.

With punches :D
[X] Obito Uchiha (#14 in last years class, -5 on his combat rolls )
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[x] Ebisu (#2 in last years class)

Cuz beating up Obito sounds easy.