The Lonely Scarecrow (Naruto)

A tie is probably better for us than a win, socially speaking. Still amazing showing but not to the point of generating hate.
Part 4
"Anyways, I'm think Hatake you should match up with Asuma Sarutobi."

So, you would be getting matched up against the top of the class. You certainly weren't upset by the draw, the challenge seemed a little exciting to be honest. It would be an interesting start to your academy career.

Looking over towards Asuma, you saw the girl with the red eyed girl chastising him. From what you could overhear it was about how you were five, and that if Asuma hurt you too badly, she would make his life miserable.

"Guy, you'll be matched up with Ebisu once the first spar is done, try not to disappoint," Ryota-Sensei groused as you and Asuma walked into the circle ring facing each other.

"Hatake," Asuma called out to you from the opposite side. "Sorry about what's coming, I don't really want to fight a five-year-old."

So, he didn't think much of you, did he? That wasn't too bad now that you thought about it, any fight that was on fair terms meant you failed as a shinobi.

"If you don't think I'm much of a challenge, you must be right." you replied a smile forming under your mask. "You are the top student in the class after all."

Predictably, the smile on Asuma's face was rather smug. If you could butter him up, and make sure that he underestimated you, the better off you would be. Certainly, your technique wasn't flawed by any means, but Asuma was almost five years older than you. In the end, he could put a lot more power into his blows than you ever could.

A good hit to the face would probably put you into the ground. You would probably spend the majority of the fight dancing around trying to avoid his blows. Every shot you took would have to be aimed perfect, you admitted to yourself, otherwise Asuma would just shrug it off.

"Alright you two, let me lay out the expectations," Ryota-sensei announced as he stepped in between the two of you. "This is a simple spar, I don't want to see any jutsu, and it will end if one of you gets knocked out of the circle, knocked out, or I put an end to the match. Any questions?"

"No sensei," Asuma muttered.

"No sensei," you replied.

"Alright you two, best of luck, I'm expecting a lot out you Hatake," Ryota-sensei announced before walking out of the circle.


Asuma shot out like a snake, launching a combination of blows at your face. You managed to dodge a couple, but Asuma managed to graze your cheek on the last blow. Jumping backwards, you found his technique was far more trained than you expected. Every punch was compact, and without wasted movement.

"Sure, you can handle this Hatake," Ryota-sensei called out, oddly amused.

Deciding that it was time to take the offensive, you ducked under one of Asuma's blows and aimed for his stomach hoping to knock the wind out of him, or at least you hoped that would happen. Unfortunately, he did a quick side step and your momentum took you right past him. Turning around to reorient yourself ended with Asuma getting a right hook in above your left eye for your troubles.

And now, everything was blurry. Moreover, you felt blood trickling down the side of your head, and into your eye. You didn't think one hit would cause you to bleed, but damn, Asuma really had one hell of a punch.

"I think it's time for you to call it sensei," Asuma, as he stood over you. "I think I might have gave him a concussion."

No way you were going down that easily, sweeping your leg, you knocked Asuma's legs out from under him. Quickly crawling on top of him you began to deliver blows to Asuma's unguarded face. Your fists largely seemed to be ineffective, but a quick jab to his nose seemed to cause some damage, or at least you thought so when you found yourself thrown through the air landing in a heap.

"Should've payed attention Asuma," Ryota-sensei laughed as he took in the fight. "I noticed in his good eye that he was planning something, never let your opponent have rest if you can help it!"

What followed for the next three minutes broke down into a brawl between the two of you. Asuma's blows became sloppier allowing you to get more hits in, but every hit Asuma got in felt like you were getting struck with a sledgehammer. Ultimately, you could barely stand once Asuma managed to get a hit under your ribs knocking the wind out of you. But, the kick you delivered to the back of Asuma's left knee in retaliation knocked him down to one knee.

Standing in front of Asuma, you swung your leg around delivering a kick to his face knocking him to the ground, struggling to breath you sat on the ground waiting for Ryota-sensei to call the match.

"Come on," Asuma smirked. "Didn't think you would knock me out that easily, did you?"

Coughing you unsteadily rose to your feet, you watched as Asuma began to hobble towards you.

"Alright," Ryota-sensei announced as he walked in between the two of you. "I'm going to call the match before you two kill each other."

Asuma let you go, and had a rather sheepish look on his face. "Sorry about that, I tend to get a little carried away at times."

