The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Tywin: Why you doing this Cersei?

Says the guy who kept escalating everything but all you needed to do was give up the Mountain to not have any fighting against the Riverlands and North. So can focus on the Baratheon Brothers, Targs, Vale and Ironborn.

But yeah the situation in the Riverlands seems to be getting worse as time goes on. Tywin trying to finish off Robb and the Blackfish. Hopefully our ships heading towards them is enough to move them.
Obsessed with the "Tullys"... Y know Tywin, the same could be said about you and the Mountain. In fact keeping him even after the guy being declared a known criminal and kinslayer by your own grandson the King... He is luck that there is no Mushroom around to spread rumours.
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We only really focused on the Tullys because there was a good chance to keep them out or even get them on our side, which we desperately need as the enemies are getting superpowers.
...Given what was said about Robb in this interlude, one wonders how receptive he will be to Cersei's offer to transport him back north. It can only be hoped that he will be less intransigent than Lysa.
We only really focused on the Tullys because there was a good chance to keep them out or even get them on our side, which we desperately need as the enemies are getting superpowers.

Tywin is a moron who thinks he is clever because he has confused determination for intelligence. He is slightly more advanced than Joffrey on the 'sometimes make peace' scale, but only when his blinders do not get in the way. Sadly those blinders are the size of the Great Wall of China on either side.
Yeah, for all that Tywin "prioritizes" wasn't even really Cersei who started the demands over the Mountain. Joffrey was ready to go after him from Sandor's stories. If we're keeping to book canon the Mountain may well be declining in health anyway, and then what good is he?

This Cersei is the Cersei who Tywin made. He taught betrayal and expected loyalty.
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Yeah, for all that Tywin "prioritizes" wasn't even really Cersei who started the demands over the Mountain. Joffrey was ready to go after him from Sandor's stories anyway. If we're keeping the book canon the Mountain may well be declining in health anyway, and then what good is he?

This Cersei is the Cersei who Tywin made. He taught betrayal and expected loyalty.

To be more specific we only 'betrayed him' when he would not do as he was told with the power of the Crown behind it, that more than betrayal itself is something Tywin taught.
Is Tywin coming after Rob and Brynden?

If they're half as good as they are in canon, he'll be a tough company to keep.
Hm, if the plan that involved attempting to assassinate Tywin had won, one does wonder about how Tywin would react to learning that his own daughter arranged for assassins against him.

Probably focused on how it sullies his own pride and ego, as usual.
To be more specific we only 'betrayed him' when he would not do as he was told with the power of the Crown behind it, that more than betrayal itself is something Tywin taught.
The power of the crown was at its nadir, next to naught, at the time; and the authority/legitimacy of the crown died in Robert's Rebellion. But you have to give it to Joff and the Hound: they have managed to elude capture, at least, as of this update. I have guesses as to where they might be--one of them is in Harrenhall's basement, if it has one, under Tywin's nose. Another is with the Brotherhood, because it would be funny.
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I mean, we didn't strictly need to keep the Tully's on-side as long as we could get Highgarden. We had Tywin Lannister, his armies, and all of his gold. If we'd also finangled something with Highgarden we'd have been pretty set, especially if Ned still gets sent to take the Black.

And as of now, the Tully ploy seems to have not paid off at all, considering the Tullys are getting their asses handed to them.
Hm, perhaps it would have been more prudent to goad Lysa into killing Tyrion. Even if Tywin is eliminated, based on this interlude, Tyrion's willingness to cooperate with Cersei seems... dubious.
Hm, one may want to arrange for Tyrion's assassination alongside Tywin's. Based on this interlude, Tyrion's willingness to collaborate with Cersei seems questionable.
It kinda baffles me that you all still seem surprised that Tywin did not obey you unconditionally. His army was the one and only reason anyone took you seriously. The authority of the crown is an highly hypothetical concept when there are massive armies marching on a lightly defended capital and if Olenna hadn't massively misjudged the situation when agreeing to the marriage between Joffrey and Margeary, it would have been over already with the combined Reach - Stormlands host taking Kings Landing.
Hm, would Tyrion or Kevan be any more tractable than Tywin? Somehow, one doubts it.

If bringing the Westerlands into the fold is truly a lost cause, the next best option is to plunge them into chaos by depriving them of any capable leaders, specifically by arranging for all three to be assassinated simultaneously, Tywin, Tyrion, and Kevan.
Y'all balked at the idea of hiring the Faceless Men and have no skilled intel personal of your own, just the dubiously loyal assets of Varys and Baelish. I don't see any assassinations happening any time soon.
It kinda baffles me that you all still seem surprised that Tywin did not obey you unconditionally. His army was the one and only reason anyone took you seriously. The authority of the crown is an highly hypothetical concept when there are massive armies marching on a lightly defended capital and if Olenna hadn't massively misjudged the situation when agreeing to the marriage between Joffrey and Margeary, it would have been over already with the combined Reach - Stormlands host taking Kings Landing.
I don't quite remember. What did Olenna massively misjudge?
Is there any risk of Olenna trying to back out now and make an arrangement with Tywin? If she knew how precarious Cersei's situation actually was, she never would have agreed to this betrothal.
Is there any risk of Olenna trying to back out now and make an arrangement with Tywin? If she knew how precarious Cersei's situation actually was, she never would have agreed to this betrothal.
"Then I hope that he won't let his bride her in the capital wait for much longer, or do I need to take a ship to Harrenhal to see that wedding through?" Silence fell once more as Olenna carefully swayed her cup in her hand. "Make no mistake, Cersei. You are the Queen Regent, not the Queen Regnant. All this talk here is just hot air without a king to give it weight and yours was away for a long time and is now missing entirely."

Cersei took a deep breath and a consciously small sip from her own wine goblet. "Things will be sorted out."

"I'm sure they will be," the old Tyrell matriarch replied with a condescending grin.