The Runesmiths aren't precisely what you expected, to be honest. Upon walking towards their guild, you expected some tall grand building, or possibly a great forge. What you find instead is an idyllic garden, festooned with flowers and trees, in the middle of which sit a small series of houses woven from vines and bushes.
You walk in, thinking about who you are going to talk to. But before you can look around for someone to speak to, a man immediately approaches you. He is short, and his skin is coal black. His eyes are unnervingly purple, a distinct shade you've never seen before. In addition to all that, he wears a long ponytail draping past his shoulders.
"Ah, from Madalgia."
His eyes drift to the sword on your side. He looks up and down, and makes a decision.
"Bladebound. It's good to see one of you here, come with me. We have some testing to do."
Before you can properly protest, he grabs you by the hand, and leads you towards a small table towards the side of the clearing, upon which sets a well-crafted hourglass. He grabs it, turns it over and slams it down on the table. Suddenly, the world outside slows to a crawl. What was previously a number of magi moving around becomes nothing more than a still frame, and the subtle sounds of the world cease entirely.
"I am Sunset Before Dawn, Runesmith. I've been looking for a Bladebound for some time, but few of you come south these days. Have an offer for you, if you want to hear it."
The peculiarity of the situation leaves you for a second and you nod, curious to see what he says.
"I have forged a dagger. Well, I say a dagger, but it's really something more like a conduit. From the dagger to me. It's... Well, the technical details would probably escape you. Most importantly, if you kill a Darkling with it, the power goes to me instead of you. Follow me?'
You nod again.
"So what I want you to do, is to take it, and kill ten or so Darklings with it. Fifteen if you can manage it, but I suspect it is likely to break around ten. It's not like I can test it to see if it works properly, nobody around here kills things with blades. I mean, I know it's not like you'll do this for free. I'll owe you a favour if you do it. What do you think?"
[ ] No. You need all the power you can get to survive.
[ ] Yes. A favour from a Runesmith seems like it'd be useful to call in at a later date.
The time field fades, and the normal flow of things assert themselves. You walk away from the peculiar man, with many questions in mind. You're looking around, and see Runesmiths mostly focusing intently on objects in one way or another, looking to impart some property or another, you suppose. You're not quite sure who to speak to, as you don't want to interrupt something important. Still, you look around and walk towards the centre of the field.
You peer around from here, trying to see someone unoccupied. As you search, another Runesmith comes up to you.
"It's rare we get a visitor from Madalgia in our humble guild. Welcome, I'm Hammer of Thought. I make items that enhance my own capabilities when it comes to understanding the world around us, as well as my memory. You ought to know, here we trade. Dues are paid based on the services the other guilds render us, and favours are exchanged as well. There are no items here we can give you that would benefit you, but do you have any questions? I would be happy to exchange knowledge for knowledge, or knowledge for a favour."
You start. You hadn't really thought that the Runesmiths would be like this. Rather, you had seen them more as obsessed with moving forward, the sort of people you would have thought to be more like yourself. Hopeful, maybe the source of Everett's peculiar nature. What you see instead is disappointing, but also somewhat mysterious.
You can either exchange knowledge for knowledge (ask 1 minor question, for Swallow's experiences travelling to the City and the rumors she's heard about the Pit Expedition), or offer Favors to answer questions. You'll record these Favors in your
Guild Book. One Favor will take you about a week to fulfill in future, and there's no guarantee you won't be able to get this knowledge elsewhere if you search. One Favor is worth two Minor Questions or one Major Question. You can't offer more than two Favors.
It's assumed Swallow will exchange information and get an answer to a Minor Question for free, but if she wants to offer any Favors, that's up to the thread. You can also trade the Favor you could get above for a piece of information, if you're so inclined.
Minor Questions:
- How can I be better at killing [write-in type of Darkling]
- Historical facts involving the Three Cities
- In-depth power analysis or information of one type of mage
- Information about the Pit in general
- Analysis of the best Bladebound powers to gain to Pit-Dive, rule a village, etc.
- A rundown on some known Artifacts and what might be useful to you
- An analysis of Everett versus Madalgia's social systems, why they work the way they do.
- Why do the Hopeful Runesmiths work on such a seemingly greedy basis?
- Write-in, but roughly around this importance. Relatively minor knowledge you could attain otherwise with some effort.
Major Questions:
- Knowledge regarding Second Ascension (this may be sparse, but is hard to get hold of otherwise)
- In-depth knowledge on any one of the Three Secrets.
- Where some Artifacts nearby could be found, and what they do. Usually in the lairs of larger Darklings.
- Information on what the Pit Expedition was originally for.
- Write-in, but roughly around this importance. Major information you have no easy way of obtaining otherwise.