The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Hm, this turn of events may be fortuitous, really. As to Brynden, hm, he is many things, but suicidal and stupid are not amongst them. He is probably resigning himself to waging a guerilla war. Asymmetric warfare is really the only avenue left, after all.
Well, that's a partial success at least. Maybe we get word that Brynden's staying behind early enough to offer to ferry his men across the bay to Crackclaw Point instead, or whoever is leading the fleet makes the offer, but we certainly can't count on that. At least Joffrey will be able to hitch a ride home on one of our ships, that at least is simple good news.
Honestly yeah can't the Blackfish just be moved south with the ships instead while Robb still going north? Not like Cersei or Joffrey be mad about it. Heck give us good ideas Blackfish we'd love to hear them.
In fact, Blackfish entered into a secret agreement with the Ironborn and will now go to the Mallisters, from where he will be transported to the very heart of the Western Lands. He will build himself a throne from the gold of Casterly Rock, and the Lannister tapestries will serve as his tablecloth.:evil2:
So, we found out that Joffrey was originally a brat like in canon. He's still a bit of a sadistic idiot, but he's trying to be better. Like mother, like son, I suppose.

Is there anyone in the Vale besides the traitorous Royces that would be willing to work with us in overthrowing Lysa? Surely, by now, people must be realizing how crazy she is to deny the help of the Crown and her own family when the Eyrie is getting invaded by multiple Targaryen pretenders. I don't necessarily want to kill her. She should be sharply questioned to figure out what the hell Littlefinger has been up to.

I'm not really sure what to make of the Hound's flashback though. I thought a shadow assassin killed Jaime, but apparently, the killer could talk and Jaime recognized them. This definitely feels important, but I don't know what it means.
Is there anyone in the Vale besides the traitorous Royces that would be willing to work with us in overthrowing Lysa? Surely, by now, people must be realizing how crazy she is to deny the help of the Crown and her own family when the Eyrie is getting invaded by multiple Targaryen pretenders. I don't necessarily want to kill her. She should be sharply questioned to figure out what the hell Littlefinger has been up to.
Most of the influential Vale houses are working with the Targ pretenders, so there's not much you can do there.
Hm, so, one can write off the Vale as a lost cause. Likewise, one can forget about the Westerlands, even if Tywin is eliminated. Furthermore, the Westerlands are in control of most of the Riverlands and doing well for themselves in the North via proxy.

It is unlikely that the Stormlands will yield. The Reach's alliance is fragile at best. One can also probably forget about any support from Dorne.

...Hm, comme on dit, après moi, le déluge.

Perhaps the focus should simply be for Cersei to have a good time and enjoy herself as much as possible before the end.
Hm, so, one can write off the Vale as a lost cause. Likewise, one can forget about the Westerlands, even if Tywin is eliminated. Furthermore, the Westerlands are in control of most of the Riverlands and doing well for themselves in the North via proxy.

It is unlikely that the Stormlands will yield. The Reach's alliance is fragile at best. One can also probably forget about any support from Dorne.

...Hm, comme on dit, après moi, le déluge.

Perhaps the focus should simply be for Cersei to have a good time and enjoy herself as much as possible before the end.
You don't understand how wonderful our situation is.

Challengers from the Vale will only be able to reach us by confronting Tywin.
The challengers from Dorne will only be able to reach us by confronting Renly.
The Ironborn are plundering the Western lands.

Everything is great!/jk

(we're on the verge of collapse)
It is liberating to surrender to inevitability, no?

Cersei can make merry and enjoy herself. While at it, make the world burn even further. Why care? She is going to lose anyways, so she might as well make it as grandiose a finale as possible.
Hm, there is a certain fitting irony if it is decided to complete Aerys' final plan.

However, one should not be content merely to settle for copying Aerys' design. It should be co-opted as part of something even grander.

Perhaps a combination of the most magnificent party that there has ever been and followed by a spectacular funeral/pyre, all rolled into the form of a play, with the entirety of King's Landing as the stage. A play so epic that by the time Cersei signals for the curtains to fall, the observers that are the other players and kingdoms will be left goggle-eyed at the aftermath.

Shall the planning begin? One is already imagining how fun it would be, especially if untold chaos is unleashed in the process and conclusion.
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Perhaps a combination of the most magnificent party that there has ever been and followed by a spectacular funeral/pyre, all rolled into the form of a play, with the entirety of King's Landing as the stage. A play so epic that by the time Cersei signals for the curtains to fall, the observers that are the other players and kingdoms will be left goggle-eyed at the aftermath.
Is Cersei going to pull the Masque of the Red Death?

Summoning all nobles who want to attend the ball in Kings Landing the Queen Regent, Light of the West Cersei Baratheon-Lannister offers to host all willingly nobles for the duration of the war no matter the faction.
Well, we are playing as Cersei, so we can certainly decide to re-enact the Masque of the Red Death.

Any further ideas? How can this play, especially the finale, be made as epic and chaotic and therefore as entertaining as possible?
Well, such is not beyond Cersei, to be sure. If not, though, where would Cersei send them?

Either way, there are options for the children's roles in this grand theatrical production.
Any further ideas? How can this play, especially the finale, be made as epic and chaotic and therefore as entertaining as possible?
We send our pyromancers to the Wall, pretending to the Night's Watch that we're sending them to deal with the walking corpses and giant spiders. Instead, we have them blow up a giant hole in the Wall to bring about the end of humanity. Bonus points if we can kill off the majority of the Night's Watch in the explosion, so there's no one to stop the undead and wildings from rushing in.

Oh, but let's spare Ned Stark. Letting him deal with the apocalypse is a far fitting punishment than a quick death.
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Hm, so, send the children to Winterfell. Perhaps have the Pyromancers blow a giant hole in the Wall.

Now, there is an idea. Perhaps the stage of the play is still not vast enough. Instead of King's Landing, perhaps all of Westeros should be the stage for this production. All of them will be actors on the stage, and Cersei is both the main actress and the director of this production.
We send our pyromancers to the Wall, pretending to the Night's Watch that we're sending them to deal with the walking corpses and giant spiders. Instead, we have them blow up a giant hole in the Wall to bring about the end of humanity. Bonus points if we can kill off the majority of the Night's Watch in the explosion, so there's no one to stop the undead and wildings from rushing in.

Oh, but let's spare Ned Stark. Letting him deal with the apocalypse is a far fitting punishment than a quick death.
Question is, how are we going to get them to do that? B/c you are basically telling said pyromancers to bring about the apocalypse which is essentially committing suicide.

Plus, I don't really think we can get a lot of people to come attend a dinner to pull a Masque of the Red Death when everyone thinks we're fucking crazy with at least half of our allies trying to figure out a way to jump ship. Like it's significantly more likely that the Tyrell's decide to Red Wedding us.
Mind that there's already two groups actively working towards the end of the world, so...