The Lighthouses and the Pit (Fantasy Mage Quest)

Categories of Mages
So these are little informational updates that are put up from time to time, even though Swallow won't have access to all this information as of yet. However, I don't expect it to become relevant particularly soon, so I'd rather the thread have access to it when it does become relevant.

While there is no formal system to categorise the various sorts of magic that exist across the land, they are often divided depending on how each practitioner uses their "pool" of magic. In short what limitations exist on how the mage can cast spells, how often they can cast spells, how long it takes for them to learn spells, and so on.

The first categorisation of such are termed the Internal mages. That is to say that their power is not expressed externally through lightning, wind, or fire but rather something inherent to them. Once they have gained the power they use, they are thereafter able to use it without limitation. The first example of such mages are the Bladebound, who once having learned a skill can then use it as often as they would like. The fundamental drawback, is that such matter such magics take time and effort to learn. Compare this to a Stormchaser, who upon gaining their powers can immediately strike their enemies with lightning, and butcher Spinewolves in their dozens if they need to. The Bladebound as such still has limitations on their power, but once power is gained it is kept.

The other mages that fit this category are the Thunderfists and the Longshots. The Thunderfists improve their bodies, and each improvement builds upon the last and nothing is lost. The Longshots improve the skills as the Bladebound do, increasing their abilities with the bow as their magical pool increases.

The second category are what are termed the Storage mages. These are mages who in some shape or form store their power, and while they are subject to similar limitations as the External mages, they are in theory able to store virtually unlimited power. The Fleshcrafters fall into this category, as do the Runesmiths, and Alchemists. In theory, an Alchemist can create concoctions forever, Fleshcrafters can shape their allies indefinitely, and Runesmiths can forge items upon items.

The third category are the External mages. The external mages are those who are able to effect changes on the world around them, but not within themselves. That is to say, a Stormchaser has no limitation on the energy they can manage, outside of their pool of magic running dry, and their skills in doing so. A Stormchaser can call down lightning enough to eliminate her enemies until her pool of magic runs dry. It will then recharge over time, whereas a Bladebound could fight for as long as her body held out. Likewise, an Alchemist could continue to use concoctions until their storage of such had run dry. All mages who do not fall into the first two categories fall into the third.
I think these guys are important. I also think that going with them is going to be the move with harsher consequences.
I REALLY wish I could ask what sort of mages these guys had as an escort, because if they're something with long-range communication abilities it'd make a whole load of sense that they'd up and bail on these fools. I don't like it but if one of them's a spell thief or Glimpse then I can 100% see them going 'yeah this newb's gonna save yer butts, hold on for a Swallow.' and farting off to the Pit...
[X]Write in: Split Attentions (a.k.a please don't get me demoted for this!)
Swallow goes with the Caravan to ensure their safety, using her skills to attract any Spinewolves to her instead of the Caravan, then using Severing Distance to escape and re-join the Caravan, while Grand Axe proceeds on his own towards the Yellow Lighthouse.
I am REEAALLY hoping Grand Axe can do this on his own, and that this won't get him killed if we try it. I'm presuming going back is much safer, and if these guys are NOT on the level...Well...Best for us to make a mistake like this while we're a novice eh?
[X] Return to the City

I don't trust the merchants. If the shipment was really that important, why would the mages have left?
Finishing Your Mission
You shake your head thoughtfully. While the merchants needed your aid, your duty is to keep the entire route clear. You cannot simply abandon your task and leave the road vulnerable. It is one thing to save someone at your own risk, it is another to sacrifice others to help that same person. Whatever these artifacts are, if they were so important there would be mages guarding them already.

That is not to say that you don't sympathise with the merchants, after all going down this road with no protection is a fearsome thought. Still, you have a duty and you intend to fulfil it.
"Apologies, good merchant. You must make your way back to the city on your own. There are the caravans may require aid and we can't abandon everything simply to help you."

The merchant protests against this, but before he can begin speaking you raise your hand and silence him.

"There is no negotiation on this. Please, attend your wounded, repair your wagons and be on your way. We can stay to guard you for perhaps half an hour, but after that you must leave."

There is no arguing after this, none from Madalgia would dare gainsay a mage after such proclamation has been made. You spend little time assisting the merchants, who unceremoniously dumped out the corpse of their friend after stripping his body of anything useful, and immediately start trundling off while you're still there to watch. You feel bad, but you cannot only have compassion for those who are nearby.

The remainder of the mission continues fairly uneventfully. You and Grand Axe move around the Lighthouse, killing a few confused Spinewolves as you do. Over the next few days, the two of you fall into a sort of pattern. Grand Axe hacks at the Spinewolves from afar, while you distract them if necessary. You find that you are rarely necessary, serving more as an insurance policy for Grand Axe in the event that he should need you to distract a Spinewolf.

