The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Hm, perhaps Cersei is seeing the past and the dead, confusing them with the present and the living. A flicker mayhap, for she did not freely imbibe Shade of the Evening before this point.
This Is a Clusterfuck, and we are certainly in the path of either Total Defeat or bringing everyone else to our level. Either way, it's going to be a fun ride, specially since we never had her Lannister Plot Armor
Perhaps Cersei could sing and dance to Ring Around the Rosie in this, her final act. It could be strangely fitting, depending upon what happens.

Ashes, ashes!
We all fall down!
Looking forward to our ascension to godhood next turn. Now all that we need to do is get at least three human sacrifices with King's Blood....
I hope that the top two votes can be enacted in tandem. To re-iterate my earlier point, no reason not to get shaded up while directing a military operation, surely.

Also, maybe a write-in we could have used: just praying for help, in addition to looking for it in dreams. Half the factions seem to have a god alongside, but not us. Perhaps we could have prayed to the stars, which are behind the Sun and Moon (and fit with our "Shade of the Evening" vibe), for salvation. Better to try than to just die...
I hope that the top two votes can be enacted in tandem. To re-iterate my earlier point, no reason not to get shaded up while directing a military operation, surely.
If we are indisposed, NPCs (e.g., Olenna Tyrell, Randyll Tarly, Edmure Tully, etc.) act on their own. Surely we can rely on at least one of them to direct the defense and not sell out to some other faction.
Unless Tyrion can somehow fly into King's Landing, I don't see that happening.
On the one hand, don't count him out; on the other, the Valonquar might be anyone with a sibling, who can be described as little in any literal or metaphorical sense, and is probably not Tyrion. It doesn't have to be our little sibling.

Hell, the Valonquar might be Tommen or Myrcella. Tommen might strangle us for not siding with Shay Waters, the idealistic little scamp.
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Interlude - News and Rumors of Turn 5
Interlude - News and Rumors of Turn 5

Beyond the Wall - The Great Ranging
The Night Watch had send a great number of their rangers far north into the lands beyond the Wall to learn more about events there and they saw and heard of many strange and terrible things. A new King Beyond the Wall is gathering a host, though the man calling himself the White Raven has not attacked the ranging and instead talked with the leader of the expedition under a flag of truce. From him, the Watch heard reports of the dead walking in storms and on the glaciers, though these tales are regarded with skepticism. Some members of the Watch believe it a ploy by the wildling leader to be granted passage south without a fight.

At the same time though, other signs are there for the stories to be true. Giants have been sighted near the Milkwater, gathering in nameless valleys for some unknown purpose. Many other wildling tribes likewise travelled further south, crowing around the waters and taxing the game in the area. In the east, others gather on Storoll's Point with some even following a woods witch into the accursed caves of Hardhome. The rangers are not concern themselves with these things for now though and have been moving back south to cross the Wall at Castle Black.

The Wall - The Watch Asks for Aid
Spurred by events north of the Wall, Lord Commander Jeor Mormont has sent letters to the lords of Westeros requesting funds and men to be send to prepare for the threat from the far north. If he is referring to wildling raiders or if he puts stock into the tales of the walking dead is left open. Rumors in Essos claim that he even sent similar requests to the Sealord of Braavos, breaking with traditions as old as the Wall itself.

The North - No Stark In Winterfell
An old saying in the North is that there always must be a Stark in Winterfell, though rumors has it that this might not be the case right now. With the host of Lady Barbrey Dustin taking Winter Town and laying siege to Winterfell itself, there is talk of the remaining Starks, the boys Brandon and Rickon, have been sent to the keeps of those still loyal to Lord Paramount Robb Stark. There are also rumors of Arya Stark being sighted in the North, further complicating any attempt to discern where the heirs of Winterfell are.

The North - The Bastard and The Pirate
Further south, a curious alliance has formed. After defeating a small contingent of the remaining Redwyne fleet and foiling a landing on the Sisters by troops of Queen Cersei Baratheon-Lannister, the pirate Euron Greyjoy landed a mix of Ironborn, Essosi sellswords and assorted scum on the mainland. He has cut off the Kingsroad and then approached White Harbor from the west, forming a siege around the city together with forces under Ramsay Snow.