"Yeah, no problem," you sighed coughing as you sucked in air. "I didn't want to lose either."

"Good job, Hatake," Ryota-sensei smiled. "The Hokage has yet to disappoint me, Asuma."

"Yes, sensei," Asuma replied as he slowly worked out the stiffness in his left leg looking at the man perplexed.

"You and Hatake head to the nurse's office," Ryota-sensei ordered as he gestured Ebisu and Guy into the ring, while you and Asuma walked back towards the academy building.

After a few minutes of silence, you decided to break the ice on the way to the nurse's room.

"So, what's it like being the Hokage's son," you asked.

"The usual" Asuma groused wincing at he put weight on his left leg. "He's always so busy."

"Anyways," Asuma trailed off, "Where did you learn to fight like that? I thought you were just going to be a pushover."

"My dad taught me the basic katas, but he always taught me to go after the weakest points since I was so young."

"Yeah, I figured," Asuma sighed. "I can barely move my leg as is, anyways lets get inside the nurses room. Aya-sensei's going to be pissed."

Aya-sensei was the rotational nurse assigned to the academy. What followed was getting poked and prodded as she went to work healing both you and Asuma. She spent the good majority of it complaining about how you could end up in such shape for a simple spar. Moreover, she threatened to gut him Ryota-sensei if you or Asuma ever came back to her again looking like you did.

An hour later you and Asuma limped back outside content to end the day. The soreness would probably linger for a couple of days.

"Oh look who's back," Ryota-sensei boomed. "You didn't miss much. Guy will be a part of the senior class as well, it was a short spar really."

"Hear that my eternal rival," Guy smiled. "Soon, will be on the same genin team."

You resisted the urge to shudder. Looking over to Ebisu, you noticed the boy was rather downcast sporting a large purple mark over his eye.

"Will be dismissing for the day, I look forward to seeing all you tomorrow," Ryota-sensei smiled. "Let's work for a good year."

As you watched parents come and pick up their kids you couldn't help the small pang of jealousy that ran through your veins. Soon you noticed Minato-sensei walking with a woman who had bright red hair. Minato whispered something into the woman's head and pointed at you. What followed was her sprinting up to you, and sweeping you into a crushing hug.

"Kakashi, my girlfriend, Kushina Uzumaki," Minato-sensei laughed.

What did you get yourself into?

Social Link unlocked: Asuma Sarutobi

Dice Modifier unlocked: Minato's training from hell (+10 on all training rolls)

Voting will be done by plan from now on.

(Choose 2)

[] Training
[]Specify what jutsu you want to practice, has to be e-rank mentioned in the earlier posts

[] Hang out with someone
[]Specify the person you want to get to know. (Available Social links Might Guy, Asuma Sarutobi, Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki)

[] Explore the village (Meet new social links, possible quests)

[] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina so you can all get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)

[] Do work around the neighborhood. +5000 Ryo
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[x] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)

[x] Training
[x] Plan Balanced Life
-[x] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)
-[x] Training
--[x] Kawarimi
[x] Plan Balanced Life
-[x] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)
-[x] Training
--[x] Kawarimi
[X] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)

[X] Training
-[X] Kawarimi

Hm....Kakashi never DID meet his mother. Maybe Kushina would make for a good substituent?
[X] Training
-[X] Kawarimi

[X] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)
Voting is by plan, so if you want to vote the same way as me, vote for Plan Balanced Life.
[x] Plan Balanced Life
-[x] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)
-[x] Training
--[x] Kawarimi
What followed was her sprinting up to you, and sweeping you into a crushing hug.

"Kakashi, my girlfriend, Kushina Uzumaki," Minato-sensei laughed.

What did you get yourself into?
Hahaha, poor Kakashi :D

[x] Plan Balanced Life
-[x] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)
-[x] Training
--[x] Kawarimi

Pretty straightforward. Getting along better with Minato and Kushina is always good, and we'll be able to hopefully master Kawarimi with a solid roll thanks to the Minato bonus :)
[x] Plan Balanced Life
-[x] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)

-[x] Training
--[x] Kawarimi
[x] Plan Balanced Life
-[x] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)

-[x] Training
--[x] Kawarimi

Makes sense to me
[x] Plan Balanced Life
-[x] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina to get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)
-[x] Training
--[x] Kawarimi