By the time you are due to return, have killed no less than twenty-three Spinewolves, though only four of those have been your own kills. What had been monsters that almost killed you became more trivial, creatures that were split in half by Grand Axe's mighty blows. Occasionally one was sufficiently wounded that you could simply kill it yourself, but for the most part things continued in this vein - you scouting, and Grand Axe killing.

He is quiet for these few days, occasionally looking up at you as though thinking of something to say. He had promised to raise the matter of the merchants with you once you had been done with them, but had not done so.

It is only on the last night, when you're camped around a small crackling fire that he finally speaks.

"Swallow, do you know why what you did was wrong?"

You shake your head.

"I understand why you might think it's wrong. Saving someone like that, even if it was to risk my own life. After all, I'm more valuable, right?"

Grand Axe sighs.
"Partially. It's not just about valuable, though. It's about need. The city needs you, Swallow. Not in the same sense that it needs those merchants either. I think… I know sometimes it's hard to accept, but the reality is actually somewhat bleak. If those merchants died, we could send someone out to retrieve the cargo. If you die on the other hand, we can never retrieve your skills or powers. Every time we lose a mage, Madalgia bleeds a little. Every time we lose an untrained civilian…"

His voice trails off.

"I know. I know, but it's still not right to let someone die like that. Did you really expect me to stand there and watch them get torn apart by Darklings?"

"Swallow, it's not that I expected you to. It's that you should have done that. If I hadn't been there, I'd been a little bit slower, you'd be dead. Those merchants would be dead as well, and
there's every chance I may have been overwhelmed as well. Do you think taking that risk was worth it?"

You look up at him, unsure of what to say. Part of you desperately wants to scream that yes, yes it was, part of you simply feels as though you failed and should make up to him somehow.

He turns around, and closes his eyes.

"I'm going to get some rest. Keep watch. And think on what I said. When you take risks like these, don't just risk yourself, you risk not only the people you're with but also the other people you bear responsibilities to. If you had died then, we would not have killed the other Spinewolves, and how many other merchants might have died on the road?"

He goes to sleep. The next day, it is as though you had never had the conversation. Grand Axe roars, leaps and thoroughly enjoys himself, at one point using his blade projection to slice apart a tree that lay across the road. There are no more Spinewolves, and you see no other merchants on your way back to the city. The trip back is uneventful, though there does seem to be a little distance between you and Grand Axe. His jokes come easily, but a small amount of mistrust seems to lie between you and him, and when you move, you find he is always watching out of the corner of his eye.

The two of you return to the Guildhall, and Grand Axe leaves you, to give his report. You are left alone with your thoughts, and wonder what is next for you. You know from the discussions that you had before you left, that you will continue training for a few more months before being sent on a mission once again. But what to train? You're not sure, and it isn't until several hours later you start to settle on an answer.

[ ] Learn Infinite Sharpness

You have a little power - enough to begin to learn Infinite Sharpness. You would gain only 1/10 of a second of sharpness with each strike but it may still come in handy.

[ ] Master Severing Distance

Spend more time increasing the power of your Severing Distance technique. You will gain about fifteen or twenty cm in terms of mobility per swing. You will also become more proficient
at using this technique to dodge.

[ ] Train Your Combat Skills

While you are proficient, you are hardly at the level of the other Bladebound. You need to continue training if you are to ever reach their level of prowess. Focus on your proficiency with
your short swords, and become more than any non-mage could ever hope to be.

[ ] Learn Survival Skills

So close to the city, you didn't find that you were particularly threatened by lacking survival skills. However, in future being able to scout more effectively, and forage off the land would
be a great advantage.

[ ] Study Darklings

You understand so little about Darklings, even after the Spinewolves almost killed you. Knowing the enemy is perhaps the first step to being able to kill them, and more importantly, survive them. There are libraries here, and if you spend your time researching and reading you should be able to find out a great deal.
[X] Master Severing Distance

I probably would have chosen to learn Blade Projection over this, but it's not an option. As it is, we have an interception style so improving it even further means we can greater help others in combat within the future.
[X] Master Severing Distance

I'm worried about the color behind 'Study Darklings' option as it's not one of the colors represented by the lighthouses and probably represents a negative emotion
[X] Train Your Combat Skills

I'd rather get the basics down first, and improving our magic might more efficient once we've killed some more Darklings.
[x] Learn Infinite Sharpness

I fully understand our partner losing trust in us. Even if I agree with our decision to help the merchants, considering us a liability is completely fair. That said, maybe becoming bit more self reliant would help? Bad enough that we dragged him into our risk taking but we also needed him to bail us out. Maybe a bit of offensive power would help there.
[X] Train Your Combat Skills

Because if we are master of the blade to begin with, we'll be able to easily insert the magics of the BladeBound into our arsenal.
(And I REALLY want inconvienent strikes if we can still get it- we're mobile, and that one will let us protect others as well as ourself.)