Mountain and Vale - The Lone Lady
Having shunned aid by her uncle and nephew until it was too late, the reigning Lady Paramount Lysa Arryn is now well and truly on her own. Cooped up in the Eyrie with loyalist lords and the remaining hosts of the Vale, the keep is under siege by the combined hosts of the Targaryen pretenders Aerys Plummfyre, Matavarra Heartfyre and Valarr Brightfyre. With no allies outside the Vale left to her, it is doubtful that any aid will come and so many consider the Vale to have already fallen. Meanwhile, Braavosi ships are seen with increasing regularity in the ports of Gulltown and near Heart's Home, some carrying more sellswords that many assume to have been sent by the Iron Bank of Braavos.

Mountain and Vale - Hill Folk Raiders
With the forces of the Vale occupied with the war, the patrols and watch posts in the mountain rangers have long been neglected. Now the wildlings of the Vale seem to be seizing the opportunity presented to them and have begun increase forays into the lowlands all over the Vale and the Riverlander side of the Mountains of the Moon. The forces under Tywin Lannister have shown little concern for these raids and largely let them pass unless they threaten the Westerlanders own baggage train.

Riverlands - The Fall of Riverrun
After a brief siege, the keep of Riverrun has yielded to the forces of Black Walder Frey and Roose Bolton, both of whom have received open aid by Tywin Lannister in their efforts. It is said that Hoster Tully died valiantly on the battlements during the fighting, leaving the currently in Kings Landing residing Edmure Tully the new Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. A hollow title though, as latest tales have it that only the keeps of Seagard and Darry still hold loyalty to the Tully banner.

Riverlands - Bandits and Famine
As the armies pass back and forth and more and more of the Riverlands is turned to the torch, the misery among the smallfolk is mounting. Ever greater numbers of bandits prey on travelers, some deserters from one army or another, or former farmers who have lost their livelihoods to foraging and pillaging. Food is becoming scarce as the Lannister forces plunder every larder and granary they can get their hands on, sending treks of starving people to leave these blighted lands behind them.

Riverlands - The Split of Tullys and Starks
Seen by many as indicative of the family ties between them falling apart, the host of Rivermen and Northmen under Brynden Tully and Robb Stark have split. After months spent waiting before the Bloody Gate for Lysa Arryn née Tully to grant them passage into the Vale, the threat of a host led by Tywin Lannister forced them to finally move. They chose to do so separately. While the Blackfish moved west towards Darry in hopes of continuing the fight against the Lannisters, the Young Wolf moved east to the port of Wickenden, likely in hopes of retreating back to the North.

Westerlands - Sack of Lannisport
With food supplies dwindling and the Ironborn besiegers having finished preparations for an assault, it was becoming clear that the city would not last much longer, though few could have anticipated the brutality that followed. After using pitch projectiles to set Lannisport alight, the Ironborn managed to scale the walls while the defenders were desperately trying to put out the blaze. What little the fires did not claim, the Ironborn later did.

Word from travelers is that the harbor of the city is now clogged with the corpses of those offered to the Drowned God and ships full of thralls and gold have been sent to the Iron Isles. Around it, dead bodies have been strung up on the surrounding hills as a warning to all who dare to approach Balon Greyjoys host, which is still besieging the castle of Casterly Rock.

Westerlands - The Imp Rides
Meanwhile, the man widely known to have been once Tywin Lannisters least favorite child and heir, the dwarf Tyrion, has been making his way west along the Gold Road. Stopping at keeps and towns on the way, promising gold and favors to those who take up arms against the Ironborn raiders, he is gathering a host to relieve Casterly Rock. Time will tell if he can gather enough men for the task.

Crownlands - A Court With Two Queens
Over the last months, whispers have been coming from the Red Keep that many among the court have begun to seek Olenna Tyrells leadership over that of Cersei Baratheon-Lannister. Rumors spreading from Harrenhal have it that the Queen of Thorns had the Queen Regent repeatedly poisoned to make her more pliable, while Crownlander houses speak of Cersei having grown paranoid and wrathful due to the repeated betrayals and the pressure of the civil war. With the legitimacy of the court hinging on Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister and it's military being nigh entirely made up of Tyrell bannermen, the conflict between the two queens is concerning for many in the capital.

Crownlands - The Stag Returns
After many months of waiting, the host of Renly Baratheon has finally made its move and is marching on Kings Landing. While not fully putting the city under siege, his forces have estbalished camps on the northern side of two fords across the Blackwater and used fire ships to destroy the dockyards of the city. The Royal Navy escaped the attack unscathed, as the Master of Ships, Lord Rykker, had them relocate to Duskendale in time.

At the same time, foraging parties and mounted patrols made up of Reacher forces have taken the Rose Road all the way to the Mander, preventing desperately needed food from reaching the capital. With many lesser Reacher lords having thrown their lot behind Loras Tyrell, some keeps have surrendered to these groups and secured the western approach to Renlys host.

Crownlands - High Prices and Preachers
With food supplies in the capital dwindling and sea trade the only real source of food at all, the prices have been soaring. Many of the poor, especially refugees from the Riverlands and the devastated areas of the Crownlands, are starving and with that comes desperation. Many have turned to the Faith, especially as the well known preacher Shay Waters had been seen in Kings Landing. Speaking of the virtues the Seven charged their followers to embody, she had the Great Sept of Baelor stripped of all its wealth to tide over the hungry, though all know that faith alone can not keep a man fed.

Stormlands - The Woods Are Dark And Full Of Heartsworn
The odd bandit group under Stannis Baratheon continues to spread its influence. In the Stormlands, the entire Kingswood is now under their control and baring a few outrider groups from the host of Renly Baratheon chasing them back whenever they show themselves in the open farmlands, there is little effort made to fight them. Worse yet, their influence seems to be spreading. Both the Riverlands and the Crownlands have rumors of a man with a burning blade fighting bandits and foraging armies, while the banner of the burning heart has been seen flying over groups of riders passing through back roads and dark forests there.

The Reach - The Drowned God and the Seven
The coasts of the Reach are turning ever more into a battlefield. Emboldened by successes in the Westerlands, Ironborn raiders have been prowling in the waters near the Oceanroad and defeated a contingent of ships from the Shield Isles. So far, it remained just raids, though it is easy to see where Balon Greyjoy might put his attention once Casterly Rock is his. Especially with reports of his own children being sighted among these raiders.

Meanwhile, the southern Reach had a brief respite from the heavy raids of the past months and saw a number of armed militias forming in coastal areas. The Seven's Wardens, donning a shield with the Seven Pointed Star on it as their banner, has been recruiting huge numbers of smallfolk to defend the shores. Nobles in the area are concerned by this, as all know the group to be the cats paw of the Most Devout and some whisper that the Faith Militant has returned in all but name.

Dorne - A Deadlocked Council
The succession of Doran Martell remains a contentious issue in Dorne. With the camps of Quentyn Martell, supported by Lord Yronwood, and Arianne Martell, supported by Lady Dayne and Rhaenys Targaryen, vying for the aid of other houses, there was much debating, horse trading and politicking in Sunspear over the past few months. While things remained peaceful, a resolution is not yet in sight. Especially House Fowler has been noted to drag their feet and slow the proceedings down with many believing that Lord Fowler is trying to weasel a good bribe out of either of the camps to cease his obstructionism.

Braavos - Braavos Victorious
While tales of the end of Tyrosh have been grim, speaking of a mass slaughter of the salve population to preserve food and the counter massacre through a slave uprising wiping out most of the Tyroshi gentry and magisters, the city of Braavos is celebrating a great victory none the less. Tyrosh was once one of the most prolific slave markets in Essos, fuelled by endless streams of slave raiders terrorizing the coasts of three continents. Now it lies broken and the amount of blood spilled in that breaking pales in comparison to the vile history of the city.

There is now much debating and speculation in the city what will come next. Some expect the Sealord to announce a campaign against Myr or Lys next, though others point out that the wealthy trade houses of Braavos have little appetite for further conquest. On the other hand, there are plenty of houses hoping to receive highly profitable contracts in the newly liberated lands and some have even already inquired with the Iron Bank about loans to fuel new ventures in the south.

Three Daughters - A Strongly Worded Answer
Among the now Two Daughters of Valyria, the fall of their third has caused much concern and anger. Having heard of slaves tearing the highborn limb from limb has woken many old fears in Lys and Myr and the movements of Braavos are seen as nothing less than an attack on the very way of life of Valyrias children. In both cities assemblies, there has been debates about how to respond to this threat and many sellswords and sellsails have received anonymous inquiries already. No commitments have been made yet, though, as the Archon of Lys has put it, a strongly worded answer must follow.

Qohor - The Khal of Khals
The great host of Khal Drogo, proclaimed Khal of Khals by his followers, has been spotted in the lands around Rhaesh Diwe moving westwards around the forests of Qohor. In its wake, lesser Khalazars that do not wish to join his are fleeing in all directions and central Essos is once more devastated by their passing.

Volantis - The Empress of Volantis
After the defeat of the Forty Families, an upstart group of Volantene merchants grasping for the greatness of the Freehold, the sellsword Visenya Redfyre turned her blade onto her former masters. Slaying the Triarchs and the patriarchs of the noble families of Volantis, she proclaimed herself Empress of Volantis. The begin of her reign was as brutal as expected from the woman named the Scourge, seeing those not willing to kneel before her lashed, skinned and nailed to the Black Walls of the inner city. Many in Essos fear what the brutal madwoman might do with her new found power.

Volantis - The Burning Roads
In recent months the fires of Valyria burn hotter than ever since the Doom itself. The trade links south of the Painted Mountains, most notably the old dragon road passing through the area of Draconys, are no longer safe to travel and the links between Volantis and Slavers Bay through Mantarys and Tolos has been effectively cut. At the same time, sea lanes are not immune to these events either, with Slavers Bay itself suffering from clouds of cinder and poison rolling in from the west.

AN: Next update will take a bit longer, so the rumor mill is it's own post this time and not attached to the next turn vote.
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Will this quest continue if we lose? Im interested in playing as Robb and unfucking the situation in the North as a consolation prize.
Hi Targaryen Player here, we're now allowed to interact with the thread in a non-voting fashion. I have really enjoyed this quest, it's been a fun ride for sure, also super glad you guys picked to chug the Shade like Dr.Pepper, no idea what's about to come, but I think it will be fun.
Howdy yall, nother Targ player here and now that we have been released from our vows of eternal silence I am here to also say that I am super happy yall chose the Shade option, as it may lead to yall seein a bit more of me hehehe
Been a lot of fun watching this quest, and I just want to offer some help for the thread in the form of confirming that there have been 16 Targaryen claimants involved here in the quest, one of whom is currently in King's Landing.
And yes, there were 16 Targaryen pretenders at the start, of which 13 remain, of which currently only 7 are active in the 7K, though (if I am counting correctly).

Super-glad you folks are letting yourself get possessed by grand-pa, but your continuous dismissal of the actually rightful Targaryen heir as False Dmitri was a bit weird, ngl :p
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Will this quest continue if we lose? Im interested in playing as Robb and unfucking the situation in the North as a consolation prize.
Very unlikely that this would even remotely work. Robbs strategic situation is a complete wreck and there is no miracle in sight that would help him.
Honestly, I'd like to play as Stannis, he's looking pretty badass right now and has the best PR out of everyone else it looks like.
Azor Ahai has a rather specific role to play in events, so that's definitely not an option.
I know Stannis is planning to establish his authority in the Kingswood, but does he wanna expand it to the entirety of the Stormlands and beyond or does he just wanna stay where he